2019 Edmonton Poetry Festival Guide

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Sat May 4 | 7 - 9 pm Strathcona County Community Centre Celebrate the culmination of National Poetry Month with a fabulous evening of poetry, featuring Jenna Butler and Naomi McIlwraith. Hosted by our Writer in Residence Mary Pinkoski, the evening will also include an open mic session for those who are interested in sharing their own works.

Mary Pinkoski

Jenna Butler

Tickets are $5. Please reserve your seat by registering online at sclibrary.ca or by calling 780.410.8600. Pay for your tickets at the door.

Naomi McIlwraith

Strathcona County

LIBRARY 401 Festival Lane


Sherwood Park




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut aliquet consecteturto aliquam. Aliquam in exPoetry ac turpis molestie Vestibulum cursus Welcome the 2019 Edmonton Festival! Thiscursus. year the festival hopes tomassa ask: what is itcondimentum that brings ussagittis. home? As we findet ourselves compelled toante share ut nisl Interdum malesuada fames ac our secrets andinstories withSuspendisse one another,non bringing the aching ipsum primis faucibus. lacustogether sagittis urna aliquamand the longing, thenec funny and theUt forgiving and everything in between, we ut willpurus. spend interdum quis sem. felis elit, sagittis ut lacinia id, pretium the week pondering what it means to be bound and in movement towards Nulla facilisi. Fusce fermentum placerat pretium. Praesent facilisis, libero a something that could be called HomeWord. Join us. bibendum dapibus, ante felis tempus sem, in tincidunt erat nisl sed dui. Ut malesuada magnaProducer sit amet feugiat ornare. Vivamus sed tellus at eros laoreet Nisha Patel, Festival auctor a nec diam. Aenean urna nulla, imperdiet vitae laoreet in, venenatis vel ipsum. Duis in mi ligula. Maecenas velit ligula, vulputate sit amet egestas id,festival interdum egetthis neque. vulputate turpis sit director, amet ullamcorper. The theme year,Donec my seventh & lastsed as executive is HomeWord. I’dNunc like toquis takeurna this opportunity to sincerely thank every PoFest community memut metus scelerisque facilisis. ber, volunteer, staff and coordinating team, visiting and local poets, and board of directors building this community—this place ofvulputate Home & Word. The festival Integer for posuere rutrum condimentum. Donec aliquet mauris, et exists because of you. May this week offer us joy, hope, resilience, and love. consequat justo cursus vitae. Praesent tincidunt pulvinar elit at aliquet. Mauris dolor erat, porttitor ut placerat non, tempor a lacus. Integer aliquam Yours in Words, Always, at erat vel dictum. Phasellus porttitor tincidunt lacinia. Sed eget sem fermentum, Rayanne Hainescursus metus sit amet, sodales velit. Donec tellus arcu,

MOTS DE CHEZ NOUS Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut aliquet consectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpis molestie cursus. Vestibulum cursus massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante B ipsum o a r primis d o fin faucibus. Suspendisse Staff and non.

Di r e c t o r s :

C o o r d i n ati n g T eam :

Alice Major – President Rayanne Haines – Executive Director PRESENTS Jannie Edwards – Vice President Nisha Patel – Festival Producer LoremSeal ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing Ut aliquet conPatrick – Treasurer Adriana Oniță –elit. Education Coordinator sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpis molestie cursus. Vestibulum cursus Bill Howe Wendy Arrowsmith – Financial Officer massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Stephanie Interdum et malesuada ac ante Don Perkins Hepas – Social fames Media Coordinator Ania Sleczkowska ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non. Gravel – Web Designer Michael Matthew Stepanic Randall Edwards – Photographer Brandon Wint Tonia LaRiviere – Publicity Marc Nipp – ElDesigno, Graphic Designer Eyesight Publishing – Program Design



Po et N a m e s :

