Cllr Edie Wynne Newsletter Oct 2011

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Cllr. EDIE


WYNNE Newsletter Gay Mitchell, Fine Gael MEP to stand for the Presidency of Ireland

Supporting Safer Communities Councillor Wynne serves as Chairperson of the South East Area Joint Policing Committee DCC. The above is a poster prepared by An Garda Siochana with 10 guidelines on how to keep yourself and your home safe. She hopes you will find it helpful. An Garda Siochana have told Cllr Wynne that they strongly urge householders to be wary of ‘cold callers’ looking to do household repairs.

Cathal Brugha Barracks, Rathmines The new Visitors Centre at Cathal Brugha Baracks, Rathmines has exhibits and memorabilia of journalists Francis Sheehy-Skeffington, Patrick McIntyre and Thomas Dickson who were shot in the yard of the guardhouse on April 26th, 1916, as well as of Cathal Brugha, chief of staff of the IRA and Minister for Defence until his assassination in 1922. He was succeeded by General Richard Mulcahy as Minister for Defence. Cathal Brugha Barracks Visitor Centre is the first of its kind for the Defence Forces. It is open to the public by appointment.

Edie is working with Lucinda Creighton TD, Eoghan Murphy TD, Cllr Paddy McCartan and Gay Mitchell MEP

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74 Terenure Road West, Dublin 6W Tel: 4909374 Mobile: 087 2851779 Email: Web:

Edie is working with Lucinda Creighton TD, @ Eoghan Murphy TD, Cllr. Paddy McCartan and Gay Mitchell MEP

Inside Guide... • Aircoach

Scoil Bhríde, Ranelagh – Principal Retires At ‘Ceiliúradh d’Iseult’ Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Edie Wynne presented a Lord Mayoral Scroll to Iseult Ní Chléirigh on the occasion of her retirement from Scoil Bhríde after 37years, 17 as a teacher and 20 as Príomhoide. It was a memorable occasion.



Gay Mitchell MEP is Fine Gael’s candidate for President of Ireland. In a political career that spans 32 years, Gay Mitchell has an impressive record of service to public life in Ireland. Councillor Edie Wynne supports Gay’s campaign whole-heartedly, believing he has a unique contribution to make to the Presidency. “Gay Mitchell wants to rekindle the recently deceased Declan Costello’s philosophy of a just society and to promote real unity in diversity. He believes in four principles: rights and responsibilities, enterprise and social justice – these are the ideals Irish people want to hold onto in these difficult times,” she said. When Gay Mitchell was a youngster, he worked in the local CIE Works, some yards from the house where he was born. “From the President’s study in the Aras, which I visited many times as Minister, the floodlights of CIE Works are visible as a clear landmark. If I am elected President this shall be a daily reminder of where I came from and that my sworn duty is to serve the welfare of the people as well as to uphold the Constitution and the Law,” Gay said. Councillor Edie Wynne said she believes that in any position he has undertaken, Gay Mitchell has always done his utmost to do the job to the highest standard. “I believe, as President of Ireland, he would continue this ethos of hard work and scrupulous attention to doing the best job possible and that we would all be proud of him,” she added.

• Rathmines Library • Rathgar Parking • Harold’s Cross • Dr Garret FitzGerald • Safer Communities Edie with Presidential Candidate Gay Mitchell MEP at the Fine Gael Selection Convention

Cllr. Edie Wynne working for you

• Cathal Brugha Barracks

Cllr. EDIE

WYNNE Proliferation of Surplus Signposts

Deputy Lord Mayor of Dublin 2010-2011

In response to representations about the proliferation of surplus signposts in Rathmines, Rathgar and Terenure that are disfiguring the area, at the request of Councillor Wynne the Traffic Management and Control Section has undertaken to review poles on this route and remove any that are redundant.

For the past year Councillor Wynne had the honour of being the elected Deputy Lord Mayor of Dublin. The following are intended to give just a couple of recent examples of the role of Deputy Lord Mayor:

Parking Problems in Rathgar

A light-hearted moment during the State visit of Prince Albert of Monaco and his then fiancée (now wife) Charlene Wittstock, when Councillor Wynne told Prince Albert that her constituency colleague, Councillor McCartan is an optician.

