Information Booklet 5th Alumni Weekend

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Welcome Hi alumni! YOU are invited to our 5th Alumni Weekend! It is time for our 5th Alumni Weekend already! Since a while now, EYP the Netherlands organises two alumni weekends per year, bringing

together all alumni, from different generations and ages, to get to know each other, meet with old and new friends, ultimately making EYP the Netherlands a better and stronger team!

As there are two weekend per year, they also have different

functions. Last September, we held a training weekend in Vierhouten.

This weekend, taking place in Spring, is dedicated to getting to know each other, teambuilding, and most of all, there is space and time for

a lot of fun! In Fall, there will again be a training weekend. But first –

the socialising weekend. The 5th Alumni Weekend will take place from

2 until 4 March 2012, in Otterloo. I hope to see as many of you there!

Zahra Runderkamp Alumni Coordinator

Why you should take part? Every year after the National Selection Conference, former delegates join the team of EYP The Netherlands as alumni. The weekend is a

great opportunity to meet new faces in EYP NL, to get to know them better AND to reunite with the lovely EYPers you already know. To facilitate the process, we have some exciting team building activities and fun games prepared for the participants! Next to socialising, fun

and play there will be several workshops especially intended for new


alumni to provide all the necessary information on

The only way the weekend will truly shine is with

Additionally, our Annual Meeting will take place

Welcome to the life of an EYP Alumnus!

EYP international, EYP NL and how to stay involved. during the weekend. At the meeting the new board

YOUR presence to light up the place with everyone!

of EYP NL will be presented to all the members and

Be there or be square,

season and beyond.

The organising team

get to know EYP NL informally and to (re)connect

The organising team of this weekend is composed of

fun and fruitful weekend you don’t want to miss!

Tim Keegstra, Julie van der Post and Dinah Meyer.

together we will discuss our ideas on the coming In a nutshell, the Alumni Weekend is the way to

with your friends. All in all, it should be an active,

After the success of our previous weekends, we hope to make the 5rd Alumni Weekend of EYP NL

bigger, better and more awesome than ever before!

Louise van Beschop, Dirk Hofland, Charif van Zetten,

The head organiser of the weekend is Luca Wartna and Zahra Runderkamp as Alumni Coordinator.

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Participation fee

EYP NL jumpers

All participants are expected to pay a participation

Do you too want one of those cool EYP NL

accommodation during the weekend.

one! We have ones in small, medium and large.

fee of €50. This will cover all expenses and

They cost €20 each. You can order your sweater

Please transfer the participation fee to:

in advance and transfer your payment, or sign

for one at the weekend. Cash payment will not be accepted. The jumpers will be sold and

Rekeningnummer: 2122.74.856 Op naam van: Bank naam: O.v.v.

sweaters? Let us know if you are interested in

distributed at the weekend venue.


Triodos Bank N.V.

Arrival time

‘Alumni Weekend’ en je naam


Everyone is supposed to arrive before 18:00

There will be bunk beds at the accommodation.

Blankets and pillows are not provided. Therefore,

you will need to bring your own mattress sheet, sleeping bag and pillow case.

on Friday the 4th. If you do not manage to arrive before that time, we cannot guarantee you will be able to catch dinner. If you are on time, you will be on time for dinner!

We will leave the accomodation on Sunday

around 17:00.



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Accommodation & Travel

We will be staying at ‘het Mussennest’ in Otterloo. ‘Het Mussennest’ is a holiday venue for groups, situated on large grounds, partly grassland and


partly forest, of 4 acres. The complex is built from wood and has a nostalgic atmosphere. The location is on the border of the Veluwe.

For more information on the accommodation, you can visit their website: The address of the accommodation is:


Groepsaccomodatie Het Mussennest Beekdalseweg 1

6731 SG Otterlo If you are travelling by public transport, you can best go to station Ede-

Wageningen. From there, you can take bus 108s, direction Apeldoorn. When


you get out at the bus stop Rotonde Otterloo, you can walk from there. We

are looking into arranging transportation from the bus station. We will keep

you updated. Make sure to check for a detailed description of your travel!






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What to bring Next to what you would usually pack for a weekend,

we suggest you bring the following items along as well.

• Pen(s) • Notebook • Pillow case, sleeping bag • Towel • Any medication you require • Comfortable outdoor shoes • Warm clothes for in the evening • A set of clothes that may get dirty (egg volleyball) • Some cash money • Your favourite stuffed animal (or any other mascot) • Clothes for the theme party • There is a swimming pool, so if you want, bring your swim suit and an extra towel

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Activities during the weekend The accommodation offers multiple facilities, such as a swimming pool and table tennis. The organising team will make sure to offer you many fun activities. Also, we will have a few other activities:

1. Annual Meeting of EYP NL

The Annual Meeting of EYP NL will take place during the weekend. At the meeting, the new

board of EYP NL will be presented to all members and together we will discuss last year, as well as our ideas on the coming season and beyond. 2. Workshop on EYP

For all new alumni, there will be a workshop organised explaining everything about the European Youth Parliament, EYP NL, and everything that is unclear to you! 3. IS Istanbul Preparation Workshop

Preparation workshop for the delegation going to the International Session in Istanbul. This year was the first time we had individual selection during our National Selection Conference. To

prepare the selected individuals, there will be a get-together, where also teachers and parents

are invited, during the weekend, where they will get the chance to get to know the other delegation members, prepare, and get all the necessary information. 4. AMS 2012

At the same time as the preparations for the International Session are taking place, there will be a get-together for alumni interested in hearing about the progress concerning the International Session in Amsterdam by the organising team.  

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YOUR to do list 1.

Send an email to confirming your presence. Include the following information:

o Name

o If you want to order a sweater: your shirt size

o Contact details

o Special dietary needs, if any o Travel info / arrival time

Do this before February 26th 23:59!


Sign up through our Google Docs Spreadsheet: ORTBzMy1iRExNR0d4aUx3cGJlU3c6MQ#gid=0


Become a member of the Alumni Weekend Facebook event here:


Transfer the participation fee of €50 before Sunday, February 26th 23:59 to:

Rekeningnummer 2122.74.856 T.n.v. S.E.J.P.N.

Banknaam: Triodos Bank N.V.

O.v.v. ‘Alumni Weekend’ en je naam

Failure to pay the participation fee means exclusion from the activities.


Print this booklet, or copy all the relevant information on a piece of paper, and put

Additionally, we will not be able to provide you with a bed.

it in your bag. Just in case.


GENERAL Organising team HOTLINE Luca Wartna +31(0)681032606 or: Zahra Runderkamp +31(0)620160726


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