Lorem dolor Utl laliquet Bra ndoipsum n W int, Na ssit r a amet, Ad e mconsectetur , Ke l l y S h e padipiscing h e rd , C l a ielit. re Ke y, A d ri aconna Oni ț ă, sectetur Aliquam Chelse aliquam. a D in gma n , Je n nin a ex B u ac t l e turpis r,G i an molestie m arc o V icursus. sc ont i ,Vestibulum A l ex i s Hi l l cursus y a rd , massa utMatth nisl condimentum malesuada e w S tep an i csagittis. , Jan n i eInterdum Ed w ard set , Ju l i e C. Robfames i nson,ac ante L a dy Va e s s a C ard o n a, C at h enon r i n elacus O w esagittis n , Ray aurna nne aliquam Ha i ne s, ipsum primis in nfaucibus. Suspendisse Jo snec ée Tquis h ibesem. a u l t ,Ut Jas o n elit, P u rc e l l , L i am C o ady,id,Da ni e l Poi s, interdum felis sagittis ut lacinia pretium utt ra purus. Ma n die Lopatka , L au r i e McFay d e n , Amy W il l i a ns, Dwe nni me n, a Nulla facilisi. Fusce fermentum placerat pretium. Praesent facilisis, libero Sa ge G irou x, K ’al i i S te w ar t , Ni t s i t ap i , Ty, Tab C.A ., Ke l l y Rut h, bibendum dapibus, ante felis tempus sem, in tincidunt erat nisl sed dui. Ut Etha n B okma , D u re l l S m i t h , G e o rg a-R ae Forb e s, K i m Ma nni x , malesuada magna sit amet feugiat ornare. Vivamus sed tellus at eros laoreet Sus a n a C h a l u t, Mar i n a Re i d Hal e , G ar y G a rri son, Sop hi e K i m, auctor vitae Mic haaelnec Ma diam. cD on aAenean l d, G al eurna n S cnulla, o re r imperdiet P ai g e C ard i n a llaoreet A nna -in, Mavenenatis ri e Se we l l , vel ipsum. Duis in mi ligula. amet ,egestas P ete r Midgl e y, P iMaecenas e r re t te Revelit q u i eligula, r, A n nvulputate a Mi od ucsit howska id, Cha interdum sed sit amet rlotteeget C r a nneque. s ton , Donec Hai l e y vulputate S i r ac k y, Ne r mturpis e e n Yousse f, ullamcorper. E l l e n K a rt z , NuncMa quis urna ut smetus facilisis. rita D a ch e l , Mescelerisque g an D ar t , Re b e c c a P i c ka rd , A l y son Davi e s, L i n d say Kn ox, Hil a r y Mu s s e l l , Z ac h ar y P o l i s , MelAfri q ue , Just i n K huong , Rebe cca P arutrum r s on s , condimentum. Mp o e Mo g al e ,Donec Jan e B e r r y, B huy a sh Ne up a neet , Integer posuere vulputate aliquet mauris, Jea nn ie Va n deke r k h ove , A my Voye r, S e l as s i e Dra h, Ma ri a B a rb u, consequat justo cursus vitae. Praesent tincidunt pulvinar elit at aliquet. Hou s s em B e n L az re g , Mi l a B o n g c o -P hi l i pz i g , Ci k we s, Mauris dolor erat, porttitor ut placerat non, tempor a lacus. Integer aliquam Lu c ia na Er re qu e- S a cc h i , R i t a Es p e s c h i t , O m ar Fa ra h, B a rra Ó Sc a nnl á i n at erat vel dictum. Phasellus porttitor tincidunt lacinia. Sed eget sem fermentum, cursus metus sit amet, sodales velit. Donec tellus arcu,

Feature Poets: MOTS DE CHEZ NOUS ALorem r leeipsum n Pdolor a r ésitis amet, a Victoria writer. She has been short-listed for the BC consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut aliquet con-

Dorothy Livesay BC Award for Poetry, and has won the Victoria Butler Book Prize, the sectetur Aliquam in ex ac turpis molestie cursus. Vestibulum CBC Bookiealiquam. Award, the Governor Generals’ Award for Poetry, and the Americancursus Golden massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante Crown Award for Poetry. ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non.

Ca n i s ia L u b r i n is co-artistic director and co-host of Pivot Readings, writing mentor with Flying Books and consulting editor with Buckrider Books/Wolsak & PRESENTS Wynn. She teaches English at Humber College. In her masterful debut poetry collection

LoremHypothesis, ipsum dolor sitdelves amet,into consectetur adipiscingrace, elit. Ut con-through Voodoo she topics of colonialism, andaliquet oppression sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpis molestie cursus. Vestibulum cursus a folkloric lens. massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante faucibus. Suspendisse non. world champion spoken word artist Bipsum u d dprimis y W in akefiel d is a three-time featured on the BBC, HBO’s Def Poetry Jam, ABC Radio National and has been signed to both Sage Francis’ Strange Famous Records as well as Ani DiFranco’s Righteous Babe Records. In 2004 he won the Individual World Poetry Slam Finals. Wakefield, who is not concerned with what poetry is or is not, delivers raw, rounded, disarming performances of humor and heart.


Friday April 26, 2019 9 am - 12 pm In partnership with the Edmonton Poetry Festival. Advance registration required.

