Order fulfillment: Catering for the globalized industries The traditional business model included domestic manufacturing and a close by warehousing facility. Shipment of goods was from the warehouse to the retail stores. However, the rise of globalization has brought in changes to the traditional business. Production units are now spread across geographical boundaries and warehousing was needed in large capacities. With the Internet and e-commerce, the warehouses needed to cater for a wider customer base, thus giving birth to third party distribution and fulfillment provider. For the domestic market, organizations looked in for a more optimized solution. An industry's competitive advantage rests on its ability to successfully fulfill customer delivery demands through a sound order fulfillment process. The order fulfillment process consists of receiving, processing, handling orders, monitoring and execution. It may also include returns processing and re-adjustment of the records. Being last link in the supply chain, and the only direct contact with the end customers, the order fulfillment process is a crucial part of any business. Globalization of manufacturing has thus led to a new industrial trend in logistics and warehousing- that of outsourcing supply chain fulfillment services to a third party. This provides the client organization to concentrate on core business issues besides cutting down on costs catering for a global customer needs. Further, with enterprises today demanding for innovative, vigorous and advanced systems in order fulfillment, the leading service providers of order fulfillment services makes use of the latest technological innovations. The leaders in the industry, with a vast expertise, have designed systems integration of the order fulfillment services and their supply chain solutions, so as to provide a low inventory, low overhead and a flexible and risk free operations. The skillfully coordinate steps in the order fulfillment process can be easily monitored with the integrated software. These order fulfillment services providers have warehousing capabilities with good rack and stack systems, experienced and skilled staff with an ability to handle orders from low-volume-high mix to high-volume-low mix. Besides, the secure link to the global page provides the client organizations real-time information for quick decisions making process. The skilled staffs ensure that the products are configured with everything from electro-mechanical assembly, retail pack out including sealing, shrink-wrap to custom labeling. A limited shelf life and no over stocking of products, ensures that the clients receive only the recent products in the required quantities. Learn more about :- fulfillment solutions & reverse logistics