II Issue of the EYP School Session 2013

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Edited By Vass Khurtsilava



CHEERS to CHAIRS !!! President of the session is the fabulous Mako Tirkia! Member of the board, she’s pretty much one of the most experienced EYPers on the current team. Her biggest dream is travelling: seeing the extraordinary Machu Picchu settlement, visiting the pyramids, taking photos by the Niagara Falls… And guess what? She didn’t make this just a dream of hers, but she is set out to really see everything that might be even of the slightest significance to her. She’s already visited so many places that it would take up too much of the precious issue paper to enumerate. Despite her grand plans, EYP will always stay in her heart, because the impact it has had is impossible to simply describe here. Erekle Antadze (the Conqueror) plans to bring the world to his knees… Meanwhile, as he is in the process of doing so, let’s congratulate him on matriculation to the university of his dreams, Bates! Humble as he is, he could not name a single achievement he’d be most proud of… There were too many of those! Although so proud of himself, he is extremely grateful to the EYP, which, in his words, changed everything in him. P.S. There is a puzzle for you out there to solve: He sees himself as Tariel from the “Knight in panther’s skin”, so who is his Nestan? Ia Tserodze - the youngest and yet very experienced chairperson of one of the coolest committees (do forgive me for my subjectiveness ). A senior high school student, she has been so diligent and enthusiastic that she made it to the vice-president position while taking the SATs and overall being burdened by the whole college application process. Yet, not only is she diligent but also extremely creative, especially so as far as creative writing is concerned. Actually, she is planning to become a writer! And, guess what? She also is a great philanthropist; her dream is to open her own charity organization and help the children in need. Sounds perfect, huh? There’s just one thing to disappoint the boys out there: she’s already taken!

Lasha Vashakidze, who’s already lost count of the sessions, is another DROI chairperson that we are bound to be fascinated with. Peculiar as this might sound, he believes that his greatest achievement was having an Ukrainian Girlfriend. Hmm, sounds legit guys, right? However, his dream country is not Ukraine, which is crammed with hot girls, but quaint and fantastic Ireland! We all believe that at least once in your life you will get there! Has anyone of you read the X-man comics? If the answer is positive then you have a person to discuss them with! Actually, out of all imaginary characters of the books and comics, Lasha would choose to be the ruthless Wolverine, a character of the aforementioned comics. Another vice-president of the session is amazing Tako Samkharadze! She is dreaming of travelling the world, exploring new cultures and places, meeting new people and also attending concerts of her favorite musicians… In fact, she’s already making her dream come true. Her biggest adventure was the one after a Radiohead Concert in Berlin! Nice spirit, huh? Keep it that way!

Tako’s been involved in EYP for quite a while and she is especially thankful for the huge circle of friends it gave to her, since EYP is one great family indeed. Pippi Longstocking being her second self, she is certainly not a person who you could possibly get bored with! Mariam Tavdgiridze is a big lover of books, so if anyone out there wants to make a good surprise-gift for her, I’d recommend you built her a personal library with as big a diversity of books as possible! And make sure to include George Orwell’s 1984, because, being a person who believes in the strength of human nature, she will never get bored imagining herself as Winston Smith and analyzing her actions in order to prove that Human Race can never be utterly enslaved. She believes, and so do we-the Press Team, that she has a lot to achieve… Well, being a chairperson in EYP is hell of an achievement at this point so we could conclude that she has a great potential to unleash to us!



Chairperson of FEMM is the renowned president of EYP Georgia Mariam Chubabria! A devoted EYPer , she believes that nothing in the world could be better than being in the head of “the most awesome youth organization in Georgia”, as she refers to the EYP Georgia ( with which statement I and the whole press team unanimously agree). Flamboyant in action and a talented personality, Mariam already is, and is bound to become even more, successful. EYP served as a mind-opener to Mariam, it changed her fundamentally, so delegates, from this example you can see: EYP is indeed a lifechanger. FEMM delegates – be proud to have one of the most experienced and supercool chairs you could have had! The lonely wolf of CULT is the great EYPer Irakli Grdzelishvili! The most vigorous advocate of optimism, negative-thinkers stand no chance with him to prove anything because he also is a great debater. Irakli is very well-known for his education and wit so maybe we could still see trace of divine intervention that he is a chairperson of the committee on Culture and Education. Oh, note for the future: if you ever see or hear of some guy who jumped all the way from the stratosphere to earth, which might as well be possible by then, it is most likely to be Irakli! Brace yourselves, CULT delegates, your chair is not only very well-educated but also he’s totally cool. But, girls, I’d recommend that you don’t forget his superb girlfriend, LIBE chair, Nanuka Gurgenidze, against her you stand no chance. LIBE Nanuka is a tenacious person, always doing everything to get what she wants. Nurtured by EYP, therefore used to striving for the realization of her goals, her biggest dream is to see all the people of the world do the same thing. This is her version of utopia. Having achieved a lot, although she doesn’t regard her achievements worth mentioning just yet, she sees herself as a female version of captain America, where her greatest forte is her character… No wonder now that she’s pretty much a role model of active 17-year-old; experts would definitely recommend taking her example as a goal to strive for. Sophie Samxaradze is another dreamer of traveling. She hopes to see the world and acquaint herself with all the mysteries that Earth has to offer. She loves EYP a lot, mostly for the people she’s met there (we, EYPers, are good, aren’t we?). With her biggest achievement still ahead, at the age of 21 she’s got quite a huge list of extracurriculars and staff on her CV. She should definitely keep the good job up and she’ll do miracles! Experienced as she is, she’ll make a good co-chair to Nanuka and together they’re planning to have the most amazing committee! Salome Kandelaki, aka Mother Teresa, is not only an extremely experienced chairperson, but also an organizer of charity events, for which she can be highly praised. Her dream includes an Utopist world where all the people are happy so no wonder that she is trying to defend people’s health and even lives in her ENVI II topic. When asked what her biggest achievement was, she answered people around her… hmm… should we conclude that she is of the divine nature or that she’d been able to get herself into the circle of people that she liked a lot, is a question unanswered. Though I definitely stick to the first option. Whichever answer is correct, ENVI II delegates, you will be more than glad to have this superbly well-organized, diligent and creative Salome Kandelaki as your chairperson. It has given me trouble to find a second-self for another awesome chair of ENVI II, Sopho Otiashvili, since she is an absolutely unique character. A lot of fun to spend time with, she is also very clever and educated, a good proof for which would serve the fact that she has just returned from the exchange program in Brno, the Czech Republic. As much as she loves EYP there is one little thing that she would criticize it for… wait for it… that is making her fatter ( but I don’t see how she possibly could have been thinner) because of all those yummy cookies served on the breaks. (P.S. advice for someone out there wanting to bribe or woo Sopho – take her on a hot-air balloon trip and she’s yours!) By Tamri Matiashvili



