Friends of the Library Bookstore

Joe is a very handsome 4 ½ year old Shepard mix. He was brought to the shelter as a stray three years ago. He has given up hope of finding a home and it’s heartbreaking. Joe is a calm and lovable fellow that enjoys walks and outside time. He is really smart and would enjoy training. A country setting would be a good placement for Joe. An experienced adult adopter is preferred for Joe because he is a big and strong boy that can play a little rough sometimes. Joe gets along with most dogs, but some get on his nerves. Joe really needs a home and someone to love him. If you are Joe’s perfect person, please make this his year to find his forever home!
Joe’s adoption fee is reduced and includes sterilization, shots, and worming with an optional microchipping and registration for an additional $20.00. We have a dog park to check compatibility with existing dogs. Anyone interested in adopting Joe, please go to heberspringshumanesociety. com and complete an adoption application. A volunteer will contact you.
Lily is a pretty 1 year old DSH cat. This sweet girl enjoys a nice soft kitty bed with a blanket over it to hide and sleep. She knows her name Lily, and will talk to visitors. Lily loves head scratches, but isn’t fond of being picked up and held. This sweetie also loves playing with cat toys and gets along with other cats. She needs to be an indoor cat and would be best with adults. Lily would really like a family and a place to call home. Please adopt sweet Lily and show her a good life. Lily’s adoption fee is $60.00 and this includes first shots, worming, and sterilization. heberspringshumanesociety. com .
Bubba wants to spend his best years with a family. Bubba is an 8 year old Labrador mix that was surrendered due to his owner's illness along with Buck and Gurdy. Bubba is a calm well behaved fellow that soaks up the love and attention. He is getting some TLC and feeling like a young pup living his best life at a foster home. He is potty trained and gets along with most dogs. You will fall in love with this handsome boy the minute you meet him. He would love to be adopted with his Buck and Gurdy, but could also be adopted alone. Pick Bubba!
Bubba’s adoption fee is $100.00 with sterilization, first shots, and worming, microchipping optional, and registration for $20.00. Use dog park to check compatibility. .
Heber Springs Humane Society
Gina Slagley is a co-owner of Water’s Edge magazine, a contributing writer, and sales representative for W.E. She lives in Jackson County and has two adult children and eight grandchildren. Her goal for Water’s Edge is to bring the reader’s a collection of stories, photographs, interviews and moments together in each publication that they will enjoy and be proud of.
Gina brings over twenty years of print publishing experience to Water’s Edge and knows that local matters.
Kimberlee Dannette Thomas is a Chandler, Oklahoma native. She relocated to Jackson County in 1986. She has five children, five grandchildren, is co-owner, creator, and ad builder for Water’s Edge and Eye On Magazine. She is proudly serving her home community as a newly elected Alderman. She is recognized from her years of co-hosting Cable Channel programming in Jackson and Independence County. She earned her Associates from ASUN in Fine Arts.
Joey Thomas is a freelance graphic designer, a writer, and book cover designer for hire. He is elevated by his wife, five children, five grandchildren and is attempting to evolve at every turn.
Cynthia Herrin is a contributing writer for Water's Edge. She lives in Heber Springs with her husband and two kids. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications from Harding University and currently sits on the Heber Springs Chamber of Commerce Board. She has a background in advertising, radio, marketing, photography, and now real estate.
For advertising, distribution, or editorial contribution, contact:
Gina Slagley
EDITOR / CREATIVE DIRECTOR / AD DESIGN: Gina Slagley & Kimberlee Thomas ADVERTISING: Kimberlee Thomas & Gina Slagley, PROOFING
DEPARTMENT: Gina Slagley & Kimberlee Thomas
Kimberlee Thomas 870.503.1150
STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS: Gina Slagley, Kimberlee Thomas. GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Joey Thomas.
Opinions expressed in articles or advertisements, unless otherwise noted, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publisher or the staff. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information presented in this issue is accurate and neither Waters Edge Magazine or any of its staff is responsible for omissions or information that has been misrepresented to the magazine. Copyright © 2021 Waters Edge Magazine All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the Publisher. All pictorial material reproduced in this book has been accepted on the condition that it is reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the photographer concerned. As such, Water’s Edge Magazine, is not responsible for any infringement of copyright or otherwise arising out of publication thereof.
