A good moment to spend the holidays in Sardinia is the period of Carnival, which in the island becomes a special occasion to get to know some of the most fascinating traditions. In 2014 the Carnival coincides with the period from the end of February, beginning of March, although in several countries the first exit of the masks is done on the feast dedicated to Saint Anthony Abbot, where it assists the ignition of bonfires . The countries of interior, those of Barbagia, organize the carnival events most representative of the island. In Mamoiada the spotlight is pointed on Mamuthones, masks one of the most important and best known of the Carnival in Sardinia. Dressed in skins, the Mamuthones wearing a mask of dark wood, imperturbable and fascinating. They carry a great deal of bells hanging on the back and proceed in single file jumping to the beat, thus producing a unique and intriguing sound. In this danced procession are guided by the Issohadores, pitchers of soha (lasso), by colorful costumes, who command them with long ropes. In another town, Ottana, the protagonists are Sos Boes (oxen), who wear wooden masks with long horns and Sos Merdules (peasants), who try to hold off the Boes. These create confusion among the people, they rebel and lash out against the Merdule that, with ropes and sticks, try to bring them back to order. In Orotelli, however, the main mask is that of Thurpu (the lame), with his face painted black and dressed in long woolen coats: it portrays the protagonists of the daily life of the pastor. The day of Mardi Gras Thurpos offer drink to the spectators and guide them in their dances. S'Urzu (the bear) is the principal mask of Ula Tirso: it is unique in bringing such a large boar's head headdress. It is flanked by Sos Bardianos (guardians) who lash out at him, and Su Omadore (the tamer) who invites him to dance, which according to tradition away the curses and leads to community well-being and fertility. Another particular carnival is staged in Bosa, where the main mask is that of Is Attittadorasa, men dressed as widows running an incoherent dirge. During Mardi Gras the puppet Giolzi (King George), that symbolize the end of the carnival, is burned on the square. Related to the equestrian events are the Carnival of Oristano and Santu