Exposed December 2014

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December 2014


sh spesh! e -s in l a n o s a e ke With the s a M e g d o d a k l po PROUDLY SUPPORTING THE CHILDRENS HOSPITAL CHARITY


Jon Richardson // Embrace Alan Davies // tommy Emmanuel // Black spiders Your Ultimate Xmas & nYE nights out guide!

Win! tix to see slipknot at the Motorpoint Arena!



Behind the scenes At sheffield’s Chrimbo Charity single!





FAT SANTAS Phil Turner (MD) Nick Hallam (Sales Director) James Eardley (Sales Executive) Sarah Wade (Accounts)



Polkadodge get their festive freak on at the city’s Sleigh Bar for our latest In Session. On with the snow!


Oh, the weather outside is frightful – so what better time for our intrepid intern to hit the streets on a secret Santa quest? Bah humbug, indeed.


What d’ya get if you jam a whole load of Sheffield musical talent in a boozer over a weekend? An amazing one-off Christmas charity record and video in the form of SheffAid, of course. God bless us… everyone.


Our indomitable snowman of a guide to the best Xmas/NYE nights out in the city. You’re welcome.


Back in the spotlight after eight years, we chat to Embrace frontman Danny McNamara to find out the band’s Christmas wishes.


THE WHITE STUFF Carl Reid (Editor) Rachel Heward (Web Editor) Joe Food (Music Editor) MISTLETOE & WHINE Marc Barker (Design) Paul Cocker (Design) SANTA’S LITTLE HELPERS Mark Perkins, Van Connor, Kieran Wade, Joe E. Allen, Jules Gray, Teela Clayton, Emily Beaumont, Chloe Martin, John Heyes, Joe Moulam. THE BUSINESS STUFF Exposed is published monthly by Blind Mice Media Ltd, Unit 1, Beehive Works, Milton St. Sheffield S3 7WL. The views contained herein are not necessarily those of Blind Mice Media Ltd and while every effort is made to ensure information throughout Exposed is correct, changes prior to distribution may take place which can affect the accuracy of copy, therefore Blind Mice Media Ltd cannot take responsibility for contributors’ views or specific entertainment listings.


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SAGITTARIUS Nov 22 - Dec 21

Breast Is Best

Premature babies are set to get the potentially life-saving benefits of their mothers’ breast milk - thanks to new machines funded by The Children’s Hospital Charity. In the wake of World Prematurity Day, which took place November 17, three specialist electric breast pumps, designed for mothers of pre-term babies, are being donated to The Children’s Hospital in Sheffield. Anita Ellis, infant feeding coordinator at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Research has shown that pre-term babies who are unable to have breast milk are 20 times more likely to end up having surgery on their intestines. Breast milk is full of antibodies - so anything that mother has had as a little girl she can pass on the protection to her baby. It is so important for premature babies to have the benefits of breast milk. It can be lifesaving.” Suzanne Jenkin, of Woodhouse Mill, needed to use one of these machines when her son Jake was born eight weeks early in 2013. She said: “Jake was so tiny – he wasn’t able to feed properly because he was so small and weak. I used a pump so I could give him breast milk, and to stimulate my own supply so I could continue to feed him when he was strong enough.” The Charity is able to fund three of the machines, costing £1,750 each, thanks to a donation from Sandra McCabe and the Scarborough Group Foundation - who donated £5000 in October 2014 - but they still need donations for two more pumps. To make a donation call 0114 271 7203 and see for more.

Fancying something a bit different for your annual holiday, you decide to book a week in Chernobyl. During a romantic stroll around the exclusion zone, a sudden gust of wind blows your favourite bobble hat from your head – eventually coming to land past a fence marked ‘NO ENTRY’. After a moment of deliberation, you decide ‘f*ck it’, and –while ignoring your partner’s screams – leap over and grab the hat. Over the following weeks you begin to feel a bit dippy. One month later, there’s a nasty shock as you wake up with an extra head on your shoulder – which, basically, is a slightly dumber version of your original head. To escape the media frenzy, you book a flight back to Chernobyl, where you spend the rest of your days living in a forest, eating squirrels and teaching your second head proper syntax. CAPRICORN Dec 22 – Jan 19 Your noble act of helping an elderly pensioner cross the road is mistaken for a sexual advance. Before you know it, an old dear called Sybil is following you around Sheffield town centre repeatedly pinching your arse and calling you “studmuffin”. AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18 You are compassionate and sympathetic to the problems of others. You are a chump. PISCES Feb 19 - Mar 20 Naturally, Christmas time brings financial difficulty for many. But, do remember, we’re all in this together. Apart from rich people. Rich people are fine. ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 19 Yes, of course I love you! But I also love being a knob. Please don’t make me choose.

TAURUS April 20 - May 20 Your innovative suggestion of introducing doggie biscuits into foreplay goes down an absolute treat with your other half. GEMINI May 21 - June 20 This month, your excessive flatulence causes the government to consider building a natural gas drilling rig in your butt. CANCER June 21 - July 22 Life is like a box of chocolates. You get excited at first until you bite off more than you can chew. After a while of senselessly battling through, you pause to look in the mirror and feel disgusted with what you’ve become: a greedy freak with caramel around your mush. LEO July 23 - Aug 22 You’re more annoying than the person who brings eggy lunches to the office.

Let The Great Foodini caress you into the ether. Fondle our futures, Foodini - FONDLE OUR FUTURES! Uhn.

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VIRGO Aug 23 - Sep 22 This month, your new binoculars are put to good use from your vantage point overlooking Fargate. “Ooooh baby, coming on nice!” LIBRA Sep 23 - Oct 22 It’s Christmas. But why should that prevent you from being a tosser? Bah humbug. SCORPIO Oct 23 - Nov 21 The next person you see after reading this will soon become your soulmate. This time next week you’ll be holding each other in passionate coitus.





17/09/2013 16:32:08

loCAl hERo

On With The Show The National Fairground Archive recently arrived at The Sheffield Children’s Hospital as part of a spectacular display of work spanning 200 years. With big, bold and brightly coloured posters, Showtime will have its own unique space in The Long Gallery as part of Artfelt - which is committed to harnessing the healing power of art through transforming hospital spaces. With over 150,000 photographs, 4000 books and over 20,000 handbills, programmes and posters, the archive is the leading repository in the UK for this material. It covers an array of subjects such as circuses, menageries, pantomimes and the lives of travelling show people - so it’s sure to be a unique experience. Showtime runs until April 30, 2015. See for more.

We’ve all been there, after a few bevvies and a long overdue catch up, you and your mates act like the only people in the pub and carry on whatever bonkers, bizarre, embarrassing or downright nasty conversation you’ve been having. But beware, the Exposed barflies are on the wall - and have been listening to your every word. Overheard in Sheffield this week… It’s gotten to a point now where every time he touches me it feels so wrong… like he’s my dad or something. God, I’ve had so much Red Bull I think my arse has a heartbeat. So she just took it out and then stuck it on the wall. The stain is still there 5 years later. It’s been a long six weeks, but she finally sent me her tits on Snapchat. Mate, it was only Viagra. You’re going to be fine. But you might get a massive stonk on at some point.

soFAR soUnDs

Gina Walters is best known in Sheffield for being that singer with that amazing voice who fronts that local band Screaming Maldini. But, she’s also the organiser of ‘secret’ gigs on behalf of Sofar Sounds - who come and play round at your house if you want them to. Mark Perkins caught up with her for a coffee and a chat.

Tell me about Sofar Sounds… It was started in 2009 by two guys who were sick of the usual concert experience: going to gigs and being surrounded by people talking, not having a good view, and not being able to hear the songs. They thought how great it would be to have bands play in their flat, with people who really wanted to listen, so they just did it. People told their friends - and Sofar Sounds was born. In May, my friend Emily Brinnand who writes the ‘New Band Up North’ feature in the Guardian, tweeted that she’d just been to a brilliant Sofar gig in Manchester. I told her I thought we needed one in Sheffield and the next thing I knew, I was putting on the first Sheffield gig - in my own house! How do the acts get selected? Well, I decide some, but we also get offered big acts who are keen to play. It’s now in 86 cities and 37 countries. Interested artists on a tour get in touch with the main guys at Sofar when are free date and ask if there’s an available gig nearby. That’s how we got Kimberley Anne for our most recent one. She’s signed to Polydor, and had a gap on her tour when our gig was planned - so we put her on. How do people find out who will be playing? They don’t! You don’t know until you turn up. Recently in Manchester, Hozier played a show, Visit to find out more.

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and a London one got Tom Vek. You never know who you’ll see. You apply online and we let you know if you’ve been successful a week or so before. On the day you’ll get the address, but it’s only when you show up that you’ll find out who’s playing. How do you find venues? Our last one was a terraced house on Hoole Street in Walkley, which was great, but a bit small. Turning Plates played, a five-piece, and we had to put them in the attic. More than anything, we need people to volunteer to let us use their houses. In return, they’ll get a totally unique gig, and hopefully something they’ll never forget. We’d like to use other more unusual spaces too. Factories, warehouses, shops - anywhere a bit different. The more people I can get in the room, the bigger it will be, and it all spreads by word-of-mouth. If anyone’s interested, register at Sofarsounds. com and I’ll be in touch. Is it all free? Totally, although we do ask for a donation if you can afford it, which goes towards mastering a video for the Sofar Sounds YouTube channel. We use Seven Hills Media, who are local videographers - so if you go there you can see some of the acts who’ve played all over the world.

In need of a little love advice? Has the fizz gone out of your banger? Let the lord of love enter your soul... Dear SP, My missus has decided to invite the in-laws over for Christmas this year. Unfortunately, she’s told me that this means no rumpy pumpy while they’re here – because the walls are paper thin and she’s a right old wailer is our lass. Here’s my big problem with it all: they’re staying for the whole month! Four weeks without a fondle awaits me, and I can already feel Mr Pecker getting all impatient in my pants. What’s the solution, SP? Paul, Grenoside

Let There Be Light Thousands of music fans were entertained recently by performances from UK chart-topper Professor Green, Union J, and pop sensation Alexa Goddard - as they lit up the stage at the highly anticipated Meadowhall and Capital Yorkshire Charity Light Switch On, on November 6. More than 15,000 fans turned out for the concert, which raised funds for St Luke’s Hospice and Global’s Make Some Noise. While music lovers partied with the stars outside, thousands of shoppers inside the Centre marvelled at the illuminations across the malls.

Darren Pearce, Centre Director at Meadowhall said: “We’ve enjoyed yet another amazing night with the star studded line up performing to a fantastic crowd. We’re delighted to have raised funds for two very worthwhile charities, St Luke’s Hospice and Global’s Make Some Noise, which have both benefited through ticket sales from the event.” Capital Yorkshire’s Breakfast show presenter, JoJo Kelly, commented: “The Meadowhall crowd never disappoints when it comes to giving us a brilliant response. The setting, the acts and the fireworks made for another Light Switch On concert to remember!”

See for more. LIFE OF PIE What’s on people’s minds in the Steel City this month? Let us tell thee! 10% - But…Harry didn’t have the same eyes as Lily in the films! 10% - What’s the chance of a Pulp Christmas song? Sorted for Trees and Fizz?

40% - It’s pretty chuffin’ nesh outside. Where’s t’Bovril at? 20% - Keep your Xbox, Santa. All I want for Christmas is an unlimited supply of Henderson’s Relish. 20% - Do I tackle Christmas shopping at Meadowhall today, or go for a drink instead? Erm… pint o’ bitter please, Mr Barman.

Paul, it must suck to know that your lass prefers playing charades with her parents than playing with your pork sword. Unfortunately, women tend to get all mushy about family and stuff when it comes to Christmas time. The male species, on the other hand, remain unfazed by all this ‘peace on earth’ palaver and keep focused on our usual priorities, i.e., when can I next empty my sack (and I ain’t talking Santa Claus, ho!) Now, if you’re clever, you could have a bit of fun with this situation by slyly engaging in some tactical boinking. So, when you’re next feeling a bit randy, give your girl a wink and drop in a line like “Oh, I see we’re running out of firewood. I’ll go and, erm, chop some more”. Hopefully, she’ll get the point and you’ll soon be having your bells jingled at the clandestine location of your choice while the in-laws play Connect 4. P.S., Just make sure they don’t catch you balls deep behind the tree – this could dampen the Christmas spirit somewhat. Yours, SP

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Left to right: entrepreneur Levi Roots with Jamie Veitch. Levi was interviewed on Business Live in September.


@BuzzYorkshire: “Sheffield has women of steel”


Ever wanted to start your own business or work for yourself? Business Live is Sheffield’s business radio show, live every Friday morning from 9am to 10am on Sheffield Live radio (and podcasted afterwards). Presenter Jamie Veitch interviews business figures from Sheffield and across the UK, pressing them for their secrets of business success, top tips for starting and growing businesses, and the lessons they’ve learned in their business career. Whether you run your own business or you’re self-employed, or if you are thinking of launching your entrepreneurial journey, Business Live has valuable advice from business and social enterprise leaders who’ve “been there and done that”. Business Live - Friday - 9am - 10am. Tune in on 93.2fm or

@match_UK “#badchatuplines Are you from Sheffield? Because you’re SMELTING my heart.” @AlexSymes: “Corp ruins lives! Fell on my back after a dance off and my coccyx is in agony.. At least I won though! #sheffield” NOW CAN YOU SEE ME? University of Sheffield researchers shine a light on ageist stereotypes by beaming images of local older women onto iconic Sheffield buildings.

Welcome to a world you never realised exsisted. A world of shadow, the rum and uncanny. Join me on my adventure Are there any Sheffield curiosities you’d like me, Dr Lester Deertrap, to investigate? If so, why don’t you drop me a line, care of the Editor at carl@


SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE The famed writer of the Sherlock Holmes stories briefly lived in Burngreave, Sheffield, whilst gaining experience in the medical field. Sir Doyle arrived here in 1878 and spent a short period assisting Dr Charles Sydney Richardson at his clinic in Spital Hill – situated directly across from where the Burngreave Library stands today. However, it turns out he didn’t quite get

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on with the bearded doctor, writing in his diary: ‘These Sheffielders would rather be poisoned by a man with a beard than saved by a man without one’. During his stay, Doyle was told about notorious local murderer Charles Peace – who later received a mention in the Sherlock Holmes story ‘The Adventure of the Illustrious Client’. Elementary, my dear reader…

@ajwinslow: “I had an awesome Summer in England this year! Two months until I’m living in Thailand again! #sheffield #peakdistrict #freerunning”


Get out of my pub! Apologies, but it’s time for another pub-based tirade. In fact, I don’t need to apologise for it – odds are you’re reading this from the warm confines of a town centre pub or bar. So, erm, cheers! Anyway, as I’ve touched on before, we Brits love a good old drink. It’s just something we do. Traditionally, different nationalities have their own ways of unwinding: Italians like eating out at fine restaurants; Americans like eating anywhere; the Swedish may visit a sauna and/or have a cheeky threesome; whereas the French relax in cafes, practising sarcasm. But what is meant to be an enjoyable, leisurely experience of visiting a pub/bar at the weekend is under threat from a selection of people I like to call “barseholes”. These irritating individuals break every rule of drinking etiquette available and generally irritate people (me) with their very presence. Here’s quick rundown.


It’s Friday. You want a drink. You make a beeline for the bar. Yet, despite ample space clearly available elsewhere, a gaggle of usually middle aged blokes have helpfully decided to purchase their drinks and prop up the bar – all fifteen of them. Not only do they tut loudly when you nudge past, but you also have to listen to their drunken drivel about how the European Union is “all a load of bollocks” while waiting to be served.


Yes, we get it… you’re hammered and all men are knobs. Now kindly take your newly found Sex and the City-inspired feminist ideology somewhere else. And NO, I don’t have any cigarettes!


“’Ere, pal, are you checking out my missus?” “Honestly mate, I’m not into the whole orange tan, snarling face, Benson & Hedges type. Just saying.”


While on the lash, it doesn’t matter to me one jot if you’re supping Jagerbombs

or Johnny Smith’s. Unfortunately, what you choose to throw down your neck on a Friday night really bothers drink snob bar-sehole. Watch him scoff at your naïve foolishness in ordering a pint of Carlsberg as he carefully nurses his supreme caskconditioned American Pale Ale, pausing to take note of the clarity in his notebook. Each to their own… oh, and you really need to find a girlfriend, pal. Good luck with that. I could go on and on, but I’m afraid that’s all we have space for in this month’s angry ranty section. Together, we moody sods can bring together our considerable powers of petulant cantankerousness and accomplish… well, nothing really.

Got beef? Drop me a line - or @exposedmagsheff

Home Alone At Christmas Gloria Stewart hosts an annual Christmas party for those who spend the festive season alone. Eight years ago, Gloria set up a small charity Christmas dinner for around seven people after visiting a relative in hospital - and was moved by an elderly lady there who’d been alone for the last four Christmases. Now, nearly a decade on, the annual event has grown to host over 400 people - from those who have no family at Christmas to elderly couples whose spouses suffer from dementia or a stroke. This year’s event will be the biggest yet, and will be held on December 17 at the Niagra Centre. Hosted entirely by volunteers, ‘Home Alone At Christmas’ provides a six course meal including entertainment and a gift. Offered entirely free

to those in need, the event is paid for through donations, and Gloria works all year round to make this special day happen. Those attending the event have to book, in order for there to be enough to eat and drink, and this depends directly on how much money is raised. One huge source of income this year comes from Peter Lewis, an active member of the charity who gets heavily involved each year. Peter, who is the charity’s very own Father Christmas with his trademark long white beard, has agreed to undergo a ‘Santa Makeover’ done by Savills Barbershop in return for sponsorships and donations for the cause. If you’re interested in donating or volunteering contact Gloria directly on

If you’re interested in donating, volunteering or if you would like more information, follow @HaacParty on Twitter or contact Gloria directly on For more listings and reviews, head to | 13

spotlight on...

