30/05/12 Wellingborough

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Issue 04 30 May 2012

wellingborough Just Married

Photos of Nuptials


euro 2012

see page 17

pages 11 to 13

Next Star Dog - You Choose

see page 16

Pull-out Colour Wallchart

Lakes plan in limbo Councils split over retail park plans > Rushden

In Short Plans to develop 30 acres of land at Rushden Lakes have received a mixed reception. Some local councils welcome the jobs and retail opportunities created, while others think it will cause irreparable damage. The row will continue until the local authority meets in June to discuss the planning application THE latest stage in Rushden Lake development plans has seen Kettering Borough Council vote to “object in the strongest possible terms” to the plans. The owners, LxB have purchased around 250 acres on the outskirts of Rushden, adjacent to the A45, including 30 acres of developable land and have announced plans to create a £50m retail

park that would include 20 shops. It is hoped the development would create between 300 and 1,500 jobs during construction and when completed, and the developers are looking at ways of linking the site to Rushden town centre, with either a link bus service or a footbridge leading into the town centre. The finance package includes the costs of a dedicated Town Centre Manager to act as a conduit between the surrounding towns and high streets and Rushden Lakes. Wellingborough Borough Council, earlier this month, supported the plans, stating that the majority of the public in Wellingborough had expressed favourable opinions about the development and that they should be listened to. They were not of the opinion that the proposed devel-

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opment would offer competition to Wellingborough town centre as the choice of retailers would be different. It was said that the development could be a catalyst for Wellingborough’s regeneration and a stepping stone to attracting big-name retailers to the town. But opposition has come in from other areas, and last week Kettering Borough Council voted unanimously to object “in the strongest possible terms” to the planning application. The Planning Committee were concerned that the retail element of the Rushden Lakes application would cause irreparable harm to other town centres in the area, resulting in job losses of a scale which cancels out the jobs created. At a previous Planning Policy Committee meeting, which met this month, concern was expressed that the

application was contrary to the national ‘town centres first’ planning policy and the Local Development Plan. Councillors also concluded that the application was seriously flawed and, if approved in its current state, would be open to legal challenge. The Chair of the Planning Committee, Councillor Shirley Lynch, confirmed that the Borough Council “would do everything it can to protect its town centres”, while Tom Shields, Development Manager, said: “The consequence of permitting the Rushden Lakes application would be to absorb all the identified future expenditure capacity in the town centres in North Northamptonshire for the next ten years.” The planning application is due to be heard by East Northamptonshire District Council in June.

Bedroom Study Kitchen Lounge Boardroom

McDONALD’S: Wellingborough serving the Olympics

Fast food winners > Wellingborough

SIX staff from Wellingborough's McDonald's restaurant have been chosen from more than 87,000 McDonald’s staff across the country to work at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The specially selected crew members will play a key role in serving an estimated 1.75 million meals in 29 days to 9.7 million spectators, a workforce of 200,000 and 17,000 athletes and team officials. Full story, see Page 9



30 MAY, 2012

NEWS: 01536 384616


Tresham pays tribute to its outstanding learners at awards ceremony

TRESHAM COLLEGE : The line up of outstanding students

News in Brief Jumble thanks > Wilby

A JUMBLE sale in aid of the NSPCC at The Farm, Wilby, raised the grand sum of £745.74. The final figure included takings on the day as well as some generous donations. The organisers wish to thank all who gave and helped in any way.

Surgery date > Irchester

POLICE officers will be available to deal with public concerns and issues at Reach Out Church in Irchester on Wednesday, June 13 from 10am to 11.30am, and at Sainsbury’s Wellingborough on Saturday June 9 from midday to 2pm.


01536 384616

Students are honoured > Tresham

TRESHAM College has held its Annual Awards Ceremony, with 44 individuals named learners of the year for their own areas. The ceremony, held earlier this month, was attended by guest of honour Jamie Archer, an X Factor finalist in 2009, who presented the awards to the students who have stood out in their own disciplines over the past year. After a performance by the Performing Arts Learners, Principal and Chief Executive Stuart Wesselby spoke to the gathering, followed by a presentation from Learner Representatives Declan Findlay and Rachel Higginson. Jamie Archer presented awards to all 44 students, including some whose personal stories are notable. Leigh Whitney, who lost her mother at the age of 15 and who ended up being excluded from school, was named Tresham Youth Training Learner of the Year. Leigh lives with her



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younger brother and sister and gets them to school each morning, before attending college. Rachel Higginson, who left school at 15, started at Tresham four years ago and worked while raising a family. She has progressed from an introductory course to Level 2 and Level 3 and is currently studying a Level 4 (equivalent to degree level) counselling course and hopes to complete a PGCE to teach in the future. She was named Counselling Learner of the Year. Angel Strapp, Performing Arts Learner of the Year, has overcome confidence issues and is set to achieve a triple Distinction and has been awarded a place on the Dance: Urban Practice course at the University of East London, while Josh Stocks, the Motorsport Learner of the Year, moved to Northamptonshire from his home in Yorkshire to study at the National College for Motorsport in Silverstone and has since secured an apprenticeship with HHC racing in Yorkshire. Joshua Binns – Uniformed Public Services Learner of the

This newspaper is published by Extra Newspapers Limited, Moulton Park Business Centre, Redhouse Road, Moulton, Northants NN3 6AQ Telephone: 01604 931117 hello@extranewspapers.co.uk Copyright 2012: EXTRA Newspapers Ltd Disclaimer: All materials are strictly copyright. All rights reserved. Production in whole or in part without the permission of EXTRA Newspapers Ltd is prohibited. Every care is taken in compiling the contents of this magazine, but we assume no responsibility for the effects arising therefrom. The views expressed are not necessarily those of EXTRA Newspapers Ltd. EXTRA Newspapers Ltd does not endorse any of the advertisers, their products or services contained in advertising content within this publication. www.extranewspapers.co.uk

Splash is back > Embankment

Year, has already passed the pre-entry selection test for the Splash Park, the children’s water Royal Marines. play area next to the River Nene at The Embankment, Wellingborough, is now open on weekends and bank holidays - despite the hosepipe ban. The park, which draws on a natural spring, is completely free there are > Wellingborough sandpits, picnic tables, and regular THERE’S a giant needs de- food and ice cream. Free car parking, feating in Wellingborough toilets and baby changing facilities. Once the school summer holidays later this year and volunteers are sought to help Jack do it. start, the park will be open daily The Wellingborough Panto- throughout. mime Society are holding auditions for their January 2013 show, Jack and the Beanstalk, to be performed at The Castle from January 15 to 20. > Wollaston Dates for the auditions are Sunday June 17 for principals MEMBERS of Wollaston Parish and chorus - principals at 2pm Council were recently invited and chorus at 4pm at All Hal- to attend an open morning at lows Church Hall Wellingbor- Wollaston Community Primary ough and dancers aged eight School where children have been years and above at the Masonic researching where they live. Hall (York Road Entrance) on The Headmistress and teachers Friday June 22 - juniors 6pm were so impressed they wanted as for 6.30pm and seniors 7.30pm many people as possible to see how for 8pm. much effort the children had made. Janet Wicks on 01933 317304 A selection of the models are now on or 07737 016457. display in the library in Newton Road.

Stop the giant

Proud residents

Useful Wellingborough Information Police Dial 999


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NEWS: 01536 384616


Millions of steps Knowing when and where to show off driving skills

> Kettering General TEAMS of staff at Kettering General Hospital are each planning to walk more than 17 million steps to mark the approach of the Olympic Games – and demonstrate their dedication to keeping fit. Teams of up to 30 staff from different departments across the hospital are competing against each other to see how many steps their team can take between May 17 and the start of the games on July 27. The challenge is called Walk the Torch and the 17 million step target refers to the number of steps taken by the Olympic Torch’s torchbearers during their 8,000 mile journey around the UK over this 70-day period. The challenge – inspired by Walk England’s Walk4Life campaign – is taking place across the country at schools, hospitals and councils. The number of steps taken by each member of staff will be recorded on a small pedometer device that staff attach to their clothes. If each team member, in a team of 30 staff, walks about 8,100 steps (about four miles)

> Santa Pod

in response to the favourable support and feedback received about the previous operation to tackle speeding motorists on main routes to and from the raceway on race days. Officers carried out further speed checks during the Street Nationals event that was being held at the raceway earlier this month.

POLICE officers reminded drivers of when and where to drive at excess speeds when they carried out a successful operation to tackle speeding around the Santa Pod Raceway. STEPPING OUT: Some of the KGH staff who are planning to Walk the Torch with the Wellingborough Rural pedometers they will use to record the number of steps they take. Safer Community Team per day for the 70-day period Olympics Games seemed like carried out the exercise the team will achieve the 17 a perfect way to encourage our million step target. staff to be more active, get fit, KGH occupational health feel good and have fun.” services manager, Jackie FarKGH’s Director of Human row, said: “The Walk the Torch Resources, Geoffrey Etule, challenge fits right in with the said: “We hope the challenge hospital’s aim of promoting will foster a spirit of team > Wellingborough activities to hospital staff that working and competition in have a positive impact on the a light hearted manner which UNWANTED toys can be swapped work-life balance. will help motivate staff to at a charity event at Captain Neil’s “We already support yoga and adopt a greater level of fitness Toy Chest in High Street, Wellingzumba classes on site and we and cultivate an element of the borough on Saturday, June 2. People can bring in clean toys in plan to have taster events in these feel good factor. “People can walk at work full working condition and have and also tai chi, volleyball, minimassage and running during the and at home to push up their them assigned a value, for which they team’s total and know that will be given vouchers to swap for countdown to the Olympics. “Setting a challenge during they are doing their body some other toys that have been brought in to the swap. the 70-day countdown to the good with every step.”

Toys ready for swap

New chairman takes his seat

Long-standing councillor takes lead at council meetings for this year > County LOCAL historian and parish archivist Councillor John Bailey has been elected Chairman of Northamptonshire County Council. Councillor Bailey, former Mayor of Wellingborough, will be the ceremonial representative of the council for the next year and will chair Full Council meetings. Councillor Bailey was elected to Northamptonshire County Council in 1970 as a Conservative, following in the footsteps of his great-grandfathers John Thomas Hawthorne and Albert Henson Bailey, and his grandfather Leonard Bailey, who all represented Finedon on the County Council in their day. This means Finedon has been represented on the county council by members of John’s family for 86 years of its 123-year existence. Councillor Bailey has appointed the Rev Richard Coles of Finedon Parish Church as his chaplain for the duration of the civic year to lead prayers before each council meeting.

Sergeant David Convery said: “This proved to be another worthwhile exercise, and further operations will continue around event days throughout the year. “Motorists need to realise that the local roads are not race tracks – Santa Pod Raceway is the only place driving fast should be showcased!”

NEW CHAIRMAN: John Bailey Councillor Larry Henson was elected as the Deputy Chairman of the council. At the meeting, outgoing Chairman Councillor Ron Sawbridge presented cheques totalling £7,600 to his two charities, the Northamptonshire Parent Infant Partnership and Nene Valley Care Trust. Of that amount, £4,700 was raised by a sponsored cycle ride held at Silverstone circuit. An additional £300 was presented to Councillor Sawbridge by young care leavers who took part in the sponsored cycle ride.

