Eye of the Tiger (Issue 1, Volume 16)

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TOP NEWS Features



RHS dance alumni reunite to head current program Page 5


Sophomore Nicole Khudyakov expresses concerns on extra credit Page 8

Stephen King’s killer clown is back and more horrifying than ever in IT remake Page 10

Two RHS baseball players play, excel in summer showcases Page 11

EYE OF THE TIGER Roseville High School’s student-produced publication


Eye of the Tiger


1 Tiger Way, Roseville, CA

SEPT. 11, 2017 ISSUE 1, VOLUME 16

BREAKING GROUND Measure D funded projects move forward BY WAFEEQ RIDHAUN


Following a summer discussion over Measure D expenditures for Roseville High School, RHS is moving forward and completing designs for a new auxiliary gym. RHS principal David Byrd spent the summer working with architects on designs and blueprints for the new gym. “We started this summer going and doing some tours of some gyms that are being built,” Byrd said. “I think our goal right now is we would be able to navigate things through this year, start building next year in 2018-19, and be able to open up and in 2019-20 with this new auxiliary gym.” After Measure D was passed last year, the Roseville Joint Union High School District

speculated each of the five operating high schools would receive $13 million in bonds. However, varying priorities across the different high schools were factors in the differing budgets each school received. According to RJUHSD assistant superintendent of business services Joe Landon, all schools are on track to receive about $13 million in bonds – while RHS and OHS need more. “We talked about Roseville High School and Oakmont High School needing a little bit more due today to the age of the facilities,” Landon said. “So they were looking at getting somewhere closer to 15 [or] 16 million; while the others would go a little less than 13 million.” Late last month, RHS assistant principal  PROJECTS | Page 2


Geotech Drilling, to survey the site of the future auxiliary gym and stadium house, drills holes in the teacher parking lot adjacent to the 900 buildings last Friday.

Security cameras installed

Start time bill gains momentum


If CA State Senate Bill 328 passes, RJUHSD students will be starting school no earlier than 8:30 for first period. SB 328 requires all CA middle and high schools to adopt the new start time by July 1, 2020. The bill passed “as amended” through the Assembly of Appropriations Committee hearing on Friday Sept. 1 – the sixth vote it passed through on its way to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk. CA State Senator Anthony J. Portantino introduced the bill last February which went through its first senate hearing in April. Portantino presented his position about the benefits of an 8:30 start time during the Senate Floor hearing in May. “We have 400 school districts around the country that have seen the benefits of this very simple public health and education reform effort and movement,” Portantino said. “These healthier students who are allowed to sleep in the morning perform academically better. Their test scores go up, their attendance goes up, their graduation rate goes up.” Senator Richard Pan – coauthor of the bill – stated in the Senate hearing that the issue goes beyond student habits. “As people have looked at their circadian rhythms and the sleep cycles of teens, it’s not an issue of ‘well if they go to bed earlier, they could get up earlier,’” Pan said. “We need to acknowledge the reality of their biology, the reality of what they know, about how they absorb information and at what times that happens.” In her position, Senator Jean Fuller claimed the power to change start times should remain within individual districts. “Mandatory one-size-fitsall for the schools in CA is not a good solution,” Fuller said. “At the end of the day, there’s a local school board that basically takes all these factors into consideration.”




This week, the RJUHSD Technology Department will finish the installation of 27 security cameras on campus. The cameras will be located in highly trafficked, outdoor areas. None will be installed in classrooms. Administrators will be trained this week to use and access the camera feeds. Principal David Byrd, Youth Services Officer Marc Kelley and RHS’ four assistant principals will be the only people granted access to recorded footage. Assistant principal Jason Wilson is pleased with the Technology Department’s installation of the cameras so far and reflects that there has not been any negative fallout in the RHS community. “There’s no fault, there’s no error, there’s no problems with the system. Technology has done a great job of installing it seamlessly without causing any disruption to class or campus, I haven’t heard anything negative from the school or community” Wilson said. Technology director Tony Ham was in charge of the project and will soon hand off main access to RHS administration once full installation is in place and their training by Ham has been completed. “Once we have it configured we have little to do with it, within my department it’s just myself and my network engineer so even within IT there’s only two people who have access,” Ham said. Ham said the cameras were not implemented to be actively monitored, but rather to record events administrators will be able to reflect on when necessary. “The board and the district administration is really concerned about student privacy. We don’t have a campus moni CAMERAS | Page 3


Tiger Cage Leader Jack Visger wealds the “spirit stick” for the first time at the premier Varsity Football game Friday Sept. 1. Student Government adviser Brent Mattix introduced the “spirit stick” at the First Day of School Rally.

Campus leaders take proactive approach to address culture BY ALEXANDRIA SUBA AND COOPER BADDLEY news@eyeofthetigernews.com

Since school relaunched last month, students experienced firstday presentations, ROAR lessons and the waving of a new emblematic “spirit stick.” All these experiences have served a part in an ongoing effort by campus leaders to build community. The Campus Culture Team (CCT), made up of teachers and administrators, met last summer to plan events and lessons students would attend for 30 minutes after their first period for four days. Staff began creating them at the start of summer and came together to review them before the lessons were sent out to teachers. The lessons encouraged students to create sticky notes containing inspirational messages which Student Government then posted on campus. Signs above the sticky notes read “Please grab what you need to link up.” Principal David Byrd said these activities and lessons were put in place to guide the mentality of students and staff this school year. “ROAR lessons can be used to

develop a mindset and an attitude amongst everyone that comes here to work or to learn,” Byrd said. “They are designed to establish the baseline of who we are and what we are all about.” Assistant principal and CCT member Anna Marie Clark said she hopes this message will remind students to work on relationship skills. “I was delighted that they came to the ‘building relationships’ idea and they developed it in the powerful, sequential way they did,” Clark said. “We want [students] to work on those relationship skills and we think sometimes it’s pretty basic and we forget that. I think it was a good reminder.” Last year’s lessons focused on diversity and acceptance in the spring and were created partly in response to racially charged hate incidents and vandalisms. English teacher Debbie Sidler, who played a role in implementing them, believes that this year’s lessons are trying to build new ideas rather than address past campus incidents. “I think this year is less of a reaction and more proactive so that proactive language, common goals, the idea of linking together and not sep-


Students sit below the “My Mountain” sticky note display at the foot of the Julie Estridge Library

arating will hopefully bring about stronger positive relationships,” Sidler said. “Last year we were faced with some tragic events that happened on our campus that  CULTURE | Page 2

INSIDE: UPCOMING EVENTS 2 NEWS 2 - 3 ESPAÑOL 4 FEATURES 5 - 6 OPINION 7 - 8 A&E 9 - 10 SPORTS 11 - 12 Readmoreateyeofthetigernews.com


EYE OF THE TIGER ROSEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 1 TIGER WAY ROSEVILLE, CA 95678 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Rachel Barber MANAGING EDITOR Brian Nuevo Mikayla Stearns NEWS EDITOR Sino Oulad Daoud FEATURES EDITOR Nicole Khudyakov OPINION EDITOR Danielle Bennett A&E EDITOR Gabrielle Hutson SPORTS EDITOR Jamie Bateman ESPAÑOL EDITOR Anuya Kamath Adam Hagen DESIGN EDITOR Viktoria Barr Cam Medrano ONLINE EDITOR Jack Rosetti COPY EDITOR Adam Hagen Jack Rosetti FACULTY ADVISER Bobby Ritter The mission of Eye of the Tiger, a news-gathering organization run by Roseville High School students, is to inform, entertain and serve as a public forum for student expression. We will accomplish our goals by reporting unbiased news while offering student perspectives in our columns and editorials. This includes, but is not limited to, prominent issues, changes and events that have an impact on the students and communities of Roseville High School. We will strive to report with depth, accuracy and timeliness. It is not our goal to evoke controversy or sensationalize issues. We do not push moral values or political agendas. Views expressed in the opinion and entertainment sections, columns and letters-to-the-editor are those of the individual author, and do not necessarily belong to Eye of the Tiger staff, this publication or Roseville High School. All letters-to-the-editor must be signed and are subject to review by the editorial board before inclusion in the newspaper. We reserve the right to edit submitted work as needed for space limitations and content. Nonattributed editorials reflect the opinion of the staff and must be approved by the editorial board. Eye of the Tiger offers advertising opportunities available in our newspaper, biweekly news broadcasts, sports game livestreams and on our website. For any inquiries or questions, contact our staff at info@eyeofthetigernews.com.

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PROJECTS: Campus project designs being tested CONTINUED FROM FRONT

Jason Wilson, RJUHSD facilities development director Scott Davis, and Landon met with architects from Rainforth Grau Architects. According to the meeting summary, the auxiliary gym may be built in the current 900s parking lot used by teachers. According to Byrd, the loss of the 900s parking lot won’t affect the total available parking. “We don’t think we’re going to lose parking,” Byrd said. “It’s going to want to be in the same amount of parking because parking is an issue. But on a temporary basis, while they’re building it, it might be a real tricky parking situation.” According to the meeting summary, the loss of the 900s parking lot may be compensated. Two options are under consideration: restriping the parking lot behind the 900s east building to add about 15 parking spaces or restriping the parking lot to add 8 more parking spaces. The former involves relocating the motorized gate at the RJUHSD Transportation Department and campus perimeter fence west of the parking lot where the nine campus vans currently located in the 900s parking lot would also be relocated. The latter involves building a driveway from the Independence High School parking lot to the parking lot behind the 900 East building. According to the meeting summary, the former is currently preferred. According to Landon, final designs for the new auxiliary gym should be completed before this December. Afterwards, it will require approval from the Division of State Architect, which could take six months or longer. Depending on how the timeline works out, Landon plans to break ground either fall 2018 or spring 2019. “You usually don’t do a lot of construction in the wintertime because you have a lot of rain,” Landon


said. “And so if we can get out early enough and start in the fall, we would. If not, it could be in the spring.” Byrd also foresees the project’s possible effect on campus. “Once it’s time to start building it’s going to be a huge disruption on campus,” Byrd said. “They’re not going to build an auxiliary gym in three months during the summer time. There’s no way. So it’s going to be probably a whole school year of getting that built.” In an expenditure report released to the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee in May, RHS received $8,970,747. Six million of which is currently budgeted for a new auxiliary gym/women’s locker room - up one million dollars from a March expenditure report. According to Landon, the budget set aside for the auxiliary gym could still rise – potentially expanding the school’s total Measure D budget. “Right now, just as an idea, that project is looking like it’ll cost close to 10 million dollars,” Landon said. “Those are still just early numbers of ones that we haven’t finalized yet.” The meeting summary also confirms removing six portables sitting on the abandoned tennis court before the project begins. The ticket booth, snack bar, and memorial will be relocated to a new stadium house. According to the meeting summary, the stadium house will include divided restrooms: a snack bar, and

a box office similar to Whitney High School’s. “At all the high schools, we’re looking at having a stadium/restroom/snack bar facility,” Landon said. “A lot of our schools, they bring in porta-potties for their football games, and so we’d like to have one central place where you’re able to have snacks, you’re able to sell, you have restrooms [and] you have some storage. So we’re looking at doing that at Roseville High School after the small gymnasium.” Until RHS receives the final blueprints and state approval necessary to build the auxiliary gym, RHS will continue to focus on smaller projects. Projects RHS recently completed include renovations for the cafeteria, refurbishment for the library, new roofing on the art wing, and a renovated ILS facility for special education kids. According to Byrd, plans have been drawn up for landscaping projects that address about 15 flower beds around campus. In the May expenditure report, RHS received $50,000 for “landscaping updates.” “I would love to see us be able to get started on some of that in the fall and get some of that in the ground,” Byrd said. “Then I think it could nurture and take root and by the time spring hits, it would be coming out and popping and be looking really good.” In addition to the flower bed landscaping project, Byrd is pushing for bathroom renovations in the Moeller Gym and the A


Top left, the current campus small gym. Top right, a blueprint for new auxiliary gym placement including extended parking in place of portables 16-25, a new stadium house and two options for restriping parking spots east of the 900 buildings. Below, the blueprint for a redesign of the boys bathroom east of the 500 wing.