Established in 1989, The Cathedral Archer Project is a warm, safe place for homeless and vulnerable adults - where lives are changed. Their main ethos is that they turn no one away, and aim to treat each person as an individual, offering them the support and motivation they need to make positive steps up and away from homelessness. CAP provides homeless people with crisis support; a hot breakfast, access to showers and washing facilities alongside running activities and workshops to motivate and engage the people that need support. The work they do is personal and life changing. In 2013 the project supported 962 individuals, served 8,949 breakfasts and gave out 1,370 food parcels to vulnerable adults in the Sheffield region but they also help people to change their lives and move away from being homeless and vulnerable. One of the people they’ve supported is Heather. She came to the project aged 18 as a prostitute. She told staff that she wanted to leave her boyfriend and the squat where they were living and stop having to work on the streets finding customers. CAP supported Heather to reconnect with her family in Doncaster and helped her

send a donation payable to the Cathedral Archer project to: Tracy Viner The Cathedral Archer Project Sheffield Cathedral Church Street Sheffield S1 1HA get involved! One of the first events to mark CAP’s anniversary is a Carol Service on Friday December 12 at 12.30 pm in Sheffield Cathedral. move back - where she’s now attending college. This year is very important for CAP as they mark their 25th year of helping the homeless and vulnerable in Sheffield. They want to use the anniversary to change perceptions of homelessness - and give more people the opportunity to be able to change their lives. They need your help to raise awareness and vital funds so they can continue offering support to each and every person who walks through their doors. It costs

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£500,000 per annum to keep the project open - so they’re always hugely grateful of any support. This can be financial or through donations of food, clothing or even manpower as volunteers. If you’re interested in donating, volunteering or organising a fundraising event on behalf of Cathedral Archer Project, email archer@ or phone Tracy Viner on 0114 3212312.

The dawn of a new era for City Taxis

It’s the advent of new era for City Taxis… Not only has Sheffield’s premier taxi company, one of the top five in the UK, completed a substantial investment in an exciting, state-of-the-art base for its thriving business - but the switch to its new headquarters in the Lower Don Valley (close to the Sheffield Arena and Meadowhall) from City’s traditional home at Manor Top has brought with it the introduction of an array of passenger focused services and facilities all designed for a winning customer experience. There’s a real difference to City Taxis:  A new website –  An easy to use new app - search My City Taxi  A versatile cloud based despatch system for its near 1,000 cars and drivers It’s the taxi company for all people, on all occasions, anywhere in the Sheffield City Region. Day and night, City Taxis are working to keep people on the move. The Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Dialysis Units; Universities; 18 partner hotels; sports and leisure outlets, the night time economy as well as the 950 or so corporate clients are some of the main reasons for 100,000 calls a week received by City. As Paul Gosney, Business Development Manager at City Taxis, said: “Thanks to our new technology and online presence, getting a taxi with City is now even easier.” Through Sheffield-based web experts Psynapsis, City have introduced an easy to navigate and attractive website featuring a contemporaneous design, which makes booking a taxi both convenient and cost effective. Paul outlined that, working with Dublin-based iCabbi, the world’s leading providers of cloud based taxi dispatch systems, and Solution Telecoms, from South Yorkshire, City are “raising the bar in getting a taxi to a customer.” An outdated hardware system has been replaced with a new cloud based solution providing City with advanced technology combined with an excellent customer service interface which gives a unique “best of both worlds system.” Welcome to the new era at City Taxis! Find out how easy it is to make a booking by calling 0114 2393939. See for more.

Fair taxi fares

City Taxis are very competitive with fares having been held for five years. The standard charge is £3.80 for the first mile and 65p for every half-mile thereafter. All cars have a fare calculator. Estate cars on request carry a surcharge of £5.00 and all requested five and six seat vehicles are charged on the meter at approximately the fare plus half. Visitors using Sheffield train station for entry into the city is made easy thanks to City Taxis who have a partnership with 18 hotels across Sheffield. With millions of transactions per year from the station, City Taxis have introduced fixed rates fares to their partner hotels through a special fare calculator. “We want to make sure people feel secure and confident when arriving in the city. The fare calculator ensures you are paying the correct fare,” said Paul Gosney. 18 | For more listings and reviews, head to

‘Appy’ journeys for passengers!

Customers with City Taxis love the convenience of an app to make a booking. Now, thanks to the creation of their very own new app made bespoke for the company, it’s even easier to book your City Taxi. Latest mobile technology means a City taxi can be booked in less than five seconds – faster than a phone call! By downloading the app you don’t have to go through to a call centre - and bookings are almost instant. All vehicles are installed with the latest technology which enables full traceability. There’s no more waiting in poor weather. Nearby available taxis can be seen on screen and booked with the knowledge that you will know how long it will take for your taxi to arrive for the pick-up. A unique feature is that the app user can even call the driver anonymously to see where the taxi is in its journey.

The journey of success

Take a look at some of the remarkable stats from City Taxis.  They undertake four million journeys a year.  They carry nine million passengers a year.  Based on an average 3 miles journey, that’s 12 million miles a year – a staggering 502 times around the world. No wonder City Taxis are the taxi firm of choice for where ever you are located in the Sheffield City Region and where ever you wish to go!

Delivering taxi safety

City Taxis work hard to ensure the safety of the community it serves. Now entering its third year, Sheffield’s premier taxi company operates a Safe Taxi Scheme with the city’s two universities. Paul Gosney explained: “Basically, if as a student you run out of money on a night out, then you can still get safely home by using our Safe Taxi Scheme which we operate with both the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University. It has grown organically and has proved to be a very useful way of ensuring the safety of our student population.” A student needing to use this service should call City Taxis on 0114 239 3939 (Tip: Save this number to your mobile), remembering to quote ‘Safe Taxi Scheme’. Instead of paying on reaching the destination, a student can hand over their SHU card/UCard. The taxi driver will give you a receipt and will return the card to the respective University within 24-48 hours. City Taxis also operate a similar scheme for season ticket holders with Sheffield Wednesday. For more listings and reviews, head to | 19

Hair by Hairess




Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers.


christmas It’s Chriiiiiistmas! And you know what that means? PRESSIES! In a twist to our usual Secret Santa, we gave intern Joe the nigh on impossible task to act as secret Santa for the office. Would he hit or miss – his place at the Chrimbo party was resting on it. Ho, ho, ho… Words: Joe Moulam Pics: John Heyes

Having been in the office a mere two weeks, obviously I was the one tasked with buying everyone a thoughtful gift – and, with my invitation to the infamous Exposed Christmas party hanging in the balance, the pressure to find the perfect pressies was on. Now, I’m not usually a good gift giver. My brain is a self-interested sieve that drains out any detail about other people that might help in finding a gift; so to shop for colleagues I’ve known for a handful of days with a time limit of two hours (and a budget of £5 per person)was going to be a challenge. Armed with only a garish Santa hat and thirty pounds cash, I (almost) eagerly took to the streets of Sheffield ready to give this lousy lot the gifts of their lives. First up was Devonshire Street for a trip to Savills barbershop - to purchase a gift that required only a brief glance at music editor Joe Food’s majestic beard to settle on. Upon entry, I knew I was in good hands by the sheer amount of fuzzy facial hair adorning every face - and I was quickly pointed in the direction of a beard comb. Job done. Next up, and handily next door, was Brew Dog – fine purveyors of craft beers and the perfect present destination for designer Marc - who loves a good ale. The helpful gent behind the bar sympathised with my gifting plight and I was soon the proud possessor of a bottle of Anchor Brewery’s Christmas beer. Not satisfied with just giving one gift though, it was straight to the charity shops for a poke about for a bit of Christmas vinyl (Marc used to work in

a record store, see?). Luckily, In Cancer Research,I soon unearthed a suitably festive looking record for a single paltry pound (Christmastime by Jessye Norman) – my kind of gift. This Christmas shopping lark isn’t all that bad, eh; two down before lunch! However, my ideas were already running thin and I still had three gifts to buy. After visiting an assortment of gift and knick-knack shops and leaving empty handed, panic was setting in. That

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is until I saw those beautiful Xmas lights of salvation on the horizon – the High Street Christmas market was in full swing. Beckoning me with its siren song of easy Christmas gifts, I was soon poking about the busy stalls in search of anything princess related for Exposed’s resident Disney enthusiast, editor Carl Reid. A flash of glitter caught my eye; a stall plastered in colour-by-numbers Disney knock-offs. Perfect. Before I knew it, I was leafing through and asking questions I was ashamed to already know the answers to - “Is that the lass from Frozen..?” Pride in check, and five pounds poorer, Carl’s garish gift was in the bag. Next up, the hunt was on for a gift for web editor Rachel. Having been told she was

quite the gin aficionado, I hoped to find some sort of Christmas-themed flavour (cranberry gin has to exist right?) – or, at the very least, a festive looking bottle. Alas, my gift purchasing luck was running dry and, after extensive searching, there wasn’t a drop of interesting gin to be found in Sheffield city centre. Sorry Rachel, we’ll have to put your gift on the back-burner for now. Now it was time for a trip down Chapel Walk where a merry pop-up shop was peddling all manner of Christmas related kit. With my eyes peeled for a gift for sales man Nick, I desperately combed every inch. Knowing he’s a fervent Sheffield Wednesday fan, I finally settled on a festive looking owl (albeit in red and white). That’s not too much of a stretch, right? Finally, with Exposed Vs deadline looming, I desperately took to the streets to find a gift for Rachel. The lewd minds of the office were adamant that it would be hilarious to take a trip to Division Street’s Private Shop and purchase something amusingly ‘adult’, but I wasn’t so sure. However, with my banishment from the Christmas party seeming more and more likely, I bit the bullet and emerged with a bottle of award winning ‘lubrication’. Sorry Rachel. On the bright side, the office found it hilarious, and Carl eagerly offered to swap his sparkly Frozen portrait – so, everyone’s a winner.

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Well, everyone was chuffed with their gifts – which meant office party for me and a bunch of beaming faces. So, chalk up a victory. Exposed Vs Christmas. Whatever next, us taking on New Year’s Eve? Let the messiness begin.

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Merry Christmas, tha knows! Exposed has passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, then walked all the way through the Lincoln Tunnel before ending up at the new and improved Sleigh Bar at the top of Fargate. Joining us are December’s In Session stars, Polkadodge.

The Polkadodge lads have gone from strength to strength over the last year – from supporting the likes of Catfish and The Bottlemen and Little Comets, to swiftly selling out a gig at The Rocking Chair –even before some of their folks could get tickets. Everybody got a mulled wine, yeah? Cool. What tracks will you be performing for this month’s Exposed In Session? John: First up, we have Fever, which is a new(ish) song of ours. We can’t wait to get it recorded. Martin: It’s probably our most upbeat song to date. We tend to use it to open our gigs. John: Basically, it’s a short and snappy song which only lasts about two and a half minutes – but sums up what we usually aim for in a song: a punchy and catchy sound. Great stuff. Now it’s time for the question that everyone has been waiting for… what Christmas cover will you playing for us? John: Originally, we tried to do a medley of five Christmas songs. As we were playing through, we realised that one sounded much better than the rest, so we decided to just do that one in the full. I’ll let Paul announce which one we’ve chosen to cover. Paul: Lonely This Christmas by Mud A classic! That’s a Stellar choice indeed, chaps. And if that isn’t exciting enough, you’ve got a sold out gig at The Rocking Chair to look forward to. Excited? Tom: Yeah, we always look forward to our

Interview: Joe Food. Photography: Timm Cleasby gigs – especially the sold out ones. We still get very giddy before going on stage and, most of all, we love playing live. We were asked to support the Little Comets at The Leadmill the other week on the same day as the gig – it was a mad rush but we were so happy to get involved. Martin: Little Comets thanked us before the last song. It was great to hear that they thought we’d smashed it. At the end of the day, they could have picked any local band for that support slot and it would have been snapped up – so it was nice to get the call. John: We also supported Catfish and The Bottlemen last year and that was another great experience. It’s nice that we’re now getting opportunities to do our own headline gigs – you want to show progression as a band. My dad didn’t even

For more listings and reviews, head to | 25

manage to get a ticket for The Rocking Chair gig! No way! Surely you can sneak him through the back door or distract the bouncer? John: It’s fine. I’m confident we’ll manage to get him in somehow! Have the band got any more plans over the festive period? Tom: Yeah, we’re keeping quite busy with a couple of dates. I suppose it could be quite easy slack off over Christmas… with all the mince pies and beer. John: Yeah, so we’re doing gigs at The Leopard in Doncaster on the 13th, then we’ve got a gig at Milo’s bar in Leeds. We’ve also managed to get a bit of recording time sorted, which is something to look forward to. We’ve chosen a few tracks to work with and hopefully they’ll come to life once we’re in the studio. Martin: In terms of next year, we’re aiming to get a few festivals sorted. Obviously Tramlines is great to play, but we’d like to maybe branch out a bit and take a look at other festivals. John: We were absolutely gutted last year when our stage at Hop Farm was pulled. Hopefully we’ll be able to find something which suits us for next year. Do you mind if we briefly side-track and get stuck into some Chrimbo-themed questions? John: Go for it. Nice. So if Santa could bring you a little present in the form of another band member – bear in mind that this could be anybody at all – who would you pick? John: How about Richard Madeley?

*Band all nod in agreement* Erm, yeah, I guess so. Why not? John: If we put Richard on the mic to spit some rhymes, I think he’d just be incredibly anti-PC and get himself into trouble with the newspapers. It could be interesting… Yup. That’s a strange one. Anyone else? Tom: How can I top Richard Madeley? I was going to go for a bit of brass and get the late Clarence Clemons involved. *John rolls his eyes* Tom: You’re telling me that you wouldn’t appreciate a bit of sax on one of our tracks, John? Martin: I’d get a producer that knows so much about music and technology he could just sort us anything we wanted. That would be awesome. Paul, I can see that you’re in deep contemplation... Paul: To be honest, I wouldn’t want anyone that would interfere with our music too much. How about Bez? He’d be a good addition, I reckon? John: But Richard Madeley could be our Bez! Tom: What about someone stupid like

Skrillex – just throw it in there and see what happens. It could be beautiful, but it’ll more than likely be terrible. Anyhoo, who’s the most likely to scoff the mince pies? John: Tom. Paul: Just because I’m the least skinny person in the band? John: Yes. Most likely to drink all of the mulled wine? Paul: Me. *Nods of agreement* Paul: I want to buy one now but I haven’t got enough money. Ah, mate, I’ll get you one. Before I go to the bar, who’s the most likely to burn the turkey? Tom: That’s John. He’s by far the clumsiest of the bunch. John: Nah! I’m pretty good in the kitchen nowadays. Tom: He made one lasagne last week and now he’s Ainsley Harriott… Martin: Was it Paul who fell asleep whilst cooking a pizza and nearly burnt the house down? Paul: That only happened once…

in session credits

Produced By: Joe Food Filmed & Edited By: Helene Michaelides Recorded & Mixed By: Philip Hackett Photographs By: Timm Cleasby Watch the session exclusively online at Exposed In Session: An exclusive youtube gig every month from some of the city’s finest musical exports. Two tracks - recorded live with no overdubs at some of the city’s most inspiring locations.

26 | For more listings and reviews, head to



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the Exposed gets Sh effAid. n o lowdown Words: Carl Reid.

As ideas go, it’s a tried and tested formula… Gather a bunch of talented musos in one place to create beautiful music together – all the while creating awareness of important issues and raising funds for charity. The recent release of the latest Band Aid single, its fourth incarnation, has showed the concept is a timeless one – which connects with the public and, ultimately, makes a real difference. So, how come Sheffield’s never got in on the act..? “That was my thinking, essentially,” says Francesca Scotrick Boyd, production organiser of SheffAid – Sheffield’s very own Christmas charity single. “I’d been working on a live session and interview project called Wireless Wonderland for Sheffield Live and Youtube whilst reading about the recent happenings in Sheffield and thought it would be a great time to get some of the bands we were working with together, along with others, for a bit of a musical protest. The more people we mentioned it to, the more we realised it had the scope to become something bigger. Everyone wanted to be involved! It started as a snowball – and turned into an avalanche!” 30 | For more listings and reviews, head to


In t’Steel city, there’s some culture we must save. At Christmas time we need some Rare & Racy records we can play. But you leave our book shelves empty, put our learning in decline you wrap your hands round culture’s throat, this Christmas time. A very Average Xmas, and a colourless new year. You close al the best shops, and stand there and cheer. In warehouse’s, we gave you our art. And the very next day, you closed Syd & Mallory, This year, you stole our careers - and ruined our future potential (potential)… oh, oh, maybe… Abandoned factories, stories in the walls. A piece of history, you’d destroy it all. It’s bohemian ways, that makes this city great - let’s stop this before it’s too late (too late). Council maybe, It’s a simple thing that we need, Indeed, Stop exercising your greed, Love independents; don’t hurry to make this a bomb site…. You’re an eyesore, You’re sunk, You’re old shops filled with junk, When you could be nice flats, Who we can milk for tax. You’re greedy fat vultures, erasing our cultures, Happy Christmas South Yorkshire, this could be our last. What is next Xmas? What will you have begun? Another shop closure - and such history gone. And if this is Xmas, I hope you resign. Your plans to destroy all, of these creative minds. To you Merry Xmas, And a happy New Year, Let’s hope it’s a **cowbell** one, without any beer. For more listings and reviews, head to | 31

Sheffield. Do your bit.

