EVENT THEME OF BRNO 2017 The motto represents three important aspects which will be promoted throughout the event.
Active citizenship in everyday life. Modern civilisation needs citizens with a heart in the right place. Citizens who care about people and challenges they are facing, take actions that impact local community, city, region, country, or even the whole Europe, and inspire others to build strong civic society.
Common European goals and values. Refugee crisis, rising populism, and acts of terror challenge the way citizens perceive Europe’s future. The heart of Europe, as it exists in our minds, unites us in our common vision for a Europe that despite political and cultural differences is able to remain a liberal and peaceful continent.
Discovering Central Europe. Brno, the city in the heart of Europe, as well as the surrounding region, is recognised for its beautiful sights and unconventional solutions. This open-minded university city creates a perfect environment for constructive discussions and innovative ideas.