Exposed July 2014

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Neon Jungle The Gentlemen Philippa Hanna Amy Childs 2.8 Hours Later The Great Exposed Pub Crawl Leopold Square: Live!

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12 in SeSSion

The Darlingtons tread our famous In Session stage. A history lesson awaits.

15 expoSed VS...

What’s that Locker Room? You want to force beer down our gullets and play bar games? Ah, go on then...

60 TraMlineS Mania

It’s here, it’s here, it’s here *claps hand and dances in a circle. Tramlines is BACK - and we’re getting giddy.

32 Be genTle WiTh US

Thought about Cosmetic surgery? New city clinic Be Cosmetic gives us the lowdown.

36 Z daY

It’s the end of the world as we know it! We pack some new pants for the imminent arrival of Zombie shindig 2.8 Hours Later. Eek.

52 pUB hopping

Some bars just do things better than others. We sort the wheat from the chaff. Cheers!

77 aMY childS

The former TOWIE fashionista hit Sheff recently. Shattap! No, really, she did.

Special K

7 Up FronT

Hitting Tramlines for a Friday headline slot on the Main Stage, Katy B brings the beauty and the beats in our city fest spesh. Sheffield, get ready...

Your monthly dose of stuff and nonsense.

19 FaShion

It’s ridiculously good looking.

39 Food & drinK


Stuff you face with our tasty knowledge.

Love us a little bit more by going to for all the latest news, goss and great offers

57 reVieWS

Peace in the Park gets the once-over.

66 liSTingS

What’s going on? Find out. Here, like.

94 BacK oF The neT Burying Their Heads Phil Turner (MD) Nick Hallam (Sales Director) James Eardley (Sales Executive) Sarah Wade (Accounts)

Not Waving But Drowning Carl Reid (Editor) Rachel Heward (Social Media)

Pissing and Moaning Paul Cocker (Design) Marc Barker (Design)

TEL: 0114 275 7709

Where Am I?

Sam Thomas, Nicola Mellor, Andy Hill, Jules Gray, Van Connor, Ali Bianchi, Joe Food. Kathryn Fairclough, Mark Perkins, Timm Cleasby, Clare Tollick, Sam Fielding, Kieran Wade, Olivia Riches, Victoria Cox, Rebecca Clifton, Teela Clayton, Joe E. Allen.

The Business Stuff

Exposed is published monthly by Blind Mice Media Ltd, Unit 1, Beehive Works, Milton St. Sheffield S3 7WL. The views contained herein are not necessarily those of Blind Mice Media Ltd and while every effort is made to ensure information throughout Exposed is correct, changes prior to distribution may take place which can affect the accuracy of copy, therefore Blind Mice Media Ltd cannot take responsibility for contributors’ views or specific entertainment listings.


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23/06/2014 21:58:11


In need of a little love advice? Has the fizz gone out of your banger? If you can find him, maybe you can hire...

Alan Deadman loves to promote diversity and culture through the power of music. He’s currently enjoying his 15th year working with Sharrow Festival, which showcases the best of Sheffield’s global music and dance, as well as being involved in Sheffield’s very own Tramlines. Hi Alan, you’re a major player in Sheffield’s music scene. Where did it all begin? I came to Sheffield in 1978 from South London, and I initially felt this city was very grey and colourless. The music scene was good, but not very varied, and I wanted to encourage the showcasing of more minority bands. In 1988 I decided to start the JuJu Club - a non-profit organisation dedicated to live world music - but I still had my dream to open a music studio. Stag Works on John Street already existed and had one of the largest concentrations of music studios in England. It was immensely successful; playing host to big names like Def Leppard, so we decided to start our own agency - The Musical Works. We paired up with Stag Works to hold workshops helping young adults with learning disabilities, physical impairments and substance dependency to develop their social skills through music. 4 bands have been produced from The Musical Works, with one band releasing their first album earlier this year.


Any other highlights of your time in Sheffield? Starting the techno-night Headcharge. I was a late night DJ there most of the time, and loved featuring unique and interesting music. It was a bridge to get people interested in the JuJu Club. How do you locate all this unique musical talent? One way is through City of Sanctuary - a charity which welcomes refugees to Sheffield and provides them support. This charity supplies us with many leads for bookings.

It sounds like you enjoy working with the community, is that where your involvement with Sharrow Festival stemmed from? I’m very emotionally attached to Sharrow as a place; it’s been a part of my life for 25 years - it makes me very happy! With help from the JuJu Club we raised £350,000 and injected it into Sharrow Festival - making it an immensely popular event. I saw it as an opportunity to bring cultures together and make them feel a part of Sheffield’s community. We guess the big question is then - do you still find Sheffield grey and colourless? Not in the slightest. Sheffield is home to so many different races, cultures and unique music; this city’s music scene doesn’t just stop at the Arctic Monkeys. This year at the Sharrow Festival we had so many interesting blends of music - from reggae to an Iranian blues rock band - as well as beautiful Bengali dancing.

Jeff, it would appear that you’ve have a classic case of BHBB (Broken Heart Blue Balls). Your faithful bush-beater, once content in the knowledge that a slice of cherry pie was never far away, suddenly has to deal with the fact that the gormless sack of bones it hangs from (i.e. you) has been tasked with bringing some more punani to the party. It might sound clichéd, but confidence is the key here, So, instead of investing money in sending Mr Kleenex’s children through University, get yourself a haircut, a sharp suit, and trim the abandoned forest growing in your pants. It’s also time to move back out of your parents’ house and find a little honey haven of your own. Make sure your chosen accommodation has the bare necessities: lava lamps, a stocked drinks cabinet, reclining sofa, and a record player playing the best of Al Green. Finally, hit those dance floors like John Travolta on speed. I guarantee it won’t be long before you’re back on the horse (and by horse, I do of course, mean vagina).


alan deadman

Dear SP, Eight months ago, my long-term partner split up with me. I’m now too nervous to get back on the dating scene in case it leads to more heartache. As a result, I’ve turned to frequent masturbation as a way of dealing with my frustration. It started slowly, but now I’m at it nine to ten times a day. Just the other week, I was suspended from work after my boss caught me behind the photocopier, knocking one out into the waste paper bin. It’s starting to take over my life, SP. How do I stop? Jeff, Shiregreen


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23/06/2014 21:58:14

Build an ad using your images and cartoon heads

Join The Revolution We love to do our bit for the environment here at Exposed HQ (seriously, you should see the boxes and beer cans that are festooned across the office by the end of the month). Problem is, we’re a busy/lazy lot – so what the chuff ’s the solution? Introducing Recycling Revolution – a brand that’s living up to its name. A not for profit Social Enterprise, Recycling Revolution collect waste from Sheffield Businesses – with all the money going back into the project to provide the growth and employment of


vulnerable people along with donations to local charities. Sweet deal, eh? No business is too great or small from your local shop to huge festival events and beyond, these guys will see you right. Plus, they keep all waste separated – meaning the maximum amount possible is recycled with no degradation due to co-mingling. So, whoever you are, and whatever you do – get in touch and see what they can do for you. Head to www.recyclingrevolution. for more.

CANCER - June 21 - July 22 BULLETS So, I’m strolling down Fargate, reflecting on life’s big questions, namely whether I’d rather be a giant hamster or a tiny rhino. Upon reaching Starbucks, I clocked that Tyrion Lannister bloke, of Game of Thrones fame, sipping Blow dry bar mocha and looking pretty down. Cutting and Colouring Now, it’s not very oft en you bump into a Lannister around Sheff, so I went over to say hello. “Nah then, Tyrian. Your dad’s a reight mardy sod. I’m rooting for Cocktails / bubbly you, mate.” Looking up from his coffee, he replied, “Thank you, Sir. Now, where Party Packages sells decent vino in this joint?” on arrival If truthComplementary be told, we ended up on adrink bit of a session.He then decides to drop the “I need a cashpoint” chestnut. I buy him a beer and tell him not to worry about it. Waving away my gratitude, he tells me solemnly, “A Lannister always pays his use later, the I’m offstill erswaiting fromformenu the £150) debts.”Also Two months that pint (not back. Cheeky little sod. AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18 The planets of wango and vagine have both reached the end of their retrograde phase, which means your love life will become lacklustre over the coming months. Lower your standards.

Put A Cap In It! Hats off to you, Shefflihem – you’re a superstitious eagle eyed lot. We know how much you love your horoscopes – so, when Capricorn went mysteriously missing from our hallowed pages last month, the response was nothing short of incredible (seriously, you lot REALLY need to get out more). Apparently, a planetary pile-up between Pluto and Harry Styles’ hair caused a micro-black hole to form on the very spot of the mag where Capricorn should have appeared. It’s a rare, but not unheard of, occurrence. Normal service has now been resumed. Spank you.

PISCES Feb 19 - Mar 20 With the fiery planet Mars involved in taxing planetary patterns this month, you’ll begin ruffling the feathers of those around you… as you develop a sexual appetite for poultry.

Comic Con hits Sheffield Showmasters are bringing their first ever show to Sheffield. Taking place August 30-31 at the Motorpoint Arena, the Sheffield Film and Comic Con will showcase your favourite stars from TV, Films and Comics - giving you the opportunity to lose yourself in the world of action hero’s and sci-fi. The event also promises a host of other fun activities - including photo-shoots with your favourite characters, panels with the stars, autograph sessions and hundreds of stalls full of TV and Film memorabilia. Terminator and Mortal Kombat star Kristanna Loken has already been confirmed for both days of the event, as has Dirk Benedict of The A Team/ Battlestar Galactica fame - and a number of other guests are set to be announced at a later date. The show opens from 9am-6pm on both days. Head to www.sheffieldfilmandcomiccon. com for more.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 19 You appreciate spending time by yourself to reflect. Luckily, personal space isn’t hard to find. TAURUS April 20 - May 20 As a Taurus, you take on the main characteristics of the bull. Yes, you’re well endowed, but you’re also a confrontational,

b*stard. GEMINI May 21 - June 20 This month, the planets Prejudicio and Ukaprious have finally de-aligned themselves. Those feelings of intolerance and misplaced anger will slowly fade over the coming weeks. Thank f*ck for that. LEO July 23 - Aug 22 The rapper, Lil Wayne, once said: “I’m in the sky, flying with the fishes, or maybe in the ocean, swimming with the pigeons.” Heed his words. VIRGO Aug 23 - Sep 22 The little-known planet, Venuswilliamsarmpitula, has tipped its axis towards the moon. This suggests that one day you’ll hold a conversation with someone you may find attractive… or not.

LIBRA Sep 23 - Oct 22 Growing a handlebar moustache will not hide you from Jesus on Judgement Day. SCORPIO Oct 23 – Nov 21 To avoid lashing out aggressively this month, close your eyes and think of baby squirrels... unless you enjoy punching baby squirrels in the face. SAGITTARIUS Nov 22 - Dec 21 You’ve never been the type to listen to the ‘signs’ - which explains why you’ve crashed every car you’ve owned. CAPRICORN Dec 22 – Jan 19 Lonely this month? The cosmic forces have some advice: stop staring at people on buses, move out of your mum’s house, and refrain from speaking entirely in Game of Thrones references.

Come hither, as the Great Foodini takes a cheeky peek at his magical balls...


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23/06/2014 21:58:16


UNIQUE TO SHEFFIELD The rumours are true.....



...Find out why everyone is talking about us!

 Blow Dry Bar  Cutting and Colouring  Full Cocktail and Bubbly menu  Party Packages  Complementary drink on arrival // // Tel: (0114) 268 6611

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Starry Eyed Music, arts, food, drink and a friendly atmosphere… all in a stunning location - Underneath the Stars offers up all the ingredients for a truly unforgettable experience. Hosted within the confines of one of Yorkshire’s finest visitor attractions, Cannon Hall Farm, the festival stems from a series of concerts held previously at the site to raise funds for local projects such as the village Cricket Club, Church and Preschool. Now, the aim is to develop those concerts into a weekend of world class entertainment in the heart of South Yorkshire – all in a purpose built big-top concert marquee. Taking place July 25-27, there’s a host of cracking live entertainment on the bill – with the likes of The Puppini Sisters, Richard Thompson, Tunng and event organiser Kate Rusby all signed up. Plus, for the first time this year, there’ll be the opportunity to pitch up and stay at the festival campsite. With the likes of Thornbridge Brewery on hand to provide refreshments, you know this is gonna be an absolute corker. Head to for more.


SATURDAY/LEADMILL Know what’s bad for my body? Humidity. Makes my fur go all ‘Monica’, like. As a monkey about town, I needs to keep the pomade close at hand to ensure I end up knee deep in the furry valley after a night on the jungle juice.


SUNDAY/MAIN STAGE I was babysitting John hippo’s kids once (he’s got Babestation and pays in beer) when they started kicking off. I put Steven King’s ‘IT’ on and got my mate Arnie the bat to dress up as a clown and peer though t’window, They shat ‘emselves. Peace restored.


SUNDAY/LEADMILL As me old man used to say: “Tha don’t chuck away a manky banana, son – peel it and you’ll find it usually tastes the same as a ripe one.” Sound advice - which has seen this cheeky chimp chalk up a fair few notches on the palm tree.


horSing aroUnd The ever knowledgeable Stephen Fry dropped a clanger on a recent edition of QI - by claiming that the last horse meat shop in the country closed in Doncaster during the 1930’s. We’re afraid, dear Stephen, that you’re slightly off the mark. See, a horse flesh dealer by the name of Herbert Thomas was known to have a shop on Hereford Street here in Sheff open until the 1970’s.

South Yorkshire does indeed appear to be have been one of the last thriving outposts of the horse delicacy - with further shops reported on Infirmary Road, Duke Street, Meadow Street and Spital Hill between the 40’s and 50’s. One particular shop on Attercliffe Common apparently had the words, ‘Fit for human consumption’ written in brackets next to the sign – which, of course, is reassuring to know! Giddy up.

Are there any Sheffield curiosities you’d like me, Dr Lester Deertrap, to investigate? If so, why don’t you drop me a line, care of the Editor at



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23/06/2014 21:58:23

Work it!

Albyn Works now has a brand new large office ready for immediate use! It comes with 12 workstation desks and would make an ideal site for a telemarketing, web design or a digital marketing company looking to expand.

ooh, tell me more…

The office known as 212 Blanco Rooms forms part of The Block and is an open space with plenty of light and great views of the mountain bike hill at Springfield! We’re attracting creatives and professionals with a publishing company and solicitor having recently moved in. Over the past couple of months we’ve been busy varnishing beautiful Victorian balustrades, installing 24/7 security cameras and working with Hallam University to knock into shape The Block at the new Blanco Rooms. Two ground floor workshop units are also available – great for internet storage or general workshop uses with three phase electricity for crafts people and makers.

Sounds lovely, nice area..?

It’s perfectly situated between Neepsend and Kelham Island - Albyn Works is right in the heart of one of Sheffield’s most up-and-coming areas. The groundfloor workshops are separate from the offices and already house an eclectic mix of service


and manufacturing businesses including a craft brewery and wood recycling social enterprise. It’s a fully managed business centre operated by a bunch of thoroughly lovely people and The Block is the latest development for a new working environment. Part of it will also offer rent-a-desk space, where businesses will have access to shared workspaces, offices, meeting room and crash-out area with communal kitchen facilities.

cool. how do i get involved..?

This fully refurbished business centre is inviting local businesses and creatives to shape the workspace in an innovative and inspiring environment. Free desk space is on offer for helpful input. Peter Rawlinson runs the site and says there is a growing recognition that Neepsend is the next step from Kelham Island. There are strong transport links, it’s 15 minutes’ walk from the city centre, plus free on-road parking, riverside walks, award winning cafes, restaurants and real ale pubs. Albyn Works offers 24 hour access, onsite parking and access to meeting rooms. Rents start from just £3 per day and it’s the perfect place to set up your business. If you’re interested, then contact

Limited edition Forgemasters bottled real ale is brewed by, and only available from, The Sheffield Brewery Company at Albyn Works. Call in or see www.sheffieldbrewery. com for more.

Find out more at


RIP Rik Mayall




hail The ale

Drop The Funk Drop The Bass Sundays 1-3pm The Drop The Funk Drop The Bass show brings together all genres of underground music in a two hour showcase. Every Sunday, DJ Cardiac takes you on a musical journey from current club bangers to future hits, blending and chopping his way through in a high energy frenzy with music from the UK and all over the world.

GET INVOLVED! Twitter: djcardiac Myspace: djcardiaconline Soundcloud : djcardiac


“Mind if I use your phone? If word gets out I’m missing, five hundred girls will kill themselves. And I wouldn’t want them on my conscience, not when they ought to be - on my *face*! Hello? Cancel the state funeral, tell the king to stop blubbing, Flash is not dead! I simply ran out of juice! And, before five hundred girls all go ‘oh, what’s the point in living anymore?’ I’m talking about petrol! Woof! Send someone along to pick me up. General Melchett’s driver will do. She hangs round with a big knob so she’ll be used to a fellow like me - Woof!”


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23/06/2014 21:58:28

Exposed has taken a pew inside a small recording studio on the outskirts of the city centre, situated amongst the rusting warehouses and factories which represent the rattling gasps of Sheffield’s once alive and kicking manufacturing industry. Sat directly across are four young lads who’ve provided a breath of fresh air for the local music scene. The Darlingtons now look set to deliver a spot of wider resuscitation to the sound of British alternative music with their atmospheric, brooding, post-rock vibes. Hi chaps, let’s kick off by discussing the tracks you’ve chosen to play today? Chris: We’ve gone a bit stripped back today. We chose to play a track called ‘Sunflowers’ – which is an old track, and also ‘Fiction Is Not Imagination’ – a new one of ours, which we haven’t really played live yet. Could you briefly tell us a bit about each track? Chris: Sunflowers was written a while ago. (To Kiran) What did you write it about? Kiran: Sunflowers. (Laughter) Chris: I think it’s kind of a depressing take on being a sunflower. How they always face the sun until the end of summer when they wilt away - I’d like to add that we’re not actually as depressing as we sound! Ah, the irony of sunflowers. What about the second track? Kiran: ‘Fiction Is Not Imagination’ took a while to get to the stage in which it sounded right. We spent a lot of time developing it in the studio. Chris: We were working on it for a good few months. I think we’re getting there with it now. It used to sound horrendous, but now it’s probably our strongest live track. How did you guys start playing music together? Kiran: We went to school together. Simple as that, really. Chris: We were all part of the same friendship groups, but strangely all began by playing in separate bands. We started jamming together and stuff towards the end of college. Daniel: I think it’s been about six years that we’ve been playing and writing together. That gives you a lot of time to hone your sound. Do you feel there’s been a gradual improvement in your music? Daniel: Yeah, you definitely notice the sound getting stronger. Chris: Song writing can take a while to perfect, especially when you’re working with four people, you need to know how each other works musically. So, yeah, I think we’ve become a lot more aware of that. You’ve played a few interesting gigs recently: The Great Escape festival, supporting Catfish And The Bottlemen, then performances in Belgium and France. It’s been a busy month… Kiran: It has. It’s been awesome. To play Great Escape then support Catfish in the same weekend at another cool venue was a great experience. Chris: Playing Belgium and France was great. We played some good gigs, got treated really well, and met some really

Exposed In Session: An exclusive youtube gig every month from some of the city’s finest musical exports. Two tracks - recorded live with no overdubs at some of the city’s most inspiring locations.

interesting people. The beer in Belgium isn’t bad, either? All: *Loud resonances of agreement*. Kiran: They don’t even shut the pubs! They stay open all night and in to the morning. We ended up being banned from drinking this 9% beer called Chimay. It was incredible. I’ve read that your name derives from the Anglo Saxon period… Chris: Well, it’s based on the surname of a guy called Bob Darlington - who used to help us out loads. However, we read in to it and then found the Anglo Saxon link. Did you know that Sheffield originated from a settlement built by a family of Angles, on the banks of the River Sheaf, near where Commercial Street is today? We’re talking early 9th century here. Chris: We didn’t know that! Now, thankfully, we do. We can pop that in our bio now. Yup. They were described as ‘barbaric, warlike characters’ which member of the band does this represent the most? Daniel: I think that’s probably all of us when we’re on a stage. Chris: Yeah, our live set is very energetic - so I think you could apply that to all of us. Alex: It’s a good job we play a short set. You see some bands going at it for about an hour and a half and I’m thinking, if we did that, we’d need A & E. It’s quite nice having the opportunity to strip back our sound today and hear the music a bit differently. It’s funny you should mention a softer sound, because the instrument of choice for most Anglo Saxons was the harp. Do you reckon there’s a way you could incorporate one of those in to your set? Kiran: It could be part of our new campaign. Chris: My auntie plays the harp - let’s get her in. I’m feeling the Anglo Saxon vibe here. Let’s have another. It was tradition to bury Anglo Saxons with ‘grave goods’, personal possessions to take in to the afterlife. What would you choose? Daniel: Guitar Kiran: Yeah, I’d say guitar. Dan would probably take his phone. *Laughter* Daniel: Well, you’ve got to catch up with what people on Earth are up to… Chris: I’d take clean pants. If you’re going to the afterlife, you’d want to make a good impression. I’d also take a football, so I can re-ennact the scene from Castaway, draw a face on it and call it Wilson. Finally then, what’s on the horizon for The Darlingtons? Chris: Exciting times, hopefully. We’ve just signed to a booking agency today! Kiran: We’ve also got a single recorded - and the video shot for that. Our latest single, Rotations, is out now. We’ve also got a couple of gigs left before our tour finishes. Chris: Our next single will be called ‘Whoever Really Knows’ – and it looks like that will be out this month.

Interview: Joe Food. Photography: Timm Cleasby for The Picture Foundry. Filmed & Edited by Helene Michaelides Recorded by Tufty - Silver Pride Works Watch the session exclusively online at

Insession in association with


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23/06/2014 21:58:32

TreaT yourself To The righT kind of exTra Time... sienna-x spray Tan shellac on fingers mini pedicure only ÂŁ35

Offer valid throughout July 2014

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23/06/2014 21:58:33

locKer rooM With Exposed on a losing streak reminiscent of the England World Cup Squad, we decided the time was right to focus on something we know we’re good at; drinking. Which is why we found ourseleves at Locker Room on West Street for a game of Beer Pong. Glasses are well and truly charged. Words: Joe Food.

After a string of heavy defeats, the Exposed VS team were beginning to feel the pressure. Gaffer, Phil, was becoming increasingly agitated and brought the team together for a rousing team-talk beforehand. “There’s been a lot of talk lately, some of it quite slanderous. But I’ll tell ya now – we’re still fighting for this, and we’ve got to get to the Locker Room and get something, and... I’ll tell you honestly, I would love it we beat them, love it!”. With the words of a fired up manager ringing in our ears, Victoria and I cautiously stepped inside the swish surroundings of the Locker Room. To my approval, we were greeted by a vast collection of screens showing every live sport you could imagine. Settling down by the bar with a drink, I was happy to stay there all day. However, Victoria brusquely reminded me that we were here to do a job. Game face back on. Our competitors were PR guy James and barmaid Simone. After some brief chitchat, they asked if we were ready to start proceedings with a round of beer pong on their state of the art table. “Born ready,” I replied. “Get your balls out then.” *Awkward Silence*

Game 1 – Beer Pong For those of you who have never been to University, Beer Pong is a very simple game. Two challengers stand at either side of a table, with a selection of cups containing the alcoholic tipple of choice in front of them. A ping-pong ball is introduced, and each competitor takes turns to bounce the ball in to the each other’s cups. If they succeed, the other player must down the alcohol in the cup. Easy, right? I was pitted against Simone - who stepped up to the table with the swagger of someone who enjoyed plenty of beer pong parties in her fresher year. She obviously knew what she was doing, as her first shot grazed the top of my cup, and I narrowly escaped punishment. After a few ‘practice throws’, Simone took the lead with a beautifully aimed shot, landing smack bang in the middle of my cup - 1-0 Locker Room! I polished off my drink and took aim - seeking retribution. A couple of goes later, I equalised with a swerving throw worthy of Brian chuffin’ Lara, I tell thee! – 1-1 and all to play for! But Simone swiftly provided a metaphorical kick in the nads by taking out two of my cups in quick succession - 3-1 to Locker Room. Game over. I grudgingly necked the two pints, and headed over to the pool tables… Hic!


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23/06/2014 21:58:35

locKer rooM

Tournament Tuesdays

Fancy a go yoursen? Every Tuesday, Locker Room hold beer pong & ping- pong tournaments from 7pm onwards! Get involved for 20% off beer pitchers & the chance to win a bar tab.

Game 2 – American Pool Pool time. My challenger, James, led us over to one of four snazzy looking tables upstairs in the venue. I needed to redeem myself after a shambolic performance on the pool table during last month’s challenge. Fighting back various flashbacks of the white ball flying off the table, missed pots, and the sheepish looks on my teammates faces, I gritted my teeth and waited for James to rack up. “I’m awful!” he told me, as he went to break. Was he blagging? ‘Yeah, we’ll see about that one, James,’ I thought. The ‘awful’ James potted impressively on his third shot, and then instantly followed it up by potting the white. I equalised moments later. What followed was roughly ten minutes of fairly shoddy play - including a ‘trick shot’ by James, which left the table and ended up somewhere on Division Street. “You guys are awful!” laughed Simone. Thanks for that Simone. It really was time for yours truly to step up to the plate. I managed to wriggle out of a tricky snooker and went on to pot three in a row. Not laughing anymore, Simone, eh? A few Judd Trump inspired pots later and I’m well in the lead. James responds with a couple of smart shots – but to no avail. I get on to the black with a four ball advantage. Putting James out of his misery, I sink the black ball in to the middle pocket and almost do a little wee. Exposed are back in the game! Jurassic Park!

