Exposed August 2014

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August 2014




White Stuff

Marco Pierre White Makes With The Gastronomic Gabber!

In Session: The Ratells Exposed Vs: Front Runner Plus: Jesus Jones // Gene Cernan Sheffield’s Best Beer Gardens + Tons More!



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Our Exposed Award ‘Best Unsigned Band’ winners, The Ratells, make a long overdue In Sesh debut. And it’s a Holy awesome affair. Given our healthy lifestyles, ahem, it clearly made sense to take on pro sporty lot Front Runner in a race around Endcliffe Park. Our journo was gasping just writing about it. The sun is out, the sky is blue, there’s not a cloud to spoil the view - PUB! We check out those offering beer garden goodness.


Exposed’s music mogul, Mark Perkins, gets the lowdown on hot new doc Industrial Soundtrack for the Urban Decay.







Gene Cernan was the last man on the moon. Awesome in itself – and equally awesome that he wanted to talk to us about it.

90s leg-ends Jesus Jones are back – and gracing the O2 Academy on Sept 9. We caught up with the Godly group for a retro re-cap. Pound Pubs. Good? Bad? Stupid? We wanted to know what you lot thought about the latest craze – so, we asked you.


Exposed met up with the UK’s original celebrity chef, the enfant terrible himself, Mr Marco Pierre White – to chat footie, politics and Hendo’s. Obviously.


Love us a little bit more by going to for all the latest news, goss and great offers

HOT IN THE KITCHEN Phil Turner (MD) Nick Hallam (Sales Director) James Eardley (Sales Executive)

Sarah Wade (Accounts) COOKING WITH GAS Carl Reid (Editor) Rachel Heward (Social Media)



Joe Food (Music Editor) FOOD FIGHT! Paul Cocker (Design) Marc Barker (Design)

6 27 43 57 61 74 77 83 91 94

SOUS CHEFS Sam Fielding, Jessica Peace, Victoria Cox, Olivia Riches, Mark Perkins, Van Connor, Teela Clayton, Kieran Wade, Joe E. Allen, Jules Gray. The Business Stuff

Exposed is published monthly by Blind Mice Media Ltd, Unit 1, Beehive Works, Milton St. Sheffield S3 7WL. The views contained herein are not necessarily those of Blind Mice Media Ltd and while every effort is made to ensure information throughout Exposed is correct, changes prior to distribution may take place which can affect the accuracy of copy, therefore Blind Mice Media Ltd cannot take responsibility for contributors’ views or specific entertainment listings.

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Ah, the Tour De France. It went by as quickly as, well, a fleet of strongthighed cyclists in skin tight outfits. A breath-taking 2.5 million of you lined the route through Yorkshire and, as standard, the Sheffield pulled out all the stops - from spray-painted bikes invading the streets, to fancy dress, to cardboard signs on lampposts proclaiming: ‘Welcome to Sheffield (sorry about the hills!)’. We’re still thanking our lucky stars that the weather was so good – and it made the task of spending all day picnicking or in the pub so much easier. The Peace Gardens were especially heaving - with live music from the likes of The Hot Soles and High Hazels entertaining the throngs - and the pop-up market on Fargate, complete with mini Eiffel Tower, was also a highlight. Outside of the city centre, the good folks in the likes of High Bradfield (which hosted the Steel Stage), Oughtibridge, Worral and Midhopestones did us proud with street parties and some quirky road graffiti – whilst everyone from the guys at Henderson’s Relish, to knitting enthusiasts at the Cathedral, to artists in the Millennium Galleries’ t-shirt exhibition got involved. We can’t wait until the next big thing comes to our fair city. Bring on the bunting… and thanks for the memories, Sheff.

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The Big Draw

Pens and pints at the ready – the fantabulous #PubScrawl returns this month. August 31 is the date for your diary – when 10 artists will be transforming 10 pubs across the city. The brainchild of beloved city artist Pete McKee, this year sees the man himself getting his hands dirty, saying: “Pub Scrawl is a testament to the people of Sheffield’s love of art and beer. The support for our first pub scrawl event in 2012 was so immense that bringing it back was more a question of when than why? I’ve decided to take part in this year’s Pub Scrawl, rather than curate it, because I wanted to be part of the action and not miss out on the fun and anarchy of the night.” Also getting their scribble on will be Studio Binky, Jonathan Wilkinson, 65daysofstatic, James Green, Human Studio, Jo Peel and India Hobson – whilst two exciting collaborations arrive in the form of In The Nursery & Anthony Bennett and Nick Deakin & Tom J Newell. Your hosts for the event are as follows: The Harley, The Bath Hotel, Bowery, Washington, Green Room, Forum, Great Gatsby, Bungalows & Bears, DaDa and Fagans. Fingers crossed another giant penis pops up somewhere, yeah?

All New Moogaloo

Friendly web design studio Moogaloo, based in the city centre, has created websites for the likes of Sheffield club giant The Leadmill, Beanies whole foods, oXyFire film production and many more. Now, they’re undergoing a revamp, and founder/designer Andy Marshall is working on a winning formula set to launch this autumn. The new Moogaloo website will feature one-off characters, specially developed by Sheffield artist and illustrator Geo Law. Watch this space for news of Moogaloo’s forthcoming relaunch and keep up to date on Twitter: @moogaloo @getaloadageo.

LEO - July 23 - Aug 22

So, it’s a sunny afternoon and I’m strolling through Endcliffe Park – when I spot that Adrian Chiles, of ITV Sport fame. “Ayup Adrian, what’s tha doing in the park on your own?” I said. Looking quite sheepish, he replied, “Well, Dixon and Shearer said they’d join me for a game of footy, but they’ve not turned up.” Taking pity on the cabbage-faced frump, I challenged him to a round of header tennis – first to ten wins. Obviously, I wiped the floor with him, didn’t I? When I claimed the match-winning point, he flopped on to the floor, panting like a tired dog and kicking up a fuss. “I’m hopeless at everything!” he cried. It took a tray of chips and a Fanta before he stopped bawling and calmed down. What an embarrassment. He is bloody useless though, isn’t he?


Jan 20 - Feb 18 A pigeon will attempt to tell you something later this month – don’t listen to it. It will just crap on your shoulder then fly off.


Feb 19 - Mar 20 With the planet of Saturn – which represents commitment – coming in to doggy position later this month, it’s time to wave goodbye to your social life.


Mar 21 - Apr 19 With the planets ‘Ball’ and ‘Ache’ crossing interstellar paths this month, you’ll be forced in to making a major decision. Deep reflection will be required – failing that – a bottle of Buckfast and a round of ‘ip dip, dog shit’ will do.


April 20 - May 20 Avoid dropping that crisp packet on the second Tuesday of the month – as

it will set in to motion a series of unprecedented events which will trigger the declaration of World War 3.


May 21 - June 20 The star ‘Amibovad?’ is at its highest point this month. Unfortunately, this explains why you’ve just not been on the ball recently… like a dead seal.


June 21 - July 22 This month, the stars advise that walking around nightclubs hunched over whilst clicking – like they do in West Side Story – will not, I repeat NOT, impress members of the opposite sex.


Aug 23 - Sep 22 Bold, courageous, and willing to give things a go – Virgos are forever being invited around the back of the bike shed.


Sep 23 - Oct 22 You’ll receive a shock this month… but in a good way – like a tax rebate, or hitting puberty. Ah, that first golden hair…


Oct 23 – Nov 21 Don’t bother wasting money on travelling to exotic places with the intention of ‘exploring your inner self’ - all you really need is a tub of Vaseline and your index finger.


Nov 22 - Dec 21 Your Christopher Walken impersonation will inexplicably get you laid countless times this month.


Dec 22 – Jan 19 Unexpected developments in the workplace may cause you to worry, but don’t fret, people like you because you’re bisexual.

Come hither. Gaze into the great and powerful orbs of The Great Foodini.

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Church Ho

Every other Wednesday:

Lounge singer Katie Stewart (5.30-7.30pm) Open Monday -Thursday 12-9pm Friday & Saturday 12-12pm Sunday Closed S T JA M E S S T R E E T, S H E F F I E L D S 1 2 E W

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F OL L O W U S ON . . .

w w w. c h u r c h h o u s e . b a r b r o o k . c o . u k

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Feeling Blue

Who says Doncaster isn’t rock and/or roll? Was it you? You right there with the ketchup on your tie? For shame. On September 14, the fourth Doncaster Blues, Rhythm and Rock Festival comes to The Dome. Bigger, and more diverse than ever before, the bi-annual event will be packed full of jamming 2pm-10pm. With headliners Roger Chapman & The Shortlist playing alongside Eddie & The Hot Rods, Baba Jack, Del Bromham, Matt Woosey and Doug MacLeod, the festival is a treat of both internationally acclaimed artists and those upand-coming.

Tickets are £24.

We’ve all been there, after a few bevvies and a long overdue catch up, you and your mates act like the only people in the pub and carry on whatever bonkers, bizarre, embarrassing or downright nasty conversation you’ve been having. But, beware, the Exposed barflies are on the wall - listening to your every word. Overheard in Sheffield this week… ‘I asked my mate to make me a cup of tea. So he went into the kitchen and put an oxo cube in milk…’ ‘Have you followed, erm, Galactica Kevin, is it?’ ‘We were both absolutely covered in blue shit, but it didn’t stop us.’ ‘There’s all this “selfie” thing now. I mean, I’ve been doing that for over 30 years and nobody’s taken any notice.’ ‘And that was the first time she wet herself that night.’ ‘Do you know, he didn’t even serve any jail time for that?’

KRIS KHALUZA Award winning checkout lass, and pillar of the community, Kris Khaluza makes with the natter.

Regular visitors to Tesco Metro on West Street may recognise Kris Khaluza as the bubbly checkout lady - ready to greet and chat with every customer. She’s been awarded for her superb customer service and services to the store - whilst doing her bit for the community in her spare time. She’s a bit of an all-rounder, so we thought we’d try and catch her amidst her busy schedule to find out more. Thanks for seeing us today Kris, I understand you’re very busy! How long have you worked here at Tesco’s? I’ve been here for 17 ¾ years, its 18 years in December! But I’ve not been here the longest. What’s the best thing about your job? The staff I work with and the customers I serve. I have a great relationship with both; I know most of the customers’ names! Everyone who works here is just lovely! But, at the end of the day if someone doesn’t like me, well I don’t care. Is there anything else except

your job that gets you up in the morning? Definitely my cat! It’s called Itchy - but I won’t tell you its last name (laughs) Also, not forgetting my son Joe, he’s 15. Joe’s been there for me through thick and thin - he’s just brilliant. I love him very much. Do you do anything for the community outside of work? Yes, in my spare time I help two elderly people do their weekly shop. I help one gentleman who’s 91 and one lady who’s 81. It’s very rewarding! I’m just about to visit the elderly lady now actually. What makes you proud to live in Sheffield? I’m not really sure, but all I know is I never want to move. I was born in Leeds originally, but when I was only a week old we moved to Sheffield - I’ve been here ever since. I consider myself basically born and bred in Sheffield. The one thing that will always keep me here is my family - there’s a lot of them in this city. I have 6 halfsisters and 1 half-brother to name just a few! I’d never want to be far away from them.

BITS AND BOBS: What’s the best thing that’s happened to you so far this summer? My customer service manager awarded me with a Blue review - it’s the highest award you can get. The award is given to someone who shows high levels of customer service, and really gives their all to the store. It was a massive surprise - but I’m very proud of what I’ve achieved. Can you tell us an unexpected or surprising fact about yourself? The three things in this world that I can’t stand are umbrellas, giraffes, and ice lollies. When I was younger we went to a zoo near Manchester and a Giraffe swiped an Ice Lolly out of my hands with its tongue - it scared the life out of me!

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advice? In need of a little love of Has the fizz gone out king of your banger? Let the ... wn do louche lay you

BARNSLEY BOUND Tick, tock. Barnsley College still has places open for September 2014 – but time is running out. The College, rated outstanding by Ofsted, is offering more than 300 courses - including Vocational, A Levels, Part-Time and Apprenticeships in a huge range of disciplines. With expert tutors and excellent facilities, studying at Barnsley College is worthwhile, flexible and open to everyone. Principal Colin Booth is looking forward to the new term, stating: “Deciding what you want to do after you leave school, or choosing to retrain for a new

career, can be a daunting prospect. But, with an outstanding college on your doorstep, it could be easier than you think.” The College’s Old Mill Lane campus on Church Street is just a five minute walk from the bus and train station. With industry-standard facilities throughout, whether you’re an aspiring chef, engineer, farmer, broadcaster or beyond, Barnsley College can prepare you for the real world. Enrolment takes place August 18-29 - and anyone wishing to join a course can just drop by. Knowledge is porridge, folks.

See for more.

Best Barr None

We’re big fans of rapping grandmas here at Exposed. In fact, it might well be our specialist subject if they ever let us on Mastermind – so, needless to say, we’re chuffed that Ida Barr’s Mash Up will be coming to the University of Sheffield as part of The Festival of the Mind next month. On September 21, expect Christopher Green’s character to front a community choir, showcasing a mix of music hall sing-a-long with R&B ‘pump and grind’. The choir itself is made up of Sheffield residents, young and old, joining forces to make a spectacle of themselves.

For more information, visit, and


Here’s a warm slice of what’s on people’s minds this summer. 10% Why can’t man-boobs be considered sexy… like woman boobs? 10% When’s Calvin Harris going to release another shit ‘summer anthem’? 10% Will shaving armpit hair make me sweat more or less? 20% It’s so hot… I need water. 20% It’s so hot… I need beer. 10% What factor sun cream does Ed Sheeran use? 132525? 20% Look at me Facebook… I’ve done found myself a beach!

Dear SP, Before I begin, I should explain that I’m a bit old-fashioned when it comes to women. To this day, I prefer Jaclyn Smith over Kim Kardashian and co. Everybody tells me that I’ve never really left the 70’s and, forgive me for sounding so blunt, but I love a good bit of bush – you’ll understand I’m not talking about Wuthering Heights here. My current partner is wonderful, and she likes to keep herself very well groomed, but it just doesn’t do it for me, you know? How do I ask her to take a walk on the hairy side without sounding like a complete freak? Bob, Walkley Ah, Bobby Bushwhacker, I’m hearing you loud and clear! We both fondly remember the days where you would have to organise a small scale expedition to reach the hidden city of Vaglantis. It was a real test of perseverance and skill. Whereas today, it’s all out there in the open… staring you in the eye. There’s just no mystery to it anymore. Bring back the bush, I say! The problem is that in today’s world of waxed chests, anal bleaching and vajazzles, it just ain’t seen as sexy anymore. I’d suggest that you could persuade your partner by showing some support and offering to join her in locking away the trimmers and letting nature take its hairy course. Before you know it, you’ll be having furry foreplay surrounded by bubbling lava lamps - with the soft tones of Donna Summer playing in the background. SP

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WIN! WIN! WIN! Offical Earth to Echo mechandise - it’s out of this world!

Earth to Echo, a science-fiction adventure film originally developed by Walt Disney, recently hit the big screen. The story follows three best friends whose lives are turned upside down by a construction project that’s forcing everyone to quit the neighbourhood. Just days before they’re due to leave, they all receive strange,

cryptic messages on their mobile phones. Deciding on one last adventure, they follow the signals and wind up in a desert where they come face to face with an alien who’s been stranded on Earth. They call him Echo. Embarking upon an adventure to help Echo return home, the kids soon realise there’s more to friendship than just being close.

We’ve got our hands on a whole bunch of ace Earth to Echo merch. Fancy some of that? Have a dabble at this alien anomaly:

What does E.T stand for?


ON TWITTER: @LizSimmons10 “You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, but you cant pick your friends nose #barnsleyisbrill 12MilesNorth @ TheresaGoddard”

@SYFR (South Yorkshire Fire) “Meet young Minnie, who Dearne firefighters rescued from a mop bucket on Tuesday. What a PIC! #imababygetmeoutofhere pic.”

Enter online at www. exposedmagazine.

With the premiere of Legends fast approaching, the hash tag #DontKillSeanBean is trending @IngloriousTward “As a native of Yorkshire and the city of Sheffield, I approve this message. But keep the Goldeneye death. That’s awesome. #DontKillSeanBean”

The Hounds of Gabriel

It was believed that the Archangel Gabriel had at his disposal a fierce pack of spectre-hounds which would roam city centres at night - picking out sinners or those they simply felt unworthy of living in this earthly realm. They’re said to haunt the area around Sheffield Cathedral, previously the old parish church. The sounds of their high-pitched yelping can still be heard on a still night, and are said to be an omen of death. Ok, a bit far-fetched, right? Well, sightings

of these giant beasts have been widely reported in Sheffield over the years. Back in the 1800’s, neighbours recalled seeing the hounds pass by a house in which a child later burned to death. More recently, in the 90’s, one gentleman claimed to be chased by a pack of huge wild dogs up Campo Lane which disappeared as he reached Fargate. If you find yourself alone in the city centre at night, and hear the soft padding of paws coming behind you, the ancient advice is to… leg it!

YORKSHIRE VS THE WORLD Last month the world looked to Yorkshire for Le Grand Départ and was thoroughly impressed with the weird, wonderful and downright bizarre antics of Yorkshire folk. http://tinyurl. com/kf552jg INSTAGRAMMER OF THE MONTH @SocialSheffield showcases some of the best and most interesting photographs of Sheffield. Tag yours #socialsheffield. Check out this Parkhill Plane Pic by @ davemullenjnr.

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WORK IT! Albyn Works has 12 workstation desks in a large office space, making it perfect to expand existing companies including telemarketing, web design, digital marketing, and everything in between. Want to know more…? The office, also known as 212 Blanco Rooms or The Block, is an open space that sports lots of light and fantastic views of the mountain bike hill at Springfield. Recently moved in are creative professionals for a publishing company as well as a solicitor – we’re getting lots of interest so don’t miss out on a location as good as this before it’s too late. The Block has 24/7 security cameras, making it a secure place to comfortably work in. The two ground floor workshop units are now available, which include three phase electricity – perfect for internet storage and general

workshop usage. Sounds brilliant, where is it…? Albyn Works is in the heart of one of Sheffield’s most up-and-coming areas between Neepsend and Kelham Island. The workshops are separated from the office, which includes a craft brewery and a wood recycling social enterprise. The fully managed business centre is operated by some of the nicest people you’ll meet and The Block is our latest development for a professional working environment. There’s also rent-a-desk space options available, in which businesses are able to access shared workspaces, meeting rooms, and offices - plus a break area with communal kitchen facilities. Nice. How can I get involved and how much is it…? The fully refurbished business centre encourages local


Limited edition Forgemasters bottled real ale is brewed by, and only available from, The Sheffield Brewery Company at Albyn Works. Call in or see www. for more. businesses and creatives to form a workspace environment that’s both innovative and inspiring. Peter Rawlinson runs the site and believes that Neepsend is the next step from Kelham Island. With plenty of transport links, getting here is easy – it’s also a 15 minute walk from the city centre. Free

on-road parking is available, as well as tempting riverside walks, award winning cafes, restaurants and real ale pubs. Renting starts from only £3 per day, - with 24 hour access and onsite parking. email





The Vancouver Manouever Saturday, 1pm - 3pm, Sheffield Live!

