John O'Mahony Fixing the Country

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Jobs Two consecutive years of economic growth, after four years of decline under Fianna Fáil First annual increase in employment since 2008, and we’ve pioneered an Action Plan for Jobs, which will help create more sustainable jobs Confidence is returning, with foreign direct investment at a 10 year high

FAIRER BUDGET Renegotiated some of Ireland’s bailout loans, saving taxpayers more than €9 billion We closed down Anglo and INBS, and the Promissory Notes are gone forever. This will cut €20 billion from Ireland’s borrowing for the next ten years We are now on course to exit the bailout this year We are also on target to reduce the budget deficit to 3% of GDP by 2015

SMALLER BETTER GOVERNMENT €2.5 billion saved from public pay and pensions bill, and another €1 billion in savings agreed Public sector will be down 24,000 from its peak by 2015 We have committed to reducing the number of TDs at the next election, and the number of Councillors by a third

BETTER HEALTH 33% fewer people on trolleys in hospital A&E departments, compared to January 2011 98% fewer people waiting year on year, for in-patient and day case surgery Reforming the system so people are treated based on need, rather than how much money they have Free GP care will be introduced in the lifetime of this Government

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We have cut politicians’ pay and expenses, and increased the number of Dáil sitting days by 30% Gender quotas will bring more women into Irish politics The Constitutional Convention is giving the citizens a direct voice


country for a

When you ejected Fianna Fáil from Government, Ireland was a country on the verge of ruin.


Slowly, but surely, Fine Gael in Government is fixing the country, for a better future.


John O’Mahony TD

In 2011, after 14 years of reckless government, Ireland was on the brink of ruin. You elected Fine Gael and Labour to clean up the mess that Fianna Fáil left behind.

Constituency Office: D’Alton Street, Claremorris Co Mayo. Open Monday – Friday 9.30am – 5.30pm

The plan is working - and we’re starting to see progress on jobs, on stabilising the public finances, on political and public sector reform, and on getting Ireland out of the bailout.

Tel: (094) 93 73560 Fax: (094) 93 73379 Text: 086 3268041 Dáil: (01) 618 3706 Email: Web: www.twitter.comJohnOMahhonyTD Personal attendance every Monday in Claremorris Office. Please contact my office for an appointment

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You elected us to implement our Five Point Plan: How are we doing?



John O’Mahony TD

Fine Gael: Making a difference in Government...

Fine Gael: Why we’re different from the last government...

Fine Gael: Why you elected us... in Government... Fianna Fáil wants you to forget what they did in Government:

Getting the country back to work is our number one priority

Fine Gael-led Government

Fianna Fáil-led Government

The number of people at work grew in 2012, for the first time in four years

250,000 private sector jobs lost during their last three years in government

Modest growth in the economy for two consecutive years

Economy shrunk by over 8% 2007-2010


Numbers waiting on hospital trolleys cut by 33% 2011-2013

Trolley numbers increased by 49% 2007-2010


€2.5 billion saved from the public pay and pensions bill. Streamlined public sector

Under Fianna Fáil 1997-2009, public sector pay bill increased by 196%


Aggregate farm income increased by 15% in the last 2 years

Under Fianna Fáil 1997-2010, aggregate farm incomes fell by 17%


2011-2012, the number of visitors to Ireland rose by around 500,000

2009-2011 numbers visiting Ireland fell by 1.8 million


Current Taoiseach’s salary is 41% lower than under Fianna Fáil. Ministers’ salaries 26% lower than peak under Fianna Fáil. Ministerial cars abolished

Fine Gael in Government has: JOBS

Kept our promise to not raise income tax rates, because a tax on income is a tax on jobs – and work and jobs are our main priorities. ECONOMY

Defended our corporation tax – which is crucial for attracting jobs and investment from abroad. Restored our international reputation. This has helped bring major job announcements by companies like Paypal, eBay, Google, Mylan, Eli Lilly, Cisco, IBM, Amgen, HP, Kerry Group and Irish Pharmaceutical. Invested €2.5 billion in job creation efforts, and put in place The Action Plan for Jobs, that will cut costs, encourage innovation and support employment. Protected lower paid workers, by reversing the minimum wage cut, and taken 330,000 people out of the Universal Social Charge net. Developed existing trade relationships with our EU trading partners and the US, while building new ones with vibrant economies like China.

1997-2009, the Taoiseach’s salary rose by 105% and Ministers’ salaries rose by 94%

We are now within sight of exiting the Troika Bailout. Fianna Fáil asked you to trust them on what they called “the cheapest bailout in the world”. So far it has cost Ireland more than €60 billion. Fianna Fáil nationalised Anglo Irish Bank and Irish Nationwide, costing the taxpayer billions. We have closed them down. Fine Gael in Government has maintained core social welfare rates, which Fianna Fáil cut twice. Fine Gael in Government restored the minimum wage that Fianna Fáil cut, and we have taken 330,000 low paid workers out of the tax net – after Fianna Fáil dragged them in, in 2009-2010. Fine Gael in Government protected the blind pension, the widow’s pension and the carer’s allowance; Fianna Fáil cut each of these payments by €850 per year. Fianna Fáil signed the deal with the Troika to bring in the property tax. Now they are cynically opposing it. Under Fianna Fáil’s projections, the Garda budget would have been cut by almost €200 million more over the last two years, and there would be fewer Gardaí on the beat. Fine Gael in Government has brokered an important deal on public service reform. In 14 years of Government, Fianna Fáil increased the public pay bill by 196%, and the Taoiseach’s salary was higher than the American President’s.

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