3 minute read
Thyme Enough
Thyme Enough Aunt Mayme’s Luncheon Rolls
Nelson and Sandy Barnett met in college. They have been happily married for 58 years and are still having fun cooking and living! Find Sandy’s newly published thriller Dead in the Shadow of Doubt on Amazon. com.
Well here we are as we promised you last month to offer you Aunt Mayme’s Luncheon Rolls. But not before Nelson test baked them to see if they were as worthy as he remembered them to be. So, here’s the verdict, These babies are worthy! In fact, they have been worthy in our house for about 4-6 bakings now!
Aunt Mayme was a real lady. She was sweet, and pretty, a gentle soul, and a little fluttery when fluttering hands could express happiness when the family was coming over for lunch, or flutter could express concern if the kitchen wasn’t running smoothly. Lunch at Aunt Mayme’s was the main meal of the day. She loved fried chicken and a big platter of chicken was often a given on her table, but let me say, her Luncheon Rolls could bring sighs of joy and tears to one’s eyes when the basket of piping hot ones were brought in from the kitchen. The recipe survives in the 1923 Queen City Cookbook put out by the First Methodist Church of Batesville. Aunt Mayme’s real name was Mayme Casey Barnett, and her husband was my Dad’s brother, Charles W. Barnett. They had two daughters, Charlotte Barnett Grace and Frances Barnett Ketz.
One story that we remember from lunch at Aunt Mayme’s was the day we were seated around the dining room table and as the meal was winding down, and Virginia Mongomery, who helped her in the kitchen, periodically kept coming to the table and would whisper something in Aunt Mayme’s ear. After this had happened several times, everyone’s curiosity at a peak, Nelson finally asked what was happening. Turned out that Aunt Mayme was getting updates on the soap opera that she never missed, “As the World Turns.” It must have been a hot episode.
Aunt Mayme’s Luncheon Rolls
1 package yeast, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 ½ cups flour, white of 1 egg, 2 tablespoons oil, and 1 teaspoon salt. Dissolve the yeast and sugar in lukewarm milk. Add 1 ½ cups flour and beat until smooth, then add the egg white well-beaten, the oil, the salt and the remainder of the flour. The original recipe called for 3 cups of flour, but I’ve found that 2 ½ is better. The dough will be sticky, but firm. Knead lightly using as little flour in kneading as possible. Place in a well greased bowl, cover and set to rise in a warm place free from draft for about 2 hours. Punch the dough down and mold into rolls the size of walnuts. Place in well-greased pans and let rise until light, about ½ hour. Bake at 350 degrees until they are light brown. Keep your eye on them. You don’t want them to overcook. Rolls made by this recipe can be started at 9 o’clock in the morning and be ready for the midday meal.
Note: We’ve tried this recipe several times and found that pocketbook rolls seem to be the best shape. N
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