Home and Away: Writing Our Lands A Workshop with Jenna Butler Join us in the Ozawa Pavilion Tea House, overlooking the Japanese Garden, for a day of poetry. Critically acclaimed poet and author Jenna Butler will lead participants through a day of walking, sharing, writing and reflecting the land and space we inhabit.

LOCATED IN PARKLAND COUNTY, 5 KM NORTH OF DEVON HWY 60 780-492-3069 | botanicgarden.ualberta.ca

Formerly the Devonian Botanic Garden


MOTS DE CHEZ Natalie W eeNOUS is a queer Peranakan community-builder and the author of Lorem ipsum dolor sitMachines. amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. aliquet conOur Bodies & Other Fine She has been nominated forUt the Pushcart Prize in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Born in Singapore Malaysian parents, she Vestibulum is currently a cursus settler sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac to turpis molestie cursus. inmassa Tkaronto ut (Toronto). nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non lacus sagittis urna aliquam n pretium o wma i c , is a Award-winning Ali,sagittis better known as Kid, interdum necPoet quisLaureate sem. UtAhmed felis elit, ut lacinia utd purus. multi disciplinary artist,fermentum community organizer, public speaker and youth worker whoa has Nulla facilisi. Fusce placerat pretium. Praesent facilisis, libero dedicated his time to enabling and empowering diverse communities around the world. bibendum dapibus, ante felis tempus sem, in tincidunt erat nisl sed dui. Ut Knowmadic is co-founder and current artistic director of Edmonton’s only spoken word malesuada magna sit amet feugiat ornare. Vivamus sed tellus at eros laoreet collective: Breath In Poetry. auctor a nec diam. Aenean urna nulla, imperdiet vitae laoreet in, venenatis vel ipsum. Duis in mi ligula. Maecenas velit ligula, vulputate sit amet egestas Tid, itil o peeget S oneque. n u gDonec a is a writer and performer Nigeria and interdum vulputate sed turpiswho sit calls ametLagos, ullamcorper. Edmonton, Canada, home. The recipient of the Canadian Authors’ Association EmergNunc quis urna ut metus scelerisque facilisis. ing Writer Award, and a 2015 Open Society (OSIWA) Foundation Resident Poet on Goree Island, off the coast of Senegal, she is a leading voice in local and international Integer posuere condimentum. Donec vulputate mauris, et performance poetryrutrum communities who has travelled extensivelyaliquet as a poet. consequat justo cursus vitae. Praesent tincidunt pulvinar elit at aliquet. Mauris porttitor ut placerat non, tempor a lacus. Integer aliquam DO YA Ldolor I I Serat, LAM is an award-winning Toronto-based poet. Her second poetry at erat vel dictum. Phasellus porttitor tincidunt lacinia. Sed eget sem book heft (McClelland & Stewart, March 2019) investigates rupture and resilience. Doyali fermentum, cursus metus sit Poetry amet, Magazine. sodales velit. Donec tellus arcu, serves as the poetry editor of Arc A n n a M a r ie Sewell is a multidisciplinary artist, primarily a writer, specializing poetry. NOUS Sewell was Edmonton’s 4th Poet Laureate (2011-13). Her practice MOTS DEinCHEZ

centres exploration across cultural, language andaliquet other borders. Loremcollaboraiton, ipsum dolorand sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpis molestie cursus. Vestibulum cursus Bmassa r a n ut do ncondimentum W i n t is a nationally acclaimedetpoet, spoken fames word artist and nisl sagittis. Interdum malesuada ac ante arts educator based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Brandon’s work as a writer exipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non. emplifies a deep attention to the craft of poetry, the nuances of language, and the social power of words.

PRESENTS Ra n dipsum y L udolor n d ysitisamet, a member of the Barren Landselit. (Cree) First Nation. Lorem consectetur adipiscing Ut aliquet con-

Blackbird is hisAliquam third poetry following cursus. his previous works Under secteturSong aliquam. in excollection, ac turpis molestie Vestibulum cursus the Night Sun and Gift of the Hawk. His work has been widely anthologized. He massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante lives in Pense, Saskatchewan. ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non.

C o b r a was was the captain and coach of Calgary’s 2016 Slam team, representing Calgary on a national level at the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word and was a member of Calgary’s Inkspot Spoken Word Collective, home of Calgary’s official poetry Slam.


