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Destination Life Cycle talking about Hawaii

DLC Stage

With no doubt, Hawaii is located in the Stagnation phase of its life cycle as destination. The infraestructures are highly developed and Hawaii is known around the world. But the tourism causes environmental, social and economic problems. The exceeded carrying capicity point is coming and, due to that, the area has wellestablished image but will no longer be fashionable.

Visitors Number The data belong to 2016 year. On account of the geographical features of the destination, the samples were taken from the air visitors. The other arrival options are no relevant in the statistics (here more info).

JAN 711.868 FEB 685.557 MAR 775.981 APR 677.378 MAY 707.394 JUN 798.095

JUL 832.486 AUG 775.621 SEP 657.703 OCT 693.242 NOV 687.204 DEC 819.274 TOT 8.821.803

Importance of Tourism in the economy The visitor spending reached a new record in 2016 with 15,6 billion dollars. Which means that the tourism incomes contribute to the Hawaiian GDP (84,7billions) with the 18,5%. That reveals us the relevant of the industry in the area (here more info).

Tourist Supply Level of competition: In the archipelago there are established sundries international hotel chains like Four Reasons, Ritz-Carlton or Hilton amongst other ones (TripAdvisor). About the restaurants, fast food firms like Foster's, McDonald's or Burguer King has locals spreading for the islands. Hawaii has a large number, almost countless, of national and local restaurants (TripAdvisor). If we are dealing with the car hiring issue, the Fifitieth state of the USA, counts on the best international companies as Hertz, Budget, Avis and so on. Besides, there are local companies which scale the offer up. So, in the islands, we can observe a high competitive level.

Tourist Supply: According to the visitors stats october 2017 release, I have choosen Oรกhu, in Honolulu County, cause is the most visited one. In this destination we can find the next companies numbers. -Art=4 -Biking=3 Services: -Boating=9 -Restaurants=84 Accomodation: -Culture=12 -Transportations: -B&B/Inn=5 -Ecotourism=2 Buses & Shuttles=6 -Hostels=1 -Horseback Riding=1 Cars & Motorcycles=3 -Hotels & Resorts=57 -Kayaking=4 Limousines & Taxi=2 -Privates Homes & -Museums=4 -Visitors Information & Guides=12 Cottages=5 -Whale Watching=2 -Airs Tours=3 -Surfing=7 Please, click here for more info. -Scuba & Snorkeling=6

Host Community Attitude The Hawaiian native people is in the "Irritation Stage" (usual in the madurity phase of the tourist product). The qualified jobs are for foreign workers. They just have the possibility to apply for precarious works. Furthermore, they are earthy fixed people and the delicate environment of the archipelago is rapidly deteriorating, the prices are impossible to afford by the residents... They need to fight everyday to avoid the loss of rights and the respect of the traditions (here more info). ts tex e k th Clic


In the second one, we can learn about As we can see in one of the videos, for the native fight instance, in O'ahu, the Army and the against the loss of people enjoy the beaches together; in Kahua'i Marck Zuckenberg (philanthropist identity to achieve maintain the one), has expelled the natives; in Mahui, the rivers are diverted to the sugar crops sovereign of their forefathers. and the residents has no access to the All of these facts water and, of course, Monsanto and its make the people genetically engineered breedings are angry a most of occupying the Moloka'i island. And, them are strongly looking for the "Peace Nobel Prize", the against the USA is planning to ram the world´s tourism biggest telescope in the most sacred development. mountain: Mauna Kea.

Type of Tourist Hawaii is not cheap. On account of that fact, the tourist profile is upper-middle class whom interest is to live exciting adventures but with comfort. They search the balance novelty and home feeling. Hawaii is the perfect destination to reach this goals. For this reason, Hawaii is located in the “MidCentric Stage” where we can see the combination of the other tourist mental situations: “Allocentric” and “Psychocentric”.

DLC Representation Exploration: 1866-Mark Twain arrived to the island as a Sacramento Union Journalist. He reports to the world the existing of Hawaii. Involvement: 1871-Steamships companies begun to offer services to communicate the region with San Francisco.

Development: 1921-The statistics about tourist arrivals started. The tourism has earned sufficient recognition to be called the third industry after sugar and pineapple ones. Consolidation: The air companies began to run in October 21, 1936 with a Pan American flight from San Francisco to Honolulu (it took 20 hours in the face of the 5days steamship trip). Stagnation: Since the 50's the mass tourism begun to arrive once the II World War was overcome. Rejuvenation:If the new steps othe Hawaii development take cares about the local requirements, the product will be able to extend its life. Decline:Instead, the acculturation could be a big hassle. The native population is increasingly upset and the hostilities against the visitors can start.


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http://www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/ http://www.uhero.hawaii.edu/assets/Paradise_Mak.pdf http://dbedt.hawaii.gov/visitor/sustainable-tourism-project/overview/ http://files.hawaii.gov/dbedt/visitor/sustainable-tourism-project/drafts/STPsummary.pdf http://dbedt.hawaii.gov/economic/current_economic_conditions/ http://www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/default/assets/File/2016HTAFinalAnnualReport%20Modified%20033017.pdf http://www.uhero.hawaii.edu/assets/17Q3_State_Update_Public.pdf http://www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/default/assets/File/HTA%20Tourism%20Econ%20Impact%20Fact%20Sheet%20 (with%20December%202016%20data).pdf (Answer source of Importance of Tourism in the economy) https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/HINGSP https://www.bea.gov/regional/bearfacts/pdf.cfm?fips=15000&areatype=STATE&geotype=3 https://www.gohawaii.com/islands/oahu/accommodations? f%5B0%5D=field_categories%3A45&f%5B1%5D=field_island_ref%3A2&f%5B2%5D=field_categories%3A49#listings https://www.numptynerd.net/tourism-the-butler-model.html https://www.diagonalperiodico.net/global/29850-molokai-turismo-masas-capitalismo.html https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/229647-hawaianos-protestar-zuckerberg-muro


The tourism is the main income of the Hawaiian GDP. Although there are other industries which are emerging in the islands, them all need the visitor arrivals. But the situation is in a emergency. The mass tourism is collapsing the area and the native people has a lot of hassles to develop a worthy life. Furthermore, the environmental damages are other facts to determine that is necessary take care about the situation. To avoid the torn the brand down, Hawaii needs to play out tourist measures based upon the balance between the visitor data and the impacts. This archipelago is in a very mature phase, so is essential a constant research to improve the brand awareness. The product must to enhance the experience with sustainable tourism driven decisions to avoid the decline of Hawaii as a tourist destination.

Jorge Fdez. Toca 2ยบ GIAT-A

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