Game 3 – Ping-Pong Let the ping see the pong! Now it’s all down to our Victoria to notch up a much needed win for team Exposed. First to eleven and the winner must be two points clear. The stage is set. James opens serving, and a brief rally ends with him finding the net after a well-placed shot from Victoria does him up like a kipper. The cheering crowd (i.e. me) fell silent as James responded with a cheeky backhand to bring the scoring level. Victoria,

clearly riled, began employing the use of a forearm smash – to devastating effect. Breezing in to a 4-1 lead, it seemed as though we were mere moments away from glory... until a double fault serve brought James back in the game. Bummer. James then went on the offensive, and before you could say, “ping pong’s coming home” – the score was tied at 4-4. Playtime was over - and both competitors upped the ante by firing shots at impressive speeds across the table. One particularly vicious swipe from Victoria saw the ball fly high in to the air, disrupt the path of a Russian satellite, before finally landing on top of St Paul’s Tower. Whoopsie. After finding a replacement ball, the scoring got hectic… 5-4 Exposed! 6-4! 6-5! 7-5! 7-6! “Victoria, just keep calm and play ping pong!” I pleaded from the sidelines, but it was useless. James stole the next two points. Locker Room were in the lead. Like the England football team, it seemed that Exposed were going home with nothing to show – again. However, t’old Victoria had other plans. A Federer-esque serve brought us back on level terms. She then swiftly managed to bag two more points – once again courtesy of that deadly forearm smash. Match point! And you could have cut the atmosphere with a special atmosphere cutter. A tense rally ensued, until James did a ‘Steven Gerrard’ and threw it all away with a speculative shot that missed the table entirely. YESSS! FOR THE LOVE OF SEAN BEAN - EXPOSED WIN! After a prolonged celebratory jig, team Exposed settled down to a meaty champions platter served up by the Locker Room chef. Victory and spicy chicken wings – what more does tha want?


Bloody hell! We won! We actually bloody won! And it feels unfamiliar but rather good. If you’d like to take us on at whatever it is you do for a living, just email editor@ with an explanation of the challenge and we’ll do the rest. Join us next month when we try to see if we can string two wins together and claw our way back into some kind of contention on this God forsaken feature...

ScoreS So Far expoSed – 17 challengerS – 25


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23/06/2014 21:58:40

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23/06/2014 22:09:38

Dedicated to the art of haircutting

Now Open 751-753 Ecclesall Road Sheffield S11 8TH 0114 268 4050

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23/06/2014 22:09:39





Go West (One)



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Wigs and Warpaint recently brought a little bit of sunshine to West One this evening – in the form of a summer fete. The charity event was in aid of Safe Places – a scheme supported by Sheffield City Council in conjunction with Heeley City Farm which is being rolled out across the city. T Both male and female apparel is on offer – including long sleeve and short sleeve options as well as shorts. It’s quality stuff too – 100% polyester – meaning maximum comfort and breathability, not to mention being lightweight and antibacterial. Check it out at www.


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23/06/2014 22:09:46

Party in style For those who love being pampered, getting your hair done can be a relaxing treat, but how about sipping on a cocktail or glass of bubbly at the same time? If this sounds like your kind of thing, you’re in luck - located opposite Napoleons Casino on Ecclesall Road, The Style Bar is Sheffield’s first dedicated ‘blow dry bar’. Described as ‘unique and sinfully glamorous’, the shop held a swanky launch party on 20th June, attended by celebrity

couple Jessica Wright and Ricky Rayment. The pair, who are currently filming a new series of The Only Way Is Essex, agreed the shop was a great idea – with Jess saying: “It’s beautiful, really lovely. We need one of these in Essex.” Prosecco and a red carpet welcomed the salon’s new clientele, and we had the chance to sample treatments and services, all listed on a menu, just like the drinks - handy! See for more.

Why did the barber cross the road? Savills barbershop has moved onto bigger and better things, stepping across Devonshire Street to move into a roomier premesis, allowing more barbers, more stations, and more space for their ever-growing clientele. And a giant cow, of course. Saturday 21st June saw the grand opening of the new Savills as plenty of tattooed and bearded guests arrived at the new shop to be greeted by magnums of champagne, bottles of Hendricks Gin and a Smeg fridge stocked choc-a-bloc full of beer. Admiring the vintage barbershop décor, and walls lined with flash prints, photos and huge antique style mirrors, guests celebrated a new phase for Sheffield’s renowned barbershop. As well as providing the usual walk-in service of haircuts, beard trims and cut throat shaves, Savills has also launched a bespoke tailoring service with Savile Row tailor, John Lancaster, also of The Mono Store, London. Head to for more.

What A Ride! A posh festival without a portaloo or a pair of wellies in sight? Sounds too good to be true. Viva L’Eroica! Set for the first time in the beautiful backdrop of Bakewell, famed for its puddings and not to be confused with the tarts, three day festival L’Eroica (June 20-22) culminated in a cycle race on the Sunday - with a 30-, 50- or 100-mile route option. The use of pre-1987 bikes and the cyclists’ attire helped to create a retro continental feel, as a nod to the first ever L’Eroica, held in Italy in 1997. Exposed was on hand to dish out some Lush prizes for the Best Dressed Festival Goer category, both male and female, with the dapper gents proving just why this is billed as the most handsome bike race in the world. With handlebars (both bikes and moustaches) and vintage lycra aplenty, the festival set up Brittania as a Tour De Force for the Tour De France! See for more.


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23/06/2014 22:09:59

Be the best version of you. We all have our own stories. Don’t let yours hold you back. Be bold. Start a new chapter. Contact our hair transplant specialists today and start your own new beginning. Hair restoration • VASER liposuction • Male chest reduction

0800 270 7700 EXP JULY 2014 pgs 17-32.indd 21 23/06/2014 22:10:00


The number of people electing to have cosmetic procedures to make them look, (and crucially) feel good has increased significantly in recent years. There was a time when cosmetic surgery was just for the wealthy and famous. But these days, along with a surge of innovations in the industry, it’s becoming much more accessible. This recent shift has not gone unnoticed by leading Harley Street cosmetic surgeon Dr Hassan Nurein, who this month launches a new clinic in Millhouses, the second branch of a new national brand, Be Cosmetic Clinics, specialising in hair restoration, VASER body sculpting and the latest in facial rejuvenation treatments. Body Contouring VASER – which stands for ‘vibration amplification of sound energy’ – is a revolutionary, ultrasonic fat removal procedure, offering a safer, less invasive alternative to traditional lipo. The treatment emulsifies and removes targeted areas of fat without damaging surrounding tissue, helping improve your overall contour by eliminating fat in specific parts of your body to help you achieve the shape you want. For those who want a more athletic look, or are after the elusive six-pack they’re struggling to achieve through exercise, Dr Nurein specialises in a

is in more advanced, super-targeted form of VASER lipo called VASER 4D, which removes small amounts of fat around the muscles to enhance the appearance of musculature. “It’s state-of-the-art, high-end surgical technology,” says Dr Nurein. “With VASER, it’s so much more minimal than traditional liposuction - it’s usually over within a couple of hours and can be done under a local anaestetic. “It’s a very popular procedure, partly because recovery is also quick and results are often immediate – our patients are very happy with the outcome.” Dr Nurein and his team also offer fat transfer procedures, a safe alternative to silicone breast implants and with shorter recovery time. Using VASER, fat is removed from one area of the body and then injected into the breasts to increase size or enhance their shape. And for men who suffer from gynaecomastia (an excess of fatty tissue on the chest area), chest reduction surgery targets what are commonly referred to as ‘moobs’, reducing size whilst creating a flatter, firmer and better-contoured shape.

Hair Transplant Hair transplants have gained popularity in the last few years – celebrity success stories have played a part but, more importantly, medical advances have meant that results have vastly improved too. Dr Nurein is a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons, and specialises in the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) methods - considered the gold standard in natural hair restoration surgery. Using the latest micro-grafting tools, hair follicles are removed from one area of the scalp and implanted into the area affected by hair loss. Surgery takes only a few hours, but results in natural growth patterns – the hair will continue to grow as it had been doing prior to the move. Facial Rejuvenation Over-exposure to the sun, pollution, smoking and stress can all contribute to the signs of ageing, leaving your skin looking tired. Dermal fillers are a collagen material used to ‘fill in’ wrinkles and plump the skin, and can instantly create a more youthful-looking appearance. Botulinum toxin (or Botox) is a protein used to relax the muscle underneath the skin, which temporarily decreases wrinkles and makes lines less visible. Both procedures are quick, non-invasive and provide great results, without the risk or inconvenience associated with a traditional facelift. To book your free consultation with Dr Nurein or one of his team, call 0800 270 7700 or email info@becosmetic. com To find out more, visit or pop into their Sheffield clinic on Abbeydale Road. 991 Abbeydale Road, Sheffield S7 2QD 0800 270 7700


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23/06/2014 22:10:05


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23/06/2014 22:10:05

Advertisement Feature

Picking Up

Good Vibrations

Meet johny d Matthews

Good Vibrations will be graced with a special visitor soon tattooist Johny D Matthews. At the end of August, the multi award winner will join the team for just a few days to embrace the public with open inks. His craftsmanship is renowned for incorporating a classic tattooing style with the intricate details of steampunk, a unique spin that the city will love. We got our hands on Johny before Good Vibrations welcome him into the studio. We hear you trained in Sheffield, Johny…? Yeah, I spent 18 months being trained by a good friend called Sosk at a tattoo studio in the city - and that was a whole new level of cool! Are you looking forward to re-visiting the city and Good Vibrations? Absolutely - I love Sheffield! I feel Sheffield really embodies the vibe of the north and the guys at Good Vibrations are right in the middle of it. Can you give us a brief history of Johny. How’d you get into tattooing? Haha, I’m not sure how brief to make it - as I can seriously waffle on. Basically, Sosk was working in a studio in my village and he managed to see some of my artwork. He offered me a tattoo apprenticeship in his studio in Sheffield and, at first, I was a bit reluctant - but after I finished training as an architect, I found I didn’t like the building industry much, so I went and found out Sosk and the rest is history… What’s been your favourite tattoo to work on? Every tattoo I do is a real honour and I have too many faves to mention. That said, I recently did nice elephant tattoo that’s the start of an African sleeve! It’s gonna be epic! Any celeb stories? I’ve tattooed a few celebs and footballers etc

but, to be honest, I’m not easily star struck. Can you tell us about some of your awards? They’re nice and shiney, haha, but yeah I’ve been very lucky over the last couple years. I just hope to keep up the good work and keep on knocking out tattoos that bring people a lifetime of happiness You’re internationally known too - have you been anywhere exciting recently? Not anywhere in the last month or so - as I’m so gratefully busy in my studio, but I’m set for another trip to Norway and an awesome tattoo show in Japan this summer - so that will be great… even though I am terrified of flying. You’ve a pretty impressive portfolio! Is there a design that everyone is asking for at the moment? Yeah, a lot of people are now wanting time pieces, which ties in nicely with my steam punk style which I’m really trying to push out there. The Good Vibrations team are excited to be having you; how do you think you can complement the team? I think their team is already perfect, it will just be an honour to work alongside those guys. Get in Touch... Good Vibrations Tattoo 233 Crookes, Sheffield S10 1TE Tel: 0114 267 1924


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23/06/2014 22:10:08

Hair by Hairess




Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers.

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23/06/2014 22:10:09

Exposed Meets Katy B.

night Main Stage Flame haired firecracker Katy B hits Tramlines this month for a Friday Riches gave Olivia Red. Little album second headline slot in the wake of chart topping more. out find to tinkle a popstress the Peckham right now and Hi Katy, thanks for joining us this morning. Where in the world are you what can you see? I’m watching Hello! I’m very well, thank you. I’m currently at the Rinse FM HQ in London. lot. a out and in g wanderin are the hustle and bustle of the radio station. People slot on the You’re heading to Sheffield soon for a couple of shows – including a headline it? about feeling you are How s. Tramline of night Friday should be a great I’m over the moon! The line-up looks sick - I’m really looking forward it, it gig.

What can we expect from you on the night? go slightly wild, Well, I know when I’m at festivals with my friends I just want to party and I like to bring night! Friday a it’s as especially re atmosphe huge a create to want so I really wouldn’t who people for g performin of a party vibe for festival shows! I love the feeling them. impress and try over, them win and try to want I me see normally following Am I right in thinking it’s been nearly three years since you were last here there anything your tour in 2011? You’ve also played The Tuesday Club at Sheff Uni, Is you find special about Sheffield? Do you have a favourite place? vibe and I love The Tuesday Club! All the artists I speak to that play there say it’s a good what makes that’s – re atmosphe Great there. played I when same the felt I ace. is the crowd Sheffield special. How does performing at festivals differ to intimate shows in clubs for you? slot. I like I don’t have a preference as I enjoy both! If I play a festival it’s usually a 40 minute make crowd, the with party and festival a at to walk in and be like BAM! I want to party half with a a and hour an like more it’s shows own my For time. great a having sure they’re other upbeat real assortment, I enjoy performing acoustic numbers and mixing it up with way. different a in connect and journey a on audience the take can You tracks.

Tell us about your new album ‘Little Red’… I wrote a track called Little Red Light, which didn’t end up going on the album, but it was about a Blackberry light flashing and the girl becoming jealous of who her boyfriend was talking to. We didn’t keep the track but I liked the name - Little Red is me in a way. It evokes emotion in me. Red is a passionate colour.

What’s your favourite aspect about working with an underground station and brand like Rinse FM? I love Rinse FM – I’ve worked with them for my albums here above the radio station both my whole musical career. I recorded so many and next door in their offices. There’s an amazing vibe here because you have another. one for n inspiratio provide all we creative people in one place and in You and Ms Dynamite have collaborated a lot together. Ms D loves to perform Sheffield too. How did that working relationship come about? her Lights She came to the studio to work with Geeneus, my manager, and they played had one On. She really liked the track and they asked her to come on board as I still Were really more verse to write. She said yes and has basically been around ever since! I need a good friends, in fact, I’m playing football with her this afternoon for charity! tough girl on my team to win!


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23/06/2014 22:10:15


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23/06/2014 22:10:21

Tell us someone to watch for the future? Sasha Keable, she supported me on my last tour, she’s a rising star in R&B and I was really happy she could support me. Is there anyone you’d like to collaborate with that you haven’t yet? I would love to work with...Wow, I have a list somewhere in my mind and now I can’t think of anyone on it! Okay, I think I’d like to do a power ballad with Sam Smith, he has a great voice. Also, Major Lazer for a festival, summer themed track. I guess the big one would be Pharrell Williams. I’d love to experience production in America and experiment. And finally, some fun. Zombies are taking over the world: Name a person you’d save: My mum. Your weapon of choice: A grenade launcher - they look kinda destructive. One object you would take with you: A bottle of whiskey! Is that your drink of choice? God no! Morgan’s Spiced rum! I’ll take that with me instead, please! Thanks Katy! No, no, thank you - see you in July!

Catch Katy at Tramlines on Friday July 25. Ahead of that she plays Hallam FM summer Live at the Motorpoint Arena on July 18. Head to, www. motorpointarenasheffield. and www.tramlines. for more.


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23/06/2014 22:10:22

Stay Local Go Far It’s not too late to join us in 2014

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EXP JULY 2014 pgs 17-32.indd 29


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23/06/2014 22:10:23

Learn to play the guitar in 10 weeks!

The beginners guitar course consists of a one-hour session per week, within a group of no more than seven other pupils. Learn with no pressure, at one of Sheffield’s best music venues located inside The Greystones. Ideal for all beginners and guitarists wanting to develop their skills. Each session will include a mixture of techniques, theory and a new song per week. Within the ten sessions you will receive professional guidance from our tutors who have years of experience in the industry and teaching.


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6/23/2014 8:46:31 PM

23/06/2014 22:10:25

Tramlines. 3 days, 95,000 people and 50 venues. A plethora of live bands, soloists, craft fairs, pop up shops, local food stalls, open mics and DJs will once again be on hand to entertain you and yours. So, if a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. Here’s our pick of the considerable litter. Sing For your Supper

Each year the free busker bus will take you on a tour of the city whilst serenading you with a variety of acoustic artists - both amateur and professional. Previous guests have included the likes of The Crookes – so there’s no telling who you might see! A highlight of the festival suitable for all ages, singing along is encouraged!


The place to be for families across the weekend. Live acts will be playing in the bandstand - whilst a festival bar and local coffee and food stalls will be on hand to help maintain your energy. Keep the little ‘uns out of trouble with fairground rides, a carousel, face painters and manic activities to wear them out. A bungee run and rodeo bull are amongst our top picks. Yeehaah!

There iS hope

good FoLk

Have it ‘til the early hours at Tramlines! Showcasing over 28 DJ’s in 48 hours, including Tramlines 2013 favourite Boddikka, Hope Works returns with its outlandish visuals to feed your techno thirst. Arriving early (and stopping late) is advised.

The Folk Forest is a safe haven away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre. A picturesque woodland location next to the Porter Brook river, where kids can attempt controlled pyrotechnics and woodcraft, the adventurous can head up to the Porter Valley for iron smelting and other old school craft demonstrations. Expect a huge array of folk music acts as well as contemporary art, books, photography and local brewers (Thornbridge Brewery’s real ale bar will be on hand to help quench your thirst) . A diverse selection of yummy food stalls (including Hot Rocks Woodfired Pizza, the Veggie Shack and Snap Deli Hog Roast) will also be on offer to tantalise taste buds.

peace FuLL

The Peace Gardens will host 11 hours of global culture including music and world food stalls and a break dancing competition – where troupes from all over the country will travel to compete for the Tramlines trophy. Catch free workshops in styles such as salsa and street to enhance your credibility on the dance floor. Yes dad, that means you.

uni verSe

The Octagon, Foundry and Fusion are offering the crème de la crème of Tramlines line-ups - including Gas Lamp Killer, Simian Mobile Disco and local disco boy Squarehead. Having recently undergone a re-furb, you’ll be treated to super sound quality in swish surroundings. Throughout the year, these venues entertain and champion the underground music scene from around the UK - and this year’s Tramlines guns are set to stun!


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23/06/2014 22:10:26

a vinTage aFFair

Returning to the Town Hall on the Saturday of Tramlines, thousands of vintage will once again be on offer. Hand crafted jewellery, Pat Butcher earrings and enough 70’s chic to see you though ‘til Christmas await. The Vintage Fair has gifts and items to suit all styles - and the bonus is every item’s unique!

one Love

Saturday sees the queen of Radio One taking over the O2. Literally incapable of sticking to one genre for more than 5 minutes, Miss Annie Mac is all about mixing it up with the freshest tracks from across the globe - championing artists old and new. She’s joined by Elphino, Mele and Shift K3y - three artists who blend all corners of the dance spectrum together to whip dance floors around the world into a frenzy!

The main evenT

Plonked upon Dev Green, Main Stage acts this year include Sheffied leg-end Andy H, Katy B, Ms Dynamite, Public Enemy, Sister Sledge, The Cribs, and Toddla T Sound. Not too shabby, eh? Stalls selling Sheffield goodies, official Tramlines bars full of real ale and special festival cocktails will also be on hand to accompany one of the best line-ups the city has seen. Family friendly, and with a stellar atmosphere, the Main Stage is a real cornerstone of Tramlines with action guaranteed!

Shiny and neW

A brand new stage for Tramlines 2014, Crystal will be hosting free entry all weekend, showcasing 28 bands from 11 in the morning till 11 at night! A fab addition to the fest, expect turns from the likes of Kartica, Dirty Sterling, Smiler, The Kavaliers and Universal Law – in stunning surroundings.

TickeTed STageS: devonShire green LeadmiLL Foundry/FuSion ocTagon o2 academy hope WorkS The harLey QueenS SociaL cLub ciTy haLL caThedraL yeLLoW arch The nighT kiTchen miLLennium gaLLerieS corporaTion Fez


muST SeeS:

Where: The harLey When: Sunday The ‘lovechild’ of Sade and Maxi Jazz from Faithless, Moko is dynamically soulful. Influenced by both the house and gospel she listened to growing up. The 21 year old combines the two to create a compellingly unique sound – with each song alternating mellow harmonies with the intensity of trip-hop rhythms. Using a genuine 1997 MPC sampler, her sound is reminiscent of past classics whilst still being refreshingly new. We <3.

Frog in your ThroaT


Snake charming

The gaSLamp kiLLer

A firm favourite on the Tramlines circuit, The Frog and Parrot will offer back to back music, beer and good times from start to finish! The line-up so far includes The Ratells, Catfish and the Bottlemen, Liberty Ship and a special guest TBA for a late treat on the Saturday night! Keep your eyes and ears peeled. The Viper Rooms has two very special guests over the Tramlines weekend for two exclusive DJ sets. Tim Burgess from The Charlatans takes to the decks first – followed ably by Bez of Happy Mondays fame. They’ll be spinning their favourite mixture of tracks spanning the last 20 years and, word on the Wiki is, Burgess has a love of acid house. You’re in for treat!

pop To iT

South Rd based record specialists, Tone Arm Vinyl, will be running a pop-up shop right in the heart of the Tramlines madness at Division Street’s Moonkau. Grab your empty record bag and head along from Monday 21 right through to Tramlines Sunday 27 to stock up on some vinyl gems.

Where: The o2 When: Friday Riding on the soundwaves of Calvin Harris and Disclosure, Blonde has been fully embraced into the funk-house hype. Amongst many other promising acts playing Friday at the O2, collaborators Jacob Manson and Adam Englefield are guaranteed to make a huge impression. Their repertoire moves in all directions, taking the best elements of dance, garage, r&b and house to create a musical super-baby. Endorsed by Englefield’s Eton Messy, one of the coolest YouTube promotion teams, the group are on track to be one of the biggest summer heat-wave sounds. Where: The ocTagon When: SaTurday Coming all the way from LA, William Bensussen, best known as The Gaslamp Killer, will bring an electronica vibe to Sheffield that simply needs to be experienced. He’s been active within the music scene since 2000 as a DJ, producer and promoter and, although he’s recognised and praised for his various mixtapes, his first studio album ‘Breakthrough’, has gained lots of interest. A truly unique individual who oozes enthusiasm, expect an energy driven set.


Where: ciTy haLL When: SaTurday If you’re looking for something more relaxing at this year’s Tramlines, it’s recommended you check out Messenger. They were formed in London in Spring 2012 by Barnaby Maddick and Khaled Lowe and have since provided some of the most ambient, mellow, and psychedelic sounds you’ll hear. Expect flutes and violins to peacefully merge with drums alongside soft vocals in what will be an immersive and mesmerising performance.

menace beach

Where: QueenS SociaL cLub When: Sunday A mixture of 90’s grunge, chillwave synths and some charming YouTube videos, Menace Beach are a perfect accompaniment to any teen movie. With their effortless cool, the Leeds-based two-piece possess both the talent and the image. Their sound is instantly alluring, meshing a taste of irony with the zoned-out, ‘suffering insomniac’ feel created by the fuzz pedal. This is an act with a lot of imagination… and a lot of potential.


Where: main STage When: SaTurday With galvanizing bass lines moving into devastatingly funky RnB synths, JUCE are an elusive 3-piece from London who describe themselves only as ‘TIMELESS/FRESH/SOUL/ LIVE/GIRL BAND’. With heavy doses of girl power, 90’s paraphernalia and the consequential sunshine, JUCE make dancing inevitable - and will be a perfect support for Sister Sledge.


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23/06/2014 22:10:28

Proud sponsors of the Tramlines Ale Trail

Tramlines Ale Trail launch - Weds JulY 9, 7.30pm




1 ST PAULS PLACE, ARUNDEL GATE, SHEFFIELD, S1 TEL: 0114 331 0331 WWW. SMOKEBBQ.CO.UK EXP JULY 2014 pgs 33-48.indd 33

23/06/2014 22:03:31

Two Head(Liners) Are Better Then One! Exposed Meets The Gentlemen and Philippa Hanna.