Anyone taking part in the event will be asked to make a £2 donation, with all the proceeds going to the NSPCC. Toys can be dropped off at Captain Neil’s Toy Chest until 1pm on the day of the event and vouchers can be “spent” between 3.30pm and 4.30pm. Any toys that are not found a new home on the day will be given to a charity shop. For full details, contact Captain Neil’s Toy Chest on 01933 226832.


Comedy for a good cause > Lighthouse Theatre THEY say laughter is the best medicine and that could certainly be the case at the Lighthouse Theatre when an evening of comedy will take place in aid of the Wellingborough-based Crazy Hats Breast Cancer Appeal. The theatre's resident comedy night will this month raise money for the local charity that this year celebrates its tenth anniversary. An all-female line-up for Ladies Night! has been put together to raise the roof, raise funds and raise awareness all at the same time. Among the acts on stage will be Frisky and Mannish, stars of the Edinburgh Comedy Festival for the past two years; Isy Suttie who plays Dobbie in Channel 4's Peep Show; musical comedian Carly Smallman; Radio 4

CRAZY DUO: Frisky and Mannish will be appearing in Ladies Night! in aid of the Crazy Hats Appeal The show starts at 8pm and regular Mary Bourke and Meryl O'Rourke, whose cheeky and tickets are £16.50. For details mischievous sets have delight- ring the Lighthouse Theatre box office on 01536 414141. ed audiences across the globe.

OFF THE RAILS: The classic story, The Railway Children, will be performed at Irchester Country Park

Classic gets airing at country park > Irchester CHILDREN’S classic, The Railway Children, will be performed in the open air at Irchester Country Park this summer. Visitors will be able to bring a blanket to sit on and a picnic to enjoy as they revel in the heart-warming story of Edwardian children Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis who are mysteriously separated from their father, and move to Three

Chimneys in Yorkshire. As endless days stretch before them, the family set about establishing themselves and making friends in the village. The all-important railway runs like a life vein through the community and its importance grows –learning from the people in and around it, the children rediscover and piece their family back together as the story steams towards its heart-warming and iconic end.

30 MAY, 2012

NEWS: 01536 384616

Heartbreak’s award-winning adaptation delivers the heart and soul of this classic tale and the company’s inspirational storytelling will thrill the whole family, whatever their age. The production at Irchester Country Park will take place on Tuesday, July 24, at 6.30pm. Tickets cost £12 for adults and £8 for concessions. For details, visit the Heartbreak Productions website www.heartbreakproductions.co.uk


May 30 The Last Five Years, drama presented by the Shabby Theatre Company. Tickets £12.50, concessions £10, Castle Theatre Studio, Wellingborough, 7.45pm. Box Office 01933 270007 May 31 Showtime Spectacular, presented by Wellingborough Hatton Rotary Club and featuring 150 local performers singing songs from favourite musical shows. Tickets £10, Castle Theatre, Wellingborough, 7.30pm. Box Office 01933 270007 May 31 Tad Newton's Jazz Friends, with Trevor Whiting and Alan Savage, an evening dedicated to Count Basie, Duke Ellington and their musicians. Tickets £12.50 (concessions £10.50), Castle Theatre Studio, Wellingborough, 8pm. Box Office 01933 270007 June 2 Tom Stade, Canadian stand-up comedian as part of his nationwide tour. Tickets £15, Castle Theatre, Wellingborough, 8pm. Box Office 01933 270007 June 3 Just Dance, with the Deborah McFarlane School of Dance. Tickets £11 (concessions £9.50), Castle Theatre, Wellingborough, 4.30pm. Box Office 01933 270007 June 5 to June 7 Children and Families Festival, a range of shows and activities for half term week, Castle Theatre, Wellingborough, for details visit www. thecastle.org.uk Box Office 01933 270007 June 9 and June 10 Well...rough, a community play telling a sad, witty and poignant tale about Wellingborough and its people. Tickets £10 (concessions £8), Castle Theatre Studio, Wellingborough, Saturday 3pm and 7.30m, Sunday 2pm and 6pm. Box Office 01933 270007 June 12 and 13 The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, a two-handed production to mark the centenary of the author, Robert Tressell. Tickets £12.50 (concessions £10.50, £8 for those not working), Castle Theatre Studio, Wellingborough, 7.45pm. Box Office 01933 270007 Film June 5 Tangled - Disney's colourful version of the story of Rapunzel. Castle Theatre, Wellingborough, 11am and 2pm, check www.thecastle.org.uk for details. June 11 The Cold Light of Day - Bruce Willis and Sigourney Weaver in the story of a young Wall Street trader whose life is transformed by a sailing trip to Spain. Castle Theatre, Wellingborough, 8pm, check www.thecastle. org.uk for details. June 12 Mirror Mirror - Spirited adventure comedy based on the Snow White story and starring Julia Roberts. Castle Theatre, Wellingborough, 2.30pm and 8pm, check www.thecastle.org. uk for details. June 13 Gone - Jill has only 12 hours to find

her sister, Molly, in this thrilling adventure. Castle Theatre, Wellingborough, 8pm, check www.thecastle. org.uk for details.


Every Monday Wellingborough Rotary Club, meets at The Castle Theatre, at 12.30 or 6 pm (Alternate twilight meetings at 6 pm, meetings on 5th Monday of a month usually at Wellingborough Golf Club at 7.30, contact secretary on 01933 664636.

Children's groups

Little COGS Tuesdays & Thursdays 9.30am-11.15am, Reachout Community Church, Havelock Street, 50p per child. Contact 01933 225525 Messy Play Wednesdays 1.152.45pm, Victoria Centre, £2.20 1st child, £2 thereafter. Contact 01933 460266 Jumping Beans Wednesdays 9.1511am term time only, Mill Road Baptist Church. Contact 01933 383159 Little Fishes Fridays 1.30-3pm, Our Lady’s Catholic School Hall, Henshaw Road, £1 per family. Contact Lee on 01933 460266 Mucky Pups (Messy Play) Tuesdays 9.30-11am, The Castle Theatre 1st child £2.75, 2nd child £2. Contact 01933 272119 The Rascals Music Session Wednesdays & Fridays 9.45-10.45am, The Castle Theatre, £2 1st child, £1.25 2nd child Rhymetime Wednesdays 1010.30am & 11-11.30am, Wellingborough Library, Free. Contact 01933 225365 Little Lambs (Irchester), Fridays 10-11.30am, Reachout Community Church, 4 High Street, Irchester. Contact 01933 225525 Irchester BATS (Babies and Toddlers), Wednesdays 10.15-11.15am, term time only, Irchester Village Hall, £1 1st child, 50p thereafter. Contact Nichola on 01933 410866 Little Fishes (Little Harrowden) Every other Wednesday 2-3pm, Little Harrowden Church, Main Street, Little Harrowden. Contact Heather on 01933 678225

Research shows that 80% of the population spend half their life and 90% of their money within 5 to 10 miles from where they grew up. Most people still have local roots.


NEWS: 01536 384616

Youngsters speak out to get foster message across Brave foster children tell their stories to highlight plight of others > County Five Northamptonshire youngsters shared their experiences of foster care in a bid to encourage more people to consider becoming foster carers. The five, ranging in age from eight to 15 years, recorded touching interviews giving an insight into how much difference a foster carer can make. The interviews were recorded as part of a Northamptonshire County Council’s campaign to recruit more foster carers during Foster Care Fortnight earlier this month. Councillor Andrew Grant, cabinet member for children, learning and skills, said: “It’s not often that we have the chance to hear the voice of the children at the heart of the fostering issue. These young people have articulated the concerns and hopes of children in

care and I’m so grateful that they have given us a glimpse into their lives so we can truly understand the impact a good fostering placement can make.” The theme of this year’s Foster Care Fortnight was 22 minutes. This reflects the fact that a child comes into care and needs a foster family every 22 minutes across the UK. In Northamptonshire, a child comes into care every 14 hours. There are different types of fostering including short-term and permanence. Foster carers are paid an allowance and a further payment that increases as the carers skills increase. In Northamptonshire there are currently 158 couples and 62 individuals providing foster care. For more information about how to get involved in fostering, call the fostering recruitment line on 0300 126 1009 or visit the website www.fosterme.co.uk

Life behind a lens Summer school especially for young film makers > Grendon Hall BUDDING film makers can get a chance to experience the excitement of life behind the camera at a five-day residential film course this summer. The course, at Grendon Hall will introduce young people from 11 to 16 to film making and outdoor activities. During the week students will have the opportunity to take part in a whole host of activities including: film making, special effects workshops, abseiling, climbing, archery, swimming and raft building. The courses aim to introduce students to the skills they will need to become accomplished film makers and promote self-esteem, creativity, selfmotivation, leadership and team skills. They are staffed by workshop leaders who are industry professionals who have experience working with children and young people and have undergone enhanced police checks. The course will take place from July

Open air theatre > Yeldon SHAKESPEARE’S Twelfth Night will be performed at the Open Air Theatre at the Chequers Pub in Yelden on Saturday, June 9. Tickets are £15 each, concessions £12.50, and the show begins at


Say what 2012 means to you Prize for this special year > County A GOLDEN prize is on offer to a budding artist, photograph and poet who can best show judges what this year's London Olympics means to them. Anyone wishing to take part should write a poem, take a photograph, create a piece of art or write a short piece of prose entitled My 2012 Legacy. The entry should reflect how they see London 2012 impacting upon their life, perhaps inspiring them to take part in sport or the arts. The winner will receive an exclusive copy of the London 2012 Olympic Games The Official Book, signed by four-times gold medal winner, Sir Matthew Pinsent. The Official Book, with a foreword by Lord Sebastian Coe, is published by Carlton Books and will sell at £12.99. But only four will have Sir Matthew's autograph and special message in them and they will go, exclusively, to East Midlands young people. Prizes will be awarded in four categories: Pupils at Primary Schools, Pupils at Special Schools, Secondary school pupils and College and KS 5 students Entries to include photos of any artwork should be emailed to Gaynor Nash at g.nash@lboro.ac.uk to arrive no later than Friday June 15. Judging will take place by June 22.

