THE EXPOSURE AWARD The Candid Photography Collection
Photography holds power. The act of taking a photo acts as both a historical marker and a capture of time. Just as archaeologists offer hypotheses about ancient societies based on cave paintings, historians of the future will base their conjectures about us on the photography that is happening at this very moment. As technology makes our world more interconnected, the act of creation has become a universal language. This vital conversation is made vivid by photographers who push the boundaries to capture their vision and share it with the world. The photographs within the Candid Photography Collection, represent an important part of a global dialog. It’s an honor to present them here and to the world as part of the Fifth Annual Exposure Award.
The photography presented within this collection was honoured at a private reception at the Louvre Museum, in Paris, July 13th, 2015.
Adelino Marques
Aleksandar Pecalevski
Alexis A
Alessandro Furchino
Alvaro Villela
Angelo Farina
Anna Taylor
Annette Abundantia
Ana Bekenn
Andrew Morley-Hall
Alireza Mirzaei
Ali Sajadi
Antonia Jenae
Arturo Herrera
Amanda Vincelli
Charles Roussel
Avalyn Doyle
Ahmad Halablab
Astewaye Yigzaw
ArunParthiban P
Camilo Fuentealba
Charles McKean
Chiara Grioni
Carlo Kaminski
Aram Tahmasebi
Angel Grimaldi
Debra M Josephson
Angela Adamson
Casey Henninger
Ceren Saner
Chris Eversole
Angeline Teo
Eva Enriquez
Dimosthenis Gallis
Asela Senanayake
Emmanuel Abreu
Daniela Ortiz
Dominick Cuppetilli
Fernando Lima
Federico Massa
Emmanuel Monzon
Enrico Pofi
Ania Krupiakov
Brandon Shindler
Frederick Hodder
Fausto Riccardo Decina
Fernando Chavez Rivera
Dawida Van Biljon
William Case
Ahmadreza Hakiminejad
Guy Prives
Hans Heydebreck
Chiara-Margherita Mazza
Wendy James
Heinz Allemann
Emanuel Dale
Dima Jarrah Asfour
Bogdan Tache
Jackie Vo
Hugh Peralta
Lonut Cirja
Bob Martin
Itzick Lev
Sharon March
Gabriele Longobardi
Hugo Noboa
Emiliano Pinnizzotto
Thomas Page
Jill Perry-Zaborowski
Chris Shaw
Shawn Escoffery Beate Sandor
Liga Skadina
Courtney Marquard
Sandra Portal-Andreu
Connie Gardner Rosenthal
Graeme Williams
Anand Arivalagan
Alexandra Loftus
Zsolt Ficsor
Helena Marais
Annie Szymoniak
Dev Nielsen
Brennan M Bailey
Bruno Camolez
Gary Weingarten
Bridget Badore
Youri Chasov
Hannah Gauntlett
Alan Doll
Guy Hamoy
Azhar Sheikh
Terence Marner
Dana Moraru
Elizabeth Shanahan
Salvatore Valente
Ed Sherman
Stewart Lewis
Darryl MacDonald
Ed Wray
E. James Mork
Gonzalo Romero
Surachai Munkhongphithakkun
Fernando Perez
Giorgio Donders
Felicity Wren
James Booth
Eduardo Bernal
Dmitriy Gvozdik
Gigi Tocquigny
Leroy Flowers
Gergely Szatmari
Gavin Miller
Hoy Chung
Heinz Baade
Adina Worcman
Hanan Zarraq
Ana Joyce Chinchilla
Steve Goodman
Elizabeth Kozlova
Jae McKrae
Ingrid Wessel Bernal
D Stevens
Christian Nicolay
Ian Andersen
Greagh Smith
Daniella Wexler
Jason Cuvelier
Kevin Williams
Robert Welsh
Farnaz Tasbihgoo
Lali Khalid
Grisselle Mirabal
Ferdinand Burger
Arturo Ruiz
Organ Juice
Daniel Rwema
Gauri Gandhi
Daniel Wander
Dan Zavala
Nicole Fung
Caroline Egan Dahlberg
Alon Goldsmith
Pamela J
Gil Lebois
Melinda Kรกsa
Nora De Angelli
maria torres-solanot
Tim Rinka
Len Speier
Alyson Carvalho
Jean Fiorito
Melora Walters
Pauline Thomas
Royce Ann Sline
Sarah Filipi
Lynn Friedman
Lauren Jones
Rodrigo Zapata
Lindsey Borgna
Mark Coote
Mark Sawrie
Vanessa Rusci
Visual Images By Tara
Diana Fuentes
Albert DĂŠpas
Robertson Mireille
manuela matos monteiro Samiha Khan
Joseph De Utia
Michele Rave Grassani
Tom Peterson
Rebecca Saffran
Manoosh Nabavi
Kristin Glover
Robert B Espier
Hui-ju Chen
Spencer McCall
Julia Nathanson
Renata Apanaviciene
jeff langdon
Verede Lily Yehezkel
Sophie Lyons
Su Lin Casanova
Tara Shupe
Raphael Bruckner
Loretta Oleck
Lauren Vignola
Marcelo Paciornik
johan vipper
Valerie Yong Ock Kim
toshiki yashiro
The Thephotographs photographsofofthe theExposure ExposureAward Awardhave havebeen beenviewed viewedby bymore more than than10 10million millionphotography photographyenthusiasts enthusiastsfrom fromacross acrossthe theglobe. globe. The The photographs photographsincluded includedininthis thiscollection collectionwere werepresented presentedatatthe theLouvre Louvre Museum MuseumininParis Parison onJuly July13th, 13th,2015. 2015. Our Oursmall smallteam teamatatSeeMe SeeMeisishonored honoredtotohave havethe theopportunity opportunitytotopresent present totothe theworld worldthe theincredible incrediblediversity diversityofofimages imagesand andvoices voicesincluded includedhere. here. Thank Thankyou youfor forpurchasing purchasingthis thisbook bookand andsupporting supportingthat thatmission. mission.
This Thisbook bookwas wasproduced producedby: by: Designers: Designers: Emily EmilyMalan Malan Serena SerenaReynolds Reynolds Compiling Compiling&&Production: Production: Micah MicahMoore Moore John-Mercer John-MercerMoore Moore Elizabeth ElizabethPervorse Pervorse Production ProductionSupport: Support: Mandi MandiWright Wright Wing WingLian Lian Curation Curation&&Essay: Essay: William WilliamEtundi EtundiJr.Jr.Founder FounderofofSeeMe SeeMe Daria DariaBrit BritShapiro ShapiroVice VicePresident PresidentofofSCOPE SCOPEArt ArtShow Show