Download it: Watch it: Youtube - SheffAidChristmas. Follow it: @SheffAid/ pages/SheffAid

Thank You! Band:

Moz - Baba Naga Jack Chapman - Deaf Crows Elliot Bower - Black Earth James Freedman


Moz - Baba Naga Ashley and Danny – The Ratells Bo Mar - Faerground Accidents Lee Ford - Dresden Saints Gina - Screaming Maldini Nathan Kobierowski - Ordnance Rebecca Marshall Gemma Gray

cool Beans:

The result was a recent assembly of likeminded folks in The Rutland Hotel – where some seasonal magic was made. “Christmas came early, essentially. We took it over for the weekend and decorated it up to the nines. Everyone got into the Christmas spirit and dressed up accordingly. It was fantastic. Needless to say, it was a big task to pull so many people together in one place, and to both record the song and shoot the video, but we did it – and I couldn’t be happier with the result. Everyone was really passionate about the project.” And what of the song itself? “We formed something of a super group to record the music in the form of Moz (Baba Naga), Jack Chapman (Deaf Crows) , Elliot Bower (Black Earth) and James Freedman (local percussion leg-end) - with Xander Wright and the Reverend Austin Sheeran in charge of instrumental composition. It’s a mashup of different Christmas songs and Jimmy May and Dom Kidson changed the lyrics to reflect what’s happening in Sheffield with the current decline of independents. It’s basically a call to arms to save our heritage.” Featuring interpretations of familiar festive vibes, the song’s delivered with typical

Sheffield wit – whilst still conveying that all important message - and, it’s why a host of names on the local music scene signed up to sing on the single… “The response really was incredible. Everyone from Screaming Maldini and The Ratells, to Faerground Accidents, Baba Naga, Dresden Saints and Ordnance got involved - along with artists such as Rebecca Marshall and Gemma Gray. It was the cream of the Sheffield scene - and we could never have anticipated a response like that. Add to this the likes of the Cool Beans crew, who were hilarious on the day, and we simply couldn’t have asked for more.” And, lest we forget, all this is for a damn good cause... “Yeah, all money raised will be going to local charity Roundabout - who provide help for homeless Sheffield youngsters. Ultimately, it’s a way of giving something back to the city, helping a major cause, and highlighting an issue in Sheffield that a lot of people feel passionate about. So many talented people have given up their time for free for this… hopefully the city will get behind the single. Tweet it, share it, download it – and, fingers crossed, SheffAid will become an annual occurrence!”

32 | For more listings and reviews, head to

Jimmy May - Writer and performer Chris Arnold - Performer Dom Kidson - Writer and performer Production Crew: Thomas Husbands - Director Charlie Lightning - Camera Assistant and Editing Assistant Mark Leeming - Camera Assistant and Editor Jonny Harold - Camera Assistant and Editor Alexei Lucas - Camera Assistant Abigail Bosson - Vocalist Photographer Jake Elliot - Band Photographer Francesca Scotrick Boyd - Organiser/ Producer


Paul Tuffs - Sound recording and mastering. Xander Wright and Rev Austin Sheeran instrumental composition.


The Green Room. For inspiration. Nicola Eagleton: For the world’s best yule log!

The Charity

ROUNDABOUT is Sheffield’s local youth housing charity - providing shelter, support and life skills to young people. They give emergency accommodation for homeless young people at their direct access hostel and support young people to live independently in secure bedsits and shared housing throughout the city. Head to for more.


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The new Savills barbershop on Devonshire Street has been years in the making. The culmination of over 15 years of hard work, vision and creativity from owner Joth Davies has turned the humble barbershop into an institution, with people travelling not just from nearby cities for haircuts, but from overseas. It’s not unusual to see a gaggle of people crowded around the doors on a Saturday morning or a bench full of people patiently waiting throughout the day for the Savills experience. Always aiming to offer more than haircuts and beard trims, Savills have created a bespoke tailoring collection with Savile Row tailor, John Lancaster, who visits twice a month to meet, measure and design suits especially for Savills clients. This collection, along with the barbering skills of Savills, was recently showcased in an Apothecary 87 film advertising the brand. Savills also now stock giftware, selling products they use that are sourced from across the globe such as Reuzel, Layrite and Lucky Tiger amongst others including Sheffield’s own luxury brand Edwin Jagger. Sitting alongside these are gifts imported from the USA, such as craftsman’s tool sets, whisky stones, hats, shoe shining kits and more, which are all displayed in an antique haberdashery unit, in keeping with the 1920’s vintage barbershop décor. With a buzz about the barbering industry at the moment, Savills offer an Academy to train up prospective barbers, and also reserve guest spots for other giants of the barbering world, most recently hosting Frank Rimer. There’s always something going on and you’d be hard pushed to find an industry magazine not shouting about the Sheffield shop (they’ve been splashed across the pages of no less than six mags, blogs and websites in the last month). Follow @ SavillsBarbers on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more and call 0114 276 1011 for tailoring, academy or hair appointments.



1. RUBIKA BUCKLE CUT OUT BOOTS Match these with skinnies, a chunky knit and frilly socks for the ultra-grungy cute staple piece. £39.99, www.missguided. 2. BLACK STRETCH BACK 3. ASOS AS MAD AS A HATCHAIN TRIM RIDING BOOTS TER LEATHER ANKLE BOOTS Be brave with these classic Not entirely sure as to why knee high riding boots for these are called ‘as mad as an all-round glam look. The a hatter’ boots, maybe it’s best part? You look fabulous because they’ve been reduced whilst keeping your pins warm. from £55 to £41. Snap ‘em up £60.00, www.riverisland. quick! £41.00, www.asos. com

5. ROCKET DOG TAN BIDDY 4. BLACK LASER CUT OUT BOOTS SHOE BOOTS Stand tall with these studded Keep your boot efforts chic and feminine with this pair from heeled ankle boots. Rock with Rocket Dog, ensuring you’re some high waisted shorts or team with your favourite fes- snug and in style with a festive fur trim and chunky wedge. tive frock, right in time for the £59.99, party season. £34.99, www.

For more listings and reviews, head to | 37

The Style Files...

Winter’s arrival means it’s time to ditch the summery shorts and get set for the winter warmers. Find inspiration from these stylish Sheffielders.

Georgia, 19, Student nurse Georgia embraces the winter blues with this perfect cutesy coat. Team with black cut out shoes to add edge to typical day wear.

Caroline, 20, Student Recycle your patterned trousers from the summer and match with a cosy, woolly jumper for the ultimate combination.

Wear Xmas Well Meadowhall fashion advisor Bethanie Lunn checks out the top seasonal sweaters for 2014.

For Him

A round-neck sweater is a must have in every males wardrobe so spice it up for Christmas with an outthere pattern that is sure to turn heads. From £18, Marks and Spencer

For Her

Christmas jumpers have to be bold, so think glitter and sparkles. BHS have a huge range of jumpers in all kinds of patterns, so whether its Mrs Clause, elves or snowmen you’re after you’re sure to find it. £25, BHS 38 | For more listings and reviews, head to

Laura, 20, Psychology student Leather jackets are an all-around pleaser and laura’s cute butterfly scarf makes this a delightfully girly ensemble.

Brad, 22, Hairdresser For get up and go work wear, Brad teams a smart shirt with black jeans. At Exposed we love his vintage brogues!

Caroline, 19, student Checked scarfs are in this winter. This black and white one really complements the rolled up, light coloured denim jeans, giving this outfit an urban edge.


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Back in 2004, Sara and Dave Crapper made the bold and courageous decision to open a hair salon. Aged just 21 at the time, with zero hairdressing experience between them, the idea of their venture successfully taking off seemed, well, maybe a little unlikely. 10 years on, and Sara and Dave’s vision is now one of Sheffield’s most successful hair salons – with Hair Kandi recently celebrating its 10th anniversary! Their venture began as a passion to create a hair salon with a difference, creating something that was completely customer focused, and to banish the stereotype associated with salons. “We were young, very enthusiastic, and up for the challenge,” said Sara. “Most of our friends saw it as a pipedream, but we had a vision that we strongly believed in, and the determination to see it through.” Their humble beginnings started in a small shop on Ecclesall Road. After the rapid growth and success of Hair Kandi, in 2010 they relocated to a much bigger space on West Street, the former location of Barclays Bank. “It was during the recession, many banks were closing, and this beautiful building came onto the market,” adds Dave. “Our business was thriving and we were in a strong position to take advantage of the opportunity. It was a risk, but it’s turned out to be one of the best decisions we ever made.” The salon on West Street blends tall ceilings, exposed brick and steelwork

alongside comfortable sofas, designer furniture and local artwork. There’s a cinema screen playing old cartoons in the hair washing area, and a long list of complimentary beverages including mulled wine over the festive period. Now that’s what we call exceptional customer service. The size of the space has allowed Hair Kandi to expand their services. They now employ over 20 stylists and offer a huge range of extra services - such as nails, tanning, facials and waxing. To celebrate their 10 year anniversary, Hair Kandi threw a massive bangin’ party at

their salon. Joined by 150 guests, Dave and Sara treated attendees to complimentary cocktails; all the while being entertained by Hair Kandi’s receptionist Jessica Steele who was a finalist on The Voice. So where does Hair Kandi go from here? According to Sara, it’s about keeping customer expectations at the forefront. “The most important thing to us is our customers. We love to express ourselves creatively and work outside of the salon in the fashion industry - but we get no greater satisfaction than making our customers feel great with a new haircut.”

For more info about Hair Kandi, see

40 | For more listings and reviews, head to

The fine folk at Sheffield’s Good Vibrations recently rocked up to the Halloween Tattoo Bash at Wolverhampton’s Racecourse. We caught up with Matt and Naked Pete (yep, he really was naked, shudder) to find out more. First of all how chaps, how was the Halloween Tattoo Bash for you? Matt: It was really good. The atmosphere was a lot more to my liking than some of the bigger conventions I’ve worked, a lot more relaxed, and people seemed more approachable. Naked Pete: Yeah, I really enjoyed it. It’s the first convention I’ve ever worked - so I was soiling my under-crackers on the week running up to the show. I needn’t have worried though because it was a piece of piss - and it’s fair to say I proverbially “smashed the back doors in” at that place. How lovely. For the uninitiated, can you tell us a bit about the Bash? Naked Pete: Well it’s the Halloween Tattoo Bash – so, as you can expect, there’s a very big horror theme running throughout the show. It was relaxed as it’s a quieter convention, which suited me because I like to be naked, or as near to, as much as I can - and you get a lot of stares. There were a lot of great artists from around the UK and abroad so it was nice to mingle with some of the bigger names. Matt: Both me and Pete like a slightly less bustling atmosphere.

We have a similarly calm vibe going on down at the new West Street studio. Did you enter any competitions while you were there? Matt: Pete and I both entered for best newcomer, and I entered for best small colour. There was some really strong competition though and I won… in neither category. Naked Pete: My entry for the best newcomer category was a sweetass bit of script. Sadly, it wasn’t my day with the judges, but everyone commented about how sick it was. It was nice that some of the big names were admiring my work… and nakedness. Were there any tattoos that particularly stood out or that you were particularly proud of? Naked Pete: There were some seriously great pieces of artwork coming out of the Bash – and it was great to witness them coming to life. Matt’s piece was pretty epic - and I genuinely thought he was going to win something. If there was a most naked artist category, I’d have romped home with that! Matt: I did a portrait of Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings - but the one that really ran away with

42 | For more listings and reviews, head to

exposed promotion

my imagination was a freehand new school Mission Impossible rat stealing some cheese. Why do you think there’s been such a surge in popularity for tattoos of late? Matt: More people are seeing them as an expression of art and the artists themselves are pushing hard at actual artistic theory and practise to bring it to the skin. People don’t just want a tattoo any more - they want a piece of art. Naked Pete: I can only speak from a personal point view with my customers, but people come to see me because they’ve heard of the reputation of Good Vibrations and my work, and the fact that I like to be as naked as possible when tattooing… while maintaining strict hygiene, of course. Why did you want to become tattoo artists in the first place? Matt: I like drawing, and creating things, and I originally wanted to be an author and illustrator. Tattooing allows me to do both. I try to tell a story in my work especially when given free rein to work in my own style. Naked Pete: There was only so much work in being a naked life model - so I opted to go into the tattoo industry as I found I was quite adept at the old art work. Good Vibrations took me through an apprenticeship and right into tattooing. It’s not for the faint of heart though. There’s a lot of time spent drawing at home in your own free time that

people don’t take into account or factor in. Finally then, any words of wisdom for budding tattoo artists? Matt: Draw as much as you can, don’t listen to your art teachers at school, and try not to draw ‘tattoos’ - draw art, paint paintings and sculpt sculptures. You’ll learn a lot more that way than copying a ‘tattoo design’ from Google. I was told by one of my favourite artists that, when Disney hires new animators, they don’t look for people who can draw Mickey Mouse - they look for people why can draw a real mouse. Naked Pete: It’s not as easy as it looks - and it’s a lot more time than you imagine. You have to work for free as a volunteer apprentice while learning the trade. This can last up to 2 years. That said, if you’re good and you get a good reputation, then you get to draw on people for a living - which is pretty awesome. Oh, and always, ALWAYS get naked at every opportunity. For more listings and reviews, head to | 43

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Christmas Culture

Let there be Christmas The Winding Wheel, December 2 If you love Christmas, and you love the 70s, then you’ll love this. Featuring Rubettes lead vocalist Alan Williams as Santa, plus a whole Christmas band bashing out the best 70’s anthems, expect a retro Chrimbo party. £18.50, see www. raPunzeL The Montgomery, December 3 After last year’s performance of Alice In Wonderland, which was dubbed the perfect start to Christmas, the award-winning Proteus Theatre Company are back with their interpretation of Rapunzel. Based on the classic Grimm fairy tale, Rapunzel tells the story of a young girl with an overbearing Mother, a Prince of a boyfriend with vertigo, and very, very badly behaved hair. £10, diCk WhittingtOn Lyceum, December 5-January 4 If there’s one thing we do well in Sheffield, it’s the Christmas pantomime. Written and directed by Paul Hendy, and brought to you by the same team behind last year’s Box Office smash hit Jack and the Beanstalk, Dick Whittington is packed with jokes, ‘he’s behind you’s’ and catchy songs for all the family. £10, CindereLLa Pomegranate Theatre, December 5-January 4 Pantomime classic Cinderella is making a return to the Pomegranate Theatre this December - oozing glamour, sparkles, princesses and magic! Cinderella, aided by the silly but loveable friend Buttons and a Fairy Godmother, shall go to the ball. £9, www.chesterfieldtheatres.

Carvery and PantOmime Wortley Hall, December 7 For a little traditional family fun that’s super Christmassy, Wortley Hall are offering the ultimate Christmas Sunday. The evening will involve a pantomime performance of Dick Whittington and a two course Sunday carvery, yummy! Get yourselves booked as they tend to sell out fast. £13.75 adults £8.95 children, the PrinCess and the Pea Crucible Studio December 10-January 3 We’re all familiar with the story of The Princess and the Pea - and this Christmas the Tutti Frutti theatre company are bring us a funny, beautiful and inventive retelling of the famous tale. Certainly not one for fake princesses or those who have trouble sleeping! £10,

f top odles oening o ’s e r e p Th out hap nights round our a d in an tive Sheffield fine fes this month. , shores lture, comedy– Be it cu g or dancing mas drinkinot your pre-X we’ve g wrapped up… parties Words: Emily nt Beaumo

the 1930’s berLin diary in COLLabOratiOn With Crisis The Copthorne Hotel, December 11 A Christmas cabaret by Black Box Productions in collaboration with homeless charity CRISIS, the Berlin Diary cast will be teaming up with vulnerable adults for the production and performance of their sell out show. Ticket price includes a welcome drink, two course meal and the Berlin Diary cabaret. £25, search Facebook for more. Peter Pan, City haLL December 27-January 4 The Manor Operatic society put on their pantomime rendition of Peter Pan over this Christmas and New Year. Visit the Mermaid’s Lagoon, Tiger Lily’s Indian Encampment and fly over the streets of London, not forgetting to listen out for the ‘tick-tock’ of Hook’s nemesis - the crocodile! Tickets from £5.50, www.

For more listings and reviews, head to | 45

Family Fun

Cavendish CanCer Christmas LunCh and market Cubana, December 2-3 The guys at Cavendish Cancer Care are doing things a lil’ different this Christmas. They’re heading off to Havana for some Christmas shopping and then having a Christmas fiesta in the authentic surroundings of Cubana. On the day you’ll enjoy a warm welcome with a glass of Spanish style mulled wine and some fantastic festive tapas. £30, Christmas On the Farm Manor Lodge, December 6 If you’re looking for a little traditional family-friendly Christmas fun, Christmas On The Farm at Manor Lodge will be right up your street. Expect carols, a Santa’s grotto, craft making, a fayre and stalls. Certainly one for the little un’s. Free, santa at the museum Weston Park Museum, December 6-24 Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a good old-fashion Santa’s grotto right? Weston Park Museum are once again transforming their Arctic World gallery into Santa’s North Pole home and he’ll be giving out presents to all those on his nice

list. Santa will be with us every weekend December 6-21 plus Monday 22 and Wednesday 24. £6 per child, santa saFari Yorkshire Wildlife Park, December 7 Bluebell Wood Hospice and Yorkshire Wildlife Park are joining forces in putting on the super-fun and ultimately festive Christmas treasure hunt; Santa Safari. The hunt will begin at 10am and everyone and anyone are welcome. Entry includes the ultimate treasure hunting gear; antlers, flashing noses and Santa suits. £15 per adult, £12 per child, www. rOundabOut Christmas Quiz The York Broomhill, December 8 Roundabout is a youth housing charity, providing shelter and support for young people. They are hosting a Christmas quiz at The York pub in Broomhilll December 8. Entry is £2 per person there will be a charity raffle on the night including prizes of a £20 bar tab, meal for two and gift sets from Lush. All the proceeds will be going to Roundabout. £2, www.roundabouthomeless. org .

remember When at Christmas City Hall, December 9 Making a return for 2014 is one of the country’s most popular nostalgia shows with an all new production. Start your Christmas with a trip down memory lane to when Christmas truly was a magical time of year. Expect festive classics such as Dreaming of a White Christmas and Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire. £11, annuaL Christmas COnCert Sheffield City Hall, December 13 One of the world’s most famous brass bands, the Black Dyke Band are joining us in Sheffield for City Hall’s annual Christmas Concert. A family orientated seasonal offering of carols and yuletide favourites for all the family to join in with. £15,

CarOL serviCe The New Barrack Tavern, December 24 Sometimes the traditional can be the most enjoyable. The New Barrack Tavern is hosting a traditional carol service Christmas Eve, complete with mince pies, mulled wine, and mistletoe (cheeky!). Free, www. event/carol-service.