ORGANIZED ORGANIZERS !!! Here are the organizers of Finally, I’m writing about the School Session 2013. Ani Meskhidze. She is my The people who are doing idol in EYP and I can’t imageverything for the session to be unforgettable. Hardly in EYP sessions will you meet such an amazing organizing team! distinguished with their creativity, open-mind and hard working.

big nice family. Vaja doesn’t have any fears, but he has aversion of snakes. If he had a chance, he would be Johny Bravo(He’s Vaja’s favorite character). He loves playing football, basketball and swimming, but when it comes to ice skating, no one can say that he is better than Vaja, he is simply the best. Vaja Tatuli Chubabria also has one strange hobShe is the most experiby: he is looking for the enced EYPer in orga team. ine EYP session without longest Georgian word, he She is very positive person her. She is iron lady, she has found one, that conand I’m proud that she has very strong personality. sists of 21 letters, so if you studied in my school. Her For her EYP is like breathknow something longer, main reason of being EYPer ing. 3 years ago she was is to let others experience first time delegate on the EYP! Once you experience first school session of EYP this joy you want others to Georgia... now she is HO. be in your shoes too. For She likes drawing, singing, playing on guitar and others nerves. Her dreams are to be remembered, to become important person for the world, to become UN Goodwill ambassador, get a nobel peace prize and write a bestseller. One and contact him, he will be rethe only thing she’s scerad ally happy. of it's herself. If she could Veriko Devidze be a character of a book, a her EYP was a gateway to She is doing EYP, because movie, or an animation, the Western world. She there's nothing more intershe would be Patrick from traveled a lot, acquired esting, amazing or fasci“SpongeBob SquarePants”, many international friends nating to do. EYP has given Hermione Granger from and work experience. She her a whole new idea of “Harry Potter”, or Holly loves doing bid jewelry, the world, myself and the Golightly from “Breakfast wire jewelry or decorating people around her. She has at Tiffany's”. pots, boxes, walls. She exeven developed one hobby Vaja Chanchibadze periments with different in EYP: reading the applicacolors and materials. Her What about Vaja? We en- tions of everyone. EVERYbiggest dream is to become tered in EYP together last a real international citizen - year, on School Session concerned with global is2012. It’s only fifth session sues, absorbed in various for him an he is already cultures, accepting differorganizer. It’s not accient practices, and edudental, her is really talentcating myself in different ed and hard working. EYP is countries. She has fears, part of his life and it has like everyone else, but she changed lots of things in is ashamed of telling her his consciousness. His bigbiggest fear. You can try gest dream is to have his and ask her, but she will own football club, like AC ONE!!! She is afraid that never tell you. MILAN(yes he has one de- someday someone will fect: he likes AC Milan) and invent a mind reader and Ani Meskhidze

they will use it on her. And when I asked her if she could be a character of a movie, who she would be, she answered Rapunzel. She is dreaming about winning the jackpot, but it has to be over 2 millions, unless she won't be able to let all of her dreams come true. Or you can just give her 2 million dollars and she will forget about jackpot. Nini Danelia When I first saw her, she grabbed my attention with her log blond curly hair. When she came in EYP, she had strange reason to apply – her teacher told so (Thank you teacher from whole EYP). Her firs impressions were frequent heart-beating, new emotions, something that she’d

never heard about- EYP SPIRIT. And now she just can’t give up being EYPer. EYP has really changed her life by widening her horizons and opening doors (literally and figuratively) throughout Europe. Nini is reliable and devoted to her job. She says that she’s not a dreamer, she’s a planner. She likes playing piano, skiing, ice-skating, swimming, reading detective story books and traveling, but she’s still afraid of getting stuck in an elevator.


