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Cheeverstown Services

Benefits of Volunteering

Children’s Day and Residential Services

• M aking a difference / positive contribution.

• E arly Childhood Assessment and Counselling Service (0 – 6 Years) • Pre-School Services (3 – 6 Years) • Cheeverstown School (4 – 18 Years) • Children’s Services (5 – 18 Years) • Children’s Residence (Up to 18 Years) • Children’s Respite Service (Up to 18 Years) Adult Residential and Day Services

• A dult Day Services (Elm House, Maple Row, Oak House – situated within Cheeverstown) • Cheeverstown Training Centre (Airton Road, Tallaght) • CHESS Cheeverstown House Employment Support Services (High Street, Tallaght) • SEARCCH Social Education and Recreational Choices Cheeverstown House (Village Green, Tallaght) • Cheeverstown Enterprises (Broomhill Drive, Tallaght) • Adult Residential Services (Beeches, Sycamore and Cedars – situated within Cheeverstown) • Community Group Homes • Adult Respite Services

• B ecome more connected to your community. • Meet new people • H ave the opportunity to do something you love • Develop and learn new skills • Training opportunities • Career opportunities • Work experience

For more information If you would like to get some more information: Email: Phone our socialisation and recreation co-ordinator on 01 - 4993700. Visit our web-site:

Multidisciplinary Team

• • • • • • • •

Medical Services Social Work Psychology Speech and Language Therapy Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Dietician/Clinical Nutrition Music Therapy

Support Services

• A dministration • Sport, Leisure and Recreation • Socialisation (building community relationships to support the integration of people with disabilities within the community) • Operations and Transport • Catering

CheEverstown Kilvare Templeogue Dublin 6W


),44 4-12/ 05%3113/0 Our Vision 2/540* .45+4/+.45 32,5*053024..4)2(*.5 31* 3.32 52/5,*


+4-1/05)4024-4 5143)415305+*-204-1,3+5 32,52,43-5 *%3.341 A future which respects the contribution and inclusion of people with an intellectual disability.


About * /(2 Cheeverstown ),44 4-12/ 0 Cheeverstown is a voluntary organisation 1@JJ7JCDFG5EKHDKIK7GB=EFIC;KGC6IEHDIFHGE that provides a wide range of KCJDHAJEFHIB. residential, F@IFK?CG7HAJDKIK5HAJKCIE6JKG9 respite and day services to almost 400 CJD?HFJKIEAKAI;KDJC7H>JDKFGKIB<GDFK ++ children and adults with an intellectual >@HBACJEKIEAKIA=BFDK5HF@KIEKHEFJBBJ>F=IB disability in Templeogue and throughout AHDI8HBHF;KHEK-J<?BJG6=JKIEAKF@CG=6@G=F various community locations in South 7ICHG=DK>G<<=EHF;KBG>IFHGEDKHEK2G=F@ Dublin. =8BHE: We are committed to a future which JKICJK>G<<HFFJAKFGKIK9=F=CJK5@H>@ respects the contribution and inclusion CJD?J>FDKF@JK>GEFCH8=FHGEKIEAKHE>B=DHGE of K?JG?BJK5HF@KIEKHEFJBBJ>F=IBKAHDI8HBHF; people with an intellectual disability G9 within the community. We provide a 5HF@HEKF@JK>G<<=EHF;:K JK?CG7HAJKI wide range of KDJC7H>JDKHEKG=CKJEAJI7GCD services in our endeavour 5HAJKCIE6JKG9 to fulfill our mission of KJEI8BHE6KIBB enabling all FGK9=B9HBBKG=CK<HDDHGEKG9 people with an intellectual disability to ?JG?BJK5HF@KIEKHEFJBBJ>F=IBKAHDI8HBHF;KFG have full and meaningful lives through @I7JK9=BBKIEAK<JIEHE69=BKBH7JDKF@CG=6@ person-centred services. ?JCDGEK>JEFJCJAKDJC7H>JD: Cheeverstown is an accredited 1@JJ7JCDFG5EKHDKIEKI>>CJAHFJA organisation under The Council on GC6IEH IFHGEK=EAJCKF@JK1G=E>HBKGE Quality and Leadership. We adopted =IBHF;KIEAK$JIAJCD@H?:K JKIAG?FJAKF@J the Personal=F>G<JK)JID=CJDK =IBHF; Outcome Measures quality JCDGEIBK model as it reflects our vision and <GAJBKIDKHFKCJ9BJ>FDKG=CK7HDHGEKIEA mission. Personal Outcome Measures <HDDHGE:K JCDGEIBK =F>G<JDK)JID=CJDKHD is an internationally recognised best IEKHEFJCEIFHGEIBB;KCJ>G6EHDJAK8JDF practice system developed in the United ?CI>FH>JKD;DFJ<KAJ7JBG?JAKHEKF@JK EHFJA States. 2FIFJD: Over the last 25 years Cheeverstown’s expanding services has been against a backdrop of a changing model of disability; from a medical model to a social model. This shift has resulted in a better understanding of what people with disabilities and their families 1' ' 5 51# ! 5 "$5)# $! 5)# $ " want from service providers like Cheeverstown.

Our Mission

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To enable people with an intellectual disability to have full and meaningful lives through person-centred services in partnership with their families. *$ & '5 51 & '

What qualities do I need to be a volunteer?

Sensitivity to the needs of others. Respect for individuals in their own right. A commitment to supporting people to be independent and to make their own choices and decisions. Reliability Patience A willingness to learn and attend relevant training. What is the range of volunteering opportunities?