Wing (east of the 500s). “That’s one we were banging the drum pretty loudly for we really want to improve that they just look old and decrepit,” Byrd said. “We’ve had a few meetings with our architect over the summer time. We did a lot this summer of planning and kind of looking at some stuff. We finally have a design model for [the] bathrooms on campus and refurbishing and redoing those challenge with bathrooms.” According to blueprints provided by Byrd, the A Wing boys bathroom will

have four individual sinks instead of the current singleton. Additionally, there will be seven urinals instead of twelve in order to make room for 6 privacy barriers in between the urinals. In an email, Byrd said the design standards in the 1950s and 1960s “called for more urinals, but current research indicates it is not necessary.” Byrd noted that although the “the basic structure of the number of urinals and stalls and sinks should remain the same,” there will be some “plumbing and ceiling structure changes.”

CULTURE: Student Gov trying to improve school spirit CONTINUED FROM FRONT

made us want to unify and do something about that. It brought it to the forefront, we sometimes do not know a problem is so pervasive until something happens and then you get to react.” Byrd also went into this school year with a proactive philosophy in hopes of decreasing campus issues. “I try to encourage the school to be proactive, not reactive, “Byrd said. “Let’s build a great environment and have a great school culture and it will have a way of not eliminating problems, but reducing problems to practically nothing.” School spirit is another component of community that the school is building upon. According to Student Government adviser Brent Mattix, the first day activities successfully energized the student body. “The philosophy of the first day is to get students excited about coming back to school,” Mattix said. “The first rally was really good, you can tell when everybody works together and they bring their energy this is an amazing place.” Student Government is also implementing new items such as the “spirit


Students observe the “My Mountain” sticky note display on the library. Student Government created the display after students wrote their goals down on the stickies during the ROAR Lessons.

stick” and a new mascot named “Ted E.,” in order to boost spirit. Senior class president Kara Wilson believes student government’s ideas will augment school spirit. “I definitely think there were some spots we could work on with the school spirit but I know this year we’re pretty spirited,” Wil-

son said. “The spirit stick will bring out a lot more enthusiasm in the crowds.” When students first encountered the stick at the First Day of School Rally, they saw a decorated pole with the head of a tiger on one end. Mattix believes it has been a good addition to campus spirit. “It was super effective,”

Mattix said. “Kids jumped on board so you’re going to continue to see that in rallies, you’re going to see that out at the Tiger Cage and my goal is to hand it off to students.” At the first football home game, Tiger Cage leader Jack Visger was the first to use the spirit stick and feels it was a great success.

“The Tiger Cage seemed really invested in the spirit stick and I felt like it made the whole football game experience a lot better for everyone because it gave everyone a chance to be involved,” Visger said. Clark believes that school spirit serves a small part in the effort to construct a positive school culture.



CAMERAS: Recordings reserved for investigations CONTINUED FROM FRONT

tor sitting at a bank of screens watching students,” Ham said. “The purpose is more for safety and security especially after hours.” Wilson sees the cameras as a deterrent to be used if necessary rather than a constant eye on student activities. “If there is damage to the school or if there is a crime that’s committed, we have the ability to access it,” Wilson said. “But I don’t think it’s like people would imagine, we’re not up here just looking at screens.” The cameras have already been used to clarify events that have occurred on campus since the beginning of the school year. While they

are in place to prevent vandalism and other criminal activities after hours when campus monitors are not present, the cameras will also be used to investigate fights that take place within the walls of Roseville High School. “If something is caught during school hours like a fight they’re going to use it for the investigation,” Ham said. Bringing cameras to RJUHSD campuses has been a multi-year project in figuring out a budget and building a practical design. RHS follows Oakmont High School as the second high school in the district to receive these security cameras after OHS piloted the project in the previous year. Wilson believes this

is a good addition to boost school security. “Our school site was open to it, we are welcoming it and looking forward to working with it because for a while they have been asked for to keep our campus safe,” Wilson said. The RHS campus layout required a more strategic placement of the cameras. Oakmont’s installation included 16 cameras while the technology department opted for over 25 for Roseville. Wilson expects that Roseville High School’s size and irregular layout played a role in the placement of more cameras. “Our campus is so unique that a large number of cameras is necessary,” Wilson said. “It’s not like other schools.”


The RJUHSD Technology Department will finish the installation of 27 security cameras on campus this week. Above, a map shows their locations.

Admin bans food delivery services Distractions, waste cited as concerns BY COOPER BADDLEY


Roseville High School administration banned all commercial food delivery in a new policy starting this school year. According to administrative assistant Signe Hodge, administration made the decision to ban deliveries because of most students inability to follow the delivery rules leading to disarray in classrooms and the

office. “Some kids followed the rules and were doing what they are supposed to do, having it at lunch,” Hodge said. “It would have worked if everyone did it, but when the kids do it wrong it disrupts class and it disrupts us.” Hodge claims one of the major issues for the office staff was the students abandoning the food they had delivered. “The kids would not pick it up and we were left with a bunch of food that was smelling and rotten when we were supposed to be working,” Hodge said. “We would just throw it away at

the end of the day.” She also adds that the food had become a distraction to classrooms due to the students leaving class during instructional time to grab and bring back food under false pretenses. “They come out of class when they are not supposed to and when they don’t have a pass to,” Hodge said. “It becomes a distraction when they say ‘I have to go to the bathroom’ and come up and grab his or her doordash and walk to back to class.” This ban does not include parents however, meaning that a student could still have a guardian come drop off food for them so long

as they follow the drop off rules of leaving it on the table outside the doors of the office. According to Hodge if food deliveries were to come back in the future specific rules would have to be followed “They would have to call ahead and say can you please deliver this from this time to this time and they would have to make sure they are on the right schedule because we have five schedules now,” Hodge said. “The door dash would have to be left on the table just like the parents and you would have to come up and get it on your own.”


Administration banned food delivery services including Grub Hub, Doordash and Postmates on campus. Delivery service people will not be permitted past school gates.

NEWSINBRIEFS Tuesday collab days change spring testing schedules BY TRINITY COMPTON


Roseville High School freshman, sophomores, and seniors will no longer arrive to school at mid-morning during the state standardized testing week. Instead, the school implemented teacher collaboration Tuesdays for three-day weekends in the Spring, releasing students at 1:45pm on those days. According to assistant principal Matt Pipitone, the school is distributing class time to the testing days from the now-shortened Tuesdays. “In the past what we have done is what I kind of refer to as a ‘reverse minimum day,’” Pipitone said, alluding to minimum days in which students arrive to school later rather than leaving earlier. “What we are going to be doing this year is doing that testing on a regular-day schedule so that we don’t lose instructional minutes due to the state testing.” Senior Gabby Ordaz deemed the change unnecessary. “I feel like it’s stupid and I don’t think we really need it,” Ordaz said. “The need change right now is totally irrelevant.” Math teacher Levi Fletcher said the redistribution of minutes for collaboration positively impacts teacher interaction.

“I think it’s a great idea,” Fletcher said. “It’s always been a challenge, especially during February where there’s the Monday holidays and where the teachers get together and are working together to try to better ourselves in the classes.”

Varsity softball coach fills in as temporary photography teacher BY SINO OULAD DAOUD


Guitar under new leadership for the fall term BY TRINITY COMPTON


Roseville High School hired Kenneth Smith, a new guitar teacher that has a history in teaching music. Smith has taught at Western Sierra Collegiate Academy for three years, where he taught guitar, band, orchestra, and math. RHS had an open spot for a guitar teacher after the past guitar teacher Brian Hack announced he would be taking the semester off. Senior Patrick Hay believes that his teaching style is different than Hack’s, but still is an effective teacher. “He is definitely a lot different than Hack’s was, but I definitely think it is an okay change.” Smith is set as just to be a teacher for the fall semester but would happily stay if Hack decides to not return. “If he does not come back for the spring semester, than I would stay,” Smith said. Smith intends to continue the tradition and events of the guitar program, including shows throughout the year.

A position opened up after photography teacher Tammy Kaley left Roseville High School last Tuesday. Varsity softball coach Art Banks temporarily filled the position as interim photography teacher. “I know they opened up the class for hiring a new permanent teacher, or temporary for right now, for the first couple years until they get through probation.” Banks said. “If I’m here for fifteen days like they have me scheduled right now, there’s only so much you can do in that amount of time.” Kaley expressed no worries about handing the torch over to a temporary teacher before she left. “Yeah, he used to teach photography here,” Kaley said. “He was a teacher for years. There’s no reason to worry about that.” “I’ve taught photography for a long time,” Banks said. “I actually started my teaching career here. Taught here for seventeen years, and then when Woodcreek opened, I went over to Woodcreek and taught over there for eighteen years.” Senior Bianca Lara said she enjoyed the transition as both Banks’s varsity softball player and now photography student.




