Eye Street Entertainment / 8 - 29 -13

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The Bakersfield Californian Thursday, August 29, 2013

Eye Street Editor Jennifer Self | Phone 395-7434 | e-mail jself@bakersfield.com

Index This Week’s Obsessions .......................... 20 Pine Mountain Fall Festival ...................... 21 Talladega Frights ...................................... 22 Arts Alive .................................................. 23 The Lowdown with Matt Munoz ............ 24 Caliente Team Penning ............................ 25 Ticket Roundup ...................................... 26 Calendar .............................................. 29-31

Ready for party of the year? Annual Village Fest returns with more goodies, new twists BY STEFANI DIAS Californian assistant lifestyles editor sdias@bakersfield.com


fter 18 years, Village Fest is a by-the-numbers event: 39 restaurants, more than 60 breweries (and a couple of dozen wineries), 17 bands, 500 volunteers, 16 acres and status as the No. 1 party of the year. That’s according to Village Fest co-founder Ralph Fruguglietti, who struggled to describe the event — scheduled for Sept. 7 at the Kern County Museum — beyond its marketing-friendly title as “party of the year.” “The ‘party of the year’ describes what we do. ... We keep trying to evolve it so it’s not always the same event. The Cal State barbecue, it’s the same type of thing — an opportunity to get together with friends. It’s (Village Fest) that, but with the way that it evolves, we just keep adding to it.” Among those additions is a craft brew area, part of newly expanded La Cantina Ville — one of five lands in Village Fest — which is set in the museum’s Burke Memorial Plaza. The new area hearkens back to the event’s roots. “(When) Rick Peace and I started it 18 years ago, it was more of a classic beer festival. Most of the beer festivals at the time were specialty microbrew beers being showcased.” Since a microbrew is defined by the number of barrels produced annually (under 15,000), the focus is now on craft beers, specialty beers that can be made in larger volume. “A lot of large brewers are brewing some very special beers. That’s why the whole craft brew area has grown nationally. You can be a craft brewery regardless; It’s not about the size. More specialty beers are available out there.” Although Fruguglietti didn’t have a list of the craft beers that will be on tap, he said Lengthwise Brewing Co., an event sponsor, will feature prominently in the new area. Speaking of sponsors, another


Eilene and Denise Rocha, Nicole and Vanessa Enriquez, and Laura Payan enjoy the festivities at Village Fest in 2012.

Village Fest 2013 When: 6 to 10 p.m. Sept. 7 Where: Kern County Museum, 3801 Chester Ave. Admission: $68 in advance, $70 at gate (21 and over only); tickets available at all Lengthwise Brewing Co. locations, Frugatti’s Italian Eatery and vallitix.com Information: 322-5200 or bakersfieldvillagefest.com

change this year is the increase in sponsored skyboxes, which are set adjacent to stages throughout the museum grounds. “Companies can rent a skybox for the event. This way they’re five feet off the ground, get a great view of everything. You can invite co-workers, business acquaintances. ... Those have really taken off. Three years ago we started with one. Now there

are six.” Attendees might want to buddy up with big business if they want to get a good spot to watch the thousands of people expected at this year’s festivities. “When it’s all said and done, we have in the neighborhood of 7,000 people there. It gets crowded, but it’s a really fun environment.” If that number sets off some agoraphobia, Fruguglietti said not to worry. “We control what our sellout is going to be, and 7,000 is a comfortable number. That’s a good size. Where we are is where we want to keep it. “If you have nobody out there, you have all the space in the world but you’re not at a really fun event. It’s like New Year’s Eve in Times Square — if there are only 100 people you probably wouldn’t want to be there.” And spread over 16 acres, you’re “never more than four or


Volunteers Cherie Anderson, left, and Tracy Fuentez point out the various brew offerings to Johnny Bonello in 2012.

five minutes away from any area.” That’s good news considering the musical lineup, which includes local favorites such as Foster Campbell and Friends,

Thee Majestics, Fatt Katt & the Von Zippers, Dub Seeds, Fat Daddy Blues Band and The Councilmen. Please see FEST / 28

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