Laduka Utmelidze


ed for her Outstanding contributions in peace with Nobel Peace Prize. The only thing she is afraid of is death. And she would be Pippi Longstocking if she had a chance.

according to her mood, but whatever her mood is, she could always listen to Do you know how is he doing EYP? her favorite music, read a good book, You think he wants to change the or paint. Her biggest dream is to keep world for better and gain experience the people she loves close around her which will be helpful for his future and to become the best ME she can career? No, he just loves food. He is Koka Kapanadze the most clever and intelligent person One more experienced EYPer in organ- be. Dear delegates, it’s great pleasure for you to meet her and don’t miss the in organizing team. He knows everyizing team. He’s smart, studious and chance, you can study a lot from her. thing and he has lots of information confident. 1 year has passed since his about very first session and he thinks that Mariam Mtsituridze Europe- now he is so much more grown! beI didn’t know her before this session, an sides that this organization has given but it seems like she is really nice and Youth him chance to get friends not only in funny person. She loves Playing tennis Parlia- Georgia, but from a lot of European ment countries! He loves hanging out with as well his friends and his biggest dream is to as oth- beer or-

ganizations. His biggest dream is to become the youngest president of Georgia and I hope that each one of you will vote for him. He’s idol is Bill Clinton and he wants to be like Bill. His dream is alto to build new Georgia "from nikophsia to daruband", so don’t forget his name and vote for him come an amazing father. He’s afraid of loneliness, because he can't imagine in presidential elections. his life without friends and family. His Keso Antelidze favorite character is Sherlock Holmes. During my little EYP career, I remem- He loves detectives and he is always ber her only as organizer and I can tell concerned on details like Sherlock. you that she really knows her job. She Mako Asatiani is really diligent and energetic person. She started doing EYP two years ago, She when she was just 14 and coincisays dentally, her first session was the that School Session too. On the next School EYP Session she has was journalist and now she is organizer. Mako is vivid example of growing up with EYP. showed her the ways how can she She has express herself, She feels comfortable traveled to doing EYP and she’s lovin’ it. She is different countries and saw different dreaming about living in peace and cultures. She has a lot of hobbies, and I’m sure some day she will be Award- she usually "changes" her hobbies

and photography. And she dreams to be a memorable entrepreneur. She is doing EYP to get little bit more experience, to build up networks, to have fun & One of the most important - to GET ONE MORE CERTIFICATE (just kidding). Her biggest fear is to loose interest in life. She studies law and she wants to be as good lawyer as Elle Woods from "Legally Blonde".

By Zura Giorgobiani



PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome the board of School Session 2013! Session isn’t imaginable without President and vice-presidents. Luck for us, we have unbelievably amazing board. They are always in the centre of attention, everyone loves them and respects… So If you notice 3 extravagant, charming and attractive ladies together at the session, I tell you be polite, and the best of yourself. Meet the Board, and first of all our.. Mako Tirkia – President of school session 2013 when you see Beautiful, wonderful, “pretty woman”, very cute and lovely girl with kind eyes – knew she’s President of SS’13, our majestic Mako Tirkia. Unfortunately, I haven’t had a pleasure of knowing her well, but sure she is a great person. As EYPers told me, MakoTirkia is very clever girl, with a huge sense of responsibility. Visiting her Facebook page you will in a minute understand how successful she is. Mako was studying in Comenius University Bratislava during previous year (the reason why I haven’t met her yet), and after graduation she is working as intern in US embassy in Tbilisi. Nothing but I’m certain in that Committee on AFET is the luckiest one, because they have incredible girl as a chair. The next one who is taking the floor is… Ia Tserodze – Vice president of School Session 2013 Twinkle, twinkle little star! – These words are said about her. She is the cutest girl you will ever met in EYP, real brilliant for us. Or gold?! No matter, she is precious! Just (women aren’t asked of their age – years old) and already Vice president! You will fall in love with her smile, yellow hair, shining eyes and British accent at the first glance! Trust me, after session you will never forget this girl. She is already a legend, her chairing skills are priceless … Guys, She is amazing, absolutely astonishing chair! Ia is very motivated and successful. If she says something, she will do it no matter what. And I’m sure that one day I will proudly say: Ia Tserodze was my chair! And after this I will be the most famous one in the city. She is chairing committee on DROI with Lasha Vashakidze, I wish her good luck and the same (even better) feelings she had after 6th NSC. and let’s meet the second vice of SS’13.. Tako samkharadze – Vice president of School Session 2013 I haven’t met our second Vice till this session, but I remember how my friend came and said to me: you know, my chair is sooo cute! That was at the previous school session. One year and she already is at the board of the session and not only. As our President - Mako, Tako is also member of the Board of the European Youth Parliament Georgia. Looking through her pictures on Facebook, I believe more and more that super-calm people exist. Tako seems like a girl with iron nerves, or no nerves at all.. As my dear friends told me, I’m not wrong and she is really the calmest person in EYP, she is great chair an very friendly with her delegates. As I searched, she studied the law at the University of Georgia and also she was student of Vilnius University. Tako is chairing the committee of ENVI I with Mariam Tavdgiridze and sure their delegates are proud of this. Looking this amazing ladies, I am calm and more and more excited, cause I know that this session is going to be the awesome and unforgettable, trust me everything is in their safe hands…