NOTICIAS La administración escolar implementa las cámaras para fomentar la seguridad, reducir el crimen POR ALEXANDRIA SUBA a.suba@eyeofthetigernews.com

Esta semana, el Departamento de Tecnología de RJUHSD completará la instalación de 27 cámaras de seguridad nuevas en el campus. Las cámaras serán colocados en los áreas con lo más tráfico. No se instalará ninguna cámara en los salones de clase. Los administradores estarán enseñados está semana por usar y acceder a las transmisiones de las cámaras. El Director David Byrd, funcionario de servicios juveniles Marc Kelley y los cuatro directores asistentes serán las únicas personas que podrán acceder a video grabado de las cámaras. Director de tecnología

Tony Ham dijo que las cámaras no fueron implementados para ser monitorizado activamente, fueron implementados para grabar los eventos que los administradores ver cuando necesario. No tenemos un monitor que está sentado enfrente de un montón de pantallas que ven a los estudiantes,” Hamm dijo. “El propósito es más seguridad especialmente después del día escolar. Director asistente Jason Wilson cree que las cámaras son una disuasión que puede ser usado si necesario en vez de tener una vista constante en las actividades estudiantiles.” “Si hay daño a la escuela o si hay un crimen cometido tenemos la habilidad de acceder a él, pero no creo que sea como la gente lo imagina, no estamos aquí solo mirando las pantallas,” dijo Wilson. Se han usado las cámaras ya para clarificar los eventos que han ocurrido en

campus hasta el comienzo del año escolar. Mientras están en funcionamiento para prevenir vandalismo y otras actividades criminales después de las horas escolares cuando los moni-

tores del campus no están presentes, se usarán las cámaras también para investigar las peleas que tienen lugar dentro de las paredes de Roseville High School. “Si se ve algo durante

las horas escolares como una pelea ellos van a usarlo para la investigación,” Ham dijo. RHS sigue Oakmont High School como la segunda escuela secundaria

en el distrito recibir estas cámaras de seguridad después de que Oakmont puso a prueba el proyecto el año pasado. Wilson cree que esta es una buena adición para fomentar la seguridad de la escuela. “Nuestra sitio escolar estaba abierta a las cámaras, las acogemos y esperamos trabajar con ellas porque lleva un rato que preguntamos por ellas para cuidar nuestro campus,” Wilson dijo. El diseño de RHS requirió una colocación más estratégica de las cámaras. La instalación de Oakmont incluyó 16 cámaras mientras el departamento de tecnología escogió más que 25 para Roseville. Wilson se figura que el tamaño y el diseño irregular de RHS hicieron un papel en la colocación de las cámaras. “Nuestro campus es tan único que un gran número de cámaras es necesario, no es como otras escuelas,” Wilson dijo.

fue excelente a hip hop.” El programa unió las profesoras aunque fueron amigos en clases diferentes. Steiner cree que el programa forjó su amistad y continúa hacerlo para otros estudiantes. “Yo diría que estar en este programa, si fuera cuando bailabamos aquí o ahora, se hace una familia grande,” dijo Steiner. “Crea un buen entorno para la familia, por eso nos conectó y nosotras nos quedamos en contacto después de graduarnos.” Durante sus dos años juntas como estudiantes, Kenniston y Steiner ayudaban la una a la otra a crecer como bailarinas. Eventualmente, Patty Baker proporcionó a las dos la oportunidad de

trabajar como coreógrafas estudiantiles, “Ambas nosotras estábamos en los bailes de la otra y siempre teníamos un respeto mutuo por los talentos de la otra,” dijo Kenniston. “Somos diferentes, tenemos puntos fuertes diferentes, y siempre era divertido complementar la una a la otra.” Ya que las dos estan ensenando la una a la otra, Kenniston y Steiner dividen el trabajo de las clases que enseñan juntas basado en sus puntos fuertes. Con más o menos 80 estudiantes en la aula, una profesora tomará el mando para que la otra tenga la oportunidad de ayudar a los estudiantes. Steiner cree que Kenniston ayudará a mover el

program en una dirección positiva. Según Steiner, la experiencia de Kenniston y su relación compartido ayudará el programa a hacerse más estable, permitiéndoles que enfocarse en los estudiantes.

“La experiencia [de baile] que ella tiene ha facilitado todo para que podamos trabajar en nuestro enfoque, lo que queremos hacer para los chicos, y lo que queremos hacer para la clase,” Steiner dijo.

de Synergy Force, una organización competitiva de voleibol, y también continua a entrenar al equipo de chicos de nivel JV en GBHS. Con los entrenadores en los niveles freshman, JV y Varsity, la facultad todavía aprende los detalles del programa de voleibol en RHS, sin embargo Vincenzini cree que RHS tiene “un grupo de chicas fuertes.” “Creo que Cindy Simon, la entrenadora anterior, tuvo un programa respetable aquí y me gustaría ver que eso continúa,” Vincenzini dijo. Estudiante de final año Jessica Donahue piensa que Vincenzini ha hecho bien hasta ahora, y ella ha no-

tado similaridades al año anterior. “Me gusta lo que él ha hecho hasta ahora y definitivamente se puede ver unas similaridades al año anterior cuando Ms. Simon era la entrenadora,” Donahue dijo. “Hay muchos ejercicios de tiempo y si no completas algo, entonces condicionamos o tenemos otros castigos.” Donahue también cree que el trata bien con la inexperiencia del equipo y eso establecerá un buen año. “Este año hemos hecho más ejercicios de habilidad porque perdimos muchos estudiantes que fueron a la universidad del año anterior,” Donahue dijo. “Porque


La administración escolar de Roseville High School ha implementado cámaras de seguridad nuevas, solo los administradores podrán ver el video grabado de las cámaras.

REPORTAJES Amigas se reunen como profesoras para enseñar a las clases de baile

POR DANIELLE BENNETT d.bennett@eyeofthetigernews.com

Mientras algunas amistades fallan pasar la escuela secundaria, el vínculo que profesora de baile Dawn Kenniston y directora de baile Pilar Steiner cultivaron en sus años escolares en Roseville High demuestra que otras solo se fortalecen con el tiempo. Años después de conocerse inicialmente, las amigas se han reunido como profesoras en Roseville High, enseñando dos de sus tres horas juntas.

Aunque Kenniston inicialmente enseñó en Roseville, ella dejó su puesto antes de que Steiner regresará a la escuela. Este año, Kenniston y Steiner están enseñando el programa de baile en el cual ingresaron hace muchos años, como estudiantes. Las dos originalmente se conocieron en la primera clase de baile avanzada que empezó a ser ofrecida durante el penúltimo año de Steiner y el primer año de Kenniston. “Fue el primera año, por eso los consejeros no sabían que los estudiantes de primer año no deberían haber estado allí,” dijo Kenniston. “Yo me colé en la clase y me dejaron de quedarme. Yo pude enseñar tap y ella


Kenniston y Steiner se conocieron durante su tiempo como estudiantes en Roseville High School, ahora trabajan junto como maestras de baile.

DEPORTES Voleibol de mujeres se amolda al cambio de entrenador, espera tener éxito este año POR KARLI DUGGER


El exalumno de Granite Bay, Travis Vincenzini dirigirá un facultad nueva de los entrenadores de voleibol de mujeres este año. Vincenzini jugó al voleibol por los cuatro años en GBHS y entonces jugó al voleibol de nivel NCAA DII en Alderson Broaddus University. No pudo continuar a perseguir su meta de jugar al voleibol después de asistir en la universidad por sus heridas y dos cirugías


Entrenador nuevo de voleibol de mujeres varsity Travis Vincenzini ha traído maneras nuevas de practicar, espera mejorar el equipo.

grandes. A pesar de las heridas, Vincenzini todavía tenía una pasión por jugar el deporte, y quería continuar a estar cerca del deporte como pueda. “Yo sabia que tenia una pasión por el deporte y si yo no iba a jugar, quería es-

tar cerca del deporte tanto como pueda,” Vincenzini dijo. “Entrenar era una elección genial en la cual podría utilizar mi habilidad y conocimiento del deporte, y devolver a la comunidad.” Vincenzini anteriormente entrenó al equipo de chicos


UNR Presentación Un representante de admisiones proveerá información del proceso de aplicar a UNR desde las 12:30 PM a la 1:15 PM.

SEP 23

SEPT 18-22

La Semana de Homecoming Lunes- Murica Day Martes- Tie Dye Tuesday Miércoles- Woke Up Like This Wednesday Jueves- Thrift Shop Thursday Viernes- Fearsome Orange and Black Friday

El Baile de Homecoming El baile de Homecoming tendrá lugar en el Moeller Gym desde las 7 PM a las 10 PM.


SEP 22

tenemos muchas chicas en el equipo este año que no han jugado en club, ellas no han tenido el acceso a todas las habilidades que se puede aprender en un club, y porque tratamos bien con eso durante el practico yo creo que tendremos un buen año.” Donahue siente que el trabajo duro de los tigres empiece a valer la pena porque el equipo está empezando a formar un vínculo más fuerte. “Realmente estamos reuniendonos y confiamos en nuestros mismos,” Donahue dijo. “Son nuestras compañeras cerca de nosotras que ayudan a seguir adelante y alcanzar lo que necesitamos hacer.”

El Partido de Homecoming El partido de JV empieza a las 5 PM, el de Varsity a las 7:15 PM.

CTE Open House Estudiantes interesados tomarán una excursión de Career Technical Education a Sierra College.



Dance alumni reunite to teach classes BY DANIELLE BENNETT d.bennett@eyeofthetigernews.com

While some friendships fail to make it past high school, the bond dance teacher Dawn Kenniston and dance director Pilar Steiner cultivated in their school years at Roseville High shows that others only grow stronger with time. Years after they initially met, the friends have reunited as teachers at Roseville High, co-teaching two of their three periods. Though Kenniston initially taught at Roseville, she left her post before Steiner made her way back to the school. This year, both Kenniston and Steiner are teaching in the dance program they entered years ago as students. The two originally met in the first advanced dance class offered at Roseville High during Steiner’s junior and Kenniston’s freshman year. “It was the first class, so the counselors didn’t know freshmen weren’t supposed to be in there,” Kenniston said. “I snuck in and they let me stay. I got to teach tap and she was really awesome at hip hop.” The dance program tied Steiner and Kenniston together – even though they were in different grades.


Above, Steiner (left) and Kenniston (right) pose for a photo outside of the dance room. Once students in the same dance class at Roseville High School, the two now work together as dance teachers.

Steiner believes that the program forged their friendship and continues to do so for other students. “I would say that being in this program, whether it was back when we danced here or now, it just becomes a giant family,” Steiner said. “It creates a really nice environment for family, so that in itself connected us and we kept in touch after we graduated.” During their two years together as students, Kenniston and Steiner helped each other grow as dancers. Eventually, Patti Baker – who was the dance teacher

while they were students – afforded both of them the opportunity to work as student choreographers, giving them the chance to learn from one another and gain an appreciation of each other’s expertise. “We were in each other’s dances and always had a mutual respect for each other’s talents,” Kenniston said. “We’re different, we have different strengths, so it was always fun to compliment each other.” Now that the two are teaching together, Kenniston and Steiner divide the labor of the classes they

co-teach based off of their strengths. With about 80 students in the classroom, one teacher will take the lead so each has ample opportunity to help the students. “Depending on the style, whatever her strengths are – in other words tap is her strength – she’s offered to head that up,” Steiner said. “In other situations, I would be leading. So we kinda just share the wealth.” By working as co-teachers, Steiner and Kenniston continue to learn from each other. Teaching, like danc-


ing, has many styles, and by working together the two can determine which provides the best experience for their students. As it’s the beginning of the year, they are still deciding how best to teach the class. “Right now, we are just kinda tag teaming back and forth because we have the same type of assignments, but I would do something this way and she’d do something this way,” Kenniston said. “So we’re trying ‘Okay you teach this week you teach this week we’re gonna compare notes, take what we like,

take the best of what we both have to offer.’” Steiner believes Kenniston will help move the program in a positive direction, after going through the past couple of years with transitioning teachers and substitutes. According to Steiner, Kenniston’s experience and their shared kinship will help them to focus on the students. “The [dance] experience that she has made it really easy for us to just exist and work on our focus, what we want to do for the kids, and what we want to do for dance,” Steiner said.