The Gentlemen and Philippa Hanna have only gone and teamed up for a dual headline show at the O2 Academy this month. Following some massive support shows we met up with Philippa and Sean and Joel form The Gentlemen for a coffee to find out what we could expect. Words: Samantha Thomas. A dual headline gig, eh? Kooky. Tell us more… P: I think it’s going to be a really great night, because a lot of my songs are about drawing people in and taking them on a song journey, so people are going to get that aspect of the night. but they’re also going to have a complete party with The Gentlemen. So, hopefully, it will be a like an emotional rollercoaster - with an explosion of a party at the end of it. S: Yeah, I think you’ll like break them down - and we’ll come in and destroy them *laughs*. How are you all preparing for the tour? S: We’ve both been on tour recently - so we feel tour ready. It will just be a case of adding songs in, making it more of a headliner set than a support act set. P: We’re also doing four hours of yoga a day… hot yoga in a 50 degree room. Not really. I’m sure that’s what Ellie Goulding does, or like boxercise for two hours before a gig or something. Philippa, you’ve had the opportunity to tour with Lionel Richie and Rebecca Ferguson. What were those experiences like for you? Really amazing! I was so nervous about touring with Lionel because I’m a big fan, a massive fan from childhood, and they were immense, huge, sold out arena gigs. I was just playing with my acoustic guitar. It was scary but worth it because I think it’s almost like going on the biggest rollercoaster at the theme park; you go for the big one first, the scariest one, and then you just have fun with the rest of them. So after doing that, with no experience with that kind of audience, it feels like everything is doable. Doing the Rebecca Ferguson tour after that felt so warm and lovely and fluffy because there were 1000 people and lots of girls. I love playing to girls, I think my songs relate to the female kind, so yeah, both

great experiences. And you guys toured with The Feeling… J: Yeah, It was really good. It was just a great tour for us; we’d never done a support tour like that before. We’d never played consistently to such big audiences. It really helped us to build up our stage presence and it was just brilliant to hang out with a band that had been doing it for so many years and learn from them. With all of you being from Sheffield, is there something a little special about coming back? P: Yeah, it feels like home. We love the Sheffield crowd;

they’re really mellow and warm and it’s a good place to be. S: Sheffield’s going to be a good home coming gig. A lot of our friends and family are here and it always feels like home. The last time we played here was at Tramlines and it was heaving, really interactive gigs. You always wonder if the next gig will live up to the last one… and I think that it will. Philippa and Joel, what’s it like working together? (The two have been married for five years) J: It’s great. I do a lot of things for Philippa and the company she heads up. It’s either between me and the management team - so I do everything from driving Philippa to a gig to making sure her itinerary’s up to date. We work really well together - and it’s a good testimony for other people in the music industry. P: Yeah, it’s nice to actually see each other. At least if we’re working together we can see each other.


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23/06/2014 22:03:34

Is it hard sometimes when you have to go on the road and be apart from each other? J: Yeah, and it’s hard to kind of switch off as well when we need to have downtime. Sometimes I play with Philippa as well and after the gig it’s like, ‘that song was too fast’ or, ‘that’s not really working’… P: … Or I’ve got him by the throat like ‘that was just way over the top.’ P: We’ve got rules, like we can’t have any instruments in the front room. Were both addicted to music and it needs to just not look like work in the house. S: It’s a very difficult industry to be in sometimes because you’re just basically running your own small business, completely against the odds. If you could pick just one, what would be your individual highlights from your career? P: I think it felt like a really amazing moment when I did the 02 Arena with Lionel, because it had been such a long hard slog – I was just looking for any kind of a break at all. It just felt like such a culmination of little things that had led there and, when I walked out on stage and was able to sing my songs to those people, I just thought it was a real testament to not giving up and not listening to the people who tried to discourage

and we turned up at this festival with our dad and all our stuff and we were kind of like a bit of a laughing stock… but in a kind of cute sort of way. But it was really good. That was back in 2007 and people now, even nine years later, still ask us ‘how’s your dad, is he still managing you?’ Tramlines Festival; you guys got anything lined up me. I got a hard time at school for wanting to be a for this year? musician and would hear things like ‘who are you to S: Yeah, were playing on the Friday night at want to be a singer?’ and to actually get to that point Shakespeares at 10pm and Weston Park at 2pm on the where I had that opportunity I felt like ‘wow, I’m really Sunday - which is going to be really good because I’ve glad I didn’t pack it in.’ personally been out there the last two years and it’s S: There have been lots of highlights along the way. just a great atmosphere. It’s a real kind of free spirited I’d say my ultimate one would be when we were in venue that one - so I’m really looking forward to it. Europe for the first time and we were playing on the And finally, what’s the future hold for you guys? main stage at a big music festival in front of about P: I’m working on a new album, which is really 10,000 people. We’d never been abroad as a band exciting, I hope that will be out by the end of the year. before so didn’t really know what to do and, foolishly, S: We’re releasing a single for the tour. I think it’s going we didn’t speak to the festival either - so we just put to be really significant, but also we’re getting back into all of our musical equipment, including a bit of a PA the studio to record one track that for some reason system in the back of a van and caught a ferry from didn’t make it on to the album. I think that as we’ve Hull to Holland. Nicolas’s dad drove us because he been gigging it more we’ve rediscovered how great it is didn’t trust us to drive on the wrong side of the road and added some extra parts which just made us fall in love with it. Catch Philippa and The Gentlemen at the 02 Academy on July 19. See Win, Win, Win!, We’ve got a pair of tix for the show and some signed merch!, and Fancy some of that? Simply head to www.exposedmagazine. for more. to enter. Lovely.


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23/06/2014 22:03:35

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23/06/2014 22:03:37


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23/06/2014 22:03:37

own. Picture the scene. Sheffield’s on lockd has c pani and ding An infection is sprea are ies zomb e Th city. the of hold taken here. Shit… aline 2.8 Hours Later, the smash-hit, adren is game chase n urba -city cross lled, fi wait. y blood coming – and we can’t of the Pitting the public against hordes world, ic alypt apoc ‘infected’ in a postival’, ‘Surv , game the of on versi 2014 the ding inclu es, them life touches on many realgovernment immigration, terrorism, all set in a – ption surveillance and corru gore. lmic fi of ent onm envir ying terrif n the The aim? To survive. Starting withi ts cipan parti , m’ ‘asylu the of safety ve relati much ct colle to on must go on a missi ating needed supplies from the city, navig d arme – point check from checkpoint to from you ct prote to gun ft airso an with only t’ you the nasties who’ll be aiming to ‘infec eh? Ace, ink. ible invis with mber, Tearing our fair city a new one in Septe James ner desig game with up ht caug we Wheale to find out more. you What’s the response been like since ng announced 2.8 Hours Later was comi to Sheffield? – an “It’s been a very positive reaction le peop had dy alrea e instant success. We’v for contacting us with their own ideas stic.” scenarios and storylines - which is fanta How did the whole idea originate? es “We originally did the Street Gam nated origi tially essen it Festival in 2008, so thing from there. We wanted to do some

different, and so we did. The first ZombieXperience event was a massive hit, so it made sense to branch out to other cities.” What calibre are the actors you use for the various roles? “The zombies are both volunteers and actors, actually – they go to a special zombie school where they learn how to safely chase down their victims, how to act and how to sound. We also have extras providing non-speaking roles and professional actors providing various roles.” Have any participants ever taken it too far and actually , physically hurt the zombies/actors rs? playe an or fellow hum again. “No. Just slips and falls now and safety and h healt c fi speci very We have with precautions and we work closely safety ute absol re ensu to cils local coun e had throughout the experience. We’v –I ting vomi and e, befor out ng people passi and it think some people get really into it… can be scary.” taking Could you see something like this that off in other countries? If so, is ider? cons you’d something the “We’ve been looking at America, but be d woul it there erent diff so laws are


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23/06/2014 22:04:05

as we a difficult task. The UK is perfect ng for have lots of pointless roads, maki the interesting environments, however it states is so structured and organised g. estin inter it keep to enge chall a would be But, it is something we think about.” Living Have films such as Night of the Dead, ing Walk e Th show TV the Dead, or more had any influence on bringing in ? customers es that “Possibly - but I think it’s video-gam of Us’ ‘Last . along come to le peop inspire ar to took players through a world simil ion decis rtant impo d urage enco ours, and those making – I think people want to play do scenarios in real life, and here they can that.” on 2.8 Hours Later hits Sheffield , 13th the on then and 12, September £33 19th, and 20th. Tickets start from watch per person. To find out more, to go to the trailer, or to book tickets,


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23/06/2014 22:04:20

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23/06/2014 22:04:21

Home Brew Challenge Returns Ever tried your hand at brewing your own beer? Since Waitrose teamed up with Thornbridge Brewery and Brew UK to create The Home Brew Challenge 2014, there’s no better time to start. The lucky winner of The Home Brew Challenge, which launches on July 1, will be awarded the opportunity to see their homemade beer transformed by the Derbyshire Brewery company into a commercial craft beer and sold on the shelves of Waitrose stores across the UK. Rob Lovatt, Head Brewer at Thornbridge, said: “A considerable number of home brewers develop great quality beers that can never be appreciated by a larger drinking public. The Home Brew Challenge 2014 will provide home brewers with an opportunity to match their beers against those of other enthusiasts and have them tasted by a panel of expert beer judges. The Home Brew Challenge 2014 will be a celebration of the British tradition of brewing - with the aim of creating a great new beer and for people to try and embrace many of the new flavours in beers from across the world.” We’ll drink to that. Visit for entry details or click here for more info.

Salute! Regulars at city centre foodie favourite, VeroGusto, will already appreciate the luxury of eating there. But, this summer, owners Saverio and Ester are introducing the people of Sheffield to the Italian aperitivo. A perfect way to meet friends and unwind after a hard day at work, the aperitivo is a predinner drink and snack, a concept thought to have dated back to Roman times. Although it typically consists of a bitter cocktail such as the classic Campari Negroni or Aperol Spritz, wine and prosecco can also be enjoyed at aperitivo time. Whatever you go for, your drink will be accompanied by a small selection of canapesized nibbles. So, as the weather is finally heating up, why not head over to Norfolk Row for a spot of alfresco drinking and nibbling when you clock off after work? Sit back, relax and you’ll soon feel like you’ve been transported to a small Italian square. James

will take care of your cocktail requests, whilst Saverio is always on hand to assist with wine recommendations. Look out for the fine wines available by the glass, thanks to VeroGusto’s new wine preservation system, which allows wines normally only served by the bottle to be kept for longer than usual. Currently on offer is the Chardonnay Formigar Cornell DOC (2009) with its hint of exotic fruits including mango and honeydew melon, it’s perfect for getting those tastebuds going. But red wine fans may prefer the coffee, black pepper, liquorice and tobacco flavours of Pelago, Umani Ronchi (2008). VeroGusto 12 Norfolk Row Sheffield S1 2PA. 0114 276 0004


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23/06/2014 22:04:23


Food For ThoughT

The Dine is Fine Oi, Sheff, on yer bike! Fab new restaurant Inox Dine - situated on level 5 of the Students’ Union Building at The University of Sheffield - is offering you the chance to WIN TWO TICKETS to toast the Tour De France in style this month at its extra special tour themed celebration! In tandem with his talented team, Sheffield born Head Chef Joe Berry plans to serve up a French inspired seven course menu on Friday July 4 - showcasing how his culinary skills were developed and influenced when living and working in France. Competition winners will toast the race with Yellow Jersey cocktails and a Champagne tasting ‘tour’ as they tuck-in to French inspired favourites. Renowned drinks expert and 2013 UK Champagne Ambassador Awards finalist Neil Phillips, known as ‘The Wine Tipster’, will also present a selection of champagne styles, accompanied by the story of champagne and the Tour de France. Tickets for the Champagne Tour and French Inspired Menu are priced at £85 per person. Tables of 10 are available for a discounted price of £795. See for more.


8/10 cambridge street Sheffield S1 4HP 0114 273 0073

We’ve got a pair of tix for this one-off event up for grabs. If you fancy chowing down in style, have a dabble at this: Which of these is a make of Champagne? a) Moet & chandon B) Penn & Teller c) ren & Stimpy Enter online at www.exposedmagazine.

THe RanmooR inn Magazine

Why is This ‘youR LocaL’? “Anyone

that knows me, knows that I’m always in The Florentine with the family as it’s great for food. But if I want to get away and have a catch up with friends then the Ranmoor Inn is my choice. Good beer and its right next door to me; you instantly feel at home.” FavouRiTe TippLe: Pale ales such as Bradfield’s Farmers Blonde 4.0% abv. The LocaL: Voted ‘Best Local’ in 2013 by The Society of Independent Brewers, this multiple featured Good Beer Guide pub resides in the picturesque village setting of Fulwood next to St John’s Church. A warm welcoming community pub, its relaxed and inviting atmosphere is ideal to while away the hours in conversation over a pint of good beer. The building was first recognised as a public house from around 1810 and was once a coach house and hackney carriage office. The original etched windows glint across the


THE Food

Opening Hours: Mon - Sat: 11:30 TO 23:00 Sun: 11:30 TO 22:00

Holding court but a stone’s throw from Sheffield City Hall on Cambridge St, ASK offers a true taste of Italy in relaxed, yet contemporary surroundings. Sourcing only the best ingredients, celebrated chef Theo Randall is the force behind the menu here – so you know you’re in for a real treat as well as an authentic experience.

Your LoCaL

The ReadeR: Phil Turner, MD Exposed


main open plan bar with a number of partition walls creating cosy drinking areas. Vanessa and Nigel have run the Ranmoor Inn for twelve years amongst a number of other Sheffield beloveds such as The Closed Shop in Crookes and The White Lion in Heeley. Their wealth of experience in the beer trade shows in this little gem of a well-kept and homely traditional pub. 5 hand pulls of cask ale are offered with Bradfield and Abbeydale regulars alongside, as Nigel puts it, “quaffing beer” guests such as Black Sheep’s Golden Sheep at 3.9%. A handpicked selection of 22 malt whiskeys, 10 rums and 12 gins offers more than just a pint of ale for satisfaction. The original stables of the coach house to the rear have been improved to include a private garden area perfect for summer evenings. Lessee: Vanessa and Nigel Williams addRess: 330 Fulwood Road, Fulwood, Sheffield. S10 3GD T: 0114 230 1325

Warmly welcomed, we peruse the inspired menu over a glass of Shiraz, opting to skip the bread and nibbles and delve straight into the starters. Two to share, to be precise, in the form of Panzerottini (a mixture of beautifully baked doughy balls filled with Fontal cheese, chilli and pepperoni)) and the Insalata Ottima – a super salad of tender pan-fried chicken breast, butter beans, walnuts, avocado, baby spinach and radicchio leaves – all wonderfully complemented by a light herb vinaigrette. We couldn’t have wished for a better opener. Onto the mains, and for me it had to be the Ravioli Marittimi, a special seafood ravioli stuffed with crayfish, crab, salmon and ricotta in a creamy tomato sauce with prawns – all topped with a king prawn in its shell. Truly delicious. My partner opted for the Rump Steak Tagliata – and it was a whopper. Panfried rump steak, sliced and dressed Italian-style, with rocket, San Marzano tomatoes, salsa verde, fresh red chillies and Grana Padano cheese served on a Rosemary and Sea Salt flat bread. The steak arrived perfectly medium-rare with all the elements working in sweet harmony. To finish, Apple Cinnamon Calzone – a warm squidgy hug of a dessert served with a scoop of vanilla gelato.


It’s clear that the good folk at ASK are passionate about Italian cuisine - and the service here was both friendly and professional. Cracking food - and the perfect venue to start any evening out in the city centre.


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Page 1

3rd – Emily West & Ryan Taylor

Vocalist Emily West returns to Antibo, providing a delicious blend of jazz and soul classics. From Nina Simone to Alicia Keys, Emily's lively vocals and Ryan's improvised style provide a broad and colourful soundtrack to dine to.

10th – Jem Hewitt & Ryan Taylor

Exceptional vocals from Jem Hewitt (Cookin’ Pots). Jazz and swing fused with groovy tunes by the likes of Donny Hathaway, George Benson, and Jamiroquai.

Jem Hewitt

Emily West

Martin Robinson

JULY 2014

The Dizzy Club

Antibo - Sheffield’s finest Italian restaurant - presents live jazz in an intimate setting every Thursday from 8pm, when Ryan Taylor is joined at the piano by great singers. Book now to enjoy a memorable evening - and delicious food. Book early to avoid disappointment

Ryan Taylor

Nicola Farnon

B A R & R E S TA U R A N T

17th – Nicola Farnon & Ryan Taylor

Joining Ryan is the inimitable Nicola Farnon - on double-bass and vocals. She is a favourite on the UK jazz scene and has performed at Glastonbury and the Marsden Jazz Festival.

24th – Martin Robinson & Ryan Taylor

Long-standing piano vocalist and saxophone duo, Ryan and Martin bring their unique fusion of jazz, funk and soul - as well as the odd request.

31st – John Naylor & Ryan Taylor

Dizzy Club front-man John Naylor, joins Ryan Taylor at the piano for an evening of jazz and swing.

Early Bird Menu • £12.95 two courses • £14.95 three courses

Lunch – Mon to Sat: noon - 2.30pm Evening – Mon to Fri: 5pm - 7pm Sunday - 12.30pm - 6pm

New Summer Menu OUT NOW

Unit 10 The Plaza, West One, Fitzwilliam Street, Sheffield S1 4JB • Telephone: 0114 2727 222

Antibo FP 2014 0714.indd 1 EXP JULY pgs 33-48.indd 43

6/23/2014 8:06:18 PM 23/06/2014 22:04:27

Food For ThoughT



Valley centertainment S9 2EP 0114 2447 005

Great British Beer Festival


Every August, for the last 36 years, over 40,000 people have flocked to London on a beery mission for the Great British Beer Festival (well except a couple of times when it was held in Brighton and Leeds back in the eighties). A celebration of our national drink, beer, the festival showcases a selection of over 900 real ales plus ciders and perries. Those with beer geekery leanings can tick away for hours and those just looking for the more unfamiliar beers to sample can head towards the Bieres Sans Frontieres and the American cask bar. Hard to find cask versions of American favourites such as Sierra Nevada’s Torpedo Extra IPA sits next to hand-picked bottled selections from Dutch, Belgian and Italian micro-breweries such as De Prael, De Molen and Toccolmato. From Tuesday 12th August for 5 days Olympia exhibition centre hosts this yearly bash by the Campaign for Real Ale. Check out the finalised beer list on their social media links to tempt you down to ‘Britain’s Biggest Pub’. // facebook:greatbritishbeerfestival // @gbbf

Cubana is moving After fourteen years of tapas, cocktails, live music, latin nights, salsa dancing and visits from thousands of happy customers, (not to mention the legendary Buena Vista Social Club) Sheffield’s favourite Latino restaurant and bar is moving across the city to make way for bigger and better ventures. Cubana will be taking the short trip from Trippet Lane to the new two-floor venue in foodie and nightlife hotspot, Leopold Square. The new Cubana, although more than double the capacity of their previous residence, will still hold much of the charm that has made this a firm Sheffield favourite for so many years - with artefacts, artwork and furniture bringing that authentic Cuban atmosphere. Owner Adrian Bagnoli said: “Having Cubana over two floors in Leopold Square will allow us to offer somuch more for everyone”. The team have plans for more DJ nights with a late licence ‘til 2am

at the weekend, dance classes, live music acts and special one-off events aiming to bring in some of the UK’s top Latino bands. They will also have a private function room available to hire for special occasions and their award winning tapas will as ever be prepared by Cubana’s original head chef Fabian Cruz. See www.cubanatapasbar. for more.

You’re never short of food options when you head to Valley Centertainment – but arguably the jewel in its culinary crown is Chiquitos. Vibrant, cheery and offering authentic Tex-Mex cuisine, it’s easy to see why it’s such a popular draw for all walks of life – young, old, friends, families and couples.

THE Food

Info: Opening Times: Monday Saturday: 9am - 11pm Sunday: 9am 10:30pmm

We kick things off with a couple of cocktails (it’s not just food they do well here). For me, the Tanqtini – a delicious twist on the classic Martini with Tanqueray Ten, grapefruit and a touch of orange. For my partner, it was all about the classic Bramble - crushed ice smothered in Bombay Sapphire gin, fresh lemon juice, sugar and Chambord black raspberry liqueur. Whistles truly wet, it was the Chicken & Chorizo Quesadilla Bites off the Specials to start for me – two tasty, cheesy tortilla sandwiches, baked and served with homemade salsa. My other half went for another classic, South Western Meatballs, moreish pork and beef bundles smothered in signature sauce and melted cheese. For the main event, the intriguing Mexican Sea Bass caught my eye – and I’m glad to say it delivered taste by the bucket load too. Mexican spices rubbed shoulders delicately with the sizzling sea bass and a cranberry & mint salsa to create a dish full of flavour. For my partner, it was the BBQ Pulled Pork Wrap – a beast of a dinner with melt-in-your-mouth meat, cheese, lettuce, fajita vegetables and skin-on fries. To finish, Chili Chocolate Fondant. They promised us we’d love it… and they were right. A warm gorgeously gooey number with just a hint of heat served with mandarins soaked in an orange liqueur sweet syrup and honeycomb ice cream. Delicious.


In addition to everything tasting fantastic, Chiquitos put fun into their food. You’ll always leave with a smile on your face and a full belly - without breaking the bank. Winner.


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aSK nicely A team of intrepid staff from ASK Italian Sheffield are entering the company’s fundraising Summer Triathlon this July - which aims to raise £100,000 for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity. The ASK Italian Summer Triathlon will be held on Thursday July 10 at Dorney Lake in Berkshire – the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games venue – and will also be open to ASK Italian friends, customers and suppliers. The event is part of ASK Italian’s wider pledge to raise £1 million towards a new surgery centre at the hospital - which treats children with the rarest and most complex conditions from across the UK. “We’re so proud of our relationship with Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity,” says restaurant general manager Shereen Clarke. “We’re really grateful to staff and customers who have helped us to raise money for such a fantastic cause and

Food For ThoughT

Made by Jonty

363 Sharrowvale Road, S11 8ZG 0114 266 6447

we can’t wait to do Sheffield proud in the competition and raise even more with the ASK Italian Summer Triathlon.” Good luck, folks. See www.askitalian. and check out our food review for more.


Mamma Mia! Italian restaurant, caffè and foodshop, Carluccio’s, has opened on Ecclesall Road in the former La Tasca premises. Open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner this is the chain that feels more like a small independent. With a great range of authentic Italian food, from pasta to pizza to fish dishes, grills, home made bread and a selection of desserts, we think this will be a very welcome addition to the foodie scene on Ecclesall Road. Head to for more.

Rev Up Vodka Rev are going in the mix – with their all new cocktail masterclasses. The 90 minute experience will allow you and your gang to get hands-on behind the bar under the tutelage of your very own cocktail expert. Having been welcomed via a drink from their giant cocktail shaker, you’ll enjoy a masterclass in the art of mixology. Canapes, giggles and tons more await – along with a certificate at the end of it all. Meanwhile, up the road at Sheffield’s own corner of the Caribbean, Revolución de Cuba have completely transformed their own cocktail menu with a new summer range. De Cuba lovers can now enjoy the exotic tastes of passion fruit, mango, and raspberries, as well as a new mojito inspired cocktail Fidel’s Lagerito - an ingenious combination of Havana Especial topped with Estrella Damm lager for a perfect summer’s day beer garden refreshment. It’s all happening – so Rev it up. Head to sheffield and for more.

Well regarded in the Sharrow Vale community, Made by Jonty is a bustling little number that’s effortlessly cool. Owned and operated by celebrated Sheffield chef Jonty Cork, think hearty, rustic dishes with only the freshest of ingredients in a chilled, friendly, homely environment.

Info: Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 17:00

THE Food

It’s lunch time and Made by Jonty is, unsurprisingly, busy (this place is uber-popular for a reason). Taking a seat upstairs with a couple of colleagues, we sip on some fresh coffees as we check out the daily offerings on Jonty’s chalk board. And it’s quite the selection. There’s plenty here to please vegetarians but, for the meat eaters amongst us, you won’t be left wanting. For myself, it was the Seared Beef Carpachio – super tender beef accompanied by a coriander, lime and chilli Thai rice noodle salad with tamaso peanuts. Light and aromatic, it was a perfect Summer’s day lunch dish. My esteemed colleagues opted for the Avocado and Mozzarella Green Egg Omelette and the Brunch Bagel respectively. The former was a visually striking number served with tasty jalapeno corn bread and roast tomatoes, whilst the latter was Jonty’s take on a McMuffin - sausage patty, emmental, streaky bacon, herbed omelette and patatas bravas. Needless to say, you’ll never go back to a McMuffin once you’ve had one of these bad boys in your mouth. A side of chunky chips accompanied the lot. Despite being well and truly satisfied, it’s downright rude not to try the amazing desserts while you’re here – so it was the kooky Marshmallow Flapjack, zingy Keylime Pie and a classic Bakewell tart to finish. If only every lunch hour was like this.


Jonty’s got it spot on here. An unpretentious, chilled hangout that’s actually serving up restaurant quality tucker at a fraction of the price. Be sure to experience his food and hospitality for yourself soon.


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FOLLOW THE STAR... SO... THE RUMOURS ARE TRUE - CUBANA AND TEAM ARE ALL SET TO MAKE THE SHORT TRIP TO A NEW HOME IN LEOPOLD SQUARE, THE FORMER PLATILLOS SITE. The past 14 years at Trippet Lane have been fantastic but the prospect of having Cubana over two floors in Leopold Square - allowing us to offer so much more for everyone was an opportunity we couldn’t resist. Over the last couple of months we’ve been making substantial changes to our new home ensuring the decor is rustic in style and the new venue has our usual relaxed, authentic Cuban feel. Everything people love at Cubana will be as prevalent as ever – our award winning tapas food, the friendly staff providing that warm Latino welcome, our passion for live music, dancing and our renowned tropical cocktails. There’ll be the addition of a private function room, additional restaurant covers, plus weekend DJ nights through till 2am, a variety of dance classes, many more live music acts and we also have plans to bring in some of the UK’s top Latino bands for special one off events.