Laid-back west-coast Canadian presenter S. Lee Price is possibly the coolest man on radio. Every Saturday Lee brings you all kinds of music that you’ll dig. Conscious hip-hop, funk, beats and other great music from across the Atlantic to make you dance or make you grin. So set your dials to 93.2fm for miles and miles of hip-hop smiles.


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exposed promotion

Design Of The Month: Drawn by Tom

Good Vibrations has recently welcomed a new member to their team—fresh-faced apprentice Tom - who dropped his job as a plasterer to follow his dream in the tattooing business. A rising star in the industry, with an immensely realistic tattooing style, we caught up with the chap to get an inkling of how it all began… and why more tattoos is better. Where does your story as a tattoo artist begin? It actually all started when I dropped out of university! I went to Sheffield Hallam to do a contemporary fine art course - and just didn’t enjoy it. After a year, I left, and from there I got a

job. I didn’t pick up a pencil for two years - and then one day I got back into it. I had tattoos when I was at university and realised that was the area I wanted to go into. These guys at Good Vibrations kindly opened their doors to me - and here I am. How would you describe your tattooing style? It’s realistic… with my own personal twist. I like my work to be convincing, but I love to use big bold lines. What tattoo are you the most proud of? Probably my portrait of Heisenberg from Breaking Bad.

How long did it take you? (Laughs) I like to tell people that it took a really long time, but it actually only took 3 to 4 hours in total to draw. Are there any artists or tattooists that really inspire you and your work? I really look up to the tattoo artist Nikko Hurtado. He’s an American artist who specialises in coloured portraiture - his work is just awesome. He accomplishes almost perfect realism in all of his artwork and tattoos. It’s a quality I hope to eventually achieve in my own work. What’s your opinion on the growing popularity of tattoos

over the last few years? I think it’s great! Tattooing is a form of art, and there should be no limits to how much you wish to express yourself through ink. Tattoos are extremely personal to each individual, and they’re forever, but in my opinion - the more the tattoos the better. More and more people are getting tattoos - we should learn to embrace them and love them - and not see them as a taboo subject. To check out recent tattoos and drawings done by the talented team at Good Vibrations, visit their Facebook page at GoodVibrationsTattoo.

Get in Touch...Good Vibrations Tattoo, 233 Crookes, Sheffield S10 1TE, Tel: 0114 267 1924 16 l For more listings and reviews, head to

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Elevation Recruitment are currently looking for ambitious and driven individuals who are looking to forge a career in our market leading specialist divisions.

At Elevation …

We put our clients and candidates first We are committed to building long term partnerships with businesses We give our staff the support and tools they need We reward our staff with market leading salaries and commission structures We are looking for people who want a long term career working within a dynamic, fast paced and extremely motivated company

What we are looking for…

Quite simply professionals who match our drive and dedication to delivering a first class service to our clients and candidates and who take pride in the work they do. In addition to this successful applicants will have the following skills: A successful background in a commercial and target driven environment An ability to explain concepts and processes to others that are often hard to grasp An ability to sell and form long term business relationships We have opportunities at all levels. As a business we aim to continually grow our experienced team through training and development of our staff. Our roles range from trainee consultants to senior managers and directors. If you would like to discuss the opportunities we have and how working with Elevation could develop your career we would be delighted to hear from you. Contact us today.


Established in 2010 we have quickly grown to become the largest independent recruitment partner within the region. Situated in Grade A offices in Rotherham , our head office is very accessible with quick easy access from the M1 at Junction 33 or 34. Free parking on site for our staff, candidates and clients means we are flexible to all that need our services. We now employ 45 staff across the 2 sites. Elevation are specialists in permanent, temporary and interim recruitment. We specialise in Accountancy & Finance, Engineering & Manufacturing, Sales & Marketing, Human Resources, Procurement & Supply Chain, Office Support and Executive Search. Our team of experienced recruiters specialise in helping businesses in Yorkshire find talent across all levels with a refreshingly straightforward approach. We believe in getting it right first time, providing accurate shortlists to clients and offering individuals the opportunities they are actually looking for.

T: 01709 723 248 E:

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God bless Sheffield bred alternative indie music! Exposed has, quite literally, taken a pew inside St Mary’s Cathedral, Bramall Lane, as this month’s In Sesh features The Ratells – voted by the great Sheffield public as 2014’s ‘Best Unsigned Band’ at our Exposed Awards. We chat to the lads about touring, new music and gre’t big ‘ills in t’Steel City. So chaps, what tracks have you chosen to play for Exposed in Session? Ben: I don’t think we’ve fully decided yet! We know we’re definitely doing ‘Behind the Fire.’ Sam: I think we’ll also be doing ‘Darken the Stars.’ ‘Behind the Fire’ was your most recent release? Danny: Yeah, that was released last April. It was recorded with Ross Orton, and it managed to peak at 36 in the iTunes Alternative chart – which was pretty cool. That must’ve felt nice? Danny: It was great to see it doing so well – It even managed to sneak into the main chart, at like 180 or summat like that. It was strange seeing it chart around songs off the Monkeys’ latest album and stuff from One Direction. Reyt effort! What about ‘Darken the Stars’? Sam: That’s a new one. We always discuss how we want to expand our instrumentation – so, when Danny got a synth, we all got excited and managed to thrash out a song in three hours. Ash: We were just jamming about; Danny started by playing a couple of notes and Ben began drumming along to it. It all came together nicely. It’s a nice, chilled out song – but it builds to a massive crescendo. You’ve been playing music together for about 6 years now. Is it fair to say that you’ve cemented your style/sound now? Sam: We feel very sure of ourselves as a band now. I think you always need to leave a bit of room for adjustment, though. Ben: The sound will never be set in stone. We’ll always be looking to improve or change whenever we write new music.

Interview: Joe Food. Photography: Timm Cleasby for The Picture Foundry. Over those long years, what knowledge have you gleaned? Ben: Not to play Sheffield pretty much every week. Sam: Yeah, don’t get me wrong , we love the venues we’d regularly play around Sheffield – Soyo and the like - but it was good to get out and try different places. Ash: You’ve got to get out and try to play in as many different cities as you can. You tend to be quite well supported when you travel nowadays, but have you ever turned up at some venue in the arse-end of Scotland and found just three men and a dog in the audience? Sam: Absolutely! The audience for our first ever gig in London consisted of the sound guy and four people. Ash: To be fair, we were meant to be going on stage at 9.30 – but we ended up playing at about 1.30 in the morning. Some old bloke with an accordion even got on before us! I suppose that you can learn from those experiences as a band… Sam: Well, I just think that you should never turn down gigs. Even if you treat a quiet gig as a practice, it’s still worth doing. Ben: We’ve travelled to Scotland and played gigs where there was more people on stage than in the crowd – but those were some of the best times we’ve had together. Danny: It’s how you earn your stripes.

18 l Watch the session exclusively online at

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Apart from winning the Exposed Award for ‘Best Unsigned Band’ earlier this year, are there any other highlights or landmarks that you look back on now? Sam: That award gets a polish once a week! Ash: Some fans on Twitter played a trick on us with that award. There’s a website which can fake tweets from accounts, and they sent us one which looked genuinely like the Exposed Magazine account saying, ‘unfortunately lads, you’re award’s been revoked.’ Danny: It looked proper genuine at first. Harsh! But it’s clear that you make a conscious effort to communicate with your fans at gigs, through your blog, social media, etc. Would you say that genuine band-fan interaction is lacking in music today? Sam: I understand that it can be insanely difficult for some bands, but at our level it’s perfect. It’s easy for us, because we share the same music tastes, they’re all good fun and cool people to meet. Obviously, we’re not blaming bands like Arctic Monkeys for not going for a drink with everyone after they’ve played to an arena. Danny: To be honest, it’s just nice to make friends with new people. We’ve met some really great people after our gigs – that’s the main reason we do it. You were back in Sheffield at the Rocking Chair earlier last month. Now that you’re more of a touring band do the hometown gigs feel a bit special? Sam: Yeah, they definitely do mean a bit

more to us now. Ben: We finished the tour on that gig - and we were buzzing for weeks before because we knew it would be a sell-out. Ok, now that we’re talking Sheffield, I think it’s time to test some of your local knowledge. *Pulls out a copy of ‘Sheffield – a pocket miscellany’ by Jonathen Skews* Ok, we’ll start with crime statistics; which of the following had the highest crime rate per 1,000 residents in 2008 - Burglary, criminal damage, drug offences or offences against vehicles? Ash: It’s either criminal damage or offences against vehicles. Erm, I think we should go for the criminal damage one – that’s our final answer. Correct! Criminal damage was at 23.6 – well above the national average of 17. Bad times. Moving on, what do you reckon are the top five steepest hills in Sheffield? Danny: Trinity Street? Ben: Gi’or! What about the one in the Tour

de France? Danny: Oh, Jenkin Road? Jenkin Road is in there, yep. Sam: There’s one near Middlewood that’s just nuts. I can’t remember the name now. Ok, I’ll put you out of your misery. The steepest hill in Sheffield is Hagg Hill. Sam: Of course it is! That’s my end – I can’t believe I didn’t get it. Last piece of Sheffield miscellany: as of 2008, roughly how much was Sheffield’s economy worth? Ash: I an’t got a clue! Sam: Ah, I’m going to have a guess at 11 billion. Sam, you’re not far off there! Sheffield’s economy was worth 9 billion as of 2008. Now, let’s get back to music; what’s on the horizon for The Ratells? Danny: A lot of writing, really. I think we’re gonna hide away for a bit in the studio and get our heads down. Ash: We really want to be in everyone’s faces next year - so the next few months are going to be busy ones.


Filmed & Edited by Helene Michaelides Recorded by Steve Ellis Produced by Joe Food Watch the session exclusively online at Exposed In Session: An exclusive youtube gig every month from some of the city’s finest musical exports. Two tracks - recorded live with no overdubs at some of the city’s most inspiring locations.

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Hair by Hairess




Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers.

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FRONT RUNNER This month, we took to drawing straws to find our next Jess Ennis or Mo Farah - after being challenged by pacey pros Frontrunner to take part in the Endcliffe 5K Park Run. A piece of inch long spaghetti sealed intern Olivia’s fate. What follows are the (t)highs and (b)lows of her challenge. Jog on… Words: Olivia Riches. Pics: Phil Turner.

Front Runner are a running shop based in Sharrow Vale who supply all manner of clothing, footwear and equipment for outdoorsy activities. The challenge? A 5K race - us at full pelt and them handicapped by pushing round Gertrude the mannequin in her specially designed push-chair. As yer do. Where? Endcliffe Park. When? 9am Saturday morning. The course? Start near the café, run as if your heading out of the park and over the bridge, curve back round into the park and turn left, up past the tennis club then right onto Rustlings Road and progress up the steady incline parallel to the park. Then… When you reach the corner of Endcliffe Park turn down and follow the path past both duck ponds, back past the café and the playground, and repeat! The finish line would be near the entrance to the park through a generous helping of flags and a cunningly displayed ‘finish line’ sign. As this is my first Exposed VS challenge, I was determined to not let my team

down - and somehow, through some crafty bribing, I roped in my partner Danny to run with me for moral support (which also gave us two cracks at taking the title). Ahead of the main event, we’d we spent three days in Skegness - where in about 72 hours 75 centimeters of rain managed to fall. That said, I was determined to get a practice run in ahead of the big day, so at 7:30am we forced ourselves onto the beach in gale force winds and driving rain. Imagine cross country in first year of high school followed by the bleep test and you’ll get the idea. However, my determination didn’t waver - and we managed a 4km round trip without drowning. Come the big day, and it’s 22 degrees, with sun beaming down on the race track – meaning all our training was for nowt. Mark, of Front Runner, was a lovely bloke - a 6ft lean mean running machine who informed us he should be pretty tired as he’d done a “quick” 10km the night before. After sizing up our opponents, Danny and

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I stole off to a corner for quick tactic chit chat. I decided to start off at the back with Mark our challenger and Gertrude - while Danny snuck forward to the middle of the 400 strong group of runners as he judged the pace needed to beat our leggy adversary . And we’re off! I’d prepared a playlist for the race that included some 140bpm power trance and techno. Danny… power ballads and rock anthems. And things began well enough. Danny moved forward with the middleweights and got a good start. I took to a steady jog, keeping Mark just within my sights about 10 people in front of me - with Gertrude and the buggy slowing him down as he tried to maneuver around people. But, as the race progressed and the crowd thinned, he was able to overtake more easily. As the course turned up Rustlings Road, I began to feel the heat, but pushed on with a steady pace - intending to gain ground once we’d turned the corner at the top and descended into the park. Turning the corner, Steve began to pick up the pace, so I followed suit to keep him within sight. I saw no sign of Danny up ahead meaning he was keeping his lead strong. As we ran around the course for the second time, disaster struck for Mark! Whilst performing a tricky over take on

the outside poor Gertrude lost an arm! He stopped, collected the arm, dodged a Jack Russell and took off again - but this time with elongated strides and a change in gear. This took me straight out of the race. As Mark sprinted gazelle-like up the steady incline, my jogging pace slowed and it was a constant mental battle not to stop. A combination of thirst, the heat and the incline began to take its toll. I knew the situation was truly dire when a man pushing a set of twins in a buggy went past me and I could no longer see my challenger. Meanwhile, back in front, Danny had set his first lap at a steady pace - something that just about classed as running over jogging - but by the second time round he’d slowed to a walk (he tells me later Mark overtook him on the hill of Rustlings Road and he marveled at how effortless Gertrude was positively gliding along in front him). I managed to turn the last corner and then it was onto the home straight from one end of the park to another. I cracked on and started to sprint knowing that I’d soon glimpse the two lads at the finish line waiting for me. Half filled with dread, and half filled with determination, I crashed through the finish line to see Mark waving, Danny half dead… and Gertrude with a smug smile on her face. Sigh.


You don’t know life sucks until you’ve been beaten in a race by a dummy. That said, hats off to Mark and the Front Runner team who clearly know their shizzle. Who wants a piece of us next? Is it you? You giving it all Gallagher-like at us? Come on then! Yorkshire, Yorkshire, Yorkshire...! SCORES SO FAR Exposed – 17 Challengers – 26 Draws – 3

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Creator Hair Academy Show Crystal 2014

DO YOU WANT A CAREER IN HAIRDRESSING ? If so Creator Hair Academy is Sheffield’s number one training academy, having been recognised by Ofsted as “outstanding” in October 2013. We also work along side all of Sheffield’s finest salons

We understand what it takes to be a successful hair stylist for more information email or call Michael/Mark 0114 2490989 26 | For more listings and reviews, head to

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RETRO RETURNS October 18 and November 22 sees the Britain Does Vintage Fair returning to Sheffield. Expect loads of hand-picked stores selling jewellery, accessories, home wear and kitchenalia with class - all under the chandelier in Cutlers’ Hall, Church Street. There’ll also be live music, afternoon teas and vintage-inspired workshops to make each Saturday a proper day out - and why not get your ‘do done to 40’s perfection in the pop-up beauty parlour? A great accompaniment to the already flourishing vintage scene in Sheffield, Britain Does Vintage guarantees student-friendly prices and lots of winter woollies that will no doubt fly off the hangers. Entry £2/£1 with a BDV Loyalty Card.

Festival fashion has just gone vibrant pink with this stunning hand-made envelope shoulder bag. For a serious splash of colour and a good helping of tassels and pom-poms this modern-bohemian accessory will brighten up any outfit. £22,


The easy to sling on jumpsuit is making a strong comeback this summer. Jump into this Acid wash denim number for a look that can be paired with just about anything. £22.99,



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Feel free spirited with these feathery earrings for bohemian street style, or a festival savvy accessory. £20,


The strappy sandal is a staple wardrobe accessory- easy to throw on, don’t hurt your feet, and great for summer BBQs or hitting the high street. £45,




Follow the neon pink through this Greek-style meander print scarf, to keep those shoulders warm on cooler summer evenings. £15,


The Creator Hair Academy is a barbering training school - encouraging only the best teaching standards so its learners get the finest possible experience. Having opened in August 2013, the Academy is fortunate enough to have the talents of Mark Pearson as an educator – who’s had almost 23 years’ experience in a salon environment. Joining him is Michael Lewis as director - offering an irreplaceable knowledge of training and development. Not only that, the Academy was recognised as “outstanding” by OFSTED last October. Nearly 100 learners are currently working through the NVQ courses - and five are doing special private training. The Academy recently held a show at Crystal - at which 50 learners showcased some very promising work in front of experts within the industry. A commitment to providing the absolute best training, potentially leading to employment, is Creator Hair Academy’s priority.

KYDO Boutique (which stands for ‘Keep Your Dress On’) specialises in all things glamorous. Their glittery jewellery range, stunning bag and purse selections, impressive fascinators and delicate head pieces promise to transform any mediocre outfit into something fabulous. We take our hats off to the owner, Kat Pearson, who’s followed her life-long passion for creativity and style. Her stunning range of bespoke fascinators, hats and headpieces range from the beautifully delicate to the grand and extravagant and are all available in a range of beautiful colours to suit any outfit or occasion. Each headpiece is handmade by Kat who works closely with each client to produce something custom made and unique. With hopes to expand her range further with a course at London’s Central St Martins this summer, we can only expect impressive things from this recently emerged fashionista. For more listings and reviews, head to | 27

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The Style Files...

With the sun finally deciding to get his hat on, we donned our shades and headed out onto the streets of Sheffield.

The Preppy Look This chap achieves the preppy style with a bold statement jumper on top of a chequered shirt. He finishes the look with a classic pair of black brogues.

The Laid-Back Look Take some oversized dungarees, add a splash of colour and finish with a comfy pair of Birkenstocks to achieve this effortlessly cool look - on trend and easy to throw on.