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l Data Recovery/Virus Removal l PC/Laptop Not Starting l Painfully Slow Running l Servicing and Speed Boosts ON CAMERA: Film School will introduce young people to life behind the lens 30 to August 3 and will cost £499 including all activities, boarding and meals. Early booking, sibling and group discounts are available. For more information or to book a place, contact 01604 407771. More details are available on the Northamptonshire County Council website www. northamptonshire.gov.uk 6.30pm. The gates open at 4pm for guests who want to bring chairs, rugs and picnics. Alcohol is not allowed, but refreshments will be on sale. Later shows include Richard III performed by Festival Players on Saturday, August 11 and King Arthur & the Sword in the Stone on Saturday, August 26. A block booking for all three shows is just £30. For details ring 01933 365221

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30 MAY, 2012

NEWS: 01536 384616


Giles’ special task runs alongside build-up

County-born Met officer is part of flame security team > Wellingborough A POLICE officer from Northamptonshire is part of the team that has been ensuring the safe passage of the Olympic torch relay as it makes it was across the UK. Giles Dainty is part of the Metropolitan Police Service’s specialist Torch Security Team (TST) has been part of an 18-month of training schedule for what is a unique role in British policing. PC Dainty is a “runner”, just one element of the wider torch security team, which includes motorcyclists, pedal cyclists, senior officers and operational planners, who will ensure the integrity, safety and security of the flame, as well as the immediate protection of the torch bearer holding that flame. PC Dainty, aged 33, has been a MPS officer since 2004, serving in a variety of roles including policing the streets of Islington. For the past four years he has been an officer on the Territorial Support Group. He was chosen to take on this challenge from an initial 664 applicants and following an eight-month selection process. PC Dainty will be policing the Relay every four days and will be running through parts of Newcastle and London.

PROTECTION: Giles Dainty will be among the team ensuring the safe passage of the Olympic Torch. Numerous hours have gone into preparing for the role but, outside of work, PC Dainty has been preparing putting in many hours keeping fit by playing rugby. A keen sportsman, PC Dainty has played for the MPS rugby team for almost four years as well as playing for his local team, Olney. His Olympic hero is Daley Thompson as he represents his earliest memory of the Olympic Games.

Officers in training for Olympic role Northants Police play their part in largest peace-time pre-planned police operation > County

SOMEWHERE in the region of 198 police officers from Northamptonshire will be part of a special force put together to provide policing for the Olympic Games in London. Officers from Northamptonshire Police have been working with national colleagues in will be the largest ever pre-planned policing operation, while also ensuring that core policing for local communities continues. The 105-day national policing operation begins on 4 June and runs until 16 September, and Northamptonshire Police will support the operation by providing officers to assist for a total of 47 days. The commitment of the Force varies each day, ranging from a maximum of around 82 officers to as low as just two officers on other days. While the majority of officers travelling to police the Games are general beat officers, providing their usual professional service and working alongside the public, there is also

a requirement for some specialist skilled officers to assist. Northamptonshire Police will be lending expertise from its public order unit, dog section and firearms unit. Annual leave has been restricted across the service, non-essential training has been postponed and the Special Constabulary and volunteers will also play a role. Assistant Chief Constable Martin Jelley, who is overseeing the Force’s London 2012 operations, said: “The Olympic Games is the largest preplanned peace time operation that many of us will ever see. Officers from across the Force have volunteered to be part of the national response and we have local Olympic duties to provide safe passage for Olympic teams through the county. “This is on top of our day-to-day business, which certainly will not stop for the Olympics. “I am extremely confident that we are fully prepared to play our role in delivering safe passage for the Olympic Torch through the county and supporting the Olympic commitment.”

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Sunday June 3rd & Monday June 4th : £20 for a 2 day family ticket for 2 adults and children. £8 per day for a 2 day ticket for 1 adult. £2 per day for a child over the age of 8 years old. £1 per day for a child under 8 These prices above are for pre-booked tickets which can be purchased by texting 07971 530683 to reserve tickets or online at www.wegottickets.com. Prices on the day are £5 per adult, and £2 per child on Sunday & Monday. Tuesday's June 6th entertainment will be FREE. Tickets are limited, Tickets available in person at the Royal Oak - so book early please.


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Ready to fly the flag on Jubilee weekend


Borough gets ready to mark the celebrations in their own ways > Borough FLAGS will wave and loyal toasts will be made this weekend as the country sees the culmination of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations. For Her Majesty, the extra-long Bank Holiday weekend will start with a trip to the Epsom Derby on Saturday, followed by the Thames Jubilee Pageant on Sunday, when up to 1,000 boats from across the UK, the Commonwealth and around the world will take to the river. The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh will travel in the Royal Barge which will form the centrepiece of the flotilla. On Monday, there's a concert at Buckingham Palace and in the evening a network of beacons will be lit by communities and individuals across the UK. Tuesday, June 5, will see a day of celebrations in central London, in-

cluding a service at St Paul’s Cathedral followed by two receptions, a lunch at Westminster Hall, a carriage procession to Buckingham Palace and finally a balcony appearance, fly-past, and fireworks. For the rest of us, there is plenty going on around our regions to give us the chance to celebrate the Queen's 60 years on the throne. Big Jubilee Lunch events are scheduled to take place across the county, while street parties have been organised by local communities desperately hoping the weather is kind to them and Her Majesty. • Wollaston Diamond Jubilee celebrations will take place on Saturday, June 2 from 10am at the Courtyard, Wollaston High Street. The event will include crafts, food, entertainment, music, bar, fun and games, vintage wares, garden, kids' activities, cakes, ice cream and gift stalls.

• The Royal Oak in Doddington Road is planning a three-day event including a Jubilee beacon, live music, children's entertainment, food and a fireworks display. • On Sunday, June 3 ska band The Gangsters will be headlining, while on Monday, June 4, Guns and Roses tribute act It's So Easy will lead the entertainment, as well as bands from across the region. On Monday, big screens will broadcast the Jubilee Concert live from London. In addition, there will be face painting, jugglers and othON PARADE: All the pomp and circumstance of Royal life will be seen during the Jubilee celebrations er entertainment as well as a tournaments as well as an Old forces to put on a Diamond raffle. Tickets for the event can School Sports Day and various Games on Monday 4 June at be booked in advance either at stalls and attractions. the Memorial Sports Ground the pub itself, through Richard *Whatever you do to celebrate from midday, culminating in Oak on Facebook or by texting a the lighting of a beacon. The the Jubilee, why not share it with ticket request to 07971 530683. day will include a family fun Extra. Send your photographs • Wellingborough Old Grammarday featuring cricket, rugby, of the day to editor.judith@exians and the Borough Council rounders and a Dads and Lads tranewspapers.co.uk of Wellingborough have joined

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NEWS: 01536 384616


Olympic team picked for speed Six workers chosen to join McDonald's London 2012 operation > Wellingborough FAST food outlet McDonald’s has named its Olympic Champion Crew, and the list includes six people from Wellingborough. The six have been selected from more than 87,000 McDonald’s staff across the country to work at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The specially selected Wellingborough crew members are amongst a 2,000 strong squad of McDonald’s staff that have been chosen following a rigorous test of their speed, customer service and ability to work as part of a team. Esthefani Payano from Wellingborough is one of those chosen to be part of the McDonald’s Olympic Champion Crew. She said: “I feel so lucky to have been selected. Being given the chance to work at the Games will be the biggest recognition of my hard work yet and it’s a great feeling knowing how proud my family is of my achievement “I’m looking forward to spending the time in London, and soaking up the atmosphere from the Games - this is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I’m going to make the most of it.”” Franchisee Perry Akhtar, said: “I’m delighted that so many staff from Wellingborough have been chosen to take part in this fantastic opportunity. McDonald’s was looking for its very best people. They will have to step up their performance to meet the challenges of the Games. The crew will travel to London this summer to work across the four temporary McDonald’s restaurants in and around the Olympic park. They will play a key role in serving an estimated 1.75 million meals in 29 days to 9.7 million spectators, a workforce of 200,000 and 17,000 athletes and team officials. McDONALD’S: Staff getting on their marks ready for the off

Fundraisers mourn Niamh > Wellingborough A LITTLE Wellingborough girl whose charity appeal saw hundreds of people moved to raise funds for her treatment, has died. Niamh's Next Step was launched earlier this year to try to raise £450,000 to take five-year-old Niamh Curry to America for specialist treatment for neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive childhood cancer. But after developing pneumonia, Niamh died in hospital on Sunday, May 20. Just days before her death, her family had announced that the Niamh's Next Step

campaign had topped the £300,000 mark, with people across Northamptonshire and further afield organising countless events to add to the coffers. In addition, celebrities including Westlife's Shane Filan and X Factor star Alexandra Burke added their support, wearing Niamh's Next Step wristbands to promote the campaign. Niamh's parents have said that they are not sure yet what will happen to the money raised, but they are keen to see the fight to raise awareness and to fund treatment and research, continue.

Miles to walk > Wellingborough W E LL I N G B O R O U G H Ramblers are planning several walks over the next week or so, including an eight and a quarter mile circular walk from Brampton on Sunday, June 3. On June 2, a walk that covers seven and a half miles from Yeldon will start at

Share memories of Avenue Infants > The Avenue FORMER pupils, staff and governors of a school in Wellingborough are being asked to share their memories to mark its centenary. The Avenue Infant School, Wellingborough will be 100 years old in October and the school is looking for anyone who went to the school, or had children at the school, or who have worked at the school, to share any photographs, mementoes or memories they might have.

Three coffee sessions were organised to give anyone with connections with the school the chance to meet and share recollections of the old days. The last of those sessions will take place on Friday (June 1) from 10am to 11.30am. Alternatively, the school can be contacted on 01933 276366. It is hoped that the centenary will be celebrate with a party or gettogether of some kind on Friday, October 26, with details still to be finalised.

Holiday boot sale > Wellingborough

BANK Holiday Monday will see a special Mad Mile Car Boot Sale with The Chequers pub at 10am donations in aid of the Air Ambulance. followed the next day by the The boot sale, at Hardwick/Sywell Road, will start at 7am on Monday, June Brampton walk from 10am 4. It’s £5 a pitch for cars, £7 for small vans and £10 for large vans. from Old Thrapston Road. Parking for buyers is £1 per vehicle. On Wednesday, June 6, Refreshments will be available throughout the event. the group will be taking an eight-mile walk from The Greyhound at Milton Malsor, meeting 10am, and on June 7, they will meet at the main car park in Woburn for a 14-mile day circular, starting at 10am.