Call 0114 2760475 for more information WWW.CUBANATAPASBAR.CO.UK

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23/06/2014 22:04:34

Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it? Or have a cake, a coffee, a ploughman’s and a pint and consume them all? At Couch, everyone’s tastes are their top priority. Serving coffee, perfect for elevenses, to top-class vino for a chilled evening, Couch has a bit of everything - and it’s always an appropriate time to visit. The choice is so overwhelming, they simply had to create a really relaxing atmosphere for the health and safety of customers. And now there’s even a choice of which Couch to go to - the industrial vibe of the shop on Campo Lane, or the soft, shabby chic of the Ecclesall Road site. The ethos of Couch is ‘fuss-free’. The group have discovered that a contemporary menu and great interior design doesn’t mean a place can’t be laid back. In true northern fashion, Couch has decided that they don’t do ‘Grandes’ or ‘Talls’, just ‘Big Coffee’. It’s a refreshing take on coffee culture after an age of independent businesses being overpowered and underappreciated. The shops are both beautiful and tranquil, with free Wi-Fi so you can go and work, read, Instagram (a must) or socialise. Their beautiful beans are supplied by Union coffee, another small company that works in direct-contact trade with coffee growing communities. So, not only are you supporting business in Sheffield, you’re helping

ploughman’s. The children’s menu is also a lovely touch - welcoming families for half-price during half terms. The vast selection of beers, ales, ciders, wines and spirits are bound to keep you boozily busy - whilst coffee inspired cocktails are also in the pipeline. A catering service will be coming soon. In regards to events at Couch, they’re expanding. At the moment, they’re currently showing that football thing in Brazil, but on Friday and Saturday evenings the Campo Lane premises will be putting on acoustic music. So, watch this space. Last month, the team also hosted the launch of Sheffield designer Goo – exciting times all round. For more information visit www.

create sustainable livelihoods all over the world. All the cakes at the cafés are also locally sourced from #Brownies and Secret Cake Club. Combined with an iced coffee or milkshake, you’ll enter Couch heaven. Alongside sandwiches to take away, the extensive sit-in food menu is eclectic and original - serving impressive homemade breakfasts to tapas to their own twist on the


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23/06/2014 22:04:37

617 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8PT Call 0114 268 2511 to make a booking Open Mon-Sun from 5:oopm - 11:00pm & now open for lunch from 11:30am - 2:30pm ...or find us on...

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23/06/2014 22:21:27

Known as one of the region’s best weddinge venues, The Maynard Arms is also home to one of it’s finest restaurants We sent Nick Hallam down to give it the once over. My old man always says that ever since I was a boy I have always picked the most expensive dish on the menu at family dinners. I’m pretty sure that his opinion was first formed at the then Maynard Arms in Grindleford, Derbyshire. I can clearly remember at the age of 6 ordering the swordfish due to my utter fascination with bladed weapons. Thanks Lion’O, He-man, Conan et al. My sword fetish may have subsided but I have returned to the now rebranded ‘The Maynard’ many times over the years, mainly for weddings and the occasional celebration meal. The Maynard is well renowned as one of the best wedding venues in the area with its jaw dropping grounds the backdrop to many a “your special day” photo album, but it also boasts one of the region’s best eateries. With two AA rosettes under its belt, The Maynard has earned a well-deserved reputation as a Peak District gastronomic heavyweight that sticks to its guns on local produce, seasonality, top presentation and flavour. Outside the kitchen this privately owned boutique hotel has won admiration in term of its design - with a contemporary interior that is still adorned with all its original features. This mix of old and new is best illustrated in the lounge and dining room where traditional sits alongside the uber-modern with works by Peter Hill, Kristan Baggaley and Steve Medhi gracing the walls. With all this in mind, I was incredibly happy to take on this assignment. It was the Friday after magazine deadline and I was in need of a major de-stress, as was the missus who says I’m pretty much insufferable at this time of the month (fnar fnar). To be honest, so does the dog, so we brought him along too. The Maynard is 100% dog friendly (£5 surcharge) so you can bring along the pooch on your country jaunt. Fido will definitely thank you with potential walks around Padley Gorge, Hathersage and Bakewell on offer. We left the big smoke behind us on a gorgeously sunny evening and were greeted with a smile at the reception before being shown to our superbly appointed rooms. I’m pretty sure the bed was a king size… if said king was that giant from BFG. It was massive! My Yorkshire Terrier literally disappeared into it (don’t tell the gaffers). As it was such a fine evening it would have been incredibly rude not to take to the grounds for a well-deserved sun downer and after a couple of long drinks we were ready for some fine dining.

With our seats overlooking the gardens we perused the menu and it read like a who’s who of Derbyshire produce and producers. After ordering a sensational bottle of the Argentinian Malbec our starters arrived. I opted for the wood pigeon, baby leeks, butter bean puree and port reduction and my companion the cod medallion with angel hair noodles in a hot and sour broth. They couldn’t be more different dishes but they both ticked all the boxes they were supposed to. My wood pigeon was cooked perfectly with a soft and unctuous texture and lovely light gamey flavour. The cod dish was fresh and zingy with a lightly spiced undertone and very moreish. The mains again were complete polar opposites. I rolled the dice on the rump of lamb, with my good lady taking the seabass. The lamb was melt in the mouth tender and brilliantly medium rare. The accompanying lentil stew was a perfect texture contrast and very flavourful. The seabass dish was also a winner. The fish was so fresh and delicate and the sweetness of the peas and peppery rocket complemented the bass very well. I’m not normally a dessert fan but with the quality so far I had to have a dabble - and the tasting of coconut certainly the right way to go. With coconut in more variations than you could shake a stick at, it was a real triumph - and a great palate cleanser after all that sublime meat. A fantastic meal was rounded off with a Chivas Regal nightcap and then it was off to bed with the anticipation of a great breakfast in the morning. After shaking off the Malbec/single malt headache in my rooms ferociously powerful but excellent shower I can safely say I was correct on the breakfast front. Consisting of local bacon, sausage, eggs, oatcake (it’s a Derbyshire thing, m’duck), black pudding, beans, tomatoes and toast we were sufficiently reinvigorated. There is also a plethora of other breakfast staples on offer that you can help yourself to. With the fuel levels topped up we took to the dales with Alf the dog, mainly around the beautiful Padley Gorge and made our way back to dee dar land with our luxurious night in the country soon to make way to traffic jams, bills, deadlines and terrible Sheffield football. Treat yourself more dear readers and when you do try The Maynard. After all its only 20 minutes o’ert hill and reyt good.


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23/06/2014 22:21:29

PhotograPh @marcabarker

The Maynard Main Road Grindleford Derbyshire S32 2HE Tel: 01433 630321 email:


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23/06/2014 22:21:37

live @ what's on


Destination. Inspiration.

Find out more at July 5th

Carmen Ghia and the Hotrods The fiery and glamorous Miss Carmen Ghia fronts the hottest 50's band in town! R+B, Rock + Roll, Jump Jive, Rockabilly, Swing, Blues, and more. A super tight and energetic act, and a festival favourite throughout the UK and Europe.

July 6th

July 12th

Dizzy Club


The laconic wit and effortless talent of John Naylor's Dizzy Club bring finger poppin' music for swingin' lovers. A LSQ favourite, get there early for the best seat outside your venue of choice!

Sheffield's own funk and soul powerhouse, the 7 - piece Montuno always deliver authentic breaks and beats with groove and energy. Material ranging from James Brown to the Brand New Heavies is sure to get booties shaking!

Welcome to Leopold Square.

July 13th

Gypsies of Bohemia

Chance to Dance

Ben Lowman Quartet

A secluded city retreat with a collection of top quality bars and restaurants together with the beautiful Leopold Hotel. Offering a range of fantastic food and drink from around the world and a weekend events programme throughout the summer.

A highlight of any summer's day and a firm favourite at the square, Manchester's finest Gypsy hipsters provide virtuoso musicianship, style, and beards aplenty. Never to be missed.

Sheffield's finest dance groups come together to fill the city with movement and passion. From hip hop breakdancers through Jivers, Salsa, and Lindy Hoppers to Ballroom and folk, all movers are welcome to spectate or join in!

We highlight instrumental straight-ahead jazz with a young, upcoming Jazz saxophonist and a band of exquisite Leeds musicians. Ben's lyrical and inventive style is winning him growing recognition within jazz circles.

Get into the festival spirit with a host of live events at Leopold Square this summer.

July 26th @ TRAMLINES 1pm 4pm 7pm

Life at Leopold Square @LeopoldSquare

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July 19th

Nicola Farnon The Dizzy Club Carmen Ghia and the Hotrods


July 20th

July 27th @ TRAMLINES 1pm 4pm 7pm

Cookin' Pots featuring Emily West Ryan Taylor Octofunk Montuno

Cookin Pots

23/06/2014 20/06/2014 22:21:38 14:36

It’s a sunny Sunday afternoon and we’ve just arrived at Leopold Square. Seems we’re not the only ones with the idea – as the place is buzzing. See, when the sun comes out, Leopold Square becomes Sheffield’s social central – and never more so than on Sundays when live outdoor music is the order of the day. “It began when we hosted a one-off event on a Sunday afternoon - and it was immediately clear that regular events would be a winner at Leopold Square,” says coorganiser Ryan Taylor of TRC Live, the company he runs with colleague Martin Robinson. “We felt that, with good programming and a bit of luck with the weather, we could transport people to a more exotic destination when they walked through the Leopold Square arched entrance.” And exotic pretty much sums it up. Be it folks enjoying a tiki cocktail at The Bamboo Door, a chilled Prosecco at Popolo, or some Italian al fresco tucker at Strada and Zizzi, Leopold Square offers its own little oasis right in the heart of the city centre. Above us, flags from world nations wave gently in the summer breeze – while the centre of the square sees people of all ages dancing carefree to sunshine sounds (on this occasion provided by the fabulous Dizzy Club). “To date, we’ve featured live jazz and swing, latin, reggae, funk and soul, blues, pop and even house music to provide a soundtrack for diners, drinkers and lovers of fine music,” continues Ryan. “I’ve been fortunate enough to perform with many of our acts at Leopold Square, including my favourites, The Dizzy Club. I’ve also performed here with my own original 8-piece band (Ryan Taylor Octofunk) and can honestly say that it’s one of my favourite venues to perform at. The sound’s always exceptional, the setting and atmosphere is perfect - and our loyal fans and Leopold Square gig-goers always give us their positive energy to feed on. It also helps that the outlets have amazing food and drink menus – there’s nothing worse than thirsty musicians!” It’s nigh on impossible to not get chatting to someone here. Indeed, within seconds of arriving we were greeted with a wave of recognisable, smiling faces – all intent on making some magical memories.





4 14:36

“A particular highlight for me would have to be Tramlines. Leopold Square is the official Jazz Stage for the event and we’ve been blessed with amazing weather for it,” smiles Ryan. “Last year saw a packed square - and I remember a dance-off taking place. It goes without saying that we’re really looking forward to Tramlines 2014.” With Summer 2014 in Leopold Square already well underway, and with some top new artists added to the roster (including Carmen Ghia and The Hotrods, The Phil Johnson Hammond Trio and Matt Hurt Salsa Band), it would seem it truly is hip to be square. See you there, Sheffield. Head to for more. ry2kmusic


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23/06/2014 22:21:41

that you know who’s Here at Exposed, we think it’s essential and pubs scene. We bars who and what’s what on the Sheffield every need and your e tackl to skills ive tigat inves used our best along the ones ky chee few a desire… whilst enjoying you’re after way, naturally. So, here it is, whether peepers cocktails, sport or live music, wrap your ! round this little lot – then get out there

Sport BillieS

hail the ale

pizza Cake

What: The first American Sports bar of its kind in the UK, Champs is the perfect spot for Sheffield sports fans. With not one but two venues in the city, you can catch all your favourite live sport whilst enjoying great food and drinks offers. the Selling point: With over 30 HDTVs throughout the venue, you won’t miss an inch of the action. There’s a kitted out pub garden to enjoy sport in the sunshine and a massive amount of offers to keep you full and refreshed. Feeling brave? Why not tackle the Kamikaze Wing Challenge whilst you cheer on your favourite team? Oof. Where: 255 Ecclesall Rd, S11 8NX. and Loxley New Road, S6 4NG.

What: Specialists in the world of beer, the Sheffield Tap offers the widest choice of beer sourced from across the globe, dispensed from 11 traditional cask handpulls and 12 continental swing handled taps - all set against a backdrop of over 200 different bottled beers. Located right next to the train station, you’ll be praying for a delay. the Selling point: With the amount of beers and ales on offer, you’re sure to find something you like. It has a warm and friendly atmosphere and such an extensive range of drinks that it would take an age to try them all. Challenge accepted. Where: Platform 1b, Sheffield Station, Sheaf St, S1 2BP.

What: It’s a well-known fact that pizza is the answer to just about anything. Located on West Street, Bloo 88 is an expert in the art of preparing the perfect one. the Selling point: All the ingredients are locally sourced and, if you don’t fancy one off the menu, you can simply create your own. Oh, did we mention they’re 2-4-1 all day every day too? The starters and desserts are mouth-watering and you can relax in the atmospheric bar with a cocktail whilst you wait. Where: 182 West St, S1 4ET.


tom CruiSe Control

the great gatSBy

What: The Great Gatsby, located on Division Street, describes itself as having a bit of a split personality. On the one hand, it’s a night time snug with a truly vast liquor range, on the other it’s a weekend party bar with a 3am license. Either way, they serve a bloody good cocktail. the Selling point: The cocktail list is extensive and, if you’re daring enough to leave your comfort zone, you’re sure to find something new to tickle your taste buds. There’s live bands, a beer garden and a great atmosphere. Pair all this with some top Mexican food, and you can’t really go wrong. Where: 73-75 Division St, S1 4GE.

Sheffield tap

Brekkie & Beyond

green room

What: Start your day the right way with one of The Green Room’s famous all-day breakfasts. Served from 8.30am-2.30pm, and ridiculously reasonably priced, you’ll be set up for the whole day. Stick around until the evening and enjoy some live music in the packed out bar, catch regular shows like Pearly Jams and Mod For It or get yourself involved with the Open Mic night on Monday. the Selling point: Brekkie’s served till three, so don’t worry about partying a bit too hard the night before. That said, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better hangover cure – just make sure you bring an appetite. Where: 150-154 Devonshire St, S3 7SG.

Bloo 88

take it on the gin

the old houSe

What: Did you know that gin was once used for medicinal purposes? We at Exposed think that’s a good enough reason to head to a bar - and where better than The Old House on Devonshire Street. The selfproclaimed gin enthusiasts know a thing or two about the age old spirit - and they’re willing to share their secrets. the Selling point: There are over 50 types of gin to try. That’s right, 50! Head down on a Thursday and you can get your mixers for free. There are also monthly gin schools with guest speakers celebrating the history and development of the famous spirit. Now, we don’t know about you, but that’s the sort of education we like. Where: 113-117 Devonshire St, S3 7SB.

V for…

Vodka reVolution

What: So confident they are of their knowledge of the world’s favourite spirit - they put it in their name. Over the years, Vodka Rev has become a connoisseur in what they refer to as the ‘water of life.’ Head down to the Sheffield venue and enjoy amazing drinks deals, music, food and enough vodka to throw all your inhibitions out the window. the Selling point: When you hear vodka flavours such as Melted Ice Cream, Salted Popcorn, and Brew & Biscuits are amongst the MANY on the menu, we reckon you won’t need much convincing. Sip ‘em, shoot ‘em, bomb ‘em, shake ‘em up with your favourite mixers. Anything goes. Where: The Plaza, 8 Fitzwilliam St, S1 4JL. garden party

fat Cat

What: Authentic and traditional, The Fat Cat is the perfect place to enjoy a pint of real ale in a relaxed and friendly environment. The award winning beer garden has been around for over 20 years and you can enjoy a varied selection of drinks and traditional pub grub. the Selling point: The garden’s cosy and unique and the atmosphere’s always chilled. On a warm Sheffield summer’s night, this is the place to be. Where: 23 Alma St, S3 8SA.


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23/06/2014 22:21:42

thai land

the red lion

What: The Red Lion is a traditional pub in every sense of the word. Except on the first Wednesday of every month – when authentic Thai cuisine hits the menu. And it’s top notch. The rest of the time get stuck into some proper pub tucker and enjoy the friendly vibe – as well as their ace conservatory. the Selling point: It’s a meeting of worlds here. And top value too – Thai cuisine cooked by a Thai chef for just £6.95 (or a fiver for students!). Get in. Where: 109 Charles St, S1 2ND. SoCial Central

the WaShington

What: The spiritual home of Sheffield’s music scene, The Washington has seen it all. It was once the stomping ground for Pulp back in the glory days of The Limit, and even Debbie Harry has graced the venue with her presence. To this day it remains full of the who’s who of the Sheffield music scene. the Selling point: Whether you’re a young aspiring student or alumni of the glory days, The Washington will have you reminiscing, dreaming and rockin’ out to some of the best music on the scene. Plus, you’ll inevitably rub shoulders with an arty/muso type. Where: 79 Fitzwilliam St, S1 4JP. liVe Wire

game on

the roCking Chair

the red deer

What: Here at Exposed, it can all get a little bit competitive when it comes to games. Head along to The Red Deer Pub on Pitt Street where, in addition to an extensive range of ever changing ales and ciders, you’ll find a load of old school board games to get your hands on. Traditional, with a welcoming and inviting atmosphere, enjoy a drink in the cosy confines of the bar, take part in the weekly quiz, or head outside to the beer garden. the Selling point:A pint, scorching sunshine, a pub garden and Jenga. If you’re not sold by now, there’s no helping you.

What: Formerly The Nelson Rock Bar, The Rocking Chair is a fairly new venue located in the city centre which has hit the ground running. You can venture out for a quiet drink where you’ll find an extensive range of beers, wines and spirits, or head downstairs for regular live gigs - as the Rocking Chair gives local up and coming artists a platform to showcase their talents. the Selling point: We love seeing bars supporting the local music scene, and the Rocking Chair does just that – with aplomb. Intimate and happening, be sure to check it out. Where: 23 Furnival Gate, Sheffield, S1 4QR. happy dayS


What: Unwind with a range of drinks including real ales and whiskies, have a go at a few games of darts, take part in the famous Thursday night quiz or enjoy the regular live music events. Located in the heart of the city centre, Shakespeares offers a friendly, welcoming environment for everyone. the Selling point: The ultracool 1950’s Seeburg Jukebox is free to use and packed with a load of hits and rare songs from the period. Everyone loves a boogie, yeah? Where: 146-148 Gibraltar St, S3 8UB.


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23/06/2014 22:21:47

Sheffield’s Best Brew Pub at Sheffield Midland Station! Restoration of The Year – National Railway Heritage Awards 2010 10 cask Ales, 14 Draft Continental Beers and over 220 bottled beers Award Winning Restored 1st Class Refreshment Rooms.

Platform 1b, Sheffield Midland Station, Sheaf Street, Sheffield S1 2BP. Tel 01142 737558

Tapped Brew Co. now brewing at the Sheffield Tap!

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23/06/2014 22:21:49

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23/06/2014 22:21:49













Minimum 4 people per booking.


Why not gather your girlfriends & enjoy one of Summer restaurant offers?






Sheffield Ecclesall Road 844 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield S11 8TD T: 0114 266 1115 E:

EXPEcc JULY pgs 49-64.indd Naps Rd2014 Exposed 160514.indd581







Sheffield Owlerton Stadium 17 Livesey Street, Sheffield S6 2BL T: 0114 285 5566 E:

23/06/2014 19/06/2014 22:21:50 11:37

4 11:37

Doc/Fest 2014

Our man, Van Connor ,donned his wet suit and dived straight into this year’s Doc/Fest. Be thankful we talked him out of skinny dipping… If legend is to be believed, Henry Ford once responded to the outbreak of World War II by saying “this changes nothing. Increase production.” It’s a quote that leapt to mind when Doc/ Fest 2014 opened amidst the heaviest onslaught of rain seen so far this year. “People need to know they’ll be missing out”, festival programmer Hussain Currimbhoy told me whilst gazing into the downpour. And if they had been foolish enough to let the rain put them off, they most certainly would have. Now in its twenty-first year, the Sheffield International Documentary Festival has lost none of the steam that established it early on as an industry powerhouse.

Having now spread from the Showroom cinema up to Fargate itself, and consuming every venue in between, there was a veritable buzz in the air that reached an infectious level within the opulent pop-up festival lounge in Tudor Square. A self-contained inflatable village replete with customburger and sushi kiosks, a bar and even wifi; it swiftly became the nerve centre for proceedings and a comfortable place to unwind between the countless screenings and Q&As. Without doubt, the standout film this year was Mark Craig’s The Last Man On The Moon - a chronicle of the life of Apollo 17’s Gene Cernan, and for which

Cernan himself made the journey for a Q&A afterwards. Special note should also be made of An Honest Liar, an engaging, funny and often touching exploration of the life and times of The Amazing Randi - a magician who made it his life’s mission to expose fraudulent psychics. Clearly a future Netflix favourite of magic fans everywhere, An Honest Liar was a genuine crowd pleaser and was noticeably still being championed by smiling crowds in the festival lounge days later. With more outdoor events and (yes) cave screenings than ever before, Doc/ Fest continues to serve unrivalled as the premier destination for documentary lovers the world over. Fair enough, the weather was a tad schizophrenic in leaping between sunshine and monsoon, but that’s only a minor complaint when the pickings are as good as those Doc/ Fest offers. Same time next year! Van Connor.


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23/06/2014 22:21:51



licks of the month


By Joe Food and rachel Heward

DaviD graY MUTInEErS For me, listening to David Gray is more appealing as you get older – like having a girlfriend… or eating hummus. Cautiously pressing play I brace myself - expecting an imminent assault on the heartstrings – yet, surprisingly, the album begins in upbeat fashion with first track, ‘Back In The World’ – a simple, soulful track, perfectly appropriate for a dashboard-drumming driving playlist. But, fear not! Those expecting the melancholic, starry-eyed, ‘the one that got away’ shtick which Gray usually delivers will not be disappointed. Tracks, ‘Beautiful Agony’ and ‘Birds of the High Arctic ’ are testament to his prowess in emotive songwriting, and serve as passionate highlights in an album which flows beautifully, pulling the listener across a range of emotions and making you question why you thought he was such as douche in the first place. Relaxing and riveting in equal proportion - It looks like ‘Mutineers’ will receive plenty of this year’s loving. JF 7/10

tHe moons MInDWaVES

tHe ramona Flowers DISManTLE anD rEBUILD

sHammi pitHia COSMIC

‘Mindwaves’ gets off to a rocketing start from the onset with, ‘Luna’ - whose orchestral undertones blend with the roll of tribal drums and a psychedelic guitar riff. Continuing on par, the next few tracks offer an astounding mix of rock ‘n’ roll vibes whilst layering catchy yet wellcrafted lyrics on top of strings, a rhythmic pounding of drums and the odd trumpet. Top tracks would definitely be the Bowie-esque ‘Heart and Soul’, the lively ‘Fever’ and the wonderfully kaleidoscopic ‘You Can’t Slow Me Down’ - pay attention to the ending of this one in particular. ‘Mindwaves’ had a lot to live up to after the critically acclaimed ‘Life On Earth’ and ‘Fables of History’, not to mention the Paul Weller connections and obvious influence that has seeped its way into The Moons’ records. Undoubtedly though, this is a triumphant third. RH 9/10.

This is an album that is made to be remixed. That’s not saying it isn’t good as it is, there’s just so much you could do with it. Indeed, through a spout of vigorous touring, the band have drawn the attention from the likes of Alt-J, Hot Chip and Everything Everything – all of whom have offered remixes. Spanning genres and meshing together electronica and indie-pop in a way reminiscent of Portishead and The XX, ‘Dismantle and Rebuild’ has a sublime edge to it, dark at times as with ‘Modern World’, then uplifting at others as with the aptly named, ‘Brighter’. This is a solid debut that is begging to be played around with. Trust us, The Ramona Flowers will be all over the festival season like mud on a welly boot. RH 7/10

Creative composer and producer, Shammi Pithia, releases his second album to an eager British fan-base after impressive performances at Glastonbury, The Great Escape, London Mela and BT London Live. Through the use of deep beats, piano, chords, percussions, melodies, and beautifully evocative vocals (see track ‘Under The Stars’), Shammi forges soundscapes which render the listener feeling as though they’re moving through a cerebral art gallery, inspecting and getting a feel of each piece before being whisked away to another. Good electronica can make the mind vaguely drift to another place, whereas this album carefully transports you there, encases you in its culture for a few moments, let’s you make up your own mind - then gently nudges you elsewhere. JF 7/10

robbie williams – SWInG WHEn yOUr WInnInG (2001)

PumPING oN mI stereo

Say what you like about Robbie Williams. No, seriously, say what you like about him – he’s stinking rich and a bit a bell-end, let’s be honest. But, I strongly oppose the criticism that he received for this album. It’s bloody brilliant. A collection of swing classics, including a near perfect rendition of ‘Mr Bojangles’ and a poignant appearance from Frankie in ‘It Was a Very Good Year’ cemented this as one of my favourite easy listening records ever. It’s nothing on the Rat Pack, but Robbie made a good fist of this. It’s just a shame he invited his irksome mates Jon Wilkes & Rupert Everett along to the party. Joe Food


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23/06/2014 22:21:53


E V E RY O N E H A S A N A P P E T I T E . N O T E V E RY O N E H A S TA S T E .