The Vintage Look This lovely lady takes a 1950s style dress and simply pairs it with a classic black handbag and black sandals. Her cropped hair and large sunnies add edginess.

The Classic Look The perfect combination of classy and casual is achieved in this look, with a flowing orange midiskirt paired with a slouchy denim jacket.

The Smart Look With a buttoned to the top Aztec shirt, turned up dark jeans and black boots, this look is sharp; while his neutral coloured backpack makes for stylish practicality.


Yellow bicycles, footballs, tennis rackets – it’s certainly been a summer of sport. With that in mind, Meadowhall have put together 4 top styles for the summer incorporating the sporting them - a fabulous way for us to keep up with the action without breaking a sweat.

MAKE-UP ARTIST LOU BOX HAS ALSO CHIPPED IN SOME GREAT ADVICE FOR COMPLETING THE LOOK: Wear as little base as possible for a natural look. Experiment with bright colours and metallics to catch the sun.

THE ALL-PURPOSE JACKET Find a jacket that’s as versatile as it is a statement. The mixture of pastels and monochrome tones brings something refreshingly classy.


Don’t think too hard about colour coordination. The use of floral print is a classic way of mixing different tones, using accessories to pull out key colours.


Matching sets are courageous, but a worthy chance to take. Sets like this one from TopShop are adapted and accessorised easily.


Geometric prints are always a cool classic. Teamed up with another monochrome piece, statement heels and a sleek hairstyle, this look is suitable for any summer occasion.

If you can’t handle colour anywhere else, use it on your nails. Bright orange lips with a tan are a must. Or neon shades for pale skin – top tip, try different opacities to create different look.

See for more. 28 | For more listings and reviews, head to

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Spotlight On...

Hair salons. We’ve got plenty of them in the Steel City these days - so to stand out you have to provide something really special. Cutting edge knowledge, a service that will keep you coming back for more, a haircut that makes you shine… Tim Hyde is confident he can deliver the lot. So Tim, how did your career in hairdressing all begin? I’ve been in the hairdressing business for 11 years now. My career began at Sassoon, where I worked my way up to become creative director. I then opened my own salon in Dronfield a couple of years ago. Now I’m here. What made you move to the Steel City? Moving to Sheffield felt like a natural progression from my salon in Dronfield- it was the next step. I began looking for a slightly smaller property where I could create more of a bespoke, personal service; and then this place came up on Ecclesall Road - it just seemed perfect. You’ve been open for just over a month now, how successful has the salon been in this short time? Really busy! I already possess a strong cliental base of people from my previous salon that now come to Sheffield for their daily cuts and colours - with some people coming from as far as Leicester! We pride ourselves on our personal relationships with all our customers - some people who come here are like family members. What separates your salon from all the others? We provide one-on-one customer service. When you’re in my salon you won’t start having your hair cut by one person, and then finished by another. You have the same hairdresser for the whole process, with their sole focus on you. It’s a very personal experience; I like to think people also come in to have a chat as well as to have their daily snip. We also differ in the technique we use to colour hair. Most salons will colour and then cut your hair - we reverse this process. This is usually commercially harder as it requires you to wash the hair twice, but it allows the client to see their new hair style before we begin

to colour. It’s this attention to detail which makes us so unique. Finally, what hairstyle is currently at the height of fashion? Hair has gone back to classic, elegant styles, with more emphasis on cuts and shapes that are easy to reproduce at home. We understand that not everyone has a lot of time in the morning to attempt to create that perfect hair style, but that’s where we come in. The cut you receive in our salon should do the majority of the work, and should only require a little work from yourself. We want you to look effortlessly glamourous and confident - without having to wake up two hours before work.

Tim Hyde Hairdressers is currently offering a smashing start-up offer of 20% off cuts for new clients. For more information visit

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New Blondor Freelights. The big trend now is for stone washed blondes and brunettes that look effortlessly and naturally cool. Natural looks that feel as if they have been created by sun, wind and sea, only better. Visit the salon now and get your own balayage look. 284 Ecclesall Road Sheffield S11 8PE Tel 0114 2664045 E: twitter @284HAIR

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Exposed Promotion


Laundry for Hair has scooped a top accolade and is ‘officially’ shortlisted in trend setting ‘global king of cool’ magazine ‘Creative Head’. We are the only salon outside of the mighty capital to be included in the line-up for Best New Salon. Feedback so far? They’re loving our brand, our interior, our amazing team of specialists and our steer away from ‘normal salon vibes’. We say – what’s not to love? We’re ‘judged’ in London in September.


We opened last November and have gathered to our heart a team of highly experienced and innovative specialists to share their wealth of experience with Laundry customers. The team is expanding - so say hello to two of our newest friendly faces.

Stuart Allen

Stuart’s specialist approach to cuts, as well as being a skilled colour technician, makes him hot property in Laundry. Originally trained in Sheffield, then to the chic streets of Marylebone, London, he’s a stylist to the stars in music and TV. A regular at London Fashion Week he also ran a monthly pop up salon in East London. He’s fully versed in the power of THE perfect blow dry (low heat only please), a hair health guru and can cook like a dream... No, really.

Marie Power

Marie leaves her clients floating on a fluffy cloud of happiness. Highly skilled in the art of holistic therapeutic hair management, she specialises in ‘Personalisation’. Taking inspiration from you and your hair, she creates an individual hair plan with you and works out a bespoke technique for cutting and post cut management. She’s been perfecting her therapeutic technique for 18 years - and it’s a truly amazing and super relaxing experience.

FREE HAIR GLOSS FOR EVERYONE! Book in for any cut and colour during Summer and get a FREE treat. Laundry for Hair. Book in/Walk in - 0114 276 3645 - 32 | For more listings and reviews, head to

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Widely regarded as the UK’s first celebrity chef, Marco Pierre White recently returned to his Yorkshire roots to visit his latest restaurant here in Sheffield. Exposed caught up with the enfant terrible to chat about his incredible career to date. Words: Carl Reid. Surrounded by adoring fans, Marco sits like a king holding court in his new castle. What’s more… he seems to actually be enjoying it. “Wednesday or United?” he beams as I shake his hand. “Erm, Wednesday, mate,” I splutter, discarding my extensive Wikipedia notes and settling myself down for a more informal chat. “Ah, I’ve always had an affection for Wednesday. I’ve been an Arsenal supporter since I was 10 and I remember in the 70’s/ early 80’s when they met each other in the old League Cup. They ended up having five games against each other as you didn’t have penalty shoot-outs back in the old days. Wednesday were a very good team back then.” He strikes a very different figure from the one I was expecting. There’s no hint of his renowned fiery temper. Instead, I’m greeted by a contemplative, intelligent, downright pleasant character who seems comfortable in his own skin – and who’s relishing his time back on his old Yorkshire stomping ground. “I like coming back to Yorkshire. It’s my 34 | For more listings and reviews, head to

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home county and I have lots of memories here – some happy, some sad. I left Leeds in ’78, and Yorkshire in ’81, but the apple hasn’t rolled far from the tree. My humble beginnings of the North have stood me well. It’s very easy to get lost… very easy to think you’re something that you’re not.” He’s referring to fame, of course. Being, at the time, the youngest chef to nab three Michelin stars, its something that would inevitably follow. Hanging up his apron in 1999, Hell’s Kitchen, The Chopping Block, Kitchen Wars and Masterchef Australia all saw him gracing the small screen – whilst a selection of publications, including influential cookbook White Heat and autobiography White Slave have added to his allure. Aside from this, there’s his stunning success as a restaurateur… “I suppose, out of all of them, I’m the most reluctant to step onto the stage… to put myself in the spotlight,” he muses, as I point out he’s the first celebrity chef to open a restaurant in Sheffield’s city centre. “What I’m doing here today is my job. I always appreciate the people who spend their hard earned cash in my restaurant. One thing you’ll notice is the length of time I spend with each customer. I think that’s very important. You have a responsibility and a duty to care about the people who come to your restaurant - it might be my Yorkshire upbringing. The back bone of Britain is the Northern working classes the blue collar. Mr Cameron, in my opinion, should ask for the support of a few more blue collared people.” It’s clear that politics play a major part in Marco’s life – and he’s certainly not backward in coming forward with his views...

WHITE HOT: MARCO’S CLIMB TO CAREER SUCCESS: 1961: Where it all began. The renowned Celebrity Chef comes into the world and begins his life in a modest council house in Leeds. 1978: Plucky teenage Marco ventures to South London aged 16, with nothing more than a handful of change to his name, to try his hand at breaking into the competitive catering sector. He commences his classical training under Albert and Michel Roux - where he became Albert’s ‘little white bunny’. 1986: Marco opens Harvey’s, his first restaurant in London. Just a year later, he bags his first Michelin star. Not only was his reputation for being a fantastic cook blossoming, but so was his reputation for being a rock ‘n’ roll sex god of the kitchen. The ruggedly good-looking Romeo, with his mass of curly locks, started to find ladies knickers appearing in his mailbox. 1988: The arrival of Marco’s second Michelin star. 1992: Marco’s speedy success to stardom continued as he became chef-patron of The restaurant Marco Pierre White at Forte’s Hyde Park Hotel. 1995: Marco becomes the youngest British chef to bag three Michelin stars. During these years he had the likes of Gordon Ramsey and Philippe Messy

working for him. 1999: Despite the horrified gasps of the restaurant business, Marco makes history as he hands back his hard-earned Michelin stars. He cooked his last dish in December that year and packed up his frying pan for early retirement. 2006: The publishing of Marco’s autobiography White Slave, which threw his readers into the heat of the kitchen with sizzling wit. 2007: Marco replaces his former protégé, Gordon Ramsey, as head chef on highlystrung cooking TV series Hell’s Kitchen. 2013: Marco becomes a principle judge on down-under’s Masterchef: The Professionals. 2014: Marco stars in a week long appearance of Aussie’s favourite cooking show, Masterchef, mentoring the chefs in the elimination round. prisoners!

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Dedicated to the art of haircutting

Now Open 751-753 Ecclesall Road Sheffield S11 8TH 0114 268 4050

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“When I was a boy, there was such a thing as a working class Tory. That’s what I consider myself. The collaboration of weak governments and the breakdown of industry has created the Britain we know today. There’s not much we can do about it - the damage is done. It’s all about making the right decisions.” So, talking of right decisions… why Sheffield for this latest venture? “You know what? Sheffield was the city that lent me £67,000 to buy my share in Harvey’s. I got it from the Yorkshire Bank and Mr Fischer was the bank manager,” he smiles. “I’m a great believer that nothing happens by accident. There’s no such thing as coincidence - everything happens for a reason.“ I take this as my cue to whip out my pièce de résistance – a bottle of Hendo’s! “Henderson’s Relish!” he laughs. “You’ll not believe this, but this is actually the second bottle I’ve been given. The first, incredibly, was in Dubai. I did a radio show and the DJ was originally from Sheffield and gave me a bottle. He used to use it at least twice a week. I’ve seen it used by other chefs… I’d consider adding it to my cooking.” Seemingly the perfect conclusion to a thoroughly pleasant chinwag, I wrap things up by asking what he thought the key to his uber-success was… “Success, to me, is discovery - although luck does play a minor part. What really counts is self-discovery and accepting who you are – that’s the only way you can be truly happy. When you’re happy, you then have the opportunity to realise your full potential - whether that be as a writer or a chef. Discovery equals success...”

Find Marco Pierre White’s New York Italian next to the Hampton by Hilton Hotel at West Bar Green. Open daily from 12pm-10pm, to book a table or for more information, visit

Cut-Throat Cooking: Marco famously slashed a trainee’s whites at Harvey’s after he complained about the heat in his kitchen. His boiling rage has also seen glassware and crockery routinely fly through the air. Since then, he’s said to have expurgated swear words - and his boiling temper has been reduced to nothing more than a gentle simmer.

Marco’s Marital Madness: Marco’s relationship problems frequently hit the headlines, kind of like a child’s scooter hitting the windscreen of a 4x4… actually, that’s exactly what happened! In 2012 Marco’s estranged third wife damaged his car in a fit of anger. Don’t mess with Mr OR former Mrs White!

Gobbing With Gusto: Marco is certainly not a man afraid to speak his mind. His public scraps with former protégé Gordon Ramsey have been messy - resulting in the pair not speaking to each other – whilst he referred to Jamie Oliver as “a fat chef with a drum kit”. Chip On Your Shoulder: One brave customer asked if he could order a side order of chips with his lunch. White kindly hand-cut and personally cooked the chips – before charging said customer £25 for his time.

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Be the best version of you. We all have our own stories. Don’t let yours hold you back. Be bold. Start a new chapter. Contact our hair transplant specialists today and start your own new beginning. Hair restoration • VASER liposuction • Male chest reduction

0800 270 7700 EXP_AUG2014_pgs 33-48.indd 41 7/28/2014 5:55:51 PM

Join us

IN OUR STUNNING BRAND NEW BEER GARDEN “Quality is something The Florentine offers by the bucket load. As you step through the doors you’re greeted with an air of extravagance. The transformation has been a sympathetic one, restoring original features whilst adding nods to both past and present.” Exposed Magazine

“The Florentine… bears little resemblance to the place we last visited. And, judging by the packed tables and full reservations book, we’re not the only ones to like the new look.” Sheffield Telegraph

The Florentine


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For more listings and reviews, head to

From Rum to Riches After 14 years of fiesta-filled nights out on Trippet Lane, Cubana are changing their address. Over the years, they’ve blessed us with rum cocktails, tapas, dance classes, live music and guest DJs like no other – now, the upsize to Leopold Square will mean customers have more room to taste it, drink it and shake it, over not one, but two floors. Samantha Fielding met owner and Cuban connoisseur, Adrian Bagnoli, to experience the excitement first hand. Looking around Cubana’s new building, it’s clear there are many intriguing things to come. Both floors have been designed to look like a traditional Cuban street with cigar shop fronts, plants and some amazing, 3D-looking murals. As Adrian and his team are dedicated to creating an authentic atmosphere, they’ve even invited staff and customers of Cuban nationality to come and share their thoughts. Regulars from Trippet Lane will be glad to hear they’ll be carrying over all of their unique photographs and statue of Jesus the 160 metres between the old and new places. Overall, the new venue combines Cubana’s existing community vibe and excellent customer service with a classy

atmosphere and location. And, with their new state-of-the-art beer system, we’ve been guaranteed the ‘coolest crispest pint in Sheffield’. We had a few more questions for Adrian, which he gladly obliged to answer. Hi Adrian! We feel like you’ve been a part of our Sheffield nights out forever. Can you tell us a bit about the history of Cubana? We started in November 2000 on a backstreet of Sheffield - and there wasn’t a great deal on there at the time. But Brad Charlesworth and I opened up - and the key to Cubana was getting the food (we’ve had the same head chef since day one) and the music right. After all, there are so many Latin-American-themed venues that lack any Latin spirit. Have you got any highlights of the past era? We hosted the Buena Vista Social Club after party! They’re huge in the Latin world – HUGE!. To get them once was brilliant; after that, they came looking for us - they enjoyed it so much. The final piece of the jigsaw would be their approval of our new bar. We also had Panama’s Roberto Duan, one of the top ten boxers of all time, come

Visit for more.

to Cubana after he did a talk in Sheffield. That was another definite highlight. What do you think it is that makes Cubana the Sheffield establishment it is? I can’t emphasise how important the staff are. Having extroverted, warm individuals make up the team is paramount so the customer comes to us for a warm welcome. Plus, the staff enjoy working there - it’s not just a job. I think I’ve found the perfect group of people to join our existing team. So, what can we expect from the new, improved Cubana? We’re going to make it feel even cosier - but all of the existing characteristics will be implemented here. Some people thought it was a tall order - but I think it’s amazing. We have a few more strings to the bow, such as a piano bar and cocktails in the early evening. We also have two genres of music over the two floors: on Fridays the DJ plays house-y, funky stuff upstairs whilst there’s Latin rhythms downstairs. For Saturdays, upstairs is a chilled out, Ibiza-style sound, maybe a sax player in the corner - and downstairs is more upbeat. The live music throughout the week remains with us too - and the menu will also stay the same until we find our feet. It’s all about the full package. We’re creating an atmosphere, you know? What we’ve got here hasn’t been available in Sheffield before.

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YOUR LOCAL: The Hallamshire House THE READER: Mark Evans, solicitor & beer drinker WHY IS THIS ‘YOUR LOCAL’? “First and foremost, I just like the variety of beer on the hand pulls and key kegs. Pretty much every time I’ve been in there’s different beers to try. The pub always has a relaxed vibe too.” Favourite tipple: Porters and milds such as Thornbridge Brewery’s Pollards, a dark coffee milk stout 5% THE LOCAL: Residing on Commonside in Crookesmoor, this old coaching house continues to provide a resting stop for thirsty travellers and locals alike in the west of Sheffield. Its hook line - music, arts and community - sits at the heart of its ethos. With 8 cask lines and multiple keg lines including 4 Thornbridge beers in addition to Pilsner Urquell and Leffe, The Hallamshire always has the newest Thornbridge keg offerings. A recent stalwart, from their innovative brewing side, includes the taste bud exploder Cherry Brown - a brown ale with a massive oomph of sour Morello cherries melding with toffee malt. The Hallamshire is one of a handful of pubs in Sheffield with a full size snooker table; their dedicated back room providing a pleasing sanctum sanctorum for pub obsessed gamers. A landscaped outdoor patio area, partially underground, provides that indoor yet outdoor vibe ideal for those long summer days. The etched windows glimmer light through the numerous traditional snug areas in addition to the multiple open fires making this an all day, all year round kind of boozer. Taxidermy and Martin Bedford illustrated posters, advertising regular Blues gigs, punctuate the wood panelled interior reassuringly. MANAGERS: Becky Stuart and Tom Ashfield

Anchor’s Away! The unstoppable force that is Rootstock Trading Company is gearing up for another addition to its fabulous family – in the form of Anchorage Bar and East Coast Kitchen. Hopefully launching at the end of this month, in the old Fitzwilliam & West building within West One Plaza, the venue will offer two levels – a bar and deli downstairs and the East Coast Kitchen upstairs. On the drinks front, expect the likes of craft beers and cocktails to play a major part, whilst the menu will see a strong focus on seafood – such as clams and blue crab

49-51 Commonside, Sheffield S10 1GF T: 0114 266 4466 / @ HallamshireHaus

– along with everything from brisket to gourmet hotdogs. It’s the third venue in the city for Rootstock – adding to popular haunts The Harley and The Wick at Both Ends – and ultimately creating something of a social Sheffield triangle. Needless to say, it’ll also look the business - with the likes of reclaimed furniture, Chesterfield booths and parquet flooring all helping to create a quality, yet welcoming eating and drinking environment. All in all, it looks set to be a cracking addition to both West One and the city. Head to Anchoragebarandkitchen for more.

