MAY 2017
How consumers make buying desicion? On this issue we shall learn how runs the mind of the clients before the buying decision.
In the prehistory the needs were so far away from the currently trends. The human being was happy just with food, roof and sex. Likewise, the stress carried out the mammut haunt chance to get food and a comfortable coat. But currently, the stress manufactures paralyzed people most of the time and the needs, with crowded tummy, are in the next galaxy away from those primitive desires as we said in the start. So the world is always changing and the marketing evolution must change too.
Every day we are receiving inputs. It is estimated that about ten thousands messages come inside us each 24 hours. The costumer developes a process through which the buy is carried out. And one of this ten thousands signals could be the spark which light the bonfire of that process.
The behaviour of the customer
FNowadays, the philosophy of the marketing runs
this study of the behaviour because is the source
to fill the gaps that cause the unfulfilled of the purchasers more quickly and efficiently than the key competitors. For that purpose, is mandatory required to identify these unmet needs.
First of all, we need to know what is buyers
Furthemore we can develope a more relevant
behaviour. And that is the set of procedures that
marketing programme; have knowledge about the
a customer developes to make the purchase. In
market trends; adjust our marketing to the market
addition, includes the use of these needs or
changes; guess the way of the market to anticipate
to the costumer needs; we can create new
When we think about the behaviour of the
products or services; offer relevant competitive
tourist consumer, we have to bear in mind
advantages; focus the company strengths to the
cultural, economic, social and personal factors. Summarizing, we find: environmental factors, buyer´s factors and buyer´s responses factors. In the environmental factors we find aspects like: Environmental estimuli (demographics, cultural/social, historic, economic, legal, geographic, political, technological and competitive). Market estimuli (companies, customers, suppliers, publics and intermediaries). Marketing efforts (product, price, promotion, place, people and publics). To analize the consumer factors we´ve to consider a variety of elements; these are the nationality, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, life cycle, occupation, economic, lyfestyle, personality, self-concept and psychological characteristics. These last ones are more relevant cause are in the core of the purchase: the mind.
Valdes Peninsula, Argentina
By that we´ll observe the motivation, the
correct aim and so on. Furthermore, all of this
perception, the learning, the beliefs and the
information not is useful to the company alone. The
attitudes of the customer.
intemediaries can develope their work in the
In respect of the buyer´s response, we have the
correct way.
timing, amount and location of the purchase.
Now, we´re going to put the focus in the tourist
Furthermore, the promotion, service, price and
market. Obviously the motivation to buy a cell
product choice. All of these items are the
phone is not the same as travel to Peninsula Valdés
ingredients of the response of the customers.
(Argentina) to enjoy with the whale watching. By
With the analysis of the customer conducts we
that, we´ll analyse the tourist motivations that are
reach valious information that is the crux of the
the reasons why the tourist want to do a travel like
a way to satisfy a latent need. The types of
correct aim and so on. Furthermore, all of this information not is useful to the company alone. The intemediaries can develope their work in the correct way. Now, we´re going to put the focus in the tourist market. Obviously the motivation to buy a cell phone is not the same as travel to Peninsula Valdés (Argentina) to enjoy with the whale watching. By that, we´ll analyse the tourist motivations that are
"Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge", Plato.
the reasons why the tourist want to do a travel like a way to satisfy a latent need. The types of
Needs, for action
come back to haunt, we are feeling cognitive
arousal that come from external signals which
arousal. At last, we find the environmental trigger the need.
We´ve talked about the motivations but, as we said before, these motivations are caused by unmet needs. The needs, we could say, are the hole that require been filled and we achieve this with the motivations that carry us to feel good when it is full. The human being has two main needs: innate and acquired. The first ones are located inside our heads and are considered like primary motives. These are the need for food, water, air, clothing, shelter and sex. When we attend to the
The needs have different levels of the hierarchy. For example, if you be thirsty, you are not going to think about a holidays in the Caribbean islands.So, the aim of the innate needs are to maintain us alive, therefore, a company of food or clothes should have, theoretically, more success like other that sells tri-spinner despite of the one euro cost. There are sundries theories to explain this hierarchy scale but all speak about the same or so. We can summarize in the following pyramid:
environment or the culture around us, we are speaking about acquired needs. These meet the requirements for self-esteem, prestige, learning, affection or power. The arousal of motives is rooted in our brain and you can´t start a fire without a spark. We have to know which kind of spark need each client. When we are hungry or freezing we are meeting with physiological arousal. If we are daydreaming (with a travel to Bora-Bora maybe) and thinking all the time in ourself in a better way we are talking about emotional arousal. Instead,when a personal achievement or eventful thinkings bring us memories that
"A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning", Pat Riley (former NBA coach & player).
"Five in every ten people ensure that they are the half". This phrase of "Les Luthiers" (comic theatre company) is fun but is also true. However, numbers can not explain the human behaviour. So, if you learn to create the need, you will be able to sell ice cubes to the inuits. San Cristobal Oriel, Granada (Spain)
Consumer Buying Process EDITING OFFICE
The purchase is not an isolate act. There is path before and after the procurement of a product or a service. Is important to the marketers to have knowledge, again the knowledge, about the customer mental way to get incomes. That way has been studied by the experts and this determine that there are six step in the consumer buying process. All these stages will be itemized below: Stage 1: Problem Recognition. This is the moment when the prospective customer feel himself far away from the desire place where he or she wants to be. The need
Some brands have the customer buying process at the four step before the shop opening.
has been created so, the buying process has
Stage 2: Information Search.