Conversation Culture Community & Coffee! Quality used books and locally roasted Catfish Coffee in the heart of historic Highlands 6419 112 Ave 780.479.4050 MandolinBooks.com



Monday, April 22in ex ac turpis molestie cursus. Vestibulum cursus sectetur aliquam. Aliquam Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut aliquet con-

massa ut condimentum sagittis. Interdum et&malesuada Poetry & nisl Stillness Drone Words fames ac ante 9:30AM 11AM, “Pass the hat” toSuspendisse cover venue non 8:00lacus PM -sagittis 10:00 PM, $10aliquam advance (availipsum-primis in faucibus. urna Millwoods Church, ableut atlacinia the venue only); $12 the door interdumCommunity nec quis sem. Ut felis elit, sagittis id, pretium utat purus. 2304 38 St NW, http:/ /www.mcchurch.ca/ The Sewing Machine Factory 9562-82 Nulla facilisi. Fusce fermentum placerat pretium. Praesent facilisis, libero a An invitation to partake in the resonant Avenue (Alley Entry). *accessed by 2 bibendum dapibus, ante felis tempus sem, in tincidunt erat nisl sed dui. Ut cycle of stillness/poetry/stillness to small staircases. *18+ venue malesuada magna sit amet feugiat ornare. Vivamus sed tellus at eros laoreet awaken a spirit of contemplation and Drone & Words is a collaborative showauctor a necProcedure: diam. Aenean vitaespoken laoreetword in, venenatis deep listening. Firsturna 20 nulla, imperdiet case featuring poets paired vel ipsum. Duisup. in Please mi ligula. Maecenas velit vulputate sit egestas readers to sign email withligula, the soundscapes ofamet experimental id, interdum eget neque. Donec vulputate sed turpis sit amet ullamcorper. poetryandsilence2019@gmail.com. musicians. Nunc quis urna ut metus scelerisque facilisis.

Fighting Normal


1:00 PM-3:00 PM, Admission by donation Integer posuere rutrum condimentum. Donec vulputate aliquet mauris, et (proceeds donated to local mental consequat justo cursus vitae. Praesent tincidunt pulvinar elit at aliquet. Poetry Central health organization) Mauris dolor erat, porttitor ut placerat non, a lacus. Integer aliquam 11:30tempor AM – 1:30 PM, FREE Audreys Books, 10702 Jasper Ave at erat vel dictum. Phasellus porttitor tincidunt lacinia. Sed eget sem Edmonton City Hall A dynamic presentation by four Edmonfermentum, cursus metus sit amet, sodales velit. Donec arcu, for a Poetry Central is tellus your chance ton poets whose lives have been impactlunch-time poetry meet-up in the ed by mental illness. downtown! Watch some of Edmonton’s emerging and established, page The Indigenous MOTS DE CHEZ Poets NOUS Society and stage poets, have a short-order 4:00 PM to 6:00 dolor PM, $10-$15 sliding scale Lorem ipsum sit amet, consectetur adipiscing aliquet conpoem writtenelit. forUt you on the spot, and The Aviary, 9314 111 Ave NW, Edmonton sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpis molestie cursus. Vestibulum pick up festival information or cursus a free As a collective of word warriors, The Inmassa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum malesuada fames ac ante poetry et book. digenous Poets Society uses narrative to ipsumidentity primis and in faucibus. Suspendisse non. reclaim create community.

Local Books 1 at CBC Centre Stage

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, FREE CBC Centre Stage, City Centre Mall The Edmonton Poetry Festival is happy Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut aliquet conthe Stroll of Poets tomolestie showcase four Edmonton writers, sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpis cursus. Vestibulum cursus 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, FREE highlighting Edmonton’s bestac new books massa ut 9314 nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ante The Aviary, 111 Ave NW, Edmonton to hit the shelves. Sharing the spotlight ipsum primis Back, in faucibus. Suspendisse It’s the Blinks! just like that. The non. are: Claire Kelly, Kelly Shepherd, Adriana biggest stage for the smallest set Oniță, and Chelsea Dingman of half-minute poetry. You’ve got 30 seconds or your act is cut! Sign up online to read!

Winking, Blinking and Naughty

PRESENTS Presented in Partnership with



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AUGUST 3, 4, 5 2019





MON, apr. 22 TUES, apr. 23 WED, apr. 24 THU, ap 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Poetry and Stillness Millwoods Community Church

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Fighting Normal Audreys Books

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM YouTube! On the Other Hand The Matrix

10:00 AM Editing on E Masterclas Peter Midg The Matrix

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Poetry Central City Hall

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Poetry Central City Hall

11:30 AM Poetry Cen City Hall

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Local Books 1 CBC Centre Stage

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Practicing Home (Brown Bag Lunch) U of A Rutherford South

12:00 PM Local Book CBC Centr

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Panel: Digital Tools for Poets The Matrix

4:00 PM Literary Co U of A Facu


4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Indigenous Poets Society The Aviary 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Blinks The Aviary

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM RE:Home CKUA

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Vintage Poetry SEESA Community Centre