Eat Like A Northerner 1. Make some massive Yorkshire Puddings. 2. Whack ‘em on a bloody big plate. 3. Serve with just about any food known to Human kind. 4. ENJOY!!!

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Beer Revolution! With the uber-success of their cocktail masterclass (read more on the next page), the good folk at Revolution have decided to add another string to their boozy bow – in the form of a beer masterclass. Having travelled the globe tasting ales, lagers, pilsners and stouts (so you didn’t have to), they’ve added 30 premium beers and ciders to their already extensive menu – and now they want to pass their vast knowledge on to you (and have a ton of fun whilst doing it). The class is a hosted experience aimed at groups of six or more and comes complete with matching food. Be you an avid beer lover, or simply someone who wants educating beyond your Friday night pint, expect everything from Krombacher paired with chorizo and charred apple to Duvel with popcorn shrimp to give your taste buds a treat. There’s six premium beers in total to try and, rest assured, you’ll leave with not only some new found knowledge – but also a massive smile on your face. Head along to for more.

Pointing Dog

516 Ecclesall Road, S11 8PY 0114 2660742 THE PLACE

Holding court within the Victorian splendour of the former Polish Ex Serviceman’s Club, the Pointing Dog Clubhouse is the latest member of the ever growing Ecclesall Road family. A whopping £1.5 million has been spent transforming the premises into a swanky bar and restaurant which offers an air of exclusivity via a membership scheme.


Fancie Farewell

On June 30, Amanda and Steve from Fancie posted a farewell message on the bakery’s blog. But, fret not Fancie friends, they’ve simply passed the reins over to someone else. After seven years in the business, the couple have left the brand in the capable hands of Matt and Nina, owners of Wig & Pen and the Milestone - and are now looking forward to the “surreal experience of being able to go in to Fancie as a customer”. With Matt & Nina’s experience in the industry, we’re sure the Fancie brand will continue to go from strength to strength. And to Amanda and Steve, all the best for the future, folks. See for more.

Welcomed warmly and professionally, we take our seats and peruse an extensive drinks menu. Upon recommendation by head bar honcho Garry Raynes, we opt for the Rioja. What this guy doesn’t know about drinks simply isn’t worth knowing – and I’m pleased to report it did the job royally. To start, it was the steamed mussels accompanied with white wine cream and shallots for me - a classic combo that was well balanced and still offered that ‘taste of the sea’. For my partner, the charcoal roast chorizo salad – a hearty, rustic number, with caramelised scallion, crisp potato and a white

bean & tomato dressing that was packed with flavour. Onto the mains – and it was the New York Strip steak which caught my eye. They’ve got a wood fired grill here and pride themselves on their meaty offerings. Rightly so, as this was cooked to medium rare perfection, had a smoky smack and melted in the mouth. Thick cut chips and a fab house dressing raised the bar even higher. My other half opted for the pork chop tomahawk – which was a whopper. As visually striking as it was tasty, it arrived with grain mustard mash potato and caramelised red onion - and was truly stunning We finished the night off with a shared tonka bean panna cotta – a taste sensation paired with honeycomb and raspberry sorbet.


The Clubhouse has swiftly become the ‘go to’ place in Sheffield – and for good reason. There’s no doubt this gorgeous venue is bringing some much needed sparkle back to Sheffield’s ‘golden mile’.

Restaurant open Sunday -Thursday 11am - 10pm Friday & Saturday 11am -11pm. Bar open Thursday - Saturday 11am - midnight. Sunday - Wednesday 11am -11pm

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Top 10 Barbeque Alternatives Bored of your barbie? Sick of sad sausages, boring burgers and cheesy cheese squares? Never fear - Exposed is here with our gripping, yes gripping, all inclusive, no-holds-barred top ten alternative barbeque foods. Because, if a food is good enough, it deserves to be slapped over some piping hot coals. Phwoar.

10. Shrimp They’re an Aussie classic. It’s worth marinating these babies in a Cajun sauce for a few hours then whacking a few on a skewer. Just please be kind enough to put a few on for us too! 9. Polenta A great alternative to crisps and crackers. Just brush with oil, grill for around 4 minutes on each side, and add as many different toppings as you like. We love the combination of chorizo, bruschetta tomatoes and sour cream! 8. Pineapple Who says the barbeque is a savoury exclusive? Smother Pineapple fingers in cinnamon and brown sugar and pop it on for a great dessert treat. Our sources also say these are a great accompaniment to cocktails… 7. Brussel Sprouts I learnt this the hard, but good way. One Christmas, me Mam chargrilled all of the vegetables. But the sprouts were surprisingly more edible than usual. Maybe it’s worth stomaching this veg more than once a year. 6. Corn on the Cob Corn on the Cob deserves to be a barbecue staple in this day and age. It might be an obvious one, but mix it up by adding chilli oil or garlic butter to get your corn well and truly popping… and be sure to keep a tooth pick handy.

In The Mix

Fancy getting in the mix at Revolution? The renowned cocktail maestros would like to let you in on the tricks of the trade - with their cocktail masterclass. The class, available to book now, teaches you how to professionally knock up a refreshing cocktail – not that miserable mush you’ve previously made at a house party. Leading the 90 minute tutorial is one of Revolution’s many ‘cocktail masters’, who are there to give you a practical, hands-on learning experience. There are limitless possibilities when it comes to mixing - making room for experimentation and questionable outcomes. A standalone session is available at £25 per head, whilst other deals include additional nibbles and dinner courses. You’ll need a minimum of eight people taking part – which makes itthe ideal day or night out with your mates… whilst learning crucial life skills. Get involved by heading to

5. Bacon Yes. Praise the lord that there’s a one-size-fits-all type of meat. Why not wrap it around the corn on the cob we just mentioned? Why not wrap it around everything? EVERYTHING! 4. Bananas Grilled Bananas are fantastical, seductive beasts. We found a great recipe for banana smores: simply split the banana in half, pack with chocolate chips and marshmallows and grill. One of your five a day (kind of) never tasted so good. 3. Portobello Mushrooms A great burger alternative for veggies, the Portobello is the emperor of the mushroom family. We recommend serving in bread, with onions and romaine salad, all of which can be grilled too! 2. Quesadillas Can you really improve perfection? Turns out you can, by compiling your quesadillas as standard, then toasting them on the barbeque so the fajita wraps get even crispier. You’ll never look back. 1. Halloumi What did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror? Halloumi! (#Facepalm. Ed). Halloumi is the perfect accompaniment to any meat or veg, and is also the secret to a long and happy life. But don’t tell anyone we told you.

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The Kelham Island Tavern Proud Winners of Sheffield Pub of the Year 2014 Nominated for Yorkshire Pub of the Year 2014

Try Our Multi Award Winning Beer Garden This Summer Best range of Real Ales in the City Always including a mild, stout & porter Camra UK Pub of the Year 2008/09 // Sheffield Pub of the Year 10 Yrs Running Yorkshire Pub of the Year 04/07/08/09/12 // Lunch 12-3 Mon-Sat // 13 Real Ales

The Kelham Island Tavern, 62, Russell Street, Sheffield S3 8RW Tel: 0114 272 2482



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A wide range of real homemade meals on offer 12pm - 8pm Monday - Saturday Traditional Sunday Roasts with homemade Yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes from 12pm - 5pm Pie Night every Thursday from 5pm Pies can be made to order, send request before 6pm Wednesday Check us out on Facebook for the Pies available this week Relax in our famous Tap Room with real log fire Tuesday Night Quiz Thursday Night Noughts and Crosses Quiz Bowling Green open to our Social Members

‘The True Family Friendly Pub’

944 Chesterfield Road Sheffield, S8 0SH

0114 274 5374

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Garden Party

Sun’s out, guns out, right? And, in this instance, we’re talking big guns – in the form of the best beer gardens our fair city has to offer. We took one for the team and had a trot around Sheffield to seek out those hidden sun traps.

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NEEPSEND LANE With oddities placed around the garden, such as strange masks on the wall, The Gardeners Rest offers something different from your conventional pub garden. Since being refurbished after the floods of 2007, the popular boozer now offers 10 handpulled beers (including four from Sheffield Brewery Co) plus guests from all over the country. Quiz nights and live music are also major draws to this cosy venue. rest


SHARROW VALE ROAD Stray from your usual boozers on Ecclesall Road for a pub that possesses the only licence in Sheffield to showcase outdoor entertainment. They offer something of a ‘festival vibe’ - with live DJ sets, bands and entertainment all in the beer garden. And, like true festival-goers, they refuse to be put off by the fickle British climate - with sheltered areas and patio heaters. There are 20 tables available for sunbathing, drinking and a spot of alfresco dining. The extensive menu will cure any pint induced munchies - with a range of British pub classics given a cool and modern twist.


PITT STREET Hidden away from the wild-goings on of West Street, The Red Deer is a quaint gem on Sheffield’s real ale scene. Decorated by a brightly painted feature wall showcasing a large-eyed red deer, and decked out to the brim with picnic tables and stools, this beer garden is a perfect location for daytime drinking on a sunny Sunday afternoon – with board games on hand for added appeal. This traditional boozer also plays host to regular live music nights ranging from acoustic to folk and boasts a fantastically tempting menu of classic British comfort food.

THE FLORENTINE TAPTON PARK ROAD Sophisticated, yet familyfriendly, The Florentine boasts a modern, fresh beer garden featuring wicker sofas, benches and chairs - covered by a sleek canvas roof and fairy lights. The grace of the drinks list compliments the elegance of the outdoor area perfectly - with summer cocktails, an extensive wine list and a good handful of decent ales available for sipping in the sunshine. If you get peckish, there’s plenty of delicious grub on offer - from hand-stretched pizzas fresh to order to full on restaurant quality meals. This feature brought to you in association with..


RUSSELL STREET It’s a bit like being at a permanent beer festival at The Kelham Island Tavern - with up to 13 exciting craft ales on hand to try. This public house is completely decorated by fabulous fauna from front to back, which has won them 11 Yorkshire in Bloom Awards, as well as 8 Gold Lord Mayors Awards for the best outdoor drinking area. Numerous picnic benches are nestled amongst blossoming greenery, hanging baskets and real tropical flowers for a spot of country peacefulness in an urban jungle. www.


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GIBRALTAR STREET Having re-opened in 2011, Shakespeares has quickly become a hot spot for discerning beer drinkers. The pub prides itself on real ales, imported international beers, a bottled beer range and a sprawling beer garden. Its large walls and overhanging trees make for a uniquely comfortable environment, complete with a kooky covered area. Usually busy on a hot summer’s day, Shakespeares is full of character.

ABBEYDALE ROAD This traditional public house possesses a lot of history, priding itself on a treasure trove of traditional ales, whiskies and classic British grub - perfect to enjoy in their walled beer garden. Decorated with hanging baskets and other shrubbery, the outside area is packed to the brim with picnic benches- plus there’s also a sheltered area. For something a little more unique this summer, join The Broadfield on a speciality tasting journey through the world of whiskey.

DEVONSHIRE STREET With a beer garden that looks like a swimming pool built by Gaudi, The Forum is one of the most popular hang-outs for those wanting to soak up the sun with a cold pint. This funky beer garden is normally packed to the brim at any sign of good weather - with people frantically keeping their eye out for vacant deck chairs or tables. Once you finally get your hands on a reclined lounger, drink in hand, you can enjoy that on-holiday-feeling even when sat in the city centre - it’s well worth the sprint for an available seat.


CHESTERFIELD ROAD There’s something about The Abbey that manages to bring a fresh perspective to the beer garden concept. Perhaps it’s down to the massive open space and bowling green - highly entertaining whilst guzzling down some ale. Family friendly, The Abbey is great for kids given its use of outdoor space. In the distance you can see Graves Park, which is visually appealing and highly relaxing. theabbeypubsheffield This feature brought to you in association with..


LEOPOLD SQUARE LEOPOLD STREET Leopold Square is a thriving social space in the heart of the city centre - filled to the brim with some of Sheffield’s finest bars and restaurants. Tecnically not a beer garden itself, there are drinking and dining areas dotted around each venue - making it easy to switch from one to the other without having to go far. Recently welcoming a couple of independents in the form of The Bamboo Door and Cubana, catch live outdoor music on Sundays and over the bank hols.


ALMA STREET Perhaps one of the more wellknown beer gardens in Sheffield, The Fat Cat doesn’t just have a patch of grass with a dingy bench - it actually looks like a garden – and an incredibly well maintained one at that. Warm, inviting and most importantly atmospheric, this one’s an award winner. With a constant rotation of ales, punters are encouraged to bask in the sun whilst enjoying a different beverage each time. The garden itself is a mixture of both open and closed-off spaces, giving you the option to feel comfortably cosy or socialise with a big group of mates.

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Mondays: Idiots Quiz – Win A £30 Bar Tab Wednesdays: Jazz Night Thursdays: Last Laugh Comedy Club Plus occasional live music Fridays & Saturdays

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Open 12pm-12am Sunday to Thursday 12pm-1am Friday & 11am-1am Saturday

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The Bell Peppers, The Bohos, The Shaking Whips, 39th & The Nortons. A charity concert hosted by the Sheffield Food Collective, supporting Sheffield’s food banks. £6.50 or £5 with tinned food to donate.

Voted Sheffield Camra Pub of the Year 2013 Cask ales on rotation (over 2000 in less then 3 years), Over 125 whiskies, wide range of rums, gins, vodkas and ciders.

EVERY THURSDAY shakespeares pub Quiz.

Test your knowledge of shakespeare, sport, science and stuff from 9.00 free entry & drinks to be won


reg & friends open acoustic night. Come along and play, sing or just watch. free entry

Friday 8th:

Green City Blues - swing and blues dancing, a chance to learn the moves and then a social to practice them. £5.

Saturday 9th:

The King Bee All Dayer: Starting at 1pm we have a host of fantastic dj’s spinning tunes in Shakespeares awesome beer garden. We’ve got record sales, vintage stalls and the legendary King Bee Barbecue. As always the night kicks off upstairs 8.30 ‘till late. Two guest DJ’s grace the decks alongside regular tune spinners Arno, Dutton and Wright. £4

Sunday 10th:

Pocket Satellite album launch: Kooky pop folksters launch their quirky new album ‘8 Bit Me’ at Shakespeares. £TBC

0114 275 59 59

Eurosession - folk dancing from across the continent.

shakespeares ale & Cider house, 146 – 148 Gibraltar street

Word Life - a night of poetry, spoken word and more featuring guest performers and an open mic,

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thurSday 14th: Friday 15th:

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For more listings and reviews, head to

Manchester recently saw the arrival of the city’s first ‘Pound Pub’ – the second such venture by the ambitious chain following the successful launch of a first in Stockton-On-Lees. So, are they a good idea? And should Sheffield follow suit? The Pound Pubs offer well-known brands of ales including Fosters, Strongbow and John Smiths. With an increase of student clubs and bars opting for cheaper and less trustworthy brands of spirits in an attempt to flog shots for affordable prices, at least local punters are not at risk of drinking ‘Pound Pub Special Brew’. However, you may be disappointed to learn the name is slightly misleading - as the actual price of a pint will cost £1.50. You can get a half for a quid along with a range of soft drinks. To many people, these cheap boozers may seem like a dream come true, as with just a tenner one can purchase a decent amount of ale. However, typically most pubs will offer live sport, music and food – the Pound Pub doesn’t. It’s strictly no frills here. So, whilst the Pound Pub is cheap, it lacks the social conventions of many UK pubs. Respectable and traditional pubs are part of our British heritage and could be at risk of being destroyed by these low priced bars. But, with the average price of a pint throughout the UK being £3, often reaching the £5-£7 mark in bigger cities, it’s understandable why these cheap pubs would be tempting for many punters. The Pound Pub also allows its punters to begin their day with a pint as early as 8am. Will this lead to folks swapping their morning coffee for a pint of Strongbow?

THE JURY’S OUT. SO, SHEFFIELD… WHAT’S YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE MATTER? “It’s only £1.75 for cider and lager in Rotherham at the moment. It wouldn’t make that much of a difference.” DAN BUSHELL. “I know there’s a recession on, but I’m not sure about this mentality we have where we demand everything on the cheap. It’s quality and good service for me - and usually that comes at a price.” SARAH ROE. “They certainly have a place in today’s economic climate. Sheffield City Centre is blessed to have a lively pub scene; however, smaller villages and towns around Yorkshire have lost large slices of community spirit due to local pubs closing down. Such areas could really benefit from a cheaper alternative on their doorstep. The main problem is how they are being marketed purely on their cheapness, which brings out the snobs. £1 for half a pint is not far off Wetherspoon’s prices. If they went for more of a family-friendly approach - as opposed to ‘£1 A PINT!’ - they might get a better reception.” JOSEPH FOOD. “Seven pubs just closed near me over this side of the hills. Sad times, and fair play to those adapting to the current financial climate. It would be weird paying a quid for a pint again though. The last time I did that was when the Prodigy were topping the charts.” JIM COVERTLLY.

“I’d definitely love one here. Preferably on Eccy Road.” LIAM SMITH. “They must me making money on other drinks - spirits, soft drinks or food. Could be a loss leader to get people thro door. Let’s say they source 11g of lager for £100 with 88 pints out. Not including any beer loss, it’s £1.13 cost. I wouldn’t short shrift the beer makers and breweries, people should be allowed to make a living wage from the beer industry. Sounds like the pound pressure is back at brewery - as they must be driving the price down from brewery to offer this. Alternatively, it could be short shelf life stock - a type of home bargains buying strategy which enables the pricing structure.” JULES GRAY. “Sure, there’s a place in the market for them, just as there is for £4-5 craft beer. I know where I’d prefer to drink though!” JAMES MERRYLEES.