46 | For more listings and reviews, head to

Grown-Up Gatherings

the rOCking rObin Carvery Party night Bramall Lane, December 4, 11, 18 The guys at Bramall Lane are offering a traditional Christmas party with their Rocking Robin Carvery Night. You’ll be warmly greeted by an ice cold glass of Prosecco (the best kind of greeting) and seated to enjoy a variety of festive food. After dinner you can unleash your fiercest dance moves by the Bramall Lane resident DJ. £24.95 per person, www. Last Laugh COmedy CLub Christmas City Hall, December 4-31 If you’re a lover of comedy, music, food and drink, the Last Laugh Comedy Club is the ideal Christmas shindig for you. A brilliant night of comedy followed by the infamous DJ Foxy’s cheesy disco. You’ll be kept entertained by some of the finest UK and International stand-up comedians. You can also pre-order food for the night for less than a fivernice! Tickets from £17, www. kate rusby at Christmas City Hall, December 5 With two Christmas albums already under her belt, Kate Rusby is certainly a lady who loves Christmas time. A critically acclaimed folk singer, Kate hits City Hall this December with ‘Kate Rusby at Christmas’, a wonderful combination of well-known festive classics and more obscure Yorkshire Christmas tunes. Tickets from £15, www. PinOCChiO - a burLesQue PantOmime West Street Live, December 7 This Christmas, Secrets of the Boudoir Burlesque are putting on a production of Pinocchio but

a Christmas Party at Hallamshire House December 20 with special guests and a whole load of Christmas drink offers. 100% rawk’n’roll. Free, www. roaming sonuk.

with a wicked twist. Join ‘Woody’ on his quest to become a real boy as he meets some interesting and cheeky characters on the way. Expect comedy, burlesque, striptease and a bit of naughty Christmas magic. £7.50, www. secretsoftheboudoirburlesque. com. Le BaL Du BurLy Q City Hall, December 13 Renowned Sheffield burlesque company Burly Q are making a triumphant return since their sold out show last year ‘Winter Ball’. This year’s show features a glittering array of internationally renowned performers, a delicate blend of dynamic burlesque, cabaret and circus acts. There’s also a two course dining options and vintage inspired DJs and dancing. Saucy! Tickets from £22.50, www.burlyq. roaming Son XmaS Party Hallamshire House, December 20 Roaming Son are a Sheffield four piece band influenced by 50’s rock and roll. Think jungle drums, twangy tremelo slapback guitars, and a greasy bass. They’re hosting

ChriStmaS Party Owlerton Stadium, December 27 Owlerton Stadium are offering a late Christmas party for that in-between period of Christmas and New Year. There’ll be races, a Robbie Williams tribute act and disco, and you can also purchase food. Ace. Free, Joe CarnaLL Jnr + FrienDS ChriStmaS Show The Plug, December 23 Having sold out the last four years, the Joe Carnall Christmas Show is back this year at Plug - and it’s set to be as epic as its predecessors. Expect Milburn anthems, The Book Club tunes, some cheeky covers and surprise appearances. £12,

Bars & Clubs

winter roCkS FeStivaL Corporation, December 6 WinterRocks will see 17 bands perform at Corporation over two stages. The festival will span over the whole day and will feature bands such as The Answer, Heavens Basement, Black Spiders and many more! A head-banging way to start the festive period. £18.00, pages/Winter-Rocks-Festival.

50 | For more listings and reviews, head to

roXy reunion; ChriStmaS CraCker O2 Academy, December 13 For a Christmas night-out with a vintage edge, the O2 Academy is offering the ultimate disco in honour of the legendary Roxy club. Roxy Reunion; Christmas Cracker brings you the best of the 80’s and 90’s, with a few special guest DJ’s yet to be announced. 18+ £12.50, www.o2academysheffield. the tueSDay CLuB XmaS SPeCiaL Sheffield Students Union, December 16 Student favourite The Tuesday Club is celebrating Christmas in style- they’ve blagged blinkin’ Waze and Odyssey, who have quickly become one of the biggest house acts in the UK, with their remix of R Kelly’s ‘Bump N Grind’ getting to number 10 in the official UK charts! Other acts include Squarehead, Andy H and Simba! Bangin’. £6adv, tiDy’S magiC ChriStmaS Party Replica, December 19 The Tidy Christmas Party returns to our festive spiritual home of Sheffield this December. There’s going to be plenty of music and shenanigans, with two rooms full of DJ’s and the best of dance and trance. There’s also a fancy dress theme of hat and gloves, which gives you plenty of options. 18+ £10adv, BigShamBLeS maD FriDay Party The Washington, December 19 The maddest night out of the year; it’s Mad Friday! Bigshambles will be bringing you a load of rock and pop covers, and then ‘Reg Against The Machine’ will be performing Christmas songs as you’ve never heard them before. All to be followed by The Washington DJ’s bringing you the best party anthems. It’s going to be a mad’un! Free, www.washingtonsheffield. com.

ChriStmaS Shag The Leadmill, December 22 For a last minute Christmas nightout, why not head to SHAG at The Leadmill December 22? As usual there will be party floor-fillers and Christmas tunes in room 1 and the best indie anthems in room 2. Short of cash after Christmas shopping? Not to worry, there’s 60p shots and 80p mixers bargain! £4, Shimmy Shimmy roCk XmaS SPeCiaL The Washington, December 24 If you’re man enough to cope with a hangover Christmas Day, The Washington are hosting a Christmas Eve party. Expect everything: Rock’n’Roll, R&B, Soul, Hiphop, Council Pop, Punk and Dirty Indie, all brought to you by DJ’s Asbo a Gogo. Free, www.washingtonsheffield. com. Jon mCCLure (reverenD & the makerS) + the SherLoCkS + SuDDenLy uS Players Bar, December 24 Reverend & The Makers frontman Jon McClure is bringing you a huge Christmas Eve bash with a kick-arse DJ set at Players. He’s supported by locallers The Sherlocks, who are fresh from being signed by the team behind Babyshambles, Pete Doherty and The View. There’s also a cheeky set by Sheffield band Suddenly Us. Not bad for three quid! £3, troJan eXPLoSion XmaS BaSh The Riverside, December 6 Two heavyweight soundsystems make their way to The Riverside this month – when SFL Sound go head to head with the Boots Bellies & Braces Crew in a boss soundclash to the death. Expect ska, rocksteady, the sound of Young Jamaica and more – not to mention a free CD and badge for the first 50 through t’door. Free, see Facebook for more.

new year’S eve gaLa Dinner DiSCo, Halifax Hall End the year in style with festive fizz, elegant canapés and a luxurious four course spread at Halifax Hall on Endcliffe Vale Road. Obviously to be followed by desperate attempts at elegant dancing into the early hours of 2015. £70.00,

new year’S eve, NaPoleoN’s CasiNo Head on over to Napoleon’s Casino this New Year’s Eve for an extravagant five course blow-out that will end the year on a high note. Prosecco will be served at midnight to say farewell to 2014 with a touch of elegance. £60, www.napoleons-casinos.

nye CirCuS eXtravaganza, Plug Head over to Plug this New Year’s Eve to usher in 2015 with the biggest and most ludicrous party of the year, as resident club nights JUMP AROUND and SHUFFLE grapple for your adoration amongst a circus themed evening of lunacy. Come dressed as your favourite circus character for a chance to win free bubbly, and be prepared for a wild pyrotechnic show at midnight. What better way to awake to the New Year than hung-over and dressed in a dishevelled circus costume?! £8,

genting new year’S eve, geNtiNg Club sHeffield Usher in the New Year with a delicious five course celebratory menu, with complimentary bubbly. If you can escape the lure of the casino there will be fantastic entertainment from Martin Burtons Soul Men to keep you dancing well into 2015. £74.95, www.gentingcasinos. new year’S eve CeLeBration, iNox diNe For a decidedly classy end to 2014, get yourself to Inox Dine on Durham Road where you will be wined and dined in style, with

52 | For more listings and reviews, head to

complimentary canapés and a glass of fizz. What better way to see in 2015 than an elegant meal and fantastic views across Sheffield. £28, new year’S eve gaLa, leoPold Hotel Turn your New Year’s Eve into a whirlwind of elegance with canapés and bubbly followed by a sumptuous five course spread and Champagne at midnight. Enjoy music and dancing into the small hours of 2015 – and a room in the hotel overnight, so no need to stumble home. Then, wake up to a lavish New Year’s Brunch, you lucky things. From £134.50 per person, www. riDDimtion PreSentS nye 2014, tHe CremorNe, 9.00Pm Attention all reggae enthusiasts! Riddimtion is partnering with The Cremorne to bring you the maddest New Year’s Eve party with the very best of reggae, dancehall and dub. It’s free entry

and you can claim some free rum punch on their Facebook page bargain! Free, see Facebook for more. rough Shag + BaBa naga, buNgalows aNd bears, 7.00Pm Sheffield band Baba Naga are famed for their trippy, moody and psychedelic live shows; delivering a crazy high without the narcotics. They’re joined by DJs Rough Shag, delivering some proper party music, for dancing n’ that. Free, www.bungalowsandbears. com.


Word on t’street is that Hope Works will be throwing a ‘local’ spesh on NYE. Also, a very special guest is said to be heading to Vault on West St for an appearance. Keep your ear to the ground, troopers…

THIS FESTIVE SEASON AT HALIFAX HALL Celebrate this Christmas at Halifax Hall, a stunning boutique hotel in Sheffield.

Christmas Fayre Lunches Christmas Disco Party Nights New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner Halifax Hall, Endcliffe Vale Road, Sheffield S10 3ER T: 0114 222 8810 E:


Trail, fell and road running shoes, apparel and running accessories


OU ents? Y nt pres HE PRESENTS! a w u o Y and ANDLE T CAN’T H ately, we can – rd work a n h u e t th For Fill yer one all we’ve d don’t have to. animals… y so you gs, you filth stockin

Words: Emily nt Beaumo

For The Tea-Total,

Tea connoisseurs The Birdhouse Tea Company have been working on some wonderful Christmas blends in their special Noël range. Blended are some innovative Christmas-themed concoctions; mulled wine, chocolate orange, spiced apple and gingerbread. Yummy! These little bags of deliciousness serve as great stocking fillers for any tea fan. BirdhouseTeaCompany.

For The Bargain Hunters

Wonderful little vintage shop Filibuster and Booth have plenty of little treasures and Christmas gift ideas for the true fashion eccentric. With a wide range of jewellery, accessories and antiques, there’s plenty to choose from, whether you want to mix and match smaller bits or splash out on something truly valuable. Filibuster-and-Booth-Sheffield.

For The Modern Gent,

For Beer Connoisseurs

With dozens of quality winter beers, as well as ciders and mead which serve perfectly as mulled winter drinks with their warming spices, Beer Central have got Christmas covered. Their hand-made wooden crates, £15, serve as the perfect carrier for about six bottles; creating the perfect pressie for any beer enthusiast (£30 including bottles). They’ve also got a variety of mini kegs, £19, providing nine pints of lovely fresh beer. Or you can pick up one of their extra Christmassy gift boxes, which includes three wintery drinks.

Gentlemen’s barbers Savills have got plenty of little treats for any modern gent. As well as the usual gels, oils and waxes, on the shelves for this Christmas they have pork pie hats (which have been flying off their shelves), a wonderfully packaged Shoe Cleaning Kit, a Craftsman’s Tool Set and Whiskey Stones. How proper!

For Arty Types

For the arty Sheffielder, local artist Pete McKee has lots of Sheffield and Yorkshire inspired prints, books and accessories! We really like his The Joy Of Sheff book £20 for its cool illustrations, intelligent commentary and of course, it’s all about Sheffield!

A Hamper With a Difference

Local farm shop Beeches of Walkley has lots of wonderful foodie things in store this December; perfect to make up a great Christmas hamper for a loved one. Pick either a free cardboard basket or they look even better in their straw woven hamper baskets! They can then be wrapped and decorated to be super Christmassy. Fill the basket with their special marmalades, jams, chutneys, cooking sauces and honey. They also have some environmentally-friendly soaps and toiletries to throw into the mix as well as some ready-made sets, which you can easily pick up, priced £7-£40.

For more listings and reviews, head to | 57

For The Foodie

Porter Brooke Deli on Sharrow Vale Rd have lots of lovely bits for any foodie. Their products are made right here in Sheffield and Derbyshire, with their ingredients sourced locally when they can. They have a load of fancy hampers starting at £12, including the yummy Hendo’s hamper, which includes The Henderson’s Relish Cookbook as well as lots of little Hendo’s treats. You can also take a pick of their cheeses, charcuterie, olives, jams, chutneys and cakes to make your own bespoke hamper.

Love Your Hair

284 Hair have some fab gifts in store, at a fraction of the RRP! They have the exclusive limited edition Rose Gold GHD’s, which you can reserve for a £30 deposit. They’ve also got Sebastian Gift Sets £17.99, containing a super shiny heat protector, volume giving root spray or a dry shampoo, a dry styler and a hairspray all in one. You also receive a free 50ml Shampoo and Conditioner.

Flower Power,

For Creative Types

For Fitness Fanatics

We’ve all got that one friend who makes us feel guilty about our slightly gluttonous lifestyle with their constant exercise and healthy eating (what’s that again?). Treat em’ with some lovely fitness essentials from Front Runner on Sharrow Vale Road, we think their Flip Belt £25 is pretty handy, a sleek, discrete and super comfortable way to carry your phone, cash or keys whilst on the move. We also like their Ron Hill winter tights £50, super cosy, warm and wind resistant, making them perfect for winter jogs.

Moonko are devoted to showcasing creative talent, both locally and throughout the UK in support of new and emerging designers. Their shop on Division Street is a haven for those creatives who love rare and one-off bits. If you’re into festive jewellery, this Let It Snow locket £19 is the perfect cute Christmas accessory. We also think this beaker; £15.25 by designer Donna Wilson is pretty groovy for some quirky kitchenware.

The Brookhouse Florist Christmas collection includes a glittering aray of flowers, plants, wreaths, gifts with that added dash of Christmas magic. Whether its traditional with berries and holly or contemporary and sleek, Brookhouse will put together the perfect arrangement. They also have lovely gift vouchers from £10.

For Rockers

The folks at Skull and Bones Boys Club have been working on a few things those who love something a little alternative. We particularly like this little ‘Pray for Gin’ chain £20. This lil’ trinket is the perfect stocking filler; jewellery with a little punch. They’ve also announced a few Christmas bits such as hand-crafted combs and wooden iPhone cases. www.skullandbonesboysclub.

58 | For more listings and reviews, head to

For Your Barnet and Bonce

If the stress of Meadowhall at Christmas is too much to bear, head over to Barber Barber, a gents barber shop with a difference who specialise in not only the hair on your head, but grooming your beard, along with a bit’o banter and sport on the telly. Their shave experience is particularly luxurious. Why not treat a special someone to a Barber Barber gift card, or splash out on a luxury Edwin Jagger two-piece shaving set £88.

444 Abbeydale Road, Sheffield, S7 1FR

newly refurbished • antiques • industrial • mid-century retro • collectables also - cafe, specialist beer shop, hair salon + record store vintedge b&b coming soon •

We buy & sell vintage furniture, clothes & curios Open tues - thurs 10 - 5. fri & sat 10 - 7.30 (until new year). sun 11 - 4 vintedge448 @vintedge448

Tel: 07861 767403

For more listings and reviews, head to | 59

All Christmas Fayre

Available Under One Roof. Come and See Stockists of The Sheffield Cook Book & The Hendersons Relish Cook Book A great Christmas gift We are passionate about local food produce Fresh Meat, Fruit, Local Ales & Sundries Scoop your own frozen fruit and veg Come try our award winning sausages

The Greek Deli Eat HEaltHy Eat GrEEk

Why not join us for a Christmas get together this year? From 5th of December we have special celebration menus for partys of 6 to 30 – bring your own wine and beers – NO CORKAGE. Great homemade food eat in or take-away

Planning a party at home or at work? Let us do the hard work for you.We cater for all occasions including Christmas and New Year and will deliver to your door.

The Greek Deli,

418-420 Sharrow Vale Road, Huntersbar, Sheffield S11 8ZP Call us on 0114 2667719,,



353 Sharrow Vale Road, Sheffield, S11 8ZP Phone: 0114 266 5339 Email: Follow Us On Twitter @porterbrookdeli

For Luxury

Spa 1877 on Victoria Street has plenty of relaxing goodness on offer with a variety of treatments; facials, massages, manicures, pedicures, tanning, waxing, all in addition to their hammam and Turkish baths! Really treat someone this Christmas with a Spa 1877 gift voucher, they start at £20 and have plenty of treatments and spa days available.