(we sell curry) DETAILS AVAILABLE

InstaGram. Ashoka Sheffield

EXP JULY 2014 pgs 49-64.indd everyone has taste blue.indd 1 61



23/06/2014 22:21:53 23/06/2014 12:58

Film rounD-up By Van COnnOr. HeaD online For breaking reviews.

tHree DaYs to kill

beHinD it: McG

in it:

Kevin Costner, Hailee Steinfeld, Connie Nielsen

How to train Your Dragon 2

beHinD it:

Dean DeBlois

in it:

Jay Baruchel, Cate Blanchett, Gerard Butler

Taking cues from both Toy Story 2 and The Empire Strikes Back as regards world-building, character evolution and new engaging story developments, How To Train Your Dragon 2 is a sequel that looks in admiration at its enjoyable predecessor and blows off the shackles holding it back from becoming an utterly brilliant franchise. Five years after convincing his Viking brethren that dragons were not the evil killing machines they believed, life is different in the village of Berk. Humans and dragons live in harmony in a newly balanced society that young lead Hiccup (and his faithful dragon Toothless) embrace through the newly attained ability to explore the outside world. Not everyone holds such a warm view of dragons however, as Hiccup soon discovers when he encounters a band of malicious tyrants intent on using their own

from the vaults

enslaved army of dragons to conquer Berk and every other land. There’s a genuine intelligence and depth to Dragon 2 that - in the wake of paint-by-numbers sequels such as the recent Rio 2 - is a pleasant surprise. As with the first movie, the voice casting is spot-on - newcomers Cate Blanchett and Kit Harington are terrific additions - and the well-defined, sharply written story of the original is built upon with great care yet never at the expense of genuine spectacle. Events matter in a sense that lifts the movie above being “just a sequel” and instead grants it a feeling of genuine evolution. Visually it’s astonishing; with even the 3D enjoyable save for (yet again) the requisite light loss darkening proceedings. Fun for all the family - it’s powerful, moving and an incredibly enjoyable animated romp.

empire recorDs

Summer’s hot and Tramlines is here, so there’s only one candidate for your delectation this month, this absolute gem from 1995. It’s the story of a misfit group of music shop employees trying to stop, at all costs, their shop/personal drop-in centre being taken over by the token soulless corporation. They’re not exactly a crack team though. There’s a reason this is a cult flick, it’s charming, funny and timeless. The DVD should be issued to everyone who ever wants a feel good summer evening drinking movie. With a cast that have gone on to great things, you’ll also be wondering how certain people were ever that young. Damn the Man! Save the Empire! Get the beers in, your friends round, kick back and enjoy. With this film you can’t be down, no not on Rex Manning Day. Bo Jangles.

Noticeably marketed as being “from the makers of Taken” and not “from the director of Charlie’s Angels”, it’s apparent throughout 3 Days To Kill that director McG has seemingly taken his years of critical savaging to heart and is trying to do something more bolted down than his usual brand of excessive CGI-enhanced action-pastiche nonsense. Kevin Costner plays Ethan Renner, a terminally ill CIA operative given a series of life-saving injections in exchange for taking down an international terror cell. Renner finds himself tackling an even more delicate mission however, when his wife leaves him to take care of his estranged teenage daughter (a clearly betterthan-this Hailee Steinfeld). A bizarre hodgepodge of a typical Liam Neeson thriller and Getting Even With Dad, even the title of 3 Days To Kill makes no sense (he has months to live, no timer on his mission). The family scenes fail to gel with the action set-up, the story fails to generate momentum and even on the action front, there’s nothing new to be gleaned here. Costner and Heard are great - but it’s only worth watching if you actually have three days to kill and nothing better to do.

Fault in our stars

beHinD it: Josh Boone

in it:

Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Nat Wolff

A big hit with coffee-house readers worldwide, the love story between cancer patient Hazel Lancaster and her recovering soulmate Gus Waters has all the hallmarks (in marketing anyway) of ultimately being “The Notebook with cancer”. Former Divergent co-stars Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort take on the star-crossed leads with unwavering confidence and conviction, the pair perfectly balancing the Gen-X sensibility of the movie’s cancer and mortality stance with a robust charm that ensures neither character outstays their runtime. In the case of Elgort whose character is imbued with a sort of playful arrogance - it’s particularly impressive; while Woodley is a sight to behold, with heaps of screen presence and acting chops to match. Elsewhere, Laura Dern puts in a stellar supporting turn, and an appearance by Willem Dafoe is always welcome. With a restrained yet artistic eye from director Boone, The Fault In Our Stars works as a very solid, sparky and engaging romantic drama. It handles both the romance and cancer aspects with charm and packs in two of the best lead performances of any film so far this year.


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5/23/2014 3:36:45 PM 23/06/2014 22:21:56

1000 meXICaNs Where: laNterN theatre WheN: maY 29

Back in the Eighties, lots of Sheffield bands were nipping away at the heels of the music press, and one such group, 1000 Mexicans, looked set to do particularly well. They even made the cover of Sounds, so highly were they regarded, but sadly it all came to nothing. But for the legions of eager fans the wait is finally over because they’re back! Well, two of them are. In a slimmed down version they played the Lantern Theatre to a small but enthusiastic group of friends and fans, and even threw in some newly composed material. Opening up tonight was Peter Garwin as the Garwin Project. His solo show was a computer and keyboard excursion to a world where Tangerine Dream and Jean-Michel Jarre meet Kraftwerk and Daft Punk. The graphic projections behind him were endlessly fascinating, and were all synchronised with his pulsing, retro electronic music. I need to see more of this. For the main event of tonight, Michael and Andrew are now the reanimated 1000 Mexicans, and they have given them a modern twist. The sounds they can reproduce on stage now are so much more sophisticated than they were last time they played as a band in the eighties, and demonstrated why it’s good to have them back. Their songs are interesting and melodic, with Michael and Andrew sharing vocal duties. Despite being reduced to a duo, they played a range of instruments, although as Andrew pointed out when the introduction to one song started at the wrong speed, ‘We could do with a drummer’. Not true at all, they perfectly recreated the sound of post-punk Sheffield, and with more dates lined up, and new material written, you should be able to catch their entertaining set soon. Mark Perkins

PeaCe IN the ParK

Where: PoNDerosa ParK WheN: JuNe 14

The best things in life are free, like Exposed, and for that matter, Peace in the Park! After taking a break in 2013, the iconic festival was back and it felt like everyone in Sheffield had turned up. There was so much to see and do: the Yoga Space, the Healing Tent, plenty of craft stalls and food vendors, the Comedy and Cabaret Tent and, of course, the music, which was spread across fi ve stages. Bison and Steel City Rhythm stormed the Main Stage, while the likes of Off Me Nut and 20Hz Soundsystem kept everyone moving in the DJ Tent. But the real triumph of PitP is the way it brings everyone together - it’s not often you get to see a community coming together in such a positive way. Then as the sun began to set, attention turned to Peace in the Dark, the yearly free party that takes place at night. Details were released late on and everyone scrambled to make their way across Sheffield towards Ladybower Reservoir; various sound systems filled a valley just off the Snake Pass and, doing their best to ignore the swarms of midges, the revellers partied well into Sunday. The weather was smashing, and, basically, days like this are as close to perfect as you can ask for. Joe. E. Allen


Where: CItY hall WheN: JuNe 5

Abandoman is Rob Broderick, a quick-thinking, extremelytalented fellow - and his Moonrock Boombox Tour visited the Memorial Hall (Sheffield City Hall’s smaller venue) on June 5. There were probably around 100 people in the crowd, but this deserved more - it’s one of the funniest and most creative acts I’ve seen in a while. The basic premise is that Rob pulls audience members up on stage or asks them for ideas that he then spins into fully-fledged freestyle raps; there’s a live backing band, but the focus is mainly on Rob. His first number was ‘What’s In Your Pocket?’. After asking everyone to rummage through their pockets for something

interesting and hold it aloft, Rob walked around the room, grabbing items and riffing on them. Later he turned his attention to the middle-class problems of one audience member, then the romance between a couple sat in the front row. I was even dragged on stage after suggesting zero gravity would make a great addition to the world’s greatest party. You can’t help getting swept up in the show - and by the end of it you’ve witnessed a unique communal event that you helped create. My only qualm is that it wasn’t longer! Truly impressive. Joe E. Allen.


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23/06/2014 22:21:57

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EXP JULY 2014 pgs 65-67.indd 66

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6/23/2014 10:22:34 PM

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JULY NOTED By now, we’re all lying awake at night, scared out of our wits that our unstable, unpredictable friend ‘summer’ will come and go without us making the most of it. Never fear; here at Exposed, we’ve got your back. If our prayers are answered, there’s plenty of things to do in the sunshine - like the 5th Wartime Weekend and Vintage Fayre at Kelham Island Museum on the 1213th, the Sharrow Vale Market on the 20th, and of course, the Grand Depart of the Tour De France on the 6th. If tragic open air theatre is more your bag, Heartbreak Productions will be performing Macbeth from the 3-6th in the Botanical Gardens. And, just in case it (inevitably?) pours, you won’t be found wanting on the indoor activity front. The Sheffield Festival of Colour Space & Light, a walk-in inflatable art installation, pops up at Sheffield Cathedral from the 3rd – whilst the Showroom is showing National Theatre Live: Skylight on the 17th as part of their ‘Stage on Screen’ escapades. A bit of Bill Nighy and Carey Mulligan may be the perfect antidote for hopes extinguished by wet weather. Enjoy.


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Hosting their own ‘welcome home’ party, Heaven 17 will perform at the Botanical Gardens on the 18th as part of Music in the Gardens Touring nationwide over the past year, the boys have shown that their talent is still intact - 33 years on since the release of Penthouse and Pavement.

Everybody knows that knitting is the new black –so, why not take part in the Wooly Bike Trail, held in Sheffield Cathedral throughout the whole of July? As part of the Yorkshire Festival, and the city’s welcome to the Tour De France, folks are invited to crochet, sew or knit part of a bike.

Inspired by and responding to the medieval mystery cycles, The Sheffield Mysteries offer a frank and funny celebration of the human spirit, with a distinctly Yorkshire flavour - performed by around one hundred actors, singers, dancers and musicians from Sheffield People’s Theatre Art.





JOHN COOPER CLARKE: LA GRANDE VISITE Northern legend John Cooper Clarke will be taking over Sheffield City Hall on the 6th July - an arrival aiming to top that of the Tour De France. Writer of ‘Strange Bedfellows’, ‘Evidently Chickentown’ and ‘Euro Communist/Gucci Socialist’ to name but a few, the punk poet will undoubtedly be entertaining, enlightening and thoroughly unmissable.


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ODDBALL + BUG + FATHOM + TIMELINE @ Corporation, Milton Street. A head on collision of your entire alternative favourites presented by main room DJ Brazen. 3 rooms of metal, alternative, hip hop, pop and dubstep. The perfect start to any week; a corp hangover! Vodka + Mixer 60p before midnight. 10pm - 2:30/3am. £3 before midnight, £4 after. uk. 18+. GET DIRTY @ Embrace, Burgess Street. A massive 2000 capacity rave that no other club can match. 5 rooms of entertainment and awesome drink deals. £4, 18+. PLUS1 @ DQ, Fitzwilliam Street. A straight-up weekly party night courtesy of internationally renowned student rabblerousers; Rough Hill., 10pm - 3am, £3 early bird, £4 advanced, £5 on the door.18+. GET OFF @ The Harley. A night inspired by 90s music and culture. Expect the scent of CK One and the finest Hip Hop, R&B and garage of the era. Line-up: DMK, Rev. Austin. Entry- Free 11pm-4am. SHAG @ Leadmill, 6 Leadmill Street. Two bangin’ rooms of the biggest party floor fillers, your favourite indie anthems, classic 60s soul, Motown belters, and a few guilty pleasures dropped in for good measure. Drinks from 60p. 11pm 2.30am. £4/£3.50 NUS. Text Mill Shag to 82500 for offers.www. Email for group guest lists offers. POPULATION @ Sheffield Students Union. Monday night just got a whole lot better. Fancy dress, socials, societies, spontaneous, anything goes at Population. Open til’ late. GEEK @ Viper Rooms, Carver Street. Get your geek on every Monday at one of Sheffield’s most popular clubs. Free before 11p, £1 between 11pm-12pm, £3 after.


BILLIONAIRE @ Crystal. Sheffield’s most exclusive midweek music brothel. Sheffield’s Longest running Tuesday night. £3.50, 10pm to 18+. AFTER HOURS @ Fez. Don’t want to go home yet? Get yourself down to After Hours and join all those students who aren’t ready to finish their night yet. £3. CLOTHES LINE @ The Harley, Glossop Road. Weekly midweek madness in the middle of the week. A heterogeneous mix of hits and party bangers! 11pm-4am. Entry £4 in advance, more on the door. B@STARD POP @ Local Authority, Eldon Street. A brand new night with DJ’s playing whatever takes their fancy. www.facebook. com/TheLocalAuthority, 18+. SPANKED @ Plug. Mischief. Music. Mayhem. Expect student anthems, dance, chart, indie,

retro pop and indie, and underground house, along with cheap drinks, CO2 blasts and a massive outside terrace. There’ll be a whole host of freebies on offer too, from candy floss and UV face and body painting to glowsticks, shutter shades and t-shirts. Best fancy dress will win a bottle of Champagne. Doors @ 11pm. £4 entry (booking fee £0.50). 18+. PARIS ROCKS @ Paris. Paris Rocks is hosted by Capital FM DJ James Cusack, who will be playing all the latest mash-ups. 11pm, 18+. GET LAID @ Replica. Every Tuesday at Replica. 10pm. RISQUE @ The Viper Rooms. Sexually suggestive R&B and Hip-Hop with DJ Leon Hitchen and slightly indecent House and Electro with DJ Robert Mallinder. £4 NUS, £5 non NUS.


SKOOL DISCO @ Corporation, Milton Street. Sheffield’s largest and loudest student night, 10pm - 2am. £5/£4 NUS before midnight, £5 after, or FREE in Skool Uniform (plain white shirt + tie) before 10.30pm, £1 before PUM PUM @ DQ Upstairs, Fitzwilliam Street. Old school garage, funky and 2step upstairs at DQ every other Wednesday. £1 shots, £2 dbl vodka mixer. £2 before 12/£3 after, www. GOLD TEETH @ The Harley, Glossop Rd. Expect Hip Hop classics, Garage rollers, House anthems and Disco bangers. Free entry, 10pm, 18+. REHAB @ The Leadmill, 6 Leadmill Road. A weekly jam packed array of games and chances to win awesome prizes. Doors @ 11pm. Prices vary, email to negotiate group guest list offers. MINI DISCO @ Local Authority, Eldon Street. A VIP area for Skool Disco at Corporation so you can club in style as well as get out of the rain and avoid the queues. www.facebook. com/TheLocalAuthority, 18+. ROAR @ Sheffield Students’ Union, The Foundry. Roar til you can’t Roar no more at the best student Wednesday night in Sheffield. 11pm – 2.30am. MISCHIEF @ Sheffield Students’ Union, Studio and Fusion. Mischief is the home of random nonsense, with mischievous themes, crazy games and silly giveaways. 11pm – 2.30am. KILLA DISCO @ The Viper Rooms. Sheffield hypest and freshest Wednesday session hits town every week, supplying the best music and most generous drink offers. £2 before midnight.


BLOCK PARTY @ Carver Street. Five venues, one wristband. Guest list offers weekly. 9pm-


STRICTLY HIP HOP @ Club Cube, 14-20 Eyre Str. S1 4QY. The best hip hop in Sheffield! This week very special guest, Souldeep [of The Unscene] Live, spins the best in hip and hop reggae sounds. Also featuring residents DJ Yeshecan, Dj Darkus and Tim Colley. 10pm-3am/£3 OTD/Free shot on entry/£1 shots.

STRICTLY HIP HOP @ Club Cube, 14-20 Eyre Str. S1 4QY. The best hip hop in Sheffield! This week very special guest, 20Q & Polatik [Live], spins the best in hip and hop reggae sounds. Also featuring residents DJ Yeshecan, Dj Darkus and Tim Colley. 10pm3am/£3 OTD/Free shot on entry/£1 shots.


SHEFFIELD ALGORAVE #2 @ The Audacious Art Experiment, 107a Harwood Street, S2 4SE Sheffield. Algoraves focus on humans making and dancing to music. Algorave musicians don’t pretend their software is being creative, they take responsibility for the music they make, shaping it using whatever means they have. Time: 7pm-11pm Tax: £3 donation.

PLANET ZOGG FREE PARTY @ Plug. Planet Zogg returns for our traditional mid-summer free party knees up - where we’re let loose in the big room at the Plug. Woohooo. You know the drill, cosmic visuals, banging stuff in the main room, funky stuff in the Earth bar and just about everyone in Sheffield comes out for the night. It’s free but you’ll need an invite which you can get from the Facebook page, of the Plug Box Office. Doors: 11pm / price: free.




4am, £4 ADVANCE, £4 & £5 door. JUMP AROUND @ Plug, 14-16 Matilda Street. New for 2013. The awesome DJ Stoxx - one of clublands most talented DJs - is our brand new permanent resident! He brings his bass driven madness every week, alongside Ollie Hayes, who’ll be firing out the best chart hits. Room 2 brings you Fake Tales (of Indie Disco) & Alternative Anthems and guest DJs spin house, hip-hop, garage and more in Room 3. Doors @ 11pm. £4 entry. 18+.


DROP + ANTHEMIC + POPCORN + FRACTURE @ Corporation, Milton Street. DJ Phyll presents the daddy of all alternative nights. 10pm - 2.30/3am. £3.50 adv/£1 before 10.30pm/£5 after/£6 after midnight. www. 18+. SECRET SOCIALITE @ Crystal. A brand new and exclusive premium night out in Sheffield. 10.30pm, 18+. SHAKEDOWN @ DQ, Fitzwilliam Street. Bass / House / HipHop / Garage. Drinks offers: £2.50 Rum Punch. £3 before midnight/£5 after. 18+. GAGA @ The Leadmill, 6 Leadmill Road. Two rooms of mayhem! Room one offering massive indie hits with a hint of Motown and soul, and room two serving up your favourite pop anthems, floor fillers and guilty pleasures! Drinks from 80p. Doors @ 11pm. £4.50/£3.50 NUS before midnight. for group guest list offers. POP CORN @ Local Authority, Eldon Street. The return of the popular night with a subtle blend of 80’s pop and disco in a garish stripy box. TheLocalAuthority,18+. BABY GOT BACK @ Paris. This is the number 1 Friday night in Sheffield. Are you on the Baby Got Back hype? Free, 18+. PROPAGANDA @. Plug. Your rock ‘n’ roll party, attracting over 25,000 people a week across 5 countries! Doors @ 11pm. £4 Entry. 18+. SPACE @ Sheffield Students’ Union. Sheffield’s biggest student-only Friday night! Mashing up commercial chart smashers, Ibiza anthems and the best urban cuts, RnB and more! 11pm 3am, Tickets £4 in advance. LAVISH @ The Viper Rooms. 12 hours of music and drinks. 2 for 1 cocktails until 11pm, 2 for 1 on all drinks until 9pm. Perfect way to start the weekend. 4pm-4am, Free entry before 11pm, £4 after. GREEN CITY BLUES @ Shakesperes. A blues dance tutorial followed by a night of social dancing to classic blues tunes. £5 FUNKY FRIDAY @ The Locker Room.Sax Machine (Jazzy Fizzle / Hed Kandi) resident

OTR PRE-Party @ The Howard. The official pre-party to Sheffield’s premier Trance night Off The Rails. Warming you up for the night are local heavies; Dj Andy Pitts, Ricky Denton, Loz Howlet and Akeni, bringing you the best in trance and progressive. 7-11pm £2 OTD. OFF THE RAILS FREE IBIZA BEACH PARTY @ Plug. OTR are throwing a huge summer party to say thank you for all the support they receive through the year and to celebrate summer in style! Featuring trance leg-end Touchstone alongside rising talent Ally Brown, Cliffy Burrows, Hiddenagenda, Ashley Bonsall, Phil Metcalfe, B.Viss, Lee Thompson and Mike Beaumont, OTR’s nights are not one to be missed. Doors 10:30pm, free entry all night,18+.


GYPTIAN LIVE @ Club Embrace. One of Britains biggest reggae stars, Gyptian, is

DJs Burnzy & friends. Free, 9pm till the fat lady sings!


SATELLITE @ Corporation, Milton Street. All the grunge/alt/metal/emo/pop punk/ melodic/90’s/80’s/industrial/classics you could ever dream of - all in one place. £3.50 adv/£1 before 10.30pm/£5 after/£6 after midnight. 18+. DONUTS @ DQ, Fitzwiliam Street. Party music – indie, mashup, bass, house, classics and more. 10pm – LATE. www.dqsheffield. com. 18+. XRAYHORSE @ The Harley, Glossop Road. Late-night electronic throw down, expect progressive bass music and full-on dancefloor pressure. House, disco, bass and vibes... Guest DJs booked from across the globe. 8pm-4am. Entry £4. SONIC @ The Leadmill. 6 Leadmill Road. Two rooms of indie, rock n roll plus stax, 60’s, soul and Motown. Doors @ 11pm. £5/£4 NUS before midnight. Email for group guest list offers, 18+. SUMMER SATURDAYS - BEATS IN THE HEAT @ Plug. Sun is shining... the weather is sweet! So why not come and feel the beats in the heat as we invite you to ‘Summer Saturdays’ at Plug! We will provide you with your red hot summer soundtrack by celebrating everything that’s good in disco, soul, RnB, house & funk! Genre: Disco, soul, house & funk. Doors: 11pm / price: £5 / age: 18+ / booking fee: £0.50 NOUVEAU @ Paris. Out with the old and in with the Nouveau. Free before 1am, £3 after, 10:30pm. SHUFFLE @ Plug. DJ’s: Dance anthems with Tony P (Ministry of Sound) and LJ Freeman and Urban Grooves with Luciano and Lee Smith. Blasting out dance, 90’s anthems, indie, dubstep, DNB and classic tunes. Stunning entertainers, huge pyros and confetti cannons will be thrown in too. Doors @ 11pm. £5 entry. 18+. STUDENT SATURDAYS @ Replica. As always you can expect THE biggest and busiest student night in the city on Saturday. Entry from £3, 18+. POP TARTS @ Sheffield Students’ Union. Non-stop-retro-pop! Sheffield longest running student night. 11pm – 3am. WHEN SATURDAY COMES @ The Locker Room. Saturday’s are VOODOO! The Voodoo Project graces The Locker Room EVERY Saturday night with the finest nightlife event on offer in the Steel City. www.


THE SUNDAY CLUB @ The Viper Rooms. More misbehaviour to end the weekend. Free entry on Guestlist, 10pm.

an English-born Jamaican reggae singer. Hits include Serious Times, Mama, Beautiful Lady, I Can Feel Your Pain. Tickets £20 + BF, 10:30am till 5am, 18+. .


STRICTLY HIP HOP @ Club Cube, 14-20 Eyre Str. S1 4QY. The best hip hop in Sheffield! This week very special guest, Chi Elements [Live], spins the best in hip and hop reggae sounds. 10pm-3am/£3 OTD/Free shot on entry/£1 shots.


OHM SWEET OHM FREE PARTY W/ MOSCA, SOUTH LONDON ORDNANCE & PEDRAM @ Plug. We’re throwing a party to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported and partied with us at Ohm during our first year. And it’s totally FREE! Genre: House, techno. 11pm / price: free.


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LITTLE LAUGH @ The Lescar, Sharrowvale Road. Edinburgh preview specials. Doors 8pm, Tickets £8/5 NUS. www.

GIMME FIVE @ Dempseys. 2 drinks for five quid and what’s best is you can mix and match. Free, 9pm. TOSS IT @ Icons. Buy a round...Toss a coin...Call it right...Get the same round half price. Free, 9pm.


LAST LAUGH COMEDY CLUB @ City Hall, Barker’s Pool. Toby Foster, Caimh McDonnell, Bobby Sparkler, Phil Walker. Phil is the comedian for all occasions. Comedy has taken him to some weird and wonderful places, from a scout hut in the Shetland Isles to a portacabin on Mount Alice in the Falkland Islands, basically he’ll go anywhere for a laugh! Doors 7pm. Tickets £16. www.


SKINT @ Dempseys. On a budget? Drinks for just £1 all night. Free, 9pm-4am. POUND IT @ Icons. Single and mixer £1 all night. Free, 9pm. CU NEXT TUESDAY @ Twist and Fuel. Hosted by Sordid Twist, selected drinks £1.95. Free, 8pm-2am.



POUNDED @ Dempseys. Choose from a selection of drinks, £1 till 11pm then normal prices after that. Free, 9pm-4am. POUNDED @ Twist and Fuel. We Love Getting POUNDED! With an explosive party atmosphere and £1 drinks all night long. Free, Twist 5pm-2am, Pulse 11pm6am.

LAST LAUGH COMEDY CLUB @ City Hall, Barker’s Pool. Toby Foster, Caimh McDonnell, Rob Rouse, Phil Walker. Have a laugh with some of the finest in stand-up comedy. Doors 7pm. Tickets £16. www.sheffieldcityhall.


