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Publications alert

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Adam, Z. & Csaba, I. (2022) Populism unrestrained: Policy responses of the Orban regime to the pandemic in 2020-2021. European Policy Analysis, 8, 277-296. Alexandre-Collier, A. David Cameron, Boris Johnson and the 'populist hypothesis' in the British Conservative Party. Comparative European Politics. Alexandre-Collier, A. (2022) Brexit and Anti-Parliament Discourses among Conservative MPs (2016-2019). Parliamentary Affairs, 75, 239-262. Alnasir, S. (2022). Laicism: idolatry trap or constitutional nihilism. International Journal of Political Thought, 16, 333-356. Amira, K. (2022) Donald Trump's Effect on Who is Considered "Conservative". American Politics Research, 50, 682-693. Ammassari, S., Fossati, D. & McDonnell, D. Supporters of India's BJP: Distinctly Populist and Nativist. Government and Opposition. Anderson, B. & Secor, A. (2022) Propositions on right-wing populism: Available, excessive, optimistic. Political Geography, 96. Annison, H. & Guiney, T. (2022) Populism, Conservatism and the Politics of Parole in England and Wales. Political Quarterly, 93, 416-423. Ansell, B., Hjorth, F., Nyrup, J. & Larsen, M. V. (2022) Sheltering Populists? House Prices and the Support for Populist Parties. Journal of Politics, 84, 1420-1436. Armaly, M. T., Buckley, D. T. & Enders, A. M. (2022) Christian Nationalism and Political Violence: Victimhood, Racial Identity, Conspiracy, and Support for the Capitol Attacks. Political Behavior, 44, 937-960. Armaly, M. T. & Enders, A. M. Who Supports Political Violence? Perspectives on Politics. Art, D. (2022) The Myth of Global Populism. Perspectives on Politics, 20, 999-1011. Arzroomchilar, E. (2022) Techno-Radicalism: An Account of Radicalism in the Technology Era. International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism, 12. Ash, K. & Shapovalov, M. Populism for the ambivalent: anti-polarization and support for Ukraine's Sluha Narodu party. Post-Soviet Affairs. Ausserladscheider, V. Constructing a neoliberal exclusionary state: the role of far-right populism in economic policy change in post-war Austria. Comparative European Politics. Babkina, O., Olena, N., Pavlova, L., Karchevska, O. & Balatska, O. (2022) Civil Society Transformation in the Context of Political Radicalism in Eastern Europe. Cuestiones Politicas, 40, 671-692. Backlund, A. Government Formation and the Radical Right: A Swedish Exception? Government and Opposition. Bakke, E. & Sitter, N. (2022) The EU's Enfants Terribles: Democratic Backsliding in Central Europe since 2010. Perspectives on Politics, 20, 22-37. Banai, A., Votta, F. & Seitz, R. (2022) The Polls-Trends Trends in Public Opinion toward Immigration among EU Member States. Public Opinion Quarterly, 86, 191-215.


Barbas, A. & Trere, E. The rise of a new media ecosystem: exploring 15M's educommunicative legacy for radical democracy. Social Movement Studies. Baro, E. Personal Values Priorities and Support for Populism in Europe-An Analysis of Personal Motivations Underpinning Support for Populist Parties in Europe. Political Psychology. Barquero, P. O., Jimenez, A. M. R. & Ugarte, B. A. (2022) Explaining the electoral performance of radical right parties in Europe (2008-2019): a fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Politica Y Sociedad, 59. Basile, L. & Borri, R. (2022) Sovereignty of what and for whom? The political mobilisation of sovereignty claims by the Italian Lega and Fratelli d'Italia. Comparative European Politics, 20, 365-389. Bayerlein, M. & Metten, A. (2022) The Impact of COVID-19 on the Support for the German AfD: Jumping the Populist Ship or Staying the Course? Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 63, 405-440. Beaman, J. & Fredette, J. The US/France Contrast Frame and Black Lives Matter in France. Perspectives on Politics. Beauvais, E. & Stolle, D. (2022) The Politics of White Identity and Settlers' Indigenous Resentment in Canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science-Revue Canadienne De Science Politique, 55, 59-83. Becher, M., Gonzalez, I. M. & Stegmueller, D. Proportional Representation and Right-Wing Populism: Evidence from Electoral System Change in Europe. British Journal of Political Science. Bedock, C., Best, V., Otjes, S. & Weisskircher, M. A policy like no other? The populist radical right challenge in the field of democracy reform. Party Politics. Bellolio, C. An inquiry into populism's relation to science. Politics. Benczes, I. & Szabo, K. An Economic Understanding of Populism: A Conceptual Framework of the Demand and the Supply Side of Populism. Political Studies Review. Bergan, D. E., Lapinski, M. K. & Turner, S. (2022) Do Populists Really Reject Expert Judgment?: Expert Consensus and Support for Clean Water Act Protections. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34. Bergman, M. E. Labour market policies and support for populist radical right parties: the role of nostalgic producerism, occupational risk, and feedback effects. European Political Science Review. Beuter, C. & Kortmann, M. Similar yet not the Same: Right-Wing Populist Parties' Stances on Religion in Germany and the Netherlands. Politics and Religion. Bieber, F. (2022) Global Nationalism in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nationalities Papersthe Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 50, 13-25. Binev, B. S. The Social Bases of Populist Domination: Market Reforms and Popular Reactions in Latin America and Post-Communist Europe. Government and Opposition. Boecher, M., Zeigermann, U., Berker, L. E. & Jabra, D. (2022) Climate policy expertise in times of populism - knowledge strategies of the AfD regarding Germany's climate package. Environmental Politics, 31, 820-840. Bohmelt, T., Koubi, V. & Bernauer, T. Why populism may facilitate non-state actors' access to international environmental institutions. Environmental Politics. Bolet, D. The janus-faced nature of radical voting: Subjective social decline at the roots of radical right and radical left support. Party Politics. Boller, F. Fuelling Politicisation: The AfD and the Politics of Military Interventions in the German Parliament. German Politics.

Bolzonar, F. Dealing with a difficult past: historical memories of the Vichy regime and fascism in the ideology of the Rassemblement National and the Lega. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. Bortun, V. (2022) Plan B for Europe: The Birth of 'Disobedient Euroscepticism'? Jcms-Journal of Common Market Studies, 60, 1416-1431. Bossen, C. Populism as Political Ontology: The Varieties of Populism in the United States. Politics Religion & Ideology. Bracic, A., Israel-Trummel, M. & Shortle, A. F. Ethnocultural or generalized? Nationalism and support for punitive immigration policy. Politics Groups and Identities. Bradshaw, S., DiResta, R. & Miller, C. Playing Both Sides: Russian State-Backed Media Coverage of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement. International Journal of Press-Politics. Braghiroli, S. & Makarychev, A. Conservative populism in Italy and Estonia: playing the multicultural card and engaging "domestic others". East European Politics. Breidahl, K. N. & Gustavsson, G. (2022) Can we trust the natives? Exploring the relationship between national identity and trust among immigrants and their descendants in Denmark. Nations and Nationalism, 28, 592-611. Breyer, M. Populist positions in party competition: Do parties strategically vary their degree of populism in reaction to vote and office loss? Party Politics. Brils, T., Muis, J. & Gaidyte, T. (2022) Dissecting Electoral Support for the Far Right: A Comparison between Mature and Post-Communist European Democracies. Government and Opposition, 57, 56-83. Brun, E., Rodriguez, C. H. & Rico, J. J. M. (2022) What about Latin America? An Analytical Proposal on Populist Foreign Policy. Revista De Ciencia Politica, 42, 81-103. Buckley, D. T., Brooke, S. & Kleinsteuber, B. How populists engage religion: mechanisms and evidence from the Philippines. Democratization. Bulli, G. (2022) Ethnographic Methods in Populism Research: Towards A Multidimensional Approach. Polity, 54, 538-546. Bustinza, M. A. & Witkowski, K. Immigrants, deviants, and drug users: A rhetorical analysis of President Trump's fear-driven tweets during the 2019 government shutdown. Policy and Internet. Caiani, M. & Graziano, P. (2022) The Three Faces of Populism in Power: Polity, Policies and Politics. Government and Opposition, 57, 569-588. Caravantes, P. & Lombardo, E. The symbolic representation of the 'People' and the 'Homeland' in Spanish left populism: an opportunity for feminist politics? Journal of Contemporary European Studies. Carkoglu, A. & Elci, E. Populist attitudes and challenges towards liberal democracy: An empirical assessment of the Turkish case. International Political Science Review. Carvalho, J. Understanding the Emergence of Extreme Right Parties in Portugal in the Late 2010s. Parliamentary Affairs. Chan, K. M. The Making of Radical-Right Voters: Persuasion and Contrast Effects in a Dynamic Political Context. Political Psychology. Chan, K. M. (2022) The bottom-up spillover effect for radical right parties. European Political Science Review, 14, 351-366. Charron, N., Lapuente, V. & Rodriguez-Pose, A. Uncooperative society, uncooperative politics or both? Trust, polarization, populism and COVID-19 deaths across European regions. European Journal of Political Research.