For Coffee Crazies

Cafeology’s business is 100% ethical - and they offer a huge range of products which carry many recognised marks such as the Fairtrade, Soil Association and Rainforest Alliance mark to ensure they make a difference to the farmers whose crops they buy. Cafeology have a fab aeropress coffee maker for just £25 with a free pack of their Columbian coffee thrown in!

Bird Beauty

Bird’s Yard is one of our lovely exclusive fashion stores on Chapel Walk, famed for their collaborative pieces with local designers and artists. There’s plenty of clothing, jewellery and kitchenware in their store, offering something much cooler than your average high street shop. They stock exclusive dresses by Due, which come in a variety of styles at £50 to suit everyone. We also love this bunny ring £37, handmade in Thailand are a quirky and alternative accessory.

For The Individual

Just down from Bird’s Yard is the brand’s second venture Birds and Beards. Birds and Beards is a brand new shop on 50 Chapel Walk stocking fashionable clothes and accessories; many exclusive to Yorkshire. Treat a special someone to this faux-fur hooded jacket to keep cosy through the winter months. Or their quirky gold tube necklace.

All Things Vintedge

Over at the esteemed Antiques Quarter is Vintedge, a home of one-off bespoke vintage gifts. With everything from clothing, homeware, furniture and vinyl’s, there’s something for everyone under one roof. The store’s interior is also amazing, making Vintedge the ultimate shopping experience. The




A celebration of the amazing food & drink on our doorstep Featuring 50 stunning recipes

Henry Henderson blended the first batch of our famous relish in Sheffield in 1885. 130 years later, much has changed but Henderson’s has not: we’re still a family business, still blending in Sheffi eld to Henry’s original recipe, a secret known only to three living people. The Henderson’s Relish Cookbook features innovative recipes submitted by chefs, famous figures and local enthusiasts, helping you to add a touch of Yorkshire spice to your food. Henderson’s Relish (affectionately known as Hendo’s) has become a cultural icon in its own right – not to mention the key ingredient in a wide variety of tasty food dishes. This book delves into the mystery behind the sauce, while showcasing the wonderful works of art, music and literature it has helped to inspire along the way.

Come and have a taste of Yorkshire’s “Henderson's Relish is easily the best non-alcoholic KT Tunstall

£12.95 RRP

For the Sweet Tooth

Pop down to Evermore Sweet Shop on Sharrow Vale Road for all sorts of candy goodness! Take a pick of all their classic sweetie favourites: cola cubes, bon bons, cinder toffee and put them together in a cute bespoke hamper for £20. EvermoreSheffield.

Something a Bit Different

Code3D is an innovative little brand taking 3D printing above and beyond its typical purposes. Their collection of 3D printed jewellery using a variety of unusual materials are particularly exciting and innovative, and offer something different to your average jewellery designs. They also offer their ‘Tiny Twin 3D’- a high definition 3D printed you!

62 | For more listings and reviews, head to

RRP £16.95



best kept secret.

liquid on the face of the earth.”

“It’s like Worcester sauce but a million times better.” Matt Helders, Arctic Monkeys “I spent most of the 1990s on a world tour and got to the point I couldn’t even remember my own name at times. I’m not knocking it – it beats working for a living! Anyway, I got back from the States after 9 months and was a mess. When I got home my wife had cooked sausage & mash with gravy and Hendo’s on it. I took one mouthful and burst into tears - the taste of Henderson’s meant I was home at last with my family – the taste of Sheffield.” Richard Hawley



Beneath Sheffield’s industrial façade, beats the heart of a passionate and thriving independent food scene. From producers and suppliers through to bars, delis and restaurants, the Steel City truly offers The Full Monty when it comes to filling your belly. The Sheffield Cook Book features the very best of Sheffield’s culinary community – showcasing the secrets to their success. Chock-full of recipes, stories and anecdotes, it’s your window into a world that Sheffielders (true to their nature) rarely shout about. Get stuck in.

_Hendersons_Cover_set.indd 1

11/04/2014 08:52:18

For The Amateur Chef



Great recipes with all the spice and flavour of Hendo’s THE YORKSHIRE ORIG INAL 04/11/2014 13:33:36

Resonating with any true Sheffielder, The Sheffield Cook Book is a lovely little gem filled with local recipes and stories, all captured right here in our lovely city. With contributions from all across Sheffield’s culinary community, the book features 50 recipes that all Sheffielders can get stuck into. There’s also the Henderson’s Cook Book, a handy cook book highlighting the uses of our handy Yorkshire sauce in all kinds of imaginative ways: curries, stews, pies, truffles, trifles, custards, butter reductions and bread infusions. Psst.. We produced both of these little books, so they’re obviously pretty good.,, selected Sheffield stores.

It’s Chriiiiissssttttmmmmaaaaasssss!!!!

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12% Discount to all Customers Until 31st December

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For more listings and reviews, head to

coming on nice... A quick round up of happenings on the Sheffield food and drink scene.

Craft & Dough

The team behind The Milestone gastropub and restaurant are getting into their next foody venture - with Craft & Dough opening this month in Kelham Island. Offering craft beers, cocktails and artisan pizza, the sharp looking eatery focuses on local produce and a deliciously inhouse approach to cooking. As well as serving lunch and dinner, Craft & Dough will open for brunch - with great coffee and grub. Visit their twitter @CraftDough for up to date info.

The Brooklyn

Life’s A Beech(es) Beeches of Walkley have got your Steel City Chrimbo wrapped up. The award winning butchers/deli (they recently landed the multi-format retail gong at the Eat Sheffield awards) have all manner of Christmas fare available - from bespoke hampers with local produce to Christmas trees, greeting cards, local books and everything in between. On the butchers’

side, think local free range chicken, turkey, geese, duck, game, beef, pork, gammon and lamb. Oh, and not forgetting their very special Sheffield sausages. Slurp. If you’re after those all-important stocking fillers in the form of The Sheffield Cook Book and The Henderson’s Relish Cook Book, you’ll also be able to get your hands on them here.

Pop along and see for more.

Ship Shape For chrimbo

Anchorage Bar has released their mouth-watering Christmas menu - and it’s sure to put you in the festive spirit. The East Coast Kitchen combines traditional food with a modern vibe matched with exotic cocktails, and their Christmas menu is full of luxurious offerings – such as smoked pork belly, buttermilk turkey and pumpkin pie. Anchorage is offering 3 courses for £24.95 per person and it’s available throughout the whole of December.

Kelham Island based steak spectacular The Brooklyn recently reopened its doors with a fresh new look and an exciting revamped menu. Visit for menus and information.

The Alchemist

The grape vine is abuzz with rumours that swanky cocktail bar and restaurant The Alchemist will be opening a location in our fair Sheffield in the very near future. Existing sites in Manchester, Leeds and London are famed for their amazeballs cocktails that bring an element of the fantastical to the usual evening drink. Keep your eyes peeled on www. for updated information.

Bill’s Restaurant

From humble beginnings as greengrocers in Sussex, to a hearty and wholesome restaurant chain with over thirty locations, Bill’s Restaurant is renowned for great food and a welcoming atmosphere – and soon Sheffield’s Peace Gardens will be joining in on the action! Visit for more information.

The Tap & Tankard

Kelham Island Brewery are the force behind The Tap & Tankard – a brand new addition to the city centre real ale scene based in the former Sportsman premises on Cambridge St.

See for more. For more listings and reviews, head to | 65

For more listings and reviews, head to

Your LocaL

Tradition and Christmas go hand in hand whether it’s making sure the advent calendar’s ready to go for the December countdown or gorging down turkey on Christmas Day. The annual Christmas pub crawl with friends is fast becoming a custom in itself and I might even start to call it a tradition. When you think about a tradition as a belief or behaviour that holds symbolic meaning or special significance - meeting up with friends in the local pub, or two, to drink beer unquestionably holds a fuzzy good feeling in my heart. That’s symbolic enough for me. This year’s Exposed beer bloggers’ crawl took in the sights of some firm favourites, plus a couple of new beery players – Anchorage and Lucky Fox. Follow the festive pub crawl with local barflies Wee Beefy and Jules at: food-drink/beer-revere-blog.

the Brothers Arms The ReadeR: Andy Mastin, proprietor @ Vintedge448 Why is This ‘yOuR LOcaL’? “It’s a great new boozer on the doorstep which has regular live music and quality beers on.” FavOuRiTe TippLe: Wheat beers such as Saltaire’s Amarillo Gold (4.4%) The LOcaL: The Brothers Arms, overlooking Heeley Park, is the newly acquired pub of Sheffield’s ukulele fanatics - The Everly Pregnant Brothers. Combining their interest in ale and gig earnings, you can guarantee regular first-rate live music nights. Add into the mix a cosy open fire, Brother’s Pale (4%) brewed by Bradfield on one of the six hand pulls, and it’ll be difficult not to go back again (and again). A spacious outside terrace provides an ideal suppin’ spot in the summer and room for bonfires in the winter season. Ales on offer include Blue Bee’s Lustin’ For Stout and Saltaire’s South Island Pale in addition to guests from the likes of Pictish and Raw. The interior is reassuringly relaxed and classic with black and white check flooring, wood panelling and an all-important dartboard. Food offerings are kept tasty and simple with homemade sarnies (salami, blue cheese and gherkin with mustard mayo) and pork pies (smoked cheddar and Henderson’s relish).

106 Well Road, s8 9TZ


food review

418 ecclesall Rd, s11 8pJ 0114 280828.

The PLace Big burgers and pulled pork sarnies are very much the “in thing” at the moment - but Yankees on Ecclesall Road has been serving up the best of US-style diner cuisine to Sheffielders for well over thirty years now. Their highly regarded reputation was clear as we walked through the doors on a Monday evening to find a lively atmosphere with not many tables spare – perhaps influenced by their offer of 10 wings for £2.50 and bottle of beer for £1.99. Not much to argue with there. The Food Despite the wings and Budweiser combination looking very tempting, we were in it for the long haul today. My partner and I, both ravenous and struggling to choose a starter, opted for a bit of everything with the combo platter starter. A bit of everything indeed, as the dish arrived with a selection of ribs, chicken wings, potato skins and onion rings. I particularly enjoyed the reassuringly spicy and surprisingly crispy chicken wings, but it was the soft, chewy ribs which stole the show. For the main, I could look no further than the splendid selection of flame-grilled burgers. I’d previously heard stories about the famed Yankees cheese sauce, so I felt bound, nay, compelled to order the BBQ ranch burger which contained the aforementioned along with pulled pork, onion rings and BBQ sauce. The missus, also bowing to the burger, opted for the super deluxe with smoked bacon and cheese sauce. I can happily report that the cheese sauce lived up to the hype – it was sensational. I dipped my chips in it, and then rubbed my burger in it; I’d bathe in the stuff

if I could! The fries were top notch and the burgers tasted as delicious as they looked. Wiping a slight meat sweat from the brow, we decided that we couldn’t possibly have any room for dessert… or could we? Argh! The lovely Yankees staff persuaded us otherwise and, before we knew it, a vanilla and chocolate ice cream sundae sat in front of us with glazed doughnuts, further ice cream, and hot fudge sauce to supplement. Even though we were already stuffed, we both enjoyed the dessert dishes – though we couldn’t quite finish it all! It was the perfect way to end a mammoth meal. The VerdicT You can certainly see why Yankees has been going for so long! With their friendly service and lively, entertaining atmosphere, you would hedge a bet that the venue will be swinging for years to come.

Opening Times: Monday: 5.00pm—10pm. Tuesday - Thursday: 11.45am—10pm. Friday & Saturday: 11.45am—11pm. Sunday: 11.45am—10pm

66 | For more listings and reviews, head to

For more listings and reviews, head to | 67

t For more listings and reviews, head to food review

Waga Relaunch

Noodle Doodle

34 Trippet Lane, 0114 272 7688 Pan-Asian favourite Wagamama is getting a stylish re-launch this December. The Meadowhall branch of the popular restaurant is relocating upstairs to Cafe Rouge’s old spot - resulting in a much larger and spacious dining area. The restaurant will host updated interiors, a fantastic open kitchen and seat 146 people in booths on the iconic Wagamama communal benches. “We’re so excited about our brand new look at Meadowhall, and to be able to open our doors just in time for Christmas!” said general manager Dave Gibbon. “We’re looking forward to welcoming Wagamama fans old and new who want to come and say hello to us upstairs. We are already taking bookings for Christmas fun - so remember to bag your space in advance!” The newly located Wagamama is expected to re-launch around the beginning of December, along with their new winter menu which is packed full of warming dishes including the spicy Surendra’s Curry and the sticky, melt-inthe-mouth Banana Katsu dessert. See for more.

Keeping it Steel As anniversaries go, forty years is a special milestone for an event, so fair play to Sheffield CAMRA for keeping the faith and continuing the Steel City Beer Festival all these years. A timely and well-chosen shift in venue to the Kelham Island Industrial Museum earned an epic increase in beer loving attendees over the four days. Fingers crossed next year the beer order grows to meet the response. As part of the festival, all cask ales were eligible to be judged in the annual ‘champion beer’ competition on the opening night. Covering porters, stouts, speciality, bitters and more (following CAMRA’s Champion Beer of Britain categories) the overall champion beer went to Thornbridge’s collaborative brew with chocolate specialists Cocoa Wonderland. The self-titled porter was a luxurious, weighty and rich chocolate porter (6.8%). The award will be presented at Thornbridge Hall this month. For all the champion beers including category winners head to: 68 | For more listings and reviews, head to

The PLace Taking residence in the legendary former Cubana building on Trippet Lane, Noodle Doodle certainly have big shoes to fill. This was the city centre’s hottest property on the market - and the guys from Noodle Doodle have certainly kitted it out nicely. The modern Asian interior is stylish and welcoming and the menu is diverse featuring Cantonese, Szechuan, North Eastern Chinese and Malaysian cuisines. The Food Ok, so the menu is seriously huge, and sometimes this can be to a restaurant’s detriment - so we were intrigued to see if this was a case of the old “jack of all trades” analogy. To investigate the theory, we greedily decided to opt for a wide selection of styles. Our smorgasbord of starters included extremely tasty spring rolls, mouth-wateringly moreish salt and pepper chicken, and the best Dim Sum style prawn dumplings and the best roast pork buns I’ve had outside of London’s China Town. This was a great way to start and, considering the very good portion sizes, we still had room for plenty more. Now, I pride myself on my ability to eat anything. Not much scares me (I ate snail eggs once), so I went for a bit of a menu roulette approach for the mains. The

Opening Times: 11am - 10pm

dried pork fat ends with chilli instantly drew me in and, when they arrived, I immediately realised they were not what I expected. I thought ‘Fat Ends’ would be some kind of pork crackling in chilli, but oh no, It was only dried pig’s intestine! The crispy circles of offal were an absolute revelation - and the Szechuan chilli seasoning was intense and delicious. I will 100% order this again. Our journey continued with the exceptional steamed king prawns in garlic with sweet potato noodles. The ‘shell on’ prawns were cooked to perfection and the savoury and aromatic garlic coating gave the crustaceans a sensational lift. Finally, a traditional Malaysian laksa curried noodle soup ended our mains selection. The broth was bold and intense and filled to the brim with melt in the mouth pork, chicken, prawns, tofu and soft egg noodles. The VerdicT These days, Sheffield has a wealth of Chinese restaurants. There are some great examples… and some pretty ropey ones. Noodle Doodle certainly fit in the great category. The diverse menu boasts a wealth of delights for both the novice and the aficionado that enter their doors. To some Noodle Doodle up Master’s they are, Jacks they certainly are not.



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santa Baby

We have good news for you cheeky little elves – this month, online, Pickled Pair will show you how to create the coolest of yules without even having to venture north of the Parkway. A little bit vintage, a dash of the homemade and a whole lot of local, she’ll be talking trees, simple and edible decorations, perfect festive food and where to get it - all in celebration of a visit from the big jolly man. Not forgetting - and if you do, expect instant relegation from cool yule to gooseberry fool some seriously impressive wrapping that will make your best friend want to accidentally throw themselves under the tree. @Pickled_Pair.

Make The Most Of It! The best seasonal produce and where to get it in Sheffield by @Pickled_Pair. Get them at all good greengrocers and your granddad’s allotment.

Chestnuts Tell me more: Oh, rich, nutty chestnuts. Who couldn’t love them? A crisp, cold day and a handful of hot freshly roasted chestnuts, stuffed into your pockets, make for the perfect park walk. Chestnuts are no flash in the pan though, they work beautifully with brussels, and you should check out my blog for the most delicious and simple chestnut and chocolate torte. Where do i get it: Barra Organics, Moor Market, S1; Porterbrook Deli, 354 Sharrowvale Road, S11 (stocks the most delicious marrons glacés and chestnut puree) Pomegranate Tell me more: For me, this is the fruit of the season. Still growing wild in Iran, and with a medieval looking leathery skin, these rubyred, glistening jewels will add a pop of sweet-sharp flavour to most things. Use them in salads - especially good with salty feta and fennel – sprinkle into Persian inspired stews, and use the juice and seeds for a gloriously festive gin cocktail. Also the star ingredient of real Grenadine syrup. Tip: forget picking the seeds out with a cocktail stick: just cut in half, hold upside-down and bash the outside with a wooden spoon. Where do i get it: Nethergreens, 235 Oakbrook Rd, S11; Filthy Gorgeous, 322 Abbeydale Road, S7; StarmoreBoss, 257 Sharrowvale Road, S11 (for Grenadine syrup and all things cocktail). Cures and Smokes from JH Mann Tell me more: In the run up to Christmas, Mann’s is a sight for sore eyes. Lined up on big wooden boards you’ll find side after side of delicious smoked and cured salmons. Hendos, beetroot, treacle and lemongrass have all made an appearance. New for this year too, a fabulous little eat-in shell-fish bar. Pop next door to StarmoreBoss for a glass of the fizzy stuff, and then take a pew for some spectacularly fresh and sustainable seafood. Where do i get it: JH Mann Fishmonger, 261 Sharrowvale Road, S11. Read more tips and treats online at 70 | For more listings and reviews, head to

Napoleons owlerton 17 Livesey streethillsborough,s6 2BL 0114 285 5566 The PLace Recently undergoing a whopping £2 million refurb, including a brand new restaurant and outdoor gaming terrace, Napoleons Casino Owlerton offers the ultimate night out for those wishing to enjoy a dining experience with a difference. Offering both classic and modern cuisine, in luxurious surroundings, they’re renowned for quality service and top-end tucker… and tonight, we’re dining in style. The Food Naps’ Dine in Style package offers sensational value at just £22 – which gets you a 3 course meal, drink on arrival and a £5 gaming chip. The sweet and sticky spare ribs immediately caught my eye to start – meaty and moreish, they were perfectly complemented by the house take on a Waldorf salad. For my partner, it was all about the beer battered cod, chips and mushy peas. A quirky starter that worked well with a pickled onion salad. For my main, the jerk seasoned red snapper fillet had to sampled.

