Call for president Tbilisi '13

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Call for applications SESSION PRESIDENT 74th International Session, Tbilisi 2013

The session The 74th International Session of the EYP will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia between October 4th - 13th 2013, under the motto “Europe on its frontiers - Deepening cooperation”. The Session President will be required to arrive a few days in advance and work on many aspects of the session, from teambuilding to topics, to be involved in the selection of the session’s chairs team and to provide leadership for the whole session and its participants. The Session President will also be involved in the development and preparation of the Chairs’ Academic Training together with the Governing Body. Participating in this training is compulsory. The CAT will take place in Berlin on 6th – 8th September 2013.

Message from the NOC The 74th International Session of the European Youth Parliament will be focusing on the wider Europe and EU’s relationship with Eastern European and non-EU Member States. Considering the location of the session with Georgia as the hosting country, the main pillar of the event will be EU policy towards it neighbors, including Eastern Partnership Countries from the former soviet bloc. The Tbilisi International Session is supported by the Office of the Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy Issues, Štefan Füle. In recent history, EU has played a major role within its neighborhood through its European Neighborhood Policy, Eastern Partnership and other bilateral agreements. The IS will take place only a month before the Vilnius Summit for Eastern Partnership Countries that will determine whether the EU will make steps towards a closer integration of Eastern European states and whether Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine will be joining the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade and Association Agreements. The prospect of the EU integration is very actively discussed within the former soviet bloc countries and taking into account the ongoing Euro crises, the Union’s more active engagement with the neighboring countries can help the latter to prove their capacity to the international community. Delegates will discuss the political and economic dimensions of EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and the possibilities of the development of a more politically integrated union. During the last few years, the power of attraction of the Union has been in decline; the EU needs to bring forward the endeavors to deepen the cooperation within and outside the borders of the Union.

European Youth Parliament, Sophienstraße 28-29, 10178 Berlin, Germany.

Georgia, as the host of the 74th IS, will provide the necessary space for the delegations of 35 countries to deliberate, discuss and eventually have an influence the up-coming evolutions on EU foreign policy. Tbilisi IS will bring together delegations from South Caucasus countries like Azerbaijan and Armenia that have previously not been present in such events. The social, political and economic integration of EU bordering countries will be discussed by several committees during the ten day session. One of the most important topics, peace building, will be actively promoted throughout the entire event. Considering the session will include Georgian, Russian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Serb and Kosovar participants, it is important to emphasize the role of youth in the process of conflict resolution. Experienced Government officials, civil servants and stakeholders will be invited to the session, in order to contribute to the event with their expertise and background. Considering the overarching theme of the session, we are looking for a president who has insight on EU’s Foreign Policy and relationships with its neighbors. He/she should possess a deep understanding of issues concerning the wider Europe. As Tbilisi IS will be Giorgia’s first event of the kind, we would also welcome support from the president with organizational matters and thus experience in the domain would be an advantage.

Criteria All EYPers who have served at least once as Vice-Presidents of International Sessions are welcomed to apply by using the specific application form. Applications will be available only to the selection panel who will give priority to those who have applied when making the decision. The Panel will look for applicants who have been recommended and been given feedback to preside internationally and whose application form demonstrates both enthusiasm for the project and a proven record of leadership in EYP. PERSON SPECIFICATION: • Extensive relevant EYP experience • Strong motivation and commitment to EYP’s objectives • Good Training skills and experience • Excellent leadership and chairing skills • Ability to work as a member of a team and together with members of different teams • Ability to represent EYP in an official capacity • Good organisational skills • Strong interest in EU politics • Excellent language skills • Cultural sensitivity • Academic ability to engage with a wide variety of current European Issues You can check your recommendations and individual feedback forms with your previous Chair(s)/ President(s) or by contacting the Human Resources Officer for the International EYP at The Panel will follow guidelines given by the GB. It will consist of one of the Head Organisers of the session – Ani Chkhikvadze (NOC), the past session president – Federico Fasol and a member of the Governing Body – Alan Flowers.

European Youth Parliament, Sophienstraße 28-29, 10178 Berlin, Germany.

How to Apply? If you are available and interested in attending, you should fill in the application form to be found on the event’s page on the alumni portal and send it to All officials are also asked to make sure they are aware of the relevant policies of the EYP as listed in the official EYP Policy Compilation at All applicants will be informed individually of the outcome of their application. For any questions regarding the application procedure, please contact the HR Officer at The deadline for submitting the application is Monday July 1st at 12h (noon) CET.

European Youth Parliament, SophienstraĂ&#x;e 28-29, 10178 Berlin, Germany.

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