7th Alumni Weekend - Information Booklet

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Welcome The 7th Alumni Weekend is coming up and we are very happy that you are joining us!


YP the Netherlands is looking forward to a very promising year, while celebrating its 15th birthday. Traditionally the Alumni Weekends taking place in spring are dedicated to socialising, (re)connecting, teambuilding, and good old banter, while the Weekends during fall are primarily training weekends.


oon all attending alumni of EYP the Netherlands will gather in the picturesque Austerlitz for a full weekend of social activities and relaxation. In these Alumni Weekends we bring together all alumni to get to know the newest generation, as well as catching up with the older generations. The 7th Alumni Weekend of EYP the Netherlands will take place from 8 until 10 March 2013, and we hope you are as much looking forward to it as we are!


We want YOU to be there!



he social Alumni Weekends are usually after every National Selection Conference, when the newest generation of alumni become part of EYP the Netherlands. Don not miss out on attending and jumping in to the exciting life of an EYP’er! ext to relaxation, exercising, and several activities, the newest alumni will get several workshops on EYP 101. All necessary information will be provided for the newest generation when it comes to how the organisation works, how you will be updated on upcoming sessions, how you can apply for future sessions, and much more. Next to welcoming new alumni, the new board of EYP NL will be presented during the Annual Meeting. At the meeting there will be time to discuss and present ideas for the coming year of EYP.

n overall, the 7th Alumni Weekend is the happening you do not want to miss on! After the massive success of all previous weekends, the coming Alumni Weekend should be a promising one. We are looking forward to an active and memorable weekend with new and old friends. We are waiting for you to join us!


unday there will be an oppurtunity for participants that will go to the International Session Munich to follow a workshop. All information you need to attend an International Session will be provided in order for you to have an incredible session.

Arrival time & Accomodation W

e expect all participants to arrive at the accommodation before 18.00 in order to join us for dinner on Friday the 8th of March. If you are not able to join us before that time, we cannot guarantee you will be able to join us for dinner. The weekend is expected to end on Sunday the 10th of March around 17.00. Note: travel expenses will not be covered during the weekend, so please check your availability with public transport/people willing to drive you there. We will be staying at groupaccommoda tion ‘De Houtduif’ in Austerlitz, near Zeist. Pillows and blankets are not provided at the accommodation, so make sure to bring your own sleeping bag, pillow case, and bed sheets.


e Houtduif is situated close to the woods, and will have a playing ground outside, a spot for a campfire, and much more. Its atmosphere and location are perfect for a bonding weekend. For more information on the accommodation, you can visit their website: http://www.groepsgebouw.nl/ groepsaccommodatie/groepsaccommodatie-utrecht-austerlitz/Houtduif.aspx The location can be found on: Groepsaccommodatie De Houtduif Woudenbergseweg 47 3711 AA Austerlitz


hat other way to better represent EYP NL than getting yourself one of those cool blue hoodies? If you are interested in one of our EYP NL hoodies, please let us know. They are available in small, medium, and large. They will cost €20 each. If you want to order your hoodie in advance, you can include the fee in your payment of this weekend.

What to bring to the weekend • Sleeping bag and pillow • Warm clothes & old clothes that may get dirty • Comfortable outdoor shoes • Towel • Pen(s) and pencil(s) • Notebook • Any medication you require • Some cash money • A proper LARP outfit

Before I attend the weekend: 1. Fill in the application form here: https://docs.google.com/a/eyp.nl/ spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dER5WW82SlMzOUpUWmxNdVZHdUxnZXc6MQ Make sure we have all your information before February 27th 23:59 2. Hit that attending button on the 7th Alumni Weekend event on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/ events/522045371160624/

3. Transfer the participation fee of €50 (55 if you are drinking during the weekend) before Wednesday, February 27th 23:59 to*: Rekeningnummer 2122.74.856 T.n.v. S.E.J.P.N. Banknaam: Triodos Bank N.V. O.v.v. ‘Alumni Weekend’ en je naam Not meeting the deadline will unfortunately mean that you will not be able to attend the Weekend. Make sure that your payment is transferred in time!

*Participants who will only be able to make it one night will be charged a fee of €30. Note: You must inform the organising team prior to the transfer of the participation fee.

What is LARPing?

A live action role-playing game (LARP) is a form of role-playing game where the participants physically act out their characters’ actions. The players pursue goals within a fictional setting represented by the real world, while interacting with each other in character. The outcome of player actions may be mediated by game rules, or determined by consensus among players. Event arrangers called gamemasters decide the setting and rules to be used and facilitate play. During a LARP, player actions in the real world represent character actions in an imaginary setting. Game rules, physical symbols and theatrical improvisation are used to bridge differences between the real world and the setting. For example, a rope could signify an imaginary wall. Most LARPs are intended as games for entertainment. Enjoyable aspects can include the collaborative creation of a story, the attempt to overcome challenges in pursuit of a character’s objectives, and a sense of immersion in a fictional setting. LARPs may also include other game-like aspects such as intellectual puzzles, and sport-like aspects such as fighting with simulated weapons.

Theme Party


aturday night we will enjoy an amazing party with hard music blasting through the speakers, socialising and some crazy dancing. However, what would a party be without a proper theme? Therefore the theme of the night will be:

American College Bring your best outfit and show us what your made of! This evening you will have the oppurtunity to participate in an authentic beerpong tournament and drink your beverages out of original red cups. Bring your geek glasses, cheerleader outfits and basball jackets, because when EYP has a themepary we go for the full monty! We can’t wait to see you there! Eliane Zwart ,Fahad Fahad, Khalid El Ghoul, Laurens Kraima & Nastassia Winge

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