Christensen, H. S. & Saikkonen, I. A. L. (2022) The lure of populism: a conjoint experiment examining the interplay between demand and supply side factors. Political Research Exchange, 4. Chueri, J. An emerging populist welfare paradigm? How populist radical right-wing parties are reshaping the welfare state. Scandinavian Political Studies. Chueri, J. & Damerow, A. Closing the gap: how descriptive and substantive representation affect women's vote for populist radical right parties. West European Politics. Cichocka, A., Bocian, K., Winiewski, M. & Azevedo, F. "Not Racist, But horizontal ellipsis ": Beliefs About Immigration Restrictions, Collective Narcissism, and Justification of Ethnic Extremism. Political Psychology. Cohen-Almagor, Raphael, Just, Reasonable Multiculturalism: Liberalism, Culture and Coercion (New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021). Cohen-Almagor, Raphael, The Republic, Secularism and Security: France versus the Burqa and the Niqab (Cham: Springer, 2022). Cohen-Almagor, Raphael, «Indivisibilité, Sécurité, Laïcité: The French ban on the burqa and the niqab”, French Politics (19 October 2021). Colella, D. S., Saatcioglu, B. & Gulmez, D. B. Illiberal challenges to the European Union's legitimacy from within and without: the rule of law and refugee crises. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. Coletti, R. & Filippetti, A. Negotiating nationalism: regional politics in Italy during the health crisis. Territory Politics Governance. Collantes, F. X. R. & Cabezas, A. S. Populist discourses and conflicts of democratic legitimacy: the Bolivian political crisis of 2019. Journal of Political Ideologies. Colombo, F. & Dinas, E. Networks of Grievances: Social Capital and Mainstream Party Decline. Comparative Political Studies. Coulson, B. "We Don't Win Anymore": Donald Trump, China, and the Politics of Victimhood Nationalism. Polity. Crulli, M. & Viviani, L. (2022) Turning to the right? The impact of the "long crisis decade" (2008-2019) on right-wing populist vote and attitudes in Europe. Partecipazione E Conflitto, 15, 482-499. Custodi, J. & Padoan, E. The nation of the people: An analysis of Podemos and Five Star Movement's discourse on the nation. Nations and Nationalism. de la Torre, C. (2022) The Complex Constructions of the People and the Leader in Populism. Polity, 54, 529-537. de Rooij, E. A., Stecula, D. A. & Pickup, M. A. (2022) Populist media diets. Social Science Quarterly, 103, 975-991. Debras, F. Back to the future, recovering the past: a critical discourse analysis of the terms 'democracy' and 'direct democracy' in the speeches of the Rassemblement National and the Freiheitliche Partei Osterreichs. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. Debus, M. & Florczak, C. (2022) Using party press releases and Wikipedia page view data to analyse developments and determinants of parties' issue prevalence: Evidence for the rightwing populist 'Alternative for Germany'. Research & Politics, 9. Dennison, J. & Turnbull-Dugarte, S. J. (2022) Populist Attitudes and Threat Perceptions of Global Transformations and Governance: Experimental Evidence from India and the United Kingdom. Political Psychology, 43, 873-892. Destradi, S., Plagemann, J. & Tas, H. (2022) Populism and the politicisation of foreign policy. British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 24, 475-492. Diehl, P. (2022) For a Complex Concept of Populism. Polity, 54, 509-518.

