Resolution Booklet – RSC Tábor 2019

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RESOLUTION BOOKLET 7th Regional Selection Conference of EYP Czech Republic Tรกbor 2019

The European Youth Parliament Czech Republic’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which only reflects the views of the individual participants of the 7th Regional Selection Conference – Tábor 2019 mentioned in the Resolution Booklet. The European Youth Parliament Czech Republic or its partners cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



Procedure of the General Assembly


Placards & Programme


Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety I


Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection


Committee on Fisheries


Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development


Committee on Development


Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety II


Committee on Women‘s Rights and Gender Equality


Committee on Human Rights

7th Regional Selection Conference of EYP CZ Tábor 2019



PROCEDURE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY GENERAL RULES The wish to speak is indicated by raising the committee placard. The authority of the Session Board is absolute.

PROCEDURE AND TIME SETTINGS Presentation of the Motion for a Resolution The board reads out the topic of the Motion for a Resolution. Reading (1 minute) Everyone is given the chance to read the Motion for a Resolution for themselves. Defence Speech (3 minutes) One member of the proposing committee presents a speech making the case to vote in favour of the Motion for a Resolution from the stage. 2 Position Speeches (90 seconds each) Two members of two other committees present a speech either fundamentally disagreeing with the direction of the Motion for a Resolution, supporting the Motion for a Resolution, and/or suggesting amendments on the Motion for a Resolution from the stage. Answer to the Position Speeches (90 seconds) A member of the proposing committee responds to the points raised in the Position Speeches from the floor. Open Debate (3-4 rounds) After the response, the floor will be opened for three rounds of open debate. Each round will consist of points from other committees, followed by a response from the proposing committee. All rounds of Open Debate are answered from the floor, except for the last response. Response to the final round of Open Debate & Summation Speech (3 minutes) Two delegates from the proposing committee will be invited to respond to the last round of debate and deliver a Summation Speech from the podium, making their final case for voting in favour of the Motion for a Resolution from the stage. Voting on the Resolution & Announcement of the votes


7th Regional Selection Conference of EYP CZ TĂĄbor 2019


PLACARDS Committee Placard – This placard is raised during the General Assembly if any member of the committee wishes to be recognised by the session board in order to speak. Point of Personal Privilege – Requests for a Delegate to repeat a point that was inaudible. Point of Order – A delegate feels that the session board has not properly followed the General Assembly procedure. The placard is used together with the committee placard by chairpersons after a request from a delegate Direct Response – May be used by each committee twice per debate. When the Direct Response together with the committee placard is raised, the session board will recognise the committee immediately. The Direct Response sign is used to contribute to the point made directly beforehand.

PROGRAMME Sunday, 3rd November 2019 08:00–08:30 Opening of the General Assembly 08:30–09:15 Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety I (ENVI I) 09:15–10:00 Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) 10:00–10:20 Coffee Break 10:20–11:05 Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Fisheries (PECH) 11:05–11:50 Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) 11:50–12:20 Lunch 12:20–13:05 Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Development (DEVE) 13:05–13:50 Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety II (ENVI II) 13:50–14:10 Coffee Break 14:10–14:55 Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) 14:55–15:40 Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Human Rights (DROI)