ALT.COM.CAB. PRESENTS SPEAKERS CORNER @ The Riverside, Mowbray Street. Speaker’s Corner is a new act/new material show with a difference. That difference being that it takes place within The Malbolge, or “evil ditches”, the eight level of hell reserved for those who committed acts of treachery. This venue has been chosen as it is exceptionally warm. In amongst the writhing damned will be various comedians trying out new material hoping to amuse or distract us from a life of eternal torment. Doors 7pm. Free.


LITTLE LAUGH @ The Lescar, Sharrowvale Road. Joe Rowntree, Jason Cook and Edinburgh preview specials. Doors 8pm, Tickets £8/5 NUS.


LAST LAUGH COMEDY CLUB @ City Hall, Barker’s Pool. Toby Foster, Duncan Oakley, Rory O’Hanlon, Steve Shanyaski. Steve has rapidly established himself throughout the UK. His whirlwind performances and thrilling routines have constantly proven popular with all types of audience. The key to his act is his energy, and silliness! Doors 7pm. Tickets £16.


LAST LAUGH COMEDY CLUB @ City Hall, Barker’s Pool. Toby Foster, Duncan Oakley, Rory O’Hanlon, Steve Shanyaski. Doors 7pm. Tickets £16.


EDINBURGH FESTIVAL PREVIEW SPECIAL @ New Barrack Tavern, Penistone Road. Hosted by Funhouse Comedy Club, great comedy starting in the afternoon onwards! Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre, Geoff Norcott, Danny McLoughlin, Ali Cook, Danny Ward, Milo McCabe. Starts at 2pm. Tickets £6.


LITTLE LAUGH @ The Lescar, Sharrowvale Road. Jason Patterson, Rob Rouse and Edinburgh preview specials. Doors 8pm, Tickets £8/5 NUS.


LAST LAUGH COMEDY CLUB @ City Hall, Barker’s Pool. Toby Foster, Pierre Hollins, Bobby Sparkler, John Ryan. The infectiously friendly Ryan possesses an acute observational eye and a dry, but razor sharp, knowledge of the world, allowing him to keep any audience on their toes.. Doors 7pm. Tickets £16.

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Full of Northern banter and comedic timing, Preston born comedian Phil is the son of Roy Walker (you know, the one from Catchphrase) who has well and truly made a name for himself in recent years. A good night is guaranteed as Phil tackles current affairs alongside the trials and tribulations of life. With a cracking ability to warm a crowd and keep the energy high, you’ll soon find yourself keeling over with laughter. He takes to the stage as part of The Last Laugh Comedy Club line-up. Tickets £16, see for more. THE BAR-STEWARD SONS OF VAL DOONICAN @ The Venue, Stocksbridge. This is a spectacular combination of comedy and music as The Bar-Stewards provide satirical covers of 80s and 90s anthems. All proceeds from this event will be donated to Stocksbridge Community Leisure Centre to re-open their swimming pools. Doors 7.30pm. Tickets £5.50. www.


LAST LAUGH COMEDY CLUB @ City Hall, Barker’s Pool. Toby Foster, Christian Reilly, Eddy Brimson, Daliso Chaponda. Chaponda began his comedy career in Canada with the acclaimed one man show, ‘Feed this Black Man’. He is a very versatile comedian; ‘Everything is funny’, he told a reporter. ‘Why restrict yourself?’ Doors 7pm. Tickets £16.







LAST LAUGH COMEDY CLUB @ City Hall, Barker’s Pool. Toby Foster, Pierre Hollins, Bobby Sparkler, John Ryan. Doors 7pm. Tickets £16. EDINBURGH FESTIVAL PREVIEW SPECIAL #2 @ New Barrack Tavern, Penistone Road. Hosted by Funhouse Comedy Club, great comedy starting in the afternoon onwards! Jonny Awsum, Markus Birdman, Ian D. Montford, James Dowdeswell, Alfie Moore, Rob Rouse. Starts at 2pm. Tickets £6. www. ALT.COM.CAB. PRESENTS SPEAKERS CORNER @ The Riverside, Mowbray Street. Doors 7pm. Free.


LITTLE LAUGH @ The Lescar, Sharrowvale Road. Carl Hutchinson, Christian Reilly and Edinburgh preview specials. Doors 8pm, Tickets £8/5 NUS.

LAST LAUGH COMEDY CLUB @City Hall, Barker’s Pool. Karen Bayley, Christian Reilly, Eddy Brimson, Daliso Chaponda. Doors 7pm. Tickets £16.

GAMES NIGHT @ Dempseys. More main bar frolics with Martin. Choose from Bingo, Skint or Mint, Open the Box and Play Your Cards Right. Upstairs music is provided by DJs Ian Johnson and John Paul Javal. Free, 9pm-4am. FLASHBACK @ Twist and Fuel. Rewind through the decades with all the best old school anthems. Free, 8pm-2am.


LOVE JUICE @ Twist and Fuel. The best mix of pop & dance, played for you by DJ Mark Park & DJ Marky-Mark. Free, Twist 8pm-2am, Fuel 11pm-6am.


THE BIG WEEKENDER @ Dempseys. DJ Martin Ritson provides an alternative music mix downstairs. DJs John Paul Javal and Kieron Lowery are upstairs with more new dance, R&B, chart, pop and Eurobeats. Free, 9pm-6am. #YOLO @ Twist and Fuel. Pyros, percussion, drag, Stilts & dancers – we have it all here! Going that extra mile to make Saturday nights a night to remember. Free, Twist 8pm-2am, Fuel 11pm-6am.


KARAOKE NIGHT @ Dempseys. Sing yourself silly with words projected onto our 13 widescreen TVs. Free, 9pm-4am.

EDINBURGH FESTIVAL PREVIEW SPECIAL #3 @ New Barrack Tavern, Penistone Road. Hosted by Funhouse Comedy Club, great comedy starting in the afternoon onwards! Tom Binns, Danny Buckler, Steve Day, Rob Deering, Sully O’Sullivan, Scott Bennett. Starts at 2pm. Tickets £6. www. SPOTLIGHT JULY & CROOKED SMILE AWARD @ The Winding Wheel, Holywell Street, Chesterfield. The legend returns! Nine up and coming performers (including a smattering of Chesterfield based acts) compete in this, the 6th annual competition. The night is always packed to the rafters and a fabulous affair for all involved. The winner receives £100, a trophy and a contract of paid gigs on the comedy circuit. Doors 7:15pm. Tickets from £7.50. www.

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JULY 1- 6

BRITISH SOLO DANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 @ Ice Sheffield. Showcasing the best in the business of ice skating and perhaps the next Torvill and Dean! For further details see

JULY 1 - 4

Now, as you guys know, we here at Exposed are huge softies. Meet Kai, recently he got sponsored to give up sweets and chocolates and ran a stall at his school fair to raise cash for Exposed’s nominated charity - The Children’s Hospital Charity. The charity ran Make it Better day on June 27 - a 24 hour fundraising event to help transform the Children’s Hospital into a world class facility. From sponsored zumbathons to bouncing bungee jumps, The Children’s Hospital Charity worked hard to encourage everyone across the UK, no matter how big or small, to get involved. David VernonEdwards, Charity Director told us: “Last year nearly £30,000 was raised by individuals, companies and community groups all in one day. We’re hoping this year that target will get smashed and the donations are still pouring in! We’ll never stop wanting better for our kids, so we’ll never stop needing your help!” The charity are eternally grateful to everyone who got involved and wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who gave it their all for a cause. To see photos and more info visit www.tchc. or text THEO14 £2 or £5 to 70070 to donate.

SHEFFIELD CHILDREN’S FESTIVAL @ Various locations. A huge festival to celebrate and entertain the little ones! Organised by Sheffield City Council’s Major Events Service, the festival features a mixture of free and ticketed events across in the city in theatres and parks! Get involved! 0114 273 4400


SHEFFIELD ALTERNATIVE AND BURLESQUE FAIR @ The Foundry, University of Sheffield. Heresy n Heelz invites you to the UK’s biggest touring Alternative Shipping & Entertainment Experience. Burlesque | Vintage | Rockabilly | Adult Lifestyle | Gothic | Alternative | Steampunk | Neo-Victorian Clothing, Accessories, Jewellery, Artwork, Equipment and much more, all under one roof. Entertainment includes Burlesque, Twisted Cabaret & Aerial performances throughout the day as well as live DJ’s, Bars, Catering & Vintage Tea Shop. 12pm 6pm £5 OTD STEEL PELOTON PREMIER SCREENING @ Peace Gardens, City Centre. To celebrate Le Tour coming to the Steel City, filmmakers of Sheffield have created a documentary which follows the process of making a bicycle from iron mined and forged steel in the local area. Come along for the film premier screening. 10am-11am. Free.


TOUR DE FRANCE – STAGE 2 @ York to Sheffield. Various viewing points in the countryside and in Sheffield and York centre to watch all the action as it unfolds! Check out to plan your experience!

JULY 10-13

2014 BRITISH GAS ASA AGE GROUP DIVING CHAMPIONSHIPS @ Ponds Forge. The group diving championships will take place in Sheffield’s own Olympic pool. Sure to be a great afternoon with some breathtaking diving talent! For further details see

JULY 16 - 19

MUSIC IN THE GARDENS AT SHEFFIELD BOTANICAL GARDENS @ The Botanical Gardens. Music In The Gardens is a charity fundraising event held over four summer

evenings in Sheffield’s Botanical Gardens. Each night sees a mixture of local and national talent take to the stage to deliver an unforgettable series of summer picnic concerts. Whether it’s a romantic picnic for two or an evening with family and friends, this could be the perfect night for you!

JULY 15-19


CHANCE TO DANCE 2014 @ Sheffield City Centre. A one day celebration of dance in Sheffield. Over 30 dance groups provide performance and audience participation session in a huge array of dance styles. For further details see

HORRIBLE HISTORIES IN 3D @ The Lyceum. Finally an amazing way to get kids involved in history! We all want to meet people from history. The trouble is everyone is dead! So it’s time to prepare yourselves for Horrible Histories live on stage with a brand new show BARMY BRITAIN with all new amazing 3D effects! Can you beat battling Boudicca? What if a Viking moved in next door? Has William Wallace met his match? Would you lose your heart or head to horrible Henry? It’s the horrible history of Britain with the nasty bits left in! Call the Box office: 0114 2496 000 for more info and tickets.


CITY CENTRE CYCLE RACING @ Sheffield City Centre. The 3rd Claremont Sheffield Grand Prix will be the penultimate round of the British Cycling Elite Circuit Race Series and will incorporate the British Cycling Womens National Road Race Series. The evening will be full of action packed racing and provide a great nights entertainment both for the family and cycling fans. There is no charge to watch the racing unfold so please make your way down to the race village for a great night of elite level cycling including all the top domestic professional teams. Live commentary will start at 6.30pm

and final presentations will be around 9.30pm. For further details see www.sheffieldgrandprix.


ELITE BRITISH WRESTLING @ Sheffield Library Theatre. Elite British Wrestling is a Sheffield based wrestling promotion which features talent from the NCWA wrestling school and more. We run shows regularly and present a family friendly product. Showcasing talent from across the country on Tramlines Festival weekend fun for all! 2pm & 6:30pm. Free.


BRITISH GAS ASA NATIONAL AGE GROUP & YOUTH SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIP @ Ponds Forge. More showcasing of swimming talent across all ages. Tom Daley step aside! For further details see www.


WHERE: SHEFFIELD CITY CENTRE WHEN: JULY 19 The annual one day celebration of dance returns to Sheffield this month. Chance to Dance 2014 will bring together over 30 dance groups showcasing an array of different dance styles in the heart of the city centre. There’ll be a number of performances and audience participation sessions for all to get involved in. It’s run by volunteers and there’ll be opportunities to help with fundraising - which keeps the event up and running year after year. So if you fancy yourself as a bit of a mover, head along on the 19th and let loose. See for more.


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Starry Eyed We collared JB Gill for a quick chinwag about his Sheffield Show Business School. Words: Samantha Thomas. There were plenty of star struck students leaving the grounds of Sheffield City College on June 4, after they were given the chance to meet JB Gill - the all-singing, all-dancing former member of JLS. Turns out JB is the brains behind a brand new Show Business School at the college – which gives students the opportunity to achieve a recognised qualification in both the performing and practical skills needed to establish their talent as a business. So, last year you visited your old school in Croydon to talk about the music industry there. Why the move to Sheffield? Sheffield College got in touch with me and said they were looking at running a vocational course for the entertainment core. I said I’d love to do something like that, but I didn’t want it to just focus on the performance side of things. I wanted it to also focus on the educational side, because there’s so much more involved in the music industry, so many pitfalls that I wish somebody could have told me about. I really want to equip the next generation

and the generations after for when they go into the industry. Also, if they’re performers or aspiring artists, rather than just trying to make it in on one discipline, the course incorporates the benefits of a fall-back plan. What will the educational side of the course entail? The course really transfers an in-depth knowledge of everything that goes on behind the scenes as part of the entertainment industry. So there’s going to be experience in contractual law, experience in finances, copyright and publishing - things like that. This means you could be an aspiring writer and actually be able to benefit from the course. Every different part of the entertainment industry needs these skills, and it’s really important for the talent especially to know every aspect of what you’re getting involved in. How has your experience in JLS informed your idea of what’s important for the course? I was quite lucky in that my mum runs her

own business and was a huge mentor for me as I was growing up. In the beginning, I sent my mum a lot of my contracts! She’s always encouraged me to learn as much as I can, and that’s always been pivotal in my business knowledge. I wanted to apply this knowledge to JLS - and I dare say that’s why we were successful as we were. We had a great run, we did so much, and we didn’t really have a bad experience - because we had the knowledge. Marvin, who was in a band previously, also really helped us to get the hang of things like photo shoots - and even improve our work ethic. The fact that sometimes you have to work 15-20 hour days is something that people don’t realise. Often, some of the horror stories about artists being grumpy are due to the fact they have worked really, really hard to get to that stage. They’re just tired! The course is about equipping the students to survive all of this. With all this in mind, what do you think about Mr. Gove’s idea to scrap ‘easier’, more vocational subjects at GCSE? I think education is education. And I think no one can discount the fact that experience is as much education as sitting in a classroom and doing an exam. You cannot have one without the other; if you do GCSEs and A Levels, you go on to do work experience. I wanted to stress that there’s an educational and exam element to the show business course at Sheffield City College, but there’s also real experience, a combination that will benefit you going into any entertainment career. For more information on the course’s start-up in September, visit www.sheffcol. For the latest news about JB’s School of Entertainment Industries, visit www.


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The Only Way Is Essex fashionista, Amy Childs, hit Meadowhall last month to showcase her new summer collection with Dorothy Perkins. The launch was part of Meadowhall’s Ladies’ Night, a now-yearly event giving the women of Sheffield a chance to enjoy an evening of fashion, food, fun and firstclass entertainment. Joe E. Allen took the opportunity to have a quick chat with Amy before she was mobbed by a line of adoring fans - all wanting selfies with the lady herself.

Can you tell us a bit about your new line with Dorothy Perkins and the inspiration for it? “I’ve just gone into ten flagship stores, Meadowhall’s one of them, and Dorothy Perkins online - they’ve all got the Amy Childs Collection. I love collections, I love clothes, I love fashion. My inspiration came a couple of years ago. My young fans came to me and said ‘Why can’t you bring a fashion line out?’ and I said ‘OK.’ So I spent a good year designing and I’ve done really well - I’ve gone into Lipsy, I’m in BANK, but obviously Dorothy Perkins is my main one now.” How involved are you in the process? “Everything. I see everything. I’m now starting drawing, which is amazing, and I never would have thought I’d be doing that. I’ve got buyers, I’ve got a major team behind me, and I think I’ve got to be involved in it, because that’s

Exposed Meets Amy Childs. my business, that’s my brand. I’m passionate about my collection because I know it’s doing really, really well - and people love it!” So this is what you’re focusing on for the time being? “Definitely. My focus is on my collection, my brand. I’ve just launched an instant spray tan as well. I love being on the TV, I absolutely love it, but for the time being this is what I’m gonna be doing - because when TOWIE finishes I’ve got a brand there still. You’ve gotta be quite sensible with it.” Who do you see as your style icon? “I would say Victoria Beckham. I absolutely love her collection, I love her look - she’s really classic. Yeah, I do like a little bit of VB. I’ve got a few of her dresses and they’re lovely.”

Aside from working on your collections what else do you have in the pipeline? “I’ve done TOWIE, I’ve done Big Brother, I’ve done my own TV show, I’ve done The Jump - I’ve done all the big shows - and I’d always wanted to do Big Brother. I’ve got a few bits of TV coming up, it’s exciting. I love being on the TV, I have such a laugh, and that’s what I miss about TOWIE ‘cos I had such a laugh on that show.”

What do you think about the current crop of people on TOWIE? “Do you know what? I think TOWIE’s a great show. I still watch it, I still absolutely love it. My cousin Harry’s going back in a couple of weeks so I can’t wait to watch him on the show. Everyone says to me ‘Amy, can you just please come back.’ I’ve always said maybe one day I’ll come back… but the time is not right at the minute.” So maybe a return in the future? “I’ll shock everybody and not tell anybody!” Finally, have you got a message for the people of Sheffield? “I do. I love this shopping centre - and I can’t wait to come back!” Head to for more.


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m o o R n e e r The G FRIDAY 25TH JULY Soulsville

BoneLab (headliner) Montuno Kiziah & The Kings Jack Athey Trip



2pm A Rose Between 3pm XOVA 4pm TreeBeard 5pm Luke Gallagher & Friends 6pm Blind Divers 6.45pm The Black Hands 7.30pm Santiago Kings 8.15pm Somewhat Unprepared 9pm The Steemers 10pm TBC (!!!!!)

The Velcro Teddy Bears (headliner) The Retrospectives Blind Drivers The SSS Redfern The Castellers The Monday Club The Fontaines Ginger Tom Adelphi Sam Scherdel

Mod For It

Sheffield Sound

For more information see:

The Green Room 150-154 Devonshire St Sheffield, South Yorkshire S3 7SG The-Green-Room-Sheffield

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WHERE: COACH & HORSES WHEN: 3 AUGUST Now in its 15th year, Dronfest is returning to its original stomping ground behind the Coach & Horses on Sunday August 3. In conjunction with Sheffield F.C, on Saturday August 2, catch Austrian side PSV Salzburg kick off at 3pm with live music afterwards at 5.30pm. The following day will see over 17 acts performing across two stages, spanning genres of music with something to suit everyone. Topping the bill are Acoustic Angels, alongside Max Stone, Gonzo, Derrin Nauendorf and many more. A variety of food stands, stalls and activities will be offer for all the family – while the award winning Thornbridge brewery will be providing the bar throughout. The festival raises money for number of charities, including St John Ambulance, Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, Ashgate Hospice, Dronfield Cardio Club and Sincere Support. For tickets and more, head to www.dronfest.


ROASTS AND RECORDS @ Bungalows and Bears, Division Street. Free Entry, 4pm – Midnight 0114 279 2901. www. KARAOKE WITH ROSCOE @ Chantrey Arms, 733 Chesterfield Road, Woodseats. 3pm-7pm SUNDAY SOULFOOD @ The Cremorne, London Road, Sheffield. Open mic and Yorkshire Puddings, the perfect combination for a Sunday night. Free entry, 8pm THE BIG QUIZ @ The Prince of Wales, 150 Derbyshire Lane, Answer 30 questions and win prizes! Max 4 people per team. 9pm Tel: 07414975019 UKULELE SUNDAYS @ The Riverside, Mowbray St. Second and fourth Sunday of every month, play as a group of take one of the solo slots. MOVIE NIGHT@ The Red Deer, 18 Pitt Street. £4 gets you a beer, popcorn and film! Book early to avoid disappointment. Alternates between Sci-fi and artsy films. Tel 0114 2722890 or check online at for more information. GAMES IN THE GARDEN @ The White Lion, Heeley. Giant Jenga, Connect 4, Quiots. Free 3-7pm 0114 255 1500. SUNDAY QUIZ @ The York, Broomhill. 8pm Tel 0114 2664624 PULP FUNKTION @ The Wick At Both Ends, West Street. Music protocol, Motown Funk Soul Hip Hop Breaks Remixes. Open till 2. Drinks offers all night. http:// AFTERPARTY @ Players Bar, 125 – 127 West Street. The weekend might be over but Players isn’t done yet, they keep the best in chart, R’n’B and dance playing all night. Live Dancers. Free Entry. Open ‘til 12.30am. www.


JAM NIGHT @ Chantrey Arms. Play and sing along as people bring in their own instruments. Free 830pm-Late. 733 Chesterfield Road, Woodseats. Tel. 0114 2585864 KIZOMBA @ Cubana, 34 Trippet Lane off West St. Kizomba class & dance night. – smooth, slow, sensual. Kizomba is the latest & sexiest new Latin dance craze. Beginners: 7.30pm-8.30pm, Improvers: 8.45pm-9.45pm. £4 per class, £6 for both classes. 0114 276 0475. PUB QUIZ Room @ Common room.

Winners get 10 free drinks, a losing team could win money. One team will win a bottle of Jim Beam in the physical challenge. Starts 6:30pm. Tickets 50p per person. MOJITO MONDAYS @ Players Bar, 125 – 127 West Street. Kick back and enjoy a fantastic Players Mojito. Free Entry. Open until 12.30am. MIXTAPE! @ SoYo, Rockingham St. A music mix up of all your guilty pleasures! With special £2 drink offers and 2-4-1 cocktails all night! 9pm til 1.30am. Free Entry. 0114276 7552, QUIZ AND CURRY @ The Cremorne, London Road, Sheffield. There is no finer combination and recipe for a smashing evening. Free entry,8pm. THE MONDAY MIXTURE @ The Forum, Devonshire Street. A varied selection of new, old and older vinyl, 9.30-1am. www. MARK DOWN MONDAY @ The Locker Room. Free pool 1pm – 5pm, 50% food all day 11 – 5pm. For Table Bookings Call: 0114 272 8451 IDIOTS PUB QUIZ @ The Lescar. Sharrow Vale Rd. Tel 0114 266 8974 www. MONDAY NIGHT QUIZ @ The Nottingham House, Whitham Road, Broomhill. Free Entry and free cheesy nachos 9pm Start. QUIZAMARAMA @ The Riverside, Mowbray St. The silliest, daftest most entertaining quiz night in town. 8:30pm, www. SPORTS QUIZ @ The Royal Standard. Free Entry, Starts 9pm. Tel 0114 272 2883 TIN BATH AND FRIENDS - FOLK MUSIC @ The Red Deer. Every Monday except second Monday of the month. . Free entry, from 9pm QUIZ NIGHT @ The Vine Inn, Cemetery Road. Phone 0785 6414 286 / 0114 2769 519 for more info. GEEK CHIC @ The Viper Rooms. Carver Street, Sheffield. Hallam fm’s Ollie Hayes brings you sexy geeks and boffin freaks, every Monday! free before midnight, £3 after. 8pm-3am. COCKTAIL MONDAYS @ The York, Broomhill. All Cocktails £3.50 excluding Martini and Sparkling. 5pm – Close. Tel 0114 2664624 SKINT @ Vodka Revolution, West One. Everything is half price! From 8pm www. FREEDOM @ Tiger Works, 136 West Street.

DJ Richie spins club classics & chart plus great drinks offers. 8pm – Late. 0114 2788 555 FOLK CLUB @ White Lion. With featured performer. 8:30pm. Free entry.


