The Management and Sta of Trim FRC would like to wish all of the community in Trim a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and wish you all the best in 2013
COMMUNITY GARDEN Building on the success of the Grow Your Own Vegetable programme, a number of people have expressed an interest in developing a community garden in Trim. We are looking at the possibility of acquiring a larger piece of ground behind the resource centre. If you are interested in ge1ng involved in this ini a ve contact us at the oďŹƒce, 046 9438850
BALLOON RELEASE On December 7th at 10.30 am, members of the community will walk from Trim FRC2to the front of Trim Castle where they will release balloons at 11am, as part of the 16 Days of Ac on against Domes c Violence. The balloons represent the 1 in 5 women who experience domes c violence in Ireland.
Our Counselling Service is STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL.. Clients pay on a sliding scale depending on their circumstances ensuring that the service is aordable and accessible. Counselling is a chance to talk conďŹ den ally about the issues and challenges in your life. Call: 046 9438850
RESOURCE CENTRE C H R I S T M A S PA R T Y Yes folks ‌..its that me of year again‌.. Our Community Christmas Party will be held on SATURDAY
DEC. 8th from 1p.m. to 4p.m. •
G.P. Out of Hours: 1850 77 911
Accident & Emergency: •
Navan: 046 9078630
Drogheda: 041 9837601
Plenty of face pain ng, music, fun & refreshments for all the family but most of all Santa will be visi ng. We will also be holding a Rae & Christmas Card Compe on and the winner will be used as the oďŹƒcial Christmas Card for the Trim FRC.
Samaritans: 1850 609090
This year it is ₏2 to see Santa for the upkeep of Santa’s
Senior Help Line: 1850 440 444
SOSAD: Suicide Preven on Support
We welcome any member of the community to come along on the day
Navan: 046 9031855
Mob: 083 3712622
Meath Women’s Refuge: 046 9022393
AMEN: Support for men experiencing Domes c Violence: 046 9023718
Ci zens Informa on: 1890 777121
MABS: Money Advice & Budge ng Service: 1890 283438
Trim FRC provides supports, informa)on & services to communi)es and families in the Trim area. We are open to EVERYONE who wish to par)cipate in groups and courses running in the centre Contact us at: 22 Mornington Drive, 046 9438850 or follow us on Facebook: trimfamilyresourcecentre
Santa’s Li'le Helper
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: • Courses for 2013 • Programme for Women • Family Ac on Group • Community Garden • Family Community Health & Wellbeing Programme
TRAINING COURSES for 2013 We are busy working with Meath VEC and other organisa ons to oer out training programmes in the FRC in the January & February 2013. Some course coming up are: •
Driver Theory Tes ng
Learning to Learn—Dyslexia Training
Grow Your Own Vegetables
First AID
FOR PARENTS ‌‌‌.. We will be running a number of programmes for parents in January, looking at posi ve ways parents can build rela onships with their children. It is open to all parents with children of any age. If you would like to register your interest in any of these courses contact the oďŹƒce at 046 9438850 Trim VEC are running an open day on Wednesday December 12th in the Alpha Building on the corner of Summerhill Road and North Haggard Road. It is an opportunity for people to view the courses available in the VEC and for those interested in courses on oer in the FRC to learn more about the courses and register. For more informa on contact the Trim FRC oďŹƒce .
WOMEN’S PROGRAMME Coming in January we will be running a new Arts and CraFs programme for women, around the role of women in todays society. The programme will include craFs such as sewing, embroidery and will look towards holding a small exhibi on of the work at the end of the programme. The programme will be run over 10 weeks and mes and dates can be tailored to suit the group. If you are interested in this programme contact us at the oďŹƒce on 046 9438850
FA I LT E I S T E A C H Learn conversa onal English. This programme is open to all people wishing to learn English. It is on every Thursday evening from 7pm to 9pm in Trim FRC2. We are always looking for volunteers to help teach the lessons. If you are interested contact Eileen at 046 9438850
C O M M U N I T Y & FA M I LY H E A LT H & W E L L B E I N G I N I T I AT I V E Our Family Health & Wellbeing Programme kicks o in 2013 with a series of morning and evening workshops focusing on Posi ve Mental Health. We are aiming to start with Child Accident Preven on, Self defence for Families and some relaxing workshops for Mums & Dads like Reexology, Mindfulness and Laughter Workshops Further in the Spring we are planning Safe Talk Workshop which helps people iden fy persons who may be considering suicide and help them connect to suicide ďŹ rst aid resources. We hope to build skills locally to help build posi ve mental health in our community. If you are interested in any of these workshops contact Trish at 046 9438850
M E N ’ S H E A LT H & W E L L B E I N G P R O G R A M M E Congratula ons to the lads who par cipated on the Men’s Health & Wellbeing Programme. Twelve men took part in this programme which consisted of Thai Chi, Health Informa on & checks and 5 weeks of cooking lessons. Many felt the programme was very useful especially the cooking and hope to take part in a further programme from this next year. We are also hoping to deliver a similar programme with new people in 2013.