Diehl, P. & Weber, T. (2022) Populism: Complex Concepts and Innovative Methods. Polity, 54, 503-508. Donovan, T. Measuring and predicting the radical-right gender gap. West European Politics. Doroshenko, L. & Tu, F. J. Like, Share, Comment, and Repeat: Far-right Messages, Emotions, and Amplification in Social Media. Journal of Information Technology & Politics. Duch, R. M., Laroze, D., Reinprecht, C. & Robinson, T. S. (2022) Nativist policy: the comparative effects of Trumpian politics on migration decisions. Political Science Research and Methods, 10, 171-187. Dvorak, T., Zouhar, J. & Treib, O. Regional Peripheralization as Contextual Source of Populist Attitudes in Germany and Czech Republic. Political Studies. Elci, E. (2022) Politics of Nostalgia and Populism: Evidence from Turkey. British Journal of Political Science, 52, 697-714. Ellinas, A. & Lamprianou, L. Societal Responses to Right-Wing Extremism: Antifascist Mobilisation against Golden Dawn in Greece. South European Society and Politics. Enders, A. M., Uscinski, J. E., Klofstad, C. A., Wuchty, S., Seelig, M. I., Funchion, J. R., Murthi, M. N., Premaratne, K. & Stoler, J. (2022) Who Supports QAnon? A Case Study in Political Extremism. Journal of Politics, 84, 1844-1849. Engler, S., Gessler, T., Abou-Chadi, T. & Leemann, L. Democracy challenged: how parties politicize different democratic principles. Journal of European Public Policy. Ercetin, T. & Boyraz, C. How to struggle with exclusionary right-wing populism: evidence from Turkey. Democratization. Erisen, C. & Vasilopoulou, S. (2022) The affective model of far-right vote in Europe: Anger, political trust, and immigration. Social Science Quarterly, 103, 635-648. Fahey, J. J., Allen, T. J. & Alarian, H. M. (2022) When populists win: How right-wing populism affects democratic satisfaction in the UK and Germany. Electoral Studies, 77. Fahey, J. J., Roberts, D. C. & Utych, S. M. Principled or Partisan? The Effect of Cancel Culture Framings on Support for Free Speech. American Politics Research. Favero, A. (2022) Charisma in Right-Wing Populism: Comparing the View of the Leader and Followers within the Swiss People's Party. Swiss Political Science Review, 28, 477-495. Fenzl, M., Slapin, J. B. & Wilhelm, S. From polarization of the public to polarization of the electorate: European Parliament elections as the preferred race for ideologues. European Union Politics. Feola, M. (2022) Metapolitics and Demographic Anxiety on the New Right: Using and Abusing the Language of Equality. Perspectives on Politics, 20, 1012-1023. Fernandez-Garcia, B. & Saiz, A. V. (2022a) From the street to the institutions: The evolution of Podemos' populist message (2014-2019). Revista De Estudios Politicos, 97-123. Fernandez-Garcia, B. & Saiz, A. V. (2022b) Nationalism andpopulism in the context of the 2021 Catalan elections: Populism at the service of opposing nationalist agendas. Revista Espanola De Ciencia Politica-Recp, 13-42. Filindra, A., Nassar, R. L. & Buyuker, B. E. (2022) The conditional relationship between cultural and economic threats in white Americans' support for refugee relocation programs. Social Science Quarterly, 103, 686-698. Forchtner, B. & Lubarda, B. Scepticisms and beyond? A comprehensive portrait of climate change communication by the far right in the European Parliament. Environmental Politics. Fowler, C. Gender-age gaps in Euroscepticism and vote choice at the United Kingdom's 2016 referendum on EU membership. British Journal of Politics & International Relations.

Froio, C. The Rassemblement National and COVID-19: How Nativism, Authoritarianism and Expert Populism Did Not Pay Off during the Pandemic. Government and Opposition. Gergi-Horgos, M. (2022) FRAMING COVID-19: POLITICAL DISCOURSE OF THE SNP, ERC AND JUNTS DURING THE 2021 SCOTTISH AND CATALAN REGIONAL ELECTIONS. Scottish Affairs, 31, 281-301. Gerling, L. & Kellermann, K. L. (2022) Contagious populists: The impact of election information shocks onpopulist party preferences in Germany. European Journal of Political Economy, 72. Giuliani, G. A. Investigating the radical right's family policy agenda: evidence from six European countries. Italian Political Science Review-Rivista Italiana Di Scienza Politica. Gonnot, J. (2022) Taxation with representation: Understanding natives' attitudes to foreigners' voting rights. European Journal of Political Economy, 71. Gonthier, F. & Guerra, T. (2022) From the People, Like the People, or For the People? Candidate Appraisal Among the French Yellow Vests. Political Psychology, 43, 969-989. Gonzalez-Cacheda, B., Outeda, C. C. & Cordal, C. (2022) FACTORS FOR THE DIGITALISATION OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN PORTUGAL AND SPAIN: A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE. Partecipazione E Conflitto, 15, 330-350. Gonzalez-Gonzalez, P., Marcos-Marne, H., Llamazares, I. & de Zuniga, H. G. (2022) The Informational Consequences of Populism: Social Media News Use and "News Finds Me" Perception. Politics and Governance, 10, 197-209. Goode, J. P., Stroup, D. R. & Gaufman, E. (2022) Everyday Nationalism in Unsettled Times: In Search of Normality during Pandemic. Nationalities Papers-the Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 50, 61-85. Goodger, E. (2022) From