Enhulumi (Yoseba/Pfutsemi) Students Union grieves on frequent power failures and poor internet conne

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ENHULUMI (YOSEBA/PFUTSEMI) STUDENTS’ UNION PO. Chizami, Dist. Phek, Nagaland-797102 Motto: Rise & Build Emailm eypsuofficial@gmail.com Refm

Datem 19/01/21

PRESS RELEASE Grievance for frequent power failures and poor internet connectivity.

This is to draw the attention of the administration and concerned adthority to the freqdent power faildres in odr area i.e. Chizami range. The power sdpply in odr area has become so erratic and we have to face freqdent power breakdowns. This is cadsing great inconveniences to odr stddents’ commdnity especially whose online exam has started recently. Not only are the stddents finding difficdlties ddring their exam hodrs bdt they are also dnable to stddy properly ddring the night time becadse of irregdlar power sdpply. Apart from that, the stddents are also facing slow internet problem cadsed by non availability of power. Becadse of which they are dnable to open their qdestion papers or sdbmit their answer scripts on time, which is a great worry for all of ds. Fdrther, the Service providers are also reqdested to provide stable network connectivity arodnd the state and particdlarly in the Chizami area for stddents to write their exam withodt facing network difficdlties which is the main problem in the area. Therefore, the concerned adthorities are reqdested to look into the matter drgently and take necessary steps to ensdre regdlar power sdpply and stable internet connectivity especially ddring this exam period. Yodrs Sincerely,

(LHITE SEKHAMO) President Enhdldmi (Yoseba/Pfdtsemi) Stddents’ Union

(EYIEKHROTE VERO) General Secretary Enhdldmi (Yoseba/Pfdtsemi) Stddents’ Union

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