BRL Completion Programme ORDER: Item 26 taken as the first item. Philip Maguire, CEO, Ballymun Regeneration Limited and Deputy City Manager made a presentation on the BRL Completion Programme. The members requested that a letter be sent by BRLon their behalf to Minister Willie Penrose at the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government with responsibility for Housing and Planning seeking a written response confirming BRL funding for the Completion Programme. The members requested that a report be provided at the next meeting on the up to date position with regard to the redevelopment of the Ballymun Shopping Centre and the proposed phasing of the Silloge 5 scheme. Eamon Farrelly informed the members that he has held further meetings with the receiver in Parkview. Tender for the railings will go out next week. Cllr. McAuliffe asked that BRL contact the residents to inform them of this. Motions 27 and 28 on the agenda were moved for report as part of the discussions on the Ballymun Completion Programme.
Minutes of the North West Area Committee Meeting held on 16th September 2011 ORDER: Agreed.
Questions to the Area Manager (October) ORDER: Noted.
Presentation by “Save the 19 bus� campaign ORDER: Noted. Presentation made by Mark Lawler, Tina McVeigh and Geraldine Gough.
Presentation by Dublin Bus ORDER: Noted. A copy of the presentation to be circulated to the Members. Dublin Bus agreed to examine the issues regarding bus routes raised by the Members and report back to the December North West Area Committee meeting.
The Chairman on his own behalf and on behalf of the members of the Committee, extended his condolences to the McAree family and staff of the Finglas Area Office following the recent death of Pauline McAree and to Alex Sproule of Ballymun Active Disability Interest Group on the recent death of his wife Daphne. As a mark of respect the meeting observed a minute silence.
Roads and Traffic Matters NW/248/11
Minutes arising from the Traffic Advisory Group meeting held on 15th September 2011 in relation to traffic matters for the North West Area. ORDER: Noted.
Motions NW/249/11
Motion in the name of Cllr SĂŠamus McGrattan That the Manager arranges for ramps to be put on Ballygall Avenue as this road is being used as a rat run in times of heavy traffic and it is only a matter of time before a serious accident occurs on this road. ORDER: Report to Councillor.
Planning & Development Matters NW/250/11
With further reference to the proposed disposal of a site at Finglas Road/Tolka Valley, Dublin 11 to McCabe Builders Ltd ORDER: Agreed to recommend to City Council.
Planning Enforcement Quarterly Report ORDER: Noted.
Derelict Sites Quarterly Report ORDER: Noted.
Motions NW/253/11
Motion in the name of Cllr Micháel MacDonncha That the Manager outlines as to whether the lease agreement with Mellowes Football Club (Kildonan Park) can be expedited and can the Manager outline as to whether there is a problem with the shared access scheme being proposed and is there plans to put a floodlit all-weather pitch on this land. ORDER: Report to Councillor.
Culture Recreation & Amenity Matters Motions NW/254/11
Motion in the name of Cllr Críona Uí Dhálaigh That the Manager finds an appropriate way to properly secure the area behind 111 North Road and adjacent properties as current fencing is continuously being broken and access attained there. ORDER: Report to Councillor.
Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond That the Manger report on what plans the Council has to secure additional /playing fields for next year to cater for the increased requirements of clubs in the North West area. ORDER: Report to Councillor.
Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond That the Manager provide an update on proposals for Johnstown Park and if he will indicate when works will commence. ORDER: Report to Councillor.
Motion in the name of Cllr Larry O Toole That the Manager outlines as to whether or not there is a problem with signing up to the shared access scheme for Ballymun United Football Club ORDER: Report to Councillor.
