Important Progress on Local SchoolBuilding Campaigns Lucan South Second-Level County Dublin VEC have been given the goahead by the Dept of Education to commence the planning process for a new second-level school, in partnership with Educate Together on a site on the Outer Ring Road already identified and sold to the department by South Dublin County Council. William previously served as planning consultant to the Lucan South Second-Level campaign which secured the commitment for this school.
William pictured at the official opening of Adamstown Community College with Principal Des Newton, Minister Frances Fitzgerald and new councillor Emer Higgins
Victory for Community: New Parks Depot to be located south of railway! South Dublin County Council has agreed to drop controversial plans to locate a new parks depot next to Johnsbridge & Esker Cottages. Instead a location south of the railway on Hayden’s Lane between the new (unopened) pedestrian/cycle bridge and the Grand Canal is now the subject of a new planning application for a relocated depot. This common-sense decision represents a victory for the community. Fine Gael had never been convinced that there was no alternative site and William, working closely with Minister Frances Fitzgerald, had made repeated detailed submissions to council management outlining the benefits of relocating Esker Depot to a site south of the railway line. Fine Gael are now focussing on efforts to progress development of a new school for Esker Educate Together on the existing depot lands at Esker Lane.
The Save Griffeen Valley Park campaign website acknowledged William’s involvement in securing this victory: “Cllr William Lavelle(FG) has attempted to assist us right from the very beginning. He originally championed the site south of the railway line in advance of the council meeting last December, and indeed had secured councils agreement to go with that site at that time, before council changed their mind and claimed that that site was unfeasible. He has continued to push for that site, and has lent us his considerable support and advice over the past few months. He was the first of the Lucan councillors to issue a public statement confirming that he would be opposing a depot in our park, and forcefully represented that view to SDCC management. We were very lucky to have his support, and are very grateful to him.”
Lucan Community College The design team for the much-needed extension to the college has finally been appointed. William serves on the board of management of the college. St. Andrews NS In April, an Bord Pleanala granted outline planning permission for a new building for St. Andrew’s NS on a site at St. Edmundsbury. The planning decision requires that whenever the full planning application is submitted it will have to address important traffic issues. William has consistently and actively supported the school’s campaign for a new site and building. Scoil Mhuire Girls NS William & Frances Fitzgerald visited the school before the election to discuss the building campaign. In response to a subsequent motion tabled by William and passed by the council, the new Minister for Education has authorised the design team to progress all design and planning work. Gaelscoil Eiscir Riada The Department of Education is working on plans for permanent building, with particular reference to issues raised by council planners in response to the more recent planning application for relocation of prefabs.
€90,000 to tackle local blackspot William has welcomed council plans to invest €90,000 in measures to address serious problems of anti-social behaviour along the old road embankment between Moy Glas & Castle Riada Estates. As a start, council are carrying out works requested by residents to remove old walls and hedging used as cover by gangs having drinking parties. William has been working with residents in both estates to seek agreement on the best approach to dealing with the overall problem of the embankment.
DSPCA dealing with abandoned horses The Dublin Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals have expressed their ‘delight’ after the designation of DSPCA inspectors as ‘authorised officers’ under the Control of Horses Act 1996 giving them statutory enforcement powers to enter private land and seize abandoned or neglected horses. This came on foot of the passing of a motion proposed by William at the February 2011 county council meeting. Liam Kinsella, DSPCA inspector (pictured with William) has said this authorisation “will make their job an awful lot easier”. Last Summer saw horrific problems with over 80 horses being abandoned on lands at Fonthill and Balgaddy, along the railway line between Lucan & Clondalkin.
Painting & repair works to Lucan Bridge In the adjudication report for the 2010 Tidy Towns Competition, the national judges recommended “painting Lucan Bridge as the balustrades were in poor condition”. Following discussions with members of the Lucan Tidy Town committee, William tabled a motion at the October 2010 meeting of the Lucan Area Committee requesting “that the balustrading to Lucan Bridge be repaired and repainted. “ On foot of William’s motion works have now been completed to significantly improve the look of the bridge. William states: “I hope these works will help raise Lucan’s score in the 2011 Tidy town contest and I also wish to congratulate the Lucan Tidy Town committee on their superb voluntary efforts to tidy up Lucan Village.”
New Anti-Litter Initiative for Lucan South William is working with council officials on a new initiative to tackle litter in the Lucan South area after being vocal over the past year in seeking enhanced litter cleansing services for the area. The council has now agreed to install new CCTV at the Ballyowen Castle shops to seek to prevent illegal dumping. Linked to this are further ambitious plans to seek to establish a local partnership to directly involve local businesses in the efforts to tackle litter in this location. William continues to work with local residents associations to see how the broader community can link with and benefit from the new initiative.
Cllr. William LAVELLE Working Hard for Lucan : Best record for keeping in touch PAGE 2
Green Route extended to Griffeen The extension of the Grand Canal Green Route to Griffeen Avenue is nearing completion. As part of these works, a new footbridge is being built over the canal, the new bridge at Haydens Lane is soon to be opened and a new signalised pedestrian crossing on Griffeen Avenue at Griffeen Valley Park has been installed. This crossing was delivered as a direct result of an amendment to the Green Route plans proposed by William. The Green Route project recently won a national award from the Local Authority Members Association for Best Recreational Facility. William is pictured receiving the award from Miriam O’Callaghan.