Our Values The following are our values and are based on our vision and mission statements; %' !"$5 5 & #"!!&

Person centRed planning approach to services

0K?HBBICKG9 K1@JJ7JCDFG5EKHDK2=??GCFJA “Person-centredness� is about /<?BG;<JEF:K2=??GCFJAKJ<?BG;<JEF strengthening a person’s alliances JEI8BJDK?JG?BJK5HF@KAHDI8HBHFHJDKFGK8J (family, friends, staff) and clarifying J<?BG;JAKHEKF@JKG?JEKBI8G=CK<IC4JF:K E the individual’s needs and desires. F@JK'G8KFCIHEHE6KIEAKHEAH7HA=IBHDJA Thus, the boundaries between services D=??GCFDKICJK4J;KJBJ<JEFDKG9 K #!!()%- and community are redrawn as people "!'($"-+%:K3EK!++ K1@JJ7JCDFG5E seek to develop new opportunities. AJ<GEDFCIFJAKHFDK>G<<HF<JEFKFG #!!()%- , "!'($"-+% 8;KJDFI8BHD@HE6 Inclusion 1:,:/:2:2:K5@H>@K<JIEFKD=??GCFJA Supporting people to participate fully J<?BG;<JEFKHEK1@JJ7JCDFG5EK8J>I<JKHFD in all of the educational, employment, G5EKAJ?ICF<JEF:K1:,:/:2:2:K?CG7HAJD consumer, recreational, community D=??GCFKFGKI??CG"H<IFJB;K ++KHEAH7HA=IBD and domestic activities that typify JHF@JCKHEKGCKDJJ4HE6K #!!()%- everyday society. "!'($"-+%: Rights

Supporting people with disabilities to take their place as valued and productive citizens.


Developing relationships between the people who use our service and families and how we work together. This includes building on partnerships with government departments,"$ &$!5 5 &'$& 5%& " ' local authorities and community services. Standards of best practice 1(++/-24 5 /- At Cheeverstown we are committed to 4 +4-340)4 continuing to deliver “person-centred�

services and supports to standards of JK@I7JKIK =IBHF;KI>>CJAHFJAKFCIHEHE6KDJC7H>J best practice. 8IDJAKGEK0HCFGEK*GIAKHEK-IBBI6@F:K-@J FCIHEHE6KHDK /-01KIEAKHDK>JCFH9HJAKIEA Building Better communities EIFHGEIBB;KCJ>G6EHDJA:K-@HDKFCIHEHE6KHD through volunteering AJDH6EJAKFGKD=??GCFKIK?JCDGEKFGKAJ7JBG? Cheeverstown is investing in our 8GF@KHEAJ?JEAJE>JKIEAK?CI>FH>IBKD4HBBD: community by building social =CHE6KF@HDKFCIHEHE6KHEAH7HA=IBDK>G<?BJFJKI connections through active 7ICHJF;KG9 K5GC4KJ"?JCHJE>JD:K0K#G8K1GI>@ participation and involvement which I>>G<?IEHJDKF@JKHEAH7HA=IBK5@JCJKCJ =HCJA seeks the enrichment of the individual IEAKHEAH7HA=IBDKICJKF@JEK8JFFJCKHE9GC<JAK9GC and the community as a whole. AJ>HAHE6KF@JKF;?JKG9 K5GC4K8JDFKD=HFJAKFG Social Capital promotes the idea that F@JHCKHEFJCJDFDKIEAKD4HBBD:K1@JJ7JCDFG5EK@ID our place within the community is ?=8BH>KBHI8HBHF;KHED=CIE>JK5@H>@K>G7JCD one which is built on trust and the J<?BG;JCDK5@GK?CG7HAJK5GC4KJ"?JCHJE>J: relationships we have with one another enrich all our lives. # $5 5%' ' !&$&

Why volunteers matter to Cheeverstown We recognise the importance of being connected to others. Volunteers can be the bridge that enables this to happen by helping people to get involved or stay involved within the life of the community. It could be supporting friends to meet up at the weekend, going to the cinema, shopping or a drink at the pub. It is often the opportunity to share in the everyday activities that makes a difference in the lives of others.

What volunteers tell us? “I really enjoy the outings as well. It is really rewarding to see Peter having a good time. I am also learning a lot.� – Marijke “The sense of developing a friendship through activities, I always get a great welcome from everyone.� – Nick “We now have a terrific team who now not only help to rejuvenate the gardens but also “adopt� a garden.� – Joe


“Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.� – Barbara Bush


We start from the belief that everybody has something to contribute and gain from the community.


Our aim is to be a bridging organisation which actively looks for opportunities to work in partnerships with others to create more inclusive communities.

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e support opportunities for individuals to make and maintain connections which are important to them; these include friendships, W family ties, work, shared interests, faith practices and other important relationships

• Supporting individuals and groups to participate within the community. • Admin / I.T. volunteers • Gardening • Driving • Fundraising What commitment would I need to give?

We look for approximately 2 or 3 hours per week and if you could commit for a period of at least six months. What training will be provided?

All new volunteers will receive induction and on-going support and training opportunities. Will I get expenses paid?

We don’t expect volunteers to be out of pocket, so we will pay reasonable expenses to volunteers such as travel and refreshments. I am keen to volunteer, can I start next week?

We have a recruitment process and a system for vetting and checking in-line with best practice. Interviews, gathering references and garda vetting does take some time to process before people can start as a volunteer with us. At present it takes about three months. How do I get further information about volunteering for Cheeverstown?

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, you can write, phone or call in to have an informal chat and to get an application form. You can also get more information from our website

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