6 minute read
Dr Patricia Jenkings grew up in Bondi amongst post War displaced persons who arrived with hope in their hearts and the dream of a new and peaceful life for themselves and their families after suffering the horrors of War. Hearing their tragic stories, often brutal, motivated my sensitivity to the rights of others and lifelong commitment to the pursuit of social justice for all.
Growing up with neighbours from many different cultural backgrounds stirred her spirit of adventure. One memorable experience for Dr Jenkings was living in a poor coastal Mexican village called San Blas where she assisted families and taught the children English. Living among these village people, helped her appreciate their different way of life, which unfortunately, was marred by inequality and poverty.
While travelling, Dr Jenkings also experienced ‘firsthand’ human tragedy, working at the Munich Olympics for Australian Associated Press where two weeks into the Games, the Munich Massacre occurred. The atmosphere was sombre and tense and the outcome tragic with innocent lives lost.
Dr Jenkings: “It should never be forgotten that peace is precious and fragile. It gives us freedom of mind and spirit and must never be taken for granted.”
After living and working overseas where the plight of the deprived screamed out for the elimination of discrimination as well as the need for greater appreciation of our culturally diverse world, she returned home and put herself through University. She has always had a deep respect for the potential of education and chose studies related to her earlier life experiences. Dr Patricia Jenkings was awarded her PhD and BA with Honours from the University of Sydney.
Dr Jenkings: “My Honours thesis (20,000), was based on an Oral History Study of Inner-City Migrants.”
“My PhD thesis (95,000 words), was a pioneering work that helps explain the shift from the Anglo-Celtic, monocultural view of citizenship to one that officially recognises the culturally diverse nature of Australian society today and contributes towards explaining Australia’s transformation into a thriving multicultural society. As well, I have completed related international studies.”
Dr Jenkings also supports gender equality, which she considers most important.
Dr Jenkings: “After all, women make up 50% of the population and it is in everyone’s interest that they be treated equally.”
She served as Vice-Chair UN Women Sydney and on the National Breast Council Foundation Women’s Advisory Network.
She is a member of the Academic Council on the UN System and presented at a range of Conferences including in New York on UN principles, UN Women and in London on world affairs and the importance of multilateralism. In 2014, Dr Jenkings took part in the United Nations Association European Meeting held in Geneva.
A member of Stanford’s Who’s Who, a global business social network of selected executives, professionals and entrepreneurs. She worked in a variety of fields and is an experienced Ministerial Policy and Research Analyst who has provided strategic advice at the highest levels of Government.
Globally, Dr Jenkings has assisted disadvantaged communities. For women and struggling communities throughout Africa, she developed strategic programs, contributed towards educational and workplace reform, combatting child trafficking and improving outcomes for young people in Pakistan. She led a UN local governance project for Uzbekistan to increase local participation and served on the Board of a rural community in Nigeria.
At home, Dr Jenkings is a proud member of the local Multicultural Advisory Committee, established to help promote cultural harmony and social cohesion and build a more resilient and inclusive community.
Dr Jenkings: “With a love of our beautiful oceans and wanting everyone to be able to enjoy the surf, I pioneered a water safety program for new settlers to Australian shores at my local surf club, which was recognised internationally.”
What is your role at United Nations Association of Australia?
President - United Nations Association of Australia - NSW Vice President - United Nations Association of Australia - National
Former Lead, Human Rights Program NSW.
When and why did you become an advocate for UNAA?
My involvement with UNAA was largely influenced by youthful experiences when hearing the tragic stories of displaced persons, while overseas working particularly at Olympic Games where innocent athletes were slaughtered and living in primitive communities where I devoted time to help the disadvantaged. This was a pivotal time of my life and reinforced my own values and ideals including justice, human rights, equality, peace, sustainability and a fair go for all peoples, which are aligned with our Association values.
A little voice in the back of my head, is continually reminding me of the plight of less fortunate and of the importance of working for the common good. I firmly believe that for the betterment of humanity, we have a shared responsibility and should make every effort possible to work together to help make the world a safer and fairer place, leaving no one behind. This is helped made possible through the work at our Association.
What are valuable lessons you learned along the way in a high-profile organisation?
Your contribution can be notably impacting and personally rewarding not just for yourself but also for others particularly through collaboration for the common good.
Life is made rich through our genuine relationships, which motivate me to keep moving towards achieving shared goals, good teamwork and helping others.
Is there any advice you would like to offer anyone who may be interested to pursue the same path?
Be patient and learn from your experiences as everyone one of them holds an important lesson. Discover what inspires you, pursue it with kindness, integrity, while practicing compassion and never give up. Do not let the little things distract or sidetrack you but rather, keep your eye on the big picture and always be authentic, loyal, remain true to your values and treat others as you would like to be treated. As well, earn the trust of your team, it is inspirational.
What motivates you to be a change-maker – especially during these challenging times?
It’s challenging times themselves that motivate me, because in these times the work of the United Nations is needed most! Additionally, 2020 marks the beginning of the SDGs Decade of Action – and we only have 10 years to accomplish the goals. So now is the time to initiate meaningful change.
I am a proud mother of two children and have a responsibility to them and future generations to do all I can to ensure their safety and security.
I am also driven by the current need to address the unprecedented challenges we face in our increasingly chaotic world environment where democracy and universal values are under threat and so there is a need to help create a better world for all in the wonderful spirit of humanitarian mateship.
Who is your inspiration and why?
I grew up in Bondi, with post War migrants who arrived here after experiencing tragedy... As a young girl I heard their stories that have remained with me for my life. Reflecting on their tragic life experiences and heartbreaking stories constantly inspires my work at UNAA.
What are the main challenges in your journey with UNAA that stands out and how do you find the motivation to reach a solution that may also inspire others?
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a considerable challenge – especially affecting our capacity to run events for important International Days. My devoted and talented team at UNAA NSW who are highly motivated to find innovative solutions while working together constantly inspires me.
What are your personal goals within the UNAA?
To inform, inspire, and engage my fellow Australians about the important work of the UN. To increase participation in the SDGs Decade of Action.
What is your favourite pastime when you aren’t working?
Enlightening walks along beautiful Bondi Beach.
https://www.unaa.org.au/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-patricia-jenkings-ba-honsphd-usyd-62aa2617/ https://www.unaa.org.au/about/state-teams/new-south