7th Regional Selection Conference of EYP CZ Tábor 2019



MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT, PUBLIC HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY I Cry me a river: As water reservoirs are drying up across the world and water consumption rates have pushed nearly two-thirds of global freshwater supplies beyond their sustainability tipping points, what role should the EU play in tackling the freshwater crisis? Submitted by: Filip Dilmaghani (CZ), Natálie Forejtová (CZ), Adéla Horáková (CZ), Kryštof Machek (CZ), Daniel Mezera (CZ), Jakub Morysek (CZ), Pavla Procházková (CZ), Markéta Ševčíková (CZ), Emma Körnerová (Chairperson, CZ), Isidora Nikolić (Chairperson, RS)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Acknowledging that the annual deforestation of 18 million acres of forests reduces access to clean drinking water and disrupts the global water cycle1 by causing a possibility of permanent drying as forests hold large quantities of water, B. Aware of the fact that 97% of all global water resources are salt water necessitating a desalination process in order to be generally usable, C. Recognising that water pollution is majorly caused by agricultural use with regard to the excessive use of pesticides, nitrogen-based fertilisers and organic livestock waste, D. Concerned by used water in the industrial sector not being treated sanitarily and dumped as wastewater,2 affecting the flora and fauna of the surrounding habitat, E. Noting the industrial sector contaminating freshwater resources through the release of toxic chemicals into the surrounding soil and the air, F. Bearing in mind that around 60% of the available freshwater resources used in agriculture are wasted due to impractical agricultural methods such as the flood irrigation system3 and leaky irrigation systems, G. Observing the effect water pricing has on water consumption of industrial and agricultural companies, H. Noting with concern that sewage systems in certain areas of historical cities across Europe are frequently defective and outdated, causing water to be lost through leaks, 1 The global water cycle is the hydrological cycle, which describes the continuous movement of water on Earth. 2 Wastewater is any water that has been affected by human use, left untreated, for example industry or agriculture, and may contain different pollutants. 3 Flood irrigation is a practice in which an entire field is covered in water, causing a large waste of water.

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I. Noting the lack of water sanitation in underdeveloped countries and increasing scarcity of clean water sources, as a majority of these countries lack proper water filtration methods; 1. Hopes Member States look further into reforestation and battling the problem of monoculture farming4; 2. Commends the achievements and efforts of environmentally conscious software and search engines, such as Ecosia5; 3. Endorses the European Commission to increase research in desalination6 methods for Member States bordering salt water; 4. Calls upon the Directorate-General on Agriculture and Rural Development to support farms through the Green Climate Fund in using: i. more efficient irrigation systems such as the drip irrigation system7, ii. biodegradable pesticides; 5. Emphasises Member States incentivise companies in the industrial sector to implement improved water filtration systems and water treatment facilities through the provision of subsidies; 6. Suggests Member States adapt their water pricing strategy by increasing water prices, following the example of Australia; 7. Recommends Member States to review and regularly check their sewage systems to fix potential leaks, especially in historical centres, by cooperating with local sewage treatment companies; 8. Encourages Member States to raise awareness on the urban usage of water and wastewater difficulties through the introduction of workshops in secondary schools; 9. Appeals to the Directorate-General for Environment to use existing funds such as The Least Developed Countries Fund to financially support NGOs such as Water Aid and World Wildlife Fund, enabling people in underdeveloped countries to gain access to freshwater and sanitation.

4 Monoculture is the agricultural practice of producing or growing a single crop or plant. 5 Ecosia is a search engine which uses their profits to plant trees and replenish ecosystems. 6 Desalination is a process that takes away mineral components from saline water. 7 Drip irrigation is a micro-irrigation system that saves water by dripping water slowly to the roots of the plants.

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ENVI I | 7


MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON INTERNAL MARKET AND CONSUMER PROTECTION An Economy that works for All: With movements like Economy for the Common Good promoting a new economic model, how should the EU approach calls for a more ethical European market?

Submitted by:

Karolína Horná (CZ), Kristýna Krejčí (CZ), Gaby Le Bideau (DE), Kryštof Moroz (CZ), Tomáš Němec (CZ), Tereza Roubíková (CZ), Pavel Rusňák (CZ), Matouš Vácha (CZ), Nik Smerkolj (Chairperson, SI), Marta Sowa (Chairperson, PL)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Noting with concern that ethical business behaviour is often more costly for companies, incentivising employees to act unethically or infringing existing social and environmental regulation, B. Recognising the lack of reliable, standardised measures of ethical business behaviour, C. Alarmed by the current economic system not being environmentally sustainable, D. Fully aware that the comparably high level bureaucratic and regulatory requirements may impede the EU’s economic development and international competitiveness, E. Regretting the EU’s limited capacity to influence the business conduct of companies based outside of its territory, F. Pointing out that EU-based companies could bypass regulations by moving their headquarters elsewhere, G. Deploring that companies evade EU Workers’ Protection laws and environmental regulations by relying on subcontractors based abroad, H. Further regretting that banks in the EU do not standardly consider ethical criteria when assessing loan approvals; 1. Requests the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to research into possible alternatives to the current economic model; 2. Calls upon the European Commission to create an Ethical Index to serve as a standardised measure for ethical business behaviour; 8 | IMCO