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For more listings and reviews, head to PHOTOGRAPHY BY MARC BARKER

THE BEAR NECESSITIES Next time you’re trying to think of a good, cheap, healthy joint for lunch give the Three Bears Kitchen paws for thought! Words: Victoria Cox. Dubbed as Sharrow’s hidden gem, they don’t growl from the rooftops about what they do, so I caught up with John Chamberlain, one of the brains behind the brand, to see what makes this rustic kitchen tick - and to find out what tasty treats I could sink my teeth into. You flung open the Café doors to the public in January this year. What made you and Ian want to start up a food joint like this? We were both in jobs that never particularly interested us. Then we noticed the Sharrow Community Centre in the Old Junior School was on the lookout for a new cafe to open up there. We swiped it up and everything just fell into place.

our complete love for food. We never stop experimenting with dishes - and we’re always trying to be more out there. So what tasty grub can we find on your chalkboards today? Today we’re serving one of my favourites: Griddled aubergine stuffed with a paste made from onion, peppers, and a little chilli. It’s then rolled up, and grilled with a good helping of cheese on top. It comes with a generous dolloping of yoghurt on the side too – but the chalkboards are always changing. Sounds delicious! There’s a lot of nutritious food churned out of your kitchen, are you

Where does the Three Bears name come from? I’m not too sure to be honest - probably after a few drinks! It just came about, and then when it stuck, it just seemed to fit perfectly. It’s quite a child-friendly name as well. What separates you from the other little food places in the Steel City? Oh, there are so many great cafes in Sheffield, but I guess what makes us so unique is

big veggie fans? We were originally a purely veggie café. We did some market research when we first opened - and most of the people who worked and lived in the area were vegetarians. But veggie food can still be very tasty, and most of the time much cheaper. Now we do provide for our meat-eating customers, but our food still contains plenty of green goodness. It’s important to eat your vegetables! Finally, where do you find the inspiration for your dishes? Usually, we decide what we’re going to cook by looking at what food we have in abundance, and then knock something tasty together. We do always like to work with seasonal vegetables - but our love for food means that we’re constantly researching for new recipes and interesting dishes. It’s all about experimentation and discovering!

The Three Bears Kitchen can be found at the Old Junior School on Vincent Road. Opening times: Mon- Fri, 8am-3pm. For more information visit www.

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Outdoor Events THE SHEFFIELD



From Sunday 24th to Mon 25th August, The Sheffield Fayre will return, featuring the legendary horticultural and craft tent as well as an arena showcasing local dance and performing talents. A series of skirmishes and living history performances will keep the crowds entertained, whilst also saluting the end of a decade of historic reenactments.





On Sunday 3rd and Tuesday 12th August, The Pantaloons put the ‘play’ back into theatre with their historically hysterical History of Britain and Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Set in the stunning surroundings of the Sheffield Botanical Gardens, this vibrant theatre company will draw on a range of styles from commedia dell’arte to clowning, stand-up and silent movies.


Turning the traditional Beer Festival on its head, ‘Beer The Festival’ throws a contemporary twist on the whole affair. A touring festival debuting in Sheffield on August Bank Holiday weekend, for three days you can expect multiple specially designed bars situated within a tented village. Check out (literally) a truck load of local ale, visit the World Beer Emporium and stop by the Best of British Beer Barrel Tent. For something different you can also sample a huge selection of single-malt whiskies, fly by Planet Vino for some top drawer wines or sip on something sweeter at the Apples and Pears cider bar. Three entertainment hubs, offering just as much of a broad a range of flavour as the drinks on offer, will keep the party going throughout the weekend. With live bands on the main stage, programmed by Sheffield´s own Tramlines Festival, plus comedy from the MASH stage and DJs inside the Barrel Tent, there is sure to be something to suit everyone. Head to for tickets and more.



Get your picnic blankets at the ready for an evening of music and fireworks as Chatsworth hosts a Proms Spectacular. The UK Philharmonic Orchestra will perform popular classics, movie themes and all the flag waving favourites associated with ‘The Last Night Of The Proms’. Also commemorating the centenary of the First World War, the evening will pay special tribute to the heroes who fought bravely overseas. August 1.



Carrying on the Tour de France legacy, join the traffic-free bike ride through Sheffield from 11am-3pm on August 11, from Devonshire Green, past Endcliffe Park, Tudor Square, whizzing along Eccleshall Lane and past Sheffield United’s Stadium. The ride will roll out a proper festy feel with a ‘tricks & tunes’ area and friendly Bike Café to keep you refreshed. Register for free now, and if you’re one of the first thousand to sign up you’ll receive a free gift on the day.

TOP PICKS The Fantastical Bazaar Vintage and Craft Fayre On August 31, the Hide Studios in Sheffield showcases local artists, crafters and all things vintage, with live music, street art, craft corner, vintage refreshments and more. fantasticalbazaarsheffield.

The Steel City Ghost Tour Take a turn around the haunted back streets of Sheffield with Mr P Dreadful, orator, storyteller and ringmaster of The Steel City Ghost Tour. Listen to the tales of death, murder and scandals, long lost in the dark history of Sheffield. Mon, Weds & Thus.

Head to for the full list of events and things to do in Sheffield this month.

Bread in a Day Venture into the world of bread making with Head Chef Simon Ayres and Pastry Chef Lisa Curran at the Showroom Cinema. Watch demonstrations and have a go at making your own focaccia, sour dough, brioche and white and brown loaves. Including hot drinks, pastries, cakes and lunch, the course promises to be sociable and fun as well as informative. Book now by calling 0114 275 7727. August 9. For more listings and reviews, head to | 57

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For more listings and reviews, head to Exposed Meets Gene Cernan.

Apollo 17 commander Gene Cernan was the last man to walk on the moon. Mark Perkins, starry-eyed, unashamed fan of the Apollo missions, collared him while he was in town at Sheffield’s Doc/Fest recently to promote his film - not surprisingly titled ‘Last Man on the Moon’. When President Kennedy made his famous ‘we will go to the moon’ speech, America had less than 20 minutes manned space flight experience. Gene Cernan was a US Navy pilot when he got a phone call to ask him if he was interested in applying to become one of the new recruits to the space program. I got the call, was told to come to Houston and check in a hotel under a false name. Who did I meet in the hotel bar but a whole bunch of the best test-pilots in the country, all checked in under the same false name. They threw questions at us I knew nothing about, and subjected us to physical tests like I’d never experienced before, then they sent us home. When the phone rang, Deke Slayton said to me, ‘There’s a job for you in Houston if you want it.’ From that point on, my life changed forever. I was on the space program. Wow. Then, in February 1966 the totally unexpected happened. The Gemini 9 crew died in a plane crash. I was one of the back-up crew so we were then on the mission. Suddenly I found myself on my very first flight into space, and on a space walk. The first time you went to the moon was on Apollo 10, which went round the moon, flew to within 50 miles of the surface, but then came back. How did that feel, being so close but not landing? Being given the privilege and the opportunity to go to the moon was pretty significant. Some people said if we were being sent that far, being put in that much danger and getting that close that we should be given a shot at landing. Other people said no, let’s paint the white line in the sky for Apollo 11 and see what problems they might encounter. The

Lunar Module had only flown once before and had never been that far from home. Our goal was to identify and solve those problems so that Neil and his crew would have that much less to worry about. Would I have changed the decisions we made? Maybe, but with hindsight it was the right thing to do. Think about it. Everyone who went to the moon came home, so we must have done something right, and fate played a wonderful trick on us. It just so happened that, the way everything worked out, number 11 was the one which went for the landing. Armstrong was not specifically picked to be the first man on the moon, but nobody could have handled it with greater dignity than my friend Neil. Can you describe your feelings as you stood on the moon and looked back at the earth? It was incredible; the mountains were higher than the Grand Canyon is deep on three sides. It’s not easy to make you understand what it feels like to look back

at the earth, surrounded by the infinity of space and the blackness that surrounds us. That whole period of time, that’s the time I call sitting on God’s front porch. Walking back up the ladder was probably one of the most memorable moments for me because I looked down at my footprints, and I knew that I wasn’t coming this way again. I looked over my shoulder and I saw the earth and thought there’s reality, there’s home. I wanted to press the freeze button. I wanted to stop time, to reach out, put it in my hand, fit it in my space suit and bring it home, and show everybody ‘this is what it feels like, this is what it looks like’. Once we got in and took our suits off, before I pulled down the shade to try to get some rest, I looked out at the earth. I just had to make sure it was still there. This film is the closest I can get to taking you back there with me. How did you adjust when you came back? It was no problem physically; you just

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adjust to the change in gravity. As far as philosophically and psychologically adjusting to being back home, that was not an issue. I know you’re probably referring to a couple of the guys who claim they suffered because of the overwhelming demands on their lives when they got back. A lot of the problems they had were due to their own psyche; they had problems before they went up. But it’s true I never really appreciated what was going on at home. When I was up in Apollo 10, my wife told reporters, ‘If you think going to the moon is hard, you ought to try staying home’, but I never heard that. I lived a very selfish life. Eventually she just wanted a normal life, just wanted to be a normal housewife and we got divorced, as did 60% of us. I’m not proud of it. I didn’t get off that big white horse I was riding until it was too late. I remarried and I’ve been married for 25 years now and eventually I came to realise that times spent with family and friends are the

important things in life. Was there a particular reason behind making this film? What do you want this film to get across to people? While we’re still here, I feel we have an obligation to talk to a generation who weren’t even around when we went to the moon. The film is about inspiration and understanding what dedication and commitment mean. Kids today need to be shown that they should shoot for the moon, and even if they miss, they’ll land somewhere among the stars. There is so much peer pressure, kids are afraid to try because they are afraid to fail. The last words of the movie are ‘If I can go to the moon, why can’t you?’ My dad told me, ‘Always do your best, and someday you will surprise yourself. There is only one person who knows what your best is.’ That person is the one looking back at you in the mirror. I followed his advice and did indeed surprise myself. I want young kids to find out for themselves whether, when

the time comes, they’re good enough to walk on their own moon. I’m so fortunate, with this film, to be able to have the chance to leave a legacy for generations to follow. How do you feel about the fact that it is now over 40 years since we went to the moon? When will we see the next man on the moon? I think we should rename this film ‘The Most Recent Man on the Moon’. I’ve always been asked about how it felt to be the last one to walk on the moon. When I came back I was convinced we’d be on our way to Mars before the turn of the century. My timetable was a little off but I will not relent. We will go back to the moon and to Mars. Curiosity is the essence of human existence. What our generation has to do is to give the young kids today the opportunities and the inspiration to dream to do things they didn’t know they could do. That’s the legacy I want to leave. When President Kennedy announced our intention to go to the moon, we’d not even orbited the earth. 16 minutes up and down manned space flight was all we’d achieved at that point. It was an incredible challenge to set ourselves, but the sheer difficulty of it inspired us to achieve. We need to inspire the kids of today and in turn inspire their kids. The space program’s brought the world so much closer together. It’s not a US space program, its mankind’s adventure into the future. We are going to go to Mars and it will be a multi-nation mission, but we need somebody to issue the challenge. Where’s the JFK of today? Where’s the dreamer? Where’s the boldness? Just before we lifted off from the moon, I parked the rover behind the LEM to operate the TV camera, to film our lift off. I don’t know what possessed me to do it but I scratched my daughter Tracy’s initials TDC on the surface. Someday, sometime I believe that someone will go back, and that’s what they’ll find.

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Jesus Jones.

SWEET JESUS Jesus Jones will be taking the Sheffield O2 arena by storm on September 9 - in one of the biggest revivals since, well, Jesus. The group will be touring with Doubt, their second album, 23 years after its release. Samantha Fielding gave frontman Mike Edwards a bell to talk gigging, aging and past Italian currency… Hey Mike! The tour looks like it’s going to be great. How does it feel to be playing your second album in its entirety? It’s going to feel very strange. We’ll be playing a few songs we’ve never played before - and some we haven’t played live for 20 years! As the tour is about playing the album in full, it means we have to do each song in order - even if we might not like it or think it doesn’t work. But this is going to make the whole thing so much more exciting and stimulating, in a way. Has the sound changed at all? Technology-wise, yes. These days we only take a

couple of laptops on tour - when once we needed a whole group of men to move stuff in and out of a van. We’re still the same band though - greyer, older, but the same guys. The best thing that’s changed is now there’s no pressure. When we first started out, our gigs had to be good enough for the record company and to get noticed. Now we can just have a good time! As Doubt was your second album, I suppose you had a lot to live up to! Did you ever get a case of ‘Second Album Syndrome’? I actually didn’t feel like the second album was harder work. In fact, Doubt has quite a few songs on it that I’d had hanging around for a while. The success from our first couple of singles made it a lot easier too. It was a really creative time, and we were fired up to write, but there was still a tremendous amount of pressure - which is why the album’s called Doubt, actually. We went from thinking we were the greatest band on the planet to questioning

FACTOID! In August 2011, the band went on ‘The World’s Smallest World Tour’ - playing three shows across Australia before closing with a show in Japan. Rumours they walked across the water are yet to be confirmed.

Jesus Jones come to Sheffield’s O2 Academy on September 9. Tickets are £19, see for more. 60 | For more listings and reviews, head to

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whether we were as good as we thought we were. It obviously paid off though. Are you still the party animals you used to be? [Laughs] I never was, to be honest! The others were though, and still kind of are! It’s the same with every group that were once in their 20s and are now in their late 40s - you’re sometimes glad you had an early one the night before. So, will you be the first one tucked up in bed after the set? Yes, both before and after, guaranteed! What’s been the highlight of your career? There’s been several. Commercially, having a number 1 in America, you can’t get bigger than that. When you first start out, that success is all you think about. The first time we saw people queuing around the block for our gig in early ’89 was exciting. Especially considering a few years before we’d have to beg 5 friends to turn up! Visiting places like Japan, Argentina, Brazil were also highlights. Going to Romania in 1990 after the revolution was a highlight of my life - let alone my career. What about bad gigs - had any of those? Of course! In 1990, our agent decided it would be a great idea if we toured with The Cramps - a band with a completely different sound. After the first 3 gigs, it became clear to us that the next 6 weeks would comprise of us walking onstage and having stuff chucked at us. Back then, Italy still had the Lira, and a 2 Lira bit only had one purpose - for being chucked at musicians. I still have the dents in my guitar to prove it! If you could ban one thing at gigs, other than the Lira, what would it be? That’s actually already happened - smoking. I remember one night in France, I could just see this thick cloud of smoke above the crowd, and thought: ‘I can’t breathe in this’. Touring before the smoking ban was quite horrific at times. And finally, what can we expect from your new, smoke-free tour? You can expect what you used to expect - a set that’s exciting and fun. We never did looking bored and just going through the motions. You’ll see a band that still love what they do - and every so often what they do is pretty damn good!


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WHERE: 02 ACADEMY WHEN: JUNE 29 Strutting on stage nearly forty years since they formed, Blondie graced the o2 Academy in a one-off show just two days after their stint at Glasto. After watching their performance at Worthy Farm, I was tentative in my expectations. Sure, the band delivered, but it was somewhat lacklustre. Maybe the drizzly daytime set put a dampener on proceedings, or perhaps the atmosphere didn’t quite translate through the telly screen nearly two hundred miles away from the main event. Either way, I had the sense of a band that was creeping into the dreaded ‘past-it’ territory. Jumping straight in with ‘One Way Or Another’, a sea of applause and arms in the air greeted an ice-cool looking Debbie Harry. With a black and white bomber jacket, peroxide hair and white rimmed shades, Harry was all cheekbones and monochrome stripes, rolling through the set-list with the ease, grace and off beat dance moves she shuffled through the seventies with. Projections of Blondie live in their hey-day were splashed across the wall behind the stage, and rather than the group of sixty somethings looking like former shadows of themselves, the band proved how electrifying their music making can still be. The audience was treated to all the classics - with ‘Hanging on the Telephone’, ‘Maria’, ‘Call Me’, ‘Atomic’ and ‘Heart Of Glass’ sending the room into a frenzy of singing, bopping and general delirium that’s usually not associated with a Sunday evening. They did it in the late ‘80s, and they did it again. Blondie have made another comeback and proved they’ve still got a whole lot to give. Rachel Heward. For more listings and reviews, head to | 61

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Got Beef?


of the Best

Ring of Fire

Leopold Square Leopold Square on a sunny weekend is simply a must these days – and this month sees another cracking live line-up. Here’s our pick of the considerable litter: AUGUST 3: BIG SWING SPECIAL FEAT THE DIZZY CLUB


There’s few things better than getting giddy with the Dizzy Club – but one of them is getting guilt-free giddy with them on a bank hol. Add to this the Big Swing DJs, and dance classes on the cobbles, and you’ve got all the ingredients for a magical afternoon.



Vintage va-va-voom from this female fronted rockabilly outfit.



Ryan Taylor leads a talented pack of Funky Jazzers.



Heartfelt country vibes from Sheffield leg-end Julian and a LSQ debut for an act that lives up to its name – Sweet Harmony.



Expect cheeky Django twists on a host of pop classics.



Debut performance from a young Leeds lot offering deep soul and hiphop grooves.

So, I’m sardined on some ridiculously hot, preposterously sweaty, unbelievably smelly bus. There’s a rather large woman sat next to me – well, technically, she’s sat on my knee – but for the sake of avoiding awkwardness, I refrain from telling her that she is evidently far too large to share this particular seat and, frankly, I’m not enjoying this compulsory lap dance/shopping bags in the face combination. As if the situation wasn’t difficult enough, as we’re leaving the city centre, my hefty companion’s phone begins to ring. The sounds of Pitbull’s 2012 hit ‘Give Me Everything’ escape from the depths of her purse as she scrambles around frantically. The whole bus falls silent and turns to watch the escapade. Luckily, between Pitbull talking about Kodak’s and Neyo’s opening vocals, she manages to locate her mobile and mutters a hasty response into the receiver hanging up and looking mightily embarrassed. Normality resumes. Two minutes later, and I’m just getting used to her elbow jutting into my ribs, it only goes off again! Pitbull’s back. Apparently, he’s taking someone to Times Square… with a Kodak, and taking a picture of her stood next to himself… with a Kodak. Frankly, I haven’t got a bloody clue what he’s on about – but there’s another scramble, plenty of blushing, and a rushed reply before hanging up. Now, let’s get this straight. Every single time a phone goes off with a musical ringtone, the owner always, I repeat ALWAYS, looks like a pillock. It makes them, and everybody within the immediate environment, cringe. What do these people expect… the whole train carriage to sing along in unison to your inspired choice? “Ah, is that ‘Orson No Tomorrow’? Worra tune! Can you get your mam to ring you again?” It will never happen. Polyphonic ringtones were fun… for a bit …before humans evolved and stopped being amused by the fact that a mobile could play a tune. So, anybody out there who has a musical ringtone, I beg of you, just set it to a normal ‘ring’ or alarm bells - or even tweeting birds or summat. Just not rubbish music. If I wanted to hear snippets of crap music during my daily commute, I’d tune in to Nick Grimshaw.