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Books! I’m so excited to share with you the story of The Friends of the Library this month. What an amazing group of volunteers, Heber Springs is so fortunate to have.
If you find yourself wondering just what to do with all those books you’ve finished reading or the kids have outgrown, I encourage you to donate
Kimberlee Thomasthem to this wonderful organization. Books are most assuredly a gift that keeps giving and in this case in so many, many ways.
Thank you for taking the time to pick us up each month and should you have a story idea please share it with me!
Happy Summer!
2/ WE Adopt a Pet
6/ Books, Libraries and Friends
12/ Calendar
14/ Empowered Together:
16/ Springfest
19/ Home Town Heroes
20/ Cleburne County Responds
Appreciation Day
20/ Notes from the Clearing living
As your hometown health partner, White River Health has a number of locations across the region with Family Care, Internal Medicine, Specialty Care, Therapies, and more. To find a White River Health facility near you, open the camera app on your smartphone, hold your phone over the QR code, and click on the link. Caring
I can’t imagine a life without books. There is something soothing and purely magical about the weight of a well-worn book with its rough page edges, some dog eared from the lack of a proper bookmark, resting in my hands; holding within its pages the promise of a new adventure in some distant landscape inhabited by strangers who will soon become beloved friends. What an utter privilege it is to have books in our lives offering us knowledge, escape, joy, tears, laughter and cause for conversation with others once we’ve devoured its contents.
And what of the keepers and organizers of these cherished rectangles? From shopkeepers, collectors, librarians and countless volunteers there are not enough words to express the gratitude I hold for their tireless work of preserving our ability to access books.
Within the scenic beauty of Heber Springs there sits a small unsuspecting building located in the curve at 2255 Highway 25B. This little building is chock full of books from the floor to the ceiling and
they are all for sale. What is so special about that you might ask? They are super cheap! Some titles are sold for as little as ten cents! Yes! A dime! The proceeds from the sale of these gently used books go towards funding local literacy programs as well as purchasing items for the local libraries. In fact so many books have been sold through this little store that $50,000 was donated toward the construction of the new Cleburne County Library facility in 2013.
Tending to this oasis of beyond affordable literature is a wonderful and friendly staff of volunteers whose mission is to keep books in the hands of all who desire them, they are known as The Friends of the Library.
In 1989 the Cleburne County Friends of the Library was formed under the sponsorship of the Athena Club as a community improvement project. They are a non-profit group that supports and promotes the Cleburne County Library and literacy throughout Cleburne County.
The Friends have been in several locations since
their inception. They spent their first 5 years at the National Guard Armory before moving to the local fairgrounds in 1995. In 2008 the Friends rented the building where they are currently located and settled in.
The store is open from 10:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Gently used books are available at great prices with new inventory changing weekly. Another way the Friends of the Library raise funds is through memberships. They are available for any budget with prices as low as $2 for students and up to a Patron level sponsorship for $75.
Rachel Cone, Treasurer and Membership Chair, stated that, “Our current location means we are able to be open more frequently and we're also able to capitalize on Heber's tourism and have more
environmental controls for the books as well as our customers and volunteers.” She further noted that with their profits not only are they able to provide supplies for the local libraries but they also, “sponsor the summer reading program as well as the popular visit from Santa.”
Rachel explained that the large sum donated to the new library went towards purchasing bookshelves. She mentioned the importance of their annual membership drive held in April/May of each year, “but of course people are welcome to join throughout the year.” Memberships are tax deductible, as well as donations, and come with some small goodies. Rachel shared, “We also do the occasional discount sales for members only. We have a Facebook page where I try to post current sales.
Different sections go on sale usually half off, if we're inundated, sometimes as low as a quarter a piece.” They also do a “book pull” quarterly and those books go on their 10 cent shelf. She further noted, “The week before the book pulls our 10 cent shelf is free. Once or twice a year we do a bag sale where a Wal-mart style sack is $3 full of your choice of books. Magazines are given away for free. Our book prices are typically one to two dollars.” The Friends of the Library Store also has book bags, t-shirts, bookmarks, and puzzles for sale.