By Mariam Lataria




Press team is the heart of what makes a delegate remember a session. Unlike any other press team ours is the most exceptional one. You ask me why? Here’s why: Giorgi gvenetadze is the most energetic editor in EYP history. His enthusiasm, creativity and motivation seems to be inexhaustible. EYP entirely changed Giorgis life, because he met his future wife here. When I asked him what it feels like to be an editor ,he answered that it feels like more things to be done and less to be said. Vass Khurtsilava is an exceptional person. He has very outstanding sense of humor and a great personality. I dare to say that he is the spine of the press team. If you see a boy with curly hair and a bizarre outfit that’s definitely zura giorgobiani. He is the strangest person i have ever met. He is a tonic for the whole session and the press team. In EYP he made new friends,femily and gained invaluable experience. When i asked him who he would spend a week on hawaii with ,he said he would prefer to stay there alone. Nini Gigani is one of the wittiest person in our team. She has exceptional skills in writing. Her favorite quote is :”there is neither happiness nor unhappiness in this world; there is only the comparison of one state with another. Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss. It is necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good life is to live”. Matte Dvalishvili still occupies the space of unknown quantity to me. His message to the newcomers is to -look at the calendar and remember the day, that's the date your life would. Change forever. EYP has altered mattes life by 180 degrees ,as he claims. Mariam Lataria is the cutest person in our team. Whenever she’s angry she’s always screaming like a little baby ,but that’s what makes her the loveliest. Shes always mixing up peoples names ,but as an excuse she can use her sieve-like memory. Joseph has the most beautiful blue eyes in which every girl would, undoubtedly, sink in and delicately swim through the miracles of this wondrous world. Oh, so romantic! He illuminates positive energy that afterwards becomes contagious Tamri is the lost twin of Bridget Jones. She is really determined , organized and high-spirited. If she get s her toeth into something,she tries to give it her all. Rezo is tireless meg ryan-lover.hes super-duper gifted and enjoys his giftedness. Like the 2 other members of our team , he’s also fan of “doctor who?. Hey, this is not Ana. At least, now it’s not. This is another journo from your beloved press team, grasping the moment to describe one of the most energetic, loveable and hyper-active people i have ever met. Her insolent amount of atp is way beyond my imagination. Ana’s indescribable party-hard-features are what always make her the sole of every party. Nevertheless, she does get tired once in a while. But fear not! Her tired self is not as tired as you perceive her to be – she gets even more lively and even more crazy than she usually is and that’s phew! No one can handle that much, trust me! By Ana Mirianashvili




Entering the room number 410 you will notice 11 dedicated delegates, working diligently on their resolution. Looking at the blackboard you will see plenty of ideas with their strong arguments. The motivated delegates don’t disturb chairpersons; they do their own work really suitably. We have an enormous discipline in our group; every single delegate listens to others, shares ideas and rectifies mistakes, which are rarely made by other delegates. Our lovely chairs Mako Tirkia and Erekle Antadze directed the committee to the main tasks of the topic and encouraged delegates prudently analyze the brainstorming process. They know what, where and when to do. Playing games with our creative chairs is most exciting, they help delegates feel free and throw away all the fears they have. I personally love my chairs and so do the delegates. In spite of the fact that delegates are disciplinary, some of them broke our super Golden rules and punished by the Super Golden Punishments. Sexy pictures of Keti, Salome’s (almost) pushups, Eka’s Gangam Style and Annie’s slow motion movie made our committee feel jocular and carry on working with more enthusiasm. Listening to the discussion about UK’s withdrawal from European Union made me feel like I attended the G8’s meeting. Debating and brainstorming process was really appealing and interesting to me. Every delegate has taken part in the Committee work, we did not have

anybody who stayed shy and didn’t say any words at all. All of delegates are now looking forward to the GA. Let me introduce you my lovely delegates: Salome Beruashvili is the youngest member of our Community. She has frequently taken part in debates. She worked hard and even though she was the youngest in the Committee, her appearance won’t go by without footprints. Amil Karaev is the most official and diplomat person in our committee, he remained calmness during the criticism of his arguments and easily reached consensus with vast majority of the delegates. Anna Zhvania has attentively listened to different ideas and then prudently analyzed their importance She was calm, cute and active during the committee work, her speeches made the committee think deeper and deeper, she was really necessary for our committee. She took the leadership during the treasure games and I’m sure our Committee could win the tournament. Keti Gvazava is the charming delegate, who didn’t grumble because of her punishment. She freely took the sexy pictures in front of the Committee and enjoyed this process. She is pretty energetic, outgoing person, smiles frequently and gives our Committee positive energy. Maka Lashkhi is not afraid of exams, she loves preparing for them, because she sees them as new challenges in her life. She is the motivated and pretty wise delegate. She realizes all the challenges of our committee. Eka Danelia was really funny while

