Eye On Magazine April 2021

Page 10

Tales of a Transplanted Fashionista Share Your Love Language

Leigh Keller is a high school guidance counselor at Batesville High School and the director of the BHS Glass Slipper Project. She lives in Batesville with her son, Cole, and a pack of dogs.

Today was one of those days, from start to finish, it was filled with hectic conversation, stressed out humans (big and small), and a schedule that never stopped. But one thing I was determined to face the day with was a positive attitude and lots of laughter (and snacks). I was listening to Klove this morning on my way to work and they mentioned GoMAD, go and make a difference. I realize that this year has been a historical year, in so many ways, but that doesn’t mean we cannot love each other well, or that we cannot greet our colleagues and students with love and a smile, and that we cannot take a brief moment to breathe and listen when someone needs an ear. You can make a difference in someone’s life, and that doesn’t cost anything. Who has made a great big difference in your life this week, this month or this year? Who do you see and you smile, or breathe deeper? Is it someone at church, or maybe your favorite cashier at the grocery store? Tell them!! We get so caught up in complaining about people that we forget to say thank you to the good people in our lives who are trying to encourage us. Let me tell you, we have a precious sub, Mrs. Mary Painter, and she comes through the office in the mornings and has a treat for each of us. She greets us with a smile and a warm word. She makes a difference in my day when I have the pleasure of seeing her. You can tell that her love language is acts of service, and I’m sure, in non Covid times, she gives a mean hug. Several of our subs are wonderful Nanas, and it shows in how they speak to people and how they carry themselves. You see them coming to check in, and you relax, knowing that the kids in their classrooms will be well loved and cared for that day. My love language is acts of service, so I totally get

what these ladies are doing, and I see how our teachers relax when they see the snack cart coming (this was not their snack cart, it was fresh fruit, granola bars and waters for our testers. I came upon lots of kids in the commons who eyeballed my cart and said “do any of you want a snack?”, and you could see them relax. They even said thank you. I know so many teenagers with wonderful manners, kudos to their parents! ) Get out there tomorrow and extend that “good morning”, share your desk snacks, and make someone else feel seen and loved, pause before you respond to that snappy email or that upset parent on the phone, whatever that looks like in your life ! Don’t be too jealous of the glamour of my job. I tell people often that I never have the same day twice. School counselor Ed programs should tell their students that their biggest responsibility is going to be taking care of the humans in their building, however that may look that day. N

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