6:00 PM Glass Buff Audreys Bo

9:00 - 10:00 PM Drone and Words The Sewing Machine Factory

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM BIP Slam Finals ft. Cobra Collins Art Gallery of Alberta

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM pê-kîwêhtatân itwêwin Theatre Lab Grant MacEwan

8:00 PM - 1 LandScape MacEwan A

8:00 PM - 1 French Tw Cafe Bicyle


pr. 25 FRI, apr. 26

SAT, apr. 27

12:00 PM Eggshells: ss gley x

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Music in Poetry Workshop with Arlene Pare The Matrix

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Home and Away: Writing Our Lands Jenna Butler U of A Botanic Gardens

1:30 PM - 4:30 PM Café Readings 1 Three Bananas

1:30 PM ntral

- 1:00 PM ks 2 re Stage

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM TravelLog CBC Centre Stage

6:00 PM ocktails ulty Club

8:00 PM falo ooks

1:30 PM - 4:30 PM Café Readings 2 Audreys Books

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM HomeBody The Matrix 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM The Story of Home Arlene Pare The Matrix

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Wine and Wild Women Wordsmiths The Matrix

1:30 PM - 4:30 PM Café Readings 3 Nook Café

4:00 PM - 6:30 PM Alive! & Open The Matrix

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM River City Lecture with Canisia Lubrin The Matrix

10:00 PM e Atrium

10:00 PM wist ette

SUN, apr. 28

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Translating Home CKUA

8:30 PM - 11:00 PM HomeFront The Matrix



lunch-time poetry meet-up in the downtown! Watch some of Edmonton’s 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM, $5 for members, MOTS DE CHEZ NOUS emerging andelit. established, $10 for non-members Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing Ut aliquetpage con-and stage poets, have a short-order poem CKUA, 9804 Jasper Ave, Edmonton sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpis molestie cursus. Vestibulum cursus How do we understand the land around written for you on the spot, and pick up massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante festival information or a free poetry book. us? Listen to these poets explore their ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non lacus sagittis urna aliquam connection to home and land, in this interdumof nec quis sem. Ut felis ut lacinia pretium ut purus. showcase local favourites: Kellyelit, sagittis Brown Bagid, Lunch Nulla facilisi. Fusce placerat -pretium. Praesent facilisis, libero a Shepherd, Anna Mariefermentum Sewell, Jenna Practicing Home bibendum dapibus, ante felis tempus sem, in tincidunt erat nisl sed dui. Ut Butler, and Gianmarco Visconti. Presented in Partnership with malesuada magna sit amet feugiat ornare. Vivamus sedLiterature tellus at eros laoreet the Canadian Centre Edmonton 2019nulla, imperdiet 12 PM – 1vitae PM, FREE auctor a necSlam diam. Finals Aenean urna laoreet in, venenatis Presented in Partnership with U ofligula, A Rutherford South 2-09, egestas 90 Ave NW vel ipsum. Duis in mi ligula. Maecenas velit vulputate sit amet Breath in Poetry Collective How does home manifest within us? id, interdum eget neque. Donec vulputate sed turpis sit amet ullamcorper. 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM (Doors at 7), $15 Poets NASRA and Ahmed Knowmadic Nunc quis urna ut metus scelerisque facilisis. Art Gallery of Alberta, Lower level, #2 join us to read their work and enSir Winston Churchill Square gage in conversation with poet and Integer posuere rutrum condimentum. Donec vulputate aliquet mauris, et Come and judge Edmonton’s spoEdmonton Poetry Festival Producer consequat justo vitae. Praesent tincidunt pulvinar elit at aliquet. ken word poets in cursus this year’s season Nisha Patel. Mauris dolor in erat, porttitor ut placerat non, tempor a lacus. Integer aliquam finale! Hosted partnership with the at eratinvel dictum. Phasellus porttitor Sed eget sem Breath Poetry Collective, this event tincidunt “Let Uslacinia. Compare Mythologies”: will feature celebrated Calgary-based fermentum, cursus metus sit amet, sodales velit. Tools Donec tellus arcu, Digital for Poets spoken word poet Cobra Collins. Presented in partnership with the Writers Guild of Alberta 4PM – 6 PM, FREE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 MOTS DE CHEZ NOUS The Matrix Hotel, 10640 100 Ave NW Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing Ut aliquet Karen Unlandelit. hosts a panelconon digital Workshop, YouTube, OninThe sectetur aliquam. Aliquam ex ac turpis molestie cursus. Vestibulum cursus strategies for poets, featuring Alexis Other massa Hand ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum etMichael malesuada fames ac ante Hillyard, B. MacDonald, TitiPresented in Partnership with lope Sonuga, and Galen Scorer. ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non. the Writers Guild of Alberta 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, $40 members, pê-kîwêhtatân itwêwin $50 non-members P R E S E N T S 8 PM – 10 PM (7:30 Doors), The Matrix Hotel, 10640 100 Ave NW Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Utnon-members aliquet con$15 members, $20 In this workshop, Alexis Hillyard takes Theatre Lab, Grant MacEwan University sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpis molestie cursus. Vestibulum cursus participants on a journey through her Allard Hall, 11110 104 Ave NW massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante YouTube Creator life, from start to What does it mean to bring the word ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non. present, and share best practices for home? pê-kîwêhtatân itwêwin will content creation - based on what has worked for her Channel, Stump Kitchen. posit this question to Randy Lundy, Anna Marie Sewell, Cobra Collins, and Paige Cardinal in a night of celebration.

