3 minute read
DEBBIE KEMP Possibility
A new year is almost upon us.
“Halelujah!” I hear some rejoice. 2020 has been a year of unique challenges and experiences, and this year has stretched many of us in ways previously unimaginable.
For some, it felt like a year of treading water. Of no progress being made. It was certainly a strange blip on the timeline.
It was what it was. Some things are not within our control, and we may well see more uncertainty next year… But we can always set an intention for what our year will look and feel like, and take action to influence our outcomes.
Who is keen to get creative around influencing what the year ahead will look like?
What if we were to ditch traditional goal setting, tune deep into our intuition, and allow our imagination to birth some wild and wonderful ideas that may or may not be sensible or predictable?
What if we were to spend more time alone, in nature, pondering and wondering?
What if we were to make meditation a consistent and regular practice?
Oh, I wonder what might emerge…
I wonder how our lives might change… I wonder what amazing and incredible ideas might come to the surface!
Is there something already there for you, bubbling away just below the surface, that you already find yourself daydreaming about?
What if you were to be a bit radical in the year ahead?
What if you were to make decisions with your intuition, up-level your mindset, set some intentions and some new routines and see what might be possible?
What if you were to tune into possibility… and ignore all of that other noise that sometimes gets in the way? You know, the noise of expectation?
Would you commit to more self-care?
Would you spend more time being present in relationships?
Would you do that amazing thing that you’ve been dreaming about?
Would you have more fun?
Will you mindlessly take on more, work harder, and get busier?
If you don’t choose to be intentional about what your year looks and feels like, you might as well prepare for it to be full of something else!
You don’t HAVE to set goals and strategies. You can of course, but you don’t have to. You don’t HAVE to do anything!
Choosing intention and influence can be as simple as feeling into what you want more of, setting some theme words that you tune into often, creating a new routine to start your days with, or prioritising something important that you haven’t been finding time for.
If you don’t do it now, what age do you think you’ll be when you make changes towards the life you desire?
The transition may well take a while, so don’t you want to start working towards it now?
That stuff that gets in the way now, it always will. Or something else will. And the months and years will keep on flying by. Will you let it get to the point when it feels too late?
It’s not your circumstances that are stopping you.
It’s your choices. Your priorities. Your limiting beliefs. Your mindset.
What if you were to step into a mindset of possibility, connect to your intuition, open yourself up to the imagination that flows through you, and focus on those things that you want more of?
What might be possible then?
If you find your mind wandering now, go with it. Sit with these questions, and explore what’s there.
Oh, how exciting. Here’s to an incredible year ahead.

Debbie Kemp