With this issue, we've looked for a connection between different human beings, portrayed by 20 photographers from all over the world. The result is the suggestion of a dialogue among strangers...| CONTRIBUTORS (listed in order of appearance): NOELIA ANDRES - REBECCA CAIRNS - DARKO MILOSEVIC - FLAVIA GRAMACCIONI - IRINA MUNTEANU - CAROLINE RUFFAULT - MARIELA BOBBA - SANDRINA KLEIN - AMO PASSICOS - CELESTE ORTIZ - LUCA GALAVOTTI - MON LEVCHENKOVA - SARA MIGNOGNA - RODOLFO TULIANO - WLODZIMIERZ URBANOVICZ - BEATRICE MIGLIORATI - DENNIS SCHNIEBER - SIMO VAIKRE - PAULA MARCHESINI - RHAMELY IMMA