Ordering Takeaway Dinners (to be collected from the RDS on Christmas Morning) Orders may be sent by email to: (Preferred Method of Ordering) collections@christmasdaydinner.com Orders may be left on the Dedicated Mobile Telephone Number 085_8586395  The following vital information must be sent with your email or left with your message on the mobile phone 1. Your name and your Contact details (including phone number) 2. Full Name of Organisation (including Conference/ Branch Details 3. Your position or title within the organisation 4. The Number of meals required 5. The time the meals will be collected 6. Name and mobile number for the person collecting the Meals on Christmas Day.
NO ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 NOON ON SUNDAY 23rd DECEMBER For more information on The Order of the Knights of St. Columbanus please visit www.knightsofstcolumbanus.ie For more on the Christmas Day Dinner please visit www.ChristmasDayDinner.com Adrian King Chairman Christmas Day Dinner Committee 086_8040720