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Things To Do
Please check online or call to see if your choice of Things To Do is still proceeding or has been canceled due to COVID-19.
Points Racing (Championship IMCA Modifieds)
Batesville Motor Speedway Friday September 4 at 8pm. batesvillemotorspeedway.com. 870.613.1337. Championship night racing, September 10 at 8pm. 25th Annual Schoenfeld Headers Mid-America Racing, September 18 & 19at 6pm.
Main St. Block Sidewalk Sale
Main Street’s block between Broad St. and Central Ave. is hosting a Block Sidewalk Sale for Labor Day. Park and walk the block for a unique shopping experience! Support our small businesses by attending on Saturday, Sept. 5th from 10am-3pm.
Main Street Batesvilles Farmer’s Market
In accordance with the Arkansas Department of Health’s current guidelines for farmers markets, we WILL BE OPEN in the Pocket Park from 8am to Noon every second and fourth Saturday, Sept 12 and 26. mainstreetbatesville.org.
Project Support Batesville Area Prayer
Project Support Batesville Area monthly prayer will be September 14, 5:30 pm at The Kitchen Shop (610 St Louis). We will be praying for the families, marriages and single/ divorced/widowed in our community. Please join us in praying for our community. For more information, please contact Cherri at 870-569-8181 (The Kitchen Shop) or check out Project Support Batesville Area facebook page.
Thunder Valley Shootout
Registration begins at 8am, two rounds of 25 clays (50 total). Bring your own ammunition. Entry fee is $250 per 5 person team. Individual entry fee is $50 per person. Funds provide ammunition, practice targets and clays, safety equipment, and competition fees for youth shooters in Independence County and surrounding communities. September 26 at 9am - 2pm at the Rocky Willmuth Shooting Complex in Batesville, Arkansas. Mary Zirkle at 870.799.4981, gmforee@gmail.com.
Small Business Counseling (By Appointment Only)
September 17 from 10am through 3pm at the Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce at 409 Vine Street, Laura Miller 870.972.3517. Free guidance tailored for your startup or existing business. Melbourne www.mymelbournearkansas.com.
Mountain View
Arkansas Craft School
If you are able, please consider donating to an arts organization, like the ACS, and invest in the future of the
399UticaRoad,HeberSprings MLS#20-169/$375,000
SerenityRanchisUpforsale!! Completelyrenovated01/19,Thisamazing horsepropertyisnestledbetween30acresofgardengrounds,pastures andwoodedfenceline,withabeautifullygateddrivewaygrandentrance. 'Serenity'hasanopenfloorplanwithmasterbedroomsuitedownstairs. This3 bd/2ba,amazingranchcomesequipped2kitchens,fullSauna,hot tub,outdoorshower&saferoom! ABeautifulfully-stockedPond3k+ fishplantedlastyear. Ahuntersparadise-literally! Allappliancesarenew &underfullwarranty. SerenityRanchhasRVstoragewithhookups,just minutesfromlakeaccess. Thereisawonderfulshop,8stallbarn& propertyisequippedwithafullsurveillancesystem. CHECKITOUT
699AshFlatDrive,AshFlat MLS#20-166/$199,000

Hightrafficareawithlotsofpotential!! Thismulti-purpose buildingisinagreatlocationonmajorroadacrossfromtheSharp Co. Courthouse. Buildingishandicapaccessibleandhas5772sqft andincludeslivingquarters. Heatedandcooled showroom/workshopwith2overheaddoors. Alsofeaturedisa separateworkroomwithcarliftwhichisincluded,couldbegood rentalincome. Alongwiththeofficeandwaitingroom,thereisa roomsetupforstorageorapaintbooth. Metalroof,HVAC,and wiringallnewwithinlast2years. Waterbillusuallyruns$50- 60/mo. andelectric$230-250/mo. Don'twait-getyourearning potentialstarted!
185SmithDrive,PleasantPlains MLS#20-198/$2,250,000
5,43x450Pecopoultryhousesbuiltin2003. Farmincludesa3 bedroom2bathloghome,a30x60finishedshopwitha2 bedroomapt.,mobilehomeforfarmhand. Stackingshedand compostshed. 60x60shopand10x120outbuilding. Fenced andcrossfencedwithpond. Poultryhousesareinexcellent condition.
Buying? Selling? Relocating? The Choice is Clear...Coldwell Banker Choice Realty 870-793-7778 www.BatesvilleRealEstate.net 51 3 Batesville Blvd., Batesville, Arkansas
Each office independently owned and operated
arts in Arkansas. If you are not a member of the ACS family, join us. Already a member, you are greatly appreciated. Why not consider increasing your membership level or donating? Please check out the ACS website for membership information or join our email list for the latest schedules at www. arkansascraftschool.org. Now is the time to support your favorite arts and cultural organizations, like the Arkansas Craft School. Thank you for being part of our creative family. Questions can be directed to arkcraftschool@gmail.com. Newport www.facebook.com/newportarchamber
Foster Recruitment Team Meeting.
The Arkansas Department of Human Services invites everyone to come together to share ideas and resources to help recruit more foster parents. For more information call Brandy Jones (870) 217-1072 or email brandy.jones@dhs. arkansas.gov. Outside Our Area
2020 Celebration in the Sky
Featuring Hot Air Balloon Rides, Skydiving, Helicopter Rides, Airplane Fly-ins, and a Free Live Concert! September 11 at 7am through September 13 in Harrison, Arkansas. www.exploreharrison.com/pages/attractions/ arkansas-hot-air-balloon-state-championship/.
If you don’t see your community represented here, please send us any upcoming event information and we will be happy to share with our other communities
eyeonjoseph@gmail.com. N

Kennadi Pretty, Class of 2021.