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3. Further calls upon the European Commission to develop a corresponding Ethical Label to display Ethical Index score of a company on its products; 4. Appeals to the European Commission to establish the EU Ecological Balance Sheet1 rewarding sustainable and environmentally-friendly business behaviour; 5. Urges Member States to create a favourable environment for start-ups by: a. lowering taxes for businesses younger than two years, b. dismantling all unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles; 6. Requests the European Commission to lower import tariffs for foreign companies exhibiting ethical business behaviour, as evaluated by the Ethical Index; 7. Encourages the European Commission to raise import tariffs for companies that move their headquarters outside of the EU in order to bypass the regulations; 8. Calls upon the European Commission to establish an advisory board investigating the ethical behaviour of subcontractors and registering them in a pan-European database; 9. Invites the European Commission to propose legislation requiring banks to perform ethical evaluations prior to any large-scale loans to businesses, except start-ups.

1 A Balance Sheet enables consumers to see actions taken by a company in a designated area.

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IMCO | 9


MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES Nemo not found: With 87% of Mediterranean fish stocks being fished unsustainably and the 2020 goals for overfishing being practically unachievable, what stance should the EU take to finally avoid the overexploitation of stocks?

Submitted by:

Markéta Bečvářová (CZ), Tereza Bílá (CZ), Vojtěch Hladík (CZ), Jakub Knapp (CZ), Simona Pelová (CZ), Dominik Plaček (CZ), Michaela Podmellová (CZ), Vít Poříz (CZ), Jakob Mišič Jančar (Chairperson, SI)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Disturbed by the fact that 10% of the global caught fish gets discarded, B. Aware that only 9% of European fish stocks will be managed sustainably by 2022 if current practices are kept, C. Fully aware of the positive contribution of small scale fisheries to the sustainable development of the EU’s economy, D. Deeply concerned that fish caught prematurely do not have time to fully develop, E. Regretting the detrimental effects of commercial fishing methods on marine life, F. Alarmed by the disruptive effects of overfishing on the marine food chain, G. Noting with concern that aquafarming1 artificially boosts the natural growth of fish through the use of chemicals, hormones, and dyes, H. Fully alarmed by the lack of knowledge of consumers on the effects of unsustainable fishing practices leading to a high demand for just a limited number of gastronomically popular fish species, I. Disturbed by non-EU countries overexploiting fish reserves in the Mediterranean Sea; 1. Calls upon the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG-MARE) in cooperation with producer organisations2 to create a supervised database with a market that sells unwanted fish parts and by-catch; 1 Aquafarming is the harvesting of fish and other marine organisms, it includes cultivating fresh and saltwater under contained conditions in order to boost the harvesting of wild fish. 2 Producer organisations are voluntary organisations set up by fishermen or fish farmers to assist them in selling their products. They are empowered to take products out of the market if prices fall below levels set by the Agricultural and Fisheries Council and receive compensation from the community.

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2. Recommends Member States to follow the example of successful work done by Gokova Bay led in the Mediterranean Conservation Society; 3. Requests the European Commission to create protected areas where fish can reproduce safely; 4. Directs the European Border and Coast Guard Agency to start monitoring the activity in protected areas; 5. Invites the Directorate-General for Environment to initiate research on water pollution caused by aqua-farming; 6. Appeals to the DG MARE to promote non-profitable organisations that educate people about local fish gastronomy; 7. Asks the European Commission to fully implement the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 with particular emphasis on fisheries; 8. Supports DG MARE to create a unified EU brand which would mark fish caught by local fishermen; 9. Urges European Commission to reconsider the efficiency of subsidy schemes for small-scale fishermen; 10. Recommends DG MARE to allocate more of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund funds in the new budget period (2020-2026) to Member states which conduct research on the possibilities of aqua-farming of not yet farmable local species; 11. Requests the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to propose diplomatic sanctions towards non-EU countries who are consciously allowing their citizens to overexploit the Mediterranean Sea.

