29th National Selection Conference of EYP Portugal

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29th National Selection Conference EYP Portugal



3 - Venues 4 - Presidential Address 5 - Officials / Participant Schools 6 - Practical Information 8 - Topics and Chairs 11 - Programme 12 - The Session 13 - Contacts

The 29th National Selection Conference of the European Youth Parliament - Portugal will be held in Matosinhos from October 16th to October 20th. Different parts of the programme will take place at Augusto Gomes Secondary School, Matosinhos City Hall and Parque da Cidade (City Park). The participants will be accommodated in Porto Youth Hostel.

1- Parque da Cidade (City Park) - Team Building

3 2- C창mara de Matosinhos (Matosinhos City Hall) General Assembly, Opening and Closing Ceremonies

3 - Constantino Nery Theatre Euroconcert 4 - Oporto Youth Hostel Accommodation

5 - Augusto Gomes Secondary School - Committee Work



Dear participants, Welcome to the 29th National Selection Conference of EYP Portugal! In a few weeks we will all meet in Matosinhos to simulate the work of the European Parliament, i.e. to debate some of the most topical issues on today’s political agenda. However, the European Youth Parliament gives you more than this – becoming a part of our organisation is a chance not only to experience democracy but above all to meet your peers from all around Europe, to learn from one another, and finally to grow as conscious European citizens. No matter what reasons you might have for participation in the session, please know that you are privileged. I am a great believer in political and social education, and I cannot help but notice that too few young people as yourselves receive support in developing interest in politics and further in formulating and discussing their views. That is why the young generation’s willingness to shape politics is very limited. The EYP aims to change it, though not by telling you what is right or wrong. It offers you a platform to think independently, to challenge opinions held by others and those of your own, and to make the European youth realise one thing: anyone who says they are not interested in politics is like a drowning

man who insists he is not interested in water. In Athenian democracy self-centred people refusing to take part in public affairs were called ‘idiots.’ We ought to remind ourselves about the original meaning of this word so that everybody feels obliged to, in a sense, be a politician, i.e. to act to the benefit of the public even in one’s everyday life. Fortunately enough, part of this process can be entertaining and I am confident the EYP will make you find it enjoyable. The theme of the session - ‘Sea. Movement. Opportunities.’ – lets us examine Europe’s relation with the realm of Poseidon. The sheer fact that the EU coastal regions are inhabited by over 200 million people shows that our continent is very much dependent on the sea and its resources. On the other hand, the proximity to large water basins holds economic possibilities in abundance. Matosinhos seems to be the perfect place to discuss it all. Nevertheless, there will also be room for discussing other relevant topics. As the President of the 29th NSC of EYP Portugal I would like you to embrace the EYP as your home from home, a place where you can share, exchange and experience in the spirit of mutual respect. Take this opportunity and enjoy becoming everyday-life politicians! Krzysztof Ignaciuk





Krzysztof Ignaciuk (PL)


Heiko Brantsch (DE) heiko.brantsch@eyp.de

Margarida Pereira and João Moreira (PT)




Editorial Assistant: Luke Thomas (UK) Beatriz Rodrigues (PT) Floris Rijssenbeek (CH) Lourenço Cruz (PT) Quynh-Anh Nguyen-Xuan (DE) Teresa Wemans (PT) Valentina Spina (IT)

Ana Cláudia Ferreira André Rodrigues de Oliveira Joana Gordinho João Domingos João Nuno Vasconcelos José Eduardo Feio Mafalda Rodrigues Tiago Ribeiro

Henrique Mendes (PT) Julian Staben (DE)


VIDEO EDITOR William Goyet (FR)

Alysha Hoare (IE) Erasmus Häggblom (FI) Inês Pinto (PT) Jan Janouch (CZ) Juliette Maigné (FR) Klara Andersson (SE) Lea Schiewer (DE) Miguel Paiva (PT) Sílvia Barros (PT)

PARTICIPANT SCHOOLS Escola Secundária Augusto Gomes - Matosinhos Escola Secundária José Estevão – Aveiro Escola Secundária de Monserrate – Viana do Castelo Escola Secundária do Padrão da Légua - Matosinhos Escola Secundária da Senhora da Hora - Matosinhos Escola Secundária de Sever do Vouga Escola Secundária Tomaz Pelayo – Sto Tirso Instituto Nun`Alvres – Sto Tirso Austrian Delegation




DRESSCODE COMFORTABLE This dress code applies to Team Building, where you will take part in various exercises and games, both indoors and outdoors. You are free to wear any type of clothing you feel comfortable in, as long as you are able to run around and are not afraid to perhaps get your clothes a little dirty! CASUAL This dress code applies to informal evening activities. It gives you the freedom to choose any type of clothing you feel comfortable wearing. SMART During Committee Work you will be required to dress smartly. You will

not be expected to wear your suit, but worn-out jeans with sneakers do not quite fit the smart clothing requirements either. Preferably, wear something in between. For example, black or navy blue trousers with a blouse/shirt suit perfectly for Committee Work. FORMAL During the Opening Ceremony and the General Assembly you will be expected to dress formally. This means suits with ties for boys, and suits, dresses or long skirts for girls.