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The Courteeners Concrete Love Six years ago, The Courteeners released St Jude. It was a good time to be a British indie rock fan – with tracks such as ‘Not Nineteen Forever’, ‘What Took You So Long’ and ‘Cavorting’ causing beer-soaked dance floors in the north of England to swell and buzz in ways not seen since the Gallagher brothers held the reins. The critics didn’t really like it, but who cared? This music wasn’t made for London-centric music journos, busy fawning over The Foals and Kate Nash - this was a record which resonated with thousands of working-class youths searching for a chink of light in a Britain choked by the economic crisis and Flo Rida. Six years, and two albums later, The Courteeners are back with ‘Concrete Love’. The album’s first track showcases the bands progression as it boasts a quasielectronic, atmospheric sound – inspiring imaginings of Ian Brown’s ‘Stellify’. Most of the album has a large, stadium rock feel about it – intentionally designed to complement the fact that their upcoming UK tour will revolve around large festival stages and packed out arenas. ‘Fallowfield Hillbilly’ may sound awesome in a dingy club of 200 people, but ‘Summer’ is good enough to entertain 20,000 festival goers at Reading/Leeds. The thunderous guitars and gruff vocals of ‘Black and Blue’ serve as a welcome throwback to the St Jude days – showing that the lads still love to bash a guitar every now and again. Fray also shows that he’s not lost his knack for the soppy stuff with ‘Small Bones’ – a beautifully written, emotive track. Overall, ‘Concrete Love’ is an album which grows stronger with each listen. Whilst those expecting old school Courteeners might feel a tad disappointed, this record shows that the band can step it up a notch and appeal to a much wider, less northern, Brit-Rock audience. Joe Food 7/10

Slow Club Complete Surrender Sheffield duo Slow Club have released their highly anticipated third studio album Complete Surrender - and Exposed are happy to report that it’s an absolute delight. When you think about it, being a band with just two members sounds like quite a difficult thing to do, but there’s something strangely unique and alluring to the sound which Slow Club have expertly manufactured. This two-piece from Sheffield have been turning heads since their second album Paradise was released in 2011 – whilst more recently their latest single Suffering Me, Suffering You managed to get plenty of DJ’s all giddy - resulting in the airplay they deserve. Starting the album off is ‘Tears of Joy – a wonderfully laid back, relaxing tune that could easily send you to sleep – that’s not to say it’s boring or anything – it’s wonderfully ambient and almost manages to put you into a soulful trance. In fact, most of the album continues in the same chillaxed fashion. There’s the occasional more upbeat track though, such as ‘The Pieces’ – a track which tantalisingly pulls you across the emotional spectrum. I’ll be honest, this sort of music ain’t my usual cup of tea – but Rebecca’s ghostly vocals, combined with Charles’ ambient style, at times is so incredible I can honestly say that I’ve been converted. Kieran Wade 8/10

The Bluehearts Hurt E.P Produced and mixed by Ross Orton (AM, MIA, Todda T), this debut EP is a solid example of unpretentious, foot-stomping, ‘bring back The Wapentake’ blues rock. It’s a relief to review something modern which doesn’t pigeonhole itself in to alternative rock subgenres: emo-rock, screamo-rock, post hardcore – blah, blah, blah. It should be all about the content, not the packaging. This EP focuses solely on successfully replicating the tried and tested classic rock formula which served pioneers Deep Purple, Black Sabbath et al so well. The first two tracks, ‘Hurt’ and ‘Walk on the Water’, crash along at a modest tempo – giving the listener time to appreciate the strong, uncompromising vocals and crashing riffs. Final song, ‘Rise and Fall’ ups the pace a wee bit and boasts plenty of groove. After the ten minute EP ends, the listener remains gasping for a few more whets of that blues rock nectar. This is an exciting debut from a band that will hopefully spearhead a revival for Sheffield rock n roll. Joe Food 7.5/10

Britpop at the BBC Unless you were in your late teens/early twenties during the early 90’s, you may have – like myself – previously found yourself feeling slightly pessimistic about the hype the Britpop era generated. I mean, fair enough, the likes of Pulp, Oasis and Blur were pretty chuffin’ special – but was the rest of it really that good? Remember Menswear? *Shudder* Well, this album blows any lack of enthusiasm completely out of the water. It is, by far, the most comprehensive collection I’ve come across in CD format. Of course, all the regulars are featured: Wonderwall, Common People, Day We Caught the Train etc. But it’s the slightly less hyped bands which steal the show (step forward Mansun, Longpigs, Elastica). Previous compilations have always felt a bit rushed but this one has clearly received plenty of TLC – leaving the listener to reap the benefits. Plus, it also boasts a bonus CD packed with rare live content - which makes for more awesome listening. Joe Food 8.5/10

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man of legendary band Boy on a Dolphin heads to Whitley Hall armed with a powerful arsenal of beautifully crafted songs. Boy on a Dolphin built up a large following around Sheffield, with sell out performances at renowned local venues such as The Boardwalk, The Memorial Hall, Leadmill, and becoming the first fully independent bands to sell out Sheffield City Hall. Originally from Liverpool but now based in Sheffield, John released his second solo album to critical acclaim. ‘Zebulon’ is one of those albums where, in past times, every song would have been pulled for single release and flown up the charts. Reilly, along with Canadian songwriter Lewis Nitikman, wrote the eleven pure pop songs that make up ‘Zebulon’. You can expect an evening of classic acoustic pop/rock songs set amongst the beautiful surroundings of Whitley Hall. Aug 6, £15.


As one of the main bands at the forefront of America’s 1980’s hardcore punk movement, Dead Kennedy’s had a wild and often controversial ride right until their split in 1986. The pioneers of hardcore punk reformed in 2001, and after a flurry of lead singers coming in to replace original vocalist, Jello Biafra, they are now ready to rock the 02 Academy in Sheffield. East Bay Ray and Klaus Floride may have both been going for 30 plus years now, but expect their stage presence to remain strong as ever. Expect more of the same in terms of incendiary

lyrics, frenzied performances and dynamic song writing. Support comes in the form of psychotic pop act, Faerground Accidents – who have former Artery member Murray Fenton on the guitar. DJ’s Jamie Headcharge & Zowie will kick off what is sure to be a wild evening. Aug 12.


Formerly known as ‘Roger the Mascot’, the now streamlined ‘Mascot’ are back from playing alongside bands such as The Black Keys, Pixies and Foals at Croatia’s INmusic festival. Their first Sheffield gig after Tramlines will take place down at The Rocking Chair, and it promises to provide a bouncing mix of infectious ska/ indie music with plenty of energy. You’ll struggle to find anything in the current charts which sounds similar…or half as fun! If you like ska music, unpretentious indie bands or just having a good laugh at gigs then let Mascot make your evening. Support comes in the form of local outfit Santiago Kings, who’ll be bringing their unique blues rock sound to the stage. Two great bands at a venue dedicated to showcasing the best of local music. Aug 16.


The Nashville rock supergroup, featuring members of Georgia Satellites, Jason & The Scorchers, Royal Court of China and Ryan Adams Band, head to The Greystones on the 2nd August for night of country rock and roll. Talent is in abundance here as the band have between them platinum record success,

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TOP PICKS a Grammy nomination, an Americana Hall of Fame Lifetime Achievement Award and song authorships that have become iconic. Support comes from local lads Roaming Son, who will kicking off proceedings nicely with their northern blend of high octane rock. Expect the roof to well and truly be raised at The Greystones! Aug 2, £12.50 adv.


West Street’s new kid on the block has quickly garnered a great rep for live music in the city. Saturdays at the venue are all about ‘In Session’ – where Christian Carlisle of BBC Introducing fame takes to the decks for a genre spanning set before, during and after a selection of the finest new artists SY has to offer take the stage. What’s more, it’s a 4am licence. See you at the bar. Maida Vale, Saturdays www.


Ashestoangels + Bad Pollyanna Frontman William Control is breaking free from Aiden for his solo tour this month. With his fusion of electronic darkwave and new wave punk, Control will bring a macabre charisma to the Corporation stage. Supported by super-goth group Ashestoangels, and haunting seductress

This month, your favourite musical monkey has been sat in his bachelor tree compiling a list of the best Sheffield summer tunes. Get t’barbie on!

Dead Kennedys

Bad Pollyanna, it seems The Punishment Tour is fully set to smash it. Aug 27, 7pm, £7.


A busy month at The White Lion Heeley sees a host of live music action taking place. Highlights include the Amelia Carter Band (2nd), 3FB (16th) and a bank holiday bash with Vyndictive on the 24th. All free, as standard.


Driven by rock ‘n’ roll defiance, The Rusbies grace the Plug stage on August 22. The Sheffieldbred group are accompanied by the soulful, hazy guitar-fuelled Good Foxy and a horde of other unsigned talent. Hosted by entS1, this Gig Tripper gig is a showcase of the newest up and coming bands. 7pm, Aug 22, £6, visit www.

Arctic Monkeys - Mardy Bum

Now then. If you’re a Sheffielder and this doesn’t make it on to your summer BBQ playlist then tha needs a clip round t’lughole. A bit of old school Monkeys from the days when we all used to hang together in The Boardwalk – what times we had. Truth be told, I’ve not seen much of them recently; Alex seems to prefer the company of Josh Homme and Miles Kane nowadays. It’s cool though - as long as he doesn’t forget who gave him the lyrics for ‘Fake Tales of San Francisco’.

Olive - You’re Not Alone

It’s a little known fact that singer, Ruth-Ann Boyle, used to run a boozer in Sheffield. It were one of my local haunts and she’d always pop a little slice of banana in to my Vodka Martini. This tune was one of my regular jams when I used to frequent Babylon back in t’day – before I was barred for exposing myself on the dancefloor (an accident, I swear!). Anyhoo, it’s perfect for a little boogie on the garden decking after the grub has been devoured.

Pulp - Sorted for E’s and Whizz

“I lost my friends, I dance alone, it’s six o’clock, I wanna go home.” – Yeah, that’s pretty much how most of my summer parties end up. This tune reminds me of the time when Jarvis, myself, and a few of the baboons hit up a rave in Hampshire. Dayum, that was heavy. Last thing I could remember was running around a big forest with Jarv, both totally starkers, singing Jungle Book songs.

Little Man Tate - House Party at Boothy’s

I actually attended the fabled ‘House Party at Boothy’s’. Things had just started getting heated over a game of spin the bottle – when Boothy’s mum came back from Pilates early. She went absolutely crackers, confiscated the booze and chucked us all out on to the street – where I consoled myself, as ever, by throwing faeces at windows. Lydgate Lane certainly took a hammering that night.

Milburn - Roll out The Barrel

Ah man, I miss these boys. Sometimes, when thinking about that first album, little monkey tears come flooding to my wrinkled old eyes – until the Jack Daniels takes hold and washes the pain away. Alas! Those days have been and gone – but at least you can’t revel in some of Carnall’s genius whilst chowing down on hotdogs.

Bluefields get thee forth and listen. otherwise the monkey will be displeased. never displease the monkey For more listings and reviews, head to | 67

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Tramlines Mark VI came and went in a blaze of sunshine and glory at the end of July - leaving the feeling that this could well have been the best one yet. The city centre was packed all weekend, with sell out shows from Public Enemy and Sister Sledge on the main stage on Saturday night among the obvious highlights. But, of course, there was so much more to Tramlines than just that – so here’s a pictorial review of the festival just to make sure you all come back again next year. Head to www. exposedmagazine. for more pics and exclusive reviews.

Andrew Mellon @ bigwidethoughts : Not sure I ever thought I’d see public enemy, but certainly not with my dad. On Devonshire green. On a Saturday tea time #Tramlines2014 SteelCityTone @ BeatCityTone: While walking between venues last night I twisted my ankle on a tramline! Alannis? THAT’S ironic! #tramlines2014 http:// Tom Stocks @ tomstocks86: Proud to be from sheffield #tramlines Pete McKee @ PeteMcKee: It’s all about Sister Sledge in Sheff tonight #Tramlines2014 Paul Coupe @Coupey : Over 2 hours still left at my desk but the wristband is going on now. #tramlines Chiara Hobbs @Chiara_ Hobbs: In preparation for our first #Tramlines show at Beg Borrow & Steal (off Division St) tonight I am gorging on the flesh of an angel, supping Dalts @DaltonKershaw: #Tramlines r r r rayyyyveee onnnn


Andrew Haughton @ FormerlyMadAndy: Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads. (Because we’ve got #Tramlines ) Adrian Batterley @ houseofgurvitz: Must be something youthy going on in Sheff. Strange feeling, being the oldest person within a square mile of a city centre #Tramlines2014 For more listings and reviews, head to | 69

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There’s a new documentary on its way, Industrial Soundtrack for the Urban Decay, which will be of special interest to anyone who loves music with the brand ‘Made in Sheffield’. Mark Perkins takes up the story. When French documentary film-maker Amelie Ravalec met Australian radio host Travis Collins at a screening of her film about electronic dance music, they discovered a shared passion for Sheffield bands like Cabaret Voltaire, In the Nursery and Clock DVA. They hatched the idea for a film charting the history of those and similar bands - thus their forthcoming documentary ‘Industrial Soundtrack for the Urban Decay’ was born. What became known as ‘Industrial Music’ partly had its origins here in Sheffield - so I had a chat with them ahead of its release. Travis: “When we first met three years ago we realised we shared a fascination with this type of music. I’d been working with Steven Mallinder (from Cabaret Voltaire)

in Perth on the radio. He was making his Off World Sounds radio show on RTR and used to come into a record store where I worked. He got me into the early sounds of groups like his own Cabaret Voltaire, 23 Skidoo and Hula. In 2003 he passed on the radio show to me, which I hosted until 2012. At the same time, long before we met, Amelie had been living in France

and buying these records and loving that sound.” Amelie: “In Paris I’d always liked hard industrial techno. A lot of the artists I was into, I decided to try to interview for this film. They were all influenced heavily by the post-punk/industrial British sounds. There’s always has been a strong underground appreciation of these sounds in France – but there’s never been a documentary about the history of the industrial movement in music. I decided this film needed to be made to tell that story. Industrial cities like Sheffield are the basis for the film - and the sound came from there.” I believe you travelled to Sheffield to film some interviews Travis: “Yes, we planned a UK trip around some interviews and then others came together after that. Boyd Rice put us onto Z’EV; Mal said ‘you’ve got to speak to Hula’. We came to Sheffield and interviewed both Mark and Ron from Hula, and met up with Nigel and Klive from In The Nursery. We

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loved our time in the North of England especially Sheffield.” Amelie: “I love the architecture of industrial cities like Sheffield, even though it’s not the same as it was back in the seventies. We really wanted to get to the ‘No Lectures from Western Works’ event where Mal played some Cabaret Voltaire songs, but we couldn’t make it, but we’re hoping to get some live footage from that gig to show these guys are still performing live.” How long did it take for the film to get off the ground? Amelie: “Very quickly, really. Within a few weeks of e-mailing people we were on the road interviewing the bands and artists involved. We’re editing the film now and hope it will be ready for release in a few months. We’ve effectively paid for it ourselves, which is good because it does give us creative control, although we have had a few donations along the way.” How do you feel the Industrial Music scene has developed since it began?

Travis: “The music’s moved on. Even some of the artists we interviewed didn’t really like to be pigeon-holed into being part of ‘a scene’. Industrial Music was a term that Monte Cazazza originally came up with to describe Throbbing Gristle, but journalists then took it into something else. I worked in a record store. I know how useful it is to put music into categories, which can be a positive or a negative thing, but overall this is just about good, innovative music. Back in the early days, when these bands first started, there was no internet

to share music, and no-one was really aware of what other bands were doing - apart from by sharing tapes. The book Industrial Cultures Handbook in 1983 was pivotal in that it featured interviews with bands such as Cabaret Voltaire, Throbbing Gristle, SPK and Monte Cazazza. He was the first person to describe the music as ‘industrial music for industrial people’. They were all working on experimental music using tapes, early synthesisers, experimental electronics, white noise - all that kind of aggressive fusion of rock and electronic music. Eventually, the media got behind it. John Peel started playing it on the radio. Our film concentrates on the UK scene - although it’s been a global phenomenon since its early days. To some extent, every industrial city has musicians that have made a similar sound. Klick Klick make a comment in the film ‘somehow hearing those industrial sounds during the day made us want to go home and make the same sounds in our music’. It’s one of those stories that’s never been told as a film. With some other genres of music, the artists who started making the music are now dead. With this scene, the innovators are not only still around, but all the ones we interviewed are still making music. Boyd Rice, a pioneer of noise music, has a new album out. So do Klick Klick and Test Dept. In the Nursery have branched out into film music and Mal is working on several projects. We were not speaking to ‘has-beens’ - these people still have a passion for their music and performing it.” for more.

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Exposed talks to local indie developer, Scrapbook Development, to get a better understanding of the industry - specifically in The Steel City. This small independent software company specialises in producing software for handheld technology - such as the iPhone, PlayStation Vita and Windows Phone. They have a small selection of games, most notably Gravoor and Jail Break. We spoke with creative director Christopher Gray to get an insight into Scrapbook Development. Q: Why is Sheffield popular for indie game developers? A: “It’s a city where a lot of people within these industries know each other - and this sense of community is very appealing for independent artists in all media disciplines.” Q: How and when did you start Scrapbook Development? A: “About 2 years ago. We were just about to graduate from Sheffield Hallam with degrees in Animation and Games Software Development and were looking towards

working together on a game project.” Q: What made you want to be a games developer? A: “I’ve been playing games, and wanting

to make them myself, for as long as I can remember - ever since my Dad let me have a go on his MegaDrive.” Q: What’s the future like for Scrapbook Development? A: “Our profile is rising within the industry we’ve recently moved into the office space at The Workstation so we’re at it full time. We’re currently working on some new projects including a mobile racing game, Soccer General Manager - and Gravoor 2 is also in the pipeline.” Q: Do you have any advice for aspiring developers? A: “Games development is a notoriously difficult industry to break into - so your portfolio will need to stand out. Work experience is also vital – working on something in class and something in the real world are two different ball games.”

