Alumni Councils Information Sheet

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EYP COUNCILS Your chance to become involved in developing EYP further! GENERAL INFORMATION EYP Councils play an essential role in the development of EYP on the European level, allowing more alumni to contribute. Each Council works on a specific area and with a specific set of objectives. The Councils report to the Governing Body (GB) and work in close connection with the International Office. Each Council elects a Chairperson and will have a GB member working with them. The Councils are largely free to shape their own work according to the interests of their members. There exists some specific tasks, but in general the Councils are an excellent opportunity to shape the development of the EYP on the European level! Being a member of a council means you can dedicate 3-4h every week to work on concrete tasks of the Council.


Educational Council Regional Development Council Training and Alumni Development Council Academic Council

APPLICATION PROCEDURE Each Council consists of at least six members, including a chair. The mandate of all Councils lasts for one year. The Governing Body selects new Council members. The selected candidates for each Council must present a cohesive balance of gender, nationality and experience. National Committees can issue endorsements to back up applications. European Youth Parliament, Sophienstraße 28-29, 10178 Berlin, Germany.

EDUCATIONAL COUNCIL This Council consists mostly of teachers, and is a forum for us to develop the educational experience offered by EYP and work together with teachers and persons within the field of education. Among the tasks of the Educational Council are to: • Advise EYP from a teacher/school perspective • Analyse teacher evaluations from International Sessions • Comment and develop teachers’ programmes for EYP events, especially for our International Sessions

REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL The task of the Regional Development Council is to work with and provide support to the National Committees of the EYP. The Council supports and advises newer EYP organisations. It also works on knowledge sharing between National Committees, to ensure a more equal development of the EYP Network. Among the tasks of the Regional Development Council are to: • Guide pre-National Committee entities; • Support National Committees in their development process; • Oversee and coordinate the Buddy Groups; • Address regional imbalance within EYP practices; • Ensure fair opportunities for all National Committees. The Regional Development Council shall be comprised of: • At least one representative from each active Buddy group; • At least one member of the GB; • At least one BNC Board member as an observer; • Selected Alumni according to the criteria outlined in the call. European Youth Parliament, Sophienstraße 28-29, 10178 Berlin, Germany.

My work in the Training and Alumni Development Council is very different to everything I have done in EYP before. It allowed me to contribute to impactful and innovative projects on an international level, and provided me with an intriguing insight and perspective on how our organisation works institutionally.

- Sebastian Hojas (AT)

TRAINING AND ALUMNI DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL The Training and Alumni Development Council aims to serve the EYP network by nurturing an open and professional training culture; facilitating knowledge sharing; empowering National Committees to enhance their training capacity; and creating learning and development opportunities for EYPers. The task of the Council is to increase the quality of EYP events and experience through: • Materials: o Producing, developing and disseminating EYP training materials • Trainers: o Maintaining and developing Trainers Pool & List of Trainers o Training new trainers for EYP o Organising further trainings for pool members o Giving senior EYPers further challenges through trainer “career” • Trainings: o organising international training courses in cooperation with NCs, and providing trainers to be used by NCs for training courses and pre-session trainings.

ACADEMIC COUNCIL The Academic Council works on improving our organisation when it comes to academic preparations and quality. Among the tasks of the Academic Council are to: • Improve academic quality in EYP • Manage the committee topic process for International Sessions • Assess and develop academic processes in EYP (such as GA procedure, CAT programme) • Ensure the quality of International Sessions academic preparations including the CAT. European Youth Parliament, Sophienstraße 28-29, 10178 Berlin, Germany.

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