WHAT TO BRING EUROVILLAGE - Typical food and drinks from the city you represent - Typical costumes/other items that represent your city COMMITTEE WORK - Pen and paper - Research and other preparation material for your topic - Your Fact Sheet and Position Paper OTHER - Every type of clothing described previously in “Dress code” - Bath towel - A printed and signed copy of the Code of Conduct (attached to the e-mail) - Sailor/pirate/captain/mermaid/any other sea costumes for Friday’s Theme Party

SELECTION OF THE DELEGATES The seven delegates with the best performance during the whole session will be chosen and represent Portugal in the International Session in Riga, Latvia, in April 2014.

EUROCONCERT: WHAT IS IT? Do you have a special talent that you’d like to share with all the session’s participants? Are you a talented musician, dancer or performer of some kind? Then we have the perfect moment for you - the Euroconcert. The last night of the event is exclusively dedicated to your artistic side, with delegates and officials alike sharing the stage to put up a good show for everybody. You can participate individually, with some of your friends or with your entire school delegation, it’s up to you! If you want to take part in the session’s Euroconcert all you have to do is to fill in the application form (with all the details of your performance such as needed materials,

duration, etc.) that will be available to you and show us what you will do by submitting a video of the performance you have in mind. The video can be recorded with any camera, even a mobile phone one, provided the sound and image quality are good, and should be submitted, along with the application form, to ssn.appej@gmail.com using the upload platform wetransfer (https://www.wetransfer.com). You have until September 25th to submit your performance to the Organising Team. We encourage you to participate and show us your talents!



COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY, RESEARCH AND ENERGY (ITRE I) Chair: Jan Janouch (CZ) Filling the policy gap between the Europe 2020 Targets and the Energy Roadmap 2050: With a new climate and energy framework on the horizon, what long-term policies, support mechanisms and binding targets should the European Union introduce with respect to blue energy so as to ensure a secure, competitive and lowcarbon energy sector beyond 2020? Which blue technologies should be given priority?

COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES (PECH) Chair: Lea Schiewer (DE) In light of imports accounting for about two thirds of total fish supply in the EU and 80% of Mediterranean and 47 % of Atlantic stocks being overfished, the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) reform is about to be introduced and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is to accompany it. What measures are further to be taken to preserve marine biodiversity, ensure a sustainable aquaculture in EU waters and help the EU become self-sufficient in this respect beyond the period 2014-2020?

COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT AND TOURISM (TRAN) Chair: Klara Andersson (SE) The maritime and coastal tourism sub-sector has become the largest single maritime economic activity, employing 2.35 million people. Given the sheer magnitude of the activity, the precariousness and low-skill level of much of its current workforce as well as tourism’s dominant impact on many European coastal and marine environments, what specific measures should be taken to enhance the sector?


COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY, RESEARCH AND ENERGY II (ITRE II) Chair: Erasmus Häggblom (FI) By 2020, 5% of the world’s minerals, including cobalt, copper and zinc could come from the ocean floors. With an expansion in this sector about to take place, what steps should the EU take to ensure that European companies are not excluded from the value chain for marine minerals by state-supported competitors while ensuring that high environmental, legal and security standards are upheld?

COMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS (EMPL) Chair: Sílvia Barros (PT) In view of the fact that the Limassol declaration mentions “enhancing marine and maritime careers and their attractiveness” as one of the common goals to promote blue economy, should the EU undertake further measures within and outside the scope of the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) that aim to fulfil the Agenda for New Skills and Jobs and Youth on the Move?

COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE (INTA) Chair: Juliette Maigné (FR) Internationalisation for growth: given the importance of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for regional and national economic development, how can the European Union ensure the internationalisation of such businesses and provide them with a place in the international trade market?


COMMITTEE ON SECURITY AND DEFENCE (SEDE) Alysha Hoare (IE) Considering the EU’s hesitation in crisis management over the course of years in conflicts such as these in Georgia, Libya, or Mali, many different conceptual assessments can be found in the debate of what kind of power the EU actually is in the current multipolar world. With multiple limitations of the Common Security and Defence Policy what should be the EU’s stand in relation to security cooperation beyond its borders?

