Vote No.1 William LAVELLE Professional Approach - Better Planning
BETTER PLANNING FOR LUCAN A message from William - “Why I’m running for election” Dear Resident, On June 5th, I will be contesting the local elections for Lucan. In recent years I have volunteered my professional planning expertise as an architect and planner to help many residents and community groups in Lucan.
It is based on this experience that I decided to put my name forward for the local election as I believe I can bring this same professional approach to delivering Better Planning for Lucan on issues such as traffic management, planning of schools and community facilities.
If you like what you read in this newsletter then I would ask you please support my campaign for Better Planning for Lucan by giving me your No.1 Vote on June 5th.
‘Actions speaker louder than words’ – William’s work record William holds a degree in Architecture from UCD and currently works in the area of residential design and urban masterplanning.
Local Area Plan, which provided for the first-time ever a statutory commitment for a much-needed secondary school for South Lucan.
William has in recent years volunteered his professional planning experience to assist and support many resident and community groups in Lucan on issues from protecting the Dodsboro Grotto to lobbying for improved pedestrian safety and parking in the vicinity of local schools.
In August 2007 William chaired the first public meeting of any group to discus the controversial plans for 15,000 new homes at Clonburris. At the subsequent Bord Pleanala oral hearing, William’s questioning exposed the fact that thousands of extra cars would be forced onto Lucan’s road network due to the Clonburris development. William is now working with the new community campaign to oppose the recent highrise planning application for lands at Griffeen Avenue.
William has acted as a planning consultant to the Lucan South Secondary School Action Group and in December 2007 William wrote the important amendments to Clonburris
At a recent public meeting he organised, William established the cross-community campaign to seek to stop the council and National Road Authority from closing the Tandy’s Lane slip-road onto the N4 at Ardeevin.
Vote No.1 William LAVELLE BETTER SCHOOL PLANNING Educate Together Second Level Campaign William has repeatedly expressed his strong support for the campaign led by Lucan parents for second-level patronage status for Educate Together. William recently attended Educate Together’s recent National Petition Day at the gates of Leinster House. This is a matter that requires a national government decision. William & his Fine Gael colleagues will continue to keep pressure on Fianna Fail & the Greens to act on this matter.
Secondary School for South Lucan Based on census statistics compiled by the Lucan South Secondary School Action Group, by next 2009 there will be over 500 extra children from South Lucan looking for secondary school places. By 2016, there will be over 2,200 extra children! As planning consultant to the Lucan South Secondary School Campaign, William
brought his professional expertise to bear to secure a firm commitment to provide a secondary school on lands at Clonburris. Unfortunately Fianna Fail & the Greens have refused to commit to an opening date for this much-needed secondary school. If elected to County Council, William will deliver this school!
‘Graph above appears with the permission of the Lucan South Secondary School Action Group.
What About Existing Schools? Under the current Fianna Fail/Green government, there has been no new building or refurbishment works for schools in Lucan including Gaelscoil Eiscir Riada, St Andrews NS. St Thomas JNS & Lucan Community College. If elected William will use his position to increase pressure for action on these building projects.
Lucan needs 65 - 70 new classrooms! As highlighted on the front gates of both the ‘Lucan Gazette’ and ‘Irish Independent’, William recently exposed confidential Department of Education statistics, which show that Lucan will have the largest demand for new school places in Dublin over the next 5 years.
According to these projections, Lucan will need between 65 & 70 new classrooms to deal with school place demand. It is outrageous that the government have these figures but are failing to plan ahead. If elected to County Council William will work to ensure sites are made available to cater for this projected demand.
Vote No.1 William LAVELLE BETTER TRANSPORT PLANNING Traffic Problems in Lucan Some parts of Lucan still face serious traffic problems. But in coming years thing could get a lot worse as planned developments at Adamstown and Clonburris will add over 6,000 additional car-trips per hour to the Lucan road network. But in his report the Bord Pleanala Inspector amazingly ruled that he did "not believe that it is reasonable to limit the density of development, or to defer the development of Clonburris, in order to seek to reduce this existing and predicted level of congestion, or to provide more road capacity”. William is committed to bring his professional planning expertise to bear in delivering Better Planning for Lucan
if elected to the council on June 5th. His priorities include: A new South Lucan Traffic Strategy to provide a common-sense framework for road planning and traffic management in all areas south of the N4; Keep the Ardeevin slip-road onto the N4 open to cars;
Adamstown linking Tandys Lane with Newcastle Road to take traffic out of Hillcrest; Redesign the junction of Hillcrest Road & Newcastle Road; An end to ridiculous 24-hours bus lanes – they should be bus-only at peak hours.
Replace the closed Esker Lane-N4 slip-road with a new service road exit on the N4. A new North-South Liffey Crossing to the west of Lucan; Open as a priority the new eastwest road through the Paddocks in
Improved Pedestrian Safety
Luas for Lucan
Lucan has a large population of children. Pedestrian safety is a growing issue of concern to many parents. If elected to the council William is committed to:
William actively supported the routing of the proposed Lucan Luas through the key population centre of South Lucan.
A HGV ban and school safety audit for Newcastle Road;
If elected to the council William is committed to working to seek extension of the Luas from Newcastle Road to Lucan Village.
Signalled pedestrian crossings and other safety measures for both Griffeen Avenue and Willsbrook Road; Improved pedestrian safety in the vicinity of all our schools.
William pictured at the recent Fine Gael conference with Senator Frances Fitzgerald and Deputy Leader Richard Bruton TD
William will also work to ensure proper traffic planning is put in place to ensure that both construction and operation of the Luas will not negatively impact on school safety or on access to existing estates along the route.
Bus Services Since Circle Line closed last year, William has maintained regular contact with Dublin Bus so as to better represent Lucan bus-users. In February, two senior Dublin Bus managers attended William's public
meeting on ‘Better Transport Planning’ where they announced that Lucan would be spared from the government's planned bus cutbacks. If elected to the council William is committed to continue his campaign for:
Increase in buses & competition; Review of the 25A route; A new north-south bus route to link Lucan Village, South Lucan, Clondalkin, Citywest & Tallaght. PAGE 3
Vote No.1 William LAVELLE Where’s Our Swimming Pool? A number of years ago the Lucan Green Party distributed leaflet which declared that Lucan Swimming Pool campaigning had been ‘SUCCESSFUL’. In that case: Where’s our swimming pool?
Fine Gael has consistently pointed out that in order to progress this project central government money would be needed. Council management have backed up this view.
Despite this, the Green Party in government has overseen the cancellation of funding for all local authority swimming pools including the long-promised Lucan pool. If elected to the council, William will work to get this project back on track.
Lavelle to oppose additional rezoning for Lucan William is committed to opposing requests from developers to rezone lands at Finnstown House Hotel and also large tracts of lands south of the railway line at the 12th Lock and along Newcastle Road. With massive developments already planned for Adamstown & Clonburris, Lucan has enough housing.
Our roads cannot take any more traffic and we don’t have enough schools or community facilities. If elected to the council William will vote against any further residential rezoning when the new County Development Plan comes up for decision.
William & his fiancée Deirdre Hayes
Vote No.1 William LAVELLE for the Local Elections
Vote No.2 Derek KEATING
Vote No.1 Gay MITCHELL for the European Elections
Contact William Web:
Published by Election Agent Brenda Coyne Beechpark, Lucan. Printed by Fine Gael, Dublin 2.
Phone: 087 410 7885