Reverse Logistics to Manage Returned Merchandise

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Reverse Logistics to Manage Returned Merchandise Product returns are a nightmare for any company or organization. It is a situation requiring careful attention since a lot is at stake. Customers buy products only when they are assured of easy returns and refunds. Every customer favors an easy, clear-cut and convenient return policy. Most companies and organizations give into it since in today’ hypercompetitive business environment, customer satisfaction is essential in order to stay in business, to earn customer loyalty and to retain customers. The result of which is boxes of returns dumped in a pile in company warehouses. Companies receive product returns from two sources-suppliers and customers. Hence, there would be heaps upon heaps of boxes of returned merchandise in the warehouses waiting to be refurbished. Most companies do have a system in place to manage returned goods but the reality of the situation is that the systems are not proper and effective enough to handle the vast array of returned products. As a result, the returned merchandise remains in the warehouses gathering dirt and dust. And it will continue to remain there unless and until the management gets time to test, sort, refurbish and dispose the goods. In certain cases, because of lack of implementation of proper processes, the products are ‘discovered or rather rediscovered’ during a physical inventory or while cleaning up the warehouses making it impossible to refurbish the products. This means not only profit and revenue loss but also sales loss. Hence, what is required is an effective returns management system that helps in managing returned products in a logical and efficient manner. Another important factor that makes returns management all the more important is the new disposition requirements enforced by the government. Until recently, companies have been focusing on forward supply chains alone where the customer was at the end of the process. But the outcome of such narrow focus has been damaging since the improper management of returned goods and its disposal had far-reaching implications for the environment. This forced the governments to enact tougher laws to protect the environment from further degradation. As a result, companies and organizations had no other choice but to shift their focus from forward supply chains to closed-loop supply chains. Thus apart from manufacturing, sourcing, and delivery, reverse logistics, which includes activities like returns management, remanufacturing, and refurbishing, became an essential part of the supply chain. However, lack of a proper system is what that makes reverse logistics cumbersome and unmanageable for companies and organizations. This can be easily solved with the help of a good reverse logistics and returns management system. Learn more about: - fulfillment solutions , Systems Integration & supply chain solutions

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