Poetry Central

11:30 AM – 1:30 PM, FREE Edmonton City Hall Poetry Central is your chance for a



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Victoria-based poet, for drinks as she reads from There Are Not Enough Sad Songs . She will byconEdmonLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.be Utjoined aliquet Editing Masterclass with own Jenna and Astrid sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpiston’s molestie cursus.Butler, Vestibulum cursus Peter Midgley Blodgett, reading as afames special massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada actribute ante Editing on Eggshells: Leadership, for lacus her father, E.D. Blodgett. ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non sagittis urna aliquam Vulnerability and the Editorial interdum nec quis sem. Ut felis elit, sagittis ut lacinia id, pretium ut purus. Process Make Oneself at Home placerat pretium. Praesent facilisis, libero a 10Nulla AM –facilisi. 12 PM,Fusce Cost: fermentum $40 members, Presented in Partnership with bibendum dapibus, ante felis tempus sem, in tincidunt erat nisl sed dui. Ut $50 non-members Glass Buffalo Magazine The Matrix Hotel, 10640 100 Ave NW ornare. malesuada magna sit amet feugiat Vivamus sed tellus at eros laoreet 6 PM – 8 PM, FREE Join Peter Midgley an intensive auctor a nec diam.for Aenean urna nulla, imperdiet vitae laoreet in, venenatis Audreys Books 10702 Jasper Avenue masterclass about the hid- velit vel ipsum. Duis in embracing mi ligula. Maecenas ligula, vulputate sit amet Glass Buffalo is back again egestas with their den potential of vulnerability in your annual showcase of up-and-coming id, interdum eget neque. Donec vulputate sed turpis sit amet ullamcorper. editing practice. voices, as well as beloved favourites, Nunc quis urna ut metus scelerisque facilisis. to the poetry scene. Hear from Alex Poetry Central Allen, Paige Cardinal, and James Integer posuere rutrum condimentum. Donec vulputate aliquet mauris, et 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM, FREE Collier, joined by celebrated poet consequat justo cursus vitae. Praesent tincidunt pulvinar elit at aliquet. Edmonton City Hall Randy Lundy. Mauris dolor erat, porttitor placerat non, tempor a lacus. Integer aliquam Poetry Central is your chanceutfor a at erat vel poetry dictum.meet-up Phasellus tincidunt lacinia. Sed eget sem lunch-time in porttitor the Vintage Poetry downtown! Watch some of Edmonfermentum, cursus metus sit amet, sodales velit. Donec tellus arcu, Presented in partnership ton’s emerging and established, page with SEESA and stage poets, have a short-order 7 PM, (Doors 6:30 PM), $5 members, poem written for you on the spot, and $7 non-members at the door MOTS DE CHEZ NOUS or a free pick up festival information Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ Lorembook. ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut aliquet conpoetry vintage-poetry-tickets-58817022297 sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpis molestie Edmonton cursus. Vestibulum Southeast Seniors cursus Local 2 at CBC Centre massaBooks ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante Association, 9350 82 Street Stage ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non. All are welcome at this annual eve12 PM – 1 PM, FREE ning of well-aged poets, featuring a CBC Centre Stage, City Centre Mall celebrated local poet and members Join asEwe celebrated P Rus ES N showcase TS of the SEESA. Interested readers writers, best new Lorem highlighting ipsum dolorthe sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut aliquet conmust email elaun@seesa.ca to sign up books to hit the shelves. Sharing sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex the ac turpisbeforehand. molestie cursus. Vestibulum cursus spotlight are: Marie Sewell, Mat-Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante massa ut nislAnna condimentum sagittis. thew Stepanic, Ellen Kartz, Titilope Landscape ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non. Sonuga, and Doyali Islam. 8 PM – 10 PM, $15 for members, $20 for non-members Literary Cocktails Elder Jerry Wood Atrium, 11-160 Grant Presented in Partnership with MacEwan University Allard Hall, 11110 the University of Alberta Press 104 Ave NW 4 PM – 6 PM, FREE Poets and Visual Artists come toU of A Faculty Club gether in an evening of live-painting Please join Marita Dachsel, celebrated inspired by the poets’ work. Poets