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PECH | 11


MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Meating the needs: With animal agriculture being the largest contributor of human-caused greenhouse gases, accounting 9-10% of the EU’s annual emissions. What actions should the EU take in order to reduce the environmental impact of animal agriculture? Submitted by:

Maxim Arkhipov (CZ), Madeleine Devillers (DE), Kryštof Foltyn (CZ), Anna Králová (CZ), Magdaléna Krejčí (CZ), Barbora Novotná (CZ), Miloslava Patzeltová (CZ), Jakub Voska (CZ), Jakub Hejdukiewicz (Chairperson, PL)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Noting the inefficient use of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)1 in red GHG emissions, B. Concerned by the discrepancies across Members States approaching GHG issues in their respective agricultural sector, C. Aware of the frequent use of non-environmentally conscious fertilisers, D. Disturbed by the lack of awareness and misinformation regarding agricultural GHG emissions amongst EU citizens, E. Deeply disturbed by cruel living conditions of farm animals, F. Conscious of the extensive consumption of meat by EU citizens greatly contributing to GHG emissions, G. Alarmed by the fact that agriculture is responsible for almost 10% of the EU’s greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions of which 6% are directly caused by farm animals according to Eurostat; 1. Requests the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG-AGRI) to initiate GHG limitation policies; 2. Calls upon the European Commission to harden regulation for the provision of grants given to farmers requiring farmers to conform to sustainable goals; 3. Asks DG-AGRI to encourage farmers to use environmentally conscious fertilisers; 1 Common Agricultural Policy-Is an EU partnership programme providing financial support for various activities in the agricultural sector.

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4. Calls upon DG-AGRI to expand their work in farm animal rights specifying minimal living space areas per farm animal; 5. Encourages Member States to further develop their internal educational programme to clarify the environmental impact of high meat consumption; 6. Invites the European Commision to organise public workshops and conferences for both the topic of GHG emissions and animal agriculture; 7. Asks the European Commission to promote research on: a. the development of artificial meat, b. alternative methods of limiting agricultural GHG emissions such as the use of vaccines limiting the amount of gases released by one animal.

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AGRI | 13


MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON DEVELOPMENT In cooperation, there’s strength: While 413 million people are still living in extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa, the European Development Fund’s investment structure in the region has received criticism of having limited impact on the poor. How should the EU redirect its development investments in sub-Saharan Africa in order to make sure the goals of poverty reduction are reached in line with the Agenda 2030? Submitted by:

Ondřej Hašek (CZ), Rozárie Haškovcová (CZ), Karel Hynek (CZ), Katrin Kosová (CZ), Claire Lorig (DE), José Musil (CZ), Daniela Pomyjová (CZ), Jan Španiel (CZ), Milica Antić (Chairperson, RS)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Recognising that economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is hindered by unemployment, shortage of job opportunities, and geographical conditions unfavourable for infrastructural development, B. Deploring the lack of key infrastructure such as industries, communication networks, financial services, and educational institutions in SSA, C. Regretting the lack of economic and political cooperation between Member States of the African Union (AU), D. Affirming that several armed conflicts in the region are caused by economic and political instability, E. Observing the extensive migration from rural to urban areas contributing to the development of slums1, F. Noting with concern that the access to healthcare is often insufficient in SSA, G. Alarmed that more than 25% of children under the age of five in SSA are underweight and do not have access to clean water, H. Deeply c onc erned that over 200 million people above the age of 15 in SSA are illiterate; 1. Encourages the AU to further deepen the economic integration of its Member States and establish a pan-African economic and monetary union by 2028; . 1 Slums are densely populated residential urban areas characterised by unsafe, unhealthy, or insufficient housing and infrastructure.

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2. Further calls upon the European Investment Bank2 to increase funding for micro-enterprises, micro-insurance, innovators, and extensive infrastructure projects in SSA; 3. Strongly recommends closer cooperation between AU Member States and the G5 Sahel Members3; 4. Appeals to the European Development Fund (EDF) to increase financial support for rural development and agricultural training programmes; 5. Instructs the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development to promote and support the empowerment of local communities establishing self-organised micro-insurance and micro-lending schemes; 6. Further encourages the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) in cooperation with Non-Governmental Organisations to run education programmes on disease prevention in SSA; 7. Calls upon DG ECHO to facilitate access to safe and reliable water sources as well as filtration systems across SSA; 8. Calls upon the EDF to fund student teaching volunteering in SSA in programmes such as International Volunteer HQ4.