30 MAY, 2012

Clubs, Groups and Classes

Shotokan Karate: Meets Wednesday, Weavers Leisure Centre, Weavers Rd, Wellingborough. 7pm, E-mail wellingborough@shotokando.co.uk for more information. Wellingborough Bowling Club: Hatton Road, Wellingborough 01933 222527 Yoga Class: Thursday mornings, all abilities, Little Harrowden Village Hall, 9.30am - 11am Tai Chi and Acupuncture: Dominic Rushmore, Thursdays, All Saints Church Hall, Midland Road, Wellingborough, 9.30am to 10.30am. Wellingborough and District Camera Club: visit www.wellingboroughcc.info for contact details Wellingborough Rotary Club: The Castle Theatre, at 12.30 or 6 pm , Alternate twilight meetings at 6 pm, meetings on 5th Monday of a month usually at Wellingborough Golf Club at 7.30, contact secretary on 01933 664636. Little Fishes Fridays 1.30-3pm, Our Lady’s Catholic School Hall, Henshaw Road, £1 per family. Contact Lee on 01933 460266 Wellingborough and District Horticultural Society: third Thursday of each month upstairs in the Salem Hall, Salem Lane, Wellingborough, 7.30pm. For further details contact admin@wellingborough-gardeners. com Rorke's Drift Appreciation Society: formed in 1996 by a small number of avid fans of the film ‘Zulu’, hence the name. Tel: 01933 226188 or email enquiries@wellingboroughogs.org Arts Barn Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Contact Alan Joyce, email info@wellingboroughgands.co.uk Parkinsons UK Wellingborough and District Branch: meets Irchester Village Hall, second Wednesday of each month, 7.30pm. Contact Pauleen Parriss, Branch Chair, 01933 225438 Wellingborough Hatton Inner Wheel: First Monday of month - Business meeting. Second Monday - Dinner with Speaker. For information visit www.innerwheeldistrict7.org Wellingborough Flower Arrangement Society: meets third Wednesday of the month, All Saints Hall, Midland Road, 7.30pm. Contact Elaine Hall, 01926 843624, email eandmhall@btinternet.com If you would like your club or group to be featured in this listing, contact Extra Newspapers on 01536 384616 or email editor.judith@extranewspapers.co.uk

To advertise in the Wellingborough Extra Call Susie Shaw on

07785 628417


NEWS: 01536 384616


Andy sees business Work starts on new home for funeral firm turn completely around Undertakers looking to expand across county > Rushden

DIGNITY Funerals is shortly to open a new branch in Rushden after securing premises on Wellingborough Road in the town. The British company has taken a 664 sq ft shop property from letting agent Prop-Search and agreed a lease term of 10 years. Work has now commenced to fit out the unit to provide for reception and a private bereavement suite as well as a chapel of rest. Dignity has a rich heritage, employing local people who understand the customs and traditions

Joining group provided the focus > County

LOCAL businessman Andy Gibney has been presented with a national award for entrepreneurship. Andy, who runs No Brain, No Gain, a therapy solutions company, was presented with the award at Newbury Racecourse in front of 640 members of the Entrepreneurs Circle – a countrywide organisation that brings likeminded businesspeople together. Andy is known not only for No Brain, No Gain, which uses strategies such as neuro-linguistic programming to help people with issues including giving up smoking, losing weight, improving their relationships (or find one), increasing self esteem and eradicating phobias. He is also known in Northamptonshire as one of the leading martial arts teachers. Facing ruin in autumn last year, Andy joined Entrepreneurs Circle to give his business one last chance. "I can trace the turnaround to three events: joining the Entrepreneurs Cir-

AWARD WINNER: Andy Gibney (right) receives the award from Nigel Botterill. cle, a meeting with a fellow martial arts instructor who gave me some great advice and an ‘angel’ who saved me with only 24 hours before I lost my business," said Andy. "With some financial assistance, it came down to grit, determination, working insane hours and being creative to record a 72 per cent increase in turnover in seven months. "I won the Northamptonshire Entrepreneur of the Month award back in November 2011 and set about winning the national title as well; I told myself if I did enough to win the competition, then the business must thrive as well."





MAK-ing a move Support for team > Wellingborough

> Wellingborough

INFORMATION design company MAK Media Solutions has moved into new premises in Wellingborough as part of its continuing growth plans. The firm, which is a multi-media design agency, using state-of-the-art technology and techniques to provide customers with marketing solutions using platforms including websites, animation, email marketing, illustration and video. MAK Media has moved to West End House in Oxford Street, Wellingborough, where it is hoped the firm will not only have space to grow but will be more accessible to its growing customer base.

HEALTH and safety company She Ltd has added its support to Wellingborough Town Football Club’s first team. The Wellingborough-based company, which provides consultancy services for the implementation of safety, health, environmental and quality management systems, understands the importance of giving support to its local football team. Alongside the obvious health benefits, is the opportunity for talented team members to develop into great players, with the potential of achieving an outstanding career in football. The team plays in the United Counties League Premier Division at their home ground of London Road, Wellingborough.

On Your Parks... Get Festive ... Go Corby! 4th June

Quizzes. Bingo. Darts and Pool LIVE SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Sun 3rd June OPEN MIKE hosted by Steve Crow from 3:00pm

Mon 4th June CHARITY HORSE-RACING Starts at 3.00pm - PRIZES & CASH TO BE WON

of their community. The company strives to set the highest standard for the funeral profession in terms of client service and care for the deceased. Every Dignity funeral director is rigorously monitored to ensure client service, premises and vehicles are of the highest standard. The firm has a policy of treating all clients as individuals and every family with compassion, respect, openness and care. Further retail opportunities in Rushden and across Northamptonshire can be view at www. prop-search.com or by contacting its office, telephone 01933 223300.

50’s style family fun day and lighting of the beacon at Coronation Park

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30 May, 2012

NEWS: 01536 384616


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customers, also providing them with outstanding tattoo work and piercings. You will always get the one on one attention that every customer deserves, whether it is a navel piercing, small kanji, or a complete custom back piece. We here at Skin Graffiti Tattoo are here to give you everything you want in a tattoo or body piercing and more! The Sugarsmith Weddings Cakes, Birthday Cakes, Celebration Cakes. We can cater for any requirement. Skilled craftsmanship, quality ingredients, and great service will go towards making your day extra special. We have a vast range of Sugarcraft Supplies and Equipment -


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Greedy Pig Cafe Open 7 days - 7am to 3pm. On Rockingham Road, next to Hewitt’s Garden Centre, opposite Aldi & petrol station. HGV welcome. Says 'The biggest and best breakfast in Europe'. Have small, medium & large breakfasts. Also Pig Feast on large carving platter. Large breakfast is 2 eggs, 2 sausages, 2 bacon, potato scone, square sausage, fried bread, hash brown, beans, tomatoes, waffle, mushrooms, toast or b&b, tea or coffee. Skin Graffiti Lee and Naomi opened Skin Graffiti Tattoo in 2002. He wanted to provide a fun relaxed atmosphere for all his


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cake icings, sugar flowers, colours, glitters, petal powders, wires, boards, boxes, cutters, moulds, ribbons and cake making sundries. Sukey’s Hair Lounge "What is the difference between us and other hair salons?" A lot of hair salons limit their stylists creativity by requiring them to do all haircuts and colours using the same technique on EVERYONE regardless of the clients texture and thickness of hair. They expect every customer to be done in a certain amount of time causing the stylist to feel limited in their vision of the client’s hair. Here at Sukey’s, we know that everyone is differ-

ent and their hair is unique and individual to them. Lodge Rehearsal Studios 2 spacious rooms built sound quality and comfort in mind. Rooms are proofed and have a fantastic acoustic. Rooms start at £10. Open 7 days a week. Free parking. Equipment and pa hire also available Wags Beauty Wags offers a variety of beauty solutions such as pedicures, skin care, manicures, spray tanning, and many others to highlight your natural beauty. Perfect beauty is an elusive concept, if you can feel good about yourself by enhancing your looks, you may find more joy in your life - call in and see us at Wags.


NEWS: 01536 384616


3 page special

Come on england! Can Roy’s boys do it? The european football championships will start in poland and ukraine from June 8th. It will be the third time that the final tournament is jointly hosted by two countries (after Belgium/ netherlands in 2000 and austria/ switzerland in 2008).

His decision to leave out seasoned professsional Rio Ferdinand was a brave one and could come back to haunt him with the side having unproven international players such as Cahill and Lescott if the going gets tough. “England have always been short of firepower up front since the Shearer and Sheringham partnership, and with the talismatic Rooney out for first two games, we wonder where the goals will come from. Danny Welbeck could be one for the future but is this tournament too early for him?.

sixteen national teams will compete in a total of 31 matches to be crowned European champions. The format of four groups of four teams will be used for the last time in this tournament. The competition will change for the next tournament in 2016 when the line-up of teams competing in the final tournament will be increased to 24.

“The midfield looks strong with Gerrard and hopefuly Scott Parker but the pairing of Lampard with Gerrard has always been a problem and both seem to play better for their respected clubs than England.

The UEFA Euro 2012 matches will be played in eight stadiums, four in Poland – Gdansk, Poznan, Warsaw, Wroclaw – and four in Ukraine – Donetsk, Lviv, Kharkiv and Kyiv. the opening match takes place in Warsaw on 8th june and the final on 1 July in Kyiv. 1.4 million fans are expected to visit the finals and the matches will be broadcast all around the world. England kick off the campaign against France on June 11 in Donestsk and with new manager Roy Hodgson in the hotseat, what chances do England have of victory?

Top writer and journalist Stuart Parker, gives his verdict on England, “It all depends on the manager and if he has had enough time to gel a side capable of winning a major tournament.

“The opposition look a bit ordinary apart from Spain who are the obvious tournament favourites, and of course Germany and the Netherlands will be difficult to beat as usual, but England have a chance as long as the penalty hoodoo does not come back to haunt us!. “So now for my prediction- Spain to win beating The Netherlands in the Final, and I’m afriad England may go out to Italy in the Quarter Finals”.

your local - your


NEWS: 01536 384616

30 May, 2012


NEWS: 01536 384616



r e m suwmith

30 May, 2012

NEWS: 01536 384616


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Prospect House Prospect House, 121 Lower Street, Kettering NN16 8DN Monday 9:30am Your Consultant’s name is Jayne Telephone 07912 628191

The Civic Centre The Civic Centre, Burton Latimer, NN15 5PS Monday 7:30pm Your Consultant’s name is Teresa Telephone 07751 485557 St Peters & St Andrews St Peters & St Andrews, Church Hall, Beanfield Avenue, Corby, NN18 0EH Monday 5:30pm and 7:30pm Your Consultant’s name is Joanna Telephone 01536 772267 The Crescents Community Centre The Crescents Community Centre, Laburnum Crescent, Kettering, NN16 9PH Monday 7:00pm Your Consultant’s name is Jane Telephone 07527 615426 Arena Sports / Balance Gym The Boat House, Thurston Drive, Kettering, NN15 6PB Tuesday 9:30am and 11:30am Your Consultant’s name is Jayne Telephone 07912 628191 Latimer Community Arts College Latimer Community Arts College, The Masque Theatre, Castle Way, Barton Seagrave(Kettering), NN15 6SW Tuesday 7:00pm Your Consultant’s name is Dawn Telephone 07917 221286

nd f r i

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Brooke Weston College (CTC) Brooke Weston College (CTC), Coomb Road, Great Oakley (Corby), NN18 8LA Tuesday 7:00pm Your Consultant’s name Jayne Telephone 07912 621891 Marlow House Marlow House. Gold Street. Desborough. NN14 2NQ Tuesday 5:30 & 7:30pm Your Consultant’s name is Helena Telephone 07786084736 Old Village Community Centre The Community Centre, 13 The High Street, Old Village, Corby. NN17 1Ux Wednesday 9:30am Your Consultant’s name is Carolyn Telephone 07792 242318 Lodge Park Technology College Lodge Park Technology College, Shetland Way, Corby, NN17 2JH Wednesdays 7:30pm Your Consultant’s name is Carolyn Telephone 07792 242318 Saxon Hall Saxon Hall, Thorpe Street, Raunds, NN9 6LS Wednesday 5.30 and 7:30pm Your Consultant’s name is Susan Telephone 07737 628366