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Dwennimen, Doyali Islam, Liam Coady, TravelLog at CBC Centre Stage MOTS DEand CHEZ NOUS Claire Kelly, Megan Dart join vi12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, FREE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,Adriana consectetur adipiscing elit. UtCity aliquet consual artists Rebecca Pickard, CBC Centre Stage, Centre Mall Oniță, Alyson Davies, LindsayinKnox, are cursus. you going? Where have you sectetur aliquam. Aliquam ex ac turpisWhere molestie Vestibulum cursus and Hilary been? Take a listen tofames Zachary Polis, massa utMussell. nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada ac ante Catherine Owen, urna Marita Dachsel, and ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non lacus sagittis aliquam Nermeen Youssef as they French Twist interdum nec quis sem. Ut felis elit, sagittis ut lacinia id, pretium utanswer purus. Presented in Partnership with RAFA these questions through their work. Nulla facilisi. Fusce fermentum placerat pretium. Praesent facilisis, libero a 7:30 PM – 9 PM, FREE bibendum dapibus, ante felis tempus sem, in tincidunt erat nisl sed dui. Ut Café Bicyclette, 8627 – Rue MarieThe Story of Home with malesuada magna sit amet feugiat ornare. Vivamus sed tellus at eros laoreet Anne-Gaboury (91 Street) Arleen Paré auctor a nec diam. Aenean urnais denulla, imperdiet vitae laoreet in, venenatis The 8th edition of French Twist, Presented in partnership with vel ipsum. Duis in by mi Josée ligula. Maecenas vulputate sit amet egestas signed and hosted Thibeault velit theligula, Canadian Authors Association id, interdum eget neque. Donec vulputate sed turpis sit PM, amet ullamcorper. with the view to inviting audience 5:30 PM – 6:30 FREE for Members members into a unique bilingual ex- facilisis. Nunc quis urna ut metus scelerisque of PoFest, the CAA and the WGA. perience of poetry. Featuring Pierrette $10 for non-members Requier, former poet The Matrix Hotel,aliquet 10640 100 Ave NW Integer Edmonton’s posuere rutrum condimentum. Donec vulputate mauris, et laureate, instigator and coordinator of The Storypulvinar of Home will a shifting consequat justo cursus vitae. Praesent tincidunt elit atbe aliquet. the last 7 editions of French Twist. talk tempor about the term and concept of Mauris dolor erat, porttitor ut placerat non, a lacus. Integer aliquam home – the complexity of it and the erat vel dictum. Phasellus lacinia. Sed eget sem Laat8e édition du French Twist, porttitor tincidunt confusions - with Arleen Paré, awardfermentum,francophone cursus metus amet, sodales velit. Donec tellus arcu, l’événement dusitEdmonwinning Victoria writer. ton Poetry Festival, est conçue et animée par Josée Thibeault. Le public Wine and Wild Women est invité à vivre une expérience Wordsmiths MOTS DE CHEZ NOUS bilingue et unique en poésie, au cœur 8 PM – 10 PM, $20 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Utmembers aliquet condu Festival de poésie d’Edmonton. $30 non-members. Includes poetry, sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpis molestie cursus. Vestibulum cursus four wine samples and Hors ac d’oeuvre massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ante The Matrix Hotel, 10640 100 Ave NW FRIDAY, APRIL 26 ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non. Our popular event, Wine and Wild Women Wordsmiths is back! It’s Friday Home and Away: Writing Our night and we invite you to enjoy distilled Lands PRESENTS words, quality grapes, and the comPresented in Partnership with Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut aliquet conpany of Rayanne Haines, Natalie Wee, the U of A Botanic Gardens sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpisCanisia molestie cursus. cursus Lubrin, andVestibulum Josée Thibeault. 9 AM – 12 PM, $55 massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante U of A Botanic Gardens, 51227 AB-60, ipsumGrove primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non. Spruce In this workshop with Jenna Butler, participants will explore how the lands we carry with us can be both places of belonging and epicentres of disconnection. Please come prepared with notebook and pen/pencil, and some sturdy shoes for walking in the Garden.