The buyer need a solution to the problem and
What can we do as marketers? Well, is crucial to be present from the beginning and in each step is possible to apply some action. For instance, at the moment is really necessary to promote this “problem”, share the testimonials of what your service (like tourist professionals) can provide. We try to put the customer stranger from the desired comfortable place.
starts to search info about the travels that take he or she to the deserve place. Right now we need hard company efforts to show that our service is the most efficiently, the most reliable… We have the best service of the market. To achieve this goal we need to position our brand in the top of the competition. But, it is another history. Stage 3: Evaluation of Alternatives. The client is going to do in depth research between the differents market offers. We´ve to provide the process and to this, we are going to bet all red. We can encourage to check our competitor prices out and we, probably, gain the client´s confident. It could be the beginning of a beatiful friendship. Stage 4: Purchase Decision. Despite the buyers decision is taken, the purchase has not yet been carried out and the deal can go down. Again, we can shift a threat
The unboxing is an important source of information. With in an opportunity sending mails, posts or the new tech, the prospective customer can check the anything that remind to the customer that your service is the solution. desire product out seatting in the coach at home.
"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning", Bill Gates. Stage 5: Purchase. We maybe are in the fateful step of the process cause on the middle of the same sale we can lose our purchaser. Nowadays we buy the tourist services using our cell phones or computers so we have to check our buying process out. We will achieve to know if has many clicks, complicate
instructions, if the load time is too slow… We need facilitate to the maximum our deal. Stage 6: Post-Purchase Evaluation. We are in luck! The sell has been done and we are in the last step where the client is going to verify our service and, obviously, we achieve a veredict. This stage is relevant by two reasons: The first one is the posibility of improve our service in the weak points and we´ll be proud of our merits. Therefore, is important ask the clients about their feelings through satisfaction enquiries or offering new service to analize if a new deal occurs. The second one is the junction with the searching step where the customers are seeking for services information and read the opinion of the past client.
Stakeholders Involved In The Buying Process EDITING OFFICE
The consumer buying process is like a theater performance where are so many actors. During the process, they appearing on scene to build, like bricks in a wall, the complex structure of the selling. We shall list them: The Initiator: is the person who first proposes the idea of purchasing the product/service. The influencer: who bias the choice with his/her opinion. The decider: someone who determine all aspect about the process; what, how, where, when, and so on, to buy. The buyer: the one who makes the purchase. The approver: who allows the draft.
All the roles are relevants, but maybe the influencer is the key piece.
The user: the person who enjoys really the product/service.
But is interesting to us to differentiate each one
Obviously, most of the time, sundries roles are
to perform one or another action depending on
developed by the same person.
the feature.
We have discussed the non-commercial actors but, what about the commercial ones? When we think about the tourist commercial agents taking part in the buying decision process, we find the following ones: Mass media (including new techs), we need it to funnel our message to reach the prospect customer in the first steps of the buying process. Travel agents, whose main function is to sell the wholesalers (touroperators) products to the final client. Global Distribution Systems, are huge databases of tourist service providers to retailers companies use.
"The essential is invisible to your eyes", Antoine de Saint-Exúpery.
Advertising and Marketing Impact On Customer Experience EDITING OFFICE
Amadeus is one of the most relevant GDS Booking offices, is a distribution alternative channel between the tourist service providers with the GDS. At last, we find the restaurants, hotels, guides and airlines which make possible to produce the service.
your company and has a bad experience with our marketing or ads. Your hard endeavour goes to the dogs. Therefore we need to put focus on the coming next topics. Message: we need to cook a impeccable text with a clear and concise ideas. This is because the messaging is the first impact of the marketing experience in the customer. If we send a wrong message maybe we miss a lot of
Nowadays we have a lot of channels to funnel
customer and don´t reach any new one. The
our messages. In the new-tech era, the
customer wants to be reflected in your brand
challenge to the marketers is to assure a nice
message cause it is a signal that means a
customer experience during the use of those
product/service required to satisfy the unfulfilled
tools. That is so relevant cause the brand
needs. Therefore a well built message
awareness begins with the first thought which
customized for each clients if it is possible (we
arrives to customer mind, so imagine if choose
can use the database to do that) is going to
With a correct message sending in the right moment and abide by the offers and all reflected in the text, we could gain the loyalty of our customer, to maintain and, why not, to increase the brand awareness. greate a good customer experience that mean
Grow up the loyalty: the marketers should
get to develop engagement and loyalty needed
develop an outline with a clear aimed loyalty
to create a long term realationship.
program that reach to create a positive
Funnel by the right channel: most of the 70% of
customer experience. This program should
the marketers say that the e-mail is the better
contain the accomplishments, the structures
way to deliver our message. But it could be a
and the values that we want to deliver to the
threat in account of the spam. By that is quite
customers. Again, the patterns and the
important to have knowledge about our
behaviour of the customers are so relevant to
customers behaviour not only in the buying
give shape to our loyalty program. To achieve
decision process but also in the preferences to
this goal it would be useful to create, with
receive e-mails. The inbox of our customer
tailored messaging and special offers, fans that
could be an oppportunity and a threat too. So
spread our message through their experiences.
we need to take care about the timing and frequency to get a nice customer experience and explain convincingly they about the useful of receive our info newsletters. Be honest: your message is like a non-written contract and if you broke it the damage to your brand awareness could be irreversible. Sometimes, in large companies, not is possible to ensure that your statements are going to be meet. In these cases we must to be active in the customers listening to have knowledge about the impacts of our messages.
"The thing about hip-hop today is it's smart, it's insightful. The way they can communicate a complex message in a very short space is remarkable", Barack Obama.