ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 2022 12th Regional Selection Conference of EYP Czech Republic
Dearest readers,
I am pleased to welcome you all to České Budějovice, the 12th Regional Selection Conference of EYP Czech Republic! My name is Ali-Maeve FitzGerald, and I am honoured to be President of this session. The session will take place in the beautiful town of České Budějovice, in the south of the Czech Republic, from December 1st to 4th. I first and foremost wish to thank you for taking the time to apply to join the Academic Team of the session, where you will find the vision for the Academic Board below. The theme of the session is ‘Shaping European identity from within’, and will offer its participants a platform to reflect on the current situation of the world surrounding us, uncover the core values that shape our identities, and put forth our own visions to reimagine what it means to be European. This session will serve as a meeting point of diverse European identities, full of bright young people wishing to reshape the future of Europe. Connecting with the Czech Republic’s presidency of the Council of the European Union during the latter half of the year, I hope that this will serve as a guide-point for the academic work of the session; looking towards the future of the European Union and our role as young people in it.
As České Budějovice ‘22 will be the first introduction to the world of EYP for many delegates, the focus of the Academic Team’s work will be based on the pillars of accessibility, approachability, and personal development. Understanding the many unique perspectives and ‘European identities’ we can all bring to the team, the focus of the Academic Board will be based on mutual respect, understanding, and the belief that every person we encounter on our journey can offer us the opportunity to learn something new. The Academic Team will form a collection of diverse, bright, and enthusiastic young people, and will operate under the belief that mistakes are something to be cherished as opportunities to learn, grow, and develop. I envision an Academic Board that prioritises being a pillar of support and positive influence to the Academic Team, and, above all else, understands that years down the line, we will not remember the phrasing of a resolution, but will forever cherish the people we encountered, the friends we made, and the memories we shared.
Thank you, once again, for taking the first step towards joining the family of České Budějovice ‘22, and I look forward to welcoming you to the Academic Team soon!
Best wishes from Ireland,
Ali-Maeve FitzGerald
Note: The questions below can be answered in text, audio recording, video etc, and hence, no word-count is stated for each question. All mediums used in the application process will be regarded equally in selection. Please use the medium that is most accessible for you
Introduce yourself through any medium of your choosing (the more creative, the better!). How does the session’s vision of ‘shaping European identity from within’ resonate with you? As České Budějovice ‘22 will be the first introduction to the world of EYP for the delegates, describe an imaginary ‘perfect Chairperson’ you wish your younger self had encountered at your first EYP session. How can you incorporate elements of this into your role as Chairperson? The vision for the Academic Team of České Budějovice ‘22 revolves around the acceptance of our mistakes and faults, and cherishing these as something to learn and grow from. Describe a mistake you made in EYP/your life outside of EYP, and how you used this as an opportunity to grow.