PARDUBICE 2022 24th National Selection Conference of EYP Czech Republic
Dear applicants, We are glad you decided to apply to contribute and shape the Media Team of the 24th NSC of EYP CZ Pardubice 2022. At the session, we want to focus on keeping a sustainable amount of workload to better accommodate the well-being of all participants.
Media Team Environment We are looking for Media Team Members who share a thirst to learn and motivation to continue on their EYP journey. The team will welcome individuals with different levels of experience and talents. We wish to create a safe space for share-learning and mental support. Each individual will be encouraged to challenge themselves to achieve new heights and fulfil their personal goals with the guidance of the Editorial Team. This will be achieved by hosting several teambuilding activities and keeping in close contact with the team members in order to understand their strengths and weaknesses. We believe that formulating strong bonds and excellent communication are the fundamentals for a successful team. Following these actions, the media members will be paired with a member of the Editorial Team for mentoring in order to assist them in achieving their full potential. Embracing their inner talents and reflecting that on their work, is one of our ultimate goals.
Output and Inter-team collaboration The team will focus on quality over quantity and not compromising the welfare of its members. Each member will be encouraged to embrace their talents and reflect on their work as we strive to escape from the recycling media project ideas. In addition, we wish to engage with participants outside of the bubble of the session, thus we wish to maintain an active online presence during the event. To achieve this, we encourage our team to produce engaging output which creates value for our audience. You, as part of the team, will have the opportunity to interact with other Officials through pre-session work and activities during the session. This will push participants to get to know other Officials’ roles and see the session more holistically. We hope to reignite the EYP spirit following the COVID-19 pandemic and highlight the numerous opportunities people can have by joining the network.
We are looking forward to seeing your applications! Johana and Stylianos Editors of the 24th National Selection Conference of EYP CZ Pardubice 2022
QUESTIONS: 1. Introduce yourself and your motivation to apply via any medium you prefer. (unlimited) 2. What does the motto ‘Shaping our identity in the fragile present’ mean to you; how does it apply to your personal life? How would you like to incorporate the motto into the media output of the session? (max. 300 words) 3. What was your most memorable session so far and why? (max. 200 words) 4. It is 5 PM. You enjoyed a little nap; now it is time to get back to work. You must finish your presentation on Canva which will be shown at the GA tomorrow as part of a Committee topic. You realised that your laptop decided to crash and won’t start! Your fellow MTMs are busy finalising their own work. How do you respond? (max. 250 words) 5. Please provide a portfolio of your previous media work, both EYP and non-EYP related. 6. Do you have any questions for us?
CONTACTS Head Organiser Michaela Nguyenová +420 775 100 764 Editress
Head Organiser Daniel Janda +420 778 884 222 Editor
Johana Gombíková
Stylianos Hadjiforados