2 The European Investment Bank is the EU’s non-profit lending institution, investing in a wide range of projects such as microfinance, innovation, and large-scale infrastructure. 3 G5 Sahel Members is an institutional framework for the coordination of regional cooperation in development policies and security matters in West Africa. 4 International Volunteer HQ is a volunteer travel company active in 50 destinations around the world.

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DEVE | 15


MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT, PUBLIC HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY II To the ends of the Earth: With the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s warning that the world has 12 years to limit climate change consequences, how can the EU ensure the efficient implementation of the Paris Agreement and show strong leadership in the global fight against climate change? Submitted by:

Justýna Brownová (CZ), Petr Budai (CZ), Radek Coufal (CZ), Karolína Matějíčková (CZ), Giang Mi Nguyenová (CZ), Yana Pachenko (CZ), Vanda Rusková (CZ), Jan Tichý (CZ), Rebecca Byström (Chairperson, SE)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Fully alarmed that the EU is the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases worldwide, B. Concerned about the lack of public awareness on the EU’s efforts to combat climate change, C. Noting with deep concern that multinational corporations lack environmentally sustainable policies, D. Alarmed by long term and short term impact of pollution on EU citizens, flora, and fauna, E. Observing the lack of repercussions for signatory countries of the Paris Agreement1 not meeting the goals of the agreement, F. Bearing in mind the economic impact of the termination of coal mines, and power plants as a source of unemployment, G. Aware that coal combustion represented 15.5% of the EU’s energy production in 2016; 1. Requests the European Commission to fund carbon capture and storage2 research; 2. Encourages Member States to spread awareness about climate change through workshops and media campaigns; 3. Urges the DG CLIMA to initiate the creation of guidelines for a unified recycling structure for Member States; 1 The Paris Agreement is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), dealing with greenhouse gas emission mitigation, adaptation and finance. 2 Carbon capture and storage is a process of capturing waste carbon dioxide into bedrock.

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4. Calls upon the Directorate General on Climate Action (DG CLIMA) to invest in Non-Governmental Organisations depolluting the oceans surrounding the European continent through the Life Programme3; 5. Appeals to the European Commission to lower funding to Member States that do not reach the global goals specified by the Paris Agreement; 6. Requests Member States to offer alternative opportunities for coal miners, and power plant workers through: a. employment in newly built clean energy powerhouses, b. participating in funded education; 7. Encourages the European Commission to endorse the funding of research on nuclear energy as a renewable energy source; 8. Asks Member States to decrease funding for unsustainable energy sources such as coal power plants, diverting these resources to subsidise cleaner alternatives; 9. Suggests the DG-CLIMA to fund research for alternative means of sustainable clean energy through the Life Programme.

3 The Life Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action.

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ENVI II | 17


MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND GENDER EQUALITY Invisible women: With little to no data on female homelessness in Member States and no mention of reproductive rights in any of the few national strategies on homelessness, how can the EU safeguard the aforementioned rights and provide suitable healthcare to homeless women? Submitted by:

Elliott Mokski (DE), Adéla Niederlová (CZ), Anna Otmarová (CZ), Jakub Polák (CZ), Lukáš Trčka (CZ), Magdalena Vondrová (CZ), Karel Zajíc (CZ), Sára Zelenko (CZ), Lucie Bambušková (Chairperson, CZ), Sabine Deletombe (Chairperson, LU)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Acknowledging that up to 40 % of homeless women have no education, leading to their financial instability and higher probability of engagement in criminality, prostitution, and drug abuse, B. Regretting the lack of research and reliable data on female homelessness, C. Observing that a high percentage of the homeless suffer from mental health issues or addiction without access to adequate medical care and support, D. Deeply concerned that hygienic requirements of women are often not being taken into consideration in infrastructures for the homeless, E. Deeply disturbed that women are often hesitant to resort to homeless shelters due to frequent cases of sexual abuse and harassment, F. Alarmed by the fact that domestic violence and sexual abuse lead to increasing rates of female homelessness, G. Deploring the lack of support for victims of domestic violence or other traumatic experiences that lead to a rise in the number of homeless women; 1. Requests Member States to implement and promote apprenticeships, adult education, and entrepreneurship programmes based on the ET 2020 framework1; 2. Calls upon Member States to employ homeless people in public community work;

1 The Education and Training 2020 framework seeks to promote formal, non-formal, and informal education at all levels and ages by means of working groups, counseling, reviews, forums, and policy support activities.