PUB QUIZ @ Chantrey Arms, 733 Chesterfield Road, Woodseats. Big prizes to be won and free buffet. 9.30pm. Tel. 0114 2585864 BILLIONAIRE @ Crystal, 23-32 Carver St. NUS only event. Room one – Soulful Classics/ Hip Hop/ Funk & Disco. Room Two: Dirty Electro House. Doors 10pm till 3am. For Guest list go to LIVELY LATIN RHYTHMS @ Cubana, 34 Trippet Lane off West St. Resident 5 piece Latin outfit Son Para Todos bring with them the exotic Cuban rhythms - Rumba, Son and Salsa. 0114 276 0475. www.cubanatapasbar. GET GOOSED @ House of Hugo, Carver Street. £1.50 single goose and mixer, 50p shots, £1 entry. 11.00- late. Tel. 01142725926 BY THE BOTTLE CLUB @ Players Bar, 125 127 West Street. Tuesday night is the glam night in Sheffield for those of a budget, buy bottles of spirit for as cheap as £39. Free Entry. Open until 12.30am. www.playersbar. com/sheffield PAPARAZZI @ SoYo, Rockingham St. Glamorous People, Glamorous Drinks and Glamorous Music That s Paparazzi every Tuesday. 8pm til 1.30am. Free Entry. 01142767552, QUIZ NIGHT @ The Abbey, Chesterfield Road. 0114 274 5374. www.theabbeysheffield. TUNES @ The Forum, Devonshire St. A varied selection of new, old and older tracks. A sides, B sides and better sides!, 9.30 - 1am. Free PUB QUIZ @ The Hop, West One Plaza. Enjoy a free supper and be in with a chance to win a gallon of Ossett Ale. 8pm. TOURNAMENT TUESDAY @ The Locker Room. Beer pong & ping pong tournaments, 7pm, 20% off pitchers all day - Ping Pong Pros get ready, winner gets a Champions Locker Room T-Shirt and a bar tab prize! QUIZ ME CRAZY @ The Red Deer, 18 Pitt Street. Weekly pub quiz that we’ve heard are always random and amazing with a different theme each week. 8.30pm Tel 0144 2722890 GENERALLY KNOWLEDGABLE QUIZ @ The Royal Standard.. Free to enter with Drink,

Food and Spot Prizes. From 9.30pm-ish. QUIZ NIGHT @ The Star and Garter, Winter Street. FREE supper, cash prizes and drink giveaways! 9pm. POKER NIGHT @ The Vine Inn, Cemetery Road. £5 buy in. Phone 0785 6414 286 / 0114 2769 519 for more info. RISQUE @ The Viper Rooms, Carver Street. Two rooms of r&b and electro/house. Free entry for girls before 11.30! £3 entry. 10pm3am. PUB QUIZ - MAD HATTER’S TEA PARTY, PRE-TUESDAY CLUB @ The Wick at Both Ends, West St. TRAFFIC LIGHT TUESDAYS @ Tiger Works, 136 West Street. Find out who’s single and who’s not and take your new love for a whizz on the dancefloor with DJ James Cusack who plays commercial chart. Themed drink offers on all night, so get your flirt on and head on down from 8pm. 8pm – 1.30am. 0114 2788 555 TOSSERS TUESDAYS @ Vodka Revolution, West One. sheffield


SALSA WEDNESDAYS @ Bloo 88, West Street. Salsa class from 9pm. Social Dancing till late… Tel: 0114 270 6264 FOR THE RECORD @ Bungalows and Bears, Division Street. A mid-week all-vinyl celebration of proper music for dancing. 8pm-12pm, Free.Entry ALES AND ALBUMS @ Cellar Door, Underneath The Beauchief, 161 Abbeydale Road. Enjoy three iconic albums accompanied by videos of the artists in the snug. Selected Thornbridge ales only £2.50 a pint! 7:30pm. Free entry. FLAMENCO PASSION @ Cubana, 34 Trippet Lane off West St. Spanish Flamenco with Andrew Clegg, captures the soul and passion of the Andalucian gypsies - a fusion of evocative melodies and invigorating rhythms create a unique and exciting sound. 0114 276 0475. B-LIVE @ Green Room, Devonshire St. Live music & DJs. 8pm. RELAXED ATMOSPHERE WITH GREAT DRINK OFFERS @ Lava Lounge, West St SWING NIGHT @ Revolucion de Cuba, 1 Mappin Street. Weekly dance based swing night with casual dance classes and live Jazz. 7pm, Free entry.0114 279 9250 METAL NIGHT @ South Sea Live, Spooner Rd, Broomhill. 5th, 12th and 19th December.


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LISTINGS PUBS & BARS SPIN THE WHEEL @ SoYo, Rockingham St. Watch the wheel of fortune spin every 15 minutes - you get whatever drinks offers it lands on. 8pm til 1.30am. Free Entry. 0114276 7552, PARTY WITH FIDDY SNIFFZ N PALZ @ The Bowery, Devonshire Street. Anthing goes…. 9pm-1.30am, free entry. www. UNIVERSITY CHALLENGE QUIZ NIGHT @ The Ecclesall, Ecclesall Road. Quiz night with minimum £100 prize for the winning team. £5 per team to enter. THE HOLD UP @ The Forum, Devonshire St. 9pm til late, Funky tunes from DJs T-Funk and Wagz. Free entry. www.forumsheffield. GOLD TEETH @ The Harley. Expect Hip Hop classics, Garage rollers, House anthems and Disco bangers. £3 advance, £4 on the door. 23.00 � 04.00. NEIGHBOURHOOD @ The Viper Rooms, Carver Street. Neighbourhood Live is Sheffields only Midweek altnernative session featuring Live Bands, Guest dj’s from the UK’s biggest Bands, 2 Rooms of Indie, Mod, Rock n Roll & Soul. 7:30pm � 3am, free entry before 11pm, £3 after with NUS card. POOL K.O + MUSIC QUIZ @ The Royal Standard. £2 Pool, Free Quiz, Starts 9.30pm. Tel 0114 272 2883 SPEAKERS CORNER @ The Riverside, Mowbray St. A new act/new material show with a difference. www.riversidesheffield. WINGED WEDNESDAY @ The Locker Room. American pool tournament, 7pm, 50% off buckets of wings - Wednesdays are all about big buckets of Chicken Wings smothered in signature homemade sauces. WHISKY WEDNESDAYS @ The Hop, West One Plaza. Live music and discounted

whisky. Free. STUDENT PARTY NIGHT @ Tiger Works, 136 West Street. Student night with our resident DJ Emma Kirk, playing non-stop student party anthems to get you in the mood to party the night away with your friends. 8pm – 1.30am. 0114 2788 555 www.


THE AMAZING COCKTAIL CLUB @ Bloo 88, West Street. 2-4-1 cocktails, £1.50 vodka mixers, £1 selected shots. Tel: 0114 270 6264 CARVER STREET BLOCK PARTY @ Crystal, 23-32 Carver St. Commercial R ‘n’ B and chart. NUS only. 10:30pm – 3am. For guestlist go to QUIZ NIGHT @ Cellar Door, Underneath The Beauchief, 161 Abbeydale Road. Includes Chef Charlie’s Chilli and a mini Thornbridge cask for the winner! 8:30pm. £2 entry. JAZZ, BLUES, SWING AND SOUL @ Cubana, Trippet Lane. A different band and style each week. RELAXED ATMOSPHERE WITH GREAT DRINK OFFERS @ Lava Lounge, West St $POILT BRAT @ Players Bar,125 – 127 West Street. Players presents the best in House, R’n’B, Old School and Dance. SUPERDELUXE @ SoYo, Rockingham St. Soyo gives you the best Thursday night party in town it s super SuperDeluxe! With super £1.50 drinks and 241 cocktails all night. 9pm til 2.30am. Free Entry. 0114276 7552, QUIZ NIGHT @ Shakespeares, 146 – 148 Gibralter Street. Quiz night with beer prizes to be won. Free. 9pm. 0114 275 5959. www. NOUGHTS AND CROSSES QUIZ @ The Abbey, Chesterfield Road. 0114 274 5374. “BRAINS IN THE BATH” QUIZ NIGHT @ The Bath Hotel, Victoria Street. 0114 249 5151 FIRST WORD THURSDAYS @ The Bowery, Devonshire St. A night of Funk, Soul, Hip Hop, Reggae, Beats & Breaks (and everything else that sounds nice). www. OFFICIAL ‘JUMP-AROUND’ PRE-BAR @ The Cavendish, West St. Grab your Plug tickets here & check out our drinks offers from 5:00pm thecavendishsheffield LOUDER THAN BOMBS @ The Green Room, Devonshire Street. Weekly night every Thursday at Green Room! Think ACOUSTIC PICNIC OPEN MIC NIGHT @ The Royal Standard. Everyone welcome, instruments provided. Tel 0114 272 2883 CARVER STREET PARTY @ Viper Rooms, Carver Street. Upstairs: Quality House Music All Night Long. Downstairs: Indie, Funk, Alternative and Mashups all night long. 8pm – 3am. Adv Tickets £4, www.sheffieldparties. com/tickets. FULL CIRCLE @ The Forum, Devonshire Street.The best in house and broken grooves from past years right through to current chart toppers. 9pm – Late, free entry ROCK & ROLL LOUNGE @ The Frog and Parrot, Division St. Mod, Northern Soul, Ska, Loungecore, Motown, Garage & Psych, 60’s beat, Boogaloo, Hammond vibes and eclectic cover versions. @rocknrolllounge VINYL PICNIC @ The Great Gatsby, 73-75 Division street. A night of vinyl delights. 9pm-1am. GAMES NIGHT @ The Hop, West One Plaza. Old school games consoles, giant jenga and giant connect 4. Free QUESTIONS OF SPORT – QUIZ NIGHT @ The Locker Room, West St. Bar tab for the

winner. GIN CLUB THURSDAY @ The Old House. Free mixers with any gin and over 50 to try. 113 Devonshire Street, Tel: 0114 2766002 POCKET MUSIC ACOUSTIC/OPEN MIC NIGHT @ The Red Deer. First Thursday of every month is acoustic; third Thursday is open mic. Starts at around 8.30pm. www. for more information. HERETICS FOLK CLUB @ The Riverside, Mowbray St. Every second Thursday of the month. Each session will showcase a guest artist performing a full length set plus an open session before. 0114 272 460 www. KARAOKE NIGHT @ The Shiny Sheff, 274276 Crimicar Lane. 9pm onwards. Alternative 80s, 60s Soul, Ska, Madchester, Britpop, Mod and Indie Rock ‘n’ Roll. Free entry and drinks offers for students. www. LOVE MUSIC @ Tiger Works, 136 West Street. Come down and listen to the tunes of Capital FM DJ Becky Hayes, playing new and old skool RnB, with all the big chart tunes too. 8pm – 2.30am. 0114 2788 555 ROUND FOR A POUND @ Vodka Revolution, West One www.revolution-bars. OPEN MIC NIGHT @ White Lion. 8:30pm start. Free entry.


AYE @ The Great Gatsby, 73 - 75 Division Street, Sheffield. Bands, DJs, Good times! Free Entry. 9pm til 3am 01142723577. BREAKFAST IN HEAVEN @ Bungalows and Bears, 50 Division Street. DJs and live acts 8pm – Late, Free Entry, Tel 0114 279 2901. LIONEL VINYLS EARLY DOORS SOCIAL @ Bungalows and Bears, 50 Division Street,


Green City Blues - a swing dance class followed by a social. £5.


Voted Sheffield Camra Pub of the Year 2013 Cask ales on rotation (over 2000 in less then 3 years), Over 125 whiskies, wide range of rums, gins, vodkas and ciders.

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Reg & Friends open acoustic night. Come along and play, sing or just watch. Free entry

0114 275 59 59

WWW.SHAKESPEARES-SHEFFIELD.CO.UK Shakespeares Ale & Cider House, 146 – 148 Gibraltar Street

EXP JULY 2014 pgs 80-95.indd 82

King Bee Rhythm and Blues Club - dance, dance, dance to the tune of rockabilly, r&b and northern soul rarities. £4.


30+ bands over 3 days, inc. King Capisce, The Gentlemen, Laurel Canyons, High Hazels and Neil McSweeney. Shakespeares is one of the biggest Tramlines Fringe venues. FREE ENTRY.


The Downtown Roots EP launch. £TBC

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me o c l e w l l a stage ogs feat. James Taplin s r e k s u B 8pm Bullfr 2pm-4.30pm he Housley n e r u a L m p 5 e Mess n i F r e h t o n 6pm A ive 7pm Vyndict

9pm Carmen Hotrods

Ghia & T


2pm-4.30pm Buskers stage - all welcome 5pm Happy Endings 9.30pm Montuno 6pm Cracking Light Foot BBQ 7pm Lateral Vision FROM 8pm Steve Delaney & the House Band 2PM

Sun 27th


many live bands and then all finished off at 9pm with DOSCH. from 3pm.

BBQ FROM 2PM * outdoor bar

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A wide range of real homemade meals on offer 12pm - 8pm Monday - Saturday Traditional Sunday Roasts with homemade Yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes from 12pm - 5pm Pie Night every Thursday from 5pm Pies can be made to order, send request before 6pm Wednesday Check us out on Facebook for the Pies available this week Relax in our famous Tap Room with real log fire Tuesday Night Quiz Thursday Night Noughts and Crosses Quiz Bowling Green open to our Social Members

‘The True Family Friendly Pub’


DRiNkS PROMOTiONS / WORLD CUP FOOTBALL PREDiCTiONS. WATCH iT WiN iT. Enter our prize draw to win a 50’’ TV

EXP JULY 2014 pgs 80-95.indd 84

944 Chesterfield Road Sheffield, S8 0SH

0114 274 5374

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LISTINGS PUBS & BARS Post work pre weekend shenanigans from Lionel. 5pm-8pm. DJs and live acts 8pm – Late, Free Entry, 0114 279 2901. www. FRIDAY SOCIAL @ Bloo 88, West Street. Happy hour all night… Funk, Soul & Classic RnB. Tel: 0114 270 6264 80S DISCO WITH ROSCOE @ Chantrey Arms, 733 Chesterfield Road, Woodseats. 9pm, Tel. 0114 2585864. FRIDAY FLAVOURS @ Crystal, Carver St. Corey & Friends play the best in Motown, Classic R&B, Chart, Disco & Soulful Sounds. Free before 11:30 pm. £3 after. 0114 272 5926 VIVA SALSA @ Cubana, 34 Trippet Lane, Sheffield’s original Latino club night... Latin music, Salsa, Mambo, Samba and Bachata. Special guest DJs every week! DJ from 10pm until 1am. Free entry. www.cubanatapasbar. MOD FOR IT @ DAda, Trippet Lane Classic Mod & Motown, 60’s and Northern Soul, Ska & Two Tone, Indie and Britpop Classics with added vinyl - feel the crackle!! Tel : 0114 276 2930 THE BIG WEEKEND @ Lava Lounge, West St. Open until 4am with some of the best drinks offers on west street. 0114 2763 271, www. REGULAR LIVE DJS @ Nottinghqam House, Witham Road. Includes Music Sounds Better, Shifty Disco and Forge Radio. Tel: 0114 3270508 THE PLAYERS WEEKENDER @ Players Bar, 125 – 127 West Street. Find good music, great prices, live dancers and an exclusive VIP area available at Sheffield’s sports bar. Free Entry. Open until 1.30am. www. LOVE YOU @ SoYo, Rockingham St. Celebrate the best day of the week at SoYo with resident DJ s to help you kick off your weekend in style! 8pm til 2.30am. Free Entry. 0114276 7552, LIVE FOR THE WEEKEND @ Tiger Works, 136 West Street. Get your weekend off to a great start with DJs Simon and Richie playing all the music you love. 8pm – 2.30am. 0114 2788 555 www. REV AUSTIN AND GENERA RON @ The Bowery.1st of the month is Rev Austin, last of the month is the Jump Off and one night a month is DJ Genera Ron. Free entry WEEKENDS @ The Forum, Devonshire Street. The very best in 90s, 00s and current house, pop, soul, funk and more. Free entry. LAVISH @ The Viper Rooms, Carver Street, Sheffield. Funk/soul/disco/R&B/Retro House and 2-4-1 cocktails! 4pm-3am. Free entry before 11.30pm, £4 after. Sheffield. TASTE THE REVOLUTION @ Vodka Revolution, West One. 0114 273 9469. www. ROCK AND POP @ West Street Live, Mentholmans, West St. The best local cover bands. www.mentholmans-weststreetlive. com


THE 88 CLUB @ Bloo 88, West Street. Tel: 0114 270 6264 LANDSLIDE WITH DJ DAZ @ The Bowery. Genre less disco. Free entry http://www. KARAOKE WITH ROSCOE @ Chantrey Arms. 733 Chesterfield Road, Woodseats. 9pm, Tel 0114 2585864 MIXED UP SATURDAYS @ Crystal, Carver St. Guilty pleasures in one room. Electro funk in the other. 0114 272 5926. www.crystalbar. BRASILICA @ Cubana, Trippet Lane, A fusion of funky Brazillian and Afro Cuban beats. Open from Midday, www. 0114 276 0475. JIVE JUICE @ DAda, Trippet Lane. Every


WHERE: ETEN CAFE WHEN: 8 JULY ONWARDS Glenn Ashley is the photographer’s photographer – having snapped pretty much every live act of note in Sheffield for over 20 years. From Katy Perry to Tina Turner, Arctic Monkeys to Def Leppard, Glenn and his trusty camera have caught some magical musical moments. And now, he wants to share them with you. July 8 sees the launch of his first ever exhibition at Eten Café. Pop along from 6pm for nibbles, booze, live music and some cracking pics of stars old and new. See for more.

last Saturday, A monthly night of rhythm & blues, soul, rock ‘n’ roll, ska, calypso, mambo and more, all on 100% vinyl. Tel : 0114 276 2930 CANDYPANTS @ House of Hugo, Carver Street. A fun and quirky event that has taken the scene by storm. Tel. 01142725926 THE BIG WEEKEND @ Lava Lounge, West St. Open until 4am with some of the best drinks offers on west street. 0114 2763 271, www. THE PLAYERS WEEKENDER @ Players Bar Sheffield, 125 – 127 West Street. Find good music, great prices, live dancers and an exclusive VIP area available at Sheffield’s sports bar. Free Entry. Open until 1.30am. SOYO SATURDAYS @ SoYo, Rockingham St. SOYO s flagship night. Where beautiful people want to be seen. Sheffield’s finest DJs in Sheffield’s finest Venue It’s that simple. 8pm til 2.30am. Free Entry. 0114276 7552,

WEEKENDS @ The Forum, Devonshire Street. The very best in 90s, 00s and current house, pop, soul, funk and more. Free entry. THE BOOM BOOM ROOM @ The Frog & Parrot, Devonshire St. Rock n roll, for rock n rollers, by rock n rollers. Free. THE FRESHEST BOY @ The Great Gatsby, 73-75 Division Street. Genre-less party tunes all night long. 9pm-3am. Free.www. MOD FOR IT @ The Green Room, 150-154 Devonshire Street. MOD/Northern Soul/ SKA/ 60’s Soul/ Motown & more. Every Saturday, 8pm – 1am, Free Entry. Tel. 0114 249 3329 BAR PHOENIX COCKTAIL BAR @ The Hubs, Hallam Union, Paternoster Row. Start your night in style with Bar Phoenix cocktail night running every Saturday. With the fantastic range of cocktails on offer you d be mad to miss it. Cocktail offers include: fishbowls from £10, pitchers from £5, and individual cocktails from £3. 7pm. www. SATURDAY BAND NIGHTS @ The Nottingham House, Whitham Road. Including Forge Radio Presents and Drop the Bomb Live. Tel: 0114 3270508 LIVE FOR THE WEEKEND @ Tiger Works, 136 West Street. Get your weekend off to a great start with DJs Simon and Richie playing all the music you love. 8pm – 2.30am. 0114 2788 555 www. DECADENCE @ The Viper Rooms, Carver Street, Sheffield. Funk, soul, disco, R&B and House classics! 2-4-1 cocktails before 11 and 2-4-1 on ALL drinks til 9pm! Free before 11.30, £5 after. SOUNDS OF THE WEEKEND @ Vodka Revolution, West One. 0114 273 9469. www. ROCK AND POP @ West Street Live, Mentholmans, West St.The best local cover bands. www.mentholmans-weststreetlive. com


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THE RATELLS @ The Rocking Chair, Furnival Gate. Since last June these guys have been working their way through stages across the country with their alternative indie sounds. With their tours quickly selling out, grab tickets fast! Doors 7pm, Tickets from £5.


MASSY FERGUSON AND DAVE WOODCOCK & THE DEAD COMEDIANS @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. Massy Ferguson is a band that plays music perfectly suited to dark, crowded rooms in which there’s at least a possibility of a beer glass smashing against a wall. The songs, filled with barflies, broken hearts and doomed late-night romance, would sound pretty good anywhere, though. Think Springsteen’s “Greetings From Asbury Park” or “Nebraska.” Those are all influences, as is 1970s Southern rock and good-time classic rock bands like Thin Lizzy. Doors 8pm. Tickets from £7. DJANGONAUTS @ The Lescar, Sharrowvale Road. In honour of The Tour de France, a Gallic extravaganza! Music in the tradition of the Hot Club de France, brought to life by four of Sheffield’s finest virtuoso musicians, Chris Walker and Phil Johnson (Guitars), Piero Tucci (Accordion), Kevin Walker (Bass). Doors 8:30pm. Tickets £5.


PAULA RYAN @ The Princess Royal, Slinn Street. Singers and musicians welcome. Doors 8:15. Free. LUNCHTIME SINGING @ Irwin Mitchell Oval Hal. Brighten up your week with a lunchtime treat of fun singing sessions. Whether you fancy yourself a professional singer, or a shower-singer, they welcome all abilities to come along and try something different. Doors 1pm, Tickets £6.


GNIDROLOG @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. The Goldring Brothers are responding to huge pressure from fans and present an intimate, up close, and at the

Hot female foursome, Neon Jungle, hit the Motorpoint Arena this month – as part of the line-up for Hallam FM Summer Live which also features the likes of The Vamps, Kaiser Chiefs and Little Mix. We took to the jungle drums for a chat with band member Shereen Cutkelvin. Hi Shereen, you guys haven’t actually been around that long (they formed early 2013), but you’ve achieved a hell of a lot already – namely three popular singles and a tour with Jessie J… I know, it’s been amazing, the time’s really flown – it’s not even been a year and half! We’re so happy with how things have gone. Jessie was really nice too, a very polished performer, and a great experience for us. What’s the best bit and worst bit about being in a girl group? Hmmm, I guess just having someone to talk to all the time is the best bit. We do a lot of travelling, that’s probably the worst bit – four girls crammed in a car for hours can be a squeeze - so I’m glad we have each other to talk to.


THE MONDAY CLUB OPEN MIC NIGHT @ Green Room, Devonshire St. Open mic night with your host Glenn Jackson, some instruments provided, free - 0114 249 3329 OPEN MIC / ACOUSTIC EVENING @ The Greystones, Greystones Rd. www. mygreystones. TIN BATH AND FRIENDS FOLK SESSIONS @ The Red Deer, 18 Pitt Street. Every Monday. From 9pm. THE MONDAY CLUB @ The Green Room. Open mic night. Free.


LIVE MUSIC @ Green Room, Devonshire St, 0114 249 3329 TUNEFUL TUESDAYS @ The Cremorne Pub. Open mic night. Free.


SPOTLITE NITE @ Deleaney’s, Cemetery Rd. Hosted by Chris Firminger. Free PEOPLE ARE STRANGE @ Green Room, Devonshire St, Live music from a variety of acts along the folk/indie route. Free entry, 9ish till late. BLACK HARES: Folk and Celtic Music @ Red Deer, 18 Pitt Street, 0114 272 2890, FREE JAM @ Redhouse,Solly Street Sheffield. Open stage, backline and full PA. All talents and creatives welcomed. 8pm.

Free Entry, 011 4 272 7926. CAN U JAM @ The Punchbowl, Crookes. Glenn and Russ are your hosts for this fab free open mic night. MUSIQUITA EN VIVO! @ La Mama, 238 Abbeydale Road. Live music night suitably inspired by Latin American sounds. Free. FOLK SESSION @ Shakespeares, Gibraltar Street. LIVE MUSIC WEDNESDAYS @ The Cross Scythes, Derbyshire Lane. A quality music night to get you out of those midweek blues. Expect a heady mix of Rock, Blues, Acoustic, and Folk. 8.30pm. Free entry.


JAZZ, BLUES, SWING & SOUL @ Cubana, Trippet Lane. An array of fantastic musicians entertain you every Thursday including the likes of Nicola Farnon, Frank White, Kat Eaton, Simon Peat & Impressions. 0114 276 0475. www. STRUM AND FIDDLE OPEN MIC NIGHT @ Delaneys, Cemetery Rd. The top open mic night has found a new home - Delaneys! Same great night, different venue. Every Thursday through the month. 8pm - 1am. Free Entry. Delaneys-Music-Bar LIVE MUSIC @ Green Room, Devonshire St CAN U JAM @ Horse & Jockey, Wadsley. Free.

You’ve got your debut album out in July. And ahead of that you’re hitting Sheffield for Hallam FM Summer Live. Busy, busy… I know! We’ve got New York and a host of festivals in the pipeline too! The album’s out on the 28th – it’s packed full of energy. At the end of the day, we’re four different girls, so there’s four different styles coming together. I think it’ll surprise a few people. We can’t wait for Sheffield. We’ve played it a few times now, it’s a great city, and the line-up at the Arena is fab. I’ll be knocking on people’s doors to say hello. Finally then, imagine you’re in an actual neon jungle, and a luminous Tarzan asks you to go swinging with him. What’s your response? Hahahahahahaha! HELL YEAH! Hahahahahahahahaha…! Catch Neon Jungle at Hallam FM Summer Live on July 18. See for more. Win Tix! Go online at

POCKET MUSIC ACOUSTIC MUSIC NIGHT @ Red Deer, 18 Pitt St (first of every month). OPEN MIC @ DaDa Bar, Trippet Lane. With your hosts the Star Club Band. Free entry.


THE VELCRO TEDDY BEARS ACOUSTIC PICNIC OPEN MIC NIGHT @ The Royal Standard. Everyone welcome, instruments provided or bring your own, free beer for performers. Free, 9pm.


HOUSE BAND @ Revolucion De Cuba, House band “Son Para Todos” a with classic Latin ditties and Latin twists on modern anthems. LIVE MUSIC @ The South Sea, Broomhill. Free. LIVE SINGER @ Barca Bar, Chesterfield. One of Derbyshire’s most inspirational singers, Katie Stewart sings at Casa Hotel’s Barca Bar every other Friday. www. LIVE PIANIST @ Ottos, 344 Sharrowvale Road, Sheffield. Luke Braddock and guests play everything from ragtime to Adele. REG & FRIENDS FOLK OPEN MIC @ Shakespeares, Gibraltar Street. 9pm. www. COVER BANDS LIVE @ The Hop, West One Plaza. Live Cover Bands take to the stage

at The Hop to provide the best live music from across the decades. From Blues to classic rock, soul to indie, Funk to Metal we have it covered. Acts start at 9:30 and play all night. Free.