SATURDAY, APRIL 27 Music in Poetry with Arleen Paré

Presented in partnership with the Canadian Authors Association 10 AM – 2 PM, $40 for members of the Poetry Festival, the CAA, and the WGA


$70 for non-members HomeFront, The Saturday The Matrix 10640 100 Ave NW MOTS DEHotel, CHEZ NOUS Poetry Party. Arleen willdolor explore rhyme,consectetur rhythm 8:30 PM – 11 elit. PM, Ut $15aliquet members, LoremParé ipsum sit amet, adipiscing conand repetition in poetry through non-members, Volunteers cursus Free sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in exthis ac turpis$20 molestie cursus. Vestibulum extended workshop, presented in part The Matrix Hotel, 10640 100 Ave NW massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante with the Canadian Authors Association. Thelacus Edmonton Festival is ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non sagittisPoetry urna aliquam throwing its annual poetry party with interdum nec quis sem. Ut felis elit, sagittis ut lacinia id, pretium ut purus. Event: Homebody internationally acclaimed poets and Nulla facilisi. Fusce fermentum placerat local pretium. Praesent facilisis, libero a 2 PM – 4 PM, $5 for members, superstars Buddy Wakefield, bibendum dapibus, ante felis tempus sem, in tincidunt erat nisl sed dui. Ut $10 for non-members Lady Vanessa, Nasra Adem, Ahmed malesuada magna sit amet feugiat Vivamus sed at eros laoreet The Matrix Hotel, 10640 100 Ave NW ornare. Knowmadic, andtellus musician Selassie Homebody invites prominent queer auctor a nec diam. Aenean urna nulla, imperdiet vitae laoreet in, venenatis Drah to celebrate poetry at its most poets from across showvivid form. vel ipsum. Duis in Canada mi ligula.toMaecenas velit ligula, vulputate sit amet egestas case their work in an exploration id, interdum eget neque. Donec of vulputate sed turpis sit amet ullamcorper. the wayquis home, and place in it, Nunc urna ut their metus scelerisque facilisis. SUNDAY, APRIL 28 manifests in themselves. Listen in on Arleen Paré, Natalie Wee, Matthew Integer posuere rutrum condimentum. Donec vulputate aliquet mauris, et The Café Readings Stepanic, and Jason Purcell. consequat justo cursus vitae. Praesent tincidunt pulvinar at aliquet. 1:30 PM -4:30 PM, elit FREE Audreys Books 10702 Jasper Avenue Mauris dolor erat, porttitor ut placerat non, tempor a lacus. Integer aliquam Alive! & Open Three Bananas 9918 sem 102 Ave vel dictum. lacinia. Café Sed eget 4 at PMerat – 6:30 PM, $20Phasellus Members,porttitor tincidunt The Nook Café 10153 97arcu, St NW fermentum, cursus metus sit amet, sodales velit. Donec tellus $25 Non Members Wind down festival week with our traThe Matrix Hotel, 10640 100 Ave NW ditional chorus of local voices. You’ve Alive! Is a heavy-hitting, multidiscigot all the choice in the world as our plinary poetry experience curated and café readings mark the festival’s last MOTS DE CHEZ NOUS performed by nationally-celebrated day. Dozens elit. of poets will share Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing Ut aliquet con-brief poet Brandon Wint. Following Alive! readings ofcursus. their work in cafes cursus around sectetur aliquam. Aliquam in ex ac turpis molestie Vestibulum will be award-winning poet Titilope downtown. It’s for young and old, Sonuga’s internationally-acclaimed massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante newbies and pros—sign up online. poetry musical showcase, Open. ipsumand primis in faucibus. Suspendisse non.

Translating Home The Alongside: Poetry & The Hosts: Adriana Oniță and Luciana P R E S E N T Sof Home Architecture Erregue-Sacchi Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut aliquet conwith Canisia Lubrin 6 PM – 8 PM, Pay what you can

River Cityaliquam. LectureAliquam Sponsored by turpisCopies sectetur in ex ac molestie cursus. Vestibulum of The Polyglot on sale cursus Alice Major massa ut nisl condimentum sagittis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante CKUA Space, 9804 Jasper Avenue 7 ipsum PM – 8primis PM, $5 inmembers, faucibus. Suspendisse non. Ten poets from The Polyglot’s latest $10 nonmembers issues, Lunch Box and Unfaithful, exThe Matrix Hotel, 10640 100 Ave NW plore multilayered meanings of home Poetry translates experience into through poems in Arabic, Irish, Italian, writing that often helps us navigate Nêhiyawêwin, Portuguese, Romanian, compromised categories of belonging Somali, Spanish, and Tagalog. and home. Join Canisia Lubrin as she reflects on this process and shares her insightful perspective with us.





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