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Guardians Of The Galaxy The first truly standalone Marvel movie since Iron Man all the way back in 2008, Guardians Of The Galaxy follows child alien-abductee turned space outlaw Peter Quill (a gleefully fun Chris Pratt) as he teams up with a gang of misfits and murderers to save the galaxy from an evil overlord hell bent on conquest. As concepts go, it’s quintessential summer blockbuster fare. As movies go, it might be the definitive popcorn picture of 2014. With a razor sharp script, co-written by director James Gunn, what sets Guardians above other Marvel movies - or even anything the Star Wars franchise has ever produced - is a swaggering and unwavering sense of confidence and conviction that brings genuine intelligence to a fun and adventurous space romp. Comparisons to Serenity may be a given, but Gunn’s stylistic

choices owe a very considered debt to 80’s fantasy flicks and Jim Henson movies; a pedigree hard to ignore in a movie with a talking raccoon as a central character. Pratt proves an enjoyable screen presence, and whilst Zoe Saldana and Dave Bautista are ultimately reduced to “kick ass love interest” and “witty tough guy”, neither is unenjoyable or tiresome at any point. Of real note however is the infamous talking raccoon, for whom Bradley Cooper delivers wit and charisma with ease. It’s tremendous fun, paced to perfection and with every rough edge smoothed out in razor sharp form. It’s the sci-fi adventure we always dreamed Star Wars could be; and with the Skywalkers and Solos headed our way next year, it’s not the Empire, but the Guardians they should be afraid of.

BEHIND IT: James Gunn IN IT: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Bradley Cooper


A triumphant return to raw acting for Nicolas Cage is the notable selling point to David Gordon Green’s dramatic follow-up to last year’s superb Prince Avalanche. The story of a middle-aged alcoholic who finds redemption in an equally troubled teenage boy, Cage’s performance is genuinely awe-inspiring and a throwback to his dramatic powerhouse performances. Playing just as well opposite is Mud’s Tye Sheridan, whose versatility and poise keep him an equal to Cage without ever allowing either to overshadow the other. A raw and intense script by relative unknown Gary Hawkins proves a terrific grounding for more of the same bleak yet folksy styling that Green brought to Prince Avalanche, and while the film lacks any sort of “entertainment quality”, it’s the balance between the material and the performances that make Joe BEHIND IT: David Gorden Green IN IT: Nicolas Cage, Tye Sheridan

Check out Van’s Latest reviews @



Essentially a fetishised mechanical assault on every one of your senses, it feels like a porno-technological slap across the face. At best, it’s more of the same; at worse, it represents everything wrong with the Hollywood franchise machine.

An effective and powerfully drawn story compliments a superb cast, some of the best animation in the business and easily one of the best scores of the year. As surprisingly a successful film as its predecessor, Dawn is one of the summer’s big wins.


There’s an instant feeling of vanity project to Chef, a feeling that never goes away in a film which stretches to nearly two hours and manages to remain completely devoid of any kind of real character development or conflict, save for Jon Favreau taking shots at critics.


The cinematic equivalent of a Four Seasons greatest hits album; you’ve heard it all before, nothing new has been added, it’s just in a new box and will only really find use as a last-minute gift for a grandparent.

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MIDNIGHT MARAUDERS In a relatively short time, the Showroom’s monthly Midnight Marauders has become a favourite amongst late-night film fans. With everything from 70’s horror to 80’s action, it’s proof that some movies just need to be seen at midnight. Here’s a look at what’s to come in the months ahead.

Tremors - August 29

The Nut Job

Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward defend a small town against underground creatures in this rompingly fun 1990 horror comedy that spawned a thousand imitations but no equals in its kitschy charm.

Treading similar ground to (yet never coming even close to the quality of) 2006’s animated heist caper Over The Hedge, this animated tale of a group of animals out to rob a nut store to feed themselves for winter has a lot going for it. There’s a rather impressive cast list, dazzling animation and the requisite 3D oomph factor; yet somehow it never quite manages to come together in a film that would visibly like to be higher brow than it is – failing to properly engage in its story or ever really stop to define any of the characters therein. It’s always nice to see Will Arnett (one of The Lego Movie’s highlights) in another high voice profile role, and Liam Neeson always brings a chilling element to animation; but there’s a Stilton quality to The Nut Job that simply gets in the way of its fun factor.

The Crow - September 26

This gothic fantasy action movie became the template for dark and gritty 90’s superhero movies. Alex Proyas’s tale of a murdered rock star back for revenge is a fan favourite - as much for its memorable soundtrack as the intense visuals.

Starship Troopers - October

The last great film by Paul Verhoeven sees humanity fighting a war against alien Arachnids in a sci-fi action fest that revels in its furious attitude as much as in the director’s trademark satire.

Mad Max 2 - November

Mel Gibson’s second outing as the titular post-apocalyptic drifter follows his efforts to defend a group of settlers from bandits in George Miller’s brilliant fusion of western and 80’s action.

BEHIND IT: Peter Lepeniotis IN IT: Will Arnett, Brendan Fraser, Liam Neeson


Aug 4 // 1hr 42min // Rated 15 // Romantic Comedy Wallace (Daniel Radcliffe) and Chantry (Zoe Zakan) form a close relationship upon meeting each other - creating an instant chemistry. Chantry already has a boyfriend, so the two need to remain just friends. Cineworld has a special Unlimited screening – don’t miss out.

The Nut Job

Aug 4 // 1hr 25min // Rated U // Animation Perfect for the kids during the summer hols, The Nut Job follows Surly the Squirrel (Will Arnett), who is staging a heist

See for more.

on a nut store to feed his pals. Hilarity soon follows as a few complications become apparent along the way (see review).

he quickly tries to hide the truth. However, things rapidly don’t go as planned - leading to a life-anddeath situation.

control himself in the slightest. Certainly a different film that’s well worth a watch.

A Promise

God Help the Girl

Aug 1 – Aug 7 // 2hr 8min // Rated PG // Animation As part of the Showroom’s Young Cinema event, acclaimed Studio Ghibli film Princess Mononoke is on show for a whole week - so there’s plenty of opportunities to catch one of the best foreign animated films from the late 90’s. An essential watch.

God’s Pocket

Welcome to New York

Aug 1 – Aug 7 // 1hr 39min // Rated 12A // Drama This romantic drama takes place in Germany before the outbreak of World War I and focuses on a married woman who manages to fall in love with her husband’s protégé. You can imagine the complications that take place. Aug 8 - Aug 14 // 1hr 29min // Rated 15 // Drama After Mickey (Philip Hoffman) loses his stepson, Leon (Caleb Jones), in what’s deemed “an accident” on a construction site,

Aug 22 – Aug 28 // 1hr 52min // Rated 15 // Musical Drama Set in Glasgow, this film follows Eve (Emily Browning) as she struggles in hospital whilst dealing with some emotional issues. In order to cope, she starts writing songs to get her through these dark times.

Princess Mononoke

Aug 8 – Aug 14 // 2hr 5min // Rated 18 // Drama Considering Mr Devereaux (Gérard Depardieu) handles billions of dollars on a daily basis, and the fate of nations, he can’t For more listings and reviews, head to | 75

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It’s a staple British pastime - and near enough every local across the country offers a Pub Quiz for an excuse to have a knees up on a school night. Ranging from the classic Q&A to movie buff’s favourite ‘name that quote’ round, and the more unusual ‘make a shoe out of tin foil’ challenge, we give you a few of the best pub quizzes.


WHERE: THE AUDACIOUS ART EXPERIMENT. WHEN: JULY 6 This city needs to be grateful to The Audacious Art Experiment for their continued DIY efforts to keep Sheffield musically interesting - with profit clearly being an afterthought. These congratulations extend to tonight’s show, the Algorave, a night where artists use woefully unsexy computer programming/coding to make fierce noises and heavy beats. A handful of hours was never going to give each artist the time they deserved, especially considering they hailed from Canada, Japan, Mexico and other far flung places of not-England. I went to the show with few expectations, more the hope of hearing something tasty or wonderfully nasty, and the result was surprising. Artists played before a projection of their lines of coding, hunched over monitors as the speakers spat white noise and rhythmic layers. Melody was hardly a priority, and the music all the better for it. Could I pull apart the various subgenres being utilised and mutated to create these monsters? No. Was I enjoying it? Very yes. Materials surrounding the show indicated attempts to create local scenes in cities across the world. Keep an eye on it, join in, and be part of something your parents will never understand. Jacob Mazlum.



To celebrate turning seven this year, The Old House on Devonshire Street will be throwing a Las Vegas themed birthday party on September. 4 Taking inspiration from the 1995 Martin Scorsese cult classic ‘Casino’, starring Sharon Stone, Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci, expect an evening of 1970s Las Vegas style and glamour. The Old House invite you to join in and dress up to the nines to celebrate their seventh year: think sequined dresses, pearls, feathers, fur (faux please – there will be no harm to animals in the making of this party), bouffant hair and slick suits. Industry experts including Stoli Premium vodka will be on hand to dish out tasty tipples - and be sure to sample a drink or two from their brand new cocktail menu (Martinis are a must for this event). Head to www.facebook. com/theoldhousesheffield for more.

SHAKESPEARES Thursday Night Quiz, featuring the infamous Shakespeare Round. THE HOP Tuesdays from 9pm, with free supper and a gallon, yes a gallon, of ale up for grabs you cannot go wrong here. THE LESCAR Idiots Quiz every Monday. Does what it says on the tin.

THE RIVERSIDE Quizarama with Stan Skinny. Bring an open mind and a creative friend. The best of the bizarre. Mondays. THE YORK Quiz & Chips. And cocktails. Bar tab and cash prize to be won with free chips at half time. Last Monday of the month.

Head to www.exposedmagazine. for the full list of nightlife listings in Sheffield this month.

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PLUG IT IN On top of regulars, Jump Around, Summer Saturdays and Propaganda, Plug will be playing host to Gig Tripper - the live music platform getting new and exciting bands out there. August 22 sees The Rusbies, Good Foxy, Resonate, Jonjo Keen and Evie treading the boards. From rock ‘n’ roll, to indie and dance, these bands aim to open your eyes and move your feet. DUB CAFÉ TURNS FOUR On Friday August 1, from 10pm til 4am at The Harley, catch a mixture of musical styles from dub and reggae to UK garage and house with techno, bassline and dubstep in between. With Ministry of Sound and Essential Grace favourites Rossi B & Luca, and Autograff & Shorty of Liquid Steel Sound (as well as residents Arie, Rubiconman and Dubzee), this promises to a night of talent, vibes and energy. I AM THE RESURRECTION Brand new club night The Resurrection hits Leadmill on August 30 - with a strict music policy featuring 89-99 Indie, Britpop, Madchester in the main room and Old Skool Club Classics in Room 2. Grab yourself some cheap tix beforehand.

JON WINDLE Jon Windle, he of former Little Man Tate fame, has stepped away from the spotlight and is now a driving force behind the curtains of Sheffield’s music scene. With his latest venture on the horizon, we collared the amiable chap for a natter. Word on the street is you’ve got a new night in the pipeline. What’s the craic? We have - a great new night! Well, actually, it’s a reinvention of an old night. We’ve given Soundclash a reboot and from September 29 we’ll be running it every Monday at Sheffield Students’ Union on Western Bank. Five fantastic bands followed by a club night that’ll be playing a massive variety of music, from the early noughties onwards, plus loads of classics. It’s going to excellent - with some great guest DJ’s. The best bit is it’s only £3 entry! Is it just yourself behind the night? The night’s being run as a joint venture between us (Tiny Teeth) and Joolz Vernon - who used to run the old Soundclash and now works with me on entS1 shows. I thought it was a real shame that it had disappeared from the local scene, so me and Joolz sat down and worked it all out and then approached the Uni who were well up for it. We can’t wait! You’re involved with a few other musical goings on in the city too, right? I’ve got loads of other stuff going on. The label is doing really well, we’ve currently got a number of bands in various studios recording with some more releases planned later on this year. Our music publishing business is up and running and we’re building an impressive roster. Tiny Teeth Presents has got some great shows

5 Mins With...



coming up in the Autumn and we’re now also involved in management - looking after both Matt Willoughby and The Monday Club. It’s a really exciting time at the moment for everyone involved. Finally, will you be digging out your guitar or getting behind the decks anytime soon? Well, never say never – and I’m sure you’ll see me behind the decks at Soundclash from time to time. I’m always writing - but I’ve got too much going on at the moment to be able to give that any real time. To be honest, I’m getting as much pleasure from working with the young bands we’re involved with as I ever got from doing my own stuff - and in some ways I’m even enjoying it more.

See and for more.

GOLD SOUL On Saturday August 9, the City Hall will be transformed with three rooms of music from Northern Soul to Motown and Club Hits from the 60’s and 70’s. From 9pm-2am you can expect the best loved soul DJs playing favourites from Wigan Casino, Cleethorpes, Samantha’s, The Mojo and more. Get in the mood for dancing with at the official warm up venue, Maggie May’s, just around the corner. Tickets £10 adv. www.goldsoul.

Head to www.exposedmagazine. for the full list of nightlife listings in Sheffield this month.


Throughout August, the Rocking Chair stay up late with a whole host DJs and events - including a return of the Loose Fit DJs on August 1. Ryan Vaughan and Greg Statham will play everything from britpop, indie, acid house and new wave to old school hip hop, punk, ska and soul. On the 8th, a Whole Lotta Mod sees foot stomping tunes fill the bar, and if you’re still up for it the next night, Set It Down hits the venue with a musical mixture of funk, hip-hop, disco, breaks, beats and house. On August 15, Reset Records at The Rocking Chair presents a jam packed night featuring a couple of Sheffield’s fast rising producers and some of the city’s finest DJs. With Squarehead, Pedram, Miki O’Mara and Dan Wooton, playing house and disco party ‘til the early hours, tickets are selling out fast, so get yours from

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SOS If you like your Saturdays to come with a heavy dose of soul, the Church House should be your go-to venue. Soul On Saturdays offers a night of 60s, 70s and 80s smooth soul classics – on 100% vinyl. 8pm-late, Free. www.

and sure to be sunny, beer garden. Expect record sales, vintage stalls and, of course, the legendary King Bee Barbecue. The night kicks off upstairs 8.30pm – late with two guest DJ’s gracing the decks alongside regular tune spinners Arno, Dutton and Wright. August 9, £4 in.

JUMP AROUND Whether you did well, mediocre or horrifically, you know you’re going to need a drink when doomsday (AKA A Level results time) comes. Plug have something to accommodate every outcome on August 14 - from free T Shirts for those with straight As to an inflatable sumo game for the lost causes. And, with 3 rooms of music AND drinks offers starting at a measly squid, you’d be even more of a failure to miss it. 11pm, £4.50,

IN SESSION West Street’s new kid on the block, Maida Vale, has quickly garnered a great rep for live music in the city. Saturdays at the venue are all about ‘In Session’ – where Christian Carlisle of BBC Introducing fame takes to the decks for a genre spanning set before, during and after a selection of the finest new artists SY has to offer take the stage. What’s more, it’s a 4am licence. See you at the bar. Saturdays, www.facebook. com/maidavale.sheffield.

SO HOT RIGHT NOW! Launching recently over the Tramlines weekend, Hashtag 31 is your new late night party destination. Based in the former Lions Lair premises, they’re planning on transforming Fridays and Saturdays in the city – opening from 5pm right through ‘til silly-o-clock. Expect only the finest funky, vocal, soulful & deep House sounds courtesy of rotating resident and guest DJs every weekend – along with an open arms, everyone welcome, vibe. Be rude not to make the most of their secluded beer garden early doors in this weather too. hashtag31sheffield.

PURRFECT PARTY What’s new, pussycat? Oh, it’s your birthday, you say? And you’re 33? Crikey, how time flies – what a pretty kitty… August 21 sees Sheffield’s legendary Fat Cat celebrating the milestone in typical style – with a birthday beer fest. Expect a BBQ, live music and, of course, loads of cracking ale. Birthday pressies optional.

THE KING BEE ALL DAYER Kicking off at 1pm, a host of fantastic DJs will be spinning tunes in Shakespeares awesome,

PAPARAZZI If a night of ‘glamour and inspiration’ is what you’re after, look no further than Tuesday nights at SoYo. Paparazzi offers the very best mix of House, Electro and R’n’B – in an environment where looking good comes as standard. Live the celebrity lifestyle for a fraction of the price.

Head to for the full list of nightlife listings in the city this month.

Most hangovers are painful. Most memories from the night before are painful too. But your headache might be a little lighter after this one - knowing you’ve provided people in poverty with food all over the city. The Sheffield Food Collective is putting on a fundraiser at Shakespeares on August 2 to raise funds and awareness for the banks and charities in the area. Food parcels are in high demand - over 50,000 households in Sheffield are living in poverty - yet the Food Collective demand that we make something good out of a bad situation. On the line-up is The Bell Peppers, local two-piece The Bohos, The Shaking Whips and 39th & The Nortons. Good music, good ale and a good cause. Need we persuade you any further? Doors 8:30pm. Entry £6.50, or £5 with tinned food, see sheffieldfoodcollective for more.


The Leadmill is pulling out all the stops this month! As well as usual club nights SHAG, GAGA and SONIC, funk-soulbrother Craig Charles will be hitting the decks on the 24th - playing some downright dirty tunes and bringing a few special guests along for the ride. Prior to that, the fantastic Oasis UK take to the stage on the 2nd. These guys are the biggest Oasis tribute band going and offer a real Gallagher-esque attitude. Tix are just £10, with a unique screening of Britpop documentary Live Forever prior. Get your parkas on and fire up the flux capacitor, we’re going back…to the nineties. www.



August 23 sees Movie Night returning to Bungalows and Bears with the screening of a true, nineties classic Clueless. An unlikelu satirical spin on Jane Austen’s 1816 novel Emma, at the heart of Clueless is Cher Silverstone, a super pretty, super popular and super rich high school student whose world revolves around high-end fashion and negotiating report cards. When Cher plays match-maker for two lonely school teachers, she has one solid purpose: to bag a good grade. After realising just how happy this makes them, she sets about doing good deeds for others, which eventually turns her world upside down. Bungalows and Bears is the perfect setting for this feel good rom-com. With the film starting at 8pm, there’s plenty of time to enjoy some of their delicious food prior for a perfect pre-movie munch. A DJ set by Asbo-A-Gogo will follow and the whole thing’s free.

