Saucy Sandwich Snaps leaflet

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COMPETITION For under 21s

A prize sponsored by Alexandra Palace (e.g. tickets to Go Ape or ice skating)

Your saucy sandwich could feature on a local menu! Developed by

Haringey Youth Council with Exposure (supported by Haringey Council)




Exposure, north London’s award winning youth communications charity, in partnership with Haringey Youth Council, invite you to participate in ‘Saucy Sandwich Snaps’, a tasty competition that encourages young people to eat more healthily.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE Create, prepare and then photograph your very own healthy sandwich recipe. Refer to tips opposite and healthy eating guidelines on the back. Submit your #saucysandwichsnaps via email and/or social media together with: a ‘saucy’ name for your sandwich


key ingredients and how they contribute to a healthy diet your name, age and school/youth group


email: Twitter: @exposureorg Instagram: @exposure_org use hashtag: #saucysandwichsnaps

You can enter individually, as a small group or a whole class. The winning entry, as judged by a panel of food experts, will win a free prize sponsored by Alexandra Palace (e.g. Go Ape or ice skating). The winning ‘saucy sandwich’ could also feature on a menu near you!

Closing date for entries is Friday 6 December 2018 Winner will be announced Monday 14 January 2019 For further flavoursome details contact Exposure:

020 8883 0260

This competition is for under 21s

TIPS ON MAKING YOUR ‘SAUCY SANDWICH’ Consider using vegetables, fruits, salad, beans and whole-grains; Avoid using refined carbohydrates, eg white bread; Avoid using processed meats, e.g. ham, corned beef or bacon; Vegetarian options can include nuts, pulses, eggs or cheese; Meat options can include lean meats, e.g. chicken breast or fish; Think about making your own spread, sauce or relish, for reduced fat and sugar; Consider a healthy wrap, tortilla or pitta bread option; Draw influences from different cultures and cuisines; Make it tasty!

AM H N E T‘ OTT ILLA!’ TORT TIPS ON TAKING YOUR ‘SAUCY SANDWICH SNAP’ Make your sandwich look authentic and appetising; Don’t artificially enhance your snaps using filters; Choose the right colour temperature setting on your camera/ phone; Daylight outside or a room with plenty of windows will give best results; Submit three or four snaps from different distances and angles; Keep your snaps free of unnecessary clutter - kitchen-related background and props are fine if they don’t detract from your culinary creation!

HARINGEY COUNCIL : HEALTHY EATING GUIDELINES Follow a dietary pattern mainly based on vegetables, fruits, beans and pulses, wholegrains and fish. Reduce the overall energy density of your diet by: eating less fried foods, biscuits, savoury snacks, confectionery and drinks made with full fat milk or cream; substituting energy dense items with foods and drinks with a lower energy density, such as fruit and vegetables or water; using food and drink labels to choose options lower in fat and sugar; choosing smaller portions or avoiding additional servings of energy dense foods. Limit consumption of energy dense food and drinks prepared outside the home, particularly fast or takeaway foods. Reduce portion size and/or frequency of consumption of foods high in fat such as meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, fats and oils, and baked foods such as pizza, biscuits and cakes. Increase the amount of high fibre or wholegrain foods eaten by: choosing wholemeal bread, pasta and rice instead of ‘white’ versions; opting for higher-fibre foods such as oats, fruit and vegetables, beans, peas and lentils in place of food and drinks high in fat or sugar. Limit intake of meat and meat products by follow existing advice from NHS Choices to eat no more than 70g of red and processed meat a day, e.g. by reducing the portion size of meat or how often meals including meat are eaten. Source: NICE Guideline NG7

FREE DELIVERY (This competition is free to enter)


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