Senior receives dance scholarship BY GARRETT SCHAEFFER g.schaeffer@eyeofthetigernews.com

Senior Zane Dasaro recently received a scholarship to a dance studio. He will be attending Studio 65, located in Rocklin, to pursue his passion. Dasaro is excited about his achievement, albeit also nervous, as he has never danced for a studio before. Although he is not enrolled in the class, Dasaro is a member of the Roseville High School dance team. Dasaro’s coach had noticed his talent and suggested her dance studio to him. Studio 65 is run by Dasaro’s dance coach, Jeni Van Horn. According to Dasaro, she offered him a full ride scholarship, which many people felt was completely deserved, to her studio. Dasaro will be taking dance classes at the studiob for roughly 13 hours a week and perform-



Above, senior Zane Dasaro leads the RHS dance team during the first day of school rally. Dasaro is currenly enrolled in dance Studio 65 on a one-year scholarship.

ing in competitions while continuing to attend Studio 65. Dasaro had attended a trial class at Studio 65 before receiving his scholarship. “I took a class, like a free trial class, and they talked about it and they just

offered it to me,” Dasaro said. With this opportunity, Dasaro is now even closer to achieving and completing the set of goals he created for his future. “I want to move to LA for dance,” Dasaro said. “Now that I have this op-

portunity. I’m just going to keep trying.” Senior Trinity Plummer, who has danced with Dasaro, was not surprised upon learning about the scholarship he received. “I’m honestly not surprised at all,” Plummer said. “I expect him to get


a lot more scholarships, because of how talented he is.” Dasaro has been en-

rolled in his dance class for four weeks now. The scholarship will last until the end August of 2018.

White expands program to include musical theater course BY SPENCER SERRATOS s.serratos@eyeofthetigernews.com

Roseville High School drama teacher Ashley White is teaching a musical theater class for the first time this year. Among the many new developments the drama program has been experiencing lately, the introduction of musical theatre as a class has left White excited for what’s to come. “It’s really exciting and thrilling to the see the drama program grow and flourish,” White said. “We have more classes this term; we are now offer-


Drama and English teacher Ashly White introduced Musical Theater alonside Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Drama.

ing not just beginning and advanced. We also offer musical theater class – and we’re offering intermediate drama which is themed im-

prov comedy, so it’s really exciting to have this many more students involved in and have the shows and have more classes.”

White’s passion for musical theater makes her glad to have the opportunity to be teaching it at RHS, leaving her even more excited to see the class excel. Griffin Sims, a senior at RHS, also attends the drama class and has noticed the recent influx of new developments within the drama department. According to Sims, he has seen a positive change concerning his peers’ work ethic and is pleased with the quality of the work being done. He feels that the changes have bettered the program in certain ways. “It’s taken a little bit

more seriously, not really by everyone but by ourselves; we have a better program, higher quality plays,” Sims said. “It’s pretty advanced – not too many people were expecting something along the lines of this.” The drama program’s recent growth astounded White. From the extreme popularity of their most recent play, Grease, to the clamour for the musical theatre class, White is enthusiastic about the new opportunities for the program’s expansion. She sees it as a chance to reach a wider audience of people

equally passionate about drama. “It’s just a really exciting time with our program,” White said. Senior Emily Botnen appreciates the history her teacher has been incorporating into the course. “I really like the class,” Botnen said. “So far it’s been really fun, I’ve been learning a lot about the history and how many different genres have had a lot of different impact on the history. And different composers and different shows that I never would’ve learned about if it wasn’t for the class.”



Addington cultivates passion for exotic plants BY NICOLE KHUDYAKOV n.khudyakov@eyeofthetigernews.com

In the wake of the last month’s corpse flower’s failed bloom, science teacher CJ Addington reflected on how his love of gardening lead him to spend over 15 years of his life watching over the growth of these exotic plants. Addington bought his first corpse flower on a whim after finding a seller online. Later flowers came from the annual Fall Plant Sale at UC Davis. The sale is open for the public to browse any rare, excess plants UC Davis’ horticulture department doesn’t need. Addington was initially perusing around when he came upon the small seedling available for sale and decided to buy it. “I sort of had a vague idea how [to care for the flower],” Addington said. With the help of former RHS science teacher Eugene Domek, Addington figured out how to properly look after a corpse flower. “At first, it was a challenge,” Addington said. “When I first started, I wasn’t really sure what to feed them and they didn’t really grow that fast.” According to the collections manager of the UC Davis Botanical Conservatory, Ernesto Sandoval, corpse flowers require specific tropical temperatures, which can be achieved with the use of a greenhouse.



Above, the now-wilted corpse flower stands; only days after being opened manually by CJ Addington. Right, Addington poses with the flower for news teams, days before it was due to open. He also noted that the plant does better in higher humidity, however, it does not take well to being coddled. “Once you get them growing, they’re kind of like a person,” Sandoval said. “They take care of themselves, mostly.” With a little bit of experimentation, Addington learned which variables were more or less likely to affect the corpse flower in either negative or positive ways. He worked with types of fertilizer and soils

to create better conditions that would increase the likelihood of the corpse flower’s bloom. After several years, Addington’s first experimental attempt at raising a corpse flower bloomed in 2011. Domek, who helped Addington with the challenge of raising the plant, was able to see the first flower bloom before his retirement. “It was fun [and] it was sort of exciting to see something that I [had] been growing for ten years shoot up. It was really, pretty exciting

and rewarding.” Addington said. Chemistry and earth science teacher JoAnne Cook was a staff member at the time of the first flower’s bloom. “He’s always growing something in there,” Cook said. “He likes the weird and odd. [The] special little things [that are] out there.” Following the bloom of the first corpse flower in 2011, Addington soon bought another, in the hopes of making it bloom, as well. According to Addington,

Sophomore transforms waste into art BY JASMINE LUNAR


While in elementary school, sophomore Laurel Enos had her first experience with the nonprofit organization ReCreate on a girl scout trip. Unbeknownst to her, she would return on multiple occasions and spend hours working under the company. ReCreate, a company devoted to reimagining ways to use recycled material, launched their newest summer program, Maker Ambassadors, this year. Enos participated in the volunteer makerspace technologies training program along with 15 other high school students. While ReCreate spreads the message of reducing waste in the community and empowering youth through S.T.E.A.M. (science, technology, engineering, art and math), the purpose of Maker Ambassadors is more specific. “Our goal is to promote maker education, which is very hands on,” Americorps VISTA member and ReCreate employee Shubha Arehalli said. “You’re applying things you learned in the classroom, and also learning from peers or members of the community.” This year Arehalli facilitated training, which allowed Laurel and other participants to lead the project and incorporate their own original ideas. “A lot of what the program turned out to be was shaped by the ambassadors – they took an active role in teaching lessons,” Arehalli said. “Laurel took a lot of initiative.” Enos learned prerequisite skills through a series

he felt that it was worth the time and energy to grow the plant, especially as he had fun doing it “It was a fun little hobby,” Addington said. However, despite the attention and previous experience Addington had with growing corpse flowers, the latest one had to be opened manually, as it wouldn’t bloom otherwise. “That is a little disappointing of course. It’s kind of a drag to grow something for ten years and then have it make a big flower and then not open,” Addington said. “I know I have two more that are on the way. And I know what to do different[ly] next time, so I just view it as a learning experience.” According to science teacher Katherine Nurss, the corpse flower’s delayed bloom did not disapoint her or cause her to lose any

faith in Addington’s ability to bring these plants to life. If anything, she grew even more impressed with his devotion and the amount of time and energy he put into something he was passionate about. “[I am] also still very proud that Mr. Addington had a corpse flower that got so close to bloom and he had recently had one [bloom] just a couple of years ago. I’m also pretty excited, because we still have other plants that are capable of doing this,” Nurss said. “So maybe shortly in the future, in a couple of years, we could see it happen again.” Addington is currently cultivating two more corpse flowers within his greenhouse. According to Addington, both are growing at a quick rate and he predicts that they will bloom in the next two-to-four years.

HUMANS OF RHS Senior Marc Aldrete began writing a novel in eighth grade but gave it up when it turned from a story about a young writer to one filled with ghosts and Hitler. He admits he’s always had a “weird” imagination. But after taking a creative writing course on campus and diving deeper into his Christian faith, he circled back to his love for writing last year. When he is faced with hardship or changes in his life, he turns to the two #2 wooden pencils he keeps with him at all times in his right pant pocket. He hopes his writing will help more people than himself one day. -Rachel Barber


Sophomore Laurel Enos took part in an internship that gave her a chance to reuse waste materials into art. Below, Enos poses at an elementary school during a kids’ camp organized by her internship. of two-hour workshop classes over the course of a week, which provided training in specialized skills, such as 3D printer usage, programming, LittleBits, conductive sewing and more. Enos took part in two five-day kids’ camps from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. One was a Spy Camp where she built gadgets out of an assortment of materials and the other a Cardboard Makers Camp. Enos believes the experience will benefit her in the future. “The attitude was positive, which led to me having an excellent experience with the kids and the other workers,” Eno said. “I plan on possibly becoming a history teacher when I’m older, so some good skills I learned from this program were how to deal with younger kids and being in that position of authority to teach them.” Rachael Enos, Laurel’s mother, believes the expe-


There’s always something new on my mind. My mother and I, we’ve been thinking of moving to another state. So now states are all over my mind. If we moved, it’d be away from everything. We’d be isolated.

I’m a writer, too. Everything is books and ideas for a book to write. My message is to help people but also to love and try not to judge and hate. Cause sometimes, for some people that is kind of hard to do. COURTESY LAUREL ENOS

rience positively benefited Laurel. “It was the perfect opportunity for Laurel to learn new skills and get out of the house to meet new people,” Rachel said. “Laurel gained a lot of confidence by participating in this program.” Over the winter, ReCreate hopes to recruit more

participants. Depending on her schedule, Enos plans to reconnect with them in the foreseeable future. “I really enjoyed it,” Enos said. “It gave a fun aspect to my summer. In the future I look forward to just doing it again and getting more experience with the kids.”