dancing Gangam Style. She got punished, because of speaking Georgian. I see her character as really funny and interesting. Dato Papashvili, the man of exams. He has taken a test during the School Session. He is benevolent and often helps other delegates understand the tasks during the discussions. Barbare Mekhrishvili besides her beauty is really smart and diligent delegate. She has nice skills to communicate and make others sure that her ideas are correct and worthy to get attention. Lela Jankhoteli with her British accent reminds me my British friend who speaks less British than she does. She was extremely motivated during the Committee Work and actively took part in every activity of the session. Annie Mumladze character reminds me Margaret Thatcher; her strong ideas and arguments have few competitors. She is the delegate who never says anything without thinking about its importance before. Her charming looks and strong arguments cajole our Committee’s members. Koko Miminoshvili with his Asus and Dell Leptops is always on top, he makes the Committee more informed. He gives information about our topic on time and is never lazy to clarify his or others’ arguments. I hope such energetic and wellcompleted committee will light up on General Assembly and you won’t abstain from voting in favor of the great Committee on Foreign Affairs. Your Slave-obedient Ioseb Jorjoliani



The Most aDROIt Committee Miserable Mary as she called herself, Mary Pagava is really anything but miserable. Very active during the committee work, she’s also highly committed to the team spirit. Very hardworking and responsible, she wants to become a linguist and a lawyer, which might sound like a strange thing but she is really tough enough to learn both. She loves her family and friends more than anything, and guess what? Her dream and even aim is to send her parents to their dream country Switzerland! Now, again, miserable? Seriously? Giorgi Gugenishvili is one of the two FLEX alumni we have on the team (can’t help being proud of this really awesome team). Career-oriented and diligent, he does not want to use his talents and abilities for his own merit only, but also for the welfare of the world. We all believe that with his potential he really can make a significant difference. However, besides being so determi1ned and stuff, he’s also melancholic. He already knows that when he’s old he’ll be missing his youth and the past more than anything. Marvelous Mari Demetrashvili, is another FLEX alumni of DROI. Highly excited about EYP she is highly committed to the work. She’s a really positive person, she wants to contribute to the world by learning first and then spreading her knowledge, which is definitely a decent thing to wish. She loves cats a lot, bring her a small kitten and her heart is totally yours, guys. On her pursuit to become a person she has set to become we wish her luck! I have never seen a person run that much and that fast as did Zura Gamtenadze, erroneously called Zombish on the name-adjective game. Trust me, he could run a marathon. And provided that he loves the crusaders’ and knights’ period, this running ability could serve him well in that era. Before he moved to live in Georgia he used to live in Russia; he views this as Patriotic, isn’t he? He firmly believes that the noble best thing that has happened to him. He believes that the noblest aim to have in life is to serve your motherland. The responsible and friendly Nini Gelashvili is another dashing delegate of DROI. She’s planning to open charity clubs. She’s fond of the 18th century, you know all those dresses and bowties and cylindrical hats and stuff like that. However, one thing she is also fond of is skiing, which is not exactly in the 18 th century style. She has actually won a skiing competition, congratulations! Her aim is to be successful in her profession, so let’s wish her best of luck! The music-lover delegate of ours is Anastasia Machavariani. She’s extremely cheerful, friendly and smart. But it’s not just words, these words are proved by facts. She’s opened a debate club at her school. She’s an amazing musician, already a member of a band and an author of a song. You know what is the most peculiar dream of hers? To build a skyscraper in Prague and see all of it in one look. A second-time EYPer, Tamta Jugashvili, has been pretty active during the committee work. Her biggest pride in EYP is her amazing summation speech at Kutaisi Regional Session. She’s a fabulous girl with a whole lot of ideas and no less potential. But you know what is even more interesting? She has set as her aim to change the horrible architecture in Tbilisi. You definitely have my consent on that! Tiko Khurtsidze is really really friendly. She has even been a leader of her team in a certain project and has been distinguished from the group and selected as an organizer. She wants to do her best in her future career which I am sure she will do! She’s actually described herself as quite jealous a person but this is totally not true from what we’ve seen! Muscular Mariam Kapanadzehas recently returned from the 7th National Selection Conference of EYP Ukraine. She is definitely a rare specimen, since she wants to become a doctor, which is quite rare nowadays. But that’s not it. She actually wants to go to Africa and volunteer there as a doctor and thus contribute to the common welfare! Respectable, huh? By Tamri Matiashvili



THE INCREDIBLE CULT The committee on CULT – what more is there to say? Such courage? Such enthusiasm? Such tolerance towards genderal equality? Such spirit and devotion? No way, yes way? YES WAY! This impossible awesome committee of incredible CULTs has raced through billions and zillions of dimensions to retrieve the cupcake of wisdom! In the end of their journey the incredible CULTs had to face a series of challengies. They had to prove their worthiness to the Goddess of cupcakes and insofar as the incredibles stayed incredible, they would be successful in their mission. And so, the task began… Rezo (ურევს) Bubuteishvili – I like playing the guitar, drawing, composing songs and writing poems. I also relate myself to Eagles because of their wilderness, freedom and power. In the future, I want to be sitting in my office, counting money and solving business problems.

future I want to be the ambassador of Georgia in France. Elene Skinny Papunashvili – I’m wide awake most of the night. If I’m not, that means I’ve already watched a film to put me to sleep. I love penguins and, in fact, I would really enjoy it, if I were a penguin.

which kind of makes me a werewolf, but that’s completely okay with me. A random fact – I don’t like reading books (Yuk!).