Crisp on the outside, with tender flesh that fell apart at the touch, it was an inventive number that was made even tastier with the addition of king prawn coconut rice. Highly recommended. I’ve never experienced a bad steak at Naps – and I’m pleased to report they once again delivered to the highest level with my other half’s choice of the chargrilled sirloin. Cooked to medium rare perfection, it arrived with roasted winter roots and a stunning real ale and shallot reduction. To finish, we just missed out on our first choice of the seasonal warm pumpkin pie with bonfire toffee sauce – so it was a fine selection of European cheeses with celery, fruit and biscuits. Lovely stuff. The VerdicT They’ve never been ones to rest on their laurels at Naps – and, with the recent improvements, they continue to go from strength to strength. Whilst many come here to gamble, on the food front, it’s always a safe bet.

Opening Times: MONDAY: Open from 11.30am until 5.30pm. TUESDAY - FRIDAY: Open from 11.30am until 9pm SATURDAY: Open from 5.30pm until 10.30pm

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Rob Jones is the brains behind a new gin being made right here in Sheffield. Rachel Heward took one for the team and headed along to his distillery for a sample.

What would you do if you were given a grand by your university? Thanks to being awarded the £1000 Heller Bursary at Sheffield Hallam University, Robert Jones has begun distilling his own gin. It was Robert’s experience as a barman and passion for mixology that inspired him to apply for the bursary to achieve his aim of creating the “perfect gin for a martini”. Heading over to the Stancill Brewery in Kelham Island and nipping past the stacks of kegs, I found Rob in a small room upstairs where the scent of mixed spices and botanicals gave the hops from downstairs a run for their money. “You should have smelt the first batch - it was like a curry house,” Rob says, whilst tending to an impressive looking handmade copper sill. Rob used the money to buy this from Portugal, which is the only place that makes them. The rest

was for the other equipment, botanicals and ingredients which range from the widely used juniper and cardamom to a secret mixture native to the local area and the Peak District. Although there is a Sheffield based company selling gin made in a London distillery, this is the first gin to actually be distilled in the area for over 100 years. Rob hopes this venture will produce a “proper Sheffield gin”. The process involves using already distilled neutral spirits and then adding botanicals and boiling - allowing them to infuse. By using spirits which are already distilled, there is no chance of spontaneously making methanol, which means no chance of accidentally blinding us. Which is good. With the capacity to make up to 20 bottles a day, the process is all about starting slowly and experimenting with flavours and botanicals to achieve the perfect balance. This only being the second batch, Rob warned it was far from complete and that the first lot was too “woody”. Straight from the sill, the gin was watered down (it comes out 90% proof) ready for tasting. Expecting the harsh burn that’s often accompanied with neat gin, I was pleasantly surprised by how smooth it was, with spicy and savoury flavours

coming through. According to Rob, it’s not bad, but not quite there. He insists several more batches will be made and a few more (secret) ingredients will be tried until it’s ready. So, will this be for sale? Not enough is being produced just yet for that, but it’s likely that eventually you’ll find some in the Forum Café Bars venues where Rob’s employed. Watch this space.

To find out more about the Heller Bursary, head to 72 | For more listings and reviews, head to

Ch e Cr ra our ck o af ng ne u tB e w t ott of led UK be er s

SHAKESPEARES LISTINGS Thursday 27Th - sunday 30Th november Shakespeares Autumn Craft Beer Festival Thursday 4Th december The Glory Strokes Christmas Ceilidh. £5 entry on the door, sunday 7Th The Henty Gansberg Band - £TBC

Voted Sheffield Camra Pub of the Year 2013 Cask ales on rotation (over 2000 in less then 3 years), Over 125 whiskies, wide range of rums, gins, vodkas and ciders.

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monday 8Th Toffee - Music hall and vaudeville extravaganza in the Bard’s Bar. £3 (donated to Weston Park Cancer Charity) Thursday 11Th The Eurosession Christmas Dance - festive edition of the monthly European folk dancing social. Friday 12Th Green City Blues - Festive Blues dancing for tis the season to be jolly. And blues and jolliness are totally compatible. £5 saTurday 13Th The King Bee Rhythm And Blues Club. The usual combo of guest and house DJs bring the year to a fitting close, spinning the finest 50’s and 60’s r&b with a smattering of rockabilly and rock and roll and an air of mod sensibility. £4. Get there early to ensure entry! sunday 14Th The Rheingans Sisters Concert and Bal - A rare chance to catch this dynamic, talented and engaging sibling folk duo performing together. £6, daytime fiddle workshop £10. Thursday 18Th Folk@Shakespeares presents: The Black Hares & Friends Christmas bash. £TBC Wednesday 31sT Shakespeares Hogmanay - take advantage of our extensive and varied selection of single malt Scotch (and Irish and more) and see in 2014 Shakespeares style. Free entry.

For more listings and reviews, head to

Getting Historical

ToP PicKS Sheffield Landscapes in Print

Get inquisitive this December and explore some of the history that Sheffield has to offer. museum of Weird and Wonderful natural history

Alfred Denny Building, University of Sheffield // 6 December 10am. The Alfred Denny Museum was established in 1905 and houses some of the most bizarre and intriguing specimens that Mother Nature has come up with. Highlights include a large spirit collection of animals stored in alcohol and complete, fully articulated skeletons of various vertebrates and rare glass lantern slides. Open to the public once a month, the tour is the perfect Saturday morning, if delving into the strange side of natural history sounds like your thing. There are only twenty five places per tour, so make sure to book early.

Millennium Gallery // 13 December 10.30am-4.30pm. Come along to the Millennium Gallery to learn how to stencil screen print. Using the sights of Sheffield and it’s surroundings as your inspiration there’s no telling what masterpieces you can create with the medium. The workshop is open to everyone and with no printing experience required, it’s perfect for beginners to get stuck into. To help stir those Sheffield inspired creative juices you should bring some images in on the day to work from. Entry to the hands on workshop is £45, with materials and everything you need provided.

nether edge Farmers market

Nether Edge // 7 December 12pm-4pm. Sunday the 7th of December sees the Farmer’s market once again cramming the streets of Nether Edge with market stalls peddling all kinds of food, crafts and locally made products. With over eighty local businesses taking part, there’s always plenty to see and enjoy, and the usual live music keeps the atmosphere lively.

Sheffield makers Fair

a Pocket history of Sheffield Theatre

Sheffield City Centre // 10 December 11am. There’s plenty to see and hear about Sheffield’s early forays into theatre, and this tour will have you visiting all their early locations, such as The Assembly Rooms and the 1st Theatre Royal, while being regaled with tales of the architects, theatre managers and the stars that trod the boards. Best of all, everything is within a few hundred metres of Tudor Square! If you’re sick of all the Christmas panto, take a break and find out where it all started in Sheffield. Tickets are £5.

Traces of empire: decoration and design in roman Britain

Weston Park Museum // All through December 10am-4pm. If your knowledge of jewellery in Roman Britain is sorely lacking, then it’s time to swot up at Weston Park Museum with their latest exhibition focusing on the Roman-esque decoration and design that flooded through Britain following the 43 AD invasion. There’s a load to see, with numerous archaeological finds from Museums Sheffield’s collections on display and some interesting insight into the way trade and invasion influenced the style of a nation.

74 | For more listings and reviews, head to

St Marys Church // 6 December 10am-4pm. The very first Sheffield Makers Fair will be abuzz with artisan action as forty stalls of accomplished Northern designers and artists peddle their wares. With everything from jewellery and ceramics to painting and drawing, there’s sure to be something to interest you, and it’s even a chance to get a head start on the ol’ Christmas shopping. There will also be delicious home-made food available all day from the St. Mary’s café. Entry is £1 for adults, children get in free.

For more listings and reviews, head to

Alan Davies is returning to the stage, where he first cut his teeth, to perform his new stand-up show; Little Victories. Teela Clayton caught up with him to talk his new show and his lovely locks. He’s solved crimes as Jonathan Creek, challenged Stephen Fry’s witty intellect on the über brainy QI, and fronted a hilarious unscripted show featuring some of my comedy heroes. Now Alan Davies is returning to the stage to perform his new stand-up show; Little Victories. I caught up with the man with the loveliest locks in showbiz to find out how he does it all whilst maintaining a frizz-free do… The title of your latest tour, Little victories is taken from an anecdote involving your blackcurrant jam hating dad and your 9 year old self. When did you first realise you had a gift for comedy? It wasn’t really until I was a teenager and I started doing some stuff when I was at college. I think I used to make my mum laugh when I was little, but it was absolutely dormant until I’d done a bit of acting and a bit of mucking about in drama class. I’d always loved comedy and sitcoms and anything that made you laugh, like joke books and all the rest of it. so did you consider becoming an actor first or did comedy pull you firmly in

that direction? Well both I think. I did a drama degree because I wanted to be an actor but I wanted to go to university as well. I was always thinking about doing my own writing as well and I’ve ended up doing some of both. I couldn’t just be an actor; I don’t think I can handle all the rejection and all the waiting for someone to give you a gig. The thing about comedy is you make your own content, get your own gigs and do everything by yourself. It gives you the chance to earn a living and be selfsufficient. and how did being a stand-up comedian come about? Well I wanted to do comedy when I was at university with friends and get a little sketch thing going; you imagine it’ll be like Rik Mayall and Ade Edmonson. But most of the people I met, we couldn’t quite get a rapport going or I just found them a bit lazy. Then it occurred to me in my final year at uni that there was a chance to do standup. I became aware there was a comedy circuit growing in the 80s in London and it was good timing for me really. I spent 5

76 | For more listings and reviews, head to

years on the comedy circuit. I think doing stand-up again, (I had 10 years away from it) I feel like I’m back to my roots really and it’s what I do best. how has your audience changed in that time? Well they’re a bit older. A lot of them have grown up with me but some people who come now have no idea I ever did stand-up and they’re QI fans. We get quite a big age range and that’s possibly because QI is popular across all those age ranges. It’s quite fun when people in the audience don’t know you as a stand-up and it’s a bit of an eye opener for them. is the alan davies we see on stage the real you, or after all these years as an actor, do you think it’s a bit of a persona you put on? Well it’s closer to me than anything else, but the real me… I’ve got a 3 and 4 year old, so the real me is thinking about them. When I woke up in my hotel room this morning I heard a noise and I thought I was at home; I thought there was someone in the house or it was one of the kids, then I realised I’m in Ipswich and the kids are a hundred miles away. does your tour material come from being a father? is it quite an organic process and how do you find the time with two tidgy people kicking about? Well you have to make the time. Much of it is about being a father and my elderly father who is not well. I called the last show ‘Life is Pain’- that came from an anecdote about a little girl who said that to her mum after being told off, which I thought was funny - and I wanted to call this show ‘Sex is Pain’ which comes from an anecdote about trying to impress my now wife; she’s 12 years younger than me and I couldn’t really keep it up, if you pardon the expression. But then my promoter in Australia said ‘we’re not sure you’ll get the right audience’. So we settled on ‘Little Victories’. That refers to getting

For more listings and reviews, head to one over on my Dad. I cover quite a lot; a couple of hours on stage and it’s certainly not all about me and Dad. how do your kids feel about seeing you on the telly? do they know what dad does for a living? They haven’t seen me on the telly! My little girl has picked up that I do a show. She asked me, ‘do you do a proper show or is it just a talking show?’ A proper show has dressing up and songs and things. She has asked a couple of times who Jonathan Creek is. What about your podcast, how did you come up with the name The Tuesday club? The Tuesday Club refers to the drinking club at the Arsenal in the 80s and 90s, in the Tony Adams era. They used to go out on a Tuesday and get absolutely pissed in the afternoon and all night. Lots of Arsenal supporters who are older know what the Tuesday Club is. Ironically, I’m coming to the end of a whole year of not having a drink, so I’m certainly not a Tuesday Clubber at the moment. so there’ll be no popping to the Tuesday club at the Foundry? do you get chance to see much of the places you’re touring? It’s very much get here, do a show, if I stay the night I rarely leave the hotel. If it’s a town I haven’t been to I might get out but I find doing the show quite knackering. Who’s been your favourite guest so far on ‘as yet untitled’ and who would you like to have on? I really liked having Marcus Brigstocke on and also Jason Byrne. Apart from them being nice blokes and very funny, they’ve done so many other interesting jobs before they were stand-ups so they have loads of stories. What future events are you excited about? I’ve got various bits of work lined up, more stand up dates next year; New Zealand, Amsterdam, Antwerp; English speaking audiences I’m assured! Then hopefully a sitcom with Jo Brand for Sky next year so that’ll be fun. and finally, from one curly haired person to another, how do you keep your hair looking so lovely? You have to use the right tooth of comb, the right amount of conditioner and whatever your favourite product is, then you have to keep your fingers crossed. There can only be a slight change in the atmospheric pressure and you’re absolutely in ruins. i hear that, alan. Alan performed Little Victories at the City Hall on Thurs Nov 27. For more city hall events go to For more listings and reviews, head to | 77

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lThe position of these house couldn’t be better: just where you want to be convenient for both Universities in a very popular student area. lBright and cheerful with fresh decoration, new carpets and modern furniture. lWith a modern kitchen and bathroom lA separate cosy living area with modern sofas and coffee table. lAll rooms have double beds, matching beech effect furniture.

llarge, bright traditional Victorian terraced houses. Really well situated for bus routes and local amenities. lAll bedrooms are a really nice size all with modern beech effect matching furniture. lA modern kitchen and a nice bright homely living room recently carpeted and decorated. lA modern bathroom with both bath and overhead electric shower

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l A fantastic big well maintained house in a really great position opposite Tescos. l Six excellent double bedrooms all with matching beech effect furniture, l Two modern bathrooms both with showers! l A large modern fitted kitchen with washer drier, two fridge/freezers etc. l Separate large living area with modern comfy sofas, dining table and chairs l Nicely furnished and decorated throughout. A much bigger house than average and convenient for everything you need.

l A bright and cheerful flat situated in a great part of Ecclesall Road. l A particularly good bright, three large bedroom flat with a large modern well equipped kitchen/diner l A large living room nicely decorated l A modern bathroom with both bath and overhead electric shower. l Three great bedrooms all doubles with great matching bedroom furniture etc.

l A really great house in an excellent location just of Ecclesall Road. l l arge bright cheerful bedrooms throughout. l Freshly painted, with new carpets, modern furniture and double beds. l Two separate bathrooms both with bath and overhead electric shower. l Large kitchen with all mod cons. A separate living room with modern sofas and furnishings.

l Recently totally refurbished and well maintained throughout l Modern fully equipped fitted kitchen l A separate cheerful living room. l Three/four really good sized double bedrooms l A modern bathroom with bath and overhead electric shower.

l A fabulous well maintained modern big house in the best part of Broomhill. l Large living room with sofas, modern dining table and chairs. l A fantastic brand new modern fully equipped kitchen. l Six excellent sized bedrooms nicely decorated with matching beech effect furniture. l Two modern bathrooms both with showers and WCs. Large, bright and cheerful throughout and very well maintained

l A very popular large Victorian terrace house, just off Ecclesall Road l Good sized living room with glass door opening to the garden - ideal for BBQs. l A newly installed fully fitted kitchen of a great size with all mod cons l Five double bedrooms, nicely decorated, carpeted and furnished l A modern bathroom with both bath/overhead electric shower, WC l A further separate WC and shower room.

l This Victorian terraced house is in a great position. l Three large bright bedrooms bright modern kitchen separate living rooms with modern sofas l brand new bathroom with bath and electric shower a nice clean and bright well maintained house well popular.

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l a lovely flat at the heart of Ecclesall Road is this unusual and bright duplex t l wo bright double bedrooms both with double beds and matching furniture l a large bright well equipped open plan kitchen which opens onto the large living room with exposed red brick walls and modern trendy sofas

l Recently fully modernised, carpeted and decorated throughout l Great bathroom comprising modern bath with overhead electric shower. l Large new modern open-plan kitchen with all mod cons l Lovely modern living room which has new modern sofas and decorations. l All bedrooms are a good size and have matching beech effect furniture l Bright and cheerful with fresh decoration throughout in a well located area.

l A very popular house in a brilliant position on Ecclesall Road. l Lovely well established gardens to the front, side and rear l large bright living room with sofas, dining table and chairs l A large bright fully fitted kitchen with breakfast bar area l Seven bright and cheerful double bedrooms all with matching furniture l Two full sized modern fresh bathrooms

lA huge really well maintained house in the heart of Broomhill - ideal for student life & study. lAn extremely large front facing living room, nicely decorated with new sofas and carpets and pictures. lfantastic kitchen with dining area with washer drier and dishwasher etc lSeven double bedrooms with modern matching beech effect furniture. lTwo bathrooms and a further guest WC lA fantastic garden. So spacious you may need a map for the first few weeks!!!

l A well maintained Victorian terrace property in a very popular area l Totally redecorated throughout makes the house bright & cheerful. l A large fully equipped kitchen and separate living room, nicely decorated, l A large bathroom with bath/overhead electric shower and a separate WC. l All bedrooms are doubles with matching beech effect furniture. l A much bigger house than it looks well worth a viewing!