Councillor Wynne at the launch of the ‘I Love Terenure’ Directory with former Lord Mayor Gerry Breen, Michelle Hannon (right) Manager Terenure Enterprise Centre and Caroline Kennedy, designer of the Directory. The Deputy Lord Mayor launches the Food for Thought workshop in the Wood Quay Venue She stressed the importance of the industry. “The Irish Food and Drink Industry is Ireland’s most important indigenous sector, employing 106,000 people, with a turnover approaching e24 billion. It accounts for two thirds of all indigenous exports, and total exports this year will exceed e7.5 billion.” said Cllr Wynne.

Rathmines Library reopened on Tuesday 2nd August 2011 Councillor Wynne is very pleased that following the completion of extensive improvement works to provide universal access, Rathmines Library re-opened on Tuesday 2nd August. “One of the very significant features now in the Library is a lift to facilitate access for all users. I hope that people who have used Rathmines Library over the years and new visitors alike will enjoy the greatly enhanced facilities,” she said.

Cllr. Edie Wynne working for you

In response to representations made by Councillor Wynne on behalf of Rathgar business people, Dublin City Council has confirmed to her that “the Council has re-iterated to the parking enforcement contractor that the enforcement of suburban villages, such as Rathgar, on Saturdays is not a priority of the clamping and removal service”. “I have requested that a new Village Traffic Plan be prepared for Rathgar Village, including a proposal that clearways and bus lanes should apply from Monday to Friday only, and that they should be free at the weekends so that local people can shop locally.”

Harold’s Cross Dr Garret FitzGerald R.I.P. Councillor Edie Wynne joined Fine Gael when Dr. Garret FitzGerald was leader of the party. “In fact, he was the reason that I joined,” she revealed. “He had the energy, enthusiasm and ability to make Fine Gael a modern political party. I admired his great efforts to bring peace to Northern Ireland, which were the forerunner of the Downing Street Declaration of 1993 and subsequent ceasefires in the North. He was also a man of great personal warmth and charm. I will miss him terribly. It was a privilege to know Garret; his influence in representing the best of Ireland will last for a long time to come.”

Potholes in Ranelagh, Rathgar, Terenure Many people are reporting potholes on our city streets to Councillor Wynne. Recently she has received representations from Eden Road, Annavilla, Bushy Park Road and Terenure Crossroads. Some of these have already been filled in and she has received commitments that the others will be repaired in the coming weeks.

Numbering all City Houses/Buildings A proposal by Councillor Wynne that all houses and buildings in the city should exhibit their street number publicly was unanimously adopted by Dublin City Council. Councillor Wynne proposed the motion in response to several requests and to facilitate deliveries and emergency services as well as assisting the many people who experience great difficulty in finding a particular house or building when there are no numbers.

Minister for European Affairs Lucinda Creighton TD enjoys the Harold’s Cross Festival with Cllr Edie Wynne.

Congratulations to my Constituency Colleague Councillor Wynne offers her warmest congratulations to her constituency colleague Minister for European Affairs Lucinda Creighton TD on the occasion of her marriage to Senator Paul Bradford and wishes them both every happiness.

Councillor Wynne continues to seek solutions to the issue of cycling on footpaths. Fast, careless cycling on footpaths represents a danger to both cyclists and pedestrians and has been raised with the Councillor by many people, not only in Harold’s Cross but throughout the electoral area.

Aircoach serving Terenure and Rathgar following Councillor Wynne is delighted that ular pop the her, by representations made nure Tere ugh blue Aircoach now goes thro and gue pleo and on to the Airport via Tem the M50.

In the Mansion House, Mrs Pat O’Connor is honoured by being presented with a Fine Gael Long Service Certificate by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD in the company of her family. Also pictured are Ministers Alan Shatter TD, James Reilly TD, Lucinda Creighton TD, along with Eoghan Murphy TD, Senator Catherine Noone and Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Edie Wynne

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