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3. Strongly urges Member States to develop and improve research and data collection on female homelessness based on the ETHOS framework2 in cooperation with non-governmental organisations (NGOs); 4. Recommends Member States to further promote mental health prevention, early intervention, and comprehensive rehabilitation programmes built on the European Framework for Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing3; 5. Encourages NGOs to employ counselors and experts, such as psychologists, in homeless shelters; 6. Further requests Member States to instruct NGOs and public operators to provide hygiene facilities and gender-specific hygiene products in homeless shelters; 7. Invites Member States to continue funding local temporary housing for victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse; 8. Instructs Member States to support anonymous phone lines and websites taking action against domestic violence; 9. Endorses the establishment of specialised courts for the prosecution of domestic abuse by Member States.

2 ETHOS is a transnational framework classifying living situations that constitute homelessness or housing exclusion. 3 The European Framework for Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing is designed to promote mental health and wellbeing, the prevention of mental disorders, and the improvement of care and social inclusion of people with mental disorders.

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FEMM | 19


MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RIGHTS Sticks and stones: With debates on the internet shifting towards more offensive statements, mostly targeting minorities or disadvantaged groups of people, and in some cases even resulting in acts of violence, how can the EU prevent the escalation of hatred and discrimination within the society while safeguarding the freedom of expression of its citizens? Submitted by:

Thi Minh Huyen Bachová (CZ), Honza Drastil (CZ), Eliška Hlavatá (CZ), Daniel Janda (CZ), Kateřina Matoušová (CZ), Jan Šafář (CZ), Natálie Vytřísalová (CZ), Marek Jankovský (Chairperson, CZ), Emma Quast (Chairperson, DE)

The European Youth Parliament, A. Acknowledging the absence of a detailed and unified definition of illegal hate speech across all Member States, causing discrepancies in the national legal framework ensuring the balance between freedom of speech and censorship, B. Keeping in mind the Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA1 concretely defining illegal hate speech, C. Noting the process of tackling hate speech online being based on definitions established by the moderation policies of each social media platform, D. Pointing out the increasing popularity of various social media platforms, rendering the moderation of these platforms increasingly demanding, E. Fully alarmed by the non-binding nature of the current Code of Conduct2 on countering online hate speech, F.

Aware of the lack of independent or unbiased institutions supervising content on social media platforms,

G. Regretting the lack of fact-checking of political advertisements across social media during political campaigns allowing the potential spread of false news and misinformation, 1 The Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law defines illegal hate speech as all conduct publicly inciting to violence or hatred directed against a group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin. 2 The Code of Conduct was implemented by the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers in 2016 and contains rules, prohibiting users to post content promoting violence or hatred against minority groups and has been already signed by big companies such as Facebook, Snapchat, Google+, and Instagram.

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H. Deeply convinced that online hate speech correlates with real-life instances of hate crimes, discrimination, and harassment; 1. Urges social media companies to adapt their platform-wide hate speech removal procedures according to the unified definition of illegal hate speech as stated in the Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA; 2. Asks the European Commission to improve the definition of online illegal hate speech for social media companies through examples of online hate speech instances; 3. Calls upon social media companies to: a. incentivise and simplify reporting hate speech for users, b. implement a given ratio of moderators monitoring posted content; 4. Recommends the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers to enforce the Code of Conduct legally binding all signatory social media platforms to the Code of Conduct; 5. Proposes the European Commission to amend the Code of Conduct to include: a. a deadline of 24 hours for the removal of flagged content featuring explicit illegal hate speech, b. a complete ban on political campaign advertisements; 6. Requests the European Commission to endorse the usage of politically independent fact-checking institutions aimed at educating citizens for social media moderators; 7. Encourages Member States to educate European citizens in the area of sexual, racial and cultural diversity through the continued use of the Erasmus+ Inclusion and Diversity Strategy in the field of Youth.

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DROI | 21



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NOTES | 23

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