Especially with everything going on in the world, sometimes we have a tendency to want vengeance and I think that in reality, writing and just loving others can try and stop that. It’s up to the readers, if they want to accept the message. But it all depends on the person, I just want to reach inside their heart even if it’s just a small thing. I’d rather a message benefit someone than me just write for fun. I think that we’re called upon to spread the love and be kind but also just, well, love.”





IT devours audience with psychological thrills


Stranger Things’ Finn Wolfhard stars as Richie the coke bottle glasses wearing eccentric friemd of the group. He comes face to face with the child eating clown Pennywise in his own nightmarish scenario

The latest iteration of Steve King’s classic novel relies on a few too many cheap thrills, but still terrifies BY GABRIELLE HUTSON



I imagine audiences flocked to the premiere of IT in anticipation to see a good old fashion monster movie something to just

mindlessly chew popcorn to and occasionally jump at. Well too bad because what you’ve got in store is an emotional psychological horror that will have you too enthralled to even remember you bought that

overpriced movie theater popcorn. From the opening scene where we are introduced to Pennywise, the villainous child eating clown, a tight sick feeling forms in the stomach. It is filled with so much emotional torture that it leaves you numb for almost the rest of the movie. I mean really you see a sweet little six year old

boy sailing a paper boat in the rain wearing a yellow raincoat cap get lured to his inevitable doom. Oh did I mention his name is Georgie? And as he’s chasing his little paper boat he repeats “honk honk here comes the S.S. Georgie”? This scene is something so disturbing that leaves you clutching to your seat and glancing at the screen through your fingers. While It fails to meet that same level of poignancy for the rest of the film it enough to keep you in that state of terror for the next 145 minutes. Not to mention director Andy Muschietti makes use of the cinematography to really torture the audience. The gloomy shots of nothing visible but an unnatural upturned red smile and ice blue eyes make you dig your nails into your palms. How It is presented to each

of our seven protagonists, all outcasts of some sort: stutter, fat, Jewish, glasses, girl, ect, is something psychologically petrifying. It banks in on the deepest fears and worries of each character and targets them while alone so they feel weakened and submissive. That is just so incredibly messed up that I can’t even believe they would expose actual children actors to such a thing. The character design of Pennywise in personality and aesthetic is chilling. The original live action IT features Tim Curry dressed as an actual circus clown meant to tempt children where as Bill Skarsgard’s 2017 take on is literally a copy and paste of a “killer clown costume” you see in stores on Halloween. Of course the

production value of the costume was better that said Halloween costume but still the overtly horrific get-up seems to take away from the credibility. Kids are scared of clowns as it is why would they trust any clown let alone one as deomic looking as this? Despite the somewhat cheap thrill of a costume Skarsgard is still damn scary. I mean what isn’t terrifying about clowns in general let alone one with an appetite for children. And the children he has an appetite for are wonderful performers. They give IT the backbone it needs to keep it from being just another token horror flick. My baby boy Finn Wolfhard of Stranger Things especially packs a punch as Richie, the comedic relief of the film. Maybe it’s just my motherly instincts that makes me want to yelp whenever this poor coke bottle glasses wearin’ child is in the face of danger but I truly believe that it is Wolfhard’s amazing acting that keeps me on my toes.




Cozy Tapes Vol. 2: Too Cozy is an upbeat playlist, perfect to listen to when you wanna make things more lively, as expected and similar to Cozy Tapes Vol. 1. The anticipation for the tape wasn’t too high, considering the members didn’t post too much about it before dropping it but also because people




Lil Uzi Vert blessed us with Luv Is Rage 2, a tape we’ve all been anticipating for two years. While Luv Is Rage had a lot of bangers in it – like the classics “All My Chains,” “Super Saiyan and “7AM”– the sequel has a refreshing but familiar take

weren’t really expecting it this soon. Comparing this tape to the previous, I honestly would say I prefer Vol. 1 due to its creative aspect. The beats in this tape seemed a bit less intricate in comparison to the first which were more unique. However, I still like the album and respect it for what it is and who made it. The album is comprised of 14 songs and three skits. I honestly thought the skits were a good addition, especially when listening to it for the first time. My favorite thing to do when a new album comes out is listen to it all the way through from beginning to end and while doing that with Cozy Tapes the unexpected aspect of the skits added

to the overall experience. Usually I find skits in albums unnecessary and frankly, not entertaining, but here I found them funny and relatable for today’s culture. This tape had a lot more features than the previous, which I really liked. With the addition of members of Pro Era, Flatbush Zombies, Key, Gucci Mane, Play-

on Uzi’s style. Looking back, the last track on Luv Is Rage, Paradise, is almost like a prelude to the type of music that’s on the sequel. While Uzi & Brittany are no longer together, it reminds me of the type of cute songs he would write when they were together, when he was in “luv” and happy. The beats are just as symphonic as always with a multitude of different sounds incorporated to make the experience that much better. His voice is still as Uzi as ever and the autotune precision has only increased in professionalism.

Of course, a few songs have the voice of the girl who was originally featured talking on the first tape makes a reappearance bringing even more familiarity to the sequel. It’s clear that Uzi wanted

boi Carti, Big Sean, and Quavo, the tape was very homey and you could tell it was a good time for all

to keep pieces of himself from his old style but still create new, quality content so he may prosper as any good artist does and he executed this well. In the tape as a whole,

of them to make. Having many East Coast rappers also contributed to the family vibe. “What Happens” is an upbeat, iconically (b)east coast song, as it features members of Pro Era and Flatbush Zombies. The mixture of their flows together provides a dark type of hyped up mood which is always fun to listen to and the features on the song make it that much more dope to beast coast fans. Smooky Margiela is also featured on this tape, an artist who wasn’t very well known beforehand. I suspect A$AP Mob is helping to put him on, kind of like when they put Carti under their wings. I love how a lot of my favorite artists came together and collaborated to make such a variety of dope songs. This just what I needed. Uzi sounds happy. He sounds like he’s living his best life and making the most of it just trying to be the best Uzi he can be. Through his music, he’s inspiring fans much like myself to be happy or at least wait to be because you will eventually. My personal favorite track thus far is The Way Life Goes it’s so cute and careless and upbeat and just la-dee-da. The second the beat starts colors take over my mind and illustrate the song. This one repeating line is my favorite part, Uzi’s out here singing in different pitches that “you’ll get over it” . His beautiful vocals and autotune make me believe that life is as simple as getting over it. Luv Is Rage 2 is just what I needed – a refreshing upbeat tape to listen to


Fan favorite American Horror Story star, Evan Peters returns for his fifth consecutive season. This time as an avid Trump supporter.

AHS season five to please cult fan base




I tuned in to the season premiere of American Horror Story: Cult despite the fact that I know Lena Dunham’s face is going to pop out and scare me in later episodes. I just won’t think about it. You can’t win ‘em all. Taking into account this season’s center stage horror, the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, we can count on viewers being emotionally invested. I personally cannot wait. I’m not anticipating that AHS will milk this election plotline for the whole season. The plot of the first episode, at least, led away from specific political points and towards bigger horror themes. The whole episode centers around fear. Fear, phobias, anxiety, exaggerated delusions... We see Evan Peters as a certifiably insane Trump supporter (and clown masquerader?), but I don’t

think it’s because the character particularly feels like a Republican. I don’t know yet if this is going to be my favorite Peters character, but he probably could play a better Joker than Jared Leto, I’ll tell ya that. Again, these main “villains” so far like Peters are obsessed with creating and festering fear in people, and find a friendly face in Trump. Peters impresses me again along with AHS veteran Sarah Paulson. Paulsen brings it again as her type-A, lesbian, goodnatured citizen character that we know and love from Asylum. The fan base can never get enough of her. Honestly, I imagined this season was going to be extremely anti-Trump, just knowing who Ryan Murphy is and his other projects (see: Glee, The New Normal, etc.). But the writing takes jabs at the extremes we’ve all had to endure at one point on our Twitter feeds: the fanatical racist Trump supporters and the “snowflake” Hillary supporters. It’s refreshing and funny.



FASHION: NINA BORRAS Senior Nina Borras looks up to the care free body positive women of the instagram modeling world to derive her “change with the seasons” kind of style.

Taylor Swift’s first single from her newest album Reputation, “Look What You Made Me Do” takes away from her own current reputation rather than construct the one she hopes to acheive..

Swift can’t build Reputation hype ««««« BY ADAM HAGEN


Taylor Swift reaches the lowest low in her latest two tracks off her upcoming album, Reputation. Built on the back of an embarrassing VMA situation and demoralizing allegations against her, the tracks attempt to establish a kind of new self-aware Taylor whose honesty we can’t help but appreciate. They attempt. Sonically, “Look What You Made Me Do” is just about the messiest thing I’ve heard since Katy Perry’s Dark Horse back in 2014. Once a stereotypical pop beat transitioned into an equally boring and breathily sung pre-chorus, during which Swift calls

out everyone who’s ever wronged her. I only kept listening just to see how bad it could get. This reinvention of self fails to come across as compelling on “Look What You Made Me Do.” If you’re looking to hear to a pop star fully realizing a new style then go listen to Kesha’s “Praying” and go buy “Rainbow” on iTunes. It’s easy to see that her follow up to “Look What You Made Me Do,” entitled “...Ready For It?” is a complete 180 for her musical style, but it fizzles even more. She tried to rap but eventually brings herself into this mode where she breathily sings a chorus that’s both sonically and lyrically weak. It’s bad even when considering it’s a Taylor Swift song. These songs sound like

warning signs, pop is slowly becoming a graveyard filled with passive listeners. We need to do better. We need to stan legends like Carly Rae or Lorde. The most egregious part of these new releases is the music video for “Look What You Made Me Do.” How do I effectively and professionally mention Taylor’s obvious tokenism with this one? She seems to be checking off a box with her backup dancers in order to pander to everyone and emerge as a new “woke queen” we need. Taylor doesn’t have the hot new album she thinks she possesses. Somebody lied to her several times and told her that it was fly, hot and sexy, and beautiful. It’s nothing like that. It’s nothing of the sort. Someone lied to her.



Historically, awards season comes in full heat around September. However, don’t expect this year’s awards nominations to consist of the same cookie cutter Oscar bait movies. There are inevitable truths in life that I have come to accept, this year’s inevitable truth is Call Me By Your Name grabbing multiple Oscar nominations and possibly a few wins. While I feel that it couldn’t happen to a better movie, I also feel like last year’s Oscar frontrunner being Moonlight and this year’s Call Me By Your Name are the result of Crash winning over Brokeback Mountain back in 2006. Dark horse blockbusters could make an appearance this year, afterall we are living in a post Mad Max: Fury Road world. While

Call Me By Your Name

Wonder Woman

Logan’s buzz faded quickly, Wonder Woman stayed around. Warner Brothers has already announced their plans to campaign the film for Best Picture. I would prefer to see Logan in best picture but Patrick Stewart’s chances in the best supporting actor category make me happy regardless. The International Film Festivals in both Toronto and Venice were the birthplace of a slew of Oscar nominees like Arrival, Hacksaw Ridge and

Nocturnal Animals. This year’s entries don’t seem as promising save The Shape of Water, maybe director Guillermo Del Toro can finally get a nod after that Pan’s Labyrinth from 2007. When all is said and done I want one thing: Get Out receiving a best original screenplay nod, the movie was a big step forward for diversity in Hollywood. Get Out started a discussion and will certainly be a classic in the future. I’m also prepared to not get what I want....


