Things To Do Please check online or call to see if your choice of Things To Do is still proceeding or has been canceled due to COVID-19.
Batesville 4th Annual Race For Hope 71 Practice will be Tuesday, Oct 6 at Noon. Check with Chamber for more information at 870.793.2378. The race will be held Oct. 7, 8, and 9 at 6p.m. Championship Night is Oct 10 at 6p.m. Gardening with Chickens This Tuesday, Oct. 6, six p.m. class, Ms. Cathy Shonk teaches which herbs and produce will make your chickens happy, how to chicken-proof your garden and the added benefits of patrolling chickens. 870.793.2378 Main Street Batesvilles Farmer’s Market In accordance with the Arkansas Department of Health’s current guidelines for farmers markets, we WILL BE OPEN in the Pocket Park from 8am to Noon every second and fourth Saturday, Oct 10 and 24. Heartsaver CPR AED Training Thursday, Oct. 8 at 5p.m., this video-based instructor-led course requires a pre-registration and $69 fee. 870.793.2378 Lyon College-Homecoming and Family Weekend
Friday, Oct. 9 at 8a.m. 870.793.2378 Small Business Counseling (By Appointment Only) Oct. 15 from 10am through 3pm at the Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce at 409 Vine Street, Laura Miller 870.972.3517. Free guidance tailored for your startup or existing business. 4 Mile Classic Oct. 16 at 8a.m. 870.793.2378
Project Support Batesville Area Prayer Project Support Batesville Area monthly prayer will be October 12, 2020, 5:30 pm at Independence Baptist Association building (548 Central Avenue). We will be praying for our area’s hungry, homeless and addicted. Please join us in praying for our community. For more information, please contact Cherri at 870-569-8181 (The Kitchen Shop) or check out Project Support Batesville Area facebook page. WRMC Highway to Health Virtual 5k For the third year, White River Health System is running to support our goal of feeding our area children. Join us this year for our first Virtual 5K! During this pandemic, local food pantries are seeing increasing numbers of families in need. Food insecurity is a major issue for kids today. At least 60-75% of kids in our area schools are on free or reduced lunches. Your registration fee and money from sponsors will be divided and given to local school districts to fill their food pantries. Every Virtual participant will receive a swag bag! We will hold a drive-thru packet pick up at WRHS Foundation. If you do not live in the area, we will happily mail your swag to you! Register
14 Bald Knob . Batesville . Bradford . Cave City . Melbourne . Mnt. View . Newport . Newark . Southside . Sulphur Rock . Swifton . Sidney . Tuckerman