Rachel shared that the Friends of the Library was something her best friend, April Allen, “dragged me into in high school.” The fact that the volunteer hours looked good on her college applications didn’t hurt and it appealed to her love of reading. After the birth of her son she became a stay at home mom,
“This was an activity where I could bring my child with me and still be able to get out of the house and have some adult interactions. He has grown up in this building. I have pictures of him passed out on the floor as a toddler through helping stock shelves as a preteen.” She notes that The Friends gave her the opportunity to use the things she is good at and loves doing as well as the ability to contribute to her community. In conclusion Rachel shared, “Over the last 25 years it has taken a lot of my time and energy as we have changed buildings, expanded in our current building, painted, redecorated and had new shelves built, but I am incredibly proud of the things we have accomplished and all of our volunteers who do so much.”
Zac Cothren, Director Cleburne County Library shared, “I cannot give enough thanks and praise to
the Friends of the Library. What they have been able to accomplish as an organization is truly remarkable. Throughout the 16 years that I have been director of the Library, the Friends have been an unwavering source of both financial and moral support for the Library. Their large financial contribution to our building fund several years ago, their annual support of our Summer Reading Program, and purchasing books and other items to benefit the Library have made them the unsung heroes of the success of the Cleburne County Library. The fact that their only source of funding is through their modest membership fees and sales of used books makes it all the more astonishing. Having their support is an ace in the hole for both the Library and myself. I owe
them a huge debt of gratitude, and appreciate them more than they know.”
Board Members include: April Allen – President, Kay Boeing - Vice President, Rachel Cone -Treasurer and Membership Chair, Jean Beisanstein - Volunteer Coordinator.
I would like to encourage you if you haven’t yet browsed the vast selection at The Friends of the Library Store you should hurry before I buy them all! One more thing…while you are there, secure your membership and keep reading my friend.
Sat., July 1, 11am, Get ready… your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman is coming to the Cleburne County Libary with songs and a story to share!
Sat., July 8, 11am, The Heber Springs Humane Society will be visiting the Cleburne County Library to show us how we can work together to help animals! Plus, there may even be a furry friend joining us!
Sat., July 15, 11am, Rich Davis, artist/illustrator, will be at the Cleburne County Library to show you that you really can draw! All you need is to follow Rich’s instructions, and you’ll amaze yourself with what you can do!
Sat., July 22, 11am, Tommy Terrific will perform a new wacky magic show for our “All Together Now”summer theme at the Cleburne County Library!
Sat., July 29, 11am, Bring your reading log and pick up your free t-shirt and other prizes for reading in our Summer Reading Program! We will serve pizza and watch a review of our summer fun! At the Cleburne County Library.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Greers Ferry Lake Project Office reopened the William Carl Garner Visitor Center Hours of operation are Friday-Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with additional days and hours potentially being added on later in the season. The visitor center offers numerous educational exhibits related to local and state history, hydropower usage, local fisheries and wildlife information, as well as a model of the dam. A variety of maps are also available to assist visitors with outdoor activities. For more information contact the Greers Ferry Project Office at (501) 362-2416.
Summit 55 Upcoming Events: October 4-12, 2023-New England Rails and Trails, call Phyllis at 501-884-6501 for all the trip details!
Heber Springs Makers Market on the Square: Artisans, Crafters & Farmers 9am - 2pm on the Courthouse lawn. July 1 & 15 / August 5 & 19 / September 2 & 16 / October 7 & 21 / November 4 / December 2. Follow them on FB.
June 30 - July 1 - The Heber Springs Chamber of Commerce presents the 3rd Annual Freedom Fest on the Lake June 30th-July 1st presented by Red River Dodge!
- Concert Friday night, June 30th, at Sandy Beach
-World Championship Cardboard Boat Races “Space” theme:
Begins Saturday, July 1st: 10 am start at Sandy Beach. Get Ready to Blast Off at the World Championship Cardboard Boat Races!