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Brand New


Exposed Meets Katy Brand She may be a woman with a very busy schedule, but who wouldn’t take up the opportunity to spend a few months belting out ‘80s tunes on the glistening Italian coast… “There was the bright, sparkling sea, white sand and lovely seafood and fish restaurants everywhere,” comedian-writeractress Katy Brand confirms of her role in recent rom-com singa-long Walking On Sunshine. “Just completely beautiful.” Playing Lil, the best friend of two sisters who have inadvertently fallen in love with the same holiday hunk years apart, Katy’s time on set sounds like a lark. “I drank a lot of cocktails. I listened to a lot of ‘80s music and I had my hair bleached about four times - that was my main preparation.” And now Katy’s back in the rather cloudier UK, her debut novel Brenda Monk is Funny has just hit bookshelves. “I’m really pleased with it - I had such a lovely time writing. It’s about a woman who decides to become a stand-up comedian and covers the first year of her career. I hope it takes people behind the scenes of the standup comedy world.” Katy’s literary enterprise has public backing; choosing to crowdfund the novel, it simply wouldn’t have been possible without considerable demand. The plotline draws on personal experience of the comedy circuit. “About three years ago I did a UK live tour of 45 dates all around the country - and after that I felt I wanted to do less live work and concentrate more on writing. I’m still completely fascinated by that world and I wanted to explore all the personalities and psychologies and the ups and downs and to create the world of it rather than necessarily living it all the time. It had always been

at the back of my mind to write it. It’s such an intense psychology being a stand-up - with endless depths to explore.” With a film and a book out, you’d think Katy has earned herself the luxury of a minute’s rest. “When you’ve been busy running around meeting new people, what you want to do in your spare time is sit in a tracksuit with your hair in a mess reading a book.” But instead, Katy’s at work on a film script of her own – after all, she’s already merged writing and comedy through her successful sketches. “I like creating multiple characters and interactions between different people and so on. And I think writing in a long form is very satisfying. So I’m open for everything, I want to keep trying new things.”

And what if we want to try something new? As our nation’s comics hit the iconic Edinburgh Fringe Festival this month, does Katy have any advice for aspiring comics? “Do as many gigs as you possibly can. The first time you have a bad gig you really die on stage and you worry what other comedians think. Over time, if you spend enough time on the comedy circuit, you’ll see everybody have a bad night. If you love it enough, you’ll push on and try to get better. But there’s no substitute for doing gigs – you learn so much. That’s what’s great about Edinburgh Festival. It’s a different audience every night; the weekend audience is completely different from the week night audience, you really get to learn how to make those subtle adaptations.”

Walking on Sunshine is in cinemas now. Grab Katy’s novel, Brenda Monk is Funny, from all good bookshops. See for more.

JIMMY CARR Multi-award winning comedian Jimmy Carr brings his brand new stand up show, Funny Business, to sunny Chesterfield this month. Besides hosting the brilliant 8 Out of 10 Cats, Jimmy’s been described as ‘the hardest working man in comedy’. Which, let’s face it, is not that impressive. It’s like being the ‘Tallest Dwarf’ or the ‘Healthiest Glaswegian. Expect an evening of belly-busting laughs, complete with tastefully inappropriate gags. Oh, this one comes with an ‘Adults Only’ warning. Think we’ll stay away from the front row… Winding Wheel, Tues 5, www. THE LAST LAUGH COMEDY CLUB West Country comedian James Dowdeswell offers imaginative storytelling combined with daft stand-up. Also on the bill is Jojo Smith, Addy Vander Borgh, and a TBC guest. Catch The Last Laugh Comedy Club every Friday and Saturday Night at Sheffield City Hall. See website for line-ups. Friday 8, 7pm, £16, www. SPOTLIGHT COMEDY CLUB Stand up from Craig Murray and Adam Staunton awaits should you take the trek to Chez-Vegas. No nonsense Northerner Craig has been described by Jo Brand as “really, really funny”- whilst diminutive Liverpudlian Adam is a former Beat The Frog World Series runner-up. The Winding Wheel, Chesterfield, Monday 28, www.

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Exposed Meets Jojo Smith. Words: Jessica Peace. We love a good giggle here at Exposed - so we’re thrilled that Jojo Smith is returning to grace the stage at Sheffield City Hall as part of The Last Laugh Comedy Club. We caught up with her to talk gift vouchers, girl power and terrible jokes. Hi Jojo! Where does our interview find you today? What’s on the agenda? Hello! Today I’m going into Camden - I’ve got an All Saints gift voucher that’s burning a hole in my pocket. Maybe I can afford the sleeve of a jumper or something. I wouldn’t want to die today and have not spent this voucher. You’ve had quite a range of jobs, from Journalism to being a bingo caller in Butlins, how did comedy start for you? It started, really, because I was bullied at school. You learn to make fun of yourself to deter them. And then, you know, I’d be out drinking with my mates, or working at the Evening Standard, and people would just say ‘Oh, you’re really funny’. I kind of did it to shut people up. Have you always been funny? I guess so. I come from up North where it’s a sign of affection to take the piss. But the closest I’d been to being on stage was taping a set list to a monitor when I worked for Dexy’s [Midnight Runners]. Back in the eighties, I became a bit of a yuppie. Then, I got Repetitive Strain Injury, so I couldn’t carry on with Journalism. It’s weird how everything comes along. You’re ‘The Most Dangerous Woman in Britain’… right? That was from a guy in South Africa! They’d never met a British female comic before. There weren’t a lot of women in comedy then, now there’s a steady stream of them - and that’s great because it encourages others to do it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man, woman, black or white - funny is funny no matter where it comes from.

You’re playing the Last Laugh Comedy Club this month. Are you excited? I’m always excited. Last Laugh doesn’t prejudice women. There were three women and one guy last year. The promoter said: ‘We’re going to bring a young gentleman on now, please be gentle with him’. The audience hadn’t even noticed, it was great. What can we expect from the show? There are some special guests, but I’m

Jojo will be playing the Last Laugh Comedy Club at The Sheffield City Hall on August 15. Grab your tix at



Addy has been recognised by the BBC for his unique comedy talent. He’s featured on the ‘Stand-up Show’, ‘The World Stands Up’ and other impressive platforms. Having studied clowning and theatre at LAMDA, Addy has conjured up some hilarious characters. £8, Thurs 7.

not allowed to say anything. There’s one really big one though! You’ll have to come and see it. Oh, what a tease! Finally, if you had to host a panel show, who would be your ideal guests? How many can I have? I’d say, Paul Tonkinson, because he’s the only one who can make me cry with laughter. And Ola Gbaja-Biamila, a young comedian I met on tour in Dubai. That would have something for everyone.


Most known for his comic creation; Nige, Keith manages to portray a Merseyside “scally” who has his fair share of hilarious stories to tell - including often strange gags such as the different ways superheroes should make money, time travel, Lemsip-related deaths and more. £8, Thurs 14.

More info @


Although relatively new to the comedy scene, Dodds has managed to make quite the name for himself. Enthusiastic and confident, Dodds is able to please crowds a-plenty through his politically incorrect gags. £8. Thurs 21.


In just two years, Adam has managed to perform an impressive 350 gigs throughout the UK. Having served five years in The Royal Navy, he started stand up in November 2010 going on to win Mr Bens Gong Show. A very promising act, expect big things. £8, Thurs 28.

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SQUARE HOLE COMEDY Various comedians providing plenty of laughs – right in the heart of the city centre. For over two years, some of the best new and experienced acts on the circuit have hit this cracking night every 2nd Monday of the month. They’re on hiatus in August – but will return in September. The Red Deer, September 8, www.


Funny man Alan Carr is to present a brand new singing game show called The Singer Takes It All -which launches this month. However, there’s a unique catch – viewers take complete control of who wins, essentially becoming the judge and jury through an interactive app. It works thus: Simply launch the app, watch the contestant and vote either ‘hit’ or ‘miss’ based on whether you enjoyed the performance or not. There are hundreds of performers within the app to check out who, if they do well enough, will be invited to the main live show to give it their all. Votes are all done in real-time - so the results can be seen just seconds later. The live show consists of a dynamic stage, which has a set of iconic double doors (this is essentially where the losers will go). However, the most successful performers head towards the ‘Gold Zone’ - where they have a chance to win the cash price. Carr said: “The viewers get to decide whether the singer wins or disappears backwards through the flaps to a life of misery.” Lovely words there, Alan. You can check out the free-to-download app right now ahead of the show’s launch on August 1 on Channel 4. It’s currently available on iOS devices by searching ‘The Singer Takes It All’ and eventually Android through Google Play. See www. for more.


20% Discount on collection orders over £15 Good quality food, freshly cooked to order - 25 years chef experience Come and celebrate with us. Call us now to book your table NEW ADDRESS: 186 - 188 Crookes, S10 1TG 0114 266 1802 • 07596 202 214 • • Opening 7 Days a Week: Sun - Thurs 5.30pm - 11pm • Fri & Sat 5.30pm - 12.30am Car Parking available on main road and side road outside restaurant

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TOP PICKS VIVA CLIMAX We all love to Climax, yeah? Sheffield, and indeed Yorkshire’s biggest LGBT night, is simply a must-attend event – but what if you could Climax all day long? Viva Climax returns this month to The University of Sheffield Students’ Union – an afternoon event chock full of live music and LGBT friendly fun in the sun on the 9th. Expect the best acoustic acts around and a barbecue for when hunger strikes. Get involved at the Interval bar and SU Gardens – for FREE – between 2pm-8pm. Love it. See www. for more. GAMES NIGHT Get your gay-me on every Monday at West St pink party palace Icons! Quiz your noggin to within an

on Tuesdays. Think a piddly squid for Vodka Blue and Spirit and Mixers alongside Karaoke and games from 6pm through to 4am. DJs Kieron Lowry and John Paul Javal spin the latest dance, R&B and chart tracks upstairs. Naughty, but always nice. See for more.

inch of its life while enjoying everything from Twister to Giant Jenga in Icons’ cosy confines. The puzzle-y party kicks off from 4pm right through to 1.30am – with drinks offers available. We’re partial to a spot of AlcoKerplunk, ourselves. Hic. See for more. NOW 90S Boombastic, Don’t Speak, Getting’ Jiggy Wit It, I Want It That Way – face it, the 90s were f**king awesome. So thank the flippery for Thursdays at Twist – when Now 90s delivers a shedload of anthems from the era in and around your body and face (along with a host of classics to current day). Hosted by Leeds leg-end DJ Nadine Mamma Coil, it’s literally a blast from the past. What’s more, selected drinks are just 90p all night. Nuts. So hit it… baby… one more time. Ahem.

See lovetwistandfuelsheffield for more. SKINT Arguably Sheffield’s busiest Gay weekday out, Skint lives up to its name – offering host of cheap tipples and a ton of entertainment at Dempsey’s

GARDEN OF E.D.E.N A Sheffield film company is gearing up for the release of a new film about LGBT families. E.D.E.N is the force behind the project - a social enterprise specialising in filming civil partnership ceremonies and same-sex marriages as well as producing campaigns promoting LGBT equality and rights The film is set to premiere in September. See www. for more.

Head to for the full list of events and things to do in Sheffield this month.

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For more listings and reviews, head to BEST OF MUSEUMS OF SHEFFIELD

5 mins with...

TOMMY’S WAR Commemorate the First World War centenary with Tommy’s War, the story of the ‘Sheffield City Battalion’, from countrywide patriotism in 1914, to the moment of ‘going over the top’. With a range of activities, take on the role of a volunteer in the ‘Pals Batallion’ and spend time in a replica trench.

CARRY ON DICK! Visitors to Sheffield Train Station were recently welcomed by the cast of Dick Whittington, Samantha Fielding caught up with them to see how they were sizing each other up. Commuters were surprised recently - as they were welcomed at Sheffield Station by the newly announced cast of the Lyceum’s annual pantomime. This year, it’s Dick Whittington, and the cast and crew have high expectations for another sell-out show (Oh, yes they do!). Evolution Productions have serious experience in custard-throwing and belly-laughing - and their 8th year running in Sheffield will not be an exception. Following a photo-shoot (celebrating their sponsorship from East Midlands Trains), the cast for 2014’s Sheffield Theatres are eclectic, enthusiastic and already raring to get their costumes on. With Samantha Womack (EastEnders, Mount Pleasant, Kingsman: The Secret Service) playing Fairy Bowbells, CBeebies favourite Andy Day playing Captain Cuttlefish, and pantomime pro Jo Parsons playing Dick himself, there’ll be some familiar faces on stage this Christmas. And, let’s not forget Damian Williams, a pantomime dame who will hopefully never leave us. So, what can we expect from Dick Whittington?

“It always looks good, but it’s going to look great this year,” said Damian. ‘My only problem is, we’ve got to try and top the Miley Cyrus gag from last year. At one point I came on in a white bikini - and as soon as ‘Wrecking Ball’ came on the place erupted. You can’t beat that reaction so we need to find the next big thing!” Good luck trying to get that image out of your head. Professing a love for the theatre, he continued: “The Lyceum is so intimate - you can actually see the audience and talk to them. It’s such a social city - and the panto is social too. They really love their pantomimes here - as do we. Everyone has a great time on and off stage.’ Samantha Womack is also thrilled about her new part: “I get to dress up as a fairy - what could be better?” she smiled. “I did so many jobs last year, but panto was my favourite - I had the best time!” To go with a new set, there’ll also be a newly refurbished theatre - following the Lyceum’s £2m revamp.

Dick Whittington takes place December 5 – January 4. Head to for more info.

OPERA ON LOCATION New and vibrant company, Opera on Location hits the unique Graves Gallery for a series of intimate performances of Puccini’s classic opera, La Bohème. Sung in English and performed promenade-style, you will feel as if you’re not just watching but are a part of this tragic love story. www.

DRAWING THE SUMMER Sheffield Museums’ Drawing The Summer project continues throughout August. Try the Drawing With Thread workshop with textile artist Roanna Wells to learn how to create something truly unique and abstract. You can also meet the artist, Neil Webb, for tips and inspiration or pop by Weston park for a Sketching In The Park session. See www.museums-sheffield. for more.

Head to www.exposedmagazine. for the full list of arts and theatre listings in Sheffield this month.

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SKETCHING IN THE PARK WHERE: WESTON PARK WHEN: 24 AUG. FROM 1.30PM Spend a relaxing afternoon drawing in the lovely surroundings of Weston Park. Come rain or shine, take a closer look at the flowers, wildlife and historic monuments around you. If it’s raining, take shelter in the basecamp in the Bandstand. There’ll be a short introduction in the Bandstand at 1.30, but you can drop in whenever and stay for as long as you like. Whether you’re a fully fledged sketcher, or haven’t drawn since you were 10 – this session is suitable for you. Artistic help will be on hand for those who want it. All the materials will be provided,

but feel free to bring along your own sketchbook/iPad etc if you prefer. If you’re looking for more inspiration, pop in to the Recording Britain exhibition at the Millennium Gallery to see sketches of the great outdoors. This event is part of Drawing the Summer, a programme of exhibitions, events, and havea-go activities to get Sheffield sketching morning, noon and night. From careful botanical drawings, to super speedy charcoal sketches, awaken your inner artist and polish up your creative skills. Free


RECORDING BRITAIN NOW WHERE: MILLENNIUM GALLERY WHEN: TILL 12 OCT 2014 Museums Sheffield will host the second John Ruskin Prize for art in 2014. Responding to the theme of Recording Britain Now, and inspired by the Recording Britain exhibition on tour from the V&A, the Prize is open to both amateur and professional artists. Recording Britain Now will feature the work of the Ruskin Prize winner and 22 runners-up. Drawings, paintings, prints and mixed-media work will present a fresh view of urban or rural environments over 70 years since the original Recording Britain project sought to do the same. The John Ruskin Prize 2014 is part of the Campaign for Drawing and is collaboration with the Guild of St George. Free. 92 | For more listings and reviews, head to

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Sheffield boasts the largest population of amateur, working and professional artists in the UK outside of London. We’ve churned out renowned artistic talent from the likes of John Ruskin, Pete McKee and Kid Acne. But this creativity is not restricted to clothing or art exhibitions. Some of the best pieces of art can be found on the streets of the Steel City in the form of graffiti, which can be easily missed by passers-by. Here’s an Exposed guide to the top five pieces of Sheffield Street Art:









Looking over the River Don stands a piece of work from one of Sheffield’s most renowned street artists - Phlegm. His distinctive murals can be seen on the sides of abandoned warehouses and factories to random walls in the city centre, each containing their own narratives. This piece showcasing a fantastical scene of pirate ships and sea-creatures is possibly one of the most impressive. The Knife and Folk Gallery in the centre of town has recently been updated with a new street art piece by Coloquix. It features a wonderful duo of blue-haired girls – not forgetting an appearance from his trademark cat characters – which has given the exterior of the gallery a unique fresh look. St Thomas’s Boys and Girls Club on Newman Road is home to the work of EMA and Kid Acne. It features their classic cartoonist style, as two foxes prepare to box over the face of what appears to be a melancholy raindrop. ‘Your Hands. Your Feet. Your Voice’ is written at the bottom, a slogan to encourage individual expression. A prime spot for street art is Milton Street Car Park, where Faunagraphic has decorated the walls with numerous colourful pieces. The majority of the graffiti combines cartoon-style people mingled with vibrant bright colours.



Rocket01 is renowned in the Steel City for his stunning David Attenborough mural. But one piece which is perhaps less well known is his new creation on Sidney Street. This features a piercing green eye amongst objects of nature.

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There’s a whole bunch of other stuff we simply couldn’t fit in the mag due to the finite nature of physical resources. So hooray for the internet! Go to for more articles, interviews, blogs and goodies.




The Rev will be cutting the ribbon of Goo Design’s brand new shop, opening on Abbeydale Road in September. Arts, crafts, creativity, Sheffield stuff, gallery space & more.

TRAMLINES REVISITED Brighten up your post Tramlines blues with our reviews, pics and videos of the big weekend as it happened.

Our beer blogger takes a look at the wave of beer festivals sweeping the nation this month. Flying the flag for independent and innovative breweries, celebrating great beer, the brewers behind those beers and curated food stalls from local producers. ok5tq5t.


Sheffield’s coffee scene is well and truly on the up. Our foodie blogger, Clare, checks out Tamper Coffee’s latest workshop - ‘Espresso Blends: Deconstructed’


Bunting, face painting, circus skills, music and entertainment are on hand for the second Waverley Gala - from which The Waverley Dash will set off from. http://

NO LOGO IN THE FOAM, PLEASE A new blog about the joys of working in the Sheffield bar industry by a local bar manager.


This month, we have a brand new fashion blog for you. Self-proclaimed fashion obsessive, lover of all things arty and honorary Sheffielder for the last six years, Kate is well placed to spill the city’s style secrets. For this month’s instalment, Kate takes on the Summer knit. http://tinyurl. com/k5c8lua. 94 | For more listings and reviews, head to

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