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ear you toda y... The Ennerdale Community Centre The Ennerdale Community Centre, Ennerdale Road, Corby, NN17 2EA Wednesday 7:30pm Your Consultant’s name is Narcisz Telephone 07517 370269 Arena Sports / Balance Gym The Boat House,Thurston Drive, Kettering, NN15 6PB Wednesday 4:00pm, 5:30pm, 7:15pm Your Consultant’s name is Jayne Telephone 07912 628191 Mawsley C.P School Mawsley C.P.School, Scholars Row, Mawsley NN15 1GZ Wednesday 7:30pm Your Consultant’s name is Teresa Telephone 07751 485557 Rushden Weslyan Church Hall New Venue, New Consultant Rushden Weslyan Church Hall, Queen Street, Rushden NN10 0AA Thursday 9.30am Your Consultant’s name is Amie Telephone 07730 795235 Latimer Community Arts College Latimer Community Arts College, The Masque Theatre, Castle Way, Barton Seagrave(Kettering), NN15 6SW Thursday 5:00pm and 6:45pm Your Consultant’s name is Dawn Telephone 07917 221286

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St Andrews Parish Church St Andrews Parish Church, Lyndsay Street, Kettering NN16 8RG Thursday 5:30pm and 7:30pm Your Consultant’s name is Roberto Telephone 07931 792942 St Marks Church Hall St Marks Church Hall, Queensway, Wellingborough, NN8 3SD Thursday 5:30pm and 7:30pm Your Consultant’s name is Rosie Telephone 01933 675364 Church of The Epiphany Church of The Epiphany, Elizabeth Street, Corby, NN17 1TU Thursday 5:30pm and 7:30pm Your Consultant’s name is Sonia Telephone 01536 508980 Wollaston School Wollaston School 6th Form Centre, Irchester Road, Wollaston NN29 7PH, Thursday 7pm Your consultants name is Dawn Telephone 07793 781435 Prospect House Prospect house 121 Lower Street, Kettering NN16 8DN. Saturday 9:00am Your consultant’s name is Colin Telephone 07512 304573

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NEWS: 01536 384616


LAST SATURDAY night was the annual politically charged rally, and low-point of the United Kingdom's music industry, otherwise known as The Eurovision Song Contest. This year our great little island showed the world just how bad we really are, when it comes to making decisions on how we want to be seen; throwing a retired and knackered old man (who I'm told was famous before I was born) on stage. The message from the world was loud and clear; the newer, fresher and better-rounded acts did better. This is - and will prove to be more so in the future - the same with everything. So why are we still teaching the generation-of-tomorrow with outdated methods in schools? We are in a new age. An age where everything around us is digital. When we’re travelling, working and even sleeping, we’re always connected to the internet, utilizing the tools which have become a key necessity for our lives. It is about time that a focus was put upon digital communication methods in schools; with trade and business' set-up in 2012, being able to send an email is as important as our verbal communication skills. Another contrast between the winning act, from Sweden and old Emb's (who came second last) is the creativity which went into the act. As a nation we seem overlyproud of our past, and think that moving away from that is wrong. An example in education, The English Baccalaureate, which measures schools on their intake’s performance in English, mathematics, history or geography, the sciences and a language. In a time when creativity is more important than ever, the youth of today are being discouraged from it; taught instead how to be 'good little workers', who can slot right into today’s jobs market. So - I'm young, and maybe I'm wrong - but don't you agree, and think there needs to be change? If you agree with Spooner or have your own take on things why not comment on our Letters and Rants page in our next issue. Send your emails or letters to: hello@extranewspapers.co.uk

Our new columnist and one of world’s youngest publishers, Sean Spooner, writes about the tedious link between the Eurovision Song Contest and education…and well, anything really…


Jimmy Nail comes home and finds my character in bed with his sister. He drags me out of bed naked by my hair.

Terry Cade

Luke Manning talks to Terry Cade golfmiester, bowling green afficionado, ex stunt man accompanied by his faithful sidekick Alfie

A DIVERSE career that has included trading blows with Bruce Lee as martial arts specialist and rubbing shoulders with the Hollywood elite as a renowned stuntman, Terry Cade, Rothwell's very own action man is now plotting world domination as a prestigious, bespoke golf club maker in local Rothwell. A man of many talents – stunt man, actor, golfer, bespoke golf club designer, businessman. Where did it all begin? I have always been fascinated with martial arts and back in the 1970s I was working in Hong Kong with the likes of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan on films such as ‘Enter the Dragon’. I was the English guy who played the baddies and was basically there to get kicked around. It was great fun. One day I was on set and the Australian stunt man working on the film hadn’t arrived to do a couple of scenes. I’d watched the stuntmen in action whilst doing my martial arts work and had always been an athletic kid, so I said to the director “I could do that”. I figured that as long as the car had a good roll cage, I would just put my foot down and hope for the best. Two weeks later another film came up and I was asked by the director if I wanted to do some more stunts. I never looked back. What happened next? I came back to England in 1979

and joined the UK stunt register, building up from a probationary member to full co-ordinator over a number of years. In the process I had to learn all kinds of skills from horse riding and fencing and trampolining to high diving. You could give me anything to fall off and I loved it, apart from motorbikes. I have never been particularly au fait with motorbikes. Do you live the movie star lifestyle? I get to travel the world and have always been treated exceedingly well - after all, your job is to make the movie stars look good isn’t it? The pay is good and it’s a lot of fun but there is the other side as well - always being on planes and in hotels, hanging around forever on set and, of course, it physically hurts. Any favourite films or stunts? Strangely the stunt that springs to mind is nothing outrageous. It was on the television series Spender when Jimmy Nail comes home and finds my character in bed with his sister. He drags me out of bed naked by my hair and, whilst I’m scrabbling for my clothes, throws me down the stairs. It was a hard stunt as I had to go tumbling down with absolutely no padding whatsoever. But my favourite films were perhaps the nine Bond movies I have featured in or when I was a stunt double for Tom

Cruise in Legend. There was probably more of me in that film than Tom, and I got to work with one of the world’s best stunt co-ordinators, Vic Armstrong. Any dreams of being an actor? There have been television series where I have done a bit of acting and thoroughly enjoyed it, such as Last of the Summer Wine and Pulaski, but most of my career has been either coordinating stunts or doing the stunts as a double. I even doubled as Nora Batty! So where does the golf fit in? I play a lot of golf and am fortunate enough to have got to a very good level. I now hold diplomas with the European, World and US Golf Teachers Federations. I organised pro celebrity golf matches in the 1980s and since meeting a guy called Chris Treacy at Diamond Golf, I have always wanted to own a golf academy that not only teaches golf but makes bespoke clubs. I set up of the Snooty Fox Golf Company in 2010 and when I knew that the local bowling green needed saving it seemed a perfect opportunity to a step further towards that dream. We eventually moved premises there and the old bowling green area takes a lot of upkeep, but it’s worth it and it means that alongside the shop we now have a putting green, chipping green and all weather driving bays. We’ve got mem-

bers now that come and use all the facilities and I give them hints, tips and lessons as well. I have always enjoyed using my hands, solving problems and making things, so the bespoke club part of the business is hugely rewarding and very technical - with a workshop onsite to make the clubs. What do you do when you’re relaxing? Being a stuntman makes you always want to be active and turn your hand to anything. I still train and also play squash, water ski on holiday, go scuba diving – that sort of thing. My partner and I spend a lot of time with our two year old dog Alfie, who is always dancing about and has a wonderful friendly character that means he goes by my side wherever I do, and I like to unwind with a steak and a good bottle of red when we go out. Are there any ambitions left unfulfilled? I want to get my name on the map as a great golf club maker. For all of the films and all of television, realising that dream would be my greatest success. Sum yourself up in four words. Fun. Energetic. Inquisitive. Helpful. And if you could be a superhero, who would it be? It’s got to be Superman. He’s a force for good and everybody likes to think they could fly...

30 May, 2012

NEWS: 01536 384616


EXTRA JUST MARRIED Christina and Mark

Philip Barnett pjbphotography.co.uk 07900 892586

John Robertson qualityweddingphotos.co.uk 07850 931219

Brillpix brillpix.com 07973883452

Craig & Nadine

Married and reception at Sedgebrook Hall, on 12th March 2012. Christina and Mark are both from Milton Keynes

Rob and Adele

Married at Kettering Parish Church on 9th May 2009, Rob and Adele come from Kettering. Reception: Holiday Inn Corby. Honeymoon - Maldives

Married and reception at Wicksteed Park, Kettering on 11th April 2012. Craig and Nadine are both from Kettering and spent their Honeymoon in Cyprus

If you would like to showcase your business to couples planning their nuptials in Corby, Kettering or Wellingborough call Sheila on 07785 628422 who will be happy to help.

John Robertson qualityweddingphotos.co.uk 07850 931219

Winston and Carol

Married and reception at The Church, Northampton, on 26th May 2012. Winston and Carol are both from Wellingborough. Honeymoon - Jamaica

And finally a little bit Extra...

Congratulations to Phill and Rachel on their wedding, Phill is from Watford and works for EXTRA as our web designer, Rachel is a Vintage Blogger. They are honeymoon is in St Lucia. Best wishes from us all at Extra.



Is your pooch the next Pudsey?

2. Amble & Peggy-Sue.

1. Boo.

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NEWS: 01536 384616

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Extra not the biggest...sometimes the best things come in small parcels...

Details of how to vote will be published in the 27th June issue of Extra and will incorporate a voting telephone number, Facebook and Twitter votes so make sure you keep checking Extra and our Facebook and Twitter pages. Voting closes at noon on Friday 13th July and the winner will be announced in the paper on Wednesday 22nd July. Editor’s decision is final. To enter your pet simply log on to www.extranewspapers.co.uk follow the instructions or email your dog’s picture and details to: hello@extranewspapers.co.uk and that’s that.

