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Essex News
New app launched to help combat climate change
A free ‘Carbon Cutting Essex App’ to provide practical and cost-effective ideas on how to reduce your carbon footprint has been launched by Essex County Council (ECC).
From the daily commute to recycling and home energy saving, the app provides hundreds of practical and cost-effective ideas on how to minimise your impact on the planet.
With a range of fun activities, quizzes and videos, app users will be rewarded points to enter prize draws or they can be donated to good causes.
New Community Orchards at Essex Country Parks
Find out more about the ‘Carbon Cutting Essex App’ on the ECC website: www.essex.gov.uk/ reducing-carbon-emissions. You can download the app for free on the App Store or GooglePlay.
New orchards have been planted at Belhus Woods, Hadleigh and Weald Country Parks - in association with the Essex Forest Initiative and ECC Place Services - to benefit both local people and wildlife.
The fruit trees that have been planted are all native East Anglian varieties and are specific to our region. As the trees grow and the new orchards flourish, it’s hoped that visitors will enjoy them through the seasons, from the spring time blossom to the fruit available to be picked in the autumn.
Read more: www.explore-essex.com/blog/community-orchards