LIVE MUSIC @ The South Sea, Broomhill. Free. LIVE MUSIC @ Walkabout, Carver St, 9:30pm. Free LIVE PIANIST @ Ottos, 344 Sharrowvale Road, Sheffield. Luke Braddock and guests play everything from ragtime to Adele. COVER BANDS LIVE @ The Hop, West One Plaza. Live Cover Bands take to the stage at The Hop to provide the best live music from across the decades. From Blues to classic rock, soul to indie, Funk to Metal we have it covered. Acts start at 9:30 and play all night. Free.


JAM SESSION @ Chantrey Arms, 733 Chesterfield Road, Woodseats. 4pm-8pm. OPEN MIC NIGHT @ The Vine Inn, Cemetery Road. Phone 0785 6414 286 / 0114 2769 519 for more info. SUNDAY SOULFOOD @ The Cremorne Pub. Open mic served up with stew & Yorkshire Puddings. Free entry.


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WHERE: CITY HALL WHEN: 8 JULY In 1999, a group of five jazz students formed band, Midlake, in Denton, Texas. Fifteen years later, the band has undergone numerous line-up changes and created records spanning genres - from American folk-rock to psychedelic electronica to indie pop. Now on their fourth album, Antiphon, and with Eric Pulido at front and centre stage, Midlake have embraced the change and created possibly one of their best records yet. Touring relentlessly, and hitting Sheffield City Hall on TuesdayJuly 8, get your hands on some tickets to an unmissable show at and check out our interview with frontman Eric Pulido at

time of announcing this, one off duo show performing original gems from this major cult band plus new material proving that prog rock from the 70’s can be relevant and modern today. Doors 8pm. Tickets from £10. THE REVOLVERS, THE SWINES & LUNA KICKS @ The Rocking Chair, Furnival Gate. Fresh-faced band The Revolvers only formed earlier this year and are already making quite the influence on Sheffield’s buzzing music scene. Supporting is Nottingham based The Swines who have already played alongside big names from Makers and Jake Bugg. Doors 8pm, Tickets £3 on the door. LOOSE FIT @ The Rocking Chair, Furnival Gate. DJ’s Ryan Vaughan & Greg Statham are smashing out acid house tunes, alongside live music from some of the top unsigned acts in the UK.


DREAM THEATER @ City Hall, Barkers Pool. Following a series of UK shows earlier this year, the legendary Dream Theater have announced a warm up show at Sheffield’s City Hall on Saturday 5th July. This very special one off show is ahead of their anticipated Saturn Stage headline set at this year’s Sonisphere Festival Knebworth on Sunday 6th July. Doors 6:30pm. Tickets from £27.50. AMELIA CARTER BAND @ The Hillsborough Hotel, Langsett Road. Amelia and her band make their second appearance at the Hillsborough Hotel this year. A great night of rock and blues promised for all. Doors 9pm. Free. JIM O’MAHONEY @ The Gardener’s Rest, Neepsend Lane. Country blues/folk roots. Doors 9pm. Free. STEVE GIBBONS BAND @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. With a huge International following, Steve’s career has encompassed 17 albums. Along the way he has worked and toured with many bands including The

Who, E.L.O., Little Feat and Lynard Skynard. He was the first western rock artist to tour the major cities in the former East Germany at the invitation of the GDR in 1981. In Steve’s hands rock n roll is a magical force. Doors 8pm. Tickets from £10. www. SET IT DOWN @ The Rocking Chair, Furnival Gate. These guys take listener’s on a musical journey of funk, hip-hop, disco, beats and house, featuring Geoff Ticehurst. Doors 9pm, Free.


LA GRANDE VISITE & JOHN COOPER CLARKE @ City Hall. Dubbed by critics of the 70’s as a ‘punk poet’, John Cooper Clarke is making a comeback on Sheffield’s own City Hall Stage alongside La Grande Visite. Doors 6.30pm, Tickets £20. LIL’ JIMMY REED AND BOB HALL & HILARY BLYTH @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. A tall charismatic figure, Lil’ Jimmy Reed is one of the last remaining performers of the blues golden generation. His music embodies the raw Louisiana blues tradition that has roots in the deep South. Doors 8pm. Tickets from £10. www.


OPEN MIC/ACOUSTIC EVENING @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. A fantastic line-up of the best and most enthusiastic local talent. Doors 8pm. Free.


MIDLAKE @ City Hall, Barkers Pool. An antiphon is a call-and-response style of singing, from Gregorian chants to sea shanties. In the case of Denton, Texas’ favourite sons Midlake, it’s the perfect title for a bold response to a new phase in the band’s illustrious career, with a re-jigged line-up and a newly honed sound as rich and symphonic as it is dynamic and

kaleidoscopic. Doors 6:30pm. Tickets from £18. PEATBOG FAERIES @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. From the Isle of Skye, Peatbog Faeries’ high-octane, Celtic dance music has built them a huge fan base all over the world. A rare opportunity to see a major festival band up close, in the intimate Backroom venue. Doors 8pm. Tickets from £15.


IAN MCLAGAN & JON NOTARTHOMAS @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. Ian McLagan is a genuine, dyed-in-the-wool rock’n’roller. In fact, his smiling visage — he was, after all, a member of the Small Faces and the Faces— would serve as an ideal illustration in the proverbial Dictionary of What Is Truly Cool. Accompanied by Jon Notarthomas of The Bump Band. Doors 8pm. Tickets from £15. www.mygreystones. DAVE MANINGTON’S RIFF RAFF @ The Lescar, Sharrowvale Road. Top London bassist Dave Mannington brings an all-star cast of the UK’s finest young musicians presenting original music drawing on folk, electronic and classical influences. Dave Manington (Bass), Brigitte Beraha (vocals), Tomas Challenger (tenor sax), Ivo Neame (piano/Rhodes/accordion), Rob Updegraff (guitar), Tim Giles (drums/percussion). Quirky, engaging and highly individual music. Doors 8:30pm. Tickets £5. www.


RITA PAYNE @ City Hall, Barkers Pool. Selfproclaimed “Acoustic Foot-Stompers”, Rita Payne (Rhiannon Scutt and Pete Sowerby) are one of the UK’s fastest rising acts. From supporting some of the country’s leading artists to appearing on BBC One’s The Voice UK, this unstoppable duo’s voyage to superstardom is unquestionable. Doors 7:30pm. Tickets from £10. www. DEADEST DREAM, THE MARRAS, DEMOGRAPHIC, CHROMOTOGRAPHY & ISH BROTHERS @ Plug, Matilda Street. Entertainment Sheffield brings you Gig Tripper, a chance for local bands to tour beyond their own city. This bill sees hotly tipped Deadest Dream, Chromotography and the Ish Brothers support Scunthorpe’s The Marras. Doors 7pm. Tickets from £5. MARK MORRISS @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. Can it really be twenty years since Mark Morriss first shimmied into our lives as singer with The Bluetones? Apparently so. But thirteen hit singles, three Top Ten albums and a collaboration with a national treasure later, his ability to sieve poetry from the colander of everyday life remains unique. Doors 8pm. Tickets from £10. PAUL HANDYSIDE @ The Princess Royal, Slinn Street. Singers and musicians welcome. Doors 8:15. Free.


THE JEZABELS @ Plug, Matilda Street. The Australian four-piece artfully span a plethora of musical genres, from indie and alternative, through to rock and disco pop. They’re a little bit gothic and a little bit rock ‘n’ roll. With the release of their new album The Brink, the band are going to be popping up all over Europe this summer, so naturally we’re very excited to welcome them to Plug’s stage. Doors 7pm. Tickets from £10. WHOLE LOTTA MOD @ The Rocking Chair, Furnival Gate. ComRock and ModForIt DJ’s are spinning the very best in Mod/ Soul combined with 60’s R&B, Punk and a sprinkling of Glam. The music is varied spanning from the likes of Led Zeppelin, Bowie, The Sex Pistols and The Rolling Stones, to The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac and The Beach Boys- there’s something for everyone. Doors 9pm, Free.


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STIRRIN’ UP SOME SOUL @ O2 Academy. Sheffield’s newest monthly Northern soul event, featuring some very special acts from John Moffatt, Tony Foulds, Mickey2Dinners and Little Al. Doors 10.30pm, Tickets £5 in Adv, £6 on door. DARKE HORSE @ The Rocking Chair, Furnival Gate. Provocative album artwork can be found on Darke Horse’s new EP Trouble, released February this year. This four piece band features compelling rock music which will have you on your feet in no time. Supported by Pusher and AKA Pipeline. Doors 7.30pm, Tickets £4 on the door.


HSQ + 2 (IN ASSOCIATION WITH JAZZ NORTH) @ The Lescar, Sharrowvale Road. Really wonderful music, the Hilary Step Quartet are from Manchester. Subtly and beautifully, they blend the sound of four saxophonists (Jim Collins, Will Lenton, Helen Pillinger, and Helena Summerfield) with percussionist Phil Bennett and Rachel Gladwyn (Nitin Sawhney, Matthew Halsall, Corinne Bailey Rae) on harp. Magical stuff! Doors 8:30pm. Tickets £5. www.


TOEIN IN THE DARK @ The Princess Royal, Slinn Street. Singers and musicians welcome. Doors 8:15. Free.


ALAN CLAYSON AND YASHTI HAYES @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. Singer/ songwriter/music biographer/journalist/ leader of Clayson and The Argonauts. This is a solo show promoting his new album Dover Sole, produced by Wreckless Eric. Expect the unexpected. Doors 8pm. Tickets from £8. LOOSE MORALS @ The Rocking Chair, Furnival Gate. A menagerie of great music.


COYOTE MAD SEEDS @ Delaney’s Music Bar, Cemetery Road. Emanating with Yorkshire flair, rock and metal band Coyote Mad Seeds are taking over Delaney’s stage. If you’re a fan of AC/DC, Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath you don’t want to miss these guys. Supporting is the equally awesome Red Jester- a rock-lovers heaven! REDFACES, THE PEOPLE, THE RECORDISTS, TRUST WITHIN & POLYOPIA @ Plug, Matilda Street. RedFaces lead the charge this evening. The indie-rock band count The Beatles, The Zutons and Noah and the Whale amongst their influences and they’re the first band to label themselves as DronRock. You heard it here first. Four more awesome local bands will be joining RedFaces, spanning the genres from alt-rock to improv and freestyle rap to heavy indie. Doors 7pm. Tickets from £6. JIM O’MAHONEY & ROHAN WATSONTAYLOR @ The Stags Head, Psalter Lane. Irish music, including jigs, reels, hornpipes, polkas, plus a touch of blues. Doors 9pm. Free.


JOHN FULLBRIGHT @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. Although still only 24 years old, John Fullbright is one of the most exciting singer-songwriters to have emerged this decade. His Grammy nominated debut release, From The Ground Up, introduced the world to songs of musical and lyrical prowess that belied the youth of their author. The follow up, Songs, is due to be released shortly and promises to be a lyrically diverse, genre-spanning collection with material of staggering


The beast is back! Needless to say, we haven’t got room within our papery walls to list everything that’s going on, so for official Tramlines listings grab yourself a programme and see individual venues for more. Check out our pick of the considerable litter on page ???? and check out depth and promise. Doors 8pm. Tickets from £14.


to perform their unique blend of bossa nova, swing and latin jazz. The band have won numerous awards, including a prestigious NEA award and have toured internationally to great acclaim. A blend of bossa nova, gypsy jazz and swing in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Ken Avis is a Cordoba Guitars Artist Ambassador. Doors 8:30pm. Tickets £5. COYOTE MAD SEEDS@ South Sea Live, Broomhill. Making their way around Sheffield’s stages is metal band Coyote Mad Seeds, and now they’re rocking up South Sea Live. Supported by the barbaric Red Rum, who describe themselves as a Viking and Pirate folk metal band- there music will leave you hooked. HELTER SKELTER @ The Rocking Chair, Furnival Gate. The best from Mod, Soul Indie and more.




OPEN MIC/ACOUSTIC EVENING @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. A fantastic line-up of the best and most enthusiastic local talent. Doors 8pm. Free. www. EVE SELIS @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. As winner of 7 San Diego Music Awards in Americana and Adult Alternative, Eve Selis is no stranger to Roots music. Her newest CD Family Tree draws from the dark, rich soil of American music. Selis and her band dIg deep to create a towering opus of interconnected musical branches, all dripping with Selis’s indelible “honey chipotle” voice. Doors 8pm. Tickets from £12.50. VERONNEAU (PART OF AN APOLLO JAZZ NETWORK TOUR) @ The Lescar, Sharrowvale Road. Fronted by French Canadian vocalist Lynn Veronneau, with Ken Avis on guitar, this group return to the UK from their native Washington D.C

JOHNNY CAMPBELL AND SHEFFIELD CITY MORRIS @ The Princess Royal, Slinn Street. Singers and musicians welcome. Doors 7:15. Free.

GOAT LEAF @ Dove and Rainbow, Hartshead Square. This awesome foursome of rock ’n’ roll will make you let loose with groovy tunes straight from the heart. With nothing less than pure passion and love for the sounds they produce, these guys encompass what it means to be true musicians. Door 7pm, Free. www. CROOKES FOLK CLUB TRAMLINES SPECIAL @ The Princess Royal, Slinn Street. Doors 7:45. Free. STURGILL SIMPSON @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. When Sturgill Simpson commenced recording his debut solo album, he went into the studio with a rather lofty goal in mind: to make nothing less than “the purest, most uncompromising, hard country album anyone has made in 30 years.” Now that it’s a done deal, how does the Nashville-based singer-songwriter feel he fared? “Well, I’m not gonna say that I did it,” he replies with characteristic modesty, “but I don’t think that I could have tried any harder.” Doors 8pm. Tickets from £14. www.mygreystones.


SARAH JAROSZ @ The Greystones, Greystones Road. Accompanying herself on mandolin, guitar and banjo, Sarah’s performance features old-timey ballads and innovative covers. Doors 8pm. Tickets from £15.


ALICE ZAWADZKI @ The Lescar, Sharrowvale Road. With a new album ‘China Lane’ out on June 16th on Whirlwind Records, one of the most exciting musicians on the London creative music scene, a skilled singer-songwriter, violinist and pianist, Alice Zawadzki brings a stellar band of the brightest young stars on the UK scene, featuring Alex Roth (guitar), Kit Downes (Hammond organ), Andreas Lang (bass), Jon Scott (drums). Accessible and expressive, with influences from trip-hop, to Steve Coleman, to Bartok; cinematic, nostalgic, poignant, and communicative music. Doors 8:30pm. Tickets £5. www.


RAINTOWN SEERS @ The Princess Royal, Slinn Street. Singers and musicians welcome. Doors 8:15. Free.

KEEP SMILING Sheffield ska-rockers Smiling Ivy are set to release their latest album – which you can download for free from July 21. Recorded at 2Fly Studios, their debut LP, Quick Sin Jukebox, features collaborations with stunning vocalist Shinny Ranks and brass genius James Atashroo and will be released through Sheffield’s quirkiest music collective, Cool Beans. 12 bold tracks exploring popular culture today (the album pokes fun at scandal embroiled celebs such as Paul Flowers, Nigella Lawson and Tulisa Contostavlos), the two album launch dates over Tramlines will be at Shakespeares on July 26, and Yellow Arch Studios on July 27. See www. for more.


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LISTINGS CULTURE CONCERTS, THEATRES AND MUSEUMS THE CRUCIBLE THEATRE 55 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 1DA 0114 249 6060, www.sheffieldtheatres. GREASE SCHOOLS EDITION FRIDAY 4 – SATURDAY 5 It’s time to dust off your leather jackets, pull on your bobby-socks and take a trip to a simpler time, as ‘bad boy’ Danny and ‘girl next door’ Sandy fall in love all over again. For one night only the Crucible will betreated to the musical theatre extravaganza that is Grease. Come along and enjoy the original High School Musical, featuring unforgettable songs from the hit movie, including Hopelessly Devoted To You, You’re The One That I Want, Summer Nights, Greased Lightnin’ and many more. Tickets £12. JAZZ@THEHUBCLUB SATURDAY 5 Presented by Sheffield Music Hub and JazzNorth, enjoy a wonderful selection of jazz tunes from Glen Miller, Duke Ellington, Count Basie & Miles Davis from Sheffield Youth Big Band. Performers will include exceptionally talented young jazz musicians improvising their socks off! Tickets £5 THE SHEFFIELD MYSTERIES TUESDAY 15 – SATURDAY 19 Inspired by and responding to the medieval mystery cycles, The Sheffield Mysteries offer a frank and funny celebration of the human spirit, with a distinctly Yorkshire flavour. Performed by around one hundred actors, singers, dancers and musicians from Sheffield People’s Theatre (Lives in Art, 20 Tiny Plays About Sheffield). CENTURY WORKSHOP THURSDAY 24 In this workshop Prestige members will have the opportunity to hear a reading of Century as the creative team present their findings in the rehearsal process so far. The members will then have the opportunity to explore the ideas, give feedback and have an influence on how the production takes shape. The creative team will then continue to work on the show before the performance on Friday 12 – Saturday 13 September. This event is only available for Centre Stage Prestige Members. THE LYCEUM THEATRE 55 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 1DA 0114 249 6060, www.sheffieldtheatres. WEST SIDE STORY TUESDAY 1 – SATURDAY 12 Following a sell-out London season and a record-breaking UK tour, West Side Story comes to the Lyceum Theatre for a strictly limited run. With ground-breaking choreography by the legendary Jerome Robbins, book by Arthur Laurents, an unforgettable score by Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, West Side Story changed the face of musical theatre forever. Now Joey McKneely’s vibrant stage production is thrilling audiences again. Tickets £27 - £42. THE MONTGOMERY THEATRE Montgomery Hall, Surrey St, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 2LG 0114 272 0455 www.themontgomery. ONCE UPON A CRIME FRIDAY 11 – SATURDAY 12 Dance performance by the Ruth Marsh School of Dancing. Your favourite fairy tale and nursery rhyme characters are in

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Elliot and Jonathan Wilkinson have been commissioned to create contemporary work for display alongside the vase. HARLAND CAFÉ 72 John Street, Sheffield, S2 4QU 0114 2738553, WORKING CLASS HEROES Ongoing Matt Cockayne, the talent behind the brilliant Sheff-inspired Goo Design, invites you to view his brand new collection Working Class Heroes.


WHERE: HUBS WHEN: 13 JULY Here in Sheffield we’re lucky to have such a variety of nationalities represented, and it’s largely thanks to our two universities attracting students from all over the world. Cafe Cultural is a society at Sheffield Hallam University seeking to showcase the city’s rich cultural diversity through nights of music, dance, poetry and more, and it all sounded like a good old knees up so we popped down to the HUBS for the June event. We got to see some Kenyan poetry, Russian singing, tango dancing and an international cover band, and everything was free - even the snacks! It was the society’s third event this year, and they’re planning another in October for the new semester, so if you’re an international student looking to meet new people or just want to experience live performances from around the globe, make sure to visit the group’s Facebook page (‘Cafe Cultural Sheffield’) for more updates. Joe E. Allen.

trouble, with an evil villain is on the loose. But fear not!! Our detective is hot on the trail. Tickets £7.50 A NIGHT AT THE MOVIES THURSDAY 17 – SATURDAY 19 A performance of dance, song and drama by The Sharon Berry School of Theatre Dance-Something for the whole family to enjoy! This event is presented and promoted by a hirer of The Montgomery. Tickets £10 - £12. THE STUDIO THEATRE 55 Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 1DA 0114 249 6060, www.sheffieldtheatres. KRAPP’S LAST TAPE Until Saturday 19 Both comedic and tragic, Beckett’s masterpiece stars Richard Wilson, taking to the stage at Sheffield Theatres for the very first time. This one man play, directed by Polly Findlay (A Taste of Honey), sees Krapp sitting alone on his 69th birthday listening to a tape recording he made 30 years earlier. £10 - £18. MANSFIELD PARK TUESDAY 22 – SATURDAY 26 Mansfield Park is a magnificent, idyllic estate which is home to the wealthy Bertram family and where Fanny Price, the story’s heroine and a ‘poor relation’ is living so that she can be properly brought up. However, Fanny’s childhood is a lonely one as she is never allowed to forget her place. Acutely conscious of her inferior status, she dares to love their son Edmund – but from afar. However, with five eligible young people on the premises, the peace at Mansfield cannot last. Although Fanny Price is unlike any of Austen’s previous heroines, she is the product of the same inspired imagination. Tickets £12. SHEFFIELD THEATRES SUMMER SCHOOL MON 28 UNTIL FRI 1 AUGUST

is a fantastic two weeks of skills development, master classes, and rehearsal culminating in a performance in our Studio theatre. Participants work with professional directors, practitioners and creative teams to develop their skills in performance or in technical theatre. In our Technical Summer School, open to those aged 16+, participants learn all about Stage Management, Lighting and Sound. Work towards running the Summer school performances through technical and dress rehearsals and final performances! Time: 13-15 years and 16+ and Technical 10.00am – 4.00pm 9-12 years 10.00am – 1.00pm. Cost: £175.00 – 13-15 years, 16+ and Technical £140.00 – 9-12 years. There are a limited number of Bursary places available. For more information please email e.hutchinson@

GALLERIES AND VISUAL ART GRAVES GALLERY Leader House, Surrey Street, Sheffield S1 2LH 0114 2782600, THE GRAVES ART CLUB Every Friday, excluding school holidays 10.30am–12.30pm Find inspiration in the Graves Gallery and try your hand at drawing, watercolour, acrylic, ink, collage and printing. £5/£4.50. Pay on the day at the shop. WESTON PARK Saturday 12- Sunday 5 In the early 15th century, China was a global superpower and the Ming dynasty’s imperial courts led taste in arts and culture. Discover how and why this iconic blue-and-white porcelain vase, on tour from the British Museum, represents a crucial period in China’s history. Sheffield-based artists Jane

MILLENNIUM GALLERY Arundel Gate, Sheffield, S1 2PP 0114 2782600, YORKSHIRE IN YELLOW Until September 7 A major new display inspired by the Tour’s most iconic symbol. Part of the official Yorkshire Festival 2014, Yorkshire in Yellow will see some of the region’s top creative talent join a host of internationallyrenowned designers to celebrate the ‘Maillot Jaune’, the Tour’s yellow jersey. Free. RECORDING BRITAIN NOW Saturday 28–12 October 12 Museums Sheffield is thrilled to host the second John Ruskin Prize for art in 2014. Responding to the theme of Recording Britain Now, and inspired by the Recording Britain exhibition on tour from the V&A, the Prize is open to both amateur and professional artists. Free. RECORDING BRITAIN Until November 2 In the winter of 1939 an extraordinary art project was begun. Beneath the spectres of invasion and aerial bombing, the Scheme for Recording the Changing Face of Britain rapidly commissioned artists to paint ‘places and buildings of characteristic national interest’. Free. LIFE DRAWING Every Friday, excluding school holidays, 10.30am–12.30pm Develop your drawing skills working from a nude model with support from one of our regular artist tutors. £8/£7.20. Pay on the day at the shop. SITE GALLERY 1 Brown Street, Sheffield, S1 2BS 0114 2812077, E-VAPOUR-8 Until August 16 E-Vapor-8 is a group exhibition, curated by writer, editor and curator Francesca Gavin, looking at the influence and relationship between contemporary art and rave music from the early 1990s. It traces a fascination with rave culture and happy hardcore by young British and American artists, many of whom are absorbing and re-appropriating a cultural moment they were too young to participate in. Free. THE ARCHIPELAGO WORKS 16-20 Sidney Street, Sheffield, S1 4RH 0114 263 4493, www.archipelago-art. EMA + ANACOA/ THE ISLAND OF MISFIT TOYS Tuesday 8- Monday 30 Parisian artists EMA & ANACAO explore the contrast between dark and cute in a fantastic world. The Island of Misfit Toys represents a gloomy universe populated by vintage, romantic and strange toys inspired by Japanese pop animation, 70’s science fiction and graffiti.

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On July 2nd it’s World UFO day. Grab your binoculars and your tin foil hat and wait for the magic to probably not happen. Browse through a list of the top “sightings” for inspiration.

BACKSTAGE WITH JOSH CODDINGTON OF SSS Josh ‘Coddi’ Coddington chats music, groupies and hunger pangs in Backstage:UK’s photo shoot-come-interview feature.


This month we’re In Session and in conversation with The Darlingtons. Check out the full interview and live videos here.


To celebrate the Tour de France coming to Yorkshire, we’ve found a vid of the best of the bizarre throughout the years. Spoiler: it’s mostly obstructing cows.


Treat your ears to some psychedelic rock by 1960s band, July. Perfect for lazing on a sunny afternoon – and there’s your next track.

There’s a whole bunch of other stuff we simply couldn’t fit in the mag due to the finite nature of physical resources. So hooray for that there internet! Go to www. for even more articles, interviews and goodies.


We’ve got bucket loads of offers for you this month. From discounts on beauty services, to food offers and drink deals. Why pay more?


If you’re on the go, you can still get the best from Exposed via our X-Rated podcasts, with weekly review shows on the latest in music, movies and food news. Listen and download here:

YOU’VE GOT RED ON YOU It’s that time of year - and if anything will persuade you to slap on some SPF, it’s these guys. Here are some of the best sunburn fails. Man-kini anyone?


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