5. Charlotte.

10. Alfie (2)

15. Bruno

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NEWS: 01536 384616


EXTRA LETTERS & LOCAL RANTS FLY TIPPERS CAUGHT Dear..EXTRA A hefty fine for local flytippers. Residents of Corby have been ordered to pay costs of up to £300 after being prosecuted for flytipping. Corby Borough Council successfully prosecuted 3 residents on Wednesday 2nd May at Corby Magistrates Court for dropping cigarettes in public places. Corby Borough Council’s Lead Member for Environment, Cllr Peter McEwan, said: “Corby Borough Council takes flytipping seriously and will continue to crack down on it whilst finding more ways to find out who is responsible. There is no excuse for allowing rubbish to blight our community and any being dumped on the side of roads or in public areas will not be tolerated.” Corby Borough Council is dedicated to keeping a clean and tidy environment and asks that all residents ensure that their waste is disposed of correctly and that it is only transferred to an authorised waste carrier who is registered with the Environment Agency, to Corby Borough Council or to Kier Street Services. If residents fail to dispose of their waste in the appropriate manner it can lead to a fine of up to £5000 and anyone caught flytipping can be fined up to £50,000. Corby Borough Council is dedicated to continuing to crack down on the issue of flytipping. If anyone sees flytipping you can report it in complete confidence. Please call Corby Borough Council’s Environmental Quality Team on 01536 464654. Megan Gourlay, Corby Borough Council

Dear..EXTRA The recent ruling whereby the European Court of Human Rights ordered Britain to give prisoners the vote within six months is an absolute fudge. It first said an automatic ban on votes for prisoners is incompatible with the right to free elections enshrined in the ECHR. Then it then accepted the UK Government's argument that each state has wide discretion on regulating the ban. The court did not give guidance as to our future legislation but there must be no lengthy delay to setting a timetable for amending our electoral law. The UK government must bring forward proposals within six months. So we cannot ban all convicted persons from the right to vote and must frame rules as to what types of crime merit a ban and whether that is to be mandatory or left to a judge to decide at the time of conviction. Our coalition Government now has six months to frame the new laws and decide if judges are to be given discretion. This is open to controversy. If the vote ban kicks in at a certain

length of sentence for a given crime the judge now has to consider the possible ban in deciding how long the sentence shall be! Counsel on both sides will be more than interested. If a there is a ban due to length of sentence is that the stated length or the actual time the judge orders must be served? A complete mess but we can expect nothing less from the EU. Please don't kid yourself that this is an independent court, it is nothing of the kind. It only has few actual judges and its function is to endorse the EU and to push it further along the path to a single state. Derek Clark MEP Northampton Dear..EXTRA Now that summer is finally with us I went in the garden with my book yesterday afternoon and relaxed on my sun lounger and the world was a wonderful place - then - one lawnmover started up, quickly followed by another, it started a chain reaction of noise which was followed by saws, very loud birds and finally a siren from a passing police car. I decided to go back indoors and had to close my windows as next doors hedge-trimmer came out. Later that evening a BBQ party started up and the peace was shattered. God bless the British Summer! Kerri O’Reilly Wellingborough.


Letters should arrive by noon on the Monday before publication. Full name and address must be supplied and details will be withheld only in exceptional circumstances. Letters should be no longer than 250 words and may be edited. Please email your letters to hello@extranewspapers.co.uk

Diary of a Vintage Mum

30 May, 2012

Dear..Extra Just a short letter to thank you for bringing local news back to Corby. I bought a copy whilst shopping in Morrisons, I enjoyed the read with my cup of tea and cake in their café. This area has been crying out for it’s own local paper, I know these things take time and that money is tight these days but I must congratulate you from having the guts to launch something like Extra and to take on the ET. For 30p I enjoyed it and I hope you hang around for a long time, I too was in business for many years and I know how difficult it can be when you first start up. Keep at it and I’ll keep buying it, it will be interesting to see how you grow. B. McDonough (Mrs) Corby

LATEST TWEETS... @starlightdancek: @Extra_Newspaper thank you Our school shows always raise money for a local charity. Our next show REVOLUTION will support our childrens ward !workbridgeuk: @Extra_Newspaper the sponges taste even better than they look! #biased @iowtomatoes: @Extra_Newspaper ooohh too many to choose! Can't go wrong with a simple tomato basil sauce or The Tomato Stall green tomato chutney & cheese! < from us asking for your faviourite way to eat Tomatoes for British Tomato Week

by Clare Szerek

Sleep, sweet sleep

LEARNING: Nature’s way

New parents seem to use the ‘S’ word with a slightly hushed tones here at mocha-mama. How much are you getting? Did you get any last night? I got some, but not very deep! That sacred thing, the thing that can make or break a relationship in early days of parenthood. Sleep. Sweet sleep. Well what did you think I meant? Prolonged sleep deprivation can cause memory loss, reduced mental agility, mood swings, and can lead to mental illness. No surprises there then. Studies show that 21 hours without sleep has the same impact on your body as being over the alcohol limit for driving in the UK. Sleep deprivation

has been extensively used as an effective form of torture. And, of course, it’s used by babies, as a way to wreck the self esteem and crack the strongest will of a new parent. I remember clearly a 3am tearful plea of ‘please just sleep’ to my new born. The parenting books ( don’t start me off on those again) will give you a hundred ways of finding a solution, and friends and relatives a hundred more. You know you should nap when babes asleep, but that isn’t going to get the dinner on, and the luxury of takeaways on maternity pay doesn’t last long. I find it tragic when you hear of new parents splitting up in soon after little

ones born. The first 2 years as a parent are so hard, change in roles, relationship, finances, etc., let alone sleep deprivation on top. If only there was a magic wand. But there isn’t, and eventually, sooner or later, we survive and come out of the sleepy haze. The other ‘S’ word must reappear on the agenda, as often we go on to have another child, or two. Are we mad? Sweet dreams! Clare Szurek is mum to three, and the owner of mocha-mama the cafe/shop for expectant and new parents in Kettering. mocha-mama, for the expectant, arrived, exhausted and associates. www.mocha-mama.co.uk mail@mocha-mama.co.uk


NEWS: 01536 384616


We can't wait for the Diamond Jubilee! What a great opportunity to get out the bunting, wave a flag or two and generally celebrate being proud to be British. Choose bunting and flags, crowns and cake stands, Pimms, cucumber sandwiches, cakes and tea and then pray for sunshine!

Jubilee Garden Party The Contemporary Home www.tch.net 02392 469400

2 Mini Strawberry Victoria Sponges £2. Tesco Food www.tesco.com 0800 505555

Truly Great Cake Stand £9.95 Emma Bridgewater www.emmabridgewater.co.uk 0844 2439266


I Love Liz Tea Towel £17.75 Shop On Your Doorstep www.shoponyourdoorstep.com 01843 808061

Union Jack Ice Cream Bowels £2.99 The Contemporary Home www.tch.net 02392 469400

Vintage Bunting £19.95 homehomehome www.homehomehome.co.uk 01252 758 703 Cake Toppers £9.99 hunkydory home Diamond Jubilee Cup & Saucer £8 www.hunkydoryhome.co.uk 0191 6454004 www.shoponyourdoorstep.com 01843 808061

30 May, 2012

NEWS: 01536 384616


EXTRA ALE & SCRATCHINGS Jubilee Telly Addict …Royalty Reality TWO DAPPER GENTS. One chesterfield sofa. And a shared penchant for ruby red English ales, the odd packet of pork scratchings and the finest slice of Neapolitan pizza. So pull up a chair, pour yourself a tall drink and let’s share the often indecipherable musings of the modern man. Jubilee TV We have to admit that Her Majesty’s Jubilee celebrations have filled neither of us with jubilation. But before you cast judgement, we would like to swiftly add that we are staunch patriots and our misgivings are due solely to the fact that we both managed to put our backs out manoeuvring the chesterfield for the grand Jubilee garden party we've been planning. Several anti-inflammatorys and a bottle of Rampton's Jubilee Ale later and we have been forced by the quack to rest up to make sure of an expedient recovery, taking in plenty of daytime television and ‘medicinal’ ales. Yesterday, with an uneventful array of tired repeats on the box, saw our minds full of Royal fervour wandering back to arguably the pinnacle of television history, namely ‘It’s a Royal Knockout’. As we crunched through a delicious pork pie and a packet of the finest gourmet

pork scratchings (one should never mix meats after all), the question we began to wonder was what similar show could (or should) the Royals have participated in to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee? Given the modern fascination for all things reality, we narrowed it down to five mouth watering possibilities. First up, is I’m a Royal... Get Me Out Of Here! Now of course we all know that a more exacting title for the popular show would be 'I Was a Marginal Celebrity Once (and Quite Frankly Would Lick a Tramp for Publicity Nowadays)... So Get Me In There!’. So in similar vein 'I'm a Royal' would involve Her Majesty's lesser known relations attempting to raise their profile through a series of tests and endurances. Leaving all their privileges behind in exchange for a dirty, rodent infested backwater (Birmingham perhaps), they would vie for the public's affections and be forced to eat strange and exotic foodstuffs never considered edible before, such as kebabs and economy fried chicken meal deals. Royal Big Brother Then of course there would be Royal Big

Invitations by honeytreebespoke.com

As we celebrate the Queen's reign with a nostalgic street party (cucumber sandwiches, washed down with a Pimms or cool drink of dandelion and burdock), the television may lay dormant in the lounge. But has there been a missed opportunity for the creation of a cult reality TV classic?

Brother. Set in one of the Royal residencies and hosted by Davina instead of the frankly ingratiating Brian, it could feature all of the big Royal names. As ever, the contestants would be voted off one by one as the family gets dressed up in silly inappropriate fancy dress and the normally harmonious Royal relationships are pushed to breaking point, when the weekly food budget task is failed and a butler is no longer present. Windsor's Got Talent Or how about Windsor's Got Talent? The nation can witness the hidden talents only ever seen within the private chambers of Buck House after a Claret soaked Christmas lunch. Who wouldn't like to see Prince Charles rendition of Dizzy Rascal's Bonkers whilst Prince Philips busts out his own unique interpretation of urban street dance? Of course we would have to let Liz win, it is her party after all, and who could resist the charms of a bipedal Corgi, complete

with one diamanté clad paw, shuffling about on stage to the tune of Michael Jackson’s Beat It? Come Dine With One And before we sign off we must leave you with the last two options – Come Dine With One, once again following the popular format with votes being awarded for the best kitchen personnel and waiting staff, and The Royal Apprentice with Sir Lord Alan Amstrad giving William a dressing down with a stern “I told you to go out there and pick a bride that was a PR dream to help sell the Royal brand... and you picked the wrong bloody sister!”. An opportunity missed. Ah well, who wants to watch television anyway when it’s the Jubilee weekend? With the chesterfield sited al fresco, the Pimms on ice and the bunting lapping gently in the breeze, our minds will be on celebration not television. We’re sure you will be out there lapping up the sun too, so have fun.

The Luxurious Jaguar XJ Ultimate comes with a champagne chiller - bliss!

THE FLAGSHIP Jaguar XJ ushered in a new interpretation of the company’s established reputation for dramatic design and – with its lightweight aluminium architecture – responsible performance. Now, the XJ Ultimate focuses on two further Jaguar hallmarks: innovation and luxury, extending the model’s emotive appeal. Based exclusively on the long-wheelbase XJ, the interior changes applied to the Ultimate focus on the rear accommodation, extending the car’s limousine remit to provide a fully-appointed luxury business class experience for the most discerning of global customers. The XJ Ultimate offers the appointments of a private jet in a package to suit a wide range of requirements. A full-length, leather-trimmed centre console separates the two individually tailored rear seats which feature power adjustment, ventilation, massage and lumbar functions. A table, machined from solid aluminium with pianoblack and chrome detailing, rises up from the centre console at the touch of a button to provide a working area, its role supplemented by the provision of two third-generation iPads® with wireless keyboards that are housed in bespoke leather-trimmed docks in the rear of the front seats. Switching the focus from business to pleasure is the bespoke champagne chiller mounted between the two rear seats. This cools the bottle to what experts agree is the perfect temperature before ‘presenting’ it forwards when the chiller is opened. Two specially commissioned

Our dedicated team is here to make sure your vehicle is kept in great condition and running smoothly.

champagne flutes reside in a purpose made cabinet beneath the centre table. A full rear seat package with twin headrest screens and wireless headphones completes the experience in combination with a new 20speaker surround sound in-car entertainment system developed by British audio experts Meridian. To underline its purpose in ensuring that passengers remain cosseted at all times, the XJ Ultimate features revisions to the suspension to optimise rear ride comfort, with no compromise to the car’s breadth of dynamic ability. The XJ Ultimate is available with Jaguar’s existing 5.0-litre V8 supercharged petrol engine, its powerful and efficient 3.0-litre V6 turbocharged diesel, and a new 3.0-litre V6 supercharged petrol unit, all driving the rear wheels via an eight-speed transmission. Anyone following an XJ Ultimate will be in no doubt that the model is a cut above, as it is distinguished by new oval tailpipe finishers in polished stainless steel that echo the front air intakes and a discreet metal ‘Ultimate’ badge underneath the ‘XJ’ nameplate. The ‘Ultimate’ badging is repeated in the power vents set into the front fenders.

