The Blue & White Flash January 29, 2015

Page 1



Vol. 75 / No. 16


JSU Events....................... 2 Opinion............................ 3

News................................. 4

Variety.............................. 5

Empire tv show................. 5

Yes, We’re Social Jackson State Flash @the_jsuflash JacksonState-Flash @thejsuflash

5-day Weather Thursday

Mostly Sunny High 72o Low 40o


Mostly Sunny High 56o Low 35o


Partly Cloudy High 59o Low 48o


Thunderstorms High 61o Low 34o


Mostly Sunny High 44o Low 30o


Any student who is caught on JSU campus with marijuana will face penalties range from $200 $500 fine, counseling, suspension, expulsion, or loss of privileges.


January 29, 2015

CIA Fair shows students how they can serve Jeremy Anderson MC301 Contributor/Staff

neighborhood were getting killed. The victims and killers were all between the Hundreds of Jackson ages of 14-19. This sparked State University students her journey toward giving met with organizations back. offering service At 19 years old, Hooker opportunities at the annual began hosting children Community in Action Fair. from poor performing Hosted by the Alice schools and impoverished Varnado Harden Center f o r neighborhoods to mentor Service and Community and expose them to a Engaged Learning on lifestyle outside of their Jan. 27, the fair was held normal environment. in the Student Center Hooker ran the program Ballrooms. Students and and nurtured kids who vendors interacted to were written off as people learn how volunteering who would not amount not only helps students to anything good, and fulfill the community inspired them to go to service requirement college. needed to graduate but “Community service also positively impacts t h e doesn’t just have to be community. cleaning up the park ... or 50 community just volunteering once a Photo: Kimberly Harris partners and agencies day at the Red Cross,” said JSU students pose with Ty-Licia Hooker during CIA Fair. were represented with Hooker. Hooker closed informational brochures her speech by challenging and representatives sharing listeners to find creative and connecting with students. peppered with shades of Oakland, Calif., and how she ideas to impact communities Langston Hughes’ “A Dream wished to change it. Shortly after doors opened, through community service. Deferred”, which she wrote As Hooker continued with students and attendants were After the inspiring message when she was just 12 years old. her chronology to where she invited to hear this year’s from Hooker, organizations In what would be is now, she spoke about the guest speaker, Black Girls including: Big Brother Big foreshadowing to what she prejudices from her college Rock Award-Winner, Ty-Licia Sister, Jackson Zoo, Minority would accomplish later in life, professors and classmates Hooker. Hooker began her address the piece expressed what she at the University of Pacific CIA Cont. on pg. 7 with a piece of spoken word, felt about her community in and how people from her

Students weigh-in on marijuana legalization Camille Amos and Mark Braboy Staff Writers

The pros and cons of the legalization of marijuana is a discussion being held by many state governments in the U.S., even Mississippi. According to their website, The Marijuana Policy Project, envisions a nation where marijuana is legally regulated similarly to alcohol, marijuana education is honest and realistic, and treatment for problem marijuana users is non-coercive and geared toward reducing harm. According to MPP, the Mississippi Alliance for Cannabis is in the process of collecting more than 100,000 signatures for Ballot Initiative 48 by Oct. 2, 2015. This

initiative, if passed, would allow the voters in Mississippi to decide in the 2016 general election whether to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana for adults. Students at Jackson State University are weighing in on the national discussion of the legalization of marijuana. Some view marijuana as bad and harmful while others see it as harmless and useful. Carleigh Smith, a sophomore elementary education major from Brandon, Miss. said “I don’t smoke but to each his own. I don’t smoke because I don’t want to be out of my own control and smoke messes with my throat.” Smith also states that she

Legalization Cont. on pg. 7 Marijuana Policy in the States.

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