Nini Grey Gochitashvili – I have a phobia of dogs, whereas I like jellyfish just because I think there are hilarious. I’m often asked: “Nini, is the glass half full or Giorgi Treasurehuntmas- half empty?” or “Where do ter Megrelidze – I’m a lion – you see yourself in 15 RAWR! They’re strong, gor- years?” And you know what I answer? First of all, there geous… and they just lie is no glass and second of all, around, doing nothing. in a coffin. Moreover, I think I’m not weird. Yes, I’m not weird… Elene Crazy Alavidze – I’m Well, at least I think I’m not. REALLY funny. In fact, I’m so Nina Delicate Osepashvili funny that I laugh at my – I imagine myself wearing own jokes. I want to travel to Europe and be as suca white coat, bearing the name of the world’s one of cessful as I possibly can. the well known surgeons. Besides, I like martial arts and collecting gun models. I’m pretty sure I would be a squirrel, were I turned into an animal. It’s energetic, furry and likes nuts, while being brown.

would be, were I just about to die. I would wish to feel raindrops for the last time, taste snow and see a rainbow. What can I say? As the Goddess of cupcakes, I’m proud to announce that the Incredible CULTs have undoubtedly passed the final obstacle!

By Nini Gigani

Tiko Sweet Bliadze – I want to be surrounded by paparazzis - “Here, tiko!”, Look here!”, “Hey, gorgeous!”. However, I really wouldn’t want them to get their hands on my precious childhood weirdness (namely, I used to talk to aliens, asking them to come and abduct me).

Mari Blonde Charkviani – I’m a horse. Yes, a horse. I’m weird. I’m weird, beSali Spiderlover Kasradze cause the weird thing about Mariam Nightowl Chorgo– I love aliens, however, I me is that there is no weird lashvili – I want to be a bear see myself as a tiger – it’s thing about me. and have a baby bear at fast and beautiful. Oh, I also Elvin Gentle Guliev – I’m a home. I’ve also thought enjoy exploring cars. In the future MP. I’m also a wolf, about what my last wish

By Nini GIgani



Kids From Room 402 Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. In these 3 days the committee on Environment, public health and food safety chaired by Sopho Otiashvili and Salome Kandelaki put all of its efforts to solve one of the main concerns of THE 21 centuries society, NAMELY SMOKING. `During these 3 days , ENVI2 delegates formed an impeccable team, which had a one united goal -to write the best resolution ever. Lika Torikashvili impressed all of the members of the committee. She’s just 15 years old and already the leader and organizer of an organization called” make the world a better place. ‘’ Together with other youth, she’s giving hand to the kids who are suffering from leukemia and organizing blood donating events throughout the country. Her aim is to involve great deal of people in the charity programs.. She’s truly the role model person. ELene mchedlishvil - is an extraordinary person. Her dream is to work at the Mc Donalds fast food restaurant. Bizarre it is. Isn’t it?lets wish her good luck in fulfilling her dreams. For her, EYP is a place ,where she can acquire new friends and get to know many interesting people. Elene was one of the most active members of the committee .Notwithstanding the fact that School session is a very first session for Irina Karangozishvili ,she

fully understood the values of EYP. For her its very special, exceptional atmosphere ,which is giving youth opportunity to achieve success in future. Irina is utterly interesting person. She adore symbology and finding them in every book and novel. She want to further her studies in politics. I am sure that EYP will be one step towards her goals. Salome Giorgadze is 16 years old. I noticed very bizarre fact about her. when she’s tired ,she usually talks a lot. However, this funny habit can be a key to her success in EYP. Salomes dream is” to be remembered”. According to her achievements , she will definitely attain her goal one day. She has played with Orchestra for 7 times ,which is not a laughing matter for a 16-year-old girl. Nino Sichinava along with the majority of delegates is a first-time delegate . She is excited about all the events taking place in EYP. EYP is something special for her,because it plays huge role in determing her future profession. She is a bit confused of ,which career path to pursue in future . HERE comes the boy clan of our committee. Atuka and irakli. Atuka is the most experienced EYPer in our committee. KEEP CALM!!!! Atuka intends to further his studies in criminal justice. Unfortunately he is leaving Georgia next year. So girls bear in mind. only A year Is left to attack this boy!!:D Irakli is the most solid per-

son of our committee. He hardly ever speaks, but whenever he does he always says something wise. Tatuli is an ever-smiling person. She is one of the prettiest girl in our committee, but behind her beauty a great personality and diligence do hide . during committee works, she was not afraid to engage in any kind of debates in order to defend her points .Tatuli just returned from the USA, ,which is reflected on her fluency in English . Tako Abzianidze is a girl with great skills of dancing. She is utterly charming and diligent person. It is her first session in EYP ,but not the last one, as she claims. Tako has a one tremendously peculiar habit .When she’s afraid of something ,or happens to be in dull circumstance she’s falling asleep.Elene Eristavi is a super duper positive person. Her dream is to become a professional in the field of international relation. She is experienced EYPer and her share in the resolution making processes is outstanding. The

last ,but not the least member of the committee is Tamuna Kodalashvili. She is multi –talented person .She’s always there to energize her committee members ,whenever necessity of it arises. She also stands out from others for her amazing sense of humor. Along with the delegates , I would like to personally thank OUR beloved chairs team -SOPO AND SALOME .`They ARE THE MOST POSITIVE,RESPONSIBLE ,experie nced AND DEVOTED CHAIRS team I have ever worked with in EYP. By Ana Mirianashvili



