Supply-Chain-Postponement-Managing the Global Demand Supply

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Supply-Chain-Postponement-Managing the Global Demand Supply Globalization of the industrial sector and businesses has led to the requirement of a strong global supply chain management. Being involved with worldwide suppliers, customers and their interests, lays a stress on factors like reduction on the procurement cost and risks involved in purchasing. Time is another factor that needs to be looked into when dealing on a global level. The other issues of supply chain management that organizations entering a global business arena need to look into are the productivity cycle of overseas employees, correct inventory deployment, shipping costs and time taken, weather conditions and outsourcing plan. Postponement of the final manufacturing step or the distribution of the final product till the customer’s order is received is a strategy taken up by many involved in global supply chain management. The postponement strategies serve to reduce the risks involved in a long distance supply chain. Practicing postponement as a stage wise module by the firms adopting this strategy would further help them in reducing inventory pressures in a competitive environment. Advanced technologies and an interactive media have created challenges for the business world. The customers now not only demand high levels of customization, but also quick delivery without additional costs. To meet these challenges, companies make use of technology to redesign their supply chain and business process. They make use of a demanddriven supply chain postponement model to facilitate generic development of the products as per customer’s specification while maintaining quality standards. Thus helping these companies to maintain good customer relationship while cutting costs. The implementation of postponement strategies in the supply chain module helps businesses houses to reduce the time taken between supply and demand, reduces inventory, total cost of ownership while responding promptly to changing customer demands. With the companies offering a wider range of customized products there is no outdated products in the inventory. To avoid the inherent risks involved in meeting higher customization levels, clarity is vital across the supply chain process. The advancements in technology have also shortened the product lifecycle making retailers place challenges in managing a global supply chain for the retail sector. Experts in the field of supply chain management, now offer the business houses a technology driven Supply Chain Solutions package, which can be customized to the organizational needs. This innovative concept connects global sources and markets to provide integrated modular solutions, which can optimize and mange supply chain postponement strategies, retail packaging and retail distribution Learn more about :- returns management , supply base management & supply chain services

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