-Fireworks Extravaganza: Fireworks Display Saturday, July 1st: 9:30 pm, broadcasted by 101.9 the Lake-KSUG; live music by the band, Just Sayin’ beginning at 7 pm For more information about this event, local attractions, and things to do, you can check out our website at For event registration information or volunteer inquiries, please contact the Heber Springs Chamber at (501) 362.2444
Save the date: April 8, 2024 The City of Heber Springs has something wonderful in store...mark your calendars now, you won’t want to miss it. A solar eclipse will occur in Arkansas and we are in the path of totality! This is one of those events you HAVE to witness once. The next chance you’ll have won’t be until 2044 and 2045. (See attached artwork)
August 17 - 19 Heber Fever 2023 Pickleball Tournament. Event will include Singles, Men/Women Doubles, Mixed Doubles. The event is hosted by the Heber Springs Community Center located at 201 Bobbie Jean Lane. The $75 entry fee covers all 3 events, T-shirt, lunch on Saturday and hospitality room. For more information call 501-362-4901. about-heber-springs/pages/attractions
Our goal is to simply bring professional women of Heber Springs together in a relaxed, pressure-free environment. We believe this type of networking experience will allow us to connect on a deeper personal level and create lifelong friendships and mentorships within the group. Our hope is that our connections will allow great ideas to evolve into great actions that benefit our community.
- Jessica Gardner, First Electric CooperativeI’ve lived in Cleburne County since 2010, when my husband’s job moved us over to Heber Springs. We drove in at night and woke up in a cabin on the little red river, and I told my husband “I don’t care what they offer you, you better say yes because I’m not leaving!!” We immediately fell in love with the area and knew it would be a great place to raise our young children. After a few years we purchased Ozark Country Market on top of the mountain and have enjoyed serving the community as a local small business for many years now. We’ve made great friends and neighbors!
I grew up on a farm outside of Chelsea, OK, a little 1 stoplight town on historic Route 66! I went to school there up through the 9th grade, and then moved to the Oklahoma Panhandle for the remainder of high school, graduating from Hardesty (a no stoplight town, lol.) I’m a small town country girl, the daughter of career school teachers. I felt like l’d hit “the big time” when I went to Oklahoma State University in Stillwater on a valedictorian scholarship and got a business degree.
As a freshman in college I played a lot of music and got noticed by a Nashville record producer and made an album; it was while touring around promoting the record on radio stations & Opry shows that I met my husband, also a professional musician. We now enjoy playing music with our 5 children, 4 boys and 1 girl! Our community activities run the gamut from supporting our children in their school activities, which include many sporting events, to playing music at several annual events, and a lot of business activities with our country store.
Lately we’ve been remodeling Pickles Gap Village down in the Conway area, so we’ve been spreading the love around our great state of Arkansas!
I can say the alphabet backwards faster than I can forwards, I have an inordinate love of adult onesies
& trees, and I’m a HUGE fan of Buc-cees convenience stores. Hmmm- I’m pretty much an open book.
My favorite hobbies are writing songs, playing music, fly-fishing, and playing with plants- designing landscapes and potted plants for my customers (even though my front yard is currently a wasteland- the cobbler’s shoes have holes analogy here.
My favorite thing about living in this magical hidden paradise is how I can go anywhere and we all have a genuine camaraderie with each other. I’m not just a number at the businesses- we’re all friends & no matter where I walk out of, I always leave with a smile on my face!
This year Heber Springs YoungLife put on Springfest for visitors and the community. People enjoyed lots of vendor booths, live music, food trucks, and the Springfest favorite the Butterfly Pavilion.
"WOW! An obstacle course, the butterfly tent, almost 40 vendors, and three music acts in SPRING PARK! Thanks to everyone who came out and attended Springfest and a big thank to all the volunteers! You made it all possible!!!! Kids are going to Young Life CAMP because of Springfest!!!!!"