Ich LIBE EYP ! Guga Sukhiashvili - Guga- cleverest one from LIBE. He is always involved in Committee Work and suggests interesting ideas. He calls himself gorgeous and pine-apple. Why? I don’t know, maybe his strange character appeared. Guga has partially funny dream – shooting a movie about “potato”. Interesting, magical potato by Guga Sukhiashvili.. All his mind goes around films, films and films! It’s not surprising that he wants to become a film-director. Sure, his films will be the strangest ones and doubtlessly will catch their success. And to say shortly, Guga is super-duper strange and interesting person Naniko Miquchadze - Calmness, Calmness everywhere! She is superfantasticohmygodable calm girl. Rarely involves in discussion, but always listens carefully. If says something, it’s always useful for committee. As I noticed she likes fashion, because always is dressed up in a special way. She wants to become a diplomat, I’m certain she will the best one in her job, actually her calm character will say its word. Her dream country is New York, New York! Her aim is to be a good person, but form my observation she already is! Go Naniko, go!! Ana Bokhua - Ana Bokhua is one of the cutest girls I have ever seen! She is smart and interesting girl, always has useful points for committee, have to say that committee of LIBE is lucky one to have her. Ana said to me that her dream is to be happy for the whole life. And guess her aim..success, money? No! Just not losing her friends! Guys you should take a challenge and friend with her, trust me you won’t regret!! She has some special Charisma, I couldn’t ever to understand! So, Bokhu is really great girl with shining eyes!! Elisabed Gedevanishvili - Elisabed – even her name says a lot! She is the

most honest one in the Committee of LIBE! Listening to her discussion, points and thoughts is really pleasant for me. She always says what she thinks and that’s exactly what I like the most with her! When she has a free time she likes acting, reading and listening to her favorite music, especially Indie, alternatives and electro. Elisabed thinks she is stubborn person and maybe because of thi She hasn’t decided her future profession yet, but sure she will be great in every field. Malkhaz Darbaidze - Makho is very active EYPer, everyone knows him! Anyway, every EYPer has heard at least about his humour. Honestly, he has a killer houmor! He thinks that his main advantage is ability being a good and reliable friend. Hey, seems LIBE is friendlious committee ever! I was

must have the funniest fun ever!! Mariam Nadiradze - wait, wait! This girl has challenging dream: “To conquer the world!” and breaking news: we have future physchologist”psychiatrist in EYP!(all the officials are in visiting list!) Mariam calls herself lazy perfectionist, but honestly I can’t say same, during committee work she is the most active! Once I asked her, Yes or No, and do you know what she answered? MAYBE! Seriously?!! Itself creativeness is in our committee! Mananiko Ebralidze - Mananiko is very quiet girl, you can see it even in her eyes. She always listens carefully and suddenly whenin her mind comes something, she stands up and here it goes…. Mananiko listens pop and rap at the same time. She seems very friendly person because she already has perfect relations with other delegates! She wants to be a lawyer, so only thing I can is wishing her best of everything and huge success! Nato Kholuashvili - Nato is real little lady!! Always active, involved and creative. She loves when someone is taking pics of her and always smiles. She wants to have a journey in LA and California, also in France. I’m proud fancied that his favorite book charac- that her very first aim is education ter is martin Iden. Funny, but he and More than proud that I have two wants to become a businessman. Seri- delegates in LIBE, who are going to ously, what he is going to produce?? cure me when I will be out of nerves. Maybe, his jokes??:)) Anyway, wish So, all the delegates take in mind that him good luck!! Nato is superious friendly and take a Mariam Tabatadze - If you couldn’t chance!! notice Mariam at the session, you’re Levan Lobzhanidze - Levan Lobjanidze blind or something. She is very her is one of the funniest delegate in LIBE type of person, Mariam has charac(and maybe the most handsome one). teristic haircut, I’m fall in love with it. He loves hanging out with friends and She says that she is just Mariam and listens to the old school rap! Yo, man! everything is said..She wants to travel He sees himself in law and sure his around France, hope her dream will incredible English will help him. His come true. Mariam had very interdream-city is Amsterdam. So, I wish esting answer to question how she him good luck in his future career. has fun? Answer was this(style is not changed):” I can’t write it into 1 senBy Mariam Lataria tence, so...”. She is having fun in unordinary way, but girl who loves Rock,



