Litomyšl 2021 23rd National Selection Conference of EYP Czech Republic
We, Laura, Iulia, Nikola, and Milica, are dedicated to making the 23rd National Selection Conference of EYP CZ 2021 a great, educational, and most of all fun experience for all participants! By focusing on five pillars, we want to create a session that inspires all those that come to Litomyšl to take their own next step into the unknown. What are our five pillars? We want to work together with the whole Officials’ Team as one unit. This means collaborating with all teams on our tasks, but also hanging out with and getting to know each other before CMOJ day arrives! We want to create a session that fits the spirit of EYP Czech Republic and offer exactly what Delegates want to take away from an EYP event in EYP CZ. We are here to help participants take their first steps into the EYP CZ and make the experience a pleasant one to remember – so that one day, Litomyšl participants will be helping others take their first steps into EYP! We want to actively care for the well-being of all of our participants in close cooperation with the Event and National Safe Person. Mental health, constructive feedback, and healthy team management will be central in our approach. We want to develop and train our team as well as ourselves! Regular check-ins and trainings adapted to what our team members need will be key! By tailoring a Board Member’s approach to the Chairperson’s needs and working style, we can create a space in which both Chairpersons and Board Members can grow and learn. We want to make the academic dimension of the session accessible, engaging, and innovative. 2020 may have been a tumultuous year, but it challenged us to migrate to and use the digital dimension to the fullest extent. We’re taking a lesson from this! We will be working on topics that are fun, presenting them in ways that are interactive, effective and memorable, and creating output that we are proud to communicate to the outside world.
Application questions: 1) ‘Preparing yourself for the first step into the unknown’: What is your take on the theme and how do you wish to implement it? 2) Propose a topic and why you would be a good chair to lead it. 3)Describe the role and qualities of a Chairperson, and how you fit this position. 4) How do you envision working with the whole Officials’ Team? 5) If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask and why? 6) Please let us know your email address so we can contact you about the selection results.