Effective and Magical Natural Remedies for Cholesterol

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6 Effective and Magical Natural Remedies for Cholesterol Things are changing so fast and our lifestyle too. We spend our most of the time in front of the computer, or laptop, or TV screens. The level of physical activities is going down these days. This is the reason why maximum people are suffering from several diseases. These diseases include high BP, obesity, cholesterol, joint pains, etc. As far as the cholesterol problem is concerned, many of us are facing this health issues. No doubt, medical science is touching new milestones every day, but when it comes to the best and reaction-free treatment, no one can deny the importance of natural and home remedies. Read the full article to know the best natural remedies for cholesterol.

Top Natural Remedies for Cholesterol Many of us are allergic to some kind of medicines. In that case, you cannot take the risk. That time, natural remedies for cholesterol can work effectively. Natural remedies are not just safe, but they are effective too. Just take a look at the best and the most effective home remedies to control your cholesterol level: 1. Multi Grain Atta: If you don’t want to take medicines, then start having multi-grain chapatti instead of normal ones. Such Atta or flour can be very helpful in controlling the

high level of your cholesterol. For the best multi grain Atta, it is suggested to add soya bean, wheat, chick peas, pearl millet, sorghum, barley, corn, and water caltrop flour. 2. Bottle Guard Juice: If you want to control your cholesterol, then bottle guard juice is there. The taste of this juice is not mouth-watering, but the results are magical. If you have high cholesterol, then start drinking bottle guard juice from today on words. 3. Citrusy Fruits: Citrus fruits include oranges, lemon, grape fruit, sweet lime, etc. These foods are the richest source of anti-cholesterol properties. If you are fed up with medicines, then try the juices of these citrus fruits to reduce the cholesterol level significantly. Apart from these citrus fruits, any fruit that has a good amount of vitamin C will help you control the cholesterol level. 4. Special Gruel: You can make mouth-watering dishes by using the special gruel. It is one of the tastiest ways of controlling the high cholesterol level. There are many tasty dishes available that you can make with the special gruel. This is why it is one of the yummiest and the best natural remedies for cholesterol. 5. Flax Seeds: Another amazing and magical natural remedies for cholesterol is flax seeds. The oil of these magical seeds contains 3.5% more Omega than the olive oil. So, you can cook things in the oil of flax seeds. If you don’t want to use flax seeds oil, then you can take 30-40 grams flax seeds and mix them with plain buttermilk to make a tasty yet healthy drink. By taking this mix on a regular basis, you can control your high cholesterol very easily. 6. Yoga and Exercise: Morning walk and 20-30 minutes of work out session can also help you control the cholesterol. If you are not able to go out, then Yoga is also there to help you. There are some useful and easy asanas available that you can try to lower the level of your cholesterol. Anulom Vilom Pranayama, Surya Namaskar, and Kapalbhati Pranayama are the best and most effective asanas to lower the level of your high cholesterol. You can do these asanas for 15-20 minutes daily to see outstanding results. This is the only reason why yoga and exercise considered as the most effective natural remedies for cholesterol. These are the most effective yet easy ways to control your cholesterol. These natural remedies for cholesterol can definitely improve your health. So, try these remedies and stay fit. https://medium.com/@ritikashinoy/6-effective-and-magical-natural-remedies-forcholesterol-f93608fc054c

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