Featured photographer, interview with cristina duca, december 2015

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EYE-Photo magazine #16 December, 2015

Interview with Cristina DUCA

Photographer, Italy

Dear Friends and Readers!

Our next issue of featured photographer, the interview, takes us to Italy where Cristina Duca is taking us on a journey through her fantastic and vibrant photographs.

Stefan Cimer Founder and Editor

Her vivid street captures are a colorful mixture between vibrant color and contrasty black and white captures. We understand her work as a homage to our zeitgeist a shimmering reflection to our society.

Please join us on this fantastic journey and enjoy reading!

Interview # 16

Cristina, we‘re looking forward to this interview for quite a while now, so I shall begin with a huge ‚Thank You‘ for taking your time! Please tell us a little bit about yourself to begin with. I’m a curious person who loves to observe people and life. I‘ve always done it, without a camera too. During last 2 years I have started to get more in touch with the photography world, and this passion captures me more and more.

the nougat shop

the hole

What is street photography for you? Street photography is the way that allows me to put into practice what I used to do without owning a camera: observe people, take a snapshot of their life, and capture an emotion... I love people as they are, in my view this is the most attracting show in the world.

the backery - waiting for the bread

Could you share with us how you first became interested in photography in general? My story is unusual. I have a blog about “farming on balcony� and I needed a new camera to take better images. So I bought a mirrorless (sony rx 100, I still love it so much) and I started to shoot. Passion started to grow click after click. However, and as my core passion is observing people, I started to change subjects from vegetables to persons...

a decisive moment

the street

Cristina, I‘ve browsed through your fantastic work what would you say characterize your work most? I think the diversity. I love street photography more than anything. But I like others types of photography too: minimal, portrait with natural light ecc. I like to experiment, learn new things. I think that every new notion, sooner or later, can be used also in the street photography.

fashion street

the lonely man

What is it in your subjects or a motif that makes you want to capture them? Emotions, lights, geometry. These are all elements that catch my attention. Not always is possible to enclose those in a single image. However and when it happens ... wow ... it‘s like hit the jackpot!

a different moment

she is me

What kind of equipment are you using and which is your favorite lens? I have two cameras. A Canon 6D and a Sony DSC RX100. I use both of them; even if with the Sony I’m a little more invisible. With Canon I love use wide-angle lenses.

Rome, upside down

the space

Among your color photos there are a lot in Black and White. I‘m curious, is there any specific reason that led you to process the photos in Black and White? Absolutely not. Some pics born in b&w, other pics prefer colors. Are the pics to decide, not me.

circle of dreams

child‘s shadow

Among your works, would you name one as your favorite and why? Yes. My favorite is „mom in the bus.“ I think that in this photo I captured a beautiful feeling: love between mother and child. It was one of my first photos. At that time I did not know anything about photography techniques and manual controls. It was just instinct, glance and a little bit of luck.

Mom in the bus


Did you ever take a photograph which compromised your emotional balance in a deep way? Yes, one time. Once I took a photo of a homeless man. But after I was very sorry and I thought that I behaved incorrectly. Then I have decided to do not shoot people in difficulties.

in the city of god

dreaming in Rome

Has your style of shooting changed since you first started? Yes, a little. I have started (I still have much to learn) to apply more photographic technique in order to ensure my instinct as well as the intuition can be valorized. The instinct is important. Often there is not time to think in the street and you have to use techniques quickly

shadow playing

one man walking

Are there any photographer how took influence on your photographic work and style? When I started, I was quite unprepared about photography and photographers. So initially, I had no real influence. Now I begin to know and appreciate the work of many great Photographers. I love artists like HC. Bresson, V. Maier, F. Fontana, A.Webb, but not only. All of them, even if differently, surprise and attract me.

the nuns

priest eye

What are some of the most important lessons you have learned from shooting on streets? First lesson: no pic to people in difficulty Second lesson – my golden rules: 1- take the moment, because doesn’t come back; 2- find the right light and wait the subject; 3- observe with curiosity and without filters. Third Lesson: doesn’t matter if you have no time or if you do not have the camera with you. You can always build the picture in your head, this is the most powerful camera ever…

the butcher


Are there any special projects you’re working on currently which you would like to introduce here? No, I am chaotic and inconstant but I am an extremely passionate and curious person. My only project is to continue to take interesting photos and make it even better.

past time


Cristina, thank you very much for taking the time and for this interesting interview!

Cristina DUCA photographer Photography cristinaduca70@gmail.com Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/naturae

Facebook: www.facebook.com/cristina.cep

Instagram: www.instagram.com/cristinaduca

Imprint: EYE-Photo Magazine ©. Managing Editor: Stefan CIMER Col umnist & Editor: Alexander MERC Col umnist & Editor: Christian Schirrmacher Editor: Gerri McLaughlin Facebook Editor: Mona Rehmers Copy Editing: Ella CIMER Design, layout: Andreas BURGHARDT All rights reserved. ® Copyright by Stefan CIMER ©

E-Mail: office@eye-photomagazine.com EYE – Magazine: www.eye-photomagazine.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/eye.photomagazine

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