convergence to Corbyn: Explaining support for the UK's radical left. Electoral Studies, 79. Gozalishvili, N. (2022) "Europe is Awakening": Diffusion of National-Populism in an Eastern Partnership Country - The Case of "Georgian March" in Georgia. Nationalities Papers-the Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 50, 471-497. Graeber, J. (2022) Parties on the Left, Parties on the Right: Electoral Competition and Citizenship Policy Change in Europe. British Journal of Political Science, 52, 162-180. Graef, J. (2022). Imagining Far-right Terrorism: Violence, Immigration, and the Nation State in Contemporary Western Europe. Routledge. Grassi, D., Memoli, V. & Abouzied, A. E. (2022) POPULIST GOVERNMENTS AND THE QUALITY OF GOVERNANCE: A Worldwide Comparison. Partecipazione E Conflitto, 15, 390421. Greene, T. 2022. ‘Fitting National Interests with Populist Opportunities: Intervention Politics on the European Radical Right’, International Relations. Grau, C. I. (2022) The protection of the sacred in France: From cartoons to the Law to reinforce respect for the values of the Republic. Revista De Estudios Politicos, 13-39. Grossman, G., Kronick, D., Levendusky, M. & Meredith, M. (2022) The Majoritarian Threat to Liberal Democracy. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 9, 36-45. Guinjoan, M. How ideology shapes the relationship between populist attitudes and support for liberal democratic values. Evidence from Spain. Acta Politica. Habersack, F. & Werner, A. How non-radical right parties strategically use nativist language: Evidence from an automated content analysis of Austrian, German, and Swiss election manifestos. Party Politics. Hackenesch, C., Hogl, M., Ohler, H. & Burni, A. (2022) Populist Radical Right Parties' Impact on European Foreign Aid Spending. Jcms-Journal of Common Market Studies, 60, 1391-1415.

Hagemeister, F. (2022) Populism and propagation of far-right extremism. European Journal of Political Economy, 72. Hajdinjak, S. (2022) Populism as a political trust booster? Populist support and degrees of political power in Central Europe. East European Politics, 38, 400-426. Hameleers, M. (2022) Empowering the People's Truth Through Social Media? (De)Legitimizing Truth Claims of Populist Politicians and Citizens. Politics and Governance, 10, 210-219. Hansen, M. A. & Olsen, J. The Alternative for Germany (AfD) as Populist Issue Entrepreneur: Explaining the Party and its Voters in the 2021 German Federal Election. German Politics. Hanson, S. E. & Kopstein, J. S. (2022) Understanding the Global Patrimonial Wave. Perspectives on Politics, 20, 237-249. Havlik, V. & Kluknavska, A. The Populist Vs Anti-Populist Divide in the Time of Pandemic: The 2021 Czech National Election and its Consequences for European Politics. Jcms-Journal of Common Market Studies. Heinze, A. S. (2022) Dealing with the populist radical right in parliament: mainstream party responses toward the Alternative for Germany. European Political Science Review, 14, 333350. Helbling, M., Jager, F. & Traunmuller, R. (2022) Muslim bias or fear of fundamentalism? A survey experiment in five Western European democracies. Research & Politics, 9. Hendriks, I., Lubbers, M. & Scheepers, P. (2022) A Panel Study of Attitudes toward Ethnic Minorities and the Role of Changes in Individuals' Economic Situations. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34. Heupner, S. D. "Je suis horizontal ellipsis Charlie, Samuel, Muhammed": Practicing Muhammed Cartoons in Far Right and Islamist Politics. Politics and Religion. Hickel, F. R. & Deckman, M. Did sexism drive Latino support for Trump? Latinx, sexism, and presidential vote choice. Social Science Quarterly. Hilmar, T. Restoring economic pride? How right-wing populists moralize economic change. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. Hjermitslev, I. B. (2022) Mainstream Sell-Outs? How Collaboration with the Radical Right Changes Perceptions of Party Positions on Immigration. Government and Opposition, 57, 31-55. Hjorth, F. & Larsen, M. V. (2022) When Does Accommodation Work? Electoral Effects of Mainstream Left Position Taking on Immigration. British Journal of Political Science, 52, 949957. Hooghe, M. & Stiers, D. (2022) Nationalist identities, preferences and voting for sub-state nationalist parties in the Flemish region of Belgium. Nations and Nationalism, 28, 1356-1378. Horz, C. M. & Marbach, M. (2022) Economic Opportunities, Emigration and Exit Prisoners. British Journal of Political Science, 52, 21-40. Huijsmans, T. Place resentment in 'the places that don't matter': explaining the geographic divide in populist and anti-immigration attitudes. Acta Politica. Hutchinson, J. & Droogan, J. Far-Right 'Reactions': a comparison of Australian and Canadian far-right extremist groups on Facebook. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression. Im, Z. J., Wass, H., Kantola, A. & Kauppinen, T. M. With status decline in sight, voters turn radical right: how do experience and expectation of status decline shape electoral behaviour? European Political Science Review. Jardina, A. & Ollerenshaw, T. (2022) The Polls-Trends The Polarization of White Racial Attitudes and Support for Racial Equality in the US. Public Opinion Quarterly, 86, 576-587.