COMMITTEE ON REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT (REGI) Chair: Miguel Paiva (PT) Liveable cities: with an ever-growing urban population, the EU faces challenges associated with urbanisation on an unprecedented scale. Taking into account the growth of urban areas in Europe, which measures should be taken in order to enhance the quality of life for all affected citizens?

COMMITTEE ON CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS (AFCO) Chair: Inês Pinto (PT) Lobbying the European Parliament for the common welfare? In the light of discussions about the introduction of a legislative footprint and increased civic participation, what strategy should the EP adopt towards interest representation and Non-Governmental Organisations as legitimate partners in policy-making?



OCTOBER 16TH (officials only)


- 11:30 - Transfer from the Youth Hostel to the City Park - 12:00 - Picnic - 14:00 - CJO Team Building - 15:30 - Transfer to ESAG (High School) - 16:00 - CJO Training - 20:00 - CJO Eurovillage - 23:00 - Transfer to the Youth Hostel

- 07:30 - Breakfast - 08:15 - Transfer to Matosinhos City Hall - 09:00 - Opening Ceremony - 10:15 - Coffee Break - 10:30 - GA Preparation - 13:00 - Lunch - 14:30 - General Assembly - 16:30 - Coffee Break - 17:00 - General Assembly - 19:45 - Dinner - 20:45 - Transfer to the Euroconcert Venue - 21:15 - Euroconcert - 23:30 - Transfer to the Youth Hostel

OCTOBER 17TH (arrival of the delegations) - 09:00 - Arrival of the delegations to the Youth Hostel - 10:30 - Transfer to Matosinhos - 11:00 - Team Building - 13:00 - Lunch - 14:30 - Team Building - 16:30 - Coffee Break - 17:00 - Team Building/Committee Work - 20:00 - Eurovillage - 23:00 - Transfer to the Youth Hostel

OCTOBER 18TH - 07:30 - Breakfast - 08:15 - Transfer to ESAG - 09:00 - Committee Work - 10:30 - Coffee Break - 11:00 - Committee Work - 13:00 - Lunch - 14:30 - Committee Work - 16:30 - Coffee Break - 17:00 - Committee Work - 19:30 - Transfer to the Party Venue - 20:00 - Dinner - 21:00 - Theme Party/Resolution Typing - 23:30 - Transfer to the Youth Hostel

OCTOBER 20TH - 07:30 - Breakfast - 08:15 - Transfer to Matosinhos City Hall - 09:00 - General Assembly - 10:30 - Coffee Break - 11:00 - General Assembly - 13:00 - Lunch - 14:30 - Closing Ceremony - 16:30 - Delegations’ departures - 17:00 - Officials’ meeting





The participants meet here to get to know each other at ease. At the same time, Team Building is a group dynamic communication training held by experienced chairpersons. Reservations are relieved; trust and team spirit are built through learning by doing. In addition, ways to find consensus and solve common problems are worked out and the participants are made aware of group processes.

The last night of the event is exclusively dedicated to the artistic side of the participants, with delegates and officials alike sharing the stage to put up a good show for everybody. You can participate individually, with some of your friends or with your entire school delegation, it’s up to you!

COMMITTEE WORK During Committee Work the newly-formed committee faces the challenge to create a resolution about a topical European issue. Not only does the research work done before the session find its way into the democratic process, but also the points of each individual team member. This process of finding consensus within the team is facilitated by the chairperson. Of course, every committee member is also responsible for the debating culture and the content of the resolution.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY During General Assembly the delegates discuss their elaborated resolutions according to the parliamentary rules of the European Parliament. The participants present their points in English (and French) to the plenum. Here the debating culture demands a great extent of cooperation and communication from each delegation member.

OPENING CEREMONY At the Opening Ceremony you can hear inspirational speeches from prominent Portuguese personalities after which the President of the Session declares its General Assembly officially open.

EUROVILLAGE The purpose of Eurovillage is to share and show each region’s/city’s cuisine products brought by the delegates and their teachers. You’re also encouraged to share other cultural aspects through typical clothes, dances, decorative objects or any other kind of documents from your region.


CONTACTS João Moreira (head-organiser) Margarida Pereira (head-organiser) Tiago Pereira (president of APPEJ) Eduarda Moreira (APPEJ’s pedagogical department) Ana Isabel Gonçalves (APPEJ’s International Relations Department) email APPEJ website APPEJ website EYP International

+351 919 604 508 +351 916 995 140 tiagopereira@pejportugal.com 933 246 181/926724370/ eduardamoreira@pejportugal.com anaisabelgoncalves@pejportugal.com appejovens@gmail.com www.pejportugal.com www.eyp.org

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