BY GABRIELLE HUTSON g.hutson@eyeofthetigernews.com

Who are some of you fashion icons and inspirations just in general where do you get your style inspiring from? Some of my fashion icons are instagram models/sensations like @yaris_sanchez, @robsongurl, and @bae.doe a.k.a mina.

and the weather, in the summer im more of a feminine edgy girl. In the winter I find myself wearing more dark grunge clothing What are some of the trends you are really into right now? I really like off the shoulders tops. I think it makes any dress or shirt look even better

Why are those your inspirations?

Are there any trends you hate?

I look up to them because they are care free thick girls who wear what they want no matter what society says they should wear. Like they wear crop tops and no bra with tight shirts in public and a lot of my confidence came from them. A year ago I wouldve never wore a crop top or no bra out in public.

I hate when people wear clout goggles with just any outfit. If you are gonna wear such awe-

some glasses your outfit has to match. Does makeup play an important role in your overall look?

Yes and no. At school I don’t like to wear a lot of makeup and if my outfit is fresh then my overall look is still good in my opinion, but if I do wear makeup it makes it 10 times better. What kind of makeup look do you prefer? I wear a lot of makeup when I do wear it, but iI still like to try and keep it natural so I do perfer a more subtle look.

What are some of your favorite stores? I dont really have a favorite store I like to shop everywhere because you never know what you could find. I also shop in the boys section too because sometimes I find really nice things. I thrift shop as much as I can too. What kind of look to you like to go for with your style? My style is very versatile and depends on my mood




Do you love sushi? Do you love burritos? What about combining them? I know what you’re thinking, gross, but essentially all it is is a giant sushi roll you eat the same way you eat a burrito. Where can you find such a thing? Well you have to make a small trek to Sacramento to Make Fish Poke & Sushi Burritos but it is completely worth it. You get quality and quantity from Make Fish something that is hard to find when you’re eating raw fish and all for a reasonable price of roughly $10. I’ve eaten there many times at their ,many different locations with different managments but they never seem to fail me. Sushi burritos are currently a


I frequented many a farmer’s markets over the summer and, while I haven’t been as regular in my visits since the beginning of school, I’ve still built a good foundation of knowledge on the locals. My personal favorite farmers market in Roseville gathers on Tuesday in the parking lot of Whole-Foods my essentials to pick up every week is a four pack of Nash’s locally brewed kombucha and a tub of bavarian flavored kefir cheese which is just ultra thick vanilla yogurt filled with healthy probiotics. Another less local market I love is on sundays in sacramenBella Hadid

New York Fashion Week began four days ago and runs for two more. It’s always regarded as the most prestigious and exclusive of all the international fashion weeks. Fashion Week is always an important time as it will determine what wearing knock offs we will be wearing in the spring of 2018. But, New York is just the beginning of a slew of shows to look out for including London fashion week, Paris, Milan and many other international high profile fashion exposes. For New York in specific I would check out Alexander Wang’s line that premiered Sept. 9. Considering his previous collection of gothic looks and the impact that had on current trends, I can’t wait to see what is brought to the table this time. I am also anticipating seeing what he puts his newest muse, Bella Hadid in. You can see the already aired livestream of Alexander Wang’s collection by simply typing fashionweek.com/live into your search bar and scrolling to the Sept. 9 shows.




Ineffective cameras impede student privacy Transparency between admin, students expected

BY DANIELLE BENNETT d.bennett@eyeofthetigernews.com

I would begin with “Big Brother is Watching,” but I’m afraid that is far too cliché, and currently rings inaccurate, seeing as, at present, the recently installed security cameras cannot even claim that feat. After years of talk about implementation, and some instances of vandalism that confused people into thinking this was a good idea, cameras now loom over the halls under the guise of acting as a source of reference and/or a deterrent for crime. It’s a pity that after all of that money and work,

chances are the RHS campus layout still renders them essentially useless. In contrast to schools like Woodcreek that have an open quad, the architecture at Roseville is extremely complex and layered. To compensate, the school boasts a whopping 27 cameras. Unfortunately, odds are high that many nooks and crannies remain hidden from the cameras’ watchful eyes – or fortunately, for anyone wishing to commit an unlawful act. Regardless, cameras are a tragic misuse of newly attained Measure D funds. Some schools in the area are using their allotments to fund solar panels and programs demonstrably beneficial to their students, but not Roseville. The fact that all we have done is buy security cameras just rubs salt into the wound.


Instead of funding projects to improve students’ high school experience, we have procured devices to monitor and record our everyday activities in fullcolor video and audio. I applaud the powers that be for finding the single protective measure that is capable of both infringing on students’ privacy and being entirely ineffective at the same time.

And finally, the unavoidable issue of privacy rears its ugly head. Full-color video is already violating enough, recording and saving every student’s menial actions. But at least that might be slightly justified by the recent incidents of vandalism. Recording audio, however, takes it a step further, capturing people’s conversations as well and storing

them for future access. Recording audio for any reason oversteps the bounds of privacy by promoting the message “beware what you say at school – it can and will be used against you.” Still, as of now, the cameras will not be monitored 24/7, so it is not a true Big Brother situation. However, the path to the realm of 1984 is a slippery slope, not an instant change.

The current use of security cameras might be harmless, but it can easily transform into something more sinister if people begin to rely on them for answers to minor situations. There is a fine line between responsible use of security cameras and abuse – one so undefined that it is safer to avoid the issue altogether. But, if you are going to infringe upon students’ privacy, the least you can do is dispel the ambiguity surrounding the use of the cameras. For instance, how long will the video be stored? Where will the information go? Who is watching it – and equally relevant, who is watching the watchers to prevent misuse? This information should be readily available to every curious student. With an open process, the cameras would still be ineffective, but at least students would know what they are getting into each time they step onto the campus, establishing some semblance of integrity in the system.

Sadie Hawkins dance adds variety for students



This year, Student Government announced that the Sadie Hawkins dance will return to Roseville High School, taking the place of all outdoor dances. While some students might mourn the loss of the outdoor dances, I believe the sacrifice is definitely worthwhile. Student government’s decision to add Sadie’s to Roseville High’s dance repertoire is definitely a step in the right direction for dances, and

one that many students will appreciate. Other school have hosted this dance in recent years. It’s about time for RHS to finally host a Sadie Hawkins dance for a myriad of reasons- the first being that it will add some level of variety to our school dances. Out of all the dances held at Roseville, most people tend to focus on the more formal ones, - such as Homecoming and Prom. And while formal dances are always fun, having an interesting informal dance will be a nice change of pace from the usual line-up. Though, on the topic of changes of pace, it’s worth noting that not only will the dance be informal, but the point of the Sadie Hawkins dance, as well as the reason so many people are attracted to the idea of holding

one, is the expectation that girls get to ask guys. Girl power is not an unfamiliar concept in our society, but it is still nice when girls get a chance to shine, even in something as simple as asking a date to the dance. In return for the new dance, the school will forgo hosting the outdoor dances, as they tend to be the least popular. But in exchange for the price of a single, unpopular dance, it’s really not too much of a price to pay. In fact, very few people choose to go to the outdoor dances, myself included, because they didn’t have that ‘typical dance feeling.’ While pleasant, they weren’t major dances like Homecoming, or Junior Prom, with the draw of fancy attire and the lure of the well known high school experience. There isn’t

nearly as much in the way of preparation that goes into outdoor dances, eliminating some of the fun. So, sadly, outdoor dances never really sparked my interest. One of the main parts of a dance is getting ready and taking pictures with your friends. Although Sadie’s is informal, there are still plenty of interesting themes to dress up to and that is just as good a reason as any to take pictures. It better captures what other students and I hope to glean from a high school dance, making it more appealing. Lower classman are only given two major dances a year, so the addition of Sadie’s will bring in another dance that they are able to attend, and one that will draw more attention and interest than its outdoor counterparts.


Collab day, testing schedule changes unfair to students BY NATHAN RICHARDSON n.richardson@eyeofthetigernews.com

At the beginning of the year, we as students, found out that four Tuesdays this year will end at 1:45 p.m, the traditional end time for Mondays, on weeks that we have Monday off for holidays. The time taken off from those particular Tuesdays will give our teachers more collaboration time to get things ready for the rest of the week. Despite the frequent

complaints students have of being overloaded with homework, I can say teachers oftentimes have exactly the same issue. I have heard my teachers say they “have homework just like us” and they “have been slaving away just like us,” so, in my opinion, the change should help to rectify this. Now, as a student, I agree that my teacher should have more time to get ready for their classes. I want to know that my teacher is prepared with developed lesson plans and knows what they are doing. Therefore, this policy could not have come at a better time. I feel that most students agree with me, and share this “that is fine with me” philosophy, if only because they want to get out


of school an hour earlier. All and all, collaboration Tuesdays appear - at first sight - to be a rather positive change, with few negative qualities. However, there are hidden downsides to the instigation of this policy. In addition to having collaboration Tuesdays, seniors (such as my-

self) will have to show up to school at 7:40 a.m. on the days that the sophomores and juniors have their testing, rather than coming in at 9:45 a.m. like seniors have in previous years. Now, as a senior, I believe I have earned my fair share of vacation time. I trudged through the last

two years of high school anticipating going to school at 9:45 a.m. and longing to have bragging rights on the unfortunate testers. We had a taste of it as freshman, but that only makes us want it that much more. Something is clearly wrong here. From the buzz around the students – mostly the

seniors – they would rather have regular Tuesdays and sleep in on the testing days than adhere to the new policy. These students feel like they have been deceived in a way – and personally, I completely understand. It seems like it is always the class of 2018 that gets the bad end of things, especially with this change coming around the same year that we become seniors. But, hey, that’s none of my business. At this point, there is nothing to do but pout about it. However, I know that my first thought upon being forced to wake early during testing will be a sound series of curses - and more importantly, I know that the rest of my fellow seniors will feel the same.