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Fans of comedian Jon Richardson can breathe an enormous sigh of relief - he has no intention of giving up stand-up comedy… ever. “I’ll be doing stand-up for the rest of my life,” says the Lancashire lad and 8 Out of 10 Cats captain. “The opportunities that it grants you can’t be denied. Stand-up is both the hardest thing I do and the thing I enjoy most. There’s no fooling anyone – it’s the purest possible art-form.” The comedian reckons that for him nothing beats the experience of touring. “I love being on tour. The question I always struggle with is, ‘what don’t you like about touring?’ I love it all – the hotels, the new towns, the new restaurants, finding things to do during the day of a show. I love all that.” The great news is we’ll now be able to enjoy Jon’s tour as much as he does - as he hits Sheffield this month with new show ‘Nidiot’ in tow. “A ‘nidiot’ is something different from an idiot. An idiot is someone whose problems are caused by not concentrating enough. A ‘nidiot’ is someone who makes his life more complicated by thinking too much rather than not enough. I’m not an idiot, but I’m definitely a ‘nidiot’!” Jon reveals that the show majors on the idea of how a perennial singleton and misanthrope is determined to turn into a more easygoing person for the sake of his friends and his future health. He urges people to come and see if the leopard can change its spots - or whether he’s doomed to be eternally furious about the fact that he was not born with a more symmetrical fur pattern. “The main theme of ‘Nidiot’ is being happy. Because I now live with my girlfriend, this is the first time I’ve gone on tour as a happy person. The show is about me looking back and realising that nothing was really wrong - I created problems for myself by over-thinking things. For instance, I railed against the idea of relationships without understanding that 99 per cent of people go into relationships because they make you happy. As soon as I stopped fighting, I felt like a fish that had given up wriggling Catch Jon at Sheffield City Hall on December 7. Tickets are £19.50, see www. for more.

Exposed Meets Jon Richardson.

in a net.” The turning point came on holiday when a group of Jon’s friends persuaded him to join them on a day trip on a speedboat. “In the past, I wouldn’t have touched a speedboat in a foreign country with a bargepole. High-speed mechanical equipment you could die on was not my idea of fun. But that day I came to the realisation that I hadn’t been happy for the last ten years because I’d thought too much about risks rather than putting on my swimming trunks and just having fun. Now, I fight less, but I tut a lot more.” Even so, Jon admits he was worried that this was not his natural comic voice… “People associate me with being pernickety and down. In the past, I was guilty of keeping myself like that just to maintain my comic persona. That was insanity. But I’m not that type of comedian anymore.

Win, Win, Win!

“Comedically, nothing has changed in this show. I may have a girlfriend, but I still shout at the TV and at the squirrels in my garden. Actually, the list of things I shout at is even longer now.” Happiness has, if anything, made Jon an even better comedian and he’s certainly keen to accentuate the positive. “My relationship has given me a focus outside comedy which I’ve never had before. My 20s were incredibly careerdriven - but there are times now when I even forget I’m a comedian. That’s essential for my mental health. I shouldn’t still be working out how to be misanthropic singleton comic when I’m 60. I should have moved on by then. I feel I may have betrayed people by being in a relationship and being happy… but hopefully they’ll still come to see me and love the show.”

We’ve got 3 copies of Jon’s ‘Nidiot’ DVD to give away. To be in with a shout of winning, have a dabble at this: JOn is a Team capTain On Which Tv shOW? a) 8 OuT OF 10 caTs B) 2 OuT OF 3 ain’T Bad c) 3 sTeps TO heaven Enter online at

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Top picks

Giggle Aid 2014

The annual Red Cross comedy fundraiser and Christmas celebration rolls back into Sheffield for its sixth instalment on Sunday December 14. This year, Giggle Aid is boasting its best line up ever, with standout stars including Alfie Moore, Tom Binns, Christian Reilly and Sully O’Sullivan returning with oodles of critical acclaim and five star reviews under their belts. There’ll also be appearances by the one line wizard Gary Delaney, the ‘Sinhaman’ Paul Sinha and comedy veteran Simon Bligh. Seated cabaret style, it’s sure to be an intimate evening of raucous comedy that’ll leave your split-sides in a right sorry state; and all for a good cause! Tickets are £20 per person. Visit for more information.

Dave Gorman

Sheffield City Hall // December 6 The delightfully inventive comedy genius of Dave Gorman takes to the stage of Sheffield City Hall with his brand new live show Dave Gorman Gets Straight to the Point* (*The PowerPoint) ….with a PowerPoint presentation. Known for his imaginative story-telling methods, Gorman twists the dull meeting room staple into something ridiculous and side-splitting. You won’t need to take notes, and hopefully you won’t be tested on it later. A uniquely hilarious evening that you do not want to miss! www.

Last Laugh comedy club

Sheffield Memorial Hall // December 4 // £17 Taking the stage for the infamous Last Laugh Comedy Club this December alongside the irreplaceable Toby Foster is Justin Moorhouse, whose ridiculously affable and high energy performance will see him bouncing off the walls and the audience rolling in the aisles. Joining Justin will be musical jokester Christian Reilly and the brilliantly funny Rich Wilson. With food available on the night and later boogie opportunity at Foxy’s cheesy disco, it’s sure to be another top neet. 82 | For more listings and reviews, head to

Russell Howard

Sheffield Motorpoint Arena // December 19 // £30 A regular on BBC2’s Mock the Week and host and creator of his own Russell Howard’s Good News, Russell Howard returns to Sheffield’s Motorpoint Arena for an extended date having sold out his Wonderbox tour around the UK earlier in the year. Delivering more hilariously upbeat and razor sharp comedy, Howard fires out gag after gag, and has been known before to choose members of the audience as targets. Do not miss it this time around as the world class comedian gets back on stage, doing what he does best. www.motorpointarenasheffield.

Funhouse comedy club

New Barrack Tavern // December 7 // £5 It’s a Chrimbo Special at the Funhouse Comedy club, and they’ve got some very special names in store as an early gift. The talented Dan Nightingale comes well equipped with some brilliant and well-crafted stories, whilst the zany Wes Zaharuk takes the stage with his uniquely entertaining and oddball comedic eye. Also on the bill are Phil Reid, Wayne Beese and Chris Washington, you lucky sods.

A wide range of real homemade meals on offer 12pm - 8pm Monday - Saturday Traditional Sunday Roasts with homemade Yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes from 12pm - 5pm Pie Night every Thursday from 5pm Pies can be made to order, send request before 6pm Wednesday Check us out on Facebook for the Pies available this week Relax in our famous Tap Room with real log fire Tuesday Night Quiz Thursday Night Noughts and Crosses Quiz Bowling green open to our Social Members Saturday 13th December: Wide Partin’ Martin’s Charity Event - in aid of ACROSS // Saturday 20th December: Irish You a Merry Christmas Party with Whiskey In the Jar // Wednesday 24th December: Christmas Family Quiz // Wednesday 31st December : New Years Eve Party - Tickets Only // ChRISTMAS BOOkINgS TAkEN uP TO 23RD DECEMBER

‘The True Family Friendly Pub’

944 Chesterfield Road Sheffield, S8 0SH Tel: 0114 274 5374

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starry starry nigHt

Twinkling-Like-Stars are hosting a celebration party on December 5 - complete with original music, and poetry and dedicated to our fair Steel City. Twinkling-Like-Stars is a project celebrating Sheffield and seven special individuals that have helped shape the Steel City over the past 70 years - exploring the lives and passions of each person. The celebration party, which will take place at Hagglers Corner on Queens Road, will feature live musical performances from the likes of Frank White, Ryan Freebury, Andrea King and The BearCats - as well as comedy from the fantastic Bobby Knutt. Admission is free so there’s no excuse not to revel in this evening of Sheffield history.

spring back

be square

Sheffield-based producer Squarehead (AKA Oliver Ledger) was recently given the opportunity to develop his dream EP at Red Bull Studios. The widely praised star spent time in the London studio space, which is regularly used by the likes of Jessie Ware, to collaborate with some of the UK’s top vocalists and take an alternative direction to sample based tunes. It was also the very first time Squarehead had ever worked with vocalists - and he was able to create three tracks with the sublime trio of Jenna G, Lauren Faith and Terri Walker. The tracks will be released on Monday December 8 and made freely available. Influenced by the Sheffield bassline and grime scene, and also playing across garage, house and disco, Squarehead has supported Eats Everything, B.Traits and Maya Jane Coles – as well as receiving support from fellow Sheffield star Toddla T, Annie Mac, Skream and many more. With Sheffield running through his blood, the keen Wednesday fan is already a familiar figure in the city’s thriving music scene - and his new EP and collaboration with Red Bull Studios further augments his standing both locally and nationally. Check out for more.

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Back in t’day, Wednesdays Walkley way were all about the jam sesh at The Springvale. Special times. For various reasons, the jam then moved to The Punch Bowl in Crookes. Recently though, the guys went back to their roots – meaning Can U Jam now takes place, once again, every Wednesday at The Springvale. Don’t question it – just do it!


WHERE: pluG WHEn: DeCember 12 Grounded are taking over Plug to deliver a night of unadulterated Garage and Bassline, with sets from three current powerhouses of the scene. Denham Audio will take the helm first, catapulting the evening into the stratosphere with their solid blending of techno, garage and deep house that’s sure to get those limbs nice and warmed up. Next up is Woz - who delves into the depths of bass music and comes up with something that will make those gurning faces do a double take. Finally, Cause & Affect will take the night to a glorious finish with their inventive blending of tech house with garage and bassline that has caught the attention of the likes of Rinse FM and BBC Radio 1.

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Top picks old skool Takeover

OneNineTwo // December 5 After smashing it last year in Sheffield, Steve Sutherland is joined by DJ Greg Robinson and more to put on an ultimate old skool takeover. There’s two floors of party classics – so, if you’re looking to go back to the good ‘ol days, then get down to bar ONENINETWO and dance the night away. £5,

cabaret cavalcade

dog on

Ecclessall Road has been home to the snazzy Pointing Dog for a while now - dazzling guests with stylish grub, exquisite cocktails and an exclusive clubhouse vibe. Now, the classy clubhouse is proud to announce that their late licence has been granted - and the merriment can now last until 1am on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Dubbing it their ‘witching hour’, the Pointing Dog Clubhouse welcome regulars and newcomers alike to come enjoy the refined atmosphere in their New York tavern bar for an extra sixty minutes! For menus and information, visit

The Washington // December 4 Where can you enjoy premium quality cabaret in Sheffield for the princely sum of nowt. We’ll tell you where - The Washy! Cabaret Cavalcade is the brainchild of uber-entertainer Warren Peace – who once again brings everything from magic and burlesque to music and song to the Wellington St watering hole this month. Get involved from 8.30pm onwards and be sure to find the night on Facebook for more.

The king Bee Rhythm And Blues club

Shakespeares // December 13 The usual combo of guest and house DJs bring the year to a fitting close - spinning the finest 50’s and 60’s RnB with a smattering of rockabilly and rock and roll and an air of mod sensibility. Always rammed with wonderful people, get there early to ensure entry. £4,

The Tuesday club

Octagon // December 9 UKG stalwart, broken beat fanatic, dub connoisseur. Dave Jones has been a TTC regular for many years - and this month sees his last Sheffield set before he retires from DJing. With a 3hr journey through his many aliases and influences, this is set to be a very special evening. £6/7,

Lavish Friday’s

a dolpHin’s tale

Sheffield’s own musical maestros Boy on a Dolphin return to the City Hall on December 17 for possibly the biggest festive concert of the year. Members John Reilly and Andy Needham released their debut album ‘Words Inside’ back in 1993 to critical acclaim - and soon built a fanbase enamoured with their stunning pop. Having since toured with the likes of Ray Davies, frontman John Reilly will take the stage alongside the rest of the Boy on a Dolphin lads, as well as Eliot Kennedy, The Steve Beighton Horns and a secret special guest. Their last City Hall gig sold out, so tickets for this Christmas extravaganza are sure to be in high demand. £20, for more information, visit 86 | For more listings and reviews, head to

The Viper rooms // Fridays If you’re looking to kick-start your weekend in style, then head on down to The Viper Rooms every Friday for luscious cocktails and drinks offers blended with underground house music and soulful RnB. With 50% off drinks before 9pm, and free entry until midnight, dress to impress and party in style. Free,

sonic saturdays

The leadmill // Saturdays The Leadmill is the place to be Saturday nights. From indie-rock to a mash up of vintage motown classics, your Saturdays will never be the same. With amazing drinks offers all night, make sure you are dressed to the nines for this ‘sonic boom’ of a night. Tickets from £4, www.

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Plug, December 19, £5. The future of Sheffield’s music scene looks to be in safe hands if these young lads continue to set about reaching their potential. Despite being schoolboys, RedFaces have juggled coursework deadlines with memorable appearances at Y-Not Festival, Tramlines, The Barfly and The Leadmill – not to mention studio work on a third EP. With a big December gig at Plug, and a support slot with Toploader already lined up, it would seem the only way is up for this lot. Watch this space, peeps!

Exposed X-Rated

Every Thursday, at 1pm on Sheffield Live 93.2fm, the Exposed team take to the airwaves with the latest in local music reviews, food and drink news, film chat and pretty much anything else our fine city has to offer. Hosted by Joseph Food, with regular appearances from music blogger Mark Perkins, film guru Van Connor, Exposed editor Carl Reid, Ex-Little Man Tate frontman Jon Windle, and a variety of special guests, it’s the ultimate weekly digest show for Sheffield. Check it out at


Take a sprinkle of faith, trust and pixie dust with Manor Operatic society this Christmas as they present their latest pantomime instalment - Peter Pan. Manor Operatic have been putting on traditional Christmas pantos since 1970 - and since then there’s been 34 years of classic stories, he’s behind you’s and cheerful sing-songs. Their latest festive instalment is Peter Pan, the story of the boy who never grew up. Join Peter and the Lost Boys for their adventure in Neverland as they battle Captain Hook and his trusty side-kick Smee. The Manor Operatic Society will be guiding audiences through Mermaid’s Lagoon, Tiger Lily’s Indian Encampment and the streets of London, not forgetting to listen out for the ‘tick-tock’ of Hook’s nemesis - the crocodile! Expect all the usual slapstick from Manor Operatic Society, including their famous dough scene, a lovely Christmas sing-song and a game of Musical Buckets. Peter Pan will be performed at City Hall from December 27 until January 4. Tickets are still available for a wonderful end to the festive season. See for tickets and info.

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exposed Meets


After disappearing for a hefty eight years, Embrace have stepped back into the spotlight with their eponymous sixth studio album - that takes a hold of their early sounds and twists them into something gnarled and decidedly darker. Taking on some new electronic experimentation along the way, the group are sounding better than ever, with the album astounding critics ready to dismiss the returning rockers. Exposed caught up with frontman Danny McNamara to find out more. You’re heading to Sheffield on the upcoming tour. Fan of the city? Yeah, it’s always a good crowd, they’re really up for it. We’re not playing much in Yorkshire, we’re not doing Leeds or Bradford, so that’ll be the gig that all the family come to. It should be good. So, earlier this year you released your first album in eight years. Has the time away from music changed the way you approached writing and recording? Well this time we were recording in my brother’s studio, so he was producing it and then switching to writing it on guitar, he was basically putting on lots of different hats. It was much 90 | For more listings and reviews, head to

more in-house than before. I think we enjoyed that process a lot more and the record shows it. It’s no secret that this time around the band wanted to make an album that would top your debut, The Good Will Out, so straight to the point - did you manage it? Well I think in terms of song quality they’re pretty even, but with the new record we’re really at the peak of our game; we’re better musicians now, we perform tighter. So I think that might push it over the edge and make the new record slightly better. We also trimmed the fat and kept it down to 10 songs where the debut might have been a bit too long. You had a busy summer playing shows and big music festivals, so how has it felt to be back in the thick of it all? Yeah, all the festivals happened in something like four days so it was a bit of a blur, but it was really good to get back in to it and see that the fans hadn’t forgotten us. What can fans expect from the upcoming shows - a heavy focus on the new material? There’s definitely going to be lots of the new stuff, but we played it a lot in our tour earlier this year so this time we’re

For more listings and reviews, head to going to be playing some more obscure stuff. We’ll play songs we haven’t ever played before. It’s sounding really tight in rehearsal, and we really feel that we are at our peak. You also seem to enjoy putting on ‘secret’ shows, culminating in your secret festival a couple of months ago - what’s the motivation behind these, do you just revel in the mystique of it all? [Laughs] I’m not sure to be honest, it started back in 1998 I think, when we played Glastonbury and were told not to do any other gigs, so we made one a secret where we weren’t billed and it went really well, and it took off from there. We’ve done about 22 now. The secret festival we did a few months back was also amazing; we played a great gig just outside London and the fans didn’t know until a couple of days before. It got nominated for a few UK Festival Awards too which was really satisfying. I read how an early review that was less-than-favourable bothered the band, but do you still pay any attention to the opinions of critics? I’m just baffled by people who don’t get what we’re trying to do a lot of the time really. People tend to come with a pre-conceived notion and try to fit us into that - they come ready to criticise. I do think it can help though, if you use it as constructive criticism. Like, back in the early days there was a piece that said we were just derivative of The Chameleons and U2, and we went away and took that seriously and worked for three years at improving ourselves. It worked well. Finally, a bit more light hearted, what do you want for Christmas? That’s a tricky question... I think I’ll have to go for a new dressing gown.

embrace’s sixth studio album is out now. The Double A-Side Single ‘In the end / Quarters’ is out now. They play Sheffield’s O2 Academy on December 6th. Tickets are £22. For tour information, visit FAcToiDs!