Enhanced maintenance for Esker Cemetery Last year William launched an initiative which led to the formation of the Esker Cemetery Committee. William meets regularly with the committee in order to continuously assess the needs in this area. As a result of the recent sale of the council’s waste collection services, staff formerly employed on the bins will now be available for grass-cutting and upkeep of cemeteries. This should mean a big difference for Esker Cemetery William has also won agreement to improve the litter-dumps in the cemetery which have become a shocking eye-sore. Council officials are finalising a design solution which will hopefully be implemented over the coming months.
New Footpaths for Lucan William has been actively working to deliver pedestrian and cycle safety improvements for Lucan. On foot of William’s motion at the Lucan area committee, council engineers have agreed to continue the footpath between Dodsboro Cottages and the Grotto, to include a safe standing area in front of the Grotto. A design will now be finalised and funding sought. William is pictured with Minister Frances Fitzgerald on Dodsboro Road. Separately on foot of William’s repeated efforts, funding has now been secured from the National Transport Authority for works to complete the cycle-path on Willsbrook Road outside Esker Woods estate.
‘Reclaiming Our Parks’ - Update Last September the South Dublin Joint Policing Committee published the ‘Reclaiming our Parks’ report which was prepared by a group chaired by William and contained recommendations aimed at improving the policing and management of our public parks. In May an implementation group was finally established. At the April 2011 Lucan area committee, William proposed a motion seeking to install an timer-controlled electronic locking mechanism on the pedestrian gate at Griffeen Glen Park/ Elm Green along with measures to prevent scrambler bike access. In May, William was elected as Vice-Chair of the Joint Policing Committee.
Cllr. William LAVELLE Working Hard for Lucan : Best record for keeping in touch
Supporting Local Business, Sustaining Local Jobs South Dublin County Council has embarked on a comprehensive new strategy to improve business competitiveness and to support job creation including: • Seeking new multi-national investment in and around Grange Castle including new technologies such as data-storage; • Improving the county’s energy and water supply to attract new industries; • Beginning a review of development levies - Fine Gael opposed the last 33% levies increase in 2009; • Better marketing and maintenance of our county’s traditional urban centres, such as Lucan Village, so as to improve commercial footfall – this follows-on from a council initiative proposed by William which included meeting with Lucan Village traders; • Directly employing graduate and apprentices under the FAS Work Placement Programme.
Cllr. William Lavelle with members of Dublin Mid West Young Fine Gael at a recent meeting
William has supported the group in applying for grant funding and has supported local cleanups and other activities run by the group. Find the group on Facebook.
Working for Residents Ballyowen Lane Having previously secured road repair and resurfacing works, William has secured commencement of works to complete the traditional stone wall boundary to Hermitage Park as sought by residents. Colthurst William is seeking road safety improvements as requested by residents. Dodsboro Following a recent deputation meeting, William is working with the residents association on various issues including road safety, installation of litter bins and tidying-up the boundary with Adamstown. Droim na Coille William has secured agreement that the council will prepare a strategy for the vacant land beside the estate which is the subject of antisocial behaviour and illegal dumping.
William is working with Cllr. Emer Higgins Minister Frances Fitzgerald, Derek Keating TD Gay Mitchell MEP
Hillcrest William is working with residents on numerous roads in Hillcrest on various matters relating to landscape and environmental maintenance including improving the boundary with Adamstown lands. Hansted William is working with residents on the takingin-charge of the estate and efforts to seek completion of boundary walls. Newcastle Road William has secured agreement that uneven and damaged footpaths outside the houses opposite Esker Church will be repaired this year.
Esker Meadows William has supported the residents association in seeking new yellow lines and in seeking grant funding for the painting of boundary walls.
Rossberry & Hayden’s Park William is working with residents to finalise the taking-in-charge of the Rossberry estate and the large green area along the access road linking to Griffeen Avenue.
Finnstown William has supported residents in seeking grant funding for the painting of boundary railings and for a namestone for Finnstown Abbey; and in tackling issues regarding the derelict site at Coolamber House.
Rosse Court William is working with residents on local planning and parking problems. William also attended the recent management company AGM and is supporting residents on management company issues.
Foxborough William has supported the maintenance association in seeking maintenance of the roundabouts and seeking grant funding for the painting of boundary walls.
Sarsfield Park William has been working with residents on queries regarding recent water rehabilitation works and footpath repairs.
Griffeen Glen Boulevard & Courtyard William is working to finalise the talking-incharge of this area and recently convened an
The Paddocks William successfully secured removal of the ugly hoarding along the boundary with Hillcrest and secured installation of new railings.
Contact William Address: 16 Lána na bPáirce, Ballyowen Lane, Lucan, Co. Dublin
William has been a proud supporter of Lucan Festival. More detail on your festival see: or find the festival on Facebook.
on-site meeting between council officials and residents. William has also supported residents in objecting to the controversial proposed takeaway at the Griffeen Centre.
Phone: 087 410 7885 Email: Web:
Find William on Facebook