Extra credit sets dangerous precedent



In my combined one and a quarter years of high school, and the infinite wisdom that I’ve come to inherit in spades as a result, I’ve come to learn this: extra credit is exactly like Tinder. Now, allow me a chance to explain myself. If you were to encounter extra credit on Tinder, it would be an almost automatic swipe right for most students suffering from a fatal case of the chronic overachiever or failing-grade-itis. The nature of extra credit lends itself towards a low risk, high reward situation. If a student completes the assignment, they see a marked increase in their grade. If not, there is nothing to lose. However, the issue with extra credit is this: in many classes, earning extra credit has little to nothing to do with the class itself. Instead, it’s an easy-going boost that allows students to lift themselves up to that unreachable, Mt. Everest-

level A grade while barely lifting a finger. Options for extra credit, such as collecting soup cans or bringing tissues have both come up in the search for alternatives to doing work and actually learning from it. And while I - as one of said desperate students with a grade average to maintain - can’t claim that I don’t love basic, effortless work in exchange for a higher grade as much as the next person, I cannot in good conscience say that extra credit should continue to have little to do with the class in which it’s being earned. Extra credit done with little relation to the class it’s being worked for seems to be a double-edged sword. On one side, there is a chance of redemption in the aftermath of low test scores and missed assignments. On the other side, there is an ultimately useless bunch of busy work that’s maybe half the difficulty of real assignments. Either way, both of these options do little to prove a student has learned much of anything - in fact, I’d say they’re more likely to increase dependance upon extra credit than make any sort of meaningful difference. Thus the dilemma manifests itself and we are forced to figure out whether


or not it’s worth keeping extra credit around in the first place, if it has such a discernable impact on our grades, without leaving any on our minds. Luckily, it’s not up to me to make that decision. Instead, it falls on the shoulders of the school board. And, indeed, they’ve decided to do just that. According to a new district policy set to, hopefully, be implemented this year, the

assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction Jess Borjon hopes to terminate teachers’ ability to offer extra credit as part of a revised grading policy. While I applaud Borjon for his decision and for his bravery in the face of what will likely lead to a small uprising of upset parents and students, I’d like to make an educated guess and assume that the likelihood of this mandate being

broken, even after its official passing, will increase the closer it gets to either midterms or finals. The decision may leave many students muttering about the unfairness of it all - while, at the same time, many may find themselves not impacted in the least. However, despite the obligatory complaints I may harbor at having my busy work taken away from me to make room for some-

thing that requires more than 15% of my brain, the decision to take away extra credit work entirely leaves more room to prove ourselves using our own merits and the knowledge we take away from the classroom. At the very least, I will now have more of an incentive to study, instead of relying on the next canned drive to serve as the catalyst to bounce me back from a failing grade.

Time limits unrealistic

BY DANIELLE BENNETT d.bennett@eyeofthetigernews.com

From district assessments and performance tasks to AP exams and the SAT, in high school there is no escaping the claws of assessments with time constraints. These ticking timebombs test our mathematical reasoning, reading comprehension, writing ability, and a multitude of other facets of our educational curriculum. To prepare students to take these exams, classes simulate the horrifying experience and provide tips to success that soon fly out the window when anxietyridden students are faced with the actual task. Such tips include not checking your math work, guessing on questions that take too long to answer, and even

answering a text-based question without reading the text. Essentially, in order to help students pass exams that are supposed to be designed to test our knowledge of the material, the classes gear their curriculum to aid students in cheating their way through them instead. In english, you learn how to rely on cliches to write an essay as fast as humanly possible, while math teaches you how to get an answer you hope is somewhere in the realm of correct. The problem does not lie in the classes, but in the assessments themselves, and the way they are implemented. If I want a good score on the SAT, I need to learn how to scramble to choose which answer best analyzes the text I just barely skimmed over. The exams value speed over accuracy and quality, teaching students that it is better complete the job quickly than well. While this might work as a lazy attempt to chal-


lenge students in a high school environment, it is entirely useless in preparing them for the real world. In the majority of fields, no one will care if you completed the job in an hour if the quality of the work is poor. Trying to complete tasks using a formula for guaranteed mediocrity is not valuable outside of the classroom environment. And yet we continue to test it with every major exam, and continue to train for it each coming year. When will people begin to realize that it does not matter how quickly someone can analyze a passage, but rather how thoughtful that analysis is? If you are trying to assess someone’s ability, does it really matter if they complete the task in one minute or five? If they accidentally plugged the wrong number into the calculator for math and had to restart, do they really need to be penalized? The people who design these tests seem to confuse the word ‘speed’ with the word ‘skill’, as if being able to regurgitate facts quickly for your history exam means you know them significantly better than your slower counterparts. Worst of all, any high schooler with college aspirations has no choice but to subject themselves to these exams and develop the useless skills, while those who fail stand to lose everything they have worked for, even if they are well-equipped for a work environment. With the everyday stresses we face on a regular basis, timed exams serve as another ordeal on a longer list. I only hope my fellow students do not fall into the trap of valuing speed over quality, or they will be vastly unprepared for the real world.


Seniors deserve parking spots BY KARLI DUGGER


If you are a Roseville High student, you can agree that the parking options for students at Roseville High School are far and few between. Berry street, the senior lot, and the small dirt lot are the only few close options for the hundreds of students who drive to school every day. Unlike teachers, students aren’t allowed to park on campus between the 900s buildings and the portables, or in front of the school in the teacher parking lot, limiting our options even more. In addition, teachers can take spots in the stu-

dent lots, exacerbating an already poor situation. The parking is limited enough, and having extra cars take up spots when teachers have a multitude of other options available is unfair to our students. To cope with this issue, each student has to get to school unnecessarily early just to secure a spot and avoid being late for class while driving around desperately searching for parking. And if you are ever running late, which typically happens to me on a daily basis, you end up rushing around, flustered, hoping you can still snag a spot. If it’s already full, you’ll wind up even later than before, since you have to park further away and walk through the neighborhood and alley just to get to the campus. Other than getting up even earlier, the only way to avoid this is to acquire a parking pass. While some programs have started raffling off these passes as a

fundraising strategy, they are not available to every student, which is unfair to the rest of us who don’t have that option. Passes should be accessible for all students. If students and parents are willing to pay for a set spot, why not? At almost every other school in the district, administrators allows their seniors to paint their set spot in a specific lot. This has become a tradition that all other students can look forward to and celebrate, as it has surely saved them from being late multiple times. It’s also a chance to allow the students to come together and create something both unique and useful to them, while raising more money for their school. As a senior, I’m familiar with the difficulty of finding a parking spot each morning, so I would pay to have that spot for the whole year – and I know many other students would agree.




Pair shine in summer showcases



Roseville High School baseball players, senior Lucas Gather and freshman Josh Alger, played baseball for highly competitive teams this summer in hopes of extending their baseball careers beyond high school. Gather, who is returning for his third year on the varsity team at Roseville, played for Oakland Area Code – an organization

that pulls the best 200 high school players from the nation and forms eight teams based on where the players live. The eight teams are named after MLB teams and the Northern California team is named after the Oakland Athletics. The annual tournament is held at Blair Field at Long Beach State and scouts from all 30 major league teams attend. Gather thinks the experience was good for him be-


Freshman Josh Alger gets ready to field a ground ball at a Team USA game this summer.

cause of the exposure he got to some of the best high school players in the nation. “Our tournament was a five-day showcase thing, and tons of scouts, recruiters, and colleges were there,” Gather said. “The level of competition I was playing against was really challenging and it helped me get better at my game.” Gather, who has verbally committed to play baseball at UC Berkeley, hit .351 and posted an ERA of 2.44 for Roseville last season. He thinks the Area Code experience will prepare him for the upcoming season at Roseville, as well as the work he did for Cal over the summer. “I did a lot of stuff up in this area with Cal,” Gather said. “I had to face some of the top hitters in the country and it was really good for me to help prepare for this year.” Alger played with the 14u U.S. National Team Development Program this




Senior Lucas Gather warms up on the infield before a fall ball practice. Gather is going into his third year on the varsity baseball team and recently committed to UC Berkeley. summer. Alger was invited to a tryout in Arizona. Then he flew out to North Carolina , performing in intrasquad games and showcasing his skills in front of amateur and professional scouting communities. The top 40 players from Alger’s class were also flown out to North Carolina to partici-

pate in the program. Alger thinks it was a good experience for him because he got to perform in front of a lot of scouts and compete at a high level. “We got to play games,” Alger said. “Most of the coaches that were there helping out are college coaches.”

JV football coach enlists in armed forces BY EMILY WRIGHT


Assistant JV football coach Grady Allin will be leaving the football program September 25 in order to join the military. Allin has always been interested in a military role. He has looked into other positions, but was able to finally decide on the military. “I have always wanted to go into the army or some sort of military type of roll,” Allin said. “I started into a couple of other things, but ultimately the military was always there and I committed to it a few years ago.” Allin has a long history with football, allowing him to pass down his knowledge to the players. He played for three years at Roseville High School, including one season for current JV football coach Tim McDowell. Allin then moved on to play at Cabrillo College in Santa Cruz. Defensive back Dylan


Junior varsity coach Grady Allin coaches the defense in the team’s game against Rio Linda. Allin will leave the team on September 25 and join the Army. Rose believes that Allin’s prior football experience has given the team an advantage. “He has a lot of coaching experience which is good for us,” Rose said. “He has definitely impacted our defense directly. I know he used to play defense for a long time so he is super

knowledgeable about it.” Rose believes Allin was able to impact their team by bringing positive energy. “Coach Allin has great energy all the time,” Rose said. “It’s super nice to have him out there because even on super hot days when everyone has low energy – he’s there to hype up prac-

tice and make it exciting and fun everyday.” Receiver Ethan Cunningham agrees with Rose. He also believes Allin’s positive energy and overall attitude has had a very good impact on the team. “He’s always in a good mood, jumping around.” Cunningham said, “I think

a lot of people have become attached to Coach Allin and saw him as more than just a coach, because he’s always there for us.” McDowell believes Allin was able to bring a lot to the team because of his prior football experience. “His experience is pretty vast since he not only played through our program for three years and went on to play two years at junior college,” McDowell said. “He has a high football IQ and is able to translate it very well into the kids.” McDowell’s relationship with Allin has grown over the years and he now considers him to be a close friend, and is especially proud of Allin and what he has accomplished. “Obviously I’m concerned that he will be joining the military and possibly be fighting in combat, but we are also really proud of him,” McDowell said. “We know it’s something he’s very excited to do.”

Performances of the Week AUGUST 21 - 25

Nicholson shoots low in teams first two matches BY TOMMY SPENCER


The performance of the week for August 21-25 was golfer Carly Nicholson. Nicholson has been consistent in her first two matches against Rocklin and Oak Ridge. Nicholson posted the lowest scores on the team, shooting a 45 and a 46. Nicholson has lead her team to a 1-1 record in league play and was the medalist against Del Campo. Girls golf coach Corey Fukuman is impressed by

how Nicholson’s consistency and level of play. “With the loss of seven seniors from our varsity team last year, Carly has really stepped up as a leader for our team helping myself and the younger girls on our team,” Fukuman said. Nicholson is glad to be back golfing again for the Tigers. “It feels good to get off to a good start this season because we weren’t sure how our team was going to be,” Nicholson said. “We lost seven seniors this year, so it’s good that we have gotten off to a good start.” Nicholson is looking forward to keeping her scores low for the entirety of her senior year, and hopes to make first team all league at the end of year.