Area Matters NW/258/11
With reference to the proposed extinguishment of the public right of way at Oldtown Road ORDER: Noted. This item was discussed at the October meeting of the North West Joint Policing Sub-Committee and referred back to the North West Area Committee. Inspector Andy Watters was asked at that
meeting to provide an updated report on incidents at the location for the November Area Committee meeting. NW/259/11
Finglas Area Office Update ORDER: Noted
Finglas Voids Report ORDER: Noted
Ballymun Voids Report ORDER: Noted
Environmental Report ORDER: Noted. The members were informed that the public lighting in Charlie’s Lane has been seriously vandalised and is not working. The cost of repairs is €24,000 approximately. The advertisement for the proposed extinguishment of the public right of way at Charlie’s Lane was published on 14th October. The members requested that the Area Manager make the necessary arrangements to repair the lighting in the lane pending the outcome of the statutory procedures if funding can be identified. A further update on Gaelscoil Uí Earcain will issue at the November meeting.
Progress report on Social & Affordable Housing in Dublin North West Area ORDER: Noted
Motions NW/264/11
Motion in the name of Councillor Julia Carmichael That the manager will confirm with Dublin Bus that the problems that currently exist with the new 83 and 68A routes are being given serious consideration, and that the reinstatement of the 19 bus route will be considered as a remedy to the many problems which are being reported by residents and commuters. ORDER: Falls
Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond That the Manager outline what representations Dublin City Council has received from Dublin Bus regarding the changes they introduced as part of their ‘Network Direct’ project; what traffic changes have been introduced by the Council to facilitate Network Direct, for example altering the priority or timings of traffic lights. ORDER: Report to Councillor
Motion in the name of Councillor Paul McAuliffe The North west Area Committee call on Dublin Bus to provide a service which allows the people of Glasnevin Hill, Tolka Estate and Ballygall to access vital services and shopping facilities in Finglas Village. ORDER: Report to Councillor
Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond That the Manager look into the feasibility of extending Vantastic, the transport initiative for older persons, in to the Dublin North West area. ORDER: Report to Councillor
Motion in the name of Cllr Anthony Connaghan That the Manager liaises with Fingal County Council and arranges for the proper securing of the boundary between Scribblestown and Dunsoghly to prevent anti-social behaviour in the area at these locations. Some kind of measures are needed to prevent easy access to vacant lands behind Westwood and Valley Park. ORDER: Report to Councillor
BRL Matters Motions NW/269/11
Motion in the name of Councillor John Redmond That the Manager provide an update on the proposed relocation of the Ballymun Credit Union. ORDER: Report to Councillor.
Motion in the name of Councillor Paul McAuliffe The Northwest call on the City Council to proactively and appropriately lease all the units within its control in the Ballymun Shopping Centre and to provide an update to Councillors on the current plans for improved shopping facilities in Ballymun. ORDER: Report to Councillor. It was agreed that the Executive Manager Development Department be invited to the November North West Area Committee meeting to discuss vacant units in the Shopping Centre.
A.O.B. NW/271/11
Cllr. Connaghan proposed and it was agreed by the members that the North West Area Committee make an objection to the planning permission 2365/11: Spar, 5 Fitzmaurice Road “Off licence use in existing shop to facilitate off licence sales within the premises.” ORDER: Agreed
Prototype for Finglas Safety Forum Banner shown to the Members. The Members agreed that the images on the banner did not sufficiently promote Finglas and further agreed that although a delay would ensue, that a redesign be brought back to the Area Committee at a later date. ORDER: Agreed
Attendance Members: NWA Councillors: Dr. Bill Tormey, Paul McAuliffe, John Redmond, Anthony Connaghan, Steve Wrenn Officials:
Charlie Lowe (Area Manager), Margaret Geraghty (Senior Executive Officer), Brian Byrne (Area Housing Manager – Finglas), Jackie O’Reilly (Public Domain Officer), Fiacra Worrell (Assistant Enforcement Officer), Wendy Dowling (Staff Officer)
Ballymun Regeneration Limited Personnel: Philip Maguire (CEO & Deputy City Manager) Eamon Farrelly (Projects and Contracts Liaison Manager) Jim Conway (Senior Executive Officer) Sheena McCambley (Senior Planner) “Save the 19 Bus” Campaign: Mark Lawler Tina McVeigh Geraldine Gough Dublin Bus: Donal Keating Ray Coyne Greg Began
Councillor Dr. Bill Tormey Chairperson