Monkey Magic This month, our cheeky monkey has been knocking back the eggnog and compiling his pick of December gigs in Sheff. Chimply marvellous. Paul Heaton, Beautiful South Perfect 10

December 4th @ Sheffield City Hall I can’t wait to see this legend down at t’City Hall this month. he’ll hopefully be playing a few of the golden oldies like this one, but I’ve also heard through the jungle vine that he’s got some new tunes under his belt an’ all. Back in the day, I used to stand near Paul at the back of the Bramall Lane kop. To be honest, I wasn’t too fussed about the football, I just enjoyed a drink and a scrap, like.

Gogol Bordello - Start Wearing Purple

December 12 @ Leadmill What a belter of a tune from my favourite gypsy punk rockers. This lot are eclectic, to say the least - and I’ll guarantee that their Yiddish rock vibes will absolutely blow your balls. See you at The Leadmill then, yeah? Mine’s a Red Stripe.

Everly Pregnant Brothers - Hendo’s

December 20 @ O2 Academy Sheffield Ah, these lads don’t half make me chuckle. I’ve followed ‘em far and wide, from The Crucible to t’Devil’s Arse and it’s cos they put on a cracking show. Most importantly, they understand the importance of Henderson’s Relish to the local people (and monkeys) of Sheffield. I’ll tell you honestly, I once split up with an old bird, Franny Flamingo, because her mother tried to pour that Lea & Perrins muck all over me Sunday dinner. Crazy bint.

Joe Carnall Jnr - Roll Out the Barrel

December 23 @ The Plug, Sheffield As you can imagine, me and Joe have been muckers since the Milburn days. And you can guarantee that this cheeky monkey will be in the middle of the mosh pit if he drops What You Could Have Won like last year – absolute scenes, I tell thee. Keep an eye out for the usual guest appearances from some of Sheff’s finest.

Kasabian - Eee-zeh embrace’s latest self-titled release will be the band’s sixth studio album, following The Good Will Out (1998), Drawn from memory (2000), If You’ve Never been (2001), Out of Nothing (2004) and This New Day (2006). early gigs saw the band perform under the names ‘Curious Orange’, ‘Christianne F’, ‘Shimmer’ and ‘mesmerise’. embrace were supported on a tour in 2000 by a fledgling Coldplay! The embrace boys officially soundtracked the 2006 World Cup with ‘World at Your Feet’.

December 13 @ Motorpoint Arena Sheffield These lads have been on some top form this year. I remember seeing them blow The Leadmill roof off well over a decade ago and, even back then, you could tell they were summat special. If ever a gig was guaranteed to make your pants wet, it’ll be this one. I might even see if old Serge is about for a pint after the show, like. get thee forth and listen. Otherwise the monkey will be displeased. Never displease the monkey. For more listings and reviews, head to | 91

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5 mins with...

black spiders Peddling face melting riffs, braggadocio behaviour and classic rock ‘n’ roll debauchery, Sheffield’s own Black Spiders have caught the attention of everyone from Kerrang! to Ozzy Osborne. Exposed caught up with the axe-wielding maniacs for a quick chat ahead of their Corporation performance at the Winter Rocks Festival. Where, when and most of all, WHY should we catch your performance at Winter Rocks? We’re on the main stage - because we’re a top notch band playing stadium quality shows to packed club houses. These dates are our first club shows for 2014, and to make them extra special we’ve asked our fans to choose the set list from our full back catalogue, so we’re playing the songs you WANT to hear. If you’ve never experienced Black Spiders, this is your perfect opportunity to be converted to the cause. If you don’t get it, that’s fair enough, but we know you’ll be walking out after our set knowing it doesn’t get any better... Which other acts at the Winter Rocks Festival are you looking forward to checking out? There’s a lot of new bands to check out, most of whom we’ll be experiencing in the flesh to see what the best new sounds have to offer. We’re also there to try and upstage Heavens Basement and the Answer, as we do this with all the bands we support.

What are you promoting at the festival? What we’re promoting is the best rock band you’ll see in your lifetime, as usual. Self-promotion has always been our priority from DAY 1. We have 2 full albums and 5 EPs to promote, as well as our quite awesomely rich bank of other merchandise!

What are your post-Winter Festival plans? After emptying the Corp bar we will endeavour to continue our Winter 2014 UK tour, with the next stop being Manchester, and Glasgow to complete the run. If you missed it then don’t come crying to us. We’ll then be collecting our thoughts and regrouping after the new year to put in motion the next full opus for your listening pleasure.

Catch black Spiders headline the Winter rocks Festival at Corporation on December 6. Tickets are £18 for the whole day. For more information, visit

siMply, Having...

Former Little Man Tate frontman, Jon Windle, is the musical force behind Indie Christmas comedy A Wonderful Christmas Time - which recently received its world premiere at The Empire in Leicester Square. Speaking on the project, Jon said: “I was approached to do it last Christmas when I was still working at Valley Park School teaching music so we used a few of the children there to give it a real Christmassy feel and added loads of bells and jingley jangley bits. We did it with Alan at 2 Fly and the kids loved it!” A Wonderful Christmas Time is the second in the Modern Romance Trilogy from Jolene Films and stars the likes of Laura Haddock, Dylan Edwards and Oliver Maltman. See awonderfulchristmastimemovie for more. 92 | For more listings and reviews, head to

Farewell Maldini Last month, we at Exposed were gutted to hear that Screaming Maldini had decided to call it a day. On behalf of all Sheffield music lovers, we’d like to thank the band for providing us with wonderful music and some cracking gigs over the years – from memorable Tramlines performances at The Harley, to headline slots at Sheffield Cathedral accompanied by a forty-piece orchestra. We know that our music blogger, Mark Perkins, is particularly distraught at the news and will be heading down to their final gig at Queens Social Gig on December 5. Keep your eyes peeled in the next mag for what is sure to be an emotional review.

Opening Early December 2014


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Foo Fighters sonic Highways More eagerly anticipated than ‘The Fappening Part 2’, the Foo Fighters celebrate their 20th anniversary by releasing their eighth studio album. Not only that, but the band have also made an eight-part television series with network giants HBO to accompany the release. The show documents the band travelling across various musical landmarks in the states – New Orleans, Nashville, Chicago, Washington D.C., Austin, Seattle, New York, Los Angeles – to immerse themselves in the various music cultures and find song-writing inspiration for each track. Sounds like a style over substance disaster waiting to happen, right? Well, put it this way: despite this album having the potential to be the most diverse and creative record they’ve ever done, it still sounds – notwithstanding some tweaks to the old template – very similar to the last Foo’s album. And a bit like the one before that. Which, to be fair, is not a criticism at all… well, maybe it’s a small one. They still rock the crashing, chunky guitar chords better than anyone else. But, despite attempts to spice things up with the inclusion of special guests on each track, it’s hard for them to be heard over the usual shouty vocals and thunderous guitar formula. For example, the addition of the New Orleans Preservation Hall Band in track ‘In the Clear’ could have been something incredible – but, unfortunately, they’re not given a chance to shine amidst Dave Grohl’s domination. That’s not to say that Grohl didn’t have admirable and respectable intentions with this album. He is, after all, one of the nicest blokes in the music industry. However, I don’t think that penning a few associated lyrics and inviting short cameos from local artists is enough to encapsulate the musical culture of an entire city. Even though the album might fall flat conceptually, it still rocks – literally. If truth be told, things don’t get much better than first track ‘Something from Nothing’; but things don’t get much worse either. 7/10 Joe Food

rumer into color There’s absolutely no denying that Sarah Joyce, AKA Rumer, has a voice so soft it’s comparable to velvet and honey. Her comparisons to the vocal talent of Karen Carpenter are justified, and her new album ‘Into Color’ does well to show off those silky-smooth talents. Unfortunately, Rumer’s arrangements are considerably duller than that of The Carpenters; less flamboyant and cheaper. The first track ‘Return of The Blackbird’ is pleasant and sweet-sounding, but as soon as you hit the 70s cheese vibes of second track ‘Dangerous’, the album begins to dwindle. Rumer has said that each song “is tinged with sadness”, so it’s expected that there would be some pretty heavy, lovey dovey songs. However, the lyrics are admittedly obvious, and often a little cringe-worthy. Track four, ‘You Just Don’t Know People’, is riddled with clichéd lines, making it difficult not to cringe yourself to death the whole five minutes. Saying that, Butterfly is the stand-out track on the album. Simply composed, with pure vocals and piano, the track is painfully honest and sounds wonderful. It’s stripped-back, certainly the direction Rumer should be going in. The album is repetitive, full of clichés, and ultimately very dull. It probably does have a purpose…when turned down low as background music at a dinner party. 5/10 emily beaumont

PumPin’ On mi StereO Mr Hankey the christmas poo (1999)

How on earth I managed to persuade my parents to buy this one Christmas I have no idea. I must have been a particularly annoying little bugger that afternoon, and the hard work paid off as I strolled out of the Barnsley Alhambra Centre with this cassette (Yes. Cassette.) in my hand. If truth be told, I wasn’t even old enough to watch or understand South Park – but anything with a large poo on the cover was comedy gold to me. Unsurprisingly, the novelty soon wore off for my folks, whereas I continued to play it with glee at any given opportunity or car journey. I think I ruined Christmas a bit that year. Joe Food Worst Christmas song ever? let us know on Twitter at @ exposedmagsheff

94 | For more listings and reviews, head to

Hookworms the Hum

Leeds five piece Hookworms’ latest release ‘The Hum’ follows on from 2013’s hypnotic ‘Mystic Pearl’ with a renewed explosive energy. Often labelled as psychedelic noise rock, the enigmatic Northern boys stand firmly in a lineage of the likes of Spiritualized - but the album’s frantic, feverish sound is distinctly unique. Submerged in pounding, distorted guitars that never stop to come up for air, the songs are delightfully dense and oppressive and even in the album’s mellower moments, such as standout track ‘Off Screen’, the dizzy whine is ever present. The distant vocals unsurprisingly also come laden with fuzz and wail almost indiscernibly with the rawness of skinned knees - but the snatches of melody and lyricism that come through are captivating. New intricacies and swirling hazy sounds are constantly piled on top, twisting the songs into sprawling, interesting beasts. Here’s hoping Hookworms keep their parasitic claws stuck into their grimy brand of psychedelic rock for a long time to come. 7/10 Joe moulam

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Top picks

Joe carnall christmas party

Plug // December 23 // £12 After becoming something of a festive tradition for Sheffield music lovers, the ex-Milburn frontman this time heads to Plug for his annual live music bash. Expect new material from Carnall intertwined with a few nostalgic nods back to the old days. Packed with guest appearances, awesome live sets and the occasional East 17 cover, this is the hottest Chrimbo ticket in town.

win tickets to see slipknot at the Motorpoint arena! Get those neck muscles stretched out and ready for plenty of head banging - as platinum-selling, Grammy-Award-winning, masked metal beasts Slipknot are hitting Sheffield on January 16 for their ‘Prepare for Hell’ tour. With it being their first UK tour since 2008, this is one of their most highly anticipated UK gigs to date. “The UK has always been very special for us. In a lot of ways, it’s where this insanity began,” frontman Corey Taylor mused. “So, for this tour, we decided to try and hit as many places as we could - not only England, but Scotland and Wales as well. Technically, Ireland is Europe, but we’re going there too. We’re coming back for the people who started this for us: that would be YOU. Prepare yourselves... Hell is coming.” Slipknot will be joined by nu-metal band Korn for support. The band, founded in 1993, have been playing the heck out of the UK festival scene over the last few years - famously performing a critically acclaimed set at Download 2013. Korn will be getting the crowd warmed up with hits such as ‘Coming Undone’ and ‘Freak on a Leash’, as well as material from their current album The Paradigm Shift. The tour goes hand-in-hand with Slipknot’s new album ‘5: The Gray Chapter’, which was released October 20 - their first deliverance of new music for six years. A lot has changed for Slipknot in that time, with the tragic death of member Paul Gray (whom the album is a tribute to) and the dramatic and speculative departure of drummer Joey Jordison. Famed for their chaotic, creative and visually mesmerising live shows, with all-new set-lists, and all-new masks; it’s going to be a crazy one. Tickets from £43.45, see for more. For the chance of getting your mitts on two tickets to see Slipknot at The Motorpoint Arena January 16, simply head to www. and answer the following question: What is the name of the first single from Slipknot’s newly released album ‘5: The Gray Chapter’?

a the demon in i b the daddy in i c the devil in i

Head to for the full list of live music events and things to do in Sheffield this December 96 | For more listings and reviews, head to

Blind Drivers Ep Launch

Plug // December 13 // £5 The Sheffield four-piece Blind Drivers take to the Plug stage to launch their new EP. Hopefully not directly at the crowd - but there’s sure to be copies of the sharp indie song-smiths’ latest release available.

Everly pregnant Brothers

02 Academy // December 20 // Sold Out What’s Christmas in Sheffield nowadays without a festive appearance from the city’s favourite ukulele act? We’re happy to announce that the seasoned ale-suppers and Hendo’s worshippers are returning to the 02 Academy to make with the puntastic banter. Tickets are sure to fly out, so hurry up if you want to celebrate Crustmas with the best pie-scoffers in Sheff!

sleaford Mods

O2 Academy // December 13 // £9 Hailing from Nottingham, the Sleaford Mods duo will be gracing the O2 academy stage with their grimy lyrical witticisms that plumb the depths of modern working life. Whether front man Jason Williamson is singing or rapping is inconsequential with tunes this good. Support comes from the punky Faerground Accidents and Barnsley boys The Hurriers.

Gogol Bordello

The Leadmill // December 12 // £19.50 New York collective Gogol Bordello will be laying waste to the stage of The Leadmill with their unusual combination of gypsy music and punk rock. Expect an eclectic blend of sounds and influences anchored with traditional gypsy rhythms that you can swill round your head all night. Support comes from Mariachi El Bronx.

The Bootleg Beatles

Sheffield City Hall // December 16 // £27.50 Following on from numerous world tours and six appearances at Glastonbury Festival, The Bootleg Beatles bring to Sheffield their meticulous recreation of the Fab Four that masterfully traverses their entire back catalogue. Expect to be sonically whizzed back to the 60s in a grandiose display that captures the magic and fun of The Beatles at their peak.

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Coming this month to Cineworld Sheffield, December 18 in fact, is the latest big thing in proper British film - Chicken. Not only that, but its director, Joe Stephenson is a local lad (and former Exposed intern) - and this will be one of the first screenings in the world. We sent Taylor Iscariot from @beer_mat_ movies for a quiet drink with Joe to find out more.

of why you made it in the first place - to be seen. Word of mouth can also be very powerful, so while reviews are embargoed we are encouraging people to tweet and post about the film if they attend one Exposed of these Advanced Previews.

Meets Joe Stephenson.

This screening’s a triumphant homecoming for you, after all, you’re not just from Sheffield, but you used to work at our very own Cineworld. Feel good to be coming back? It does feel good. I got a job there after work experience as a 15 year old and very distinctively remember thinking how great it would be to one day be there as a filmmaker - one of the many daydreams I had while mopping spit cola from the cinema floors. It’s certainly quite surreal to actually be doing it. The Cineworld showing will be one of the first in the world, but did we hear right that there’s talk of Chicken going to some of the big festivals? Are Sundance and Cannes in Chicken’s future for 2015? That is in the hands of the festival gods! I decided to do these previews as I made the film for the audience, and wanted to find a way to start to show it ahead of finding out about where our world premiere would be. It’s such a long process getting a film out into the world, it’s good to not lose sight

Chicken’s based on a stage play, why did you decide to do an adaptation, and why this one? It was an incredibly touching play, and I loved the dynamic between the brothers and the influence of Annabel (Yasmin Paige’s character in the film) on their lives. It is also quite rare to find a stage play that can be faithfully translated, and expanded, for cinema. It’s an intimate story in many ways, but a grand one in terms of its themes. The film’s already earned high praise from none other than Gandalf himself, Sir Ian McKellan, that must be rewarding, not to mention good for the old ego. It’s very flattering indeed. I’m coming into this industry as a complete outsider, so to

have endorsement from people like Ian McKellen and Stephen Frears means the world. Chicken’s not even out yet and it has mega-hype, but people are also raving about your next project (a Noel Coward biopic), what can you tell us about that? It’s going to surprise people, I think. We focus on Noel Coward’s early life; looking at how he found himself as an artist, the people who influenced him the most early on, and how he came to create a public persona so successful that people today think that was actually who he was. Everything people think of when they think of Noel today was designed by him, even the way he spoke was a creation of his. I start shooting next Spring on this, Chris Colfer (Glee) is my young Noel, and he’s joined by Vanessa Redgrave, Sir Ian McKellen and Jonathan Pryce. And more I can’t tell you about yet. Finally Joe, why did the chicken cross the road? To star in my movie, obviously.


Thanks to those wonderful folk at Cineworld Sheffield, we have a pair of tickets to this special screening of Chicken to be won. To have a chance of winning, all you have to do is correctly answer the following cinematic conundrum: The ultimate Christmas movie is coming back to the big screen for one night only as part of Cineworld Sheffield’s Classic Screen programme on December 15, but is it…

A: Live Easy B: Die Hard C: Exist Inconsistently

Enter online at Closing date for entries, 14th December 2014.

104 | For more listings and reviews, head to

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