-Jeffrey James, Heber Springs YoungLife DirectorI grew up in Anchorage, Alaska and in Cabot, where I graduated high school. One of my friends came home on leave from bootcamp and soon after that I joined the Marine Corps. Once I got out, I moved back here and everything just fell in to place with the police department. I did a lot of ride alongs with BC, one of the cops in Heber, who I’ve known for a long time. And it all
What do you find most rewarding about being a police
I don’t like bullies and I don’t like people who take advantage of other people. I like finding the person who’s responsible for taking advantage of innocent people. Sometimes people can be pretty evil to each other and sometimes we can be really humble. This job has made me a lot more humble over the years. In the end, I just really like to help people that are in need. Someone has to do it. So it may as well be someone who
What advice would you give to someone who wants to
I’m have been married for 26 years to Shannon Phelps. She is a nursing instructor with Baptist Health College. We have two grown kids. Brandon, a paramedic in Jonesboro, and Olivia, who is starting her journey into college. I have lived in Heber Springs since high school. My grandfather was originally from the area,
My wife knew from an early age in her childhood that she was going to be a nurse. I however had no clue. My parents owned a towing & recovery business in Memphis so I saw tragedy in automobile accidents at a young age. I guess between my wife and her desire to help others and my exposure to accident scenes, I decided to give this a try. And 22 years later, I’m still
They can’t be shared in this article, however I will say I am a huge fan of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (It’s tradition at my house to watch it every
I would say that my biggest challenge, at HSFD or in leadership in general, is to make sure I am leading in a way that will guide others. I have always struggled with this, always asking myself, did I do everything I could.
I think having prior responsibility and experience… like the military or something similar. The military takes young men and puts them in very adult situations and that’s similar to this job. You’re put out here to make split second decisions and it’s not always easy. Be here because you want to be not because you have to. That would be the best advice I could give to someone.
In Fire & EMS, you don’t have time to ponder answers, you have to make quick decisions and act on them. Several months ago, my son, Brandon (the paramedic), responded to a very serious call, he handled it by the book, all went extremely well. He called Shannon later and told her about it and said that the leadership that I taught him growing up is why he does what he does and how he handles every situation. As a husband, a father, a leader in our Church, a Captain on the HSFD, or a supervisor in my career, leadership and integrity are essential in every situation life throws our way.
WE see you
An Appreciation Day for local Cleburne County responders was held by your local Quorum Court. The public was able to have lunch with their local heroes, explore a smoke house simulator, participate in a corn hole tournament, and kids got to explore all sorts of fire and EMS equipment.
Joey Thomas
Every note floated out like butterflies. The weight of the instrument, the burden of gravity, the bills that she didn’t have the money for; all lost beneath the love for the note. The key was all that was important. The melody was all that mattered anymore. The flow of feeling through her body was a song itself. And the song, was living. She would stop and put it down eventually, but it wouldn’t stay down long, because it is what powered the other moments; the in-between agony of relationship drama, the drive to live recklessly and fight the world. This was her peace.
Today our community leaders had the opportunity to appreciate and say thank you to all our first responders, fire fighters, and EMTs that selflessly serve their districts. Fellowship with our local heroes made for a great day. Thank you to all!!
Cleburne County 911 Coordinator
Amanda Cameron
WE see you Cleburne County Responds Appreciation Day
The Cleburne County Quorum Court held a special event for volunteer first responders and fire fighters. We grilled burgers and hot dogs and socialized. Several local businesses and individuals donated to make the event possible. Fire trucks, ambulances, and even a helicopter ambulance were on display. Proving the worth of the people who help us, there was even a call which involved a helicopter ride to the hospital by Survival flight. All of us in Cleburne County owe a debt of gratitude to the many volunteers and paid employees who respond when called. The event included prizes and contests of bean bag toss and hula hoops. The weather was great and the event was fun for all. If anyone wants to join these great organizations, please contact them and sign up.
- JP Alan MaloneThis event was great, in my opinion. Most of the time we only see or interact with members from other departments in the county when there is an emergency. This event was a nice break from that aspect of our jobs. On behalf of the Heber Springs Fire Department, we would like to say thank you to all of those that put in the work to make this event happen and we hope there will be more things like this in the future.
Heber Springs Fire Chief Ryan Herrin