Issue 9-24-12

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Roseville High School’s student-produced publication

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September 24, 2012 Issue 1, Volume 12


Tropical Tuesdays displays new Hawaiian trend among students. Page 3


Sophomore Marian Abdelmalek sounds off on Facebook page ‘916 Hoes’ Page 7

ENTERTAINMENT Junior Dean Sideris says End of Watch has something for everyone Page 8

SPORTS Varsity football defeats Oakmont in the centennial homecoming game Page 10

Walkthroughs provide staff with feedback from different perspectives by jessica wang

Roseville High School administration has initiated new observational teacher walkthroughs this year. Each session lasts approximately 10-15 minutes. According to assistant principal Judi Daniels, the goal is for each administrator to go out to different classrooms at least 10 times each week. Teachers will receive an e-mail from their observer with a summary of their observations, positive comments and opportunities to improve on certain aspects. “Teachers need to learn and grow like students do,” said Daniels. RHS administration isn’t the only ones who go around doing observation. Other teachers have been invited to go out as well. “I think that sometimes we can get stuck in a rut doing the same things that we’re used to doing, that we feel comfortable with,” said Mower. “[Seeing] some of the creative ideas that our colleagues are trying out in their rooms can be beneficial.” According to principal Brad Basham the goal of teacher walkthroughs is to have teachers learn from other teachers. As the year progresses, more teachers will be going out to other classrooms. “I hope students understand that there will be adults coming into classrooms,” said Basham. “But this is all about helping RHS teachers and students to do better.” Anna Marie Clark has assumed the role of lead teacher and routinely visits other classrooms for observations. “My job is to become a resource to our teachers who would like to try new strategies or improve upon the ones that they are using,” said AVID teacher Anna Marie Clark. “By being in at least 10 classrooms per week, I have a better glimpse of where the experts are and can connect teachers so that they can learn from each other.”

Fireworks, floats, and open house all show case RHS’ 100 years of history By MEGAN BLUMM & JESSICA WANG

Roseville High School celebrated its centennial this year with a few special events. The homecoming game took place on September 14 and kicked off the events. It started with a parade prior to the game and ended with a fireworks show. Extra bleachers had to be brought in to accommodate the crowd. The following day featured the homecoming dance for current students. An alumni picnic and self-guided tours of the school took place on September 16. There were also performances from cheerleaders, the comedy sports team and the band. Many showcases and performances took place at the outdoor amphitheater, the JB Gale Theater, and Patti Baker Theater. The Roseville High School Band


Fireworks show kicks off centennial celebration at the September 14, 2012 homecoming game. Additional bleachers needed to be brought in to accomodate the large crowd.

performed with the alumni twice at the amphitheater. The cheer team also performed at the amphitheater. The Guitar class played multiple shows in the Patti Baker Theater. Both students and alumni performed for the guitar show. In the JB Gale Theater the Dichords quartette made an appearance, the comedy sports team performed and a video was shown about Roseville High School’s experiences during the World War II era. Senior Logan Stahl was

impressed with the turnout. “There was a good amount of people who showed up to enjoy the event,” said Logan The picnic for the alumni took place at Woodbridge Park with live music, centennial merchandise and food. The picnic was headed by Margie Hieter and Charlene Rhodes and was backed by the alumni association. The picnic featured performances by the Roseville Community Concert Band, along with rock bands Night Shift and Prophecy.

George Carreras provided the food by grilling and serving meals for $10. Nothing Bundt Cakes and Noodles & Company handed out a variety of free samples. Other activities at the picnic included a banner raffle drawing, an anniversary cake and the alumni float for display. Centennial yearbooks and merchandise were on sale as well. “[It is] important to the alumni association that the best of RHS traditions were celebrated and

that students begin to add to those traditions,” said former RHS administrator Scott O’Connor. “[The] Roseville High School staff [were] especially helpful in assisting us.” Some alumni were impressed with the events. “It’s pretty amazing,” said alumni Mary Daley. “I think it’s great that there is so much enthusiasm in our town.”

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Math department eliminates D’s in Algebra 2 By Megan.blumm

Roseville High School has decided to no longer assign “D” grades in Algebra 2. The decision was made by this term’s Algebra 2, Professional Learning Team (P.L.T) made up of mathematic teachers Michelle Walton, Chaundra Wood, and Kim Ceo. The group met once this year and

decided to adapt what Geometry and Algebra 1 classes have been doing for three years, dropping the “D” as a grade. The change will not be made for Calculus. The A-G college requirements are what students must meet in order to attend any UC college. In order to pass the A-G requirement for Algebra 2, a “C” grade must be achieved within the class.

As Roseville High School is a college prep school, passing the requirements is a high priority. Ceo believes that the change is a good idea. “I want students to understand the material they are given,” said Ceo. When assistant principal Matt Pipitone was a math teacher, he implemented a similar policy for his class and found it to be very successful.

“I had more students passing the class when I didn’t have the ‘D’ than I ever did when the ‘D’ was an option,” said Pipitone. “I know some students are unhappy about it, but usually at the Algebra 2 level they’re not trying for a ‘D’.” Some students agree with the change. “I think it’s a good thing, so people don’t do the bare minimum and slack off,” said senior Lena

Romero. “It’s rewarding to the people who try.” Junior Katelyn Foley disagrees with the new policy. “It’s a better feeling to have a ‘D’ in a hard class than an ‘F’, because you have a closer passing grade to lean on as you work to get it back up,” said Foley. “You still feel bad about it, but it gives you confidence that the grade can be brought up.”

Illuminate software speeds up grading, gives a detailed analysis of test results By leandra weinberg

Roseville High School has started to use a new testing program. The Illuminate program grades and analyzes multiple choice tests, certain aspects of free response questions and essays for any subject using web based software and a document camera. The program was established district wide this school year and RHS has deployed 30 cameras to teachers that have been trained to use the equipment thus far. All teachers have access to the database and administration hopes to get all teachers trained and equipped with a document camera by the end of this year or the beginning of next.

Grading is done by the teacher inputting the key or grading rubric into the database, then placing each individual test under the camera so it can scan it and grade it accordingly. Any computer camera is also able to grade the tests. “I like it better than grading on the scantron machine,” said science teacher Alejandro Uribe. The programs most unique feature is that it analyzes all of the data available from the tests and the teacher can easily see things like which learning standards are not being met by most students and the most frequently missed questions. “I think it’s an incredibly powerful tool,” said assistant principal Matt Pipitone. “It’s really going to help teachers help students learn more.” Grading with Illuminate is also

quicker and easier for teachers. “Once I got the hang of things, using it went a lot faster and it was actually pretty simple,” said Uribe. Other features of Illuminate include an online item bank through the secure database where teachers can find AP test questions and share their tests and test questions among each other. “For me the bet part of this is the item bank,” said history teacher Marie Criste. According to Criste, the new item bank is her favorite because she’s able to pull higher level questions to test her students on. “I like it. I think it’s a good program,” said Uribe. “We have to work out a few kinks with the camera, but it’s working really well so far.”


Illuminate uses a camera to photograph multiple choice sheets similar filled in by students, similar to scantrons.

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