ENVI 1 for EVERYONE Do you know, which is he most energetic, funny, intelligent committee is? It is ENVI I of course! we have 11 delegates in our amazing committee. Let's start with majestic, fabulous Mariam Margiani. She has the best smile I've ever seen. You just never get bored with her. She's smart, but absent-minded and always forgets names of movies. Nika Dzneladze (the superman as he describes himself) has attended 2 sessions of EYP Germany and now it's time for EYP Georgia. He's already a big boy, but he still sleeps with his teddy bear. He hates rules and would meet Adolf Hitler with great pleasure. Annie Gelashvili is the most talkative and ambitious member of our committee. She's always active is pen debates. She has one selected talent: juggling, she loves ice-cream, snow boarding and watching movies and dreams about studying in YALE. Tika is a real rocker and it's easy to conclude with her hair and clothes. She's a drummer and loves Pepsi light. She's always mobilized and helping committee to come up to effective solutions. She has strange aim of life. She wants to de young. Why? I don't know, ask her. One of the youngest delegates of our committee is Tako Zedelashvili, but by her look you can't say that she's only 15. She loves herself very much. That's why she's on diet and eats only dried crust. She's dancer and her favorite dance is "samaia". She's devoted to her job and doing everything for her committee. Our energetic, serious and chatty Tamuna Chipashvili has just turned 17 and she's very happy. She hates lies, snakes and snobby people, and loves chocolate, Lobiani and rainy days. She's full of surprises and you never know what to exempt from her. We even have one polyglot in committee, Sophie Butikashvili knows 5 languagesand right now she is studying arabic. She hates winter, rice and football, but she likes studying. For Melano Durmishidze it's only first session, but she's too motivated. She adores camping, skiing and loves red orange juice the most. She wants to have interesting life, full of adventures and sunny days. Ramin tsulukidze is our guest from Batumi. He has travelled more than 300 km to attend School Session 2013. He has driving license and even his own car. Anu bukia is always active and involved in committee works. She s ambitious, hard working, competitive and nice to everyone. Her favorite people are Salvador Dali, Hilari Clinton and George Orwell. And not but the least, Nika Shengelia is crazy, sexy and cool. His dream is to become EYP jour no. She is the best player of kerling in Georgia. She hates FC Barcelona and Schoo. These are all 11 delegates from ENVI 1 the most creative, hard working, smart and ambitious committee. So If you want to see the best committee ever definitely see ENVI 1. By Zura Giorgobiani



FEMM IS THE BEST The history is spinning back again... Women are coming back to the place where they belong – and no, not the kitchen, but the ruling position and guess what? More than half of the committee on FEMM is actually guys and these guys are fighting alongside with no less amazing girls for women’s rights. So, I think it’s high time I told you about this remarkably hard-working committee. The first delegate I’m going to talk about is Tazo Natsvlishvili, who definitely has his part in the committee. I can just say that this person had some extremely strong opinions during the discussion and played important role in writing his committee’s resolution. Next delegate is Nate Watson. Despite the fact, that he didn’t talk too much this guy always listened to his partners, expressed the ideas whenever he had one and was ready to help the committee any time it was going the fallacious way. Now, prepare to meet Jill Baer. Her teamwork skill and ability to speak English fluently allowed her to collaborate and work hard during these 3 days. She showed herself really well and tried her best to help the team write as perfect resolution as possible. The next person I’m going to write about is Giorgi Elisashvili. It’s only second session for him, but despite that, he copes with every task perfectly and tries to be as helpful for the committee as possible. During the GA he also presented his committee and made the speech which I’m sure most of the delegates will remember. Natia Jokhadze, probably the most cheerful person in FEMM. She wanted to work on this topic from the very beginning and it was obvious how motivated and stimulated she was for this whole time during the session. It was her first time experiencing the EYP and I’m convinced that it’s not her last one because she manages to work really fine and be fruitful. As for Nata Aspanidze I would say, that her intelligence and determination is worth mentioning. She’s not afraid to state her opinion freely even when it may oppose to the whole committee, so her position in the group is unique. OK, we’re moving on to a next delegate – Mariam Guliashvili. She doesn’t really express here ideas on every issue, but she can back-up here committee when it needs it the most. It should also be mentioned, that Mariam always improves her ideas with strong arguments. Now, what about Rezo Samushia... I think that’s the persons who should be described as quite energetic, optimistic and the one that always keeps the spirit up! If you happened to talk to clever and joyful individual that’s definitely him. Ketevan Lomidze, a delegate that doesn’t do things for just obligation. Her motivation and determination were rather noticeable, as she tried to involve actively in every debate. Now I’m going to introduce Tamar Gogiberidze. With her outrageous personality she was able to involve in committee work vigorously and this way help her partners to write a final resolution. I’m sure she’ll be quite lively during the GA and defend her resolution with success. And the last, but no least - Giorgi Metskhvarishvili. It’s already his sixth session on delegate’s position, so it wasn’t hard for him to cooperate with his co-delegates. His experience and hard work helped the committee a lot. I have attended probably not so many sessions, but still I’m impressed with teamwork of my committee. Spending these 3 days with this marvelous team of FEMM convinced me, that their performance on General Assembly will be one of the best ones! By Matte Dvalishvili

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