2 minute read
Rough start to the new year due to recent events at the Capital, seeing our COVID-19 case numbers rise and just CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Mayor Ben Malik finding out Kelly’s brother passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack at 63 years young (heart disease is still the leading cause of death; if you have any family history please talk with your doctor!). My wife’s brother was a history buff like me, and I will miss our talks on various history topics (he was also my fellow Dolphins fan!). The political climate must be toned down, we are being pitted against each other by foreign agents including Russian intelligence agencies (Russians are working both sides into a frenzy!):
https://www.reuters.com/article/ us-usa-election-qanon-russia/ russian-backed-organizationsamplifying-qanon-conspiracytheories-researchers-sayidUSKBN25K13T
https://www.theguardian.com/ technology/2020/sep/01/ facebook-russia-internet-researchagency-fake-news
Want real news: seek out Reuters, BBC, and AP News!
There is hope, and this is still the greatest country in the world where you can put in the effort to achieve your own success. People have died trying to come to this land of opportunity. Divergence of ideas is healthy for any democracy; respecting contrarian viewpoints is important. We need: to start making things in our country again, to be tough on trade with other nations, term limits and campaign finance reforms, healthcare overhaul (affordable to all Americans), immigration reform, economic policies should encourage innovation and investment, infrastructure investment, education overhaul (make college more affordable—no more $60K college debt, trade school options are needed!), science and space are important, still need strong military (world is still a dangerous place) and racism has no place in the 2021! Things cannot all be free, people have to work for success and invest in themselves!
COVID-19 update: We are seeing an uptick like every other part of the country and as of report time we have 61 active COVID cases in our town (we were up to 71). Hospital capacity is still plentiful; however, there is a growing shortage of nurses as other parts of the country are offering huge bonuses to hire nurses.
Please continue to take precautions (wear masks/wash hands frequently, etc.). Vaccine distributions at Publix will soon be starting as more supplies are made available. Protecting the elderly and healthcare frontline workers/ public safety personnel should be prioritized.
Mayors’ Fitness Challenge begins February 6 and goes through March 27, 2021. More than ever, your health is the most important thing in life. Let’s get our title back from Cape Canaveral!
I am hopeful as my wife and I noticed a young couple that just moved into our neighborhood putting up an American flag. We are Americans, and we can do better! Here is to a much better 2021. Stay healthy and thank you for your support to serve as your Mayor! Please feel to contact me with any suggestions at bmalik@cityofcocoabeach.com or my cell at 321.794.6668.