AUG. 28 - SEPT. 1

Boys water polo defeats Dixon for first time in 11 years; starts 2-0 BY NOLAN FRAME


The performance of the week for the week of August 28 is the boys varsity water polo team. The Tigers defeated the Dixon 15-9 on August 29, snapping an 11 game losing streak to the Rams. On August 31 the Tigers beat the El Dorado Cougars winning by a score of 14-6. The Tigers were able to end their 11 game losing streak versus Dixon, while extending their winning streak versus the Cougars to

Unjust treatment in student section hurts team

two. Junior Braden Birdsall also thinks that the team’s early success is a promising sign. “We have played phenomenally this year so far,” Birdsall said. “Playing this good at this point means that we can only get better, so I am excited to see what we can do this year.”


Girls volleyball starts league play 1-0 BY KARLI DUGGER


The Performance of the Week for the week of September 5-8 was the girls varsity volleyball team who

started off the CVC league season with a three set win over Del Campo. The Tigers shutout the Cougars 25-9, 25-15, 25-16. Senior Kendal Artica felt the Tigers came out strong knowing the strength of their competition from previous years, and feels that the experience they are getting now will help them later in the year, and ideally into playoffs Artica was thrilled with her team’s performance and has high expectations for the rest of the season. “I’m really excited for this upcoming season, but we do have some tough competition ahead.” Artica said. “We just have to have good defense and keep coming together when we run our plays.”

Throughout my first three years of attending football games at Roseville, I have experienced four games that I would describe as having a packed student section. The first three were homecoming games and the final was last year’s playoff game against Vacaville. With that in mind, you can imagine how surprised I was when I showed up to the home opener and could barely find a seat in the front row despite the fact that I showed up forty five minutes early. I ended up finding a seat, but had to unfortunately tell some freshman to move up to the top row to make room. Was it fair that they had to move despite the fact that they had been sitting there for the entire JV game? Nope. But students understand that you sit in the back as an underclassmen and the front as upper. At this point it probably seems like this is just another article saying that freshman need to understand that they can’t sit in the front row. It’s not. The section was packed, especially for a game that wasn’t a homecoming or playoff game. However, at halftime, the section emptied. The game was tied 7-7, so leaving made absolutely no sense. After the game, a couple of football players asked the people that stayed why the stadium emptied out. We had no idea, and still didn’t up until the beginning of last week. Apparently, some people yelled at a group of freshmen to leave the Tiger Cage and didn’t stop yelling until they left. The freshmen left, because who wouldn’t. I thought about it, and I could not fathom a reason why somebody would ask a group of people to leave a game in which the team actually needed support. Maybe it’s because this person needed room for their friends to sit with them. If this was the case, that’s the first problem. Anybody that is showing up the game at halftime does not deserve a spot over somebody that has been supporting the team since the opening kickoff. That sounds hypocritical given that we had to kick some freshman out of the front row, but these people kicked people out of the top row. If these people that booted the freshmen needed room for their friends, clearly they did not need all of the room that they took. So what makes this tiny group of people more important than the massive group of people cheering on the team? Absolutely nothing.





Eye of the Tiger’s sports staff takes a look into the profiles of RHS’s new 2017-18 varsity coaches.



Volleyball hopes to build on last years sucess

Baseball team looks to rebound with new coach




Granite Bay alumnus Travis Vincenzini will head an entirely new staff of coaches for Roseville High School girls volleyball this year. Vincenzini played volleyball all four years at GBHS and then went on to play NCAA DII volleyball at Alderson Broaddus University. He could not continue to pursue his goal of postcollegiate volleyball due to injuries and two major surgeries. Despite the injuries, Vincenzini still had a passion for the game, and wanted to continue being around the sport in any way possible. “I knew I had a passion for the sport and if I was not going to be playing, I wanted to be around the sport as much as I could,” Vincenzini said. “Coaching was a great option where I could utilize my skill and knowledge of the game, and give back to the community.”



Travis Vincenzini watches from the bench as the Tigers win their first game of the season in three sets. Vincenzini previously coached for boys Synergy Force, a competitive volleyball organization, and is also continuing to coach for the GBHS JV boys team in the spring. With new coaches in freshman, JV and varsity teams, the staff is still learning the ins and outs of the program, but Vincenzini believes the RHS has “a strong group of girls.” “I believe that Cindy Simon, the previous coach, had a very respectable program here and I would like to see that continue,” Vincenzini said. Senior Jessica Donahue thinks that Vincenzini has done a great job running the program thus far, and she says that she has even noticed some parallels to last


year. “I like what he has done so far and you can definitely see some similarities to last year with Ms. Simon,” Donahue said. “It’s a lot of time drills and if you don’t get something done then we condition or have other punishments.” Donahue also believes that the way that Vincenzini is handling the team’s relative inexperience has set them up to succeed this year. “This year we have also done more skill drills because we lost so many seniors from last year’s team,” Donahue said. “And because of how many girls on this year’s team haven’t played club, they haven’t had exposure to all of the skills that you can learn. ”

Following Lance Fisher’s departure from the baseball program, Greg Zanolli plans to fill the position of varsity coach this upcoming season. Zanolli’s long history in the area prompted him to take advantage of the open coaching position at RHS. Previously, Zanolli was a manager of both the freshman and JV teams, before becoming the varsity pitching coach at Oakmont High School. “I live in Roseville, so the Roseville [High School] position was a great opportunity to coach in the town I live and in a community I have coached in for a long time,” Zanolli said. “Roseville has a rich tradition that I would like to continue.” Zanolli has been around baseball for most for most of his life, coaching for the past 15 years, including the last seven at Oakmont High School. After starting his career as the freshman


Tennis gets first new coach in five years BY AIDAN MUNNS


The girls varsity tennis team is heading into the 2017 season with a brand new head coach. Dana Duncan will replace former tennis coach Donny Nush. Nush had been the coach of both the boys and girls tennis programs since 2013. Despite no longer being the head coach, Nush will continue to be involved and attend some of the practices. Senior Courtney Carpenter, believes that even with the new coach, the team will be able to attain the same success, if not more than they did last year. “I’m excited to be working with coach Duncan,” Carpenter said. “It’s sad to see coach Nush leave because he’s been coaching me for a long time, but I’m excited to see what she can bring to the table.” Despite the turnover in coaches, Carpenter feels that the experience that the girls team has will allow

them to be successful. “I think we will be able to maintain the same success as last year.” Carpenter said, “We have a really good skill level and girls who have been playing for a long time.” Though there will be some minor changes, captain Kenzie Duncan believes that with the new coach, the practices and the games will stay the same and the team will stay as energetic as they always have been. “Everything now is a little more organized,” Kenzie said. “Donny [Nush] was a little more lenient with plans, but it’s definitely the same vibe amongst the team. The team stays very competitive and we’re all positive out there.” Coach Duncan feels excited for this new opportunity and believes that the team will be successful this season based off of what she’s seen. The team is off a 2-0 league start with wins over Del Campo and Cosumnes Oaks.


Senior Joseph CIrrincione talks with new head coach Greg Zanolli before practice. manager, Zanolli moved his way up in the program and eventually become the varsity pitching coach. Last year, the Tigers fell short of making it to playoffs, ending the year with a 9-18 overall record and losing their final 12 games. Zanolli get the Tigers back to there winnning ways. “They didn’t finish last season the way they would have liked,” Zanolli said. “We are looking forward to turning that around and getting back to the playoffs on a consistent basis.” Zanolli believes this is a realistic goal based on the team’s success in the previous seasons, not including last year’s. He is willing to push the team to not only have a good season this

year, but plans to instill a winning mentality with the teams in years to come. “The Roseville baseball community is used to success,” Zanolli said. “They won a Section Title just 3 years ago, and that’s the type of success we will strive to achieve every year.” Senior Nate Lemos feels the team didn’t reach their full potential last year, but is looking forward to a better season this year with “new philosophies from a new coach.” “We came to a halt as far as winning came,” Lemos said. “We didn’t win a lot at the end, but we are looking forward to rebuilding this year and hopefully going back to playoffs.”


ro said. “I want to replicate this type of environment for my own team.” Roseville High School Sophomore runner Trenalumnus Nicholas Navaton Artica enjoys Navasero sero has taken over as the coaching because of his head coach of the cross past experience with cross country team. Though Nacountry. vasero had worked as an “I like him a lot. He has assistant coach for the cross a lot of experience because country he use to run at RHS back team at RHS in the day in 2012, this when he is his first used to go year being a here,” Arhead coach. tica said. Navasero “He’s very has an apprewell inciation for the formed of deep history how to im—Coach Navasero prove our and culture he once felt while attending times and what our bodies RHS. are capable of doing.” “I love the culture, histoArtica says that Navasero ry, and spirit of the school. brings experience and ways And cross country is very to improve running times. near and dear to my heart,” “He makes us do difNavasero said. ferent workouts and interDuring his years at RHS, vals,” Artica said. “Like Navasero enjoyed the comsomething we didn’t do petitive environment that last year is we did stadium his coach developed and runs to help improve going hopes to create a similar up hills and to work out our environment. calves.” “I ran cross country my Artica also believes that junior and senior year at while the team is still gainRHS and the team I was ing experience, the relative on was very close. And the youth will help them going environment was both fun forward later this year and and competitive,” Navaseinto next. j.miller@eyeofthetigernews.com


BY NATHAN RICHARDSON n.richardson@eyeofthetigernews.com

This season, Gabriella Vega will take over for Bri Eigenman as head coach of the Roseville High School cheer team. This will be Vega’s fourth year coaching high school cheer, and her seventh year overall, with the other three years spent coaching competitive cheer programs. Despite this being Vega’s first year as the Roseville coach, she knows the team well, as she was a member of the Universal Cheerleaders Association that used to host summer camps attended by Roseville. At the camps, Vega noticed the team’s athleticism and is eager to see it first hand. “I look forward to the sense of athleticism that

this team aims to bring to the name of Roseville Cheer this season,” Vega said. “They work extra hard to not only do something that requires an immense amount of athletic ability and focus but also do it with a smile.” Vega is also interested to see how the team will attempt to gain respect as an official sport now that cheer is recognized as one in California. “In the beginning of the season I had asked what the team’s biggest goals were for the year and almost unanimously got the reply for respect as an official sport.” Vega said. “These girls want their school to have as much pride and respect for them as they do for all the other athlete teams.”

I love the culture, history and spirit of the school.”

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