Jenne, E. K. (2022) Varieties of Nationalism in the Age of Covid-19. Nationalities Papers-the Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 50, 26-44. Johnston, S. A. T. Choose your target wisely: how the EU shapes nationalism in contemporary Europe. West European Politics. Jorgensen, F. J. & Osmundsen, M. (2022) Correcting Citizens' Misperceptions about non-Western Immigrants: Corrective Information, Interpretations, and Policy Opinions. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 9, 64-73. Katsambekis, G., Iliadis, C., Balampanidis, I. & Papataxiarchis, E. (2022) Emotions of protest in times of crisis: representation, dislocation and remedy in the Greek 'squares movement'. Political Research Exchange, 4, 1-25. Kefford, G., Moffitt, B. & Werner, A. Nativism, civic nationalism and the malleability of voter attitudes. Acta Politica. Kermani, H. (2022) Populist discourse and the resulting discontent in hybrid regimes: an examination of Rouhani's rhetoric in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Political Research Exchange, 4. Kettell, S. & Kerr, P. (2022) The Ghost in the Machine: Brexit, Populism, and the Sacralisation of Politics. Politics Religion & Ideology, 23, 23-40. Kim, H. H. S. (2022) Societal Violence, National Identification, and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment: A Cross-national Study. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34. Kim, S. The Limits of Party Unionism: Far-Right Projects of Trade Union Building in Belgium, France, and Germany. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. Kocyba, P. & Sommer, S. (2022) On (missing) critical distance and (involuntary) alliances: A warning about the reproduction of far-right ideologies in academic papers. IntersectionsEast European Journal of Society and Politics, 8, 208-212. Konig, P. D. (2022a) Citizens' preferences for liberal democracy and its deformations: evidence from Germany. European Political Science Review, 14, 367-385. Konig, P. D. (2022b) Support for a populist form of democratic politics or political discontent? How conceptions of democracy relate to support for the AfD. Electoral Studies, 78. Kovats, E. (2022) Only ! know my gender: The individualist turn in gender theory and politics, and the right-wing opposition. Intersections-East European Journal of Society and Politics, 8, 110-127. Kramarz, T. & Kingsbury, D. V. (2022) Climate action and populism of the left in Ecuador. Environmental Politics, 31, 841-860. Krause, W., Cohen, D. & Abou-Chadi, T. Does accommodation work? Mainstream party strategies and the success of radical right parties. Political Science Research and Methods. Kruse, M. Closing the Solidarity Gap? How Ethnic Diversity Alters Who We Are Willing to Support. Political Psychology. Kuppers, A. 'Climate-Soviets,' 'Alarmism,' and 'Eco-Dictatorship': The Framing of Climate Change Scepticism by the Populist Radical Right Alternative for Germany. German Politics. Kurer, T. & Van Staalduinen, B. Disappointed Expectations: Downward Mobility and Electoral Change. American Political Science Review. Lacatus, C. & Meibauer, G. (2022) 'Saying it like it is': Right-wing populism, international politics, and the performance of authenticity. British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 24, 437-457. Laebens, M. G. & Ozturk, A. The Erdogan Government's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Performance and Actuality in an Authoritarian Context. Government and Opposition.

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