Here at Bodymek we share over 100 years of experience in Auto Services with a focus on delivering quality service at competitive rates. Bodymek's growing customer base now includes both 'Private cars' and 'Business Fleet', utilising sophisticated state of the art equipment and machinery.

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01604 589179 101 St James Mill Road, Northampton, NN5 5JP


NEWS: 01536 384616


EXTRA time for tea

Extra word search


Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9. if you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork.


old tv shows Find and circle all of the old TV shows that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell the name of an additional old TV show.




Extra BRAINTEASERS You are in a room with no metal objects except for two iron rods. Only one of them is a magnet. How can you identify which one is a magnet? How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if it doesn’t bounce off anything? There is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it back to you. Answers below the crossword solution.

Cryptic clues


EXTRA Crossword No. 5




Quick clues





7) Wigs turned many a head and many a man to drink (4)

1) Sum of original followers of the ‘fish’ (6)

1) Apostles’ group (6)

8) Carried to ensure continued good fortune (8)

2) Essence of self-esteem (3)

6) Swallow (4) 8) Lucky charm (8) 9) Small fairy (3) 10) Single time (4) 11) Single piece (4) 13) Monarch (6) 14) Free countryman (6) 15) Knop (6) 18) Water heater (6) 20) Complex tale (4) 21) Large fish (4) 22) Weep (3) 24) Prehistoric creature (8) 25) Not one (4)

9) One of the little-ones found at the bottom of the garden (3) 10) Just this single time only and never again (4) 11) One of a special group of several (4) 13) Latin queen who never went to Italy (6) 14) These guards are sung about in Gilbert’s opera (6) 15) Ornamental topknot on a dome or pot (6) 18) Big spouter in New Zealand (6) 20) Long ancient story of courage and daring (4) 21) Aunt changed by magic into a fish (4) 22) Call out and emit a great shout (3) 24) Long dead and very ancient (8) 25) What was left when all had gone (4)

3) Group of poetical lines that belong together (6) 4) Soft and warm like the outer skin of a sheep (6) 5) By which one is known when one doesn’t wish to be (9) 6) Priceless finish wrought by many years of loving care (6) 12) Stands up for you in court with excuses (9) 16) Compact and pointed like early Italian script (6) 17) Toxic to the point of fatal (6) 18) Engineered construction for accessing anywhere high (6) 19) On which you are sent when noone else wants to go shopping (6) 23) Unspecified selection taken from a group (3)

2) Self (3) 3) Verse (6) 4) Woolly (6) 5) False name (9) 6) Polished surface (6) 12) Excuser (9) 16) Slanting print (6) 17) Deadly (6) 18) Climbing frame (6) 19) Message (6) 23) Some (3)

SOLUTION TO EXTRA CROSSWORD No 4 ACROSS: 6) Let, 7) Standards, 9) Sit on a horse, 11) Erupt, 12) Asunder, 14) Etching, 15) Edged, 17) Sleeping car, 19) Bloodshed, 20) Sly. DOWN: 1) Denigrate. 2) Steam, 3) Endorse, 4) Cats and dogs, 5) Ado, 8) Loop the loop, 10) Generally, 13) Intense, 16) Siren, 18) Ale. SOLUTION TO BRAINTEASERS 1.You can hang the iron rods on a string and watch which one turns to the north. 2. Throw the ball straight up in the air.

NEWS: 01536 384616


HAPPY ADS Your LOCAL Extra offers you a new deal in advertising, the cost of placing an advert to celebrate your happy occassion could not be simpler - for your announcement we have three simple, cost-effective, ad sizes to choose from. No inflated prices for Announcements, no inflated prices for Happy Events, no inflated prices for anything just old fashioned value for money - dead easy...pick your size and give us a call.

Job Vacancies FREE TO ADVERTISE Animal Care Assistant

We are looking for an experienced animal care assistant with a proven work history in a boarding establishment. Experience is essential. Exceeds National Minimum Wage. Hours - Working any five days in seven Location - RUSHDEN, Northamptonshire NN10

Chalkwell Kennels



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Hinge Operator

Our Clent based in Wellingborough is currently looking to recruit an Hinge Operator to work in the manufacturing plant on an Ongoing basis, working hours will be 2 - 10pm, pay rate will be £7.32ph. Duties: To set and load machine to customer specification and working to schedules to ensure requirements are met. Previous machine operation experince is a must.


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30 May, 2012

Artworker / MAC Operator

HGV1 Driver

Our client based in Wellingborough is currently looking for experienced class 1 drivers, for ongoing work, various shifts are available, however you must be willing to work some weekends. Duties will include, traveling to various locations and delivering products to stores. It is essential that you have at least 2 years UK experience, and you will have digi tacho, and have no more than 6pts on your licence


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Sales Co-Ordinator A keen and enthusiastic Sales Office Co-ordinator is required for a permanent role based within a fast paced Sales Team. The successful candidate must be able to demonstrate proven Sales & Customer Service experience, ideally, from having worked previously within a Telephone Call Centre or Office based Customer Service environment. A knowledge and interest in the Tiling Industry would be an added advantage, as would experience of Sage, however this is not essential as training will be provided.

walls and floors.co.uk chris.curchin@wallsandfloors.co.uk

Office Junior

Our Client is a global company working with blue chip clients. They are currently looking for part time skilled Art Worker/Mac Operator to join their team in a busy department in Corby. Excellent knowledge of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop - and QuarkXpress, Indesign

A great opportunity has arisen to work for a local company in Kettering. Our client urgently requires an Office Junior on a permanent basis. Personal attributes required for this role are good organisational skills, reliable, hardworking, be able to plan ahead, be a good communicator, team player and possess a high level of commitment. Experience is essential for this role.



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0871 231 2044

Part-time Maintenance Engineer

Customer Services Team Manager

We are looking for a part time Maintenance Engineer to work in Corby. Your role will include undertaking plant engineering checks so you must be a Knowledgeable engineer. Ideally you will have a food or pharmaceutical background. Hours from 6am-10am Monday to Friday with more hours available if you can do plant maintenance.

Are you an experienced Customer Services Team Manager? Do you have a background in a Call centre environment? Have you worked in an Accounting/ Finance function within a supervisory role? If the answer to some or all of these questions is “YES” we want to hear from you today. Call for more details



01536 266228

Machine shop/ Machine operators

01536 411 277

Audio Typist

Machine Operators required to cover a three shift rotating pattern. You will need previous experience in operating and setting production machines and have worked in a production environment before. CNC knowledge would be an advantage This role comes with an immediate start for the right candidates. email current CV or Resume to brian@echopersonnel.co.uk

Are you an experienced Audio typist? Is a parttime role what you are currently looking for? My client is looking for a part-time audio typist to work 2 full days and a half day (15-20 hours). You will have experience of this nature and references from similar roles will be required. The role is an immediate start and will be paid at £6.08 per hour.



01536 266228

01536 481 120


Part Time Customer Care Advisor

Do you have strong office administration experience? Are you able to handle a large work load and prioritise? Do you have strong communication skills? Our Wellingborough based client is seeking a strong administrator to join their busy manufacturing and installations business, for more details contact-


01933 277 633

Do you believe in giving good customer service as well as having a natural flair ? Do you have excellent communication skills and a natural relationship builder with customers ? Duties will include liaising with existing and new clients, placing orders on to the computer system, updating data and receiving calls. For more details contact


01536 414484

Extra help recruiting local people and getting work done If you have a Job vacancy that needs filling or a Job that needs doing– use our Extra FREE ad service. Simply go to our website, fill in the boxes with your requirements, ‘click’ the button and your Job Ad goes on this page and on our website absolutely free for one edition. It’s a first come-first served basis if we fill the space available we’ll carry your ad through to our next edition. We do not accept copy in any other format – you must use our website.

www.extrafreeads.co.uk Using this FREE service does not guarantee acceptance. The publisher reserves the right to withdraw any advertisement that may be seen as ‘questionable in content’. We cannot guarantee insertion, we have limited space on the page, we will try to fit as many ads on the page as possible, but we are aware that your advert needs to be seen and should there be too many ads we will carry the excess over to our following edition. Contact us immediately if you are suspicious of any caller – do not let anyone into your home without first seeing their identification. We WILL follow up any bogus individuals or companies. Local recruitment and jobs only. No agencies.

ADVERTISE your jobs that need doing with a similar ad to


Urgently required a Builder who can re-build my front garden wall after the recent storms. All the bricks have been saved and cleaned. The original wall was 6 bricks high with 2 posts for the gate

MR BROWN 01536 567 239

We have limited space on the page, we are aware that your advert needs to be seen should there be too many ads we will carry the excess over to our next edition.

FREE TO ADVERTISE go to: www.extrafreeads.co.uk


NEWS: 01536 384616

EXTRA sport Basketball nets a deal to On your bike this summer develop elite players > Cycling

> Basketball TWO of the leading county basketball clubs have joined forces to provide basketball at an elite level throughout Northamptonshire. In the past two years, Wellingborough Phoenix and Northampton Nets Basketball Clubs have achieved a Women’s Division 2 title, a Men’s runners up spot in Division 3, as well as three junior age group national final four appearances, National League Premiership and conference league wins and numerous play-off appearances at junior age groups. The two clubs have now teamed up to form Northamptonshire ELITE Basketball Club (NEBC). Both clubs will continue their identity in developing new players, enhancing and improving the local leagues within Northamptonshire, but a new player pathway will be developed in an integrated national league structure within NEBC, allowing a fully integrated player pathway from junior to senior. The club will play out of the existing homes of Wellingborough Phoenix and Northampton Nets in a move that will maximise the resources of both clubs for the benefit of the county as a whole. Pete Burgoine, Chairman of Wellingborough Phoenix Basketball Club said: “Wellingborough Phoenix and Northampton Nets have both made extraordinary progress since commencing national league programmes. The formation of NEBC will further assure the future of the programme and allow the teams to maximise the opportunity for all players and coaches who aspire to perform at the top level, it will

ELITE PLAYERS: The Wellingborough Phoenix Under 13s squad who took the bronze medal in the recent National Final Fours. also widen the recruitment net for players and coaches of both sexes with senior national league ambitions. “It is a vital component that Wellingborough Phoenix will still exist to continue its excellent work in developing youngsters in local primary schools and the continued cooperation with Nets allows this programme to be extended into more areas of the county for the benefit of both clubs.” Sue Elliott-King, Chair of Northampton Nets Basketball Club said: “The formation of NEBC is a natural progression of two clubs who have worked very closely to improve the standard and level of basketball being played and officiated in the county.

Rivals produce a game of two fielding displays > Cricket WELLINGBOROUGH Cricket Club Second XI took on Rushton in a game of two contrasting fielding displays almost tipped the game in the favour of the visitors. Wellingborough on the back of a good start to the season were inserted on a tricky wicket and with the Rushton bowlers bowling a tidy line and length, scoring proved difficult for the openers. Nathan Griggs, despite being given an early chance was the stand out early on for Boro with 38. Tim Coleman entered following the departure

of an unusually subdued Curtis and batted through the remainder of the innings for his third century of the season (104 NO). While the Rushton ground fielding was generally pretty good, the catching aided and abetted by a wet ball left a lot to be desired and Coleman was the chief beneficiary being dropped four times in all. Boro eventually reaching 214-7 off the full 50 overs. The pick of the home bowlers was Ryan Lingley bowling two decent spells up the slope (2-69) and Shaun Parker (9-1-34-4). The Rushton innings got off to a flying start, with the usually tight Boro

Thrills on the track > Racing SANTA Pod will be hosting a FIA Main Event Drag Racing Championships this weekend, including drag bikes. The televised action from Europe's premier Drag Racing Championships, attracting over 250 of the top drag racing teams and 17 classes of cars and bikes, including Top Fuel Dragster, plus jet cars, stunts, monster trucks, traders, sideshows and more family entertainment. The event starts on June 1 and runs until June 4, with the gates opening at 8am each day. Ticket prices range from £15 to £65 but children under 16 go free, 01234 782828 or visit www.santapod.co.uk

openers struggling with the slope. Dayle Steventon proved harsh on any width to compile a useful 49. The introduction of young Kyle Awbery and veteran Clifford Gorst put the brakes on and started eating into the home side batting line up. Gorst finishing with admirable figures of 15-7-28-5 and Awbery 8-1-15-2, but they couldn't get past the obdurate defence of Parker Snr who ended not out in a final tally of 124-8. A good all-round effort from the Boro, who were happy to take the lion's share of the points against one of their main promotion rivals.

Offer is on the table > Table tennis CHILDREN aged between seven and 13 years old are being invited to try out table tennis during the half-term holidays. The session will be led by UKCC Level 2 coach John Alsop and assisted by UKCC Level 2 coach Mark Holly. The cost is £3.50 per session and is open to anyone interested in learning new skills in a fun and safe environment. Call John on 07921 093199 or email jalsop@northamptonshire.gov.uk for full details

AN array of cycling events to suit the serious cyclist and the less enthusiastic has been put together by Northamptonshire County Council in its Summer of Cycling event. The programme is designed to encourage people of all ages and abilities to get out and give cycling a go. All the events and activities are free to members of the public, kicking off with Northampton Carnival on June 9, where there will be a bike parade leading the Carnival. Visitors can watch the riders, including a range of silly custom contraptions, such as tall bikes and bedstead bikes, and the festivities will continue at Delapre Park after the parade. The Big Bike Fix during National Bike Week 2012 (June 16 to 24) allows people to receive your free bike safety check before Bike Week by getting out and cycling to work or school, or go on a longer ride with family and friends. June 23 sees Daventry CycleFest, Chaucer Way Car Park, a free, fun event to celebrate cycling featuring a


range of displays and activities for all ages and abilities, and there will be more cyclethemed activities at Oundle Carnival on June 23 and 24, including suggested bike rides and bike fix stands. A Corby Celebration of Cycling will be held at The Corby Cube on June 30 - a free, fun event to celebrate cycling featuring a range of displays and activities for all ages and abilities. The Cyclists Touring Club will be running a programme of Guided Bike Rides from beginners to experienced cyclists throughout the Summer of Cycling. Visit the Events Guide page on the CTC website for further details – the rides marked as “Open” are those that non-members are welcome to take part in, and there's also five circular rides and other suggested routes on the Summer of Cycling website. In August, Wiicksteed’s Wonderful Wheeled Weekend at Wicksteed Park sees a whole host of existing displays and activities including the chance to ride on the former banked velodrome (now the go-kart circuit) on the Saturday evening.

Who is your Sporting Superstar? > tk ASK Chelsea fans and they’ll probably say Didier Drogba, in cricket there’s every chance it will be Stuart Broad, and the Olympics could throw up any number of stars, from the expected to the unexpected. But around our county, away from the big money and the adulation, there’s plenty of sporting stars that shine very brightly indeed. So who’s your Sporting Star? It might be the eight-yearold who scored a hat-full of goals last season, and it could be the veteran who’s always got one last season in them, and never lets the side down. It could be one of the most popular sports - football, cricket and rugby - or it could be the Cinderella sport, that is a passion for those who take part but never quite recognised in the wider sporting calendar. Wellingborough Extra is all about the good news stories that happen in and around Wellingborough and we want you to tell us who your own sporting superstar is. Send us all their details and a photograph and we’ll tell the whole community about their achievements. Anyone, from a proud parent to an admiring coach, or even a supporter from the touchline, can send their suggestions in, and we will print a selection of the best. Email details of your Sporting Superstars to editor.judith@extranewspapers.co.uk

30 MAY, 2012

NEWS: 01536 384616


EXTRA sport Support needed as club Women win in Middle enters exciting new era England game > Bowls

AFC Rushden & Diamonds will be joining Wellingborough Town FC in a ground sharing agreement at Wellingborough’s Dog and Duck ground. This is the club that has emerged from the demise of the previous Rushden & Diamonds FC, and played at under 18 level in the past season, with home matches being staged in the Northants Senior Youth League at Raunds Town. Next season the club will also have a senior team, although it is not sure which league it will enter at this stage. This will be confirmed by the FA in due course. Wellingborough Town will, again, be competing in the United Counties League Premier Division and will also have an under 18 team. Along with planned improvements to the Dog and Duck ground, this partnership provides a fantastic opportunity for local businesses to get involved with a growing and exciting football partnership. Wellingborough Town FC offers lo-

DOG & DUCK: Could the Diamonds be here for ever? cal businesses excellent match day hospitality, as well as sponsorship and contra marketing partnerships. By getting involved with WTFC, businesses are able to actively help support grass roots football in their local community as well as getting the business noticed by two sets of home supporting fans and sponsors. The club is always keen to work with new businesses and partners, so would like to hear from anyone

Diamond of a day at beacon site > Old Grammarians A SPORTS club in Wellingborough will be playing its part in the Diamond Jubilee celebrations next weekend when it hosts a special event to mark the lighting of the town's beacon. Wellingborough Old Grammarians and the Borough Council of Wellingborough have joined forces to put on a Diamond Games event to mark the occasion. On Monday 4 June, the aim is to light 2,012 (or more) beacons the length and breadth of the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, the Commonwealth and other countries around the world to mark this important and historic moment in The Queen's reign. Wellingborough Old Grammarians will host one of those beacons. To make the day special, the club is

holding a family fun day which will include cricket, rugby, rounder’s and a Dads and Lads tournaments as well as an Old School Sports Day and various stalls and attractions. To make the event a success, the club is looking for local sponsors and various packages are available. Local businesses or individuals can get involved by paying £100 to sponsor a race or £250 to sponsor an adult tournament. It will cost £500 to enjoy corporate hospitality, complete with a display of advertising signs, and £1000 for a trade stand, advertising and corporate hospitality. Anyone interested in making a right Royal day of it can negotiate terms if they are interested in having the games named after their company. For full details, visit www.wellingborough-ogs.org

who feels that they can help or get involved with the club. Match day sponsorship packages range from being a full match sponsor for just £125 to arranging for a young football fan to be a mascot for £20. For further information contact Matt Roberts on 07948 872074, email m.roberts912@googlemail. com or visit the website www. wellingboroughtownfc.co.uk

Lining up a new pastime > Oundle FOR anyone who's ever fancied lazing the day away by the lake, there's a chance to try the sport of angling at Barnwell Country Park next month. Fully qualified coaches will be on hand on Sunday, June 17 to pass on their knowledge and advice to anyone who wants to have a go at angling. There will also be a chance to find out what else lives in the park with the Park Rangers and to see what lives under the water through the underwater camera. For full details, contact James Roche on 07791 786251 or email james. roche@anglingdevelopmentboard. org.uk

Bowls Northamptonshire Women’s Section visited Haddenham BC, Cambridgeshire for a Middle England League match against Cambridgeshire ladies, and came home with a very welcome win by 16 shots. The County won on two rinks, lost on three and drew the sixth, so the win was very much down to the massive win by Jan Bradley’s all Daventry Town rink which did so by a massive 30 shots. On another day of cold and overcast conditions, Bowls Northamptonshire Men’s Section embarked on its Midland Counties campaign against Warwickshire men at Kingsthorpe BC but came away second best by 14 shots. Warwickshire started the match much more positively, posting a healthy lead of seven shots after five ends and doubling it to 14 shots after 10 ends. Although the visitors’ advantage was stemmed over the next few ends, and in fact reduced to just eight across the green at the three quarter stage, unfortunately, when riding well and having a decent lead, John Haines’ rink dropped a big count of seven shots, and from then on the lead remained with Warwickshire.

Teams needed > Seven-a-side TEAMS are required for a series of community seven-a-side football leagues in Wellingborough. Adults and veterans play on Mondays, adults on Thursdays, children (U-16 and U-14) on Fridays. With affordable match fees and referees, balls, kits and bibs all provided, the leagues, played at Wellingborough School's Astroturf pitch at 7pm, open up opportunities to any team to join in and play football. For more information call 07773 344455.

Sports News? 01536 384616


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> Football

A great visit to Soham BC in Cambridgeshire, for the Bowls Northamptonshire Under 25’s in the Inter County National Double Rink competition for the White Rose Trophy. At the halfway stage the county players were in front by around 12 shots, and although Suffolk dug in deep to keep the advantage within reaching distance, the Jamie Walker rink then picked up a six to go 26-13 up with few ends left to play, and Callum Height’s rink changed a head against them to go three shots in front at 16-13. The County eventually won by 20 shots, with the final score Northamptonshire 50 shots – Suffolk 30 shots. The ‘Match of the Season’ for Bowls Northamptonshire was played at Wellingborough BC between the Women’s Section and the Men’s Section, a match which is always keenly fought, and on this occasion, as always, the male bowlers’ pride was at stake. On the day, the men need not have unduly concerned themselves because, having just one losing rink, and that by only two shots, they ran out easy winners by a rather massive 59 shots. The final score was